HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210507_Wetland_studyPrevious Wetland Delineation Information REFc,EF/Vj�� MAY 0 7101, KING"4,3RAIW s HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Attachment D SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS P.O. Box 400, Lillington, NC 27546-0400 Phone (910) 893-8743 / Fax (910) 893-3594 www.halowensoil.com 12 May 2017 Balfour Beatty 146 Deerfield Trail PO BOX 40 Maysville NC 28555 Reference: Environmental Evaluation Scott Farm Property TIP Project R-2514B Dear Sims, A site investigation has been conducted for the above referenced property, Located on the southern side of Scott Farm Road in Jones County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The purpose of this investigation was to determine (i) the existence and extent of areas that exhibit the characteristics of jurisdictional waters (including wetlands) under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA), (ii) the existence of regulated riparian butlers, and (iii) the potential existence of federally protected species within the project area. This report has been prepared in accordance with the NCDOT "Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Plan Procedures". Nlr1.Tu0D0L0Gy This evaluation included a site investigation and review of public records for the subject property and its immediate vicinity. The records review included aerial photographs, North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NC NHP) records, United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps, the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) soil stuvey, and Jones County GIs. The site investigation was accomplished by direct examination of the physical attributes of the site and soil auger borings taken at various points across the site. The project boundaries were walked and several traverses were conducted across the interior of the site. SITE DESCRIPTION The project area is for a proposed pit (Figure 4) and is dominated by old field, primary succession vegetation. Land use in the vicinity is agricultural or residential. The project area is located within the Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain physiographic region of North Carolina. The USGS topographic map, Pollocksville Quadrangle (Figure 2), shows the site drains south toward Scott Creek, a tributary of the Trent River in the Neuse Watershed (USGS 03020204). The site is gently rolling with an average elevation of approximately 25-35 feet above mean sea level. The NRCS Soil Survey (Figure 3) indicates the site contains soils of the Lenoir and Craven series Soil Science Investigations 0 Wetland Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting \ftwr HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. JURISDICTIONAL SURFACE WA'rr, Rs AND WETLANDS INVESTIGATION All wetland determinations were made in accordance with 1he Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region. This report represents my professional opinion as a Licensed Soil Scientist but does not represent concurrence by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE) or the NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR). The project area was investigated for the presence of jurisdictional waters (including wetlands,). Jurisdictional waters were not observed within the project area. The project area is dominated by old Meld, primary succession vegetation. The project area lacked indicators of hydrie soil and wetland hydrology. A Wetland Determination Data Form is attached Jurisdictional features were observed within 400 feet of the project area and are approximately shown on the attached map (Figure 4). Portions of the wetland boundary were delineated on the ground and survey located. Headwater wetlands were observed along an intermittent stream to the west, along Scott Creek to the south and east, and in a ch ainageway to the north of the project area. Vegetation in the wetlands was dominated by hardwoods, such as maple and guru, and an understory dominated by blueberry and various ferns. The soils are grayish brown with common medium brown mottles and meet the hydric soil indicator for � Depleted Matrix. RIPARIAN BUrrrRs The subject property is located in Neuse River Basin, which is subject to the state riparian buffer protection program (I5A INCAC 2B). Both the USGS topographic map (Figure 3) and the Jones County Soil Survey (Figure 4) show a perennial stream named Scott Creek south of the project area. The Jones County Soil Survey also indicates a stream west of the project area. THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES SURVEY Federally listed Endangered and Threatened species are protected under the provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. In addition, the American Bald Eagle (Hallaeemus leucocepha his) has federal protection status through the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGPA). The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NC NHP) maintains a comprehensive database of the state's natural resource information. The NC Natural Heritage Data Explorer was used to identify federally protected species that may occur in the vicinity of the project area. No federally protected species were indicated within one mile of the project area. Soil Science Investigations • Wedand Delineations, Permitting, and Consulting ..r `. o.i HAL OWEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONCLUSION The project does not appear to contain jurisdictional wetlands or streams. Jurisdictional waters were observed within 400 feet of the project boundary. The site does not appear to support federally protected species and habitat. This site appears well suited for your desired activity. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Hal Owen Licensed Soil Scientist Qualifications of investigator Hal Owen is a Licensed Soil Scientist by the state of North Carolina (NCLSS 1102) and Senior Environmental Consultant with Hal Owen & Associates, Inc. He is the President of that corporation and owner of the company. He has a bachelors degree from North Carolina State University in Conservation of Natural Resources with a Concentration in Soil Science, 1982. He was originally trained to conduct these type investigations by Dr. Jan Sassaman while employed as a soil scientist project manager with Westinghouse Environmental and Geotechnical Services, Inc, in 1989. Mr. Owen has conducted hundreds of environmental investigations, including Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments, and jurisdictional determinations during his over thirty year career, Krissina Newcomb is an Environmental Scientist with Hal Owen & Associates, Inc. She received a bachelor's degree from North Carolina State University in Natural Resources with Coastal Concentration in 1998. She has worked for Hal Owen & Associates since 1998, specializing in wetlands investigations, permitting, and state riparian buffer assessments. In addition, she has been trained under Mr. Owen to conducted Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and Environmental