HomeMy WebLinkAboutMap 10 / z' 1 W > I 0 J � QIL Z D U)` NATIONAL GYPSUM COMPANY D.B. 1029 PG. 639 TRACTA 0 EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE 4 0 N05°31'13" E 1201.93' r j J7 SF c �� � � � � � , �� , ; i� ��_ _ 43, 8.62 A t I W J %,..➢2z� / r i 1 i DIP1�i i� XCaVATEDvTOLEVATION 39.0 2 _ AREA TO BE E i� E�ATEklI GNO T OCCt�R A t6V TEMPORARY- i v v� > AWN 1, I f., a' -`,aril,.? '- A 1 ... E I P. G(DISTURBED)COORDINATE NAD 1983) N.C. RID � N= 155329.06 E= 2319451.51 PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - O1, TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CE Practice 6,06 Shall be installed at the entrance to the protect from the road and will be controlled with downstream prnctl ces. During wet weather It may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. 2. LAND GRADING Practice 6,02 - Grading should be United to areas as shown on the Plans. Cut and fill slopes shall be 3i1 or flatter except where specifically Indicated. $F 31 SEDIMENT FENCE Practice 6.62 Sediment fencing should be Installed as shown on the prevent any Interior areas from eroding onto adjacent areas. G (,' 4. GRASS -LINED CHANNELS Practice 6.30 All overflow sat to be graded to design configuration, seeded, and stabilized If necessary with temporary straw -net liners to collect and convey site water off site as shown on Plan. After final protect stabilization, stables to be re -graded and cleaned of siltation as needed to establish original contours for stormwnter conveyance, STABILIZATIO N TIME FRA MESi SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION Perimeter dikes, swn les, ditches and slopes 7 DAYS High Quality Water (HOW) Zones 7 DAYS Slopes steeper than 311 7 DAYS Slopes 311 or flatter 14 DAYS All other areas with slopes flatter than 411 14 DAYS NOTE WELLI ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN IS WORKING DAYS AND AS ABOVE. ALL SLOPES MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY ACTIVITY. LEGEND =POWER POLE --' =DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION E.I.P. =EXISTING IRON PIPE E.1. =EXISTING IRON E.C.M. An EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT RIW =RIGHT OF WAY C.P. =COMPUTED POINT PROPERTY LINE PROOSED SILT FENCE sF COMPUTED PROPERTY LINE sa 0 I PROPERTIES LLC gTANFIELIU 0196 2�7 -� I I CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE and CHROMOL7GICAL SEQUENCE OF LAND DI9TURHING ACTIVITIES - 1. Obtain approval of Plan nntl any necessary permits, and hold n pre -construction conference prior to commencing any cork. 2. Instnllntlon of Sediment Trap at end of permanent nccess/haul road 3. Clearing, stumping, and construct l on of permanent access/haul road. 4. Clearing and stumping of access/haul road to Lnke/excnvntlon area, and associated sediment fencing downstream of access/haul road, 5. Instnllntlon of Gravel Construct) on Entrance. 6, Clearing and slurping of first flue (5) acres of Lake/excavation area for truck turn around nrd stockpile location and associated sediment fenciflg, 7. Construction of Lake emergency overt for see le and erosion control sediment trap, H. Initial excavation, crosistlrtg of stripping and removal of topsoil In stockpile areas (within Lake excavation nren). Construction of earthen berm/sound barrier. Crl)ntl on of vegetated buffer. 9. Stockpl ling of 0. 5 to 1.0 neres'of ranter lnl for creation of settling/ dewntering area /sedinent basin This area wilt serve as n self contained dewnterinp nren /sedinent bnsln and rill have an earthen dam sepnrnting It from futtre excnvnt ion. As the Lnke/excnvntlon grows, the dam as a be removed to en large the sett ling/dentering nren/ sediment basin to Inc lade recent completed excavated areas. 10, Construction of temporary diversion to sediment basin. 11, As 2 to 3 acres of excavation halve been completed In the manner mentioned above, lake barks .. It be shaped, graded to 5 to 1 slopes, mulched, seeded and lsndscnpetl as shorn on the plans. 