HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A (I-A) - Abridged Design Report for RSF A and X Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report for Rock Storage Facilities A and X Kings Mountain Mining Project Rev 03 ABRIDGED Report: Only the Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report for the RSF A and X (with Plates) is included. The RSF design sheets are in Appendix A of Appendix C (Design Sheets); the RSF (stability) calculation package is included in Appendix B of Appendix G (Geotechnical Stability Report and Calculations). The RSF characterization report has been excluded from this appendix but may be made available upon request. Effective Date: April 19, 2024 Report Date: April 19, 2024 ALBEMARLE" Report Prepared for Albemarle Corporation 4250 Congress Street Charlotte, NC 28209 Report Prepared by 2: ��VVirk consulting SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. 999 17th Street, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80202 SRK Project Number: USPR000576 Albemarle Document Number: KM60-EN-RP-9059 North Carolina Firm License Number: C-5030 Signed by Qualified Persons: R. Breese Burnley, P.E. (#055362) Reviewed by: Joshua B. Sames, P.E. SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page ii Executive Summary SRK has prepared this Preliminary Engineering Design report for Rock Storage Facilities RSF-A and RSF-X at the Kings Mountain Mining Project (Project). The Project is a lithium pegmatite deposit that is currently being investigated for redevelopment by Albemarle Corporation (Albemarle) as part of a prefeasibility-level analysis. Albemarle commissioned SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (SRK) to develop PFS-level designs for an expansion of the existing pit, waste rock management, water management, and ancillary infrastructure to aid Albemarle in making informed decisions regarding advancement of the Project. RSF-A will be a permanent storage facility for non-potentially-acid-generating (non-PAG) waste rock constructed west of South Creek and to the east-to-northeast of Tin Mine Road. RSF-A will mostly be comprised of coarse rock sourced from the open pit. Albemarle also plans to use the facility to store finer-grained materials comprising dense media separation (DMS) rejects, excavated sand from the existing legacy tailings storage facility (Old TSF; Golder, 1975), waste rock from the existing tailings storage facility(TSF)embankment, and minimal quantities of optional off-site fine material. RSF-A will receive legacy tailings and waste rock removed to make way for the construction of another RSF(RSF- X), and all materials destined for RSF-A will need to be comingled at a mix ratio that does not negatively affect the strength governed by the coarse waste rock component. RSF-X will be a temporary geomembrane-lined storage facility for potentially-acid-generating (PAG) waste rock and will be constructed over the footprint of the existing legacy tailings storage facility(TSF) adjacent to the existing South Creek Reservoir. Prior to construction of RSF-X, the existing tailings from the existing impoundment and unsuitable subgrade soils will be removed. The RSF will then be initially constructed with an engineered foundation subgrade constructed with coarse materials,at least a portion of which will come from the existing TSF embankments. Following the completion of the engineered foundation subgrade, the geomembrane-lined containment for RSF-X will be constructed in two phases,with the first phase including the contact water management pond and the southwestern half and the second phase completing the footprint to the northeast. RSF-X is considered temporary because the PAG waste rock will be relocated to the bottom of the pit as part of site closure. In support of the preliminary design of the proposed RSFs, Albemarle commissioned two phases of site investigation and characterization in 2022 and 2023 to 2024. The 2022 site investigation was designed to characterize the subsurface conditions through various disciplines, including geotechnical, hydrogeology, geochemistry, geology, and mineral resources. The geotechnical investigations were carried out from August to December 2022 and comprised a total of 51 boreholes, nine cone penetration tests (CPT), and 20 geophysical lines. The 2023 site investigation was completed between September and December 2023 and included seven boreholes at the RSF-X facility and 10 boreholes at the RSF-A facility. DGI Geoscience completed imaging of the borehole walls using an optical televiewer in the 10 boreholes at RSF-A. The 2023 to 2024 geotechnical investigation program also included a laboratory testing program performed on selected bulk and split-spoon samples. The geotechnical field investigations identified legacy and subsurface materials that were separated into five primary categories: embankment, existing tailings, saprolite, partially weathered rock (PWR), and bedrock (weathered and unweathered). The current understanding of the geotechnical units across the proposed RSF-X and RSF-A facilities is based on the completed pre-feasibility MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page iii characterization and indicates relatively diverse geotechnical conditions. A detailed description of the site characterization phases and results is included in Appendix A. Preliminary design drawings are included in Appendix B. Slope stability analyses were prepared to support the current conceptual design of the RSFs and are described in detail in the technical memorandum in Appendix C. The design concept at this stage of the Project includes a relatively robust program of overexcavation beneath the RSF footprints followed by replacement with suitable backfill based on the results of slope stability analysis and the current understanding of the foundation characteristics. Additional analyses will be completed in later stages of design and will incorporate the results of future characterization work deemed necessary at the next phase of design. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page iv Table of Contents 1 Introduction and Scope of Report.............................................................................. 1 1.1 Property Location................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Property History ..................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Project Overview.................................................................................................................................3 1.4 Project Layout.....................................................................................................................................4 1.5 Purpose and Scope of Report.............................................................................................................1 1.6 Reliance on Other Experts..................................................................................................................1 1.7 Proposed RSF Development..............................................................................................................2 2 Site Environment.......................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Climate................................................................................................................................................5 2.1.1 Temperature............................................................................................................................5 2.1.2 Evaporation .............................................................................................................................5 2.1.3 Precipitation.............................................................................................................................6 2.1.4 Storm Frequency.....................................................................................................................7 2.1.5 Wind Patterns..........................................................................................................................9 2.2 Topography.........................................................................................................................................9 2.3 Bedrock Geology...............................................................................................................................10 2.4 Foundation Soils ...............................................................................................................................11 2.5 Groundwater .....................................................................................................................................12 2.5.1 Conceptual Hydrogeological Model ......................................................................................12 2.5.2 Site Groundwater Conditions ................................................................................................13 2.6 Surface Water...................................................................................................................................14 3 Geotechnical Characterization ................................................................................. 