Evaluations for NCDOT Borrow/Waste Sites. Soil Science Investigations • Wetland Delineations, Pennitting, and Consulting M M Attachment H R 2514B, C, and D EC_,, Jones, Craven, and Onslow County (C) Temporary Stream Crossings Any crossing of streams within the limits of this project shall be accomplished in accordance with the requirements of Subarticle 107-12 of the Standard Specifications. (D) Seeding and Mulching Seeding and mulching shall be performed in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specijrcations and vegetative cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be installed immediately following grade establishment. Seeding and mulching shall be performed on the areas disturbed by construction immediately following final grade establishment. No appreciable time shall lapse into the contract time without stabilization of slopes, ditches and other areas within the Environmentally Sensitive Areas. (E) Stage Seeding The work covered by this section shall consist of the establishment of a vegetative cover on cut and fill slopes as grading progresses. Seeding and mulching shall be done in stages on cut and fill slopes that are greater than 20 feet in height measured along the slope, or greater than 2 acres in area. Each stage shall not exceed the limits stated above. Additional payments will not be made for the requirements of this section, as the cost for this work shall be included in the contract unit prices for the work involved. MINIM U REMOVAL OF VEGETATIOI+1: The Contractor shall minim=' removal of vegetation within project limits to the maximum extent practicable. Vegetation along stream banks and adjacent to other jurisdictional resources outside the construction limits shall only be removed upon approval of Engineer. No additional payment will be made for this minimization work. STOCKPILE AREAS: The Contractor shall install and maintain erosion control devices sufficient to contain sediment around any erodible material stockpile areas as directed. ACCESS AND HAUL ROADS: At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall install or re-establish temporary diversions or earth berms across access/haul roads to direct runoff into sediment devices. Silt fence sections that are temporarily removed shall be reinstalled across access/haul roads at the end of each working day. 4/17/2015 Attachment H R-2514B, C, and D EC-9 ]ones, Craven, and Onslow 1%.01 County WASTE AND BORROW SOURCES: Payment for temporary erosion control measures, except those made necessary by the Contractor's own negligence or for his own convenience, will be paid for at the appropriate contract unit price for the devices or measures utilized in borrow sources and waste areas. No additional payment will be made for erosion control devices or permanent seeding and mulching in any commercial borrow or waste pit. All erosion and sediment control practices that may be required on a commercial borrow or waste site will be done at the Contractor's expense. All offsite Staging Areas, Borrow and Waste sites shall be in accordance with "Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects" located at: http://www.ncdot.mv/dohloperations/dp chief ene/roadside/fieldoos/downloads/F'iles/Contracte dReclamationProeedurs_s.pdf All forms and documents referenced in the "Borrow and Waste Site Reclamation Procedures for Contracted Projects" shall be included with the reclamation plans for offsite staging areas, and borrow and waste sites. TEMPORARY DIVERSION: ..i This work consists of installation, maintenance, and cleanout of Temporary Diversions in accordance with Section 1630 of the Standard Specifications. The quantity of excavation for installation and cleanout will be measured and paid for as Silt Fxcavation in accordance with Article 1630-4 of the Standard Specifications. u CLEAN WATER DIVERSION: Description This work consists of installing, maintaining, and removing any and all material required for the construction of clean water diversions. The clean water diversions shall be used to direct water flowing from offsite around/away from specific area(s) of construction. Materials Refer to Division 10 Item Geotextile for Soil Stabilization, Type 4 Construction Methods Section 1056 The Contactor shall install the clean water diversions in accordance with the details in the plans and at locations indicated in the plans, and as directed. Upon installation, the excavated material 4/17/2015 U Attachment H R-2514B, C, and D EC-10 Jones, Craven, and onslow County shall be immediately stabilized as provided in Section 1620 of the Standard Specie icat'ions. other stabilization methods may be utilized with prior approval from the Engineer. Line clean water diversion with geotextile unrolled in the direction of flow and lay smoothly but loosely on soil surface without crmses. Bury top of slope geotextile edge in a trench at least 5" deep and tamp securely. Make vertical overlaps a minimum of 18" with upstream geotextile overlapping the downstream geotextile. Secure geotextile with eleven gauge wire staples shaped into a it shape with a length of not less than 6" and a throat not less than 1 " in width. Place staples along outer edges and throughout the geotextile a maximum of 3 ft. horizontally and vertically. Measurement and Payment Silt Excavation will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 1630-4 of the Standard specifications. Geotextile for Soil Stabilization will be measured and paid for in accordance with Article 270-4 of the Standard Specifications. Stabilization of the excavated material will be paid for as Temporary Seeding as provided in Section 1620 of the Standard Specifications, Such price and payment shall be considered full compensation for all work covered by this section including all materials, construction, maintenance, and removal of the clean water diversions. SMETX FENCE AND JURISDICTIONAL FLAGGING: Description Safety Fence shall consist of famishing materials, installing and maintaining polyethylene or polypropylene fence along the outside riparian buffer, wetland, or water boundary, or other boundaries loeated within the construction corridor to mark the areas that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland, endangered vegetation, culturally sensitive areas or water. The fence shall be installed prior to any land disturbing activities. Interior boundaries for jullsdictional areas noted above shall be delineated by stakes and highly visible flagging. Jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits, whether considered outside or interior boundaries shall be delineated by stakes and highly visible flagging. 