HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-Denton_Public_Hearing_NotesNCDEMLR Public Hearing Comments March 29, 2021 Mine Name: Scott Farm Road Mine Applicant: Tim Morton Trucking, LLC Co -hearing Officer: Bill Denton, Regional Engineer, Raleigh Regional Office [Hearing called to order at 6:00 PM) The remaining sections are a summary of the public comments provided by the 5 persons who pre- registered to speak as well as a sixth person who did not pre -register. Those who pre -registered are listed in the order that they ultimately spoke (in some cases there were technical/communications issues that prevent individuals from speaking when their name was initially called). The sixth (unregistered) person is listed last. Ethan Koslowski (local resident • Expressed concerns about drinking water wells in the area of the proposed mine (referred to Item 4 of the mine application). • Expressed concerns about dust issues greatly increasing along the road to the mine. He noted that dust there is already a problem during dry periods and anticipates it will worsen with mine traffic. • Given the presence of predominantly clayey soils, he was concerned about the impact of pumping. Jim Van Riper (local resident) • Indicated that he lived within 1000 feet of the proposed site and has a well he uses both for drinking water and irrigation. • Expressed concern about surface water entering the aquifer. • Expressed concern about impacts to stream adjacent to his property due to sedimentation from the mine. Noted that the stream supports wildlife and is used for recreational purposes as well. When the opportunity for any additional comment was offered near the end of the hearing, Mr. Van Riper added the following: • Inquired as to land ownership and reported an apparent tax record discrepancy; asserted that the owner purported on the tax records appears to be different than reported on the mine application. • Inquired as to who pays taxes on the land. Tyndall Lewis (engineer with McDavid Associates — Consultant for Jones County) • Mr. Lewis expressed concern that the proposed pumping at the mine may have a detrimental impact on wells 9 & 10 at the newly designed Water Treatment Plant (WTP) serving Jones County (1/2 mile distant). The $11 million WTP project will be essentially useless if these wells are negatively impacted. • Insisted that DEMLR make the applicant perform necessary studies to determine potential for impacts to wells 9 & 10. • Mr. Lewis will submit comments in writing to DEMLR as well. William (;rnniar {Mr. Gower was called first but did not initially respond due to apparent technical/communications issues. He ultimately was able to speak via telephone after Mr. Lewis.} • Referenced notes from County Commissioner's conference call. • Ask what is in place to prevent the mine from being reclaimed as a landfill rather than the currently proposed lake. • Expressed concern over fencing to protect area wildlife. Frankv Howard (spoke on behalf of the Jones Countv Commissioners {Mr. Howard was called fourth but did not initially respond due to apparent technical/communications issues. He ultimately was able to speak via telephone after Mr. Gower.} • Thanked all parties involved for holding/participating in the hearing. Specifically acknowledged Tyndall Lewis (consulting engineer). • Reiterated others in expressing the need to identify private drinking water wells and address potential for impacts to them. • Reiterated concerns regarding potential impacts to planned WTP for Jones County. • Mr. Howard will submit comments in writing to DEMLR as well. Call -in user on behalf of Eleanor Simms property (Ms. Simms is a nearby land owner; speaker initially identified himself as Ms. Simm's grandson) • Noted that previous truck traffic had damaged pavement on NC 17 and nothing was done to repair it. Expressed concern a similar thing would occur with heavy mine traffic. • Noted that previous dump truck traffic had caused a major dust problem Expressed concern a similar thing would occur with the mine traffic. [Hearing was adjourned at 6:52 PM]