16 4 Calculations and Engineering Design...................................................................... 18 4.1 RSF Hazard Classification ................................................................................................................18 4.2 Design Acceptance...........................................................................................................................18 4.3 Slope Stability Analyses....................................................................................................................19 4.4 Setback Distances ............................................................................................................................20 4.5 Runout Assessment..........................................................................................................................20 5 Design Description .................................................................................................... 23 5.1 RSF Design.......................................................................................................................................23 5.1.1 Topsoil Salvage and Unsuitable Soil Removal .....................................................................24 5.1.2 RSF Interior Base Design and Contact Water Management Ponds.....................................24 5.1.3 Stormwater Management......................................................................................................25 5.1.4 Closure..................................................................................................................................25 M B/F W/B B Ki ngsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page v 5.1.5 Technical Specifications and Construction Quality Assurance Plan.....................................26 5.2 Construction Guidelines....................................................................................................................26 5.2.1 Standard Operating Procedures ...........................................................................................26 5.2.2 Foundation Preparation.........................................................................................................29 5.2.3 Construction Methodology.....................................................................................................29 5.2.4 Material Quality .....................................................................................................................30 5.2.5 Advance Rates......................................................................................................................30 6 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 32 7 References.................................................................................................................. 33 Disclaimer........................................................................................................................ 35 Copyright ......................................................................................................................... 35 List of Tables Table 3-1: 2022 Laboratory Testing Summary Table.......................................................................................16 Table 3-2: 2023 to 2024 Laboratory Testing Summary....................................................................................17 Table4-1: Summary of WSRHC ......................................................................................................................18 Table 4-2: Kings Mountain RSF Slope Design Acceptability Criteria...............................................................19 Table 4-3: Summary of Modeled Runout Parameters (DAN-W)......................................................................22 Table 4-4: Summary of Modeled Runout Results (DAN-W).............................................................................22 Table 5-1: Engineering Drawing List ................................................................................................................23 Table 5-2: RSF Slope Design Recommendations............................................................................................24 List of Figures Figure1-1: Location Map....................................................................................................................................2 Figure 1-2: Preliminary Kings Mountain Mining Project Site Map......................................................................1 Figure 1-3: Kings Mountain Proposed RSFs......................................................................................................3 Figure 1-4: RSF Proximity to Critical Infrastructure............................................................................................4 Figure 2-1: Average Monthly Evaporation..........................................................................................................6 Figure 2-2: Annual Precipitation .........................................................................................................................7 Figure 2-3: Excerpted Tables showing Site-Specific Study and Annual Return Intervals Results.....................8 Figure 2-4: Wind Rose Data in the Vicinity of Kings Mountain...........................................................................9 Figure 2-5: Current Surface Topography..........................................................................................................10 Figure 2-6: General Arrangement Showing Underlaying Bedrock Geology.....................................................11 Figure 2-7: Example Seismic Refraction Survey Results (P-Wave).................................................................12 Figure 2-8: Groundwater Level Contours .........................................................................................................13 M B/F W/B B Ki ngsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page vi Figure 2-9: Existing Streamflow Network and Monitoring Points .....................................................................14 Figure 4-1: RSF Proximity to Critical Geographic Locations and Infrastructure...............................................20 Figure4-2: DAN-W Runout Model....................................................................................................................21 Figure 5-1: Example RSF Inspection Checklist................................................................................................28 Figure 5-2: Plot of Dump Crest Advance Rate versus Dump Height...............................................................31 Appendices Appendix A: RSF-A and RSF-X Pre-feasibility Site Characterization Report (SRK, 2024) Appendix B: Preliminary Design Drawing Set Appendix C: Stability Calculation Package MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page vii List of Abbreviations The US System for weights and units has been used throughout the report for site specific data (unless otherwise stated). Rock mass classification schemes may be referenced in their original metric units. Abbreviation Unit or Term ° degree °F degrees Fahrenheit 2D two-dimensional ADS Advanced Drainage Systems Albemarle Albemarle Corporation amsl above mean sea level AWA Applied Weather Associates b s below ground surface CMP corrugated metal pipe CPT cone penetration test CSIRO The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization CU consolidated-undrained DAC design acce tance criteria DEQ De artment of Environmental Quality DMS dense media separation DPI design and performance index EGI engineering eolo index ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. Foote Foote Mineral Company FoS factor of safety ft foot FTE FTE Drilling USA Inc. GEOVision GEOVision Geophysical Services Golder Golder Associates gpm gallons per minute HDPE high-density of eth lene 1-85 Interstate 85 Ib/ft3 pounds