HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201021_Water_Balance_CalsProspect Hill Quarry Water Balance Water Usage Gallons/Day Gallons/Month Gallons/Year % Process Loss Gallons Loss/Day Gallons Loss/Month Gallons Loss/Year Aggregates Process facility 2,100,000 54,600,000 655,200,000 20% 420,000 10,920,000 131,040,000 Dust Suppression 9,000 234,000 2,808,000 100% 9,000 234,000 2,808,000 misc. 6,000 156,000 1,872,000 100% 6,000 156,000 1,872,000 Totals 2,115,000 54,990,000 659,880,000 - 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 Water Inputs Stormwater Drainage ft./day Gallons/day Gallons/Month Gallons/Year Groundwater Inflow Pit A 150'* - - 134,702 4,097,186 49,166,230 Groundwater Inflow Pit A 300'* - 237,160 7,213,617 86,563,400 Groundwater Inflow Pit B 150'* - 114,169 3,472,640 41,671,685 Groundwater Inflow Pit B 300'* 302,690 9,206,821 110,481,850 Mean Annual Rainfall PIT A** 1,829,083 0.011 145,572 4,427,805 53,133,664 Mean Annual Rainfall PIT B *** 3,613,925 0.011 287,622 8,748,515 104,982,179 Totals 5,443,007 1,221,915 37,166,584 1 445,999,008 Water Balance Pit A Gallons/day Gallons/Month Gallons/Year Total Process Loss 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 Water Inputs 150'depth 280,274 8,524,991 102,299,894 Water Inputs 300' depth 382,732 11,641,422 139,697,064 Remaining Excess Water @150' -154,726 -2,785,009 (33,420,106) Remaining Excess Water @300' -52,268 331,422 3,977,064 Water Balance Pit B**** Gallons/day Gallons/Month Gallons/Year Total Process Loss 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 Water Inputs 150'Depth 401,791 12,221,155 146,653,864 Water Inputs 300' Depth 590,312 17,95,5,336 215,464,029 Remaining Excess Water @150' -33,209 911, 155 10,933,864 Remaining Excess Water @300' 155,312 6,645,336 79,744,029 Notes: * Gallons per day documented with the groundwater study ** Pit A at Max Design Extent *** Pit B at Max Design Extent **** Pit B Groundwater and Stormwater Inflows to be pumped to Pit A Pit A capacity (gal) 1,879,688,352 324,333,295 post equilibrium Water Storage Capacity Pond Capacity (gal) Surface Area (sgft) Annual Evaporation (ft.) Gallons Loss/Day Gallons Loss/Month Gallons Loss/Year Settling Ponds 705,488 15,718 2.5 805 24,496 293,953 Plant Water Pond 1,447,000 31,862 2.5 1,632 49,655 595,858 Plant Make -Up Water Pond -A 2,574,947 43,324 2.5 2,220 67,517 810,209 Plant Make -Up Water Pond-B 27,801,126 406,355 2.5 20,820 633,281 7,599,366 Plant Make -Up Water Pond-C 6,868,167 185,945 2.5 9,527 289:784 3,477,404 Total 39,396,728 1 - - 35,005 1 1,064,733 12,776,790 Storage Remaining Total Process(gal/day) Total Process Total Process Total Process Total Process Total Process Excess Water Excess Water Excess Water Total Storage Capacity Capacity (gal/Mo) (gal/yr.) Loss (gal/day) Loss (gal/Mo) Loss (gal/yr.) (gal/day) (gal/Mo) (gal/yr.) Capacity (gal) Remaining Balance for (gal/year) evaporation Pit @ 150' 2,115,000 54,990,000 659,880,000 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 -154,726 -2,785,009 -33,420,106 39,396,728 72,816,834 85,593,624 Pit A @ 300' -52,268 331,422 3,977,064 39,396,728 35,419,664 48,196,454 Pit @ 150' 2,115,000 54,990,000 659,880,000 435,000 11,310,000 135,720,000 -33,209 911,155 10,933,864 39,396,728 28,462,864 41,239,654 Pit B @ 300' 155,312 1 6,645,336 1 79,744,029 1 39,396,728 1 (40,347,301) 1 (27,570,511)