HomeMy WebLinkAbout20210217_Application MapsSHEET INDEX SHEET 1: MINE LAYOUT SHEET 2: MINE DETAILS SHEET 3: MINE DETAILS SHEET 4: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS SHEET 5: STREAM CROSSING DETAILS SHEET 6: RECLAMATION PLAN General Project Information The Sanford Mine (Mining Permit No. 53-04) is located in Lee County, Sanford, NC. The mine is bisected by US Hwy 15/501 and is located just south of the intersection with Norfolk Southern Railroad. The Sanford Mine has 769 ac. within the mining permit limits, with 350 ac. currently allowed to be disturbed Mining is conducted for clay to use in the brick -making process. The proposed modification for the mining permit consists of reducing the total permitted acreage to 469 ac., and reducing the affected acreage to total 103 acres. The parcel on the west side of Hawkins Ave. has been subdivided. Approximately 300 acres of land north of the plant building will be removed from the permitted acreage. The reduction of affected acreage includes areas that are currently permitted to be affected, but have not been disturbed, and are no longer planned to be affected in the future. Also, the existing plant facility areas have been removed from the affected acreage. Mining will continue as permitted in the areas where active mining is ongoing. This includes the areas upslope from Basins 28, 29 and 30. A proposed new mining excavation area totaling approximately 36 acres to the south of the existing Plant 44 Building will be added to the affected acreage. To access the proposed new mine excavation area, one (1) stream crossing will be required. During construction of the stream crossing, temporary silt fence and sediment traps will be installed. A 48" CMP culvert is proposed for the stream crossing. The culvert and embankment is designed to pass the 25-year rain event. Several streams have been impacted by roadway crossings. The majority of the crossings were installed in the late 1980's and earlier. One (1) stream was impacted in approximately 2008 and included approximately 138 lineal feet of stream impact. Proposed further impact will be approximately 142 lineal feet for a total impact of approximately 280 lineal feet. Erosion control for the proposed mining area will consist of four (4) sediment basins (Basins A, B, C, and D) with a riser/barrel system with skimmers attached to the riser pipes. The proposed corrugated metal riser pipes will have skimmers attached 1 ft. above the base of pipe. One (1) skimmer basin (Basin E) with no riser is also proposed. The skimmer systems will drain the basins over a period of approximately 2-4 days. Perimeter berms will be used to divert the stormwater runoff to the basins. Trash racks will be provided for the CMP riser pipes. For each basin, an earthen secondary spillway is provided. The secondary spillway is only activated for rain events greater than the 2- year rain event. The basins can pass the 25-year rain event with one foot of freeboard. Construction Sequence L Continue mining as permitted in active mine area upslope of Basins 28, 29, 130 2. Stream crossing must be constructed before mining begins upslope of Basins B,C, D & E See Sheet 5 for stream crossing construction sequence and details. 3. Before mining begins, install the temporary diversion berms/silt fence, and construct the proposed sediment basins. Prior to construction of the basins, install silt fence and stone outlets down -slope of the basins. Install the stone outlets at the outlet pipe locations ff4a the proposed basins. Remove silt fence after basins have been constructed and vegetation has been established on berms. Clearl only as much land as necessary to install the erosion control measures. 4. Begin clearing, grubbing, and soil excavation. Extend diversion berms as needed to capture uplsope disturbance. Stabilize site areas as excavation is completed. 5. Revegetate as per the vegetation schedule. Diversion berms shall be stabilized within 7 days of construction. LEGEND -��-� Property Line and Mining Permit Limits - — - Adjacent Property Line * Railroad Tracks - - Proposed Limits of Disturbance Streams Basins or Bodies of Water Building 320 Topographic Lines with Designated Elevation Road or Parking Area ---" Approximate Wetland Limits Tree Line Adjacent Property Owner Information / PIN:9645A 1-0206-00 PIN:9645-21-9096-00 PIN:9645-22-5076-00 1) OwneCME ILIN, AD" ROGER 34 OwneTTHOMAS, RICHARD FOSTER 2� Owner:ADKINS, JERRY M JR 35W Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 1030 Handwiew Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 741 Arthur Maddox Rd., Sanford, NC 27332 ,\�) PIN:9645-32-8142-W PIN:9645-21-7073-W 9-00 <J Owner:TWING, SCOTT K �3� Owner:HOLLAND, STACY CLIFTON III PIN:9645.-S. BANK 3528 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 1102 Norm view Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 �'- 1002 N..S. BANK TRUST l W2 Nmnhview Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 PIN:964542-0272-00 PW:9645 21-6012-W PIN:9645-31-3483-W C 3) OW neeTWING, SCOTT K (14) Owner HOLLAND, STACY CLIFTON IR 6 Oxaner:ROSE, NANCY WENGER (RIDDLE) 1 3116 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 1102 Nondrok w Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 3521 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 PINr9645-32-7299-W PIN:9645-21-5194-W -\ PIN:9645-31-3557-W _ 4 OwneeRAYMUNDO, IE DY ARACH Y r Owner.WH,L AMS, THOMAS E 7 OwueeR03H, NANCY WBNGER (RIDDLE) ^'- 3600 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, INC 27330 5005 Oak Hill Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 3521 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, INC 27330 PIN.9645-32-8423-00 j PIN9645-21-7226-W PIN nerSE LARS,W v O O0Labra Lr La, Sanford, �� 