HomeMy WebLinkAboutMap 5PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - Oi, TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CE Pract I ce 6.06 Shall be Installed at the entrance to the project from the road and will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather It may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. 2, LAND GRADING Pract I ce 6.02 Grading should be limited to areas as shown on the Plans, Cut and fill slopes shall be 311 or flatter except where specifically Indicated. $F 3. SEDIMENT FENCE Practice 6.62 Sed l mend fend l ng should be Installed as shown on the prevent any Interior areas from eroding onto adjacent areas. (j (, 4. GRASS -LINED CHANNELS Pract I ce 6.30 All overflow swales to be graded to design configuration, seeded, and stabilized If necessary with temporary straw -net liners to collect and convey site water off site as shown on Plan. After final project stabilization, situates to be re -graded and cleaned of siltation as needed to establish original contours for stormwater conveyance. STABILIZATION TIME FRAMES, SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes 7 DAYS High Quality Water (HQW) Zones 7 DAYS Slopes steeper than 31l 7 DAYS Slopes 311 or flatter 14 DAYS All other areas with slopes flatter than All 14 DAYS NOTE WELL, ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 15 WORKING DAYS AND AS ABOVE. ALL SLOPES MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY ACTIVITY. LEGEND • = POWER POLE -- esDRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE El. = EXISTING IRON E.C.M. me EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT _ RIW = RIGHT OF WAY C.P. = COMPUTED POINT PROPERTY LINE PROOSED SILT FENCE sF v v v COMPUTED PROPERTY LINE at MH :22 W ;a„ toM "M J4 ki I � CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE and CHRONOLOG`C)L SEQUENCE OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES - 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary permits, and hold a pre -construction conference prior to commencing any work. 2. Instal lot t on of Sed lment Trap at end of permanent access/haul road. 3. Clearing, stumping, and collstrActlor of permanent access/haul road. 4. Clewing and stumping of access/haul road to Lake/excavation area. and associated sediment fencing downstream of access/haul road. 5. Installation of Gravel Constrictlor Entrance. 6, Clew Ing and stump leg of first fl ve (5) acres of Lake/excavation area for truck turn around and stockpl le (Ducat l on and assoc rated sedi rent fend Ing. 7, Construction of Lake erergerni overflow swale and erosion control sediment trap. 8. Initial excavation consisting of stripping and removal of topsolI In stockpl le area (within Lake excavation area). Construction of earthen bemw/spy barn ter.-reatlon of vegetated buffer. 9. Stockpiling of 0.5 to 1.0 acres of material for creation of settling/ dewater l ng area / sediment gas In. This area will serve as a self contained dewatering area, / sediment basin and wl It have an earthen dam separat l ng It from future excri Ion. As the Lake/excavation grows, the tlan wl 11 be removed to enlarge the sett Ing/dexter Ing area/ sediment basin to Include recent completed excavated areas. 10, Construction of temporary diversion to sediment basin. 11As 2 to 3 acres of excavation have been completed in the manner mentioned above, lake banks will be shaped, graded to 5 to I slopes, mulched, seeded land landscaped as shown on the plans. 12. The sett l l ng/dewater l lag area eel tl rema In as the fan l shed product, keeping the excavation and pump to a minimum. 13, Once the Lake Is completed, tee ary haul roads wl I be removed and rec la l med. Terporwy eros l on cl trot measures wl ll be removed. Access road to site and earthen and pli toted buffers wl ll remain permanently. MAINTENANCE PLAN - 1. All measures to be Inspected we ly and after any not Infall event and needed repairs made ImillicilateLy. 2. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded as necessary, according to specifications provided, to maintain a suitable vegetative cover. 3. Sediment to be removed from glitches and Grass -lined Channels when they are approx l mate I 50% fl tied or sed l ment level Is within 2' of top of ditch bank. 4. Sed l ment to be removed from beh Ind the SI It Fence when It becomes 0, 5' deep. Fenc leg to be repa l red as needed to maintain a barrier. 