per cubic foot ModCal modified California Non-PAG non-potentially-acid-generating NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NPI non-processing infrastructure PAG otentiall acid generating PCPE erforated corru ated polyethylene PGA peak ground acceleration PMP probable maximum precipitation Project Kings Mountain Mining Project QA/QC quality assurance/quality assurance/quality control RSF rock storage facility S shear Schnabel Schnabel Engineering SOP standard operating procedure SPT standard penetration test TARP tri er action response plan Terracon Terracon Consultants, Inc. TSF tailings storage facility WHC waste dump and stockpile hazard class WSB water storage basin WSR waste dump and stockpile stability rating WSRHC waste dump and stockpile stability rating and hazard classification MB/F W/BB KingsMountain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 1 1 Introduction and Scope of Report The Kings Mountain Mining Project (KMMP or Project) is a legacy open pit lithium mining operation located in the city of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, in the southeastern United States. The Project is a lithium pegmatite deposit that is currently being investigated for redevelopment by Albemarle Corporation (Albemarle) as part of a prefeasibility-level analysis. Albemarle commissioned SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (SRK) to develop prefeasibility-level designs for an expansion of the existing pit, waste rock management, water management, and ancillary infrastructure to aid Albemarle in making informed decisions regarding advancement of the Project. The scope of this report and the preliminary design described herein is for proposed Rock Storage Facility (RSF)-A and RSF-X. 1.1 Property Location Situated in Cleveland County, the mine is approximately 35 miles west of Charlotte, North Carolina. Located amidst rolling hills of the Piedmont Plateau, the Project is in a predominantly rural setting within the city of Kings Mountain. The mine site covers a significant land area, which includes both the proposed extraction areas and associated processing infrastructure. Figure 1-1 shows the location and extent of the mine. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 2 Gala+ cwq aessemer city � •y'�r,1irlB 044 w 'n. elur Ridge A� Pd,fkridy pntllrq, Eharchali Oak Grove . X`NMOunranfi VICN Sl..11iy Rd £ings Mountalri CFawd u "rs ounisn Mldpine I Mn,ain Stele i ngs I Park Mountain A'CnQ31E Project i � 5rd[e9Jllke r dory •hcviile L� South MOuntdl nS Statr park Mao-resville _ er North CAf6lina L•� Gastonia Charlotte r$lartdnhurg , �a Greerrdule ���� f:s�i South Carolina 371 -—--- 0 r 10 Is 2] 25 kites Source: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.(ESRI),2023(modified by SRK) Figure 1-1: Location Map MB/F W/B B KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev0ldocx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 3 1.2 Property History The following summary highlights the history of the site and is compiled from records available to SRK: • Mining started in 1883 with the discovery of cassiterite, a tin-bearing mineral, within the outcropping pegmatites. • Subsequently, open pit mining for tin occurred sporadically between 1903 and 1937 (Horton, 2008). • Between 1943 and 1945, under the sponsorship of the U.S. government, Solvay established a processing plant and mined for spodumene from the outcropping pegmatites(Garrett,2004). • In the early 1950s, Foote Mineral Company (Foote), a subsidiary of Newmont Mining Corporation, purchased the property and began open pit mining (assumed at the beginning of 1955) and extracting lithium from the spodumene. • In 1993, exploration and mining operations ceased when the open pit bottom reached approximately 660 feet(ft) above mean sea level (amsl). • In early 1994, an open pit lake started to form due to rebounding groundwater, and the pit lake reached an elevation of 817 ft amsl (as of January 2023). • During the groundwater recovery period (1994 to present), water was sporadically pumped from the Kings Mountain pit lake to a nearby quarry (Martin Marietta) to support quarry operation. • Albemarle acquired the site in 2015, resuming exploration and mine development activities. 1.3 Project Overview The Project ore deposit is a lithium-bearing rare-metal pegmatite intrusion that has penetrated along the Kings Mountain shear zone, a regional structural feature known to host multiple lithium-bearing pegmatites along its trend. The pegmatite field at Kings Mountain is approximately 1,500 ft wide at its widest point in the legacy pit area and narrows to approximately 400 to 500 ft in width at its narrowest point south of the legacy pit. The field has a lithium mineralization strike length of approximately 7,500 ft and is predominantly contained in the mineral spodumene.The spodumene pegmatite bodies exhibit a texture-based variation in lithium grade, spodumene grain size, mineral alteration, and rock hardness. After dewatering the legacy pit, the lithium deposit is to be mined using conventional open pit mining techniques. Blasting will fragment the ore and waste rock where it will be loaded and hauled to either the processing facilities (ore) or the RSFs (overburden). The current plan includes mining in the existing pit and expanding the pit to the southwest. Ore will be drilled, blasted, loaded, and transported by haul truck to a new processing plant at a rate of approximately 2.98 million tons per annum of ore (approximately 8,150 tons per day) and processed to produce 385 to 440 thousand tons per annum of spodumene concentrate. The concentrate will be filtered to approximately 11 percent (%) moisture by weight and transported off-site for further refinement into lithium hydroxide monohydrate at a separate facility. Tailings from the spodumene concentrate process will be filtered to approximately 10% to 15% moisture content by weight and transported off-site to a nearby facility for disposal. A portion of the waste rock with economic value as aggregate will also be transported off-site for sale. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 4 1.4 Project Layout Figure 1-2 presents the Project layout, showing the relative locations of the major components of the Project.The Project is bisected northeast to southwest by Interstate 85(1-85).The headwaters of Kings Creek are located immediately northeast of the site, and the creek leaves the Project area at the southern side of the Project area. The Phase 1 open pit outline is shown in the northeast area of the Project along with the ultimate (Phase 4) pit extents. Haul roads are shown connecting the pit to the RSFs: RSF-X, located south-centrally for potentially acid generating (PAG)waste, and RSF-A, located in the southwest for non-PAG waste. The haul roads will also connect to the non-processing infrastructure(NPI)(located in the northwest portion of the site)and the ore sorting area and stockpiles (located on the east side of the Project, just north of 1-85). A bridge over 1-85 will connect the ore stockpile area to the processing area, located immediately south of 1-85. South of the processing area, Water Storage Basin (WSB)-1 will collect all contact water produced within the Project area before being discharged from the site. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 PERIMETER N POND 71 LAYDOWN AREA PERIMETER / ' '•� POND 72 /•'' _ '�, %�'' PROPERTY LINE GROWTH MEDIA / - � '�•.% �. ❑ STORAGE LAYDOWN AREA TRUCK MAINTENANCE /' �� ❑ SHOP MINE PIT WAREHOUSE- �• Opq G�PG _EXISTING ROM PAD NATURAL GAS FACILITY/LABORATORY \, �-• � — , LINE RE-ROUTE 1 r, o -- READY LINE - ' HAUL ROAD 'S ❑o . '\ /,,/ /'' % / CONCENTRATE �kk�_L , ;% / RAIL LOADOUT ^ -�__ _„•' �'� �� � EXISTING 11 PROCESS BOOSTER PUMP FACILITY ' � .. / / %• �"- OVERBURDEN STORAGE OVERBURDEN -- .--��' �'- -� _ - FACILITY 2 (OSF-2) � SED POND 1 �;,/ ,< 15 STOCKPILE r/ / / STORAGE FACILITY 1 (OSF-1) WETLAND AREA RAIL CAR � � �, t� /' SETBACK FUELING STATION / ❑ & INFRA STORAGE❑ SOUTH CREEK MUD POND#2 ❑ CRUSHING FACILITIE CULVERT ❑ _ •-� �� GRADE TO DRAIN 4. O �- OSF-1 WATER - KING' S CREEK �✓ % .��� / MANAGEMENT PONDS � CONCENTRATE TRUCK - LOADING BUILDING SOUTH CREEK _ = % a HAUL ROAD , d PROPOSED ROCK -- FILL CHECKDAM �• �- �❑❑❑❑❑❑ � � ROCK --� STORAGE v •�•.— �� FACILITY X � 5 / CONCENTRATOR FACILITIES � I � ❑�i�� ��� ��� �i� I I I ill I I I I I I� I I I I I I I ���� / / �O'9\•„� ROCK WRC POND 51 6 STORAGE Z \,\ FACILITY A OJ�� 5 / / ❑i� WATER STORAGE /. / BASIN 1 (CURRENT / OUTLINE) � WRC POND 61 - EXISTING 230kV loo, POWERLINE ALIGNMENT OSF-3 WATER \ MANAGEMENT POND \ - WETLAND AREA SETBACK PROPOSED WATER STORAGE !