12, The settling/tlerntering area rill rennin as the finished product, keeping the excavation and purping ton minimum, 13. Once the Lake Is completed, tr: ,pprnry haul roads will be removed and reclaimed. Temporary erosion control measures rill be removed. Access road to site and earthen and vegetated buffers rill relate ln permanently Practice Smr+dards and Sper3frcafipnr yF Maintenance cbe=ka¢aim<nth.sinaar reachruvfall. Remvvesediwentandrouorconginal volume who sediment accvmulet<s to about one-half the design volume. S<dimmtshmW be placed above the basin And adequately atebilimd. Chink the swcmre for erosion, pipets And at aispl¢avuot waklr And a6erearL signitiant ('h inch or greater) niasmmi and repair immedvrely. Remove de so-umme rail any mamble sediment immeaievay aHa tn< cowwedav site has been pemnnently amba¢ed Smaotb the basin site to blend with We xunouMingeruend svbilizw All wataend ssdveutt snoWa be removed fm,n nebain prierto dam mavvval. SatlunaeaMuld bepnua IT decigmvd disposal erevsAnd net allowei m How imo ercaNrw dminag weya dwmg rmume temovW.. Reference; sn,/¢a s,.,a 6.10, Tuirme: y�5e<aFng fill, Puuunent5�ring 6.12, Svdd?g 6.13, Trza, Shrubs, Viveg and Gmuvd Covers &dmvnr lr*N aMBan,e rs 611,SNimmt Basins 6.65, Pnrow Beffla IioM Cmoliva Depvvnmt of TNnsppr[aam SrandvrdSpechmfivns )orRoadr and5yrvcmrci Practice Smndarda m,d SPaailipaSwss 6.63 Definition AmnkEmbaalonentwwed roaapmteaeaimmtm anatmmry fb,mea aminase faNre. PUfpOSd T°he➢%aimenton thecovstruc[ion site, end prevmtvA-Siksedkrcntation in snsmns, leka, and dmivngewnys. Conditions Where Tn¢madam may b<used imammog<or<aainelastic for m<w<aratemporoy Practice Applies seeimmt nap. The n<iPpt or me dam is limited to g feet, avd amiagerc should he no larger than 10 sues The rock dam is Rrefena! where a mills, eanha'embaokmenl w¢md be mmmat In mmmpt, and MmP and payee are raeity aywanl. The aim must be eversible for penod c udimmtrmwver Aradta.m aroma at beypafaa rn. mhrmmmt or paenmaiarmm. PI A m' MAINTENANCE PLAN - amm�g a tmmtbnsn mrm<auyam¢k Emnanrneni aprtmmlty whm<tta Considerations aea➢enimon.y<tnefop ofWeammmr<mve m o mow Duaetenawnem swleble mark ureadily evwleble Along Wale wars is Oaigvedmkeep flow All depNaWBow and disuM1atgc velomnesi .The 'ae fxce of Ne rack dam 1. measures to be Inspected weekly and niter any rnlnfnll ,r,z mwtbe covered wim gay<Im rWna tmmm ofsEepag<tkpngh we damn event and needed repairs made immediately, amf, aeam,mt pool wen fnvn am,ns mnoffevena. The pent abomd a6.m ilowty Waugh thegmvel 2. All seeded areas shn 1 t be Pert I t I zed, mulched, and re -seeded The ebuwmts of the rack dmo most be htgM1u a:m the tap of Ne ddm to as necessary, according to specifications provided, to w<vcvt soy wekr mom fiongw:egemWihe sot. Suimblefiikrfebric should maintain Q suitable vegetative cover, b<Pla< sell n<twa<n the rock swcNre end its null bazE and abanventt, This "Piping " pnuice pmvaa oram[ movement in Ne fvmdadpv mdabwmah. Rockahvuld exfmRldvwnnmmn Hnrn the todoftbe dam, enzea pane, ands 3. Sediment to be removed from dtdtes and Grass-1 Ined Chnnne is suffi<imt aislmmto6NbH;u sow And pt¢ymt <msim. when they are npprox )mate ly SOX felled or sediment level Is For otbuplavving considemfipnaam Pmdice 6.61, Sedi°aewBa6in. within 2' of top of ditch bark. Design Criteria Sammvey. Temnnrery Rrck Oem 4. Sediment to be removed from behind the SI It Fence when It Primary SPillwaY: Stone Spillway becomes 0. 5' deep. Fenc I no to be repo I red as needed to M,ximmP naaimgeAme: to ease Minimum smimmt strange maintain n battler. Wlume: 3600 cubit f Ipm rare. Mdievvbm A. Minimum SLrte<e Ara: 435 aqume feet porch of Qua pink inflow 5. Construction entrance to be maintained In such a mnnner as to Mivimam [.AY Ratio: 21 Mminwm n<ptln 3sa 4isshot recanted blow prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. gone Maximum HeigW: Wev elevedon6feet phdva guile Per I oil I c topdress I ng all th 2-Inch stone may be requ I red, Dewmwinsmmnmism srom spillway Inspect niter each rnlnfnll and immediately remove all Minimum Dewakhng Time: WA objectionable materials spl fled, rushed, or tracked onto B.ma Ragnima: 3 pubc roadways. ayaign bvin sfr3yaN nrla:. Dom height -limited mBfee, 6. Inspect temporary setl lment traps after each period of slgnlf lentil rat lnfnll. Remove sediment nntl restore the trap to Its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to 1/2 the design Aex 6m6 a.fi3a depth of the trap. Place the sediment that Is removed In the designated ill sposal area and replace the contaminated part of the gravel facing, Check the structure for damage from erosion or piping. Periodically check the depth of the spl [(way to ensure It Is n minimum of 1.5 ft below the low point of the embankment. Immediately fell any settlement of the embankment to slightly above design grade. Any rlprep dlsp laced from the spl llway must be rap laced Immediately. After all sediment producing areas have peen permanently stab lazed, remove the structure and till unstnb le getllment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas and stabilize properly. NOTES: 1. SURVEYED IN JANUARY OF 2018. 