HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200414_CommentsWehner, Judy From: James, Trentt Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 12:17 PM To: Wehner, Judy Subject: Fw: Send data from MailRoom 04/15/2020 11:45 Attachments: D00041520-04152020114533.pdf From: Carroll, Dean <dean.carroll@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 202011:51 AM To: James, Trentt Subject: FW: Send data from MailRoom 04/15/202011:45 I'm in the office for a few min today. Here is the DAQ Mining Form that you needed. For Mirosal Mine. Please let me know that you got it. Thanks. Stay safe and healthy. -----Original Message ----- From: donotreply@ncdenr.gov [mailto:donotreolvPncdenr.govl Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 2:46 PM To: Carroll, Dean <dean.carroll@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Send data from MailRoom 04/15/202011:45 Scanned from MailRoom Date:04/15/2020 11:45 Pages:1 Resolution:200x200 DPI MINING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM for Division of Air Quality Project: Mirasol Mine County: Brunswick Due date for comments back to Land Quality Section: 4.10.20 Will the operation as proposed violate standards of air quality? Yes No Comments: �iU"al MI�;,e Or. ttPO Z No G(G lY1rS 4 i N s i s 4V be And ro9 % Are pre 5 ein'C ; e Ce n �a r b W nT+t �„ VH�itT Pro✓'did nPr 119NSR rogNla�'oHs. -�9 % Air Permit Required YES NO Air Permit Existing YES NO Other Comments: h� ! SSHCS, Reviewed by ewt Date (5 20 2v Print Name r ✓,`j NCGS Mine Permit Application Review Check Sheet Mining is to complete this Section Mine ID No. 10-100 Type of Applicati n: New Mine Name: Mirasol Mine RECEIVED Permittee: _Jones Holding NC, LLC APR 15 2020 Attached page 1-3 of the mine application. LAND QUALITY Suspense Data for Comment: _4-13-2020 MINING PROGRAM NCGS to complete this Section No Geological significance. Commodity: _Sand_ Mineral Resources: �OC� County: _Brunswick_ 7.5 Quad 7 Lat: _33.9706 Long: = 78.0972 330 5gr17361� "?�" 5,73Z/ v�l 1985 Geological Map Unit: , Other Geological Map Units: Lithology: Geochemistry Hazardous Minerals: Subsidence: Slope Stability: Seismic Hazard Hydrogeology: Flood Plain Deb Comments: • MITACIMEWTV H:\Application form\20190430 NCGS Mine Review.docx Proposed Mirasol Mine site in Brunswick County. Note pre-existing flooded pit. This is not a flood prone area. *A/ .We Wehner, Judy From: James, Trentt Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2020 2:30 PM To: Wehner, Judy Subject: Fw: [External] RE: Mirasol Mine 10-100 Attachments: 10-100 Mirasol Mine.pdf Above are the DWR comments As far as my comments, I don't have scanning capabilities so they are as follows: 1. They have an E&SC plan that will be closed if issued 2. Clarify if an NPDES permit is needed. Says they will dewater in place, no off site discharge 3. They need to include construction and stabilization of berm in their sequence of construction. 4. They show the berm contours/ topo on the plans, but cross section maybe helpful. DAQ will have comments in on Monday or Tuesday. Thanks, have a great weekend. Trentt From: Faulkner, Megan D <megan.faulkner@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 202012:54 PM To: James, Trentt <trentt.james@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Mairs, Robb L <robb.mairs@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Mirasol Mine Hi Trentt, Attached is our comment sheet for the Mirasol Mine in Brunswick County. I got the JD, and thank you for sending that over on Friday. We do request that they complete a SCAGGS model to address lateral effects and potential buffers. Thank you! -Megan M ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary S. DANIEL SMITH Director MEMORANDUM NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 1, 2020 RECEIVED APR 01 2020 TO: Ms. Judy Wehner Land Quality Section LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM FROM: Michael Bauer Ground Water Management Branch Division of Water Resources SUBJECT: Comments on the Mining Permit Application Request for: Jones Holdings NC. LLC Mirasol Mine Brunswick County Please find attached a copy of the mining permit Application request for the above referenced project. There is not enough information provided in the application for Mirasol Mine located in Brunswick County to know if they will have an