4/17/2015 Attachment H R-2514B, C, and D EC-1 1 Jones, Craven, and onslow County Materials (A) Safety Fencing Polyethylene or polypropylene fence shall be a highly visible preconstructed safety fence approved by the Engineer. The fence material shall have an ultraviolet coating. Either wood posts or steel posts may be used. Wood posts shall be hardwood with a wedge or pencil tip at one end, and shall be at least 5 ft. in length with a minimum nominal 2" x 2" cross section. Steel posts shall be at least 5 ft. in length, and have a minimum weight of 0.85 lb/ft of length. (B) Boundary Flagging Wooden stakes shall be 4 feet in Iength with a minimum nominal 314" x 1-3/4" cross section. The flagging shall be at least l" in width. The flagging material shall be vinyl and shall be orange in color and highly visible. Construction Methods No additional clearing and grubbing is anticipated for the installation of this fence. The fence shall be erected to conform to the general contour of the ground. (A) SafetyFencing Posts shall be set at a maximum spacing of 10 ft., maintained in a vertical position and hand set or set with a post driver. Posts shall be installed a minimum of 2 ft. into the ground. 1f hand set, all backfrll material shall be thoroughly tamped. Wood posts may be sharpened to a dull point if power driven. Posts damaged by power driving shall be removed and replaced prior to final acceptance. The tops of all wood posts shall be out at a 30-degree angle. The wood posts may, at the option of the Contractor, be cut at this angle either before or after the posts are erected. The fence geotextile shall be attached to the wood posts with one 2" galvanized wire staple aerass each cable or to the steel posts with wire or other acceptable means. Place construction stakes to establish the location of the safety fence in accordance with Article 105-9 or Article 801-1 of the Standard Specy7carions. No direct pay will be made for the staking of the safety fence. All stakeouts for safety fence shall be considered incidental to the work being paid for as "Construction Surveying", except that where there is no pay item for construction surveying, all safety fence stakeout will be performed by state forces. The Contractor shall be required to maintain the safety fence in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. 4/17/2015 Attachment H R-251413, C, and D Ej C-12 Jones; Craven, find anslow County (B) Boundary Flagging Boundary flagging delineation of interior boundaries shall consist of wooden stakes on 25 feet rnaxirnum intervals with highly visible orange flagging attached. Stakes shall be installed a minimum of b" into the ground. interior boundaries may be. staked on a tangent that runs parallel to buffer but must not encroach on the buffer at any location. Interior boundaries of hand clearing shall be identified with a different colored flagging to distinguish it from mechanized Blearing. Boundary flagging delineation of interior boundaries will be placed in accordance with Article 1 fl5-9 or Article 801-1 of the Standard Specylicaiions. No direct pay will be made for delineation of the interior boundaries. This delineation will be considered incidental to the work being paid for as Construction Surveying, except that where there is no pay item or construction surveying the cost of boundary flagging delineation shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items in the contract. Installation for delineation of all jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits shall consist of wooden stakes on 25 feet maximum intervals with highly visible orange flagging attached. Stakes shall be installed a minimum of b" into the ground. Additional flagging may be placed on overhanging vegetation to enhance visibility but does not substitute for installation of stakes. Installation of boundary flagging for delineation of all jurisdictional boundaries at staging areas, waste sites, or borrow pits shall be performed in accordance with Subarticle 230-4(B)(5) or \qmp/ Subattiele 802-2(F) of the Standard Specifications. No direct pay will be made for this delineation, as the cost of same shall be included in the unit prices bid for the various items in the contract. The Contractor shall be required to maintain alternative stakes and highly visible flagging in a satisfactory condition for the duration of the project as determined by the Engineer. Measurement and Payment Safety Fence will be measured and paid as the actual number of linear feet of polyethylene or polypropylene fence installed mn place and accepted. Such payment will be full compensation including but not limited to furnishing and installing fence geotextile with necessary posts and post bracing, staples, tie wires, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete this work. Payment will be made under: Pay Item Suety Fence Pay Unit Linear Foot 4/17/2015 Attachment M R-2514131 C, and D EC-28 Jones, Craven, and Cnslow \"01/ County Polyacr;ylamide(PAM) will be measured and paid for by the actual weight in pounds of P.AM applied to the Temporary Rock Silt Cheeks Type A. Such puce and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this section, including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, labor, equipment and incidentals necessary to apply the Polyacrylamide(P"). Payment will he made under. Pay Item Pay Unit Polyacrylarnide(PAM) Pound BORROW PIT DEWATEWNG BASIN: (3-17-09) (Rev 3-2-1 l ) Description Water discharge from borrow pit sites shall not cause surface waters to exceed 50 NTUs (nephelometric turbidity unit) in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTUs in streams, lakes or reservoirs designated as trout waters. For lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTUs. If the turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. Construct, maintain and renwve earth embanlanents used to reduce turbidity from dewatering 1140V borrow sites. Work includes providing porous coir fiber baffle, filtration geotextile, stone and outlet structures; cleaning out, maintaining, removing and disposing of the borrow pit dewatering basin and all components; and reshaping„ dressing, seeding and mulching the area. Materials Refer to Division 10 Item Riprsp, Class A, B, 1, and 2 Geotextile for Drainage, Type 2 Coir Fiber Baffle Section 1042 1056 1640 2 Use suitable excavated materials, as specified in Sections 225, 230 and 240 of the Standard Specifications in the construction of earth embankments for borrow pit dewatering basins, except where otherwise specified. Construction Methods Construct borrow pit dewatering basins according to the detail in the erosion control plans, and at locations shown on Reclamation Plans or in areas as directed. 