- ---/ Iool EMBANKMENT VERBURDEN STORAGE / FACILITY 3 (OSF-3) LAYDOW \ �� MAX WATER LEVEL •� %' YARD ❑ PMP EVENT PROPOSED TOE (845 FT AMSL) Al BUTTRESS \ %❑ 'lollIlool , 230/24.9KV ELECTRICAL PROPOSED _ SUBSTATION SPILLWAY ❑ REVISIONS DESIGN: EL/JO REVIEWED:JO PREPARED BY: DRAWING TITLE: ISSUE: REV. DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN:EL APPROVED:JO OPEN PIT AND MINE FACILITY SIMPLIFIED SITE DATE: 1 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW 05/09/2023 srk consultingCOORDINATE SYSTEM: 2 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW- NEW SITE LAYOUT 07/24/2023 MAP EXHIBIT 6/19/2024 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW- NEW MINE PLAN NC83F PREPARED FOR: SRK PROJECT NO.: REVISION: 3 08/24/2023 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW-SURFACE WATER PROJECT: USPR576.800 7 0 250 500 1000 4 08/30/2023 KINGS MOUNTAIN 5 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW 08/30/2023 DRAWING NO. J1 A L B E MARL E MINING PROJECT KINGS MOUNTAIN MINING PROJECT g ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW 09/15/2023 FEET IF THE ABOVE BAR Operated by:7 RE-ISSUED FOR PERMITTING 06/19/2024 DOES NOT MEASURE 1 INCH, FIGURE 1 -2 FILE NAME: Site Map_Rev 8_Simplified_Linked.dwg THE DRAWING SCALE IS ALTERED Albemarle-Lithium C:\Users\elynn\SRK Consulting\NA USPR000576 Albemarle Corporation Kings Mountain 2022 Pre Feasibility Study-GIS\04 CAD\20240619_Simplified SiteMap\Site Map_Rev 8_Simplified_Linked.dwg SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 1 1.5 Purpose and Scope of Report This preliminary design report summarizes the characterization, design, and slope stability work completed by SRK for the proposed RSF-A and RSF-X.The purpose and scope of this report includes: • Providing recommended slope design parameters for the RSF based on available geotechnical data: o Providing acceptance criteria for the pre-feasibility design o Providing overall slope angles and recommended pre-feasibility-level design criteria for the RSF o Providing slope stability analysis with calculation of factors of safety (FoS) on the pre- feasibility-level RSF designs • Identifying additional information required to bring the Project to the next design phase The stability and design work summarized in this report is supported by the following appendices: • Appendix A: RSF-A and RSF-X Pre-feasibility Site Characterization Report • Appendix B: Preliminary Design Drawing Set • Appendix C: Stability Calculation Package The quality of information, conclusions, and estimates contained herein is consistent with the level of effort involved in SRK's services, based on: • Information available at the time of preparation • Data supplied by outside sources • The assumptions, conditions, and qualifications set forth in this report This report is intended for use by Albemarle subject to the terms and conditions of its contract with SRK. 1.6 Reliance on Other Experts This report relies on data collected from the Kings Mountain pre-feasibility geotechnical investigation. SRK's opinion contained herein is based on information and data provided to SRK by Albemarle throughout the course of the investigations. SRK has relied upon the work of other consultants in the Project areas in support of this design report, including the following: • Cascade Drilling conducted the 2022 sonic and air rotary subsurface exploration drilling. • FTE Drilling USA Inc. (FTE) conducted the 2023 sonic subsurface exploration drilling. • Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) conducted logging of the 2022 and 2023 subsurface exploration drilling and also conducted a portion of the material property laboratory testing (Terracon, 2023). Knight Piesold completed the rest of the laboratory testing. SRK relied on geotechnical laboratory test results in the derivation of properties of the various materials. • GEOVision Geophysical Services (GEOVision) conducted a seismic refraction geophysical investigation to characterize the shear(S)wave velocity of sediments and underlying bedrock. • Lettis Consultants International, Inc. computed peak horizontal ground accelerations (PGA) for the Project based upon three design earthquakes (Lettis Consultants International, Inc., 2022). • ConeTec Inc. conducted cone penetration testing (CPT). MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 2 • Schnabel Engineering (Schnabel)(2011)engineered a design for removing the existing South Creek reservoir dam for Foote. • Golder Associates (Golder) (1975) conducted an investigation of the existing tailings dam in 1975 for Foote. • Catalytic, Inc. (1975) prepared engineering drawings for Foote for the lithium carbonate plant. • Albemarle provided the preliminary, interim, and final pre-feasibility designs for the Kings Mountain RSF piles. • SRK reviewed literature regarding the regional soil properties(Lambe, 1996, Lambe and Riad, 1990, and St. John, Sowers, and Weaver, 1969). • Logan Drilling conducted the core drilling of the 2018 geotechnical core drillholes. • Dahrouge Geological Consulting conducted the geotechnical core logging of the 2018 geotechnical core holes. SRK provided quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC)for the 2018 geotechnical core drilling program. SRK reviewed the data (refer to the 2023 SRK factual report) and relied on the collected data for this report (for bedrock properties). • DGI Geoscience conducted the optical and acoustic televiewer logging of the 2018 and 2023 pre-feasibility drillholes. 1.7 Proposed RSF Development In support of the proposed mining operations, Albemarle designed non-PAG and PAG RSFs for temporary storage(overflow storage in the case of RSF-A)prior to pit backfilling.Two RSFs have been proposed (Figure 1-3). This report covers the geotechnical design and stability of the two RSFs, including: • RSF-A will be a permanent non-PAG RSF constructed in the west-to-southwest area of South Creek and to the east-to-northeast of Tin Mine Road. RSF-A will mostly be comprised of coarse rock sourced from the open pit. SRK understands that Albemarle also plans to use the facility to store finer-grained materials comprising dense media separation (DMS) rejects, excavated sand from the existing legacy tailings storage facility (Old TSF; Golder, 1975), waste rock from the existing tailings storage facility(TSF)embankment,and minimal quantities of optional off-site fine material. Both the legacy tailings and waste rock are to be removed to make way for the construction of RSF-X, but all materials destined for RSF-A will need to be comingled at a mix ratio that does not negatively affect the strength governed by the coarse waste rock component. • RSF-X will be a temporary geomembrane-lined PAG RSF constructed over the footprint of the existing legacy TSF (Golder, 1975) and adjacent to South Creek reservoir. Prior to construction of RSF-X, the existing tailings from the existing impoundment and unsuitable subgrade soils will be removed. The RSF will then be initially constructed with an engineered foundation subgrade constructed with coarse materials contained within the existing embankments. Following the completion of the engineered foundation subgrade, the geomembrane-lined containment for RSF-X will be constructed in two phases, with the first phase including the contact water management pond and the southwestern half and the second phase completing the footprint to the northeast. The RSF is considered temporary because the PAG waste rock will be relocated to the bottom of the pit as part of site closure. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 3 •rrrl rrr a •.r1J •.r. •:rrr 7-9ti mate Pit Outline a •. 