5 Owner-WB LIAMS, THOMASE 2� OwneeSELLARS, TIMOTHY 350 Labrador La, Sanford, NC 2]330 5W5 Oak Hill Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 ' e 3525 Hnwkine Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 PIN:9645-72-8513-W PIN 9645-21-7305-00 2835-00 �) OemerHOWINGTON, JOHNNYM !q�/� ��n PIN9:ASB-I-JUD (j• Pe \ 6 �1 / G005 Oak LLIAMS, THOMAS H 3533 Hawkins , NDY L r ° Be R'ry'Lgan�' � 3610 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 5W5 Oak Hill Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 7533 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 \ �ovod�0 o P � \ \ PIN:9645-32-7692 00 PIN:9645-21-6486-00 - PIN:9645-32-2L56-00 �%'ep @/fL _ \ ('7 � Owner: GARNER, JERRY T Owrror-ASBII.L, JAMES H , ,/ Owner:HOWINGTON, JOHNNY M 1�74068 Vase Cadhae Rd., Carmag NC 29327 30/ / I �I \ 3610 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 g g 3533 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 ss J PIN:9645-32-7762-00 %� PIN9645 21-6566-W PIC9645-32-0130-00 8 Owmu:VAN NESS, JAMIE CALHOUN \19 Owner MCKINNEY, MARVIN D 31) Owavr:ASBILi� JUDYL - 3614 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 5017 Oak Hill Dr, Sanford, NC 27330 3533 Hawkins Ave., Samford, NC 27330 _ I ( ` _ PIN9645-32-7852-W -/ PIN9645-21-6656-W \ PIN9645-22-8037-00 \ I � Ow.STONE, CECIL V �� Owner MCKINNEY, MARVIND �Zi OWZASENIL, JUDY L \\\ 1 I - 3618 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 50I7 Oak Hill Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 -' 3533 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 PIN:9645-30-3862-00 ^-1\ PA19645-21-672&W PN9645-32-1978-W Owe,:CRIBBS, RONALD L (21) owner ADKINS, TERRY M JR (3� Ownar:KEITH FAMILY RA PROP LTD LIABILITY CO 3019 Northnew Dr., Sanford, NC 2733(1 =-/ 741 Arthur Maddox Rd., SanEi NC 27332 702 Vance St., Sanford, NC 27330 PIN:m9645-31-21I1-W /- PW964521-6816-W W - PIN9645-33-2134- �� Own:THOMAS, WB,LIAM EDMOND (22 A Owner DKINS, JERRY MIR (34� Owner: KEITH FAMILY RA PROP LTD LIABILITY CO N \�� �, •, 1018 Nonhview Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 741 Arthur MadMx Rd., Sanford, INC27332 -' 702 Vance St., Sanford, NC 27330 4z _ N x I \12 Owne�THOMAS, WILLIAM EDMOND PINN645215995-W ' O nerMUSR466-00 INVESTMENTS �� CAR ( ) 1 v > _,/ - (\/ _ �35 PIN9645-33-0466-00 C aJ 7741 nArthm MaddoxERd Sanfo d, INC27332 -' \ \ f` "\• I 1018 Northnew Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 PO Box 1866 Burlington, INC 27216 It Edge of Wetlands e. ~1 _10;,_ VICINITY MAP Deep River Hwy 15/501 peep F we( Rd Cumnock Road NO�OIk sOolhem IS/501 To Hwy 1 i t rr �� v M svi .g IsIs i as 1 - r t X \ � \ \ C-PxrcrihRProportl' lino and � J OwnerSANFORD OAK MILL MHP I:LC »t-jjPO-B-x 403, Winter Park, FL 32790 o 0 0 - - _ r• Be&ettilo�ed.lne rns \`e - _ -_ ��� 1 so/ W / �___ 1 - - _. �. �. ��'�� s Doom �., \ o %e \ \ / Pwas sb-4s-6372-W / ...... /1 Ore TNOBLE OIL SERVICE PIN 9645A2-8266S INC e Sl-Owner LEE BRICK AN OMPANY-1- - _r�--__-� I ❑D ygrpn¢aa ,at �„ as ouaa 617 Clyde Rhyne Dr., Sanford, NC 27330 1 yG ' 1 Gt /Wetlands -� \ \ POB ! I___, -- _-g --1 r / PIN:9645-55-7201-00 r Box 1027 San .N, NC 2 O".- _1 / I�1 1 ZNN� 0r!. _ - �..... I ' m 1 Owner -STT POLYMER INC. Q/ AI _1. - _-_-_- t tJ,kls(ill ! S6B Clyde Rhyne Dr., Sanford, NC 27330-- 6'P 1 \1x .. rm - 'T w l • - aP sorin dram --- !(y LilJe. \ •_ S� OC: /- '� �- \ �r i - -300 ACRE TRAC TO BE REMOVED FROM MI Cp' IT i i s - - - m ` Existing Culver as Si IuJlitc \ ( a�\lw� g 2° Ravi a E. �I s - , �, � I O�` VV � o o s3ye _ — \ Existing sea a 1 2 Z - q > 24• concrete Duos+n„to Existing Culvert y3119 IPE CORP 'C. I = .�.-\ '\ � -_. ��� I B.1:9645,21�E1, Sa Ad•NC29330 '�c^. f L — Sews La (I}`` _ • 0 Existing C - \ y,8 / / s s, -vim ,\ ` m o. 1 -l+O. ' \ / ^o G yo ash ,- c r"„\ ng StReam ,+ • a mU' 1 _ 4° "' Crossing Onxmllc�' aZo�bw-_. in 191 and darter \ 1 o? 1 e, 1 PIN:9645-23-8921-00 % rp 1 Sr A,... Ivner:OLD DOMINION TRUCK LEASIN ` - -. •• l \ _ _ . N.3 sI ' 1 �sII Whitepne Rd., Richmond. VA 2323 P ARE 56 ACRES m ' o \ M a l NOus o w 9645 23-37511-W - 11 Colo? AND,I21330 1 ro I 1 1 ncI ,-,Saudi. aIN 2'I iI \ \ 1 q o -- �- iroi Ottw ��1 ^ _e .•• s ., _... - 2a' � loor 1 - 1 Secondary Eailta T 1 �. �a t 1� � � plant Build 8 l v Spillway, w lopg _ +, I ` 3.5 R. bolo crest l m =aae - tl: sine ievl I Reclaimed -x c1/._ A. �'� Pro ass me Penny Ll[N ! _. i Line and P _ r " miw + 24"Ri �r an _c . - pp J ( t3ew Prof n' � " c PIN:9645-23-6112-W r- m r ( l Existing Sveam bossing 1 / •p �.._ I - _ _ OwneeKEITH FAMILY RA PROP LTD LIABILITY CO �%,,11 SLID Feet? acted) 1 \J`F) + // e i / �uNen 702 Vance S[., Sanford, NC 27330 1 + *(Yvv _ �. I/INtya3�72-T663-00 -j_ -.x Ni �.. \ �l331' r 1 - Lxieei, Culuen •7 i a,nm,\ _- J-.� ­1 Fix �.1 - S ag ^lnstaled Owner:TC&I TIMBER COMPANY,.LLC NV@w j>J,O ! J - -snir _ - - n19111, a aer) 'p ' `/inn �" 964 9; One SW Columbia Suite 1700, Portland, OR 97S28 m r"?y In and ProppSe I z a'e" s a m " �'- T Pmr: 5 22a699 pN t - �� dM. � - 27330 1 im 1 N _ Per Liml ( a Stockpile w awkina fora � � 7 -g) I \ c '. a Disturbance 5o u dstnrsea saner Roae�rer Par clyo7 2}� (istur yes) Sa-i esnaleaaPwa,elaso,ar... 1 /veaeratix lwnerabbe PmvMetl _ wrmw e,wn - wa mob • i it Plan[euddangik m -72-5175-00 PIN.9645-22-63W-W 5 _ ~ ;, � n Owner PRAXIS BIOLOGICS INC I OwnerE.W WYLIE CORPORATION — \•(N 1 F - 5 Gaia de arms, Madison, NJ 07940 n \ ^ >-- -• _--- "" A- Hawkins Ave , Sanford, NC 2733a 1 ckb�t \ l w I i e u x, ` :` __ ,> -. s �_ %sale \,4�• %/ / Jiz B 28 ( l NoTE. Fer msa e9 an .a oaos9la 1'1 PLANT AREA dI AC, �� _-. 1 �. � � � ��� 9/� �(y'�' � � __ �b )p• - v non 9 ired oI a Lee er s rmwsrer oo__LL W - coanryom'aaaces DA redo ranae caaamre Pared -- . -- . - asp arai,w W Haas rm tamxaroragel=- / C� t- _ 1 in slwam -- _ ✓ _ -- w _s _ _ taco Basin 29 #la 23, 1 1 aeon 1 22 � i _i — �_� gYN� — `28 � � n i - I NEW MIN AR /. -- ficlevelf pl� +PROPOSED - _ �?