HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210507_Lease_agreementLease Agreement RECEIVED MAYG72811 LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM NORTH CAROLINA JONES COUNTY CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT is made this__. day of 2020, by and between Ms. Anita M. Scott, of Jones County, North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor" and `rim Morton Trucking, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser". WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS the Vendor owns a parcel of real property suitable for a sand and dirt borrow area in Jones County, North Carolina, which parcel is described on the attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein by reference (the "Property"); and WHEREAS Purchaser is desirous of purchasing a quantity of sand and dirt to be used in a North Carolina Department of Transportation ("NCDOT") or other construction project in accordance with the terms and provisions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the purchase price set forth below, Vendor agrees to sell and Purchaser agrees to purchase mineral rights for the removal of the sand and dirt which it will remove from the Property for use in its NCDOT or other project, in accordance with the following terms and conditions: 1) Entrance and Road: Purchaser will have a sixty -foot (60') gate opening off Scott Farm Lane and will pay all costs associated with moving the gate to allow for said opening. Vendor shall allow said 60' opening, and a fifty -foot (50') access road to the back of the Property where the borrow area will begin. Purchaser will be 1 4 \"W/ responsible for dust control and all costs associated with the road during the term of this agreement. 2) Sand Pit: Purchaser will start the pit along the southeast poilion of the property and will did, a dewatering pit. There may be more than one pit being dug at any paint in time but all digging will be in the area agreed upon by the parties. Sand/Dirt will be purchased for $0.75 per cubic yard. Purchaser shall be responsible for all costs associated with obtaining proper permits for the operation. 3) Payment: Payment will be made monthly based upon Bruck tickets andior topographical survey. 4) Payments shall be made to Anita M. Scott. 5) Purchaser shall furnish all vehicles utilizing in the removal of the sand and dirt from Vendor's property. All such vehicles shall be in proper running order, bear appropriate road worthy certification and at all times shall be operated by drivers who have proper CD:L driver's licenses. \--40, d) The terms of this contract shall be through and including 5:00 p.m. on the 181 day ofJanuar , 2040, or at such a date as the Purchaser has removed the desired cubic yard capacity of sand and dirt, and notified Vendor of its intentions to terminate this contract 7) Venue for any disputes that may arise under this contract shall be in Jones County, North Carolina, and the non -prevailing party shall pay all of the prevailing party's court costs and attorney's fees that may arise by way of such litigation. Furthermore, this contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina. This contract shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their heirs, successors and assigns. 8) This Contract, or Memorandum of this Contract, may be recorded in the Jones County Registry, in order to memorialize the mineral rights conveyed herein. %.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Vendor and Purchaser have caused the due execution of this contract, as of the day and the year first above written. Vendor:. ' Anita M. Scott Land Owner Purchaser: TimMo on Truck' LC By: Timothy 161n Owner/President Nk.r .. r.r North Carolina, Onslow County a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County and State, hereby certify that a M. Scott personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for e p rposes therein x ressed. Wltn ss my hand and official stamp or seal this, the day of 2020. tii r Lr S, CO PP 11 P UBLIC �tTLOWCOUNTY OGORTH CARO Notary Public n My Commission Ex"-h4U!7� I, l "l tL a Notary Public in and for the aforesaid County and State, hereby certify that Tin thy Morton of Tim Morton Trucking, LLC., personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrumen or the purp re� expressed. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal this, the day of!=' ° 2020. ►i,';tt`E:._�.L� S. COPP OLAARY PUBLIC k)1" 0W COUNTY Notary Public STP CIF NORTH CAROLINA ^�+-^ My Commission Expltess PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Being that parcel of property known as Jones County PIN #543788849500 containing 144.57 acres, more or less, located on 6763 Highway 17, Jones County, New Bern, North Carolina, as acquired by deeds recorded April 20, 2020 in Book 407, Page 455, Jones County Registry. on Property Owner's Statement for Borrow Site: I hereby certify that 1 am in agreement with this development, use and reclamation plan, and any exceptions noted when approved by the Engineer, and that I understand that I will be responsible for the site upon completion of its use in the construction of the project noted in the map legend. I