4/17/2015 \Md Attachment H R2514131 C. and D EC-29 Jones, Craven, and Onslow County The volume of the borrow pit dewatering basin will be based on a 2 hour retention time. The pump rate shall not exceed 1,000 GPM. The Contractor, at his option, may use a greater retention time for managing turbidity. The straight line distance between the inlet and outlet shall be divided to include a forebay chamber in the upper quarter cell. Install one porous coin fiber baffle across the full width of the basin to delineate the forebay chamber. Do not use earthen or rock baffle. Install Oration geotextile on the interior side slopes and the floor of the forebay. The water pumped from the borrow pit into the dewatering basin shall be obtained from the top of the water column and shall be discharged into the forebay in a non -erodible manner. The borrow pit dewatering basin outlet shall be a vertical non -perforated riser pipe or flash board riser attached with a watertight connection to a barrel that carries the water through the embankment. Maintenance and Removal Maintain the borrow pit dewatering basin, coir fiber baffle, and remove and dispose of silt accumulations in accordance with Article 1630-3 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor may include a drain device for maintenance and removal at his discretion. Remove the barrow pit dewatering basin once dewatering operations are completed. Grade, seed, and mulch the area after removal of the borrow pit dewatering basin in accordance with Section 1660 of the Standard Specifications. The area shall be stabilized with an approved groundcover before final acceptance of the site. Measurement and Payment No direct payment will be made for borrow pit dewatering basins with the exception of the work of silt removal during dewatering basin operation and the work of seeding and mulching after removal of the dewatering basin. All other work and materials required for installation, maintenance and removal of borrow pit dewatering basins shall be incidental to Borrow Excavation. Such price and payments will be full compensation for the work of constructing, maintaining and removing the borrow pit dewatering basin including, but not linuted to, the construction and removal of the borrow pit dewatering basin; furnishing of the outlet structure, baffle, filtration geotextile, stone and optional drain devices; and removal of all such items once dewatering operations are completed. Removal and disposal of silt accumulations during dewatering operations will be treasured and paid at the contract unit price per cubic yard for Silt Excavation in accordance with Article l 630- 4 of the Standard Specifications. Grading, seeding, and mulching the area after removal of the borrow pit dewatering basin will be measured and paid at the contract unit price per acre for Seeding and Mulching in accordance with Section 1660-5 of the Standard Specfcations. 4/1712015 Attachment I Scott Borrow Pit Basin Calculations Pump Rate = Soo Om -107 d4" =1.78 W s Detention Time = 2 Hours Depth =aft Volume Needed = V=Td*Q = 21hII*1.78(ft3/s)*3600(VhT) =12816 ft3 Minimum Surface Area = A = V/d = 128103(VOO/3ft(Depth)= 27$ fa Basin Size = 4T&135' Top width x 36'&126' Top Length x 3' Depth (1.5:1 Slopes) Basin Ratio = (45`+36,F)/2w*(135`+126`)/2L = 3.22:1 Ratio Basin Surface Area = COS m (Meets Min 4278')(At Wier elevation) calculations are as follows Basin base width & Base length with 1.5:1 sideslopes: Wbase=Wtap -(depth x 1.5 x 2 sides) = 45-(3x1.5x2) = 36 Wbase Lbase=Ltop -(depth x 1.5 x 2 sides) =145�3x1.5x2) =126 Lba. Basin Volume calculations (Min Required=12,816ft3) Val=Depth/3 top Ltop+ Wbase Lbase+[( Wtop Lbase+ Wbase Ltop)l2]1 Voi=3/3 {(4S*135+36* 126)+[(36* 126+35*135)/211 Basin Volume=15,576 fI3 (Meets Min 12,816 113) (15..876ft3/0.13368Ga'=11o,761") Rational Method User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: JDR Date: 511111 Checked By: Date: ly: BBII Name: SCOTT FARM No.: R2514 *4MO' Watershed Basin Id. A &B The rational formula is: ft•HaLI where: Q = peak rate of runoff in cubic feet per second (cfs) C = runoff coefficient, an empirical coefficient representing the relationship between rainfall rate and runoff rate I = average intensity of ninfall in mcluesvhour. for a storm duration equal to the time of concentration, Tc A = drainage area in acres The general procedure for detenuuinmg peak discharge using the rational formmla is presented below and illustrated in Sample Problem 8.031. Step 1. Determine the drainage area in acres. Drainage Area 8.5 Step 1. Determine the nutoff coefficient. C. for the rMc of soilrcoter inn the drainage area (Table 8.03b). *4./ value can be determined directly from Table 8.03b. If there are multiple sod cover conditions. a urenghted average must be calculated. or the area may be subdivided. i A (acres) t A Runoff Coefficient t B (acres) i B Runoff Coefficient m C (acres) i C Runoff Coefficient t D (acres) t D Runoff Coefficient :d Runoff Coefficient 3. Step 4. 2-year Rainfall Intensity, 1(inlhr) 10-year Rainfall Intensity, i (inlhr) 8.5 0.05 Runoff Coefficient 0.05 5.37 8.72 Step S. Deternune peak discharge. 0 (cubic feet per second). by multiplying the previously determined faders using the rational formula (Sample Problem 8.03a): Q =CIA Flow (cfs) 2.28225 Flow (cfs) 3.7 Selection of Sediment Control Measure -Total Drainage Area -User entry Do Not Use Temporary Sediment Trap Calculated Value Okay Skimmer/Infiltration Basin Okay Temporary Sediment Basin _Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10-year Storm (cts) '44/ Updated to comply with NPDES Permit Conditions TGH and BRB 07/0312012 Infiltration Sediment Basin SCOTT FARM AREAA & B Okay Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10-year Storm (cfs) DEWATER REQ 15300 Required Volume fO 15516 MIN 1203 Required Surface Area ft' 42ib MIN 24.5 Suggested Width ft 49.0 Suggested Length It Trial Top Width at Spillway Invert ft Trial Top Length at Spillway Invert it Trial Side Slope Ratio Z:1 Trial Depth ft (3 feet below grade + 1 36 Bottom Width ft 126 Bottom Length ft 4536 Bottom Area ft' 15876 Actual Volume f? Okay 6075 Actual Surface Area ft' Okay -Trial Weir Length ft Trial Depth of Flow ft 8.5 Spillway Capacity cis Okay to 2.5 feet above grade) Step 3. Time of Concentration Overland flow Tc -- Kinematic Wave Theory Length of overland flow 825.0 feet Mannings "n" for surface 0.400 Manninds n Average watershed slope 0.013 U t. Constant alpha 0.4 Constant m 1.67 Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.05 Shallow Conc Flow To Slope 0.013 Length of Conc Flow 825.0 V (unpaved) 1.8 Channel/Pipe Flow Tc Slope 1 Length of Channel/Pipe Flow 1 R 0.8 n 0.04 V 32.1 Tc Overland (min) 5 Tc Shallow Conc (min) 7.6 Tc Channel/Pipe (min) 0.0 Tc Total (min) 12.6 24.6 14 10.5 0.012727273 1) Enter the rainfall intensity values for the corresponding times of duration in the table below. Rainfall intensity can be found from the following NWS hyperlink; htlp:/Ihdsc.nws,ngea.gov/hdsc/t)fdsiorb/nc ofds.html 2) Select the rainfall Intensity that corresponds to the trial time of duration that is equal to or less than the calculated time of concentration. 3) Copy the selected rainfall intensity into cell below. 2-year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 5.37 0-year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8.72 til Time of Duration Rainfall Intensity Calculation of Time (min) (IDF), i fin/hr) of Concentration, tc (min) 5 8.72 157.41 10 6.98 172.07 15 5.88 184.29 30 4.26 209.67 60 ( 1 hour) 2.77 249.08 120 ( 2 hours) 1.75 299.33 180 ( 3 hours) 1.27 340.31 360 ( 6 hours) 0.774 414.90 720 (12 hours) 0.458 511.85 1440 (24 hours) 0.271 631,46 U Step 3. Time of Concentration Overland flow Tc -- Kinematic Wave Theory Length of overland flow 508.0 feet Mannings "n" for surface 0.400 Manning's n Average watershed slope 0.021 ft./ft. Constant alpha 0.5 Constant m 1.67 Weighted Runoff Coefficient 0.05 Shallow Cone Flow Tc Slope 0.021 Length of Conc Flow 50810 V (unpaved) 2.3 Channel/Pipe Flow Tc Slope 1 Length of Channel/Pipe Flow 1 R 0.8 n 0.04 V 32.1 Tc Overland (min) 5 Tc Shallow Cone (min) 3.7 Tc Channel/Pipe (min) 0.0 Tc Total (min) 8.7 24.5 14 10.5 0.020669291 1) Enter the rainfall intensity values for the corresponding times of duration In the table below. Rainfall intensity can be found from the following NWS hyperlink; htlp•//hdsc.nws.noaa.aovtdsc/c)fds/o•b/nc pfds.hlmi 2) Select the rainfall Intensity that corresponds to the trial time of duration that is equal to or less than the calculated time of concentration. 