HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210125_N-Lew_Map_commentsFrom: Natalie Lew To: Wrenn, Brian L Cc: Miller, David; Parr, Adam Subject: [External] Public Comment, Mining Permit Application for Permit 92-10, inconsistencies in maps, etc. Date: Monday, January 25, 2021 10:36:38 PM Attachments: Comments on man inconsistencies in 92-10 mining permit nlew.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Good evening, Please find attached a public comment to be included in the Public Comments opposing the Mining Permit Application for Permit 92-10. Please confirm receipt and that this will be included with the public comments. Thank you very much. -Natalie It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important... from "The Little Prince" Inconsistencies and Project Segmentation within the Triangle Quarry Mining Permit Modification Application (92-10) Please accept this document as part of the Public Comments to be included in the review of the Triangle Quarry Mining Permit Expansion Application (permit application 92-10). The Triangle Quarry Mining Permit Modification Application must be considered in its entirety, including the text within the application, the text in Wake Stone's additional information documents, and all maps and pictures within the application. In doing so, one will see that there are inconsistencies and attempted project segmentation which render the application incomplete as it does not fully address all of the intended mining operations. Thus, the permit must be denied. Pit Perimeter The Odd Fellows tract, where the proposed brand-new quarry pit would be located, is a very small tract of land for a mining operation. Thus, any mining plan application must address all mining activities up front, not in a segmented manner. The pit perimeter to be evaluated MUST include the SAME extent as shown in the Reclamation Plan and the Hydrogeologic Evaluation. In other words, the Application must include the "Future Reserve Area" noted on the Site Maps as part of the mining pit being evaluated. Wake Stone is attempting to segment the mining project. Several maps show one pit, while others show an initial pit and a "future reserve area." Using the "future reserve area" allows Wake Stone to avoid responding to some questions. For example, Question 15 of DEMLR's July 2020 letter asked "Please provide additional information regarding screening for the ... Future reserve section —The operation would be visible to 1-40 and parts of Old Reedy Creek Road." Wake Stone's response indicates "the future reserve area will not be logged or cleared as part of this permit action." Thus, Wake Stone has deferred responding to a very important question under the guise of the map with the "future reserve area." But other maps show intent to mine this "future reserve area." The "future reserve area" is adjacent to the highly used Old Reedy Creek Recreation Corridor which is made up by a major intersection of public recreation features: a greenway connecting Umstead State Park to the Town of Cary's new parking lot at the Lake Crabtree Lake Damn, the Black Creek Greenway, and Crabtree County Park. The Old Reedy Creek Road recreation corridor is part of the official US1 and East Coast Greenway routes. The East Coast Greenway runs from Maine to Florida. East Coast Greenway. Q Search a Starting Point q A f�f � ff 1 1 � �• as A 1 f�� 1' iY a+ } Y f Natalie Lew, 25/Jan/2021 Page 1 of 5 Inconsistencies and Project Segmentation within the Triangle Quarry Mining Permit Modification Application (92-10) We must know now what Wake Stone plans to do as this affects tens of thousands of users immediately and in the future. The remaining pit on public land will be the responsibility of the public. The pit will be a perpetual public health hazard. Fenced or not, accidental drownings and suicides will occur in the left- over pit. The concept lake on the Odd Fellows tract is unrealistic. The location of the pit (e.g., elevation, etc.) will not allow it to fill up fully and it will not have pretty blue or swimmable water as pictured. So, there won't be any scenic overlooks. Any breach of the pit along the length of Crabtree Creek may permanently damage this waterway, inflicting damage to Umstead State Park and downstream communities. The public will be responsible for all of these hazards and damages they cause. As such, the public must have a full and detailed description of the entire mining operation within the full pit perimeter and the same for the reclamation plan. Since this application fails in these aspects, the application must be denied. Foxcroft Lake The Reclamation Plan Concept Map does not show Foxcroft Lake. This shows intent to destroy Foxcroft Lake, the headwaters of which are a part of Umstead State Park. Since Umstead State Park, inclusive of the forest (and things within the forest) is on the National Register of Historic Places, the upper portion of Foxcroft Lake is on this register. The mining permit must be denied as it shows part of Umstead State Park will be destroyed. Summary Triangle Quarry Mining Permit 92-10 must be denied due to inconsistencies within the application, project segmentation, and given the application does not fully address all of the intended mining operations. Natalie Lew, 25/Jan/2021 Page 2 of 5 Inconsistencies and Project Segmentation within the Triangle Quarry Mining Permit Modification Application (92-10) Wake Stone's Site Plans maps show a pit and a "future reserve area". But other maps show the "future reserve area" as part of the pit. 1 ,`�i ti.. �..n.= I ( neeptual Pit - = = �i )evelopment r•. Propo sE ,Permit Boundan- t _ N . Natalie Lew, 25/Jan/2021 Page 3 of 5 Inconsistencies and Project Segmentation within the Triangle Quarry Mining Permit Modification Application (92-10) Figures 1, 4, 9, and 10 from the "Hydrogeologic Evaluation of the Triangle Quarry" which was prepared by Groundwater Management Associates, Inc. for Wake Stone Corporation all show that the "future pit I I ICLCI II IL. UUCJ LI IC CI CCI ICI IJCI CI IULUIC ICJCI VC CII CCI III VV C3 C JLUIIC J JILC MCI STATION 3 STRTiLMl2 TRIG FROM P0N6 RE L, STATE PARX �- rimuF �. STOxE APOPEPry -LEGEND- G.I. = 5 FT. s STRTH CAR MEASUREMENT STATION FUTURE PIT PERIMETER SCALE IN FEET M i NORTH ARY W RF DISCHARGE O EQUIP DATA POINT {FT ELEVj EOUiP. DATA P01NT OUTS I DE ACTIVE A, USGS STREAM GAUGING STATION QUARRY BOUNDARY [FT ELEV] FDRAWINCSM453401 MAPmxd FlG9 MW LOCATION MONITORING WELL LOCATION MAP DATE: 417/2020 PROJECT 153401 WAKE STONE CORP. - TRIANGLE WARRY FIGURE 9 Natalie Lew, 25/Jan/2021 Page 4 of 5 Inconsistencies and Project Segmentation within the Triangle Quarry Mining Permit Modification Application (92-10) The Reclamation Plan Concept Map does not show Foxcroft Lake and shows that the "Future reserve area" has been mined as it is part of the concept lake. + uTc+ooa $tote Poile .......a nol 41, PLAm KEY POMIno ' C=�epr�+r ,�, troncanier f.....nnaew..n...t �snspe.eea Fow vxpe v C[.Sc.p/wlCat.x M2:1 O�v.WC/nM ,!,TwHeotl Conceptual Reclamation Plan „.leaa r.M 3 veer. t ��[;I 4m�notlK.MY carnxrcier ' qr.:. Swue �m �lao :paga :0 of This picture shows the border of the proposed quarry pit is very close to the border of Umstead State Park along the yellow dot trail, the Dunn's home, and the Beals' property. This differs from the location of the pit border in the Reclamation Plan. PIN: 07665.7991 PIN: C1776275726 � •'" rues V fp=t a = —�/ f- - uction'Enfiance a dAQ;cs.tea .Provos. d F'ermitBour_du:• Ff LLL J I—N rl - -- r ,ti Natalie Lew, 25/Jan/2021 Page 5 of 5