5. Construction entrance to be raintalned in such a manner as to prevent mud or sediment fro- leaving the construction site. Periodic topdressing wlth 2- 3ch stone may be required. Inspect after each ralnfa. _,d immediately remove all objectionable materials so -•cl, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. 6. Inspect temporary sea - -eps aver each period of significant rainfall. Remove sea -- i re-:-,-e the trap to Its original dimensions when the se:, --_ - -,as -mutated to 1/2 the design depth of the trap Ptace - sea -=mot that is removed in the designated disposal area c--: epr--e the contaminated part of the gravel facing. Check the s:-;ctv - --or damage from erosion or piping. Periodically check _1e xe_splllway to ensure It Is a ml n i mum of 1.5 let below the .-_: - the embankment. Immediately fall any settlement o- _ =- ,,ant to slightly above design grade. Any riprap also lnceo - - spillway must be replaced Irw.edlately. After all sea -a -. v.. a'ucing areas have been permanently stab)( Ized, rents :-e c--__cure and a(( unstable seal ment. Smooth the area tc blend w,tn one adjoining areas and stabilize property, NOTES: 1. SURVEYED IN JANUARY OF 2018. 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL. 3. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. 4. FOR REFERENCE SEE D.B. 1356 PAGE 1420 AND AS NOTED HEREON. C, Ia volume wbeu agreed ace.dume, m about me -half the design volume. Sediment should be parent above par basin and adagm.ly ambiowd Check tee socdore for added, piping, and rock inflationist weekly and aftermath sigtifiwst (114 iw.h or gramer) ra rscurm and mpair munm;uely. Remove the area and my unstable smiment Immediately after the amsowth l ails rmbeen pan it wa slas. All smamb We but site to base who We surrounding area and smbaize. All wamrad sediment should be removed firm Wa loam prior toamrud Sm;mnt should be placed t designed disposal arras and nott to fl allowed to flaw into m.eme oc drainage wares awing spotare removal. References sio da SmbnRmion 6.10, Temporary Seeding 6.11, Pedomnt Sed'.g 6.u' Soddtg 6.D. Then, Shmbe, Vines, and Qtound Coves smimedisan andSvnins 6.6Seim. Basta 5, 6.65, Pomua Bel6ea North Conrad Department of'ibarnperatior Slanded Spe hmhtas%dr Roadr a ad ren.da,, Practice Sfus..land, entl Specificatimu 6.63 0614011 llil=lgim 102111111=11 Dentition Arms enthralment lassal to dauphine udimnt in enntedly feared drainage femee. Plirpose To Imp Without an temperature site, and prevent ofisip, attenuation in screams. lake, lad dramageways. Conditions Where The mall, dam may be dad meanings areas too leg. for We am ofaeempors, Practice Applies .imam tap The hedam is of the dais Iwitee 10 8 feet, and rm draimsge a PP : should be w larger Wad l a above. The took item is pwer al where a stable, enitim'embadermal would be iiiBcuh to comes, ant drop and gavel a readily evdlable. The site mostd zcwsubm fr periodic sediment removal A rock deco should ark be iomted I. e harmihent or perennial stream. Planning A imitator bast mmi by a took embmkmem is nun Primarily where it In Considerations datable to bee the top attire starearc news as de overflow outlet and where suitable wok is teddy areduble A log wo, onall is aeoged it keep Row depth shallow ant drwhmge wlarifita Inw. ',fie urea fie ofthc ace dad must he coveral with gavel to added the am of seepage though We ders so net a sediment pool will form dints asset owns. The pool should them slowly through the gravel. The abutments of the rock dam most be Higher Wm the top of the dam W pmvew any waft firm Rawtg agate toe wit. Suitable filer fabric should he plead be. the rock down. and its out bees lad n endow a. This nature p.vme `j,i ing" or still mwanmi in the euadadot and ebrrmmm. Rank should cause dowutaam mom We tce of ed dam, m who vale, Buda suf6cimt distances to ambiliae low lad assood roson. For otberpthem, dotuideratime as Practice 6,61, Sanderaamis Design Criteria 9-han gc Tarrou wRook ads Primary Spillway: Stnespiliway Maximum Drammen Area: 10. Most. -Soldiers Strive where: 3600 note Rot put we rf ntmbM am Minimum Surface Area: 435 a,. helper cB ofQia peek fMow Minnesota Lw Ratio: 2:1 Mi.". Depth: 3.5 f41.5feet axdraied below Bede Mmimun Seighk wctatioal. 