3) Copy the selected rainfall intensity into cell below. 2-year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 5.37 0-year Rainfall Intensity, i (in/hr) 8.72 01 Time of Duration Rainfall intensity calculation of -rime (min) (IDFt. i (in/hr) of Concentration, tc (min) 5 8.72 101.74 10 6.98 111.22 15 5.88 119.12 30 4.26 135.52 60 ( 1 hour) 2.77 160.99 120 ( 2 hours) 1.75 193.47 180 ( 3 hours) 1.27 219.96 360 ( 6 hours) 0.774 268.17 720 (12 hours) 0.458 330.83 440 (24 hours) 0.271 408.14 Step S. Deteratine the time of concenttatiou, TC. far The dtainaee area. The Kinematic 'Wave Theoij- defines unne of concenlialieu m the "travel time of a wave to move from the hycltautically molt distaut point itt the catcluueat to the outlet (Bedient and Huber. 199-')" The f6imnula for the time of cotteenhatiotn k: T ;-- (LI(fJ :t Ie}t� .t�stm inhere: T,= titue of couceitttatton. ten a mates. It cons ic, of the total tiwe fot overland sheet flow. L = leneth of overland flow plane (feet): le = rainfall excess = Ii t C143,200 (43.200 concerts incites pet !tour to feet per second in the o-ven. 11 equation). Ii = rainfall intetLity: C = rational tunoffcoefficients; This equation, contains n+: o sets of parantetets that need furtliet defiuition. o. and m. Fot turbulent flow. which is the notmal field condition, m = 5/3 = 1.667 u = 0.49 z g,ra) \qw/ n where: S : slope (ftlft). n = Matnning's roustmess. Since n1 wiU always be 513, this equation can be suuplifled to: L ,3 Ul (I, 1 C/43,200)2( ) Te 60 (minutes) Because both hate ofconcetttratiouvind rainfall intensity ar a tt.'Watown vatiables in one equadou. the solution wrist be found through ,Teialions. The use of a sptfeadsheet is recommended. An example is shown is Table S.D3a. ll ft / NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Pollocksvilla, North Carolina US' AMIN Latitude: 35.0249-, Longitude.77.2375° f Elevation: 16 W • source: Gco9le Maps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnie. 0. Madin, B. Lin. T, Perrybek MRekte, end 0. Pilot, NGAA, Narunel Midear Service, SINer Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF araphicai I M-ms 6 aerials PF tabular PDS°baaed polnt precipitation frequency estimates with 900/6 confidence intervals fin InchesJhourlil Average recurrence Interval (years)_ untie _ ����5�ffj�7a ._ 100 200 500_ 1000 a.72 8.70 7.89 ( 8.709.82 (7A8.8.44) {8A5.10.61 11.6 (1JS-72.0) 12.513.6 (] (t2.1-14.8) 14b(827A124)(8.17-7.T8) (12.&18A) 4'� 8.38 8.18 Bb6 7.82 8.68 825 9.92 10.6 11b 10Anln (4_21.4.99] (49a-6`63) (S_BB•8_98) (6,a57.88) 1?.14.6,48} (7,79.028) (6.36-10.0) (8.82.10,8) (9.5B•11.7) (102.12.8) 3.81 IF 4A9--j 5.19 927 F BA1 7.22 7.78 8.35 9.04 9.95 15•min (A504.15) (4.134.88) (4.78-6.64) J6.78.6.37)_. (ILM-7.18) (6_67.7.83) ( (7.SO9A6) (8A58.94) ( 30.m1n 60min 2.81 (2A0.2.85} 1.63 (1.SD•1,77j 3.10 (255.3.371 9.94 (1,79.2.121 3.0 {3.39.4AD) 2.37 (2,17-257) 425 (300.4.61) 2.77 6,89 (4.47_5.31) 326 (2.97-3.53) 5M (A-96.8.9D) 3be (3.354AD) 5.96 (640-6,47) 4.11 (372.4.46) 8.80 15.34.7 b) 4.68 (4.094.96) 7.20 (8.41.7,83) 516 (95Q4i 82) 7.51 (8_89.852) 6.70 (6.03.822)., 21 (O.B09TD0•11.07) (1,07.1,29) 1A6 ( _(254-3.00) (71715 59..911 2.11 11,91-231) 2A6 (2.a27) 79 .3.05) 38 (2.81-3AS) 38 ( 4.160.976 (38345 )z. 841r 143 00 11.11AO) 5 15 1Ab 0 1.02L 0} 2.1 (7.86.231) 2AO (2.12-2.85) 2.85 (2A&3.14)83.7 32 OA25 0.611 0,64D 0.T71 0.947 1.11 1.29 1A8 1.78 202 8fir 10.3850A7E) (0.469.0.671) (0.6750.71� (0.696-0581) (D.64&1.06) (0.9841.24) (1.1� (1� (1.524.BS) (1.72.225) 02A8 0299 0.978 OA58 0.585 Ob67 0.776 Ob99 1A8 125 tidier (4224.0280) (01700.337) (0238-0.4231'. (0.408.0.613) (0,501-0.BY2) (0141•0.795) (OA7B•0508) (Q,777.1.ODI (0518.120] t1.05'1539) 0.144 0.176 1 0227 0270 0.335 0.387 0.453 0.522 0.625 0.714 24hr (0.131.0,180) (0.159-DAgS) (0205.0251) (0.244.0288)f (0200-0 (D340-D.431) (0.399 OA89) (OAS .676) (0.534. fA2) (0.602-0.794) 0083 0.101 0.130 0.155 0.192 0228 0.261 0.302 0.363 OA16 2dtry (0..07B•0.093) tO.092.0.113) 10.117-0.145J (� (0.171_0.213) (0.1910.249) (0.229-0.269) (0261_0.335)1 (0209.0.408) (0.348.0.468) 3d8y OA69 (0.054.0,9M) 0.072 - 0.092 ( 0.108 ( 0.134 (0.12D-0147]I 0.156 (0.138A.171) 0.179 ( 0.205 (0.17&0.227) 0.245 (0210-0.272)I 0260 (0236-0,313) OA47 0.057 11 0A73 6.005 0.104 0.120 0.138 0.167 0.106 0212 4-day ( (0.052-O.M) (0. BW0.080) ( (0.0840.114) (()A 132) (0.122-0.161) 0.138-0.Inj (0.te1.0208) (0.180-0.239] 7day (OA28.0034] (OA36.OA42) ( (0.051-0081) ((LOBI-.0074) (OABO.00B4) OA78.0A96] (0.087--0809) (D.1000$2711 (0.f011i0.g143) lOday OA25 0.023-0.027) 0030 (0,028.0.033) 003- (0_a14.0.041) 0.042 (OA39.0.04T) OAt{2 (0.047-0.056) 0.059 (0.053-0.064) 0.068 D.DS9.0.072 0.074 (0.069.0.ge2) 0206 (0.0750.093) Ob96 (11.083_0.106) 0.017 0,020 0A24 0.028 0.083 0.037 0.042 OA46 0.053 0.056 20•day (OA100.018 DA19.0.071)_ ( (0.026.OMD) (MM0.03b7 (0.034-"q (0.041-005DJ ( (0.051.006q 30day 0.014 OA13-0.01 0.016 (0.015-0.018), 0.020 (O.Oi8.0.021) 0A22 ( 0.028 (0.024-0.028) 0.029 (0.027-0.031) 0.032 O.M-0_036) OA35 ( OA38 ( 0.043 (0.038-0,047) 45day (001.0.012) (0.013-0015) (0A150017) (0.D17.0.020) (0.0200023) (OA22.0.=I (OA24.0.02 0.027.OA31J (OA3G0.038) OA32.0039 0. 110 OAl2 0- 0.118 OR79 0.020 OA22 0.026 O127 D.029 n80day {D,0106.011) (0.011-0.013y (0014.0,015) ( j0.01T•6.026) (0.019.0.Pa)I (D:021.a 021] ( (DA26.OA29) (0.026-0031) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) es0meles n this table are based on frequoney analysis of pamm duretlon series Numbers In parenthesis are PF asilmates al lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval. The pwbabildy that preclpitalbn eaquency estimates (fare given duration and average recurr nes Interval) vAl be greater than the upper bound (or I996 than the lower bound) Is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds ore not I' checked against probable maximum preciphetion (PMP) estimates and may be higher then currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAAAf1w 14 document for more information. PF graphical Va/ PDS-based intensity -duration -frequency (IDF) curves Latitude: 35.D2490, Longitude: •77.2375° 100.00 1.130 a 0.01 IF t T TT QMQ L'q� T T 9 9 T T y� Q TT �� ,JE, N vL nti d r b Duration 100.00 N ' 1.00 .......J ............... C O 'F U 1 2 5 30 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average recurrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Created (GMT): Fri Jul 22 12:57:92 2016 Back to Too Maps & aerials Small scale terrain demo Gree pshnrn ® Durhnm� p Itr:�oy htaNl' Raleigh Hllcn+ • Oreenvlll� 1 ayell"ille 0 II Jarksnnvple 1. 