2:33 RSF-X ,11,1 RSF-A 2283 Plunge •1 e Azimuth 000 Looking down r, a r 5DU 1000 500 2000 Ir .rrr Source:SRK,2024 Figure 1-3: Kings Mountain Proposed RSFs The RSF facilities are proposed to extend to maximum slope heights between 260 ft (RSF-X) and 350 ft(RSF-A)from lowest slope toe elevation to the highest elevation. Both RSFs will be constructed in benches with an overall maximum slope angle of 2.51-1:1V(horizontal:vertical). RSF-X (containing PAG) is proposed to be located adjacent to the South Creek reservoir, roads, and wetlands. RSF-X is located close to Kings Creek (within approximately 115 ft), South Creek (within approximately 145 ft), and railroad infrastructure(within approximately 50 ft). RSF-X also comes within approximately 830 ft of 1-85. RSF-A is proposed to be located directly adjacent to wetlands. RSF-X is also within close proximity of South Creek(within approximately 85 ft),the Albemarle property line(within approximately 185 ft), Tin Mine Road (approximately 275 ft), and nearby inhabited housing (within approximately 230 ft). Note MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSJ and RSJ—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 4 that berms and trees will be constructed as a buffer zone along the Albemarle property line adjacent to RSF-A. Figure 1-4 shows infrastructure and environmental features adjacent to the RSFs. •1111 ♦' 111 o r11 , '11 r � :11 Property Line 1 Wetlands 1r . Creeks �l Rail Infrastructure Select Phase Pit Outline ?15 High Consequence areas adjacent to WRD stockpiles t Moderate Consequence areas { r adjacent to WRD stockpiles Yea 5 -ultimat Pit 1 RSF-X ' RSF-A 2283 73D5 111 0 f -:r / 11 Irn 11 ull Source:SRK,2024 Figure 1-4: RSF Proximity to Critical Infrastructure MB/F W/B B KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 5 2 Site Environment 2.1 Climate The Project is situated within the Koppen-Geiger Cfa climate classification (Kottek, 2006), which describes a continental type of climate without a dry season.Temperatures during the warmest months are above 72 degrees Fahrenheit(°F), and temperatures in the coldest months are between 27°F and 65°F. Average monthly precipitation varies between 3 and 5 inches. Average annual precipitation is 42 inches, with an even distribution of rainfall throughout the year and an average annual snowfall of 4 inches. Southwestern North Carolina is prone to thunderstorms during the summer and ice storms during the winter. 2.1.1 Temperature The climate of the Project vicinity is humid subtropical with hot summers and mild winters.The monthly temperature ranges from a minimum of around YF in January to a maximum of around 104°F in August,with an average temperature of around 60°F. Legacy data show that temperatures in the area have been increasing, with an average rise of 0.3°F per decade since 1970, or roughly 1.7°F from 1895 to 2020. Climate change is expected to further contribute to this warming trend, potentially impacting surface water conditions, such as increased evaporation rates and altered streamflow patterns. Predictive climate models suggest further warming in the future, potentially resulting in more frequent and severe heatwaves and droughts. 2.1.2 Evaporation Evaporation rates at the Project vary based on temperature, humidity levels, wind speed, and solar radiation. Legacy data show that evaporation rates are highest in summer, averaging around 6 to 7 inches per month, and lowest in winter, with around 2 to 3 inches per month (Figure 2-1). Overall, average annual evaporation ranges from 55 to 65 inches. Evaporation impacts surface water availability by contributing to water loss from lakes, rivers, and streams. Factors such as vegetation cover, land use practices, and soil moisture levels influence evaporation variability. Climate models predict that evaporation rates will continue to increase in the future due to warming temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 6 s 7 —� �6 5 o m 4 W t 3 L O 1 January February March April May June July August September October November December Clemson Univ Chesnee 7 WSW Chapel Hill 2 W — — —Average GoldSim Figure 2-1: Average Monthly Evaporation 2.1.3 Precipitation Precipitation totals at the Project vary throughout the year. Based on the last 30 years, the area typically receives between 41 to 55 inches of rainfall annually (Figure 2-2), with precipitation being distributed relatively evenly throughout the year without a clear wet or dry season. The region is susceptible to extreme precipitation events, such as tropical storms and hurricanes, which can bring heavy rainfall and cause flooding. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 7 Distribution of Precipitation li P.0 70 w 10 — t 60 9 e ■a 0 50 g e aa0 0 4 m _ Ei 20 a 0 2 ¢` g 10 0 January February March April May June July August 5epte ber W.ber November oe-ember Annual Total 2.5V 5% 5%40% s 10%-25% ■25%-50% ■Medjan ■SM-75% .75%-90% 90%-95% 95%-97-5% Annual Precipitation 80 RI t 60 e 50 Y 46 13 3a 20 a Jo- 0 '9s 1131 193s iW 1945 1950 i9ss 1910 ills 1970 197, IM0 ales 1990 199, z000 2co-s 2010 2015 2020 Figure 2-2: Annual Precipitation 2.1.4 Storm Frequency Storms encountered at the Project vary in frequency and intensity throughout the year. For example, a 100-year, 24-hour storm event produces, on average, 7.96 inches of precipitation (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2023). The region experiences thunderstorms, tropical storms, and hurricanes, which can bring heavy rainfall and high winds. Thunderstorms, which are the most common type of storm in the area, see peak activity in July and August. Factors such as temperature, humidity, wind patterns, and topography influence storm occurrence. These storms can impact surface water availability and quality by causing flooding, erosion, and sedimentation. Climate change could increase the frequency and intensity of storms in the future, posing higher risks of flooding and erosion. Applied Weather Associates (AWA) completed the Site-Specific Probable Maximum Precipitation Study for Kings Mountain Mining Operations, North Carolina(AWA,2022)for the Kings Mountain basin in North Carolina. AWA utilized a storm-based approach to derive the site-specific probable maximum precipitation (PMP) depths to update the PMP depths originally developed in hydrometeorological reports developed by the National Weather Service. Figure 2-3 shows Tables 10.4 and 10.5 excerpted from AWA (2022), which show the results of the site-specific study with annual return intervals to 1:10,000 years and beyond. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X-Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 8 Tji hie 10.4: Kings Nionnlnin hawin AF1'fur 6-. 24-.rind 77-!lour f NIP Kings !Mountain AEP Estimate PM P(in) AEP ARl 6hr 28.5 2.51-9 39.829.769 24hr 32.4 1.09'7 9.144,104 72hr 32.4 3.g '7 2,544,551 Table 10.5: [zing*Meuutain basin uvti-oll frequeslc,y analymi5 for 6-- 24-, and 72-hour ' tfiftuaimeV An 6-hour 24-hour 72-hour IAEP AO 50% 5% 95% 50% 5% 95% 50% 5% 95% 1.01 0.99010 9.9` 1.0 0.9 1.1 2.0 1.8 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.6 2 o_500On 501 2.3 2.1 2.5 3A 9.4 3.9 4.3 4.0 4.5 5 0.2D000 2.01 3.2 2.9 3.4 4A 4.4 5.1 5.7 5.2 6.1 10 {7.1mo0 1.01 5.9 5.5 4.1 5.5 5.1 6.0 6.6 6.1 7.1 25 o.0400a 4.0' 4.7 4.3 5A 6.6 6.1 7.2 7.9 7.3 8.5 5o 0.02040 2.0' 5.3 4.9 5.8 715 GA a_2 8.9 8.2 9.7 100 0_U1o00 1.01 5.0 5.5 6.7 8.4 7.7 9.2 9.9 9.1 10.9 200 oxD500 5.01 6.8 6.2 7.6 9.3 .9.5 10.4 11.0 10.1 12.3 500 GAD200 2.01 7A 7.1 a in.6 9.6 12.1 12.6 11.4 14.3 1,000 0.00100 1.0', 8.7 7.9 10A 11.7 10A 135 13.9 12.4 16.0 5,6ao 0.00621) 2.0-1 10.9 9.5 13.1 14,4 12.5 17.2 17.1 Mg 20.4 10,000 0.00010 1.01 11.9 10.3 14.5 .15.7 13.5 19.1 18.6 16.0 22.6 100.DOO aA0001 1.0'' 15_9 13A 20.5 20.4 16.9 26.5 24.2 20.0 31.3 IN0.000 0.000001 1.0-` 20.5 16.3 28.3 26.2 20.7 36.1 31.0 24,5 42.7 14,000,OOo 0.0000001 1.0' 26.2 19.9 38.7 31A 25.0 49S 39.1 29.7 57A 100,000,000 n.00000001 1_o, 33A 24.0 52.5 41.4 29.9 65.5 48.9 3SA 77.6 1,000,Oc0,Oco O.OUo000o01 1.01 41.4 29.6 70.7 51,2 15.1 97.4 60.6 41.9 1U3.5 IO,OnU,000,L}UO U.UUaUc00d01 1.01 51.4 33,9 94.7 63.1 41.5 116.1 14.1 49.2 137.5 Source:AWA,2022 Figure 2-3: Excerpted Tables showing Site-Specific Study and Annual Return Intervals Results AWA (2022) also included a site-specific climate change assessment to "understand and quantify whether the climate change projections related to temperature, moisture, and precipitation are expected to change significantly in the future (through 2100), and whether those changes would warrant a change to the currently derived PMP depths." The results of the study indicate "an increase in precipitation and temperature in the future" with "the most likely outcome regarding precipitation over the basin going forward is that the mean annual and seasonal amount will increase, but the individual extreme events will stay within the range of uncertainty currently calculated" (AWA, 2022). The site-specific water balance prepared to inform water management requirements across the site considers the results of the site-specific climate study and is described in detail in SRK's Technical Report 2022 Prefeasibility Study, Surface Water: Water Balance Development(SRK, 2023a). MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 9 2.1.5 Wind Patterns Wind rose data were obtained from the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)Air Quality Portal available online at https://airquality.climate.ncsu.edu/wind/. Figure 2-4 presents wind rose data for the Shelby Municipal Airport, located about 13 miles west of Kings Mountain, and for the Gastonia Municipal Airport, located about 13 miles east of Kings Mountain. The data for both sites indicate the predominant wind direction is out of the north and northeast, with a good portion of the winds out of the south and southwest. W:, I..r,F 1i,r KAKH j G l,:rii .1j _ ® 6Vir-d r:sc KI 111.) ti4,ill:y.NC _ N rrr W .sx L= .r.. ... [w,.w:,.a,.I 392'N YOOWN'+Ti y GrmWi:wY ecT mPhl •. ... 