�_ q If BASI/yA ! ! 18 STREAM � CROSSING NEW MINE - �. `r I =`Basin' )4v � a yin LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE a 17 I •,J Scale: 1 "=400' 161 I 3.. 4'i2 15 ggsJroB N� f 3. 14 �13b kl ]2 11 \y -� C -c - `\ n Ca \�" - LIMITS or of TU cr : / ,-- /� i -. ♦ %�'19y'A'U Y T3 10�y ,2P,69% VR O Y\xS NC2 � �LTIAO0alily, i - - Enra C 1"ett - xisling Stream Crossing ( m died 0 s) P Owce. :9645-30.2565-00 V - 1 r - - - _ 1. 0 Haw P' tpnDg Property Lane and Mme Permit Limit, � L e Ave, Sanford, N 3 i I — — ----� rA — r 1 r. no PIN:9634-99-7899-W r 2 i Owner:SUDA,BURKE ---�- 418Mill Ridge Rd., Samford, NC 27330: - c. - t \ PIN.964439-1726-00 J U+.:OFTMSTC UB Krim 1400DRI 6EW PO Box 984, Sanford, NC 27331 0 1 #9; ts+ an - 1 PIN:9634-994426-00 i OWneHOHNSON, JOHN PAUL #I i-- �: 242 Saddle Ridge Rd., Sanford, INC 27330 Hxistin Pro Lil mid Min �' shed Out Culvert _ _- _ PIN.9644-08-9930-00 - - PIN 9644-29-3106-00 OwneeCLARK, ROBERT R 515 Rubicon Rd., West End, NC 27376 PIN'9644-18-8844-00 Owner UTLEY„ PAUL C 350 Labrador LE., Sanford, NC 27330 OwnecUTLEY,PAUL C 350 Labredm Lit.,Sanford, NC 27330 ■ I PIN9645-60-2794 No�fmtt3 / e Ye�4 ; 9wnecW$ETH HOLDINGS CORPORA ON ire d7"1y° I' 6730 Lenox Center CL, Memphis, TN 38 15 - _ -50 27 W AP Sanford, NC 27330 FEB 17 2021 LAND QUALITY MINING PkOGRAN VICINITY MA LEGEND P Property Line and Mining Permit Limits Plant Area (Not Included in Affected Acreage Calculations for Bond) — — — — - Adjacent Property Line Cumnodk Road Railroad Tracks Proposed Limits of Disturbance Streams Basins or Bodies of Water Building 320 Topographic Lines with Designated Elevatiop Road or Parking Area --------- Approximate Wetland Limits Tree Line COLLECTION BERM CROSS SECTION 3' NOTE: HEIGHT OF BERM WILL INCREASE - AT BRICK BAT SECTION r 2 ...... 2 1 I 3'fo6 -i 11 I--—l------ — — — —--- BERM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Construct berm by placement of overburden. 2. Prior to placement of materials for berm formation, cut vegetation nearly flush with ground.(if applicable) 3. Compact materials in 1 ft. lifts by construction traffic. /r �(1i it r=. Scale: 1 "=200' Deep River Hwy 115/501 _ FUve( Rd. peep lV°�yo/k i Southern ' SITE Road Hwy 15/501 To Hwy 1 BRICK BAT SECTION (NTS) CROSS SECTION FRONT VEIW r1 n r t 7 � _ _—.00na�Ao ,,,,o_ �• 8 o ��� G ��� / -gra . t, h� =r—� Syr, „ �o MEN R Filter Fabric Fitter Fabric BRICK BAT SECTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Remove topsoil from area of brick bat section and place brick bats directly on the filter fabric. However, for the horizontal mat that extends 4 ft. downstream of the check dam toe, soil shall be removed to accommodate the 9 in. thick section so it is flush with existing ground level. 2. Construct check dam to dimensions specified in check dam details. The top of the check dam (crest level) should be maintained at constant level for the full length. Where the check dam meets the soil berm, the brick shall extend at least 1.0 ft. above the crest level. BASIN SCHEDULE T �Q10 Q25 �Re - - Required Disturbed Wooded Required Provided sediment Wat hed Inflow InflowArea!" Area storage Basin ac� (sf) vGlume". - �) �(sf) rGti ( ) (ac) (cfs) (cfs - 28 9. 8.46 0.89 60.65 71.39 26,383 _ 50,208 15,228 23 & 4 3.74 0 26.83 31.499 11,671 34324 1_ 6,732 30 30. 29.78 0.68 199.37 ,234.061 86,726 113,131 i 53,604 (1) Required Surface Area based on 435xQ10 FEB 17 2021 (2) Required Storage Volume based on 1800 cf/disturbed acre LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAhj ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DATE: SCIENCE COMPANY 06/17/05 J 3008 Anderson Drive DRAWN Raleigh, NC 27609 . CPM (919) 781-7798 2/15/21 Mine Details REVISED : •`"""""""r. Sanford Mine 02/15/21 4�°F,oysry9 -._ Mining Permit 53-04 SCALE _ SEAL Lee County, NC see Drawing _ 15a�2 Lee Brick &Tile CompanySheet No. 'gat; •w�/GItdEEft,..G.�O��• P. O. Box 1027 2 Sanford, NC 27330 6 of �300 A RE TRACT ERE: LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE door Drain Y VICINITY MAP Deep River Hwy 15/501 peep FNet Fd. Cumnock Road NOry°tk SO�the �- SITE r \ CottonRoad Hwy 15/501 To HHv, N LEGEND Property Line and Mining Permit Limits — — — - Plant Area (Not Included in Affected Acreage Calculations for Bond) 50 ft. Undisturbed Stream Buffer Adjacent Property Line Railroad Tracks Proposed Limits of Disturbance Streams Basins or Bodies of Water Building 120 Topographic Lines with Designated Elevation Road or Parking Area --------- Approximate Wetland Limits "" ^^ Tree Line RECEIVEL; FEB 17 2021 0 LAND QUALITY Q: #9♦ - MINING P�?OGRAM tw w #100 -#7� ^ ^ ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL #8 _ —4> SCIENCE COMPANY 3008 Anderson Drive #1.1 J Raleigh, NC 27609 VV (919)781-7798 2n5i21 Mine Details I I Sanford Mine CAR, **, Mining Permit 53-04 Q F� Lee County, NC SEAL r+ Existing Pro Line and Mi hed Out Culvert € 1 5472 �� f %a Lee Brick & Tile Company Scale: 1 =200 '''gcKs`a�' P. O. Box 1027 Sanford, NC 27330 Cie. SEDIMENT BASIN W/ SKIMMER DETAIL (BASINS A-D) T TOP OF EMBANKMENT - RISER STRUCTURE V Pipe Connections�, Ensure that all conduit connections are watertight. Rod and +' i fi`. '3 L lug type connector bands with gaskets are referred for corrugated TRASH RACK t'Mw. _ m < EMERGENCY SPILLWAY FRI:1:50Ak0- N�1-AN�1111=NN=NN g YP g P g - s m s s ^RR�u1=I�R�= ?S metal pipe to assure watertightness under maximum loading and internal 2N SKIMMER -->► Qveh�,NN�IIN-NNN=NN=NU=NN�a)IN_'Is[ 15.