1:. n, u: nn mtet"I (Yea,) —t 2 — 10 — 25 so 100 200 Soo 1000 Duration ,. J•min 2-day — 10antn — 3-day 1 Fsmin — 4-day — 30HIlin 1-day 60-null 10-0ay — 2411 20•day — 74a — 00-day — 6-111 — 35-day — 17.-hr --- 60-day — 24-ht Attachment J C203697 R 2514B1C and R-2514D G•40 Onslow, Craven and Jones Counties PROCEDURE FOR MONITORING BORROW PIT INS FGE: (2.20.07) (Rev. 3-19-13) 105.16, 230, 801 SP1 G1 B1 Water discharge from borrow pit sites shall not cause surface waters to exceed 50 NTUs (nephelometric turbidity unit) in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTUs in streams, lakes or reservoirs designated as trout waters. For lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTUs. if the turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased, If during any operating day, the downstream water quality exceeds the standard, the Contractor shall do all of the following: (A) Either cease discharge or modify the discharge volume or turbidity levels to bring the downstream turbidity levels into compliance, or (B) Evaluate the upstream conditions to determine if the exceedance of the standard is due to natural background conditions. If the background turbidity measurements exceed the standard, operation of the pit and discharge can continue as long as the stream turbidity levels are not increased due to the discharge. (C) Measure and record the turbidity test results (time, date and sampler) at all defined sampling locations 30 minutes after startup and at a minimum, one additional sampling of all sampling locations dw ing that 24-hour period in which the borrow pit is discharging. Attachment J C203697 R 2514B/C and R-2514D G -41 Onslow, Craven and Jones Counties (D) Notify DWQ within 24 hours of any stream turbidity standard exceedanecs that are not brought into compliance. During the Environmental Assessment required by Article 230-4 of the 2012 Standard Spec fcatioi's, the Contractor shall define the point at which the discharge enters hito the State's surface waters and the appropriate sampling locations. Sampling locations shall include points upstream and downstream fi-om the point at which the discharge enters these waters. Upstream sampling location shall be located so that it is not influenced by backwater conditions and represents natural background conditions. Downstream sampling location shall be located at the point where complete mixing of the discharge and receiving water has occurred. The discharge shall be closely monitored when water from the dewatering activities is introduced into jurisdictional wetlands. Any time visible sedimentation (deposition of sediment) on the wetland surface is observed, the dewatering activity will be suspended until turbidity levels in the stilling basin can be reduced to a level where sediment deposition does not occur. Staining of wetland surfaces from suspended clay particles, occurring after evaporation or infiltration, does not constitute sedimentation. No activities shall occur in wetlands that adversely affect the functioning of a wetland. Visible sedimentation will be considered an indication of possible adverse impacts on wetland use. The Engineer will perfaem independent turbidity tests on a random basis. These results will be maintained in a log within the project records. Records will include, at a minimum, turbidity test lq� results, time, date and name of sampler. Should the Department's test results exceed those of the Contractor's test results, an immediate test shall be performed jointly with the results superseding the previous test results of both the Department and the Contractor. The Contractor shall use the NCDOT Turbidity Redaction Options for Borrow Pits Matrix, available at ba:llwww.nedot.g2y/doh/operations/dp chief ena/roadsidelfieldopsldownloadsl Piles/Turbidit ReductionOptionSheet.pdf to plan, design, construct, and maintain BMPs to address water quality standards. Tier I Methods include stilling basins which are standard compensatory BNIPs. Other Tier I methods are noncompensatory and shall be used when needed to meet the stream turbidity standards. Tier A Methods are also noncompensatory and are options that may be needed for protection of rare or unique resources or where special. environmental conditions exist at the site which have led to additional requirements being placed in the DWQ's 401 Certifications and approval letters, Isolated Wctland Permits, Riparian Buffer Authorization or a DOT Reclamation Plan's Environmental Assessment for the specific site. Should the Contractor exhaust all Tier i Methods on a site exclusive of rare or unique resources or special environmental conditions, Tier H Methods may be required by regulators on a case by case basis per supplemental agreement. The Contractor may use cation exchange capacity (CBC) values from proposed site borings to plan and develop the bid for the project. CEC values exceeding 15 milliequivalents per 100 grams of soil may indicate a high potential for turbidity and should be avoided when dewatering into surface water is proposed. No additional compensation for monitoring borrow pit discharge will be paid, V� NCCOT TURBIDITY REOUCitt?N OPTtaNS FOR BORROW PITS" Tier 1 January IS 2009 � � Passive As �-� PN Oaaarrftt>t f ssrn ese aio d baairn that btiefLde a tiaxht« am esfr b butid end nlaffth 81 0 small 69.72% ohcwii d romo ft lbml Ottttat watnr9muN boll ft n tram « ft bas. bslae afesre pawtdsrb pstmpedaad 1t�lr P� hNow ho ,`Yttentbefore ousbettdod ao6dstlrsdet roltaal colrilforr it t3ai§ss3m0 eomtdln�to tust� zape�b8sd faoe fbr d trtdstbl tV /4=6 PAS b d+oekxgod fo l* � N7" b um=ttered Gm ed defael m ttme: Cafe l9 moing ed sdm coin lberrttafiaeb4. t tsdraarsentarr o coramm olmets s moy be needed. ,rM types f>ahrn cane Rulmwd fte com be It W to oLvd tbs are 1AeBLE JYe m rtalwr s f km or MWW pmtjm bR& 400 pat of owdrbodbXTOL i�aII frblf?j!'a�01�► owls 1lLmd y`ywrmIftb pu4ndic Run wdpkw=rterouredbyapbr3aat W430M atwwcmtoo no ado etfoot:{[oa � tanbeatl�dbtrefeeba4sg aqm and 2ma to rn emrrdtsa %SW P=ft wmara atsd awe is est vkktlw.s d ate t` v=4 llvo BAPS AelrtriL Uraftm Oslo ft ditts' mftl migaft Ripe sae Oa ted� PA via" b FA amw avow fty to 9sstail mw rwwv ba@. Eftdo SI! bap h kjVmd to a atrfain gee rM seo bag does Adrtn aSPAM mW t stuafloc to rani tW SAtB+tA pserrsesbts tsbtte t fnsfi►9 an a badMresthed at rmnerfr4 m" slco Pafpdm Ot a not rem m two or cMIdd pwdclu - it0u a PAM sods i4 k=ms bW WOW orb f balp" bgloffigifaae0tr�t b aEso used, PAM Cx+atto tl6 Naafi tot ft tMP ter arflanoed sed�tM! renf�rd Agewxevco-tfare!asternawed try Irmranitraamm G=Ywa". Atw6orsy{�mC►te7tbre�rodeeootseetapoberedd pH1laedsmbost+�55!0e'Iolrttardrt4vdai sQreade: m peviraeer ard9at� out idd an day �rdefee. PAN con PH atilt Af90 s bsd�g W0 MCI DW an4 Noy nood emd sbr P„ (Alm*stomplrtQlAlr�etamLlLmdTlalsratals atsobauseesrtiee►araa�aPe+ anaoeua >z-md*fLsWdee=naiad. 