unduly adverse effect on ground water supplies. The applicant indicates that no water will be pumped off site, that all water will be contained within the mine. The division considers pumping water from one portion of the excavation to another as dewatering the excavation. If the applicant is numnine water. the division needs to know how manv eallons Der day are beine dewatered in order to determine if the mine will have an undulv adverse effect on eroundwater supplies. If the mine pumps 100,000 gallons of water or more per day, they will need to register their water withdrawals with the Division of Water Resources on an annual basis. The registration form may be obtained from the following link: https://www.ncwater.org/wwatr Facilities are required to register their water withdrawals in accordance with the North Carolina General Statute G.S. 143-215.22H. This statute requires any non-agricultural water user who withdraws 100,000 gallons or more in any one day of ground water or surface water to register and update withdrawals. This statute also requires transfers of 100,000 gallons or more in any one day of surface water from one river basin to another river basin to register and update their water transfers. Water withdrawal registrants must complete the annual water use reporting form by April 1 for the previous year. If you have further questions regarding the water withdrawal registration please contact John Barr with the Division of Water Resources at (919) 707-9021 or email him at john.barr@ncdenr.gov. D_E W North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Ibll Mail Service Center I Raleigh. North Carolina 2709-lbil 919,707.9000 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRIAN WRENN Acting Director Al I a IIA[@1:%LIbill �I& TO: Mr. Nat Wilson Hydrogeology Group Division of Water Resources FROM: Brenda M. Harris Mining Program Setr tary Land Quality Section NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality March 23, 2020 i� SUBJECT: Mining Permit Application for Jones Holdings NC, LLC Mirasol Mine Brunswick County XD Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit application request forth e above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on potable water supplies (GS 74-51 (2). Please respond by April 10, 2020 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707- 9227 if you have any questions. /bmh Attachments (v1FP 24 9-1i120 cc: Mr. Dan Sams „�i��a.a�90uR0i6 �FQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Raleigh Regional Office 11628 Mall Service Center 13800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh, North Carolina 27609 °ip"1pO10'Ni6tlninh16o'v�� 919.791A200 ..i Megan D. Faulkner Environmental Specialist, Umision of Water Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 910-796-7245 (Office) 910-620-7498 (Cell) Mcgan.Faulkncr@ncdenr.gov From: James, Trentt Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 1:32 PM To: Faulkner, Megan D <megan.faulkner@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Fw: [External] RE: Mirasol Mine Here is a copy of the JD, Have a good weekend. From: Branch Smith <bsmithPParamounte-eng.com> Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 12:55 PM To: James, Trentt <trentt.iames@ncdenr.Qov> Subject: [External] RE: Mirasol Mine you too —thanks! Kind Regards; Branch From: James, Trentt <trentt.iamesPncdenr.eov> Sent: Friday, March 27, 202012:51 PM To: Branch Smith <bsmithPParamounte-eng.com> Subject: Mirasol Mine Hey Branch, Hope you are doing well. I am looking at the Mirasol mine application and it says there is a wetland JD attached but i didn't receive a copy. Can you send a copy over when you get a chance. Thanks and Stay Safe Trentt Print this form to PDF R*AO PDF of this form to DEMLR CO by email. cc DEMLR A40/0WR SPU. Send a copy to the permittee. MINING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM forthe DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Project Name Mirasol Mine DEMLR Permit 10-100 County PERMIT ACTION TYPE: New YES NO Date Commencing Fv-t Ft Have land disturbing activities started? Date? r t t Latitude 33.9706 Longitude:-78.0972 Please return comments to (at DEMLR CO): Judy Wehner Comments due by: 4-14-2020 SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWR: Brunswick Applicant's Email: Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality? Potentially Yes Comments: DWR recommends a SCAGGS model be completed to address lateral affects and potential buffers. The permit application provided a JD from the USACE completed 02/2019, and they plan to leave the excavation site as a lake. Watershed/Stream Name & Classification: Beaverdam Swamp UT to Beaverdam Creek Stream Index 18- 88-9-140.5) Class SC:Sw HQW from source to mouth of Polly Gully Creek. DWR Compliance Status of Mine: N/A Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWR back fees to pay? No If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in BIMS? No YES NO 401 Wetland Cent. required? 