�y=INIIN--N=RN�IRIiJRIII�NRIIUNINIIIi LMIR11Ir=ftFMtl pressure. Do of use dimple (universal) connectors under any circumstances. s �RRIIIIIIR�RR-RR>✓RR=RR GRII=IIII =RIINR_RII=R BARREL Trash guard PIPE -It is important that a suitable trash guard be installed to prevent the riser and barrel pipes from becoming clogged. Install a trash guard on the top of the riser to prevent trash and other debris from clogging the conduit. CLASS ' STONE PAD 1 A combination anti -vortex device and trash guard improves the efficient (4' X 4' X 1' MIN.) ANTIFLO A ION BLOCK 5 ECTI O N A L VIEW L TRENCH COLLAR P STABILIZED of the principal spillway and protects against trash intake. y 2' DEEP OUTLET 1.1 Protection against piping - Install at least one watertight anti seep collar with a minimum projection of 1.5 feet around the barrel of principal spillway conduits, 8 inches or NOTES larger in diameter. Locate the anti -seep collar slightly downstream from 1. SEED AND PLACE MATTING FOR EROSION CONTROL ON INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SIDESLOPES. the dam center line. A properly designed drainage diaphragm installed 2. INSTALL A MINIMUM OF 3 COIR FIBER BAFFLES IN ACCORDANCE WITH PRACTICE STANDARD 6.65. around the barrel may be used instead of an anti -seep collar when it is 3. INSTALL SKIMMER AND COUPLING TO RISER STRUCTURE OR DIRECTLY INTO EMBANKMENT 1 FT. FROM BOTTOM OF BASIN. appropriate. 4. THE ARM PIPE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 6 FT. BETWEEN THE SKIMMER AND COUPLING. I NQT TO SCALE Basin Maintenance SKIMMERBASIN DETAIL (BASIN E) Inspect skimmer sediment basins at least weekly and after each significant (one half ins, h or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Remove sediment and restore the bY.ui Attach rape to skimmer for maintenance. to its original dimensions when sediment accumulates to one-half the height or the fins baffle. Pull the skimmer to one side so that the sediment underneath it can be excavatal 1 Freeboard Embankment Excavate the sediment from the entire basin, not just around the skimmer or the first o ll. Baffles Make sure vegetation growing in the bottom of the basin does not hold down the 1 skimmer. Repair the baffles if they are damaged. Re -anchor the baffles if water is flowing underneath or around them. - If the skimmer is clogged with trash and there is water in the basin, usually jerking he DewaterI rope will make the skimmer bob up and down and dislodge the debris and restore . If 6" min. invert elevation of Zane this does not work, pull the skimmer over to the side of the basin and remove the de S. " ' ^^ ,".' ` ;,. • :. emergency sell I Way Also check the orifice inside the skimmer to see if it is clogged; if so remove the de r, Emergency Fi Iter fabric 5PIl I Way If the skimmer arm or barrel pipe is clogged, the orifice can be removed and the obstruction cleared with a plumbers snake or by flushing with water. Be sure and repkl c the orifice before repositioning the skimmer. Sediment Cross -Section Stone Pad for Skimmer storage zone (4'x4'1'high) Check the fabric lined spillway for damage and make any required repairs with fabric Ihal View spans the full width of the spillway. Check the embank ment, spillways, and outlet for erosion damage, and inspect the embankment for piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs immediately. Remove all trash and other debris from the skimmer and Proposed Sediment Basin Calculations pool areas. Design Elevations (ft. EL) _ _ _ Surface Area at normal pool, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inlet Outlet - - - - - -i - - - - - -- Watershed l Weighted Inflow s mare ft. Storage Volume, Cubic Ft. Skimmer Draw Down (s1 Crest of T Area Average Tc, \ - Area - - Riser Dia., I Barrel Dia., Height of Invert of invert of Top of op of 10-yr 24-hr 25-yr 24 hr Basin g QO (2 (2) Orifice, Time, hours Riser Secondary) Storm Elev. Storm Elcv. (acres) CN minutes 10, cfs Required Provided Dist., acre Required Provided inches inches Berm, ft. Horizontal Horizontal Berm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inches Pipe Pipe Spillway A 5.88 89 8.8 35.76 15,556 15,750 5.88- -- 10,584 16,653 2.5 66.1 - -18" - - -12" 5.5' 236.00 235.00-238.00 239.00 240.50 239.28 239. t B 10.65 88 1 6.1 68.20 29,667 30,E 10.65 19,170 31,218 3 --- - - - - - -- - - - _ (aooX1001 78.8 _ 24" 18" 5.6' 230.00 229.00 232.00 233.00 234.60 233.27 233.5. C 11.48 88 5.9 74.09 32,229 32,500 11.48 20,664 33,673 3 85.0 24" 18" 5.6' - - - - - - - - - - -. - - _ (2so'xlzsl 240.00 239.00 242.00 243.00 244.60�243.29 243.641 -- - 13,500 -- - ---- 1------- ---- - T--- - - --- E 1.36 90 38o'x04005) 1.36 - - 2 448 L 7 912 22 - - - -.-- - - 4 29.83 12 7 4. L 6.5 9 6 ( 64 56.7 18" 12" 5.5' 260.00 259.00 262.00 263.00 264.50 263.18 263.4t I --1- - - - 5.0 9.44- 3,068 ) - - - 57.8 N/A 5.5'- -- - )_ -, - - _ L 250.00 249.00 N/A 253.00 254.50 253.27 253.3y (1) Required Surface Area is based on 435 sf per cfs of 010 peak inflow for basins with risers, and 325 sf per cfs for basin with skimmer only (B in E) (2) Required Volume is based on 1800,cf/ac.tofAistwrlbadarea (3) From invert of horizontal pipe to top of berm OUTLET PROTECTION DETAILS CMP Outlet Pipe 3 ft. for Basins with 12" CMP Outlet 4.5 ft. for Basins with 18" CMP Outle T CROSS-SECTION BAFFLE (NTS) Support Post, 24' into Stake to support wire I -j - 10 ft. for Basins with 12" CMP Outlet Support rope to wire � 1 13.5 ft. for Basins with 18" CMP Outlet to prevent sagging 9 ft. for Basins with 12" CMP Outlet 12 ft. for Basins with 18" CMP Outlet Note: Inspect outlet protection structures weekly and after significant (1/2" or greater) rainfall events to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place, or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. SECONDARY SPILLWAY 3 1 BASINS A-D: 20' 3 1 BASIN E:10' 1 ,. 