understand that this plan, when approved, will serve as a guide in controlling erosion and sediment in accordance with the Mining Act and the Sediment and Pollution Control Act and as enforced by the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ). I understand that any work exceeding the minimun necessary for compliance with NCDEQ requirements should be negotiated between the Contractor and the Property Owner. My signature below authorizes the Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ) or its agents, to enter upon my property for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the project for which this site plan is executed. If necessary, the NCDEQ will be allowed to have the Contractor repair any areas that are not in compliance with NCDEQ requirements. After a one year inspection is held, I will be solely responsible for assuring that the site is in compliance with NCDEQ regulations. I have the right to change the condition of the site after the final inspection and prior to the one year follow- up inspection. However, if I make such changes, I acknowledge that NCDEQ is released from all obligations and conditions of this agreement and 1 will become solely responsible for the condition of the site beginning on the date that 1 change the final inspection condition. Signatures: Contractor's Representative: / (authorize to ature supplemental agreements/date) Owners of Record: W, ess (signature/ e) (signature/date) Resident Engineer: Exceptions: Concurrence with exception Property Owner:��i� (signature/date) Attachments: Site map with details (signature/date) Owner i^1... w Srest— 9 2,ZG. (signature/date) (signature/date) Contractor: Z ZO (srg tune/date) M Property Owner's Statement for Waste Site: 1 hereby certify that I am in agreement with this development, use and reclamation plan, and any exceptions noted when approved by the Engineer, and that I understand that I will be responsible for the site upon completion of its use in the construction of the project noted in the map legend. 1 understand that this plan, when approved, will serve as a guide in controlling erosion and sediment in accordance with the Mining Act and the Sediment and Pollution Control Act and as enforced by the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ). I understand that any work exceeding the minimum necessary for compliance with NCDEQ requirements should be negotiated between the Contractor and the Property Owner. My signature below authorizes the Department of Environment Quality (NCDEQ) or its agents, to enter upon my property for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the project for which this site plan is executed. If necessary, the NCDEQ will be allowed to have the Contractor repair any areas that are not in compliance with NCDEQ requirements. After a one year inspection is held, I will be solely responsible for assuring that the site is in compliance with NCDEQ regulations. I have the tight to change the condition of the site after the final inspection and prior to the one year follow- up inspection. However, if 1 make such changes, I acknowledge that NCDEQ is released from all obligations and conditions of this agreement and I will become solely responsible for the condition of the site beginning on the dale that I change the final inspection condition. Signatures: Contractor's Representative: %f (authorized ature supplemental agreements/date) Owners of Record: ",Kigna—tura/dt OYt' � rail— q'Z-2D (signature/date) (signature/date) Resident Engineer: (signature/date) Exceptions: Concurrence widwxception Property Owner ii4, ►` .'5Cotf- 9-2 -ij (signature/date) Attachments: Site map with details (signature/date) Contractor: 7e -zz- (sigOtuetdate) Tim Morton Trucking, LLC. 121 Garnet Lane, Jacksonville, NC 28546 Letter of Intent To Ms. Anita M. Scott, This letter of intent is to confirm the agreement reached on 'regarding mineral rights on your property located off of Scott Farm. To summarize th discussion: Entrance and Road: Tim Morton Trucking, LLC will have a 60' gate opening off of Scott Farm. Tim Motion Trucking LLC will pay to have gate moved to allow for opening. Anita M. Scott will allow a 60' opening (approximately 80 feet west of existing residential drive) and a 50' access road to back of property where pit will begin. Tim Morton Trucking LLC will be responsible for dust control and for all costs associated with the road. Sand Pit: Tim Morton Trucking LLC wit] start the pit along the southeast corner of the property. There may be more than one pit being dug at any point in the time but all digging will be in the 14010, area agreed upon. Sand/dirt will be purchased for $0.75 a yard. Tim Morton Trucking LLC will be responsible for all costs associated with permitting the mine. Payment: Paymentwill be made to Anita M. Scott. Payment will be made monthly based off of truck tickets and/or topographical survey. A contract is forthcoming and will serve as formal agreement. Until such time as a contract is executed, this letter of intent will permit Tim Morton Trucking LLC. to conduct such business as is necessary to begin permitting the mine. T4&ffiy Morton Tim Morton Trucking *✓ Anita M. Scott Land Owner