HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210615_W-RogersFrom:
William Roaers
[External] Parker Mine New London
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 4:22:23 PM
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I have concerns about our water supply and water quality, as well as other
environmental impacts caused by the mining process, such as the chemicals
used in the mining process and ACID MINE DRAINAGE. There is also concern
about the potential to threaten rare and endangered species.
Little Long Creek is fed from two spring heads that originate on East Depot
street. One is at the bottom of the hill and the other about 250 feet past the
end of East Depot Street. Back in the late 80's both of these springs dried up
during the time that morning star exploration was mining and using a high
volume pump to remove water.
A tributary of Town Creek in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin flows through the
site there are known records of the state endangered Carolina Creeksheel and
significantly rare eastern creeksheel in the watershed. The US Fish and Wildlife
Service lists the federally and state endangered Schwdinitz's sunflower,
federally threatened northern long-eared bat, federal candidate Georgia aster
and Yadkin River goldenrod and federal At -Risk Species brook floater as having
potential to occur within the project area if suitable habitat occurs. The
recommendation by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is to
have an onsite survey to determine if the proposed project may impact federal
or state rare threatened or endangered species.
Environmental Pollution from Gold Mine Tailings and Rock Dumps are
associated with the surface impacts which greatly affect surface AND ground
water quality. The underground impacts are caused by the influx of water into
the underground workings and the subsequent dewatering of the aquifer.
Environmental pollution from gold mines is associated mainly with the release
of harmful elements from the tailings and other mine wastes - leaching of large
volumes of metals like
Zinc, Nickle, Lead, Arsenic, Copper, Mercury, and Sulphate
Resulting in Acid Mine Drainage with severe detrimental effect on the
receiving water bodies.
Heavy metal pollution and acid mine drainage is a very important
environmental concern where waste materials containing metal -rich sulfides
from mining activity have been stored or abandoned
The disruption and acceleration of the natural process of the geochemical cycle
through anthropogenic activities like gold mining has led to most soils of rural
and urban settings accumulating Heavy Metals above the recommended levels
Heavy Metals like Silver, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead and Mercury are of no
biological importance to living organisms and are VERY TOXIC when found in
the ecosystem.
The chemicals used in processing the gold is another concern. In 2011, an
estimated 1400 metric tons of mercury was used by Artisanal and Small -Scale
Gold Mining and an annual average of 1000 metric tons of inorganic MERCURY
was discharged. One-third of this estimated value goes into the air and the rest
is mixed up in heaps of tailings, soil and waterways.
An example of environmental issues with accurrent gold mining operation, in
South Carolina- Haile Gold Mine, an open pit digging operation, was fined on
multiple occasions in 2020 for breaking environmental rules: release of
excessive amounts of mercury, failure to submit pollution test results as
required, providing misleading statements, and release of Thallium above legal
limits, causing water pollution. AFTER they had assured residents, they would
run a state-of-the-art operation that would adhere to environmental
standards. Residents had embraced the mine because of the hundreds of jobs
it would bring to Kershaw, a poor town of about 2,000 people.
One final concern is the potential for sink holes due to mine shafts collapsing
once the old timbers are exposed to air due to water levels going down. If
these workings collapse underground, the land surface could sink, cracking
building foundations, or the land could fall into the caved -in area forming a
"sinkhole" or collapse hole.
I have also met with the Stanly County Soil and Water which I believe is a State
office on the Wednesday after the public hearing. They said this was the first
time that they had heard anything about the mine and the water. They also
have concerns about the two creeks that are feed from springs coming out of
the mine and would like for this to be further investigated.
Also Mr Shad put a letter in the paper which stated that all water would be
contained and never leave their property. Then later in his letter he
contradicted that same statement. I believe if you talk to Joe Carter he has a
video of Mr Shad speaking out against mining in Stanly County when Mr Carter
was trying to open a mine.
Please track where all of this water is going presently and I believe you will find
several old shafts that are causing springs that feed the creeks. Especially the
ones off of East Depot street. I would be glad to meet someone and show them
where the springs are located. Also when Morningstar was mining for Mr Shad
before he ran a high volume pump that was rented from BRS Construction in
Richfield and was pumping out over 1000 gallons per minute. I went over to
the mine at that time and you could see several mine shafts that ran horizonal
in the ground.