1.5' to 1.6' -_ �. A 41 Laminated Plastic Lining or - __ Impermeable Geotextile Fabric NOTE: 3 BAFFLES AR REQUIRED FOR EACH SEDIMENT BASIN. ooir mesh or similar, stapled or BASIN NO. BAFFLE SPACING trenched into bottom or side A 26.25 FT. Porous Baffle Specifications Coir Fiber Mat Specifications B - -75Fr. I. Grads the bash) so that the bottom Thickness: 0.30 in. minimum C 65 FT. is at equal elevation. Tensile Strength: 1348x 626 fUft minimum - - - - 2. Steel posts shall be driven to at least 24 inches below Elongation: 34% x 38% maximum p ground surface and spaced at 4 ft. centers. Flexibility Bing -cm): 65030 x 29590 D 45 FT. Flow velocity' observed I I ft/sec 3. Top of fabric shall be at ]east 6 inches above stone spillway elevation and 2 inches lower thanberm elevation. Weight: 20 oz/SY 20 FT. Size: 6.6 x 164 ft (120 SY) E �---J------- 4. Bottom and sides of fabric shall be anchored in a 6 inch trench orphaned with 8 inch long erosion "C" Factor. 0.002 current matting staples. ea (measured): 50% MnIDO% cocount fiber ferric) twine woven into high strength matrix 5. The baffles shall be composed of nv fiber moving withthe following specifications. Now: Porous baffles are to be tied back into basin embankments at bottom and sides of the weir. SOIL BERM CROSS-SECTION 3' to 5' 2 I 1 13' II I I 11 II=II=11=11 I-11=1f1=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=11=,I=II=11= I1 II II II Collecti n Berm Specifications 1. Construct berm by placement of overburden. 2. Prior to placement of materials for berm formation, cut vegetation nearly flush with ground (if applicable). 3. Compact materials in Ift. lifts by construction traffic. Maintenance Inspect temporary diversions once a week and after every rainfall. Immediately remove sediment from the flow area and repair the diversion ridge. Carefully check outlets and make timely repairs as needed. When the area protected is permanently stabilized, remove the ridge and the channel to blend with the natural ground level and appropriately stabilize it. 2" FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER Skimmer shown in floating position I vent Aluminum straps 4" Sch 40 with Yellow tip suspending coupling , horizontal intake connection 1 2 F." pvc float U / 27" I I/V Sch 40 SOLID pvc - �+ Harrel or "atom' �% 1 SUPPLIED BY USER Parents 5824151 1 Yz" hose, as clamps 2" inlet 2" HEAD distance 2" threaded male filling I on outlet end extension from center of onrLe,inlet to water Surface] 2.5" FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER Skimmer shown in floating position Aluminum straps 1 1l2' Vent with Green tip suspending horizontal intake 2 W pvc float / 4' Sch 40 coupling \ 29 P 9 connection 1 '/f Sch 40 SOLID pvc barrel or "arm" SUPPLIED BY USER ` 29" /s Orifice/ Inlet parent k 5,6]0,]51 1 1 %" hose, ss clamps 2 112_ inlet 2.5" HEAD [distance 2" threaded male fining extension from center of on outlet end orifice/inlet to water surface 2" Odfic a' inlet 3" FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER Skimmer shown in 2" Vent Aluminum straps floating position With Blue t suspending 4" Sch 40 3' pvc float horizontal intake coupling /a connection 29' 2" Sch 40 SOLID pvc bane) �-�.,,,-�, or "arm' SUPPLIED BY USER l 29 y 3' Orifice/ i l Inlet Patent a: S,e30.151 2" hose, ss clamps 3" inlet 3" HEAD f distance 2" threaded male nipple extension from center of on outlet end 04Nce..nlef to Harms surface] (1) Coupling can be removed and hose attached to outlet using the threaded nipple. Attach directly to metal riser ensuring a water tight connection. Note: SCH 40 solid PVC barrel/arm should be between 6' and 10' in length. Design Flow Rates_ ForSkimmers_ 2" Skimmer: 0.038 cfs 2.5" Skimmer: 0.07 cfs 3" Skimmer: 0.11 cfs Note: Flow rates are from Faircloth product cut sheets. TOP OF SILT FENCE MUST BEAT LEAST 1' ABOVE THE TOP OF THE WASHED STONE FRi Note: Remove vegetation and topsoil from stone filter section. SILT FENCE DETAILS Minimum 12 -12 Gange Inre_rmediaze Wires Minimum lO Gauge Line woes r. 8' MAXIMUM i�+rlame"amaa br weenpl"x) Y-0" 26" Steel Past Woven Wire Fabric SiltFence Cieotexale Fabric 4" Min. Grade 8' Minimum Cover over Skirt 4" Minimum horizontal turn- 2-4- Silt Fence Specifications I. Steel posts shall be a minimum of 5 ft. long, weigh a minimum of 1.3 lb/ft, and have projections to aid in fastening the wire or fabric. Steel posts shall also have a metal plate welded near the bottom such that when the post is driven to the proper depth, the plate will be below the ground level for added stability. 2. Woven Wire Fence shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 116, Class I zinc coating for wire. The fence shall be at least 32 in. high and shall have at least 6 line (horizontal) wires. Stay (vertical) wires shall be spaced 12 in. apart. The top and bottom wives shall be 10 gage. All other wires shall be 12 %gage. 3. Filter Fabric shall be composed of fibers consisting of long chain synthetic polymers composed of at least 85% by weight of polyolefins, polyesters, or polyamides. The fibers shall be formed into a network such that the filaments cr yams retain dimensional stability relative to each other. The filter fabric shall he free of any treatment or coating which might adversely alter its physical properties after installation. The fabric shall be frce of defects or flaws which significantly affect its physical and/or filtering properties. The fabric shall have a minimum width of 36 inches. The filter fabric shall be furnished with suitable wrapping for protection against moisture and extended ultraviolet prior to placement. The filter fabric shall meet the following minimum physical requirements: PROPERTY* _- _ TEST METHOD RR4DIRED VALUE Tensile Strength _ AST_M D_4632 1400 Newtons (901b) Elongation ASTM D 4632 `_60% fabnc self supporting > 50% fabnc requires woven wire