61 menroY 1m,0 myi laLiaaoM �V W'� �' ...i:•• imy: N:r:L' -... ■2*e6inph f is q ■,Sy pnrn ���JJJ���` �59n Trnph royr5 mph *r mph -- Source: DEQ Air Quality Portal, https://airquality.climate.ncsu.edu/wind/ Figure 2-4: Wind Rose Data in the Vicinity of Kings Mountain 2.2 Topography Topography is relatively uniform, with an average elevation of 1,007 ft, and is characterized by expansive low-relief and shallow rolling hills, subtly carved by narrow rivers and streams (Figure 2-5). Vegetation is dominated by shrubbery and mature hardwood forest, including red maple, American beech, and oak. Regional bedrock exposure is limited to rocky knobs, reaching elevations of 1,624 ft. Relief demonstrates a subtle elevation transition to predominant low shrubbery and pine. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 10 i - I1 7p.' t( '.0091 RSF-X 'A - RSF-A $+ a R-14i ft�l l�i� i r , t. NA]' WR Source:SRK,2024 Note:2-ft contours are shown on current topography. Pre-feasibility design RSF locations are shown for reference. Figure 2-5: Current Surface Topography 2.3 Bedrock Geology The RSFs are underlain by a variety of rock types, primarily foliated metamorphic lithologies (meta- sedimentary and meta-volcanic) including schists, marble, and phyllite (some of which have been intruded by spodumene pegmatite). A more-detailed description of the substrate geologic units has MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 11 been provided in the 2023 SRK Factual Report for Kings Mountain. Figure 2-6 shows the site general arrangement showing the underlying bedrock geology. LITHOLOGIES: 0 Upper Mica Schist — Amphibole Gneiss-Schist — Spodumene Pegmatite Shear Schist 1� Mica Schist Po Mica Schist 0 Chlorite Schist i — Silica Mica Schist B — Schist Marble — Marble 0 Phyllite sed I` Year Pit Extents RSF-A RSF-X —� Plunge+90 EF — Azimuth 000 Looking dowiff n • 00 —_0 500 1000 1500 Source:SRK,2024 Note: For clarity,surface overburden/soils and existing RSF/TSF are not shown. Figure 2-6: General Arrangement Showing Underlaying Bedrock Geology 2.4 Foundation Soils Current topography in conjunction with pre-mine topography below the existing Old TSF(Golder, 1975, reproduction of 1969 Foote topography map)was used to define the basal surface prior to placement of tailings and waste rock material. The test pits and borings from the Golder (1975) and Schnabel (2011) studies (in conjunction with the 2022 geotechnical investigations) were used to define the MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 12 foundation soil profile below the proposed RSF footprints. The foundations soils below the RSFs comprise overburden and saprolite (or residual soil)overlying weathered bedrock (Figure 2-7). 284 SE NW 274 N 260 Overburden L rrJi rr r Q) 250 Saprolite o ................................................................................................ .- cu 240 a� w 230 220 210 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 Position (meters) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 P-Wave Velocity (m/s) Source:GEOVision,2023 Figure 2-7: Example Seismic Refraction Survey Results (P-Wave) 2.5 Groundwater 2.5.1 Conceptual Hydrogeological Model The conceptual hydrogeological model subdivides the groundwater system around the site into two main components, including surficial deposits and bedrock. Surficial deposits are made up of a mix of overburden rock, saprolite, and weathered bedrock. These units have relatively higher hydraulic conductivities than the deeper bedrock. Groundwater inflow to the pit through the surficial deposits is believed to be substantial in the current condition and is expected to be a major contributor during the initial stages of mining. This depressurization of the RSF foundation units into the pit is expected to increase consolidation of surficial soils (RSF foundation soils) and improve the stability during the short-term operations. However, the relative contribution to RSF foundation outflow and pore pressure is expected to decrease rapidly in time, as the surficial units (overburden, saprolite, and weathered bedrock) become dewatered through pit excavation and in-pit sump dewatering. At this point, the modeled water level will reach a relatively steady-state condition during operations. In contrast, the underlying bedrock groundwater system is expected to be the less-important component in terms of RSF performance and stability. This system is understood as bedrock units MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 13 with low hydraulic conductivity decreasing with depth and low groundwater storage parameters decreasing. The main flow pathways in this system occur through fracturing and weathering of the bedrock, which is more pronounced in the upper parts of the system, just underneath the surficial deposits. 2.5.2 Site Groundwater Conditions The Prefeasibility Study Hydrogeologic Characterization Kings Mountain Project report (SRK, 2023) describes the groundwater conditions for the site. During the 2022 site characterization program, six monitoring wells were installed near the proposed RSFs (Figure 2-8). Wells SNKM22-432 (TSFM-6) and SNKM22-434 (TSFM-4) are located in the existing TSF, and the available readings show the groundwater level at 59 and 34 ft below ground surface (bgs). For Borehole SNKM22-406 (MW-RSF- 1-1), the groundwater level is recorded at 27.2 ft bgs. Wells SNKM-375 (KMMW21-4) and SNKM22- 400 (KMMW21-6 Shallow) were installed in the lower ground of the property, where the groundwater level is recorded at 52 and 64 ft bgs, respectively. Well SNKM22-398 (MW-TSF-1-2) indicates groundwater is at 10 ft bgs; this is probably influenced by the proximity of the South Creek reservoir (see Figure 2-8). 920 kr9DD y`v s. 0 �920 ° 8dp �-o ss,- �949 0 �o 969 RT aea 98 RT 401 .tee 9a O_ 800 x 82 91K%Me24 • as 22-3H8 � SR M ■ R 362 RT W -385 91 KAkT1S1T 0� - _ SRKM22435 SR 22-= * ' o ry / �K SNXM22-4M O Source:SRK,2023 Figure 2-8: Groundwater Level Contours M B/F W/B B KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X-Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 14 2.6 Surface Water SRK's Surface Water Management Report, Kings Mountain Mining Project, North Carolina (SRK, 2023d) describes surface water hydrology and stormwater control system design at the site in detail, and the following sections are incorporated from that report. The natural drainage network in the vicinity of the Project is heavily influenced by legacy and active mining activities. The contributing watersheds to the Project area are roughly defined by Battleground Avenue to the north, Tin Mine Road to the west, Church Road to the south and east, and Cardio Hill (a legacy RSF) to the northeast. The drainage network consists of two main drainages and several constructed water bodies, as shown on Figure 2-9. T - y V. Pa too i '-KF�75W-8 bnwnstream of Weir ir3• c:r= Source:SRK,2023d Figure 2-9: Existing Streamflow Network and Monitoring Points Kings Creek passes through the Project area from northeast to southwest. Upgradient of the Project, Kings Creek is intercepted by the Martin Marietta Quarry Pit. Water intercepted by the Martin Marietta Quarry Pit is pumped out on a regular basis and discharged into Kings Creek. The pumping system was recently upgraded to a capacity of 2,500 gallons per minute (gpm). As Kings Creek enters the Project area, it is routed under the current Albemarle research building in a 620-ft-long, 4-ft-diameter corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culvert. After exiting the culvert, Kings Creek MB/F W/B B KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 15 flows to the southwest and joins with flows from the South Creek reservoir before crossing under 1-85 in three, 7-ft-wide by 10-ft-high concrete box culverts. Flowing south, Kings Creek joins with flows from WSB-1 before flowing off the Project area to the southwest. South Creek begins northwest