6 fat abuse gad, Dewakm'mgMasbothes Slow spillway Minimum Dewelaing rime: WA Ba®es RmHimd: 3 Design basin lifr3 resonance. Dam height -limited In 8I It Ins, Ines 6.63.1 CURVE I RADIUS ARC LENGTH HORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING [Cl 12354.57' 1168.10' 68.06' 1 N 86e31'30a W C ease IOmdans-selwt areas these promde slarge wrote a re. strap ough m; intercepts fffmmdismandaz ; re nedsibd at paindie sediment marvel; and •toddlers mentally with comtmctim wastes. Basin volume -Tire volume of the basin should be dot last 300 cubic fast per ere based an dimpord! arts draining into me bast, and tfasu.d I feat below the spillway red. Aa teare, threat absestand, when @n odimem pool is 50"h full, should be marked in the field with a p=mal nuke. Top tR [l y doe following design elements mud be Pmvidm for adegmre capping efficiency • p.videa surface eree.failI acres (435 agwm fen pact based Duo the noes der inng m the rack dam. • loaf so imeur aftwe to the basin awry fin. the data W?-I abort netnews few does to the. melt •eamidep.r.ue belfire(Prome.665, Pmnw Stigler) it •.-a l3 deal aids dapW of the base below, gad, ed rnhinner ot2mal b evade- Sptilway nprwN The spillway should awry park runoff far a to yen stoma with maximum Row depth of 6 inches sad is memimn 6nbmrd of I fore The top area makedidedieentery save as did spilixrey Embankment Top dth-5fddmtimium Side Slopes- Maximum: 2:1 up ladmalope 3:1 dowueheam slope Aldrsonshould be 2 mandird,Me2:1ar.el,.. Thus nkseparate shield should bet few nickwith2:1 side dion an The emit ourIt . should extend down Wes eit=topr far ofterdam ands tn, n inst 1 toot bigon than the not of Ibedam lop.tut We earth abnmrenta firm scout Outlet peotaber-A .d area, at land 1.5 feet Work, ilauld extend dowdtrmm firm the has of the data on sand guide. A wfcieHt din ram or a dfnewe equal to We laight of We it. (whadown u genre,) in needed. prevent aboard been- ReliM111-Rwk shmld bo well vadM, had, amim r nn9 t atonG w $ a nimauedwsize.fl2iachn, T pieally,am&damshmWbaagm=Mdof ad.wwtmmIsynofClaollripmppmvWing3feetofteomtwid ndn upslreem I ayes of Class I dpmp pmvi&ng 2 fat of the neat wid Ib. madrantlm hoe ^piptgr-•ib prevnr mil movemmt ant moo g undo Wo dam, fla retire foundation tending both earth nbarmnis mu In the covered by rate, laid. avalap I foot at all port, MI the tgumesm trip ova the dawnshwmacrip. Basin deandariog-The more upwrown face often rock socwm should be anowed with fiw level OiC DOT 457 n#5 added store) a tRidimme of I fort thick W reduce the dmimge, man. 6.0.2 at, man Note: Metal stakes are minimum 4' long, 1.33 Ib/LF steel. MPX IIJM SPACwIG, SEE tlIaRRATNE r<� , x i f R C COMPACTED FILL OR GRAVEL EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE NOTE: INTO THE TRENCH SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETAIL. ISOMETRIC VIEW i REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE LOCATION MAP P NOT TO SCALE CN 49 G000NP0 SETBACKS FOR IND ZONE FRONT 50' REAR 0' SIDE 0' MAX HT. 35' (OR ADDITIONAL SETBACKS APPLY) SITE PLAN ASSUMES 35 FT. MAX HT. EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH 8"MINIMUM WIRE // 8"MINI 14 MINIMUM SECTION SF SEDIMENT W_FXE ( SILT FENCE) NITS O PRACTICE 6.62 11 50 100 150 IiA 4'MINIMUM SECTION l JUL 3 0 2018 LAND QUALIT MINING PROGR, SITE MINING PLAN Cameron Co. LLC Sunnyvale Drive Tract NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ���\11111111/yyy CARO4, O •'E65SIp••.'� 9 Ny� :.. SEAL L-2876 oQ •' 9yD i Date: 01-11-18 Si HORZ.: 1 "= 50' Drawn (vvv OWNER: CAMERON CO. LLC Checked: P.O. BOX 3649 GW WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 Pro)ect No: 11499 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. Sheet No: LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 1 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 LICENSE N C-0597 0 Of: F:\AII\GREGdwg\l 1499 base 6-20-18.al Copydl ghtO' Hanoi Design Sunni P.A.All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents of this document. or nodular. or deladons to thisdocument, In am.16 Or Pert, without women consent of the Land Surveyar or Engineer Is problClted. only copies from the original of this document. marked with Me orratra, signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shell be ooasidered to be valid and true copes.