backing - Apparent Opening Sim (AOS)"I.AS'd'MD4751 � 0.94millrmcunr MTS. Sir_str*210>)1�' ainvity Pe_m_ _ - TASTM D 4491 0-in Sec. Ultraviolet Stability(retained ASTMD 43M �76% strength after 500hrs of ultraviolet exposure) 4. A 6 in. x 6 in. trench shall be dug oa the upstream side of the silt fence. The silt fence shall fine the trench and extend up the posts for the remainder of the fabric width. The trench shall then be backfilled and tamped. Silt fence fabrics shall be spliced together only at supporting posts with a minimum of 6 in, of overlap and in such a manner to prevent silt from passing between the two ends. Al the time of installation, the fabric will be rejected if it has any defects, deterioration, or other damage incurred during manufacture, transportation, or storage. Silt Fence Maintenance Considerations 1. Inspect silt fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. 2. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective, replace it promptly. 3. Remove the sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. 4. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. SILT FENCE STONE OUTLET WIRE FENCE 4'MIN. - - - - SILT FENCE HARDWARE CLOTH Ii STEELFENCEPOST SET MAx 2- APART MINAT IMO SOLID GROUND "unr FABRIC, rC `FILTER FABRIC,, O IN CLOTH IN TRENCH FILTER OF 057 WASHED STONE BURY W IRE FENCE AND 1-ARDW ARE CLOTH cr,ge RECEIVED ID, FEB 17 2021 b� 4 '�a4�t9ALITY AAR(feRp�N� ROGRgN BURY 6 OF UPPM EDGE OF FITER FASIaC N�IWE.axxM SECTION VIEW Sediment Trap Specifications 260 255 250 Z 0 H lil > a 245 W U W 240 235 230 PROPOSED ROADWAY AND CULVERT (PLAN VIEW) 1 +00 Stream Crossing Construction Sequence 1. Install sediment traps and temporary berms. 2. Install culvert adjacent and paralleling invert of drainage way if flowing water is present. If no flowing water is present, or dry conditions are present, install culvert in drainage way Invert. 3. After embankment filling, immediately seed and mulch embankment slopes. 2+00 STATION (FT.) SCALE: 1" = 20' earn PROPOSED TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DETAILS Cross -Section 12' min. ofWOOT#5 �}----- -r or #57 washed stone L ------ -------- ---------- ---- --------- - 1.5' min. } 3600 cu ft/acre pp ti 1.5` filter S 1O fabric Design settled top 2' to 3.5' 2t Overfill 6" for Mnn� /- settlement Y` Plan View r . Emergency by- 5 ----- ---- g 4 f(' 2�voR� pass 6" below c" min ,r r f 5 settled top of max .....r tf" a,n.•. fill dam r• , 5 V Gro und filter 3' fabric min. 3 upsl� am �.... H 1 � / 3+00 �Culy Nc 1 r CULVERT NO. 1 DETAILS Cross -Section (NTS) Me Proposed Road 48" RCP Invert Slope (So)=0.019ft/ft L Culvert And Stone Outlet Schedule Temporary Sediment Trap Schedule Watershed Inflow Required Area C av Tc, tl Surface Size Required Trap (acres) g minutes Qto cfs Area, sf Volume, 1 0.3 0.4 5 0.92 402 30'X15' 540 2 0.3 0.4 5 0.92 402 30'X15' 540 - 3 0.2 0.45 5 0.69 302 26'X13' 540 4 0.2 0.45 L 5 0.69 302 26'X13' 540 Sediment Trap Maintenance Inspect temporary sediment traps at least weekly and after each significant ('/2 inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Remove sediment, and restore the trap to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap. Place the sediment that is removed in the designated disposal area, and replace the part of the gravel facing that is impaired by sediment. Check the structure for damage from erosion or piping. Periodically check the depth of the spillway to ensure it is a minimum of 1.5 feet below the low point of the embankment. Immediately fill any settlement of the embankment to slightly above design grade. Any riprap displaced from the spillway must be replaced immediately. After all sediment -producing areas have been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all unstable sediment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas, and stabilize properly. I LQ t nnwnstrearn ert • Watershed Area, Acres CN totmin- ) Flow Rate cfs H25 tvio, L, ft So, ft/ft Do, in. la, ft -W, ft Stone Type T, in. Woods Woods Total HSG B HSG C Impery Q10 11 Q25 44.90 20.77 23.20 0.93 64 18.7 1 87.09 124.18 4.49 7.66 84 0.019 48 18 11.2 Class A 12 - 1 I, Support rope tc to prevent sa, 1. Clear, grub, and strip the area under the embankment of an vegetation and root mat. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter, and stockpile or dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable material to the designated disposal area. 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of roots, woody vegetation, organic matter, and other objectionable material. Place the fill in lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it. Over fill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement. 3. Construct the outlet section in the embankment. Protect the connection between the riprap and the soil from piping by using filter fabric or a keyway cutoff trench between the riprap structure and soil. -Place the filter fabric between the riprap and the soil. Extend the fabric across the spillway foundation and sides to the top of the dam; or -Excavate a keyway trench along the center line of the spillway foundation extending up the sides to the height of the data. The trench should be at least 2 feet deep and 2 feet wide with 1:1 side slopes. 4. Clear the pond area below the elevation of the crest of the spillway to facilitate sediment cleanout. 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2:1 or flatter. 6. Ensure that the stone (drainage) section of the embankment has aminimum bottom Width of 3 feet and maximum side slopes of 1:1 that extend to the bottom of the spillway section. 7. Construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom width, as shown on the plans, with 2:1 side slopes extending to the top of the over filled embankment. Keep the thickness of the sides of the spillway outlet structure at a minimum of 21 inches. The weir must be level and constructed to grade to assure design capacity. 8. Material used in the stone section should be a well -graded mixture of stone with a d50 size of 9 inches (class B erosion control stone is recommended) and a maximum stone size of 14 inches. The stone may be machine placed and the smaller stones worked into the voids of the larger stones. The stone should be hard, angular, and highly weather -resistant. 9. Discharge inlet water into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use temporary slope drains or diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basin trap efficiency 10. Ensure that the stone spillway outlet section extends downstream past the toe of the embankment until stable conditions are reached and outlet velocity is acceptable for the receiving stream. Keep the edges of the stone outlet section flush with the surrounding ground, and shape the center to confine the outflow stream. 11. Direct emergency bypass to natural, stable areas. Locate bypass outlets so that flow will not damage the embankment. 12. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed areas above the sediment pool and downstream from the trap immediately after construction. OUTLET PROTECTION FOR 4811 CMP CULVERT (NTS) 12'� T Class B 1 48" CMP Erosion Control Stone 11.2' Thickness= 18 inches T 1 18' Note: Inspect outlet protection structures weekly and after significant (1/2" or greater) rainfall events to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place, or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. CROSS-SECTION BAFFLE (NTS) trenched into bottom or side Porous Baffle Specifications 1. Grade the basin so that the bottom is at equal elevation. 2. Steel posts shall be driven to at least 24 inches below ground surface and spaced at 4 ft. centers. 3. Top of fabric shall be at least 6 inches above stone spillway elevation and 2 inches lower than berm elevation. 4. Bottom and sides of fabric shag be anchored in a 6 inch trench of pinned with 8 inch long erosion control matting staples. 5. The baffles shall be composed of coir fiber matting with the following specifications. re NOTE: 3 BAFFLES ARE REQUIRED FOR EACH SEDIMENT TRAP Coir Fiber Mat Specifications Thickness: 0.30 in. minimum Tensile Strength: 1348x 626 if/ft minimum Elongation: 34% x 38% maximum TRAP NO. BAFFLE SPACING 1 7.5 FT. 2 7.5 FT. 3 6.5 FT. 4 6.5 FT. Flexibility (mg -cm): 65030 x 29590 Flow velocity: Observed 11 ft/sec Wriglitc:1A wzhsY Size: 6.6 x 164 ft (120 SY) "C" Factor: 0.002 Open Area (measured): 50% FEB 17 2021 100% cocount fiber (coir) twine woven into high strength matrix Note: Porous baffles are to be tied back into basin embankments nql nq,q rY at bottom and sides of the weir. �2J 2/15/21 ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DATE' SCIENCE COMPANY 2/15/2021 3008 Anderson Drive Suite 102 DRAWN: Raleigh, NC 27609 RWB (919)781-7798 Stream Crossing Details REVISED: Sanford Mine Mining Permit 53-04 SCALE! Lee County, NC NTS sh°" No Lee Brick & Tile Company c` P. O. Box 1027 5 Sanford, NC 27330 6 „r LEGEND Property Line and Mining Permit Limits — — - Adjacent Property Line y4 Railroad Tracks -- Proposed Limits of Disturbance Streams Basins or Bodies of Water Building 320 Topographic Lines with Designated Elevation Road or Parking Area ----- Approximate Wetland Limits Tree Line Vegetation Plan 1.Spread topsoil over disturbed areas and leave surface reasonably smooth and uniform. 2.Scarify surface to prepare a seedbed four to six inches deep. Use such equipment as tilling, discing, tracing, or the teeth on a front end loader. 3.Mix lime and fertilizer with the soil during seedbed preparation. 4.Seed on freshly prepared seedbed following the application rates for the appropriate season. 5.Mulch all seeded areas immediately. 6.Tack mulch on slopes 3:1 (Horizontal: Vertical) or steeper by spraying with emulsified asphalt. Use an anchoring tool such as a farming disc set in a vertical position on slopes less than 3: 1. Mulch netting may also be used on slopes. 7.Inspect seeded areas and make repairs within the planting season. If vegetation is over 60% damaged, repeat steps 2 through 5. 8.Permanent revegetation shall be accomplished at the specified times of the year. Temporary vegetation shall be applied outside of the optimal times for establishment of permanent vegetation 9.Seeding Schedule. TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE Seeding Date: August 15 to December 15 Seed Type Rate Rye (grain) 120 lbs./acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer 1,000 lbs./acre Lime 2,000 lbs./acre Mulch 4,000 lbs./acre Seeding Date: May 1 to August 15 Seed Type Rate German Millet 40 lbs./acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer 7501bs./acre Lime 2,000 lbs./acre Mulch 4,000 lbs./acre Seeding Date: January 1 to May 1 Seed Type .Rate Rye (grain) 120 lbs./acre Lime 2,000 lbs./acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer 7501bs./acre Mulch 4,000 lbs./acre PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE Seeding Date: Best Possible Fall: August 25- September 15 August 20- October 25 Late Winter: February 15- March 21 February 1- April 15 Seed Type Rate Tall Fescue 100 tbs./acre Sericea Lespedeza 30 lbs./acre Kobe Lespedeza 10 lbs./acre 10-10-10 Fertilizer 1,000 lbs./acre Lime 3,000lbs./acre Mulch 4,000lbs./acre Note 1: Fertilizer and lime application rates may deviate from above if soils are analyzed for optimum rates. Note 2: Mulch shall be tacked with emulsified asphalt at rate of 14 to 28 gallons/1,000 sq. ft. on slopes of 3:1(H:V) or steeper. Note 3: After August 15, use Unscarified Sericea seed for permanent seeding period CROSS SECTION A-APROPERTY LINE r _ _ !, 50' UNDISTURBED BUFFER EXISTING GROUND LEVEL — - — — — — — — 1 _4N / GROUND LEVEL STREAM CROSS SECTION B-B' 50' UNDISTURBED BUFFER STREAM NDISTURBED BUFFER - POST -MINING vv"nc, POST -MINING GROUND LEVEL mPeRAhI0Ut LrgLA Reclamation Considerations buffer from limits 1. Maintain undisturbed of at least 50ft mine permit and natural bodies of water. \ I 2. Perimeter mine excavation slopes shall 2:1 (Horizontal to Vertical) or flatter. 