HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.22_Diversion Dike (Perimeter Protection)Practice Standards and Specifications 6.22 P D —i Definition A dike or dike and channel constructed along the perimeter of a disturbed construction area. Purpose To prevent storm runoff from entering the work area, or to prevent sediment - laden runoff from leaving the construction site. Conditions Where Diversion dikes may be located at the upslope side of a construction site to prevent surface runoff from entering the disturbed area or at the downslope Practice Applies side of the work area to divert sediment -laden runoff to on -site sediment traps or basins. Diversion dikes do not usually encircle the entire area. The upslope dike can improve working conditions at the construction site and prevent erosion. The downslope dike assures that sediment -laden runoff will not leave the site without treatment. Planning A diversion dike is a special application of a temporary or permanent diversion. It differs from other diversions in that the location and grade are Considerations usually fixed, and the cross section and stabilization requirements are based on the existing grade of the work boundary. Hence, the design cross section may vary significantly throughout the length. Give special care to avoid erosive velocities in steep areas. Identify areas where sedimentation will occur since they are often subject to overtopping. Immediately vegetate diversion dikes after construction, but make sure channel flow area is stabilized during construction. Exercise caution in diverting flow to be certain that the diverted water is released through a stable outlet and that the flow will not cause flood damage. Diversion dikes may be either temporary or permanent depending on site conditions (Figure 6.22a). � Ic £ w ,Il.t iM .N• ..'I. 1.' .. wr.N1' �.. ~ �,� h1� Iµ,1..M 11.. .t•al.•,�y `'�' 1• �I ••YI",.,'�11"'• I•; ;1•rll..�,,." �. 41 P' 4�1.• w.�P' ' Y..l• l.. Figure 6.22a Perimeter dikes prevent surface runoff from entering construction sites. 6.22.1 0 Design Criteria Drainage area-5 acres or less. Capacity —consistent with the hazard involved and design life and with a 10 year peak runoff minimum. Velocity —See Table 8.05a, Appendix 8.05. Dike design— side slope: 2:1 or flatter 3:1 or flatter where vehicles must cross width: 2.0 feet minimum top width height: 1.5 feet minimum freeboard: 0.5 feet minimum settlement: 10% of total fill height minimum Channel design— shape: parabolic, trapezoidal, or V-shaped side slope: 2:1 or flatter 3:1 or flatter where vehicles must cross stabilization: based on velocity by reaches Grade —Dependent on site topography. Channel should have positive grade. Outlet —Divert sediment -laden water into a temporary sediment trap or sediment basin. Runoff from undisturbed areas should empty into an outlet protection device such as a level spreader or riprap outlet structure unless well stabilized natural outlets exist. Construction 1. Remove and properly dispose of all trees, brush, stumps, and other Specifications objectionable material. Fill and compact, to natural ground level or above, all ditches and gullies that will be crossed by machinery. 2. Disk the base of the dike before placing fill. 3. Ensure that the constructed cross section meets all design requirements. 4. Compact the dike by tracking with construction equipment. 5. Ensure that the top of the dike is not lower at any point than the design elevation plus the specified settlement after it has been compacted. 6. Leave sufficient area along the dike to permit machine re -grading and cleanout. 7. Immediately seed and mulch the dike after its construction, and stabilize the flow portion in accordance with design requirements. Maintenance Inspect diversion dikes once a week and after every rainfall. Immediately remove sediment from the flow area and repair the dike. Check outlets, and make timely repairs as needed to avoid gully formation. When the area above the temporary diversion dike is permanently stabilized, remove the dike, and fill and stabilize the channel to blend with the natural surface. 6.22.2 Practice Standards and Specifications References Surface Stabilization 6.10, Temporary Seeding 6.11, Permanent Seeding 6.14, Mulching Outlet Protection 6.40, Level Spreader 6.41, Outlet Stabilization Structure Sediment Traps and Barriers 6.60, Temporary Sediment Trap 6.61, Sediment Basin Appendix 8.05, Design of Stable Channels and Diversions 6.22.3