28 tbJ't m axc R dwarWsW k=p Iday !aloe 1,2 dap m dwwatar. belOw2WPPi A9%b. 4 A Ord mlj!Ntdam"tly R ► ro d mld tsloos � erottf terger rys�troes A mdto" (100 sm") Abo an Produce Pit sh&,& eprsadef to savvw and sa!lles era su:perd. atatnd pre dales t0 doatfibeaator ihe�gl a3erimrnt mete and 6 tmdtttj (fa q b*sl. Cm mttrtieL eleb>s fit? m Pro 5�000 baltrte t f�wmaalsr OVAPerd In bm on onwb* op• rtalwe" toImp bdm2S?0Mtussle rsetare. A tuoad eonya et 4a teats to tea aril umftu s+et6sge d ml femL Hobo t0ehdad otcrova rot tow end +Mates test teeaA suftte taveko betw zw Pens. tJse oriy (pq�q paslds�, a s;atld fbrtsss 14 bled Does no! o![at3 end le trot iooaeta {otbsst pt+odnrd szsd atrou+t enattl+ liaJhotmmumpoLSttarid rmt be appied®rtxtly m paa�ss BAd:� out os rNl etnxormtef'W lovoK en � day ate. surfacatrrrsess altlle �. ttt�el vppIIcz It , irfDt/d be4laaatQll0 ptt � biSQlot Qthars0'trCtm Un PAYS by d, vm m C� CD C. tstaa�aQ,�ut1 op►'�d ati 0 � t� asa�8ls �iV Ie saw== CA40 m amuw wopmaw saqtmuap%qsa* am to ="Dump c at" Imm u xu It; - 7A qq s* w► pjgrmWoo s = pangs o aq PPuta It • IMON 'gyp iYl 9LSO so�P�P�� eft Wv i$u�us Ott8d�4R'.0 (A�4 4aitQal > AgMb i�taM eIi �W pwm t l'oaiaa poPX4 q ad ww allo" ad W4 =4 oa=va W q AIL 00 Mfin Pew iivtrq �1a9 uPw► 4► Piw�aiB��l� P+ qd %m ;m q ad apm 3%0 �t �iod(p �uo¢po=dal pjttuvvs=& satyr lRt�iGlalP eaa � Ovsrla4+aJ ' PP p 6uinotLPw utd a+[ 4 � at 'Wv asp at pw psFo°"pwpopa ptpcs �i►av6a�Peassdiit��t�1v�►n �piW-�� w�li Bls+dpusopdtutdndatd W1H'liisa�aWp nba taJ + 14=0psaw4upept imams �4 urn t Id 0440 02 w4mow Rupp ouo Own PQfiw4X y vQ at w9q+cat itd a cR ta�ea 41W on wo m um PO*W d st 'peattsu �► �0 aw 14 a9 jKftPrsw9aW4pvWp%tjdleauea a JildP�iB vvvllspw►loatue�asai i i 41t +v�tuatl ►P emit +Wlpe�c3 � I PsiUXUWAUICUt1Qtu �vsaa o�ot tt� p t xil tiaI► adild =a= La ttlhau pOf ad 6q�Sli� ' aAP WPuvoogsa+i►a�p�w Folm tolll �� pedtvttdyovgte�+=0� � Q1 �4t� paptaa 0 spm�w Wwl c4 i D A pt� 8ttlos ut saa tvaaon*j "Sig ev pF'Xm I io AiFxdw aqmop ad p %W*Un p fi+aaa�u ►�o31 ops"0OxFoma QBMVJWAXUWJMQW "M sQ itd as �P NatQus EJt +td ma o a®o is V. pamM d*q qjWq PmM4SQ tsaw =td 04at npwA;mwuQ4vAmA to aaPas v 14 para0 4 rid Wtvd ti+lr�t �P'A$Mgd q Lri1 Dort spAq U4j{ ate► Pam � � pvo a fl i ct psAPW vawW SAW Gon ammo ..W tl mil amid ARt mCNI voi BNOUO NOuma3v MalevnL IMN 4' BBI-EVW X NCDOT Contract C203697 Maysville Bypass Project Reference: Submittal 5-4631.162 Scott Borrow Pit Reclamation Subject: Plan for Development of a Borrow and Waste Site at the Scott Farm Property off Scott Farm Rd. in Jones County Based on the attached documentation, the Balfour Beatty / E.V. Williams Joint Venture (BB-EV-JV) plans to develop the Scott Farm Property on Scott Farm Rd. in Jones County into a Pond per NCDOT Specifications. 1. The mine will be excavated as described in the Reclamation Plan (Borrow) Site. 2. While this site is being developed, material that is deemed unsuitable (either organics or undercut) will be hauled to and stored temporarily inside of the excavation area of the Scott Site, 3. Once the temporary bottom of pond is reached, BB-EV-JV will fill the borrow pit back in with this previously stockpiled material to its final bottom of pond elevation (See Plan for Details of the "temporary bottom of pond"). BB-EV-JV will ensure that the backflll material is placed uniform to ensure a reasonably flat bottom. The backfiil material will be soil only and will be generated from within this site only. 4. The final bottom of pond will be 4 feet in water depth or greater per the standard minimum depth given by NCDOT (See Plan for Details of the "bottom of pond"). S. Final grading will then take place with permanent seeding operations, etc. as is required by NCDOT Standard Specification. This includes the 1 year maintenance / monitoring period. Additional Notes Permanent Seeding operations will take place on the pond slopes after the slopes have been graded for a permanent condition. Materials left in stockpiles undisturbed will be Temporary Seeded and Mulched. In addition, where there are exposed erodible slopes with area greater than 1 acre posing any threat of turbidity loss off the site, seeding will be performed per NCDOT Standards and Project Special Provisions. (See the attached seeding specifications) The dewatering basin to be utilized during borrow excavation and has been designed to handle maximum flow of 800 GPM. (See attached Dewatering Basin Design Calculations) The dewatering pump will be set to float and pump from the surface of the water. The pump discharge will be set up as shown in the attached detail. 12111108 Contract Number: Attachment A Reclamation Plan for Contracted Projects Borrow Pit C203697 Date: 5115i'2D17 Project */ WBS Element: 34442.i.3,541.36 Contractor: Balfour Beat 1 E.V. Wiillems ,Joint Venture TIP No: R-2514D County: Cartes Responsible Person: Peter D. 0191ofano Contractor Address-. 430 Eastwood Road. Wilmington, NC 28403 Property Owner. Trent E Scott Phone Number: 252.933-soma Property Owner Address: 540 Scott Farm lane, Plow Bern, MC 28562 Borrow Pit Porllcn of 540 Scott Farm lane, Tax Parcel IDA 54378MB500 - Deed Book 331, Page 73 Property Address: 540 Scott Farm lane, New Dem, NO M82 Total acreage of proposed pit: Approx. V acres Expeoted depth of excavation: 25 Fl. (Depending on existing ground etevadens, which vary fthily) Present use of land: Agricuiture Proposed use after reclamation: a Pond Proposed sequence of excavation (include amount of clearing & proposed slope rates): First all Erosion Control Measures will be Installed. The pond will be dug from the Southern boundary towards Scott Farm Rd. This will be done sequentially In approximately 10 It. Iffts. Final slopes will be graded out to 3:1 or flatter. Did the Envitvnmenial Evaluation indicate the presence of any wetlands or endangered species?(if yes, briefly list findings and indicate physical means by which buffer zone will be delineated): Wetlands were found (See the attached Delineation). Wetlands will not be Impacted by the excavation. Silt fencing, diversion ditching and cutlet SDOs will be installed as shown on the attached plan shesta. These will be Inspected weekly as Well as after every reln event over V2" to ensure that devices are functioning properly. No endangered species ware found. (See the attached Report) Is any portion of the pit. or access & haul roads within a watershed with riparian buffer zone requirements? (if yes, indicate physical means by which buffer will be delineated and how diffuse flow into the buffer zone will be maintained): No Reclamation Pmcedures for BorrowlftstOSteging Areas far Conlrocted Projucls 12111108 11 12/11/08 Vi Is the site adjacent to High Quality Waters as defined by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources? (if yes, note how the devices have been designed to meet DENR requirements); No. Are there any conditions identified on the State Historic Preservation Office Review Form for borrow activities? Explain: Describe the intended plan for the reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands, and indicate the general methods to be used in reclaiming this land, including any stockpile areas, haul roads and ditches. Describe the sequence for reclaiming the pit. Attach