3. Much of the areas mined will be under water upon completion of mining. Land SIB I above the water should be sloped to drain by gravity for the water bodies formed �' lbytthec Kcavafion. For the areas where lakes are not formed, the land stKmlf& be sloped for positive drainage and re -vegetated. Where lakes are not formed, the erosion control structures should be removed, smoothed, and vegetated. Edge Of Wetlands\ 4. Plant facility and associated buildings will remain in -place for re -sale value. Any remaining stockpile areas to be graded for postive drainage before reve etation The haul roads includin the stream crossin should remain in- lace VICINITY MAP Currnock Road Cotton Road P .(1 Deep River Hwy 15/501 / QeeP Rives Rd. 3nolk e_ I S Hwy 15/501 0 0 p� / I J PIN9W co645-35-8679- Existin$POwaeLNLL SAFORD OAK MIMILE LLC Y me PO Box 403, Winter Park, FL 327% \. 1 �eniov�Fi6i" errmtrn��.`' 4 / \ Q° \ \ PIN964545-8372-00 Owncr:NOBLB OR, SERVICES INC ♦ �_ `, j 1. -_ - -. 617 Clyde Rhyne Dr., Sanford, NC 27330- w. PIN 9645-02-8268 _ _ 1 ► samglrlp Waal 1l Y Y / / 1 .....Owner LEE BRICK AN OMPANY '� � i _- _____ -T.r I _ oepemnam grs W^�p° Gt / wetlands -- -;`� ` � PO Box 1l)z7Sa nm, NC 2 i _ i � ` I� - 5 ' ownersTl POLYMER INC. ,`\,� % / 1\ ♦ 3 / n: 1. 5618 Sanford, NC 27330 1 1 s� ' I Clyde Rhyne Dr Sanf 1 � / ..asI l k. /� ` ♦ -t. - —} amrmea ts` I.,l gp`p.PenyhbS„�Q�a. /. -300 ACRE TRA TO BE REMOVED FROM G P rr i r - 'F b _ za as - _ I l ° aB ` ` a N Exiisting Calvert 5 z t 1 a d�Lne pert' ��` I 4 S�aP / N St°ckpil j Lets \ I\FA / / �ygv a G swnrre,aae u m I .`B• ° = _ -. I S ea W c / iy,ngC1r 7 = I rn a Z n I I ? - '+.-Wages outlet \ , / - e I • ¢" / gore Existing Calvert RP t', � a Y. ..-ExrsnngC \.\ 0� / fi'p�p' -.-�--.--� __- .�-�• ii t L-- � ...�- P[N' cSTEE4 a d,N - _. __- _ N9645 1 ssinrg seam , 1 u.ca..., y z< cm. Crossing (ad ear se - - \ va 1 _ in 1970's and earlier) f P p I _ -'�5 1 PDOMEsI-23-8 RUC 1 ` / , , \ J3 :3 �a ° O'wner:OLD DOMENION TRUCK LHASIN 7511 WnVepmeRd.,Ricbmnnd, VA2323 P- ARE 56 ACRES \ o \ ° _— y 'i 1. COBS b a i 1 .STEEL "NodPd.NC2 0 : 11 \ Gn t 1 �.,`Isa - _ \ x•ol `.-•r `� 'd t pO gox ]00, Sa"°r— — — — Rno \� 1._ 11 ' 35 1 Office "� loor [T —,�7 1 ♦. c s \ - 26��3�, 1 Plant Building N n j \:, / --.- r 1 `_ °' CA \ ♦ Saone �gEtnut Lvnr 1� � 4 tr = y v r\ �r m �y «•aBol — .� � �.. Pr PIN:9645-23-6112-00 r �• I _ - - C E earn, 38 Lineal Peer ossaing d) OwneeKEITH FAMILY RA PROP LTD LIABILITY CO 1 34 1 __ _ m 702 Vance St, San[°ai. NC 27330 t :_:- - - a) �c + ( 1 E L ag r 1 ll 1 33� Calve «nling stream PIN:9635-72-7663-W ♦' e,sm - �j 1 '\ jCro sing(Iretalled - ar OWneCTC&1 TIMBER COMPANY, LLC One SW Colombia Sid. 1700, Pordand, OR 97528 .71 c _ W ♦ 5,°.� - --_ , I - - 'n 19iA's and earber - 0. mpen9 Line and Pro o z ,. ,a - �' Sys z 7nv RR�.T1�y 1 l 9 �! , r V :I - eu ` 11 Se(1M;B RIi[s n �rnW„ aoo St., o, _ PIN: Y ' / .� _ , y Pert,lrt L; 1 / .,, _ - sa tnrd, N`tz733o �,YC . 1 OCkp11C 1 awkins Ave- ; •, 4yiz ♦ Disturbance souaeswmee sober However, percrooT 1 _^] '••^ Saatmtl SAe Plan appoval,a50 Pnenee 1 1 t� _ Q4 (1.5 Acres) vaeatar.e conarum to enredea r / C::� 1 _ Gainar.._-.. ___-.- L .l _.—_ - 1 I - t • PIN 9645 22 6309 00 l i r Plant Bedding I Gnalda Farms, Madison, NI W940 Mom";" s 3621 Hawkins Ave., SanCorcl, NC 27330 � OwnerPRAX1S BIOLOGICS INC Owner:E.W. WYLIE CORPORATION er .St°rmwalerB 1 5 \. NOTE ,perm iSbrmwater 03 egrve Plant 1 �'j _ _ - 1 tiaPaa �ure CtyP,S ,�tl dLee a, In Peas°T°'v"v� PLANT AREA AC, , �� / con A,Oern � as i a � 1 — _ ` _32, 31 1 I r xr w a..M- as a ae��,m I 414, 23�- '� �- - .v -- 1 ` v �J22 t , a�t Al 21 V. 120 1 --► �19 .# _ 1 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE/� 11 ,?-P 1 �. �� _ �`, - �5�\ 1%�.A.� ) \ \ \ \ f-J .� ` ; 1 '\ °'P� y 1 _ _ ,:. Pnv:96as-6u-z794 W s '`, 1$; _ �1 1 \ \ _\ f`'�V, eYen(11t ! w.,W?ETH.HOLDINGS CORPORA ON !613. \ �6730 Lenox Centtt GL, Mem W4 TN 3815 Y 1 \ R ?% f^ Tifo,�'� �Dl\9645-50 279� BE IyG� V A OwnenGEORGE, AP -9 n e404 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC 27330 I, '...,# ,woH _ __ _ --I\ \ \ 1 Exisur Cn,vntt Alsdng Stream Crossing \ (& nRed in 1980 s) P :9645-30-2565-00 V / ..- Ow no . ' 0 Haw s Ave, Sanford, N 3 Property Line and NLRB PermlCLdmjts \ - It Owner:SUDA,BURKE c 1 418 Mill Ridge Rd., Sanford, NC 27330 c- 1 �J PIN:9644-39-1]264)0 .4 '•1 OwneCOPTIMIST CLUB DEEP RIVER NORTHVIEW _ - -- PO Box 984, Sanford, NC 27331 1 I \ w Scale: 1 "=400' w #,6.� - . #s PIN:963499-7426-W , Ow.eFJOHNSON, 30HN PAUL 242 Saddle Ridge Rd, Sanford, NC 27330� - Exispn Pr Line 9Bd Min '. '� she« Om Culvert / PIN:9644-08-9930-00 - PIN 9644-29-3106-00 Ow.r.CLARK, ROBE$TR PIN Owner.UTLEX, PAULC 515 Rubicon Rd., West�9644-IB-8849-W nd, NC 27376 ,' n PIN UTLEY, PAl1L C I 350 Labrador Li., Sanford, NC 27330 350 Labrador La.. Sanford, NC 27330 To Hwy 1 REGEIVt_ FEB 17 2021 LAND QUAI-' MINING PRC ENGINEERING & ENVIRONMENTAL DATE 2C SCIENCE COMPANY 06/17/05 J 3008 Anderson Drive DRAWN Raleigh, NC 27609 CPM (919)781-7798 Reclamation Plan REVISED: 2/15/21 02/15/21 `Sp'1u11lllftq„ Sanford Mine ,.opt Mining Permit 53-04 scALE: O'�+``t�l= Lee County, NC See Drawing ( SEAL 115472 ��` Lee Brick & Tile Company Sheet No. F 6 %�� `� �l"� "�~°z' P. O. Box 1027 Ito Sanford, NC 27330 of 6