of the Project area in an area of residential neighborhoods. The creek flows generally southwards as it passes the existing Foote mineral tailings impoundment before entering the South Creek reservoir, formed as part of the legacy mining activities in the area. Runoff from the legacy tailings impoundment does not discharge directly to South Creek, but meteoric water infiltrating into and through the tailings likely reports to South Creek and the South Creek reservoir. The recently upgraded spillway from the South Creek reservoir consists of two 32-inch-diameter high- density polyethylene (HDPE) culverts through the embankment. The culverts flow into a rock down- chute that joins Kings Creek. The Kings Creek pit lake is formed in the legacy Kings Mountain pit and does not currently contribute surface water flows to the stream network. The current pit lake elevation is approximately 800 ft amsl and would need to rise at least 50 ft before overflowing from the pit into Kings Creek. There are several small, manmade ponds in the Project area that generally contribute to the Kings Creek drainage system. The most notable of these ponds is Pond #1, a legacy water management structure used by the existing industrial activities to manage stormwater runoff from the Project area. Pond #1 collects water from the site and infrequently discharges through a culvert under the railroad spur into Kings Creek. WSB-1 is formed by the legacy Foote chem tailings impoundment south of 1-85. Post-mining, the embankment was breached down to an elevation of approximately 820 ft amsl, and flows exiting WSB- 1 flow freely over a rock spillway,joining with Kings Creek approximately 1,500 ft downstream of the lake. The area below the confluence of Kings Creek and WSB-1 outflow is currently blocked by a beaver dam,forming a large marshy area in the drainage and resulting in localized flooding.Albemarle is currently exploring options to relocate the beavers and allow flows in Kings Creek to be confined to the original stream channel under normal flow conditions. Streamflow at the Project site is continuously monitored at the two locations. Monitoring Point KMSW- 3 is a legacy concrete and steel plate weir designated as Weir#3 located on Kings Creek below the confluence with South Creek and upstream of the culvert crossing under 1-85. Monitoring Point KMSW- 8 is located at the outlet of the South Creek reservoir, just upstream of the confluence with Kings Creek. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 16 3 Geotechnical Characterization The 2022 site investigation was designed to characterize the subsurface conditions through various disciplines, including geotechnical, hydrogeology, geochemistry, geology, and mineral resources. The geotechnical investigations were carried out from August to December 2022 and comprised a total of 51 boreholes, nine CPTs,and 20 geophysical lines. Sampling consisted of standard penetration testing (SPT), modified California (ModCal), and disturbed materials. Laboratory testing was completed on selected bulk and split-spoon samples from the 2022 site investigation in Terracon's Charlotte geotechnical testing laboratory. Table 3-1 summarizes the type and number of laboratory tests for material characterization. Appendix A includes the results of the laboratory testing. Table 3-1: 2022 Laboratory Testing Summary Table Test Procedure Quantity Moisture content ASTM D2216 79 Atterberg limits ASTM D4318 75 Sieve analysis ASTM D6913 72 Hydrometer ASTM D7928 15 Unit weight ASTM D7263 6 Standard proctor ASTM D698/D1557 2 Flexible wall permeability ASTM D 5084-90 METHOD C 1 Consolidated-undrained (CU)triaxial test ASTM D4767 5 Consolidation ASTM 2435 2 Unconfined compression(rock) ASTM D 7012 2 The 2023 site investigation was completed between September and December 2023 and included seven boreholes at the RSF-X facility and 10 boreholes at the RSF-A facility. Final borehole depths range from 50 to 190 ft bgs. The boreholes were drilled using two sonic drill rigs: one truck-mounted and the other track-mounted. Continuous sampling was performed during drilling by either collecting the bagged sonic samples in between penetration resistance tests or by collecting hammer-driven split-spoon ModCal and SPT samples every 5 to 10 ft during drilling. DGI Geoscience completed imaging of the borehole walls using an optical televiewer in the 10 boreholes at RSF-A. The 2023 geotechnical investigation program included a laboratory testing program performed on selected bulk and split-spoon samples.The testing program was conducted at Terracon's geotechnical testing laboratory in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Knight Piesold geotechnical laboratory in Denver, Colorado. Table 3-2 provides a summary of the requested and completed laboratory tests for the material characterization at the RSF-X and RSF-A projected locations up to March 15, 2024. Appendix A includes the results of the laboratory testing. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 17 Table 3-2: 2023 to 2024 Laboratory Testing Summary Test Procedure Quantity Moisture content ASTM D2216 61 Atterberg limits ASTM D4318 52 Sieve analysis ASTM D6913 66 Hydrometer ASTM D7928 11 Specific gravity ASTM D854 14 Permeability ASTM D5084 1 Unconfined compression in rock ASTM D7012 8 Rock unit weight ASTM D7012 8 Point load test ASTM D5731 4 SRK's report titled Rock Storage Facilities RSF-A and RSF-X, Pre-feasibility Site Characterization Report(SRK, 2024) (included in Appendix A) describes the details and conclusions of the 2022 and 2023 to 2024 site characterization and laboratory testing programs in detail. MB/FW/BB KingsMountain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 18 4 Calculations and Engineering Design 4.1 RSF Hazard Classification A semi-qualitative waste dump and stockpile stability rating and hazard classification (WSRHC) using guidance provided by Hawley, Cunning, and The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)(2017)was completed for the RSFs.The WSRHC evaluates 22 key factors that affect the stability of the RSFs and assigns a relative hazard rating. These factors are assigned a numerical rating and the sum to the waste dump and stockpile stability rating (WSR). The maximum possible WSR is 100; higher ratings indicate a more stable configuration. The WSRHC and associated WSR are utilized to establish appropriate stockpile operation and monitoring guidelines for the RSFs at the Project. Table 4-1 summarizes the hazard ratings. Table 4-1: Summary of WSRHC Index RSF-X(PAG) Rating RSF-A(NAG) Rating Engineering geology index(EGI) 23.5 20.5 Design and performance index(DPI) 24 24.5 Waste dump and stockpile hazard rating 47.5 45 Waste dump and stockpile hazard class (WHC) III: moderate hazard III: moderate hazard The results indicate that RSF-A and RSF-X are considered WHC III with an instability hazard of moderate mazard. According to Hawley, Cunning, and CSIRO (2017), the following level of effort for design and construction is recommended for a moderate hazard dump: • Investigation and characterization: comprehensive desktop studies to establish initial stability rating and hazard classification; detailed site reconnaissance to confirm assumptions from desktop studies; detailing mapping and subsurface investigations, likely including test pitting/trenching and limited drilling and sampling; in situ instrumentation and testing and laboratory testing to verify foundation and fill material properties; initiation of comprehensive baseline environmental monitoring; condemnation drilling. • Analysis and design: comprehensive stability analyses, including consideration of runout potential; qualitative risk assessment;design moderately constrained by stability and potential impacts; design optimization and impact mitigation studies; design constructed by experienced geotechnical specialist with peer review. • Construction and operation: moderate site preparation, which may include underdrainage and diversions; limited foundation instrumentation to verify performance; runout/rollout mitigation measures, if required; moderately constrained construction sequence of fill quality and placement as necessary; loading/advance rate restrictions; standard instrumentation and visual monitoring with well-defined trigger action response plans (TARP); periodic (minimum annual) inspections by experienced geotechnical specialist. 