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL. 3. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORp LENGTH CHORD BEARING 4. FOR REFERENCE SEE D.B. 1356 PAGE 1420 AND AS NOTED HEREON. C1 2354.57' 168.10' 168 0 N 86°31 30 W Basin IamNona-ttkalercu that •Provides large audace memm,op aedimml; _ • mtercret mnoffsPtn disturbed m¢a; arc ettessbte torperivdic udimevtremoval; rail •immt<rc minimally with cvvstrudiov amiviaee. BPWp valumh­The volume of the basiv anoaw he At Icut 3600 cuNv fact per um based on distudvd area draining into the basin, and masur<d 1 foot below the Spillway mar. Ase&meat Wempm elraatien, whmelM1e aeditPm[ Pool is 50%full, snwtid be mwkedw the field with a pmnmdpt stake. 4ap eflkirncy-The tollowivg design elements moat be provided for aa<gmk trapper, <tHcmwr vWee6urfece era Oro 'Pro lacree (435 syuaro fut)per are bend on The men NawnB to the rack dam • Ixate udtmmt mfivw to the basin awry firm the dent to prevent than urcmk from mlRs m the outld, • pmvWe pvrovshaBles (Practice 665, Porvna Balffer); epd •awvakl5fast otthe depth of We ham below al,,, n wordhomh vt2f<et ebovegmde. Spmway caDetlty The spillway ahouN anY p k mnoff for a ttryeer smmswith maxwum flow depth of6 mcha d ury freeboard of fook The top oftharock emhaukmatmay serve as the spillway Smbankauent TapwiaW- 5 redminimum C.� Side Slopes- Maximwv: 2:1 upanamabpe 3:1 dowvdram slope RvekebumsevtsahwJdccTca,ammelevetiovat1as12fsetabovethesRlHWay. Abutmmb aMuid be 2 ket Nick with 2:1 side sivpa. The rock abmviguta should alma down the downstream face ofth<dam to the toe, etlmp 1 foot hipper tnan the mtvfthe dam to PmvctWeanM1 ebulmmbfrom stout. Oudd pMec6od-A rack eprdn, at least 1.5 4eet mid, should extend dowwnam firm We toe afore dvm ov zem grade. A sutfiuent d'uhnta or a d'uance egwl td Ne neigh[ ofthe dens (wM1ichevm is gmekr).ia Hamad m Prevent cMmEl at - Beek NI -Rock slauldbe wall gmdm, mud, aosian resistant atone will a minhnum d,veix Ml2ircha. Typiceliy,erockdamshould bacowwcvdof edowv6lreem IeywotClesa Irnineppmvging3 f<U ofNe malwidmmdaa npatreem I eYm of Class l dweP pmvidivg 2 fret of the oral width. Pmvetlov from•'piPinB"-1p wevmf sot] movement and Plains mda The tlem, the entire foundation including born eanb abutmma At be emoted by filmy hbric Overlap i fool at Ali Imes. with the upaham strip Duet Ne dowvsaeamatdp. tlaeln dervererlvg-The entire Walremt fecs ofihe rack structmesnaWd be ove,m with fine gavel (NC DOT 451 or 4, wvshm aline) a minimum gf I foot asickmreduceWdmitwge rev. c 6.63.3 Rn16106 I.S. Note: Metal stakes are minimum 4' long, 1.33 Ib/LF steel, uAXIM�'d saAG.ao SEE NARRATIVE ,i /1. COMPACTED FILL OR x ' GRAVEL EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE NOTE: INTO THE TRENCH SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETAIL ISOMETRIC VIEW Copydahf0, Hanover DeaIdP SeMces, P.A., qll rights reserved. Reprvtluctlon or use of Me contents of this document, or atldMons or tleleaons to iM1ls document. In whole or part, wdtlrout written consent of the "Id Surveyor or Engineer, la pmblbitetl. Only copies from the ortglnel of this tlacun ent. merkea with Ma original elg({aaore and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer, shall be considered to be valid and hue copies. SETBACKS FOR IND ZONE REAR 0' SIDE 0' MAX HT. 35' (OR ADDITIONAL SETBACKS APPLY) SITE PLAN ASSUMES 35 FT. MAX HT. PUBLIC ROAD FZ �y p9 aro. Vol Sys i G 6" MINIMUM-- 6P�p�O THICKNESS pGy P� 2"-3" COARSE � AGGREGATE NOTE: SEE NARRA71VE 72"MINIMUM FOR MORE DETAIL. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT DETAIL N.T.S. EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH V-TRENCH 8"MINA 14"MINIMUM ' SECTION 4-MINIMUM SECTION SF SEDIMENT P�EFXE ( SILT FENCE) NTS PRACTICE 6.62 00 1511 SITE MINING PLAN Cameron Co. LLC Sunnyvale Drive Tract NEW HANOVER COUNTY JUL 3 0 201$ QUALITY ?ROGRA(. NORTH CAROLINA OWNER: CAMERON CO. LLC P.O. BOX 3649 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 F:V\II\GREGWwg\11499 base 6-20-18.tlwg