a map which illustrates this plan, showing the location and design of all temporary and permanent erosion control devices. All features shall comply with the appropriate specifications, standards and reflect Best Management Practices (BMP). The plan shall indicate setbacks to adjacent properties, buffer zones and if de -watering is required and the pit is located within the 15 county region of the CCPCUA, the GPS coordinate location of any well located within 1500 ft of the pit. First ail I!mlon Canted massmsa wl1l bolns1d0e& Nod. arty satpaing and aurlace preps mientlwil to dano and bermtng of twoil. li=vrtrlan wul than bigtn atatrg the south edge of the site along the setback to Seed Cie& and oaaltnua to the NoMmast to 10 Pr arts. StadmUss (lf neWad) will be malntaleed VA1b eraslan a miral meaautes ter Cie tlfe of the recfamsttan within the pit boundary. The hard road wm be arair afoed sulflaianl enough to carry an road dump tracks sasoctated with the exca ratimL The send wllt be kapl datKalered with a footing pump and the diache mo vAll be mado lrtlo the dowatertng ttastn. Mart Bring of the► ch taiga will ensue caroglanco With all CCPCIIA Girtdellnes es wall as turbldily dtschargo mgelrermettta (See Cover Pago ter further details). Fina0y, no welts catdd be found WIMP 1500 n. of ttda stle. Will excavation extend below the water table? (If yes, see a, h, & c, below): Yes a) Specify how de -watering will be accomplished. Include proposed method of reducing effluent turbidity so that it meets the requirements of the Division of Water Quality. Show any pit dewatering basins, construction details, and calculations on the plan: A dewatering basin wig he used to dewater Into Rom the proposed pond. The pump that is to be used will be set hi the pit installed onto a float to ensure pumping from the sudece. The pump discharge wilt be placed Into a diruser to farther prevent amelan or turbidity cmation within the dowatortng basin llsef! Finally strici monitoring of the discharge will be kept and cwteetiolte made to the plan If they arise. b) If the pit is within the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area, list the person responsible for completing 'Tbe Division of Water resources CCPCUA spread sheet and method of submission to the Resident Engineer: Either Peter D. Dislefano or Dail Reed of Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. will be responsible for completing the CCPCUA spreadsheet. The amount of dewatering will be based on the pump capacity and the time the pump Is running each day. IVOP/ Reelemation Procedures for Barrow/Waste/Staging Arcasq ibr Contracted Projects 12/11108 12 c) If water is to remain in the pit after completion, state the estimated depth of the water. (At least a depth = 4 ft.). Indicate the water table depth prior to beginning, excavation and the method used to obtain this information: Mean high water table elevations are listed in the attached report. This data was gathered from the soil survey from the site area (Jones County) end was listed as 2-3 fi. depth below the ground surfate for the Craven Fine Send that 1$ present in the site area. With this information theoretical water levels with a Pit Depth of 25 Ft. are 22 Ft. Describe the proposed schedule of permanent seeding and mulching. Detail the frequency of permanent seeding and mulching. Note that a permanent stand of vegetation is required prior to a final inspection: Perminent Seeding will begin within 15 days of reaching proposed final grades. As final grades are achieved perminent seeding will be executed accordingly. (See attached Seed Spediiations on proposed types of seed to be used.) Reclamation Pm=dures for BorrowlWaste/Stuging Armes for Contracted Projects 12/11 /08 13 1 1 f 12/11/09 \W„✓ 11 d v,,r Property Owner's Statement for Borrow Site: i hereby certify that I am in agreement with this development, use, and reclamation plan, and any exceptions noted when approved by the Engineer, and that I understand that I will be responsible for the site upon completion of its use in the construction of the project noted in the map legend. I understand that this plan, when approved, will serve as a guide in controlling erosion and sediment in accordance with the Mining Act and the Sediment and Pollution Control Act and as enforced by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). I understand that any work exceeding the minimum necessary for compliance with DENR requirements, should be negotiated between the Contractor and the Property Owner. My signature below authorizes The Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) or its agents, to enter upon my property for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the project for which this site plan is executed. If necessary, the DOT will be allowed to have the Contractor repair any areas that are not in compliance with DENR requirements. After a one year inspection is held, 1 will be solely responsible for assuring that the site is in compliance with DENR regulations. I have the right to change the condition of the site after the final inspection and prior to the one year follow-up inspection. However, if 1 make such changes, I acknowledge that DOT is released fi-om all obligations and conditions of this agreement and I will become solely responsible for the condition of the site beginning on the date that I change the final inspection condition. Signatures: Contractor's Representative: (authoriz o sign supplemental agreementsldate) Owners of Record: itn Owner (signatureldate) (signature/date) (signature/date) (signature/date) Resident Engineer: (signature /date) Exceptions: Concurrence with exceptions: Property Owner: (signature/date) Contractor: (signature/date) (signature/date) (signatureldate) Attachments: (See plan cover for full list of attachments including environmental reviews, etc.) Cc: Reclamation Procedures for Borrow/Waste/Staging Areas for tvontrricted Projects 12111108 14 Using the SKAGGS method, an offset from the adjacent wetlands was determined to be a —85 Ft. minimum. With that in mind a field survey will be conducted to determine this buffer. This will be staked in the field to ensure the minimum offset from excavation to wetlands as is required. Plan Attachments. - Attachment A— Reclamation Plan for Contracted Projects (Borrow Pitj NOT USED Attachment C — Drawing of proposed site with Pond Cross Section Attachment D— Environmental Evaluation with Endangered Species, Wetland & SCAGGS Data Attachment E — US ACOE Delineation Drawings Attachment F — State Historic preservation office Evaluation Attachment G — Soil Survey Attachment H — Seeding and Mulching Specifications Attachment I — Dewatering Basin Calculations and Details Attachment J — Dewatering Discharge Requirements & Turbidity Reduction Options Please let us know if you require any additional information or clarification regarding this site. llft� Thanks, Peter D. Distefano Project Manager Maysville Bypass Project 98I9W JV 146 Deerfield Troll, Maysville, NC 28555 TeL 910.595,4035 /1 Cell. 910.36Z 7800 CC: Submittal File 5-4631-162 / Division File