401 Wetland Cert. existing? 7 t Permit # Fv- UD Provided from USACE Does DWR RO have enough information to determine if a 401 certification is required? Is an O & M Plan needed? YES NO Are wetlands disturbed at this site? t t Does DWR RO suspect or know of nearby wetlands to the site? tDWR Recommends a SCAGGS f i model be completed to address lateral effects and potential buffers Rev September 2010 Print this form to PDF RNr PDF of this form to DEMLR CO by email. cc DEMLR *a WD WR SPU. Send a copy to the permittee. (JD Is a wetland delineation required prior to (Consultant (JD Completed 02/2019 DWR issuing the permit? (Onsite? (Offsite? Stream Determination Needed? (- Stream Determination Completed? F- ( I✓ Does DWR RO need a statement that no wetlands/streams are disturbed for this project from applicant? Buffer Determination Needed? r ( F Buffer Determination Completed? r ( r Recycle system permit existing? (Permit # F New Recycle System permit required?* F ( FV_ Enough information to determine? Non -discharge permit existing? ^ (Permit # R r (Unknown. Will wastewaters discharge to HQW waters r 17Q10 Permittee with a 7Q10=0? Flow: must determine. i Has Violation ( O&M Requirements (HQW/7Q10 Concerns ( Pay back fees or renew Does DWR require DEMLR to hold the DWR permit permit (e.g. so DWR can review it further or f i Other. because DWR requires more information)? Please describe the reason to hold the permit: RO contact: ( Hold Until: SCAGGS model com lete Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan - ( r t is approved? Reviewed by: DWR RO Surface Water: Megan Faulkner and Robb Mairs Regional Office: Wilmington Date: 03/31/2020 RO Aquifer Protection Section Regional Office: Date: Rev September 2010 Wehner, Judy From: Harris, Brenda M Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 8:39 AM To: Wehner, Judy Subject: FW: Mirasol mine (Brunswick) Attachments: D00033120-03312020061211.pdf -----Original Message ----- From: Galamb, Eric <Eric.Galamb@ncagr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 6:19 AM To: Harris, Brenda M <brenda.harris@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Mirasol mine (Brunswick) See attached. Eric ■ r5 ROY COOPER Governor hUCHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRiAN WRENN AcdVDL4ctor MEMORANDUM -r acy�,,ti vw t NORTH CAROLINA Firy nmentol Q rd1w March 23, 2020 TO: Mr. Eric Galamb Application Review Coordinator Division of Soil and Water Conservation FROM: Brenda M. Harris ' Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Application for Jones Holdings NC, LLC Mirasol Mine Brunswick County if tev_r 0ep 3%i/ a� Piease find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit application request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to tt ' adverse effect on any publicly owned conservation easer V 10, 2020 so that we may complete our review of this req aril As is the -case in our review of all mining permit a, office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sedii y t . sufficient to restrain erosion and off -site sedimentation. ; +re . provide regarding -effects on* publicly owned conservation your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recom ,,;:�.. . �. !f this request to set- up a convenient date and time. tAiso'_ .. +ttmg ,-�-.�.._ ._ . �';._. -_ ..�;'�:.' noted in the a i person pplication. i Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciate, ' 9227 if you have any questions. 1707- /bmh Attachments cc: Mr. Dan Sams North carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1 Division of Energy, Mhteral and Land Resources . Rakish Regional office 11628 Mail Service center 13800 Barrett Drive I Raleigh, North Carollm -27609 919.791.4200 f