4.2 Design Acceptance SRK utilized design acceptance criteria (DAC) based upon internationally accepted practice as well as upon acceptance criteria guidance presented in the mine waste dump and stockpile design publication (Hawley, Cunning, and CSIRO, 2017); Table 4-2 summarizes the DAC. The selected DAC are based on the expected failure consequence on impact to adjacent infrastructure and environmental features, as shown on Figure 1-4. The results of the WSRHC generally supports the adopted DAC. MB/F W/B B KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 19 Table 4-2: Kings Mountain RSF Slope Design Acceptability Criteria Minimum FoS/Strength Minimum Maximum RSF Slope Consequence Reduction Factor(SRF) FoS/SRF Probability of Static Pseudo-Static Failure P FoS<_1 RSF-A(north and Moderate Greater than (>) 1.3 >1.1 Less than (<)5% west slope Consequence RSF-X(all slopes), High >1.5 >1.15 <5% RSF-A east sloe Consequence Source:SRK,2023,modified after Hawley,Cunning,and CSIRO,2017 The recommended criteria are based on confidence levels in the understanding of site conditions, material parameters and the consequences of instability.The acceptance criteria list is only a guideline and must be considered in terms of the specific economical and safety risk profiles. 4.3 Slope Stability Analyses With consideration to the foundation conditions and expected slope performance, the following instability mechanisms were considered throughout the analyses and design work: • Deep-seated, overall slope instability through a significant volume of the waste rock materials • Deep-seated, overall slope instability through a significant volume of the waste rock materials and sliding along/through a weaker underlying foundation layers or existing tailings/embankment material Shallow slope face instabilities may be expected throughout construction as material settles and should be managed in accordance with the implemented standard operating procedures. Based on the current understanding of the subsurface under both RSFs, it is the second case where failure occurs through a weaker foundation layer that has guided the stability analyses for these facilities, as described in detail in Appendix C.The results of the stability analyses were used to iterate the design and site preparation details necessary to achieve stable configurations. As shown in the stability calculation package in Appendix C, the modeled failure surfaces extended into foundation soils (i.e., overburden and saprolite) at the toe but do not extend deeper into the weathered bedrock. The design case for RSF-A and RSF-X includes removal of the weak saprolite below the toe of the proposed facility, over the shear key extents to depths of between 10 and 20 feet(on average)and to a maximum depths of up to 30 ft deep at RSF-A(in localized areas along the southern perimeter)and approximately 20 to 25 ft (in localized areas along the southern perimeter and below prior existing native grades)at RSF-X. With the proposed removal of unsuitable material, stability analyses result in acceptable static factors of safety for facility overall slopes of 2.5HAV, as is currently planned. The stability runs consider a strength function conservatively capped at a shear value of 2,000 psf, which is based on analysis of available literature and preliminary site-specific laboratory test data. Sensitivity runs using reported drained strength envelopes on saprolite from literature values (c=250 psf, phi=26 degrees), were also performed and are included in the stability report, but these are considered unconservative, particularly at higher confining pressures. Further laboratory analysis at higher confining stresses should be completed during future design phases to assess the behavior of the saprolite once the initial collapse has occurred and the material behaves in a more strain-hardening manner. This may reduce the estimated depth and volumes of unsuitable soil removal. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev0ldocx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 20 In addition, the waste material loading schedule should be further evaluated with regard to identifying potentially weaker or finer-grained materials that could be deposited within the proposed dumps and the expected co-mingling relationships based on expected material volumes in the detailed mine plan. 4.4 Setback Distances As discussed, the stability analyses results indicate that failure of significant volume is not expected to contribute to a consequential runout. Therefore, the results of the stability analyses indicate that the proposed setback distances to infrastructure and environmental features are appropriate for a larger event. Figure 4-1 shows the utilized setback distances.The analysis results are based on the assumed geotechnical design strengths that will need to be further defined with future field investigation results. However, experience gained from other operations indicates that disruptive runout events may occur from the near slope across several dump benches. Section 4.5 describes a runout assessment based on a local scale failure event. Property Line �+ Wetlands � � + I Creeks f Raillnfrastructure � { +53800014 th 1 awn:: zzaa ��•r.4 1 Looking di!:�poA_ 500 1001, A 500i+i 1 } _� c� 1 1 1 1 1'•1 Source:SRK,2023 Figure 4-1: RSF Proximity to Critical Geographic Locations and Infrastructure 4.5 Runout Assessment The run-of-mine waste rock material used for construction will contain predominantly large-sized rockfill estimated to consist of approximately 50.3% boulders by mass (Austin Powder Company, 2023). Given SRK's experience, this type of material does not have the material properties that would allow a significant runout. Given the above considerations, a failure with a significant volume is not expected to contribute to a consequential runout event that can adversely impact structure MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 21 performance. However, it is acknowledged that there is still the potential for runout (however small) should an unlikely stability/runout event occur. As part of mitigatory measures, SRK incorporated an overall maximum allowable 2.5H:1V(22-degree (°)) slope with a benched profile for ultimate RSF configuration. Additionally, a two-dimensional (21D) runout analysis was carried out using the software package DAN-W (Hungr Geotechnical Research Inc. (Hungr), 2010)for modeled scenarios utilizing the maximum allowable slope. The runout scenarios were modeled to evaluate the sensitivity of an event, such as a larger slump associated with layers of poor-quality rock end-dumped close to an active face.A failure volume based on a multi-platform event from the upper platforms was modeled using DAN-W, as shown on Figure 4-2. The runout distances represent simulated lengths beyond the toe of the RSF. The distances are not representative of the actual slumped materials within the dump itself, which in most cases would represent the greater movement during a dump instability event across several benches. Pre-Failure—Modeled RSF Section Frictional run-out representative of a slump event Modelled multi-bench failure volume (FoS greater than 1.2 for LEM pseudo-static analysis) Modeled Runout—Modeled RSF Section Modelled Run-Out Frictional run-out representative of a slump event 14° Source:SRK,2023 Figure 4-2: DAN-W Runout Model The runout was modeled using frictional behavior parameters due to the unconfined sliding surface and expected characteristics of the coarse, granular, free-draining backfill rock. The waste rock parameters are based on empirical work carried out by Golder and Hungr (1994). Table 4-3 presents the modeled runout parameters. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 22 Table 4-3: Summary of Modeled Runout Parameters (DAN-W) (°) Type Mobilization/ (pounds Unit Weight Friction Angle Pore Pressure yp per Substrate Criterion cubic foot Ib/ft3 Internal Dynamic' Coefficient2 Waste rock Frictional 135 37 32 or 34 0, 0.1, or 0.2 Saprolite Frictional 110 32 24 0.1, 0.2, or 0.3 Source:SRK,2023 'Dynamic friction angle was lowered as part of sensitivity assessment of model to input parameters; dynamic friction angle is expected to be less than internal friction angle. 'Pore pressure coefficients were increased as part of sensitivity assessment of model input parameters;materials are expected to be free draining. Results from DAN-W models were expressed in terms of horizontal runout distance (feet) from the original RSF toe position. A sensitivity analysis was completed on the assumed porewater pressure coefficient and frictional parameters within the models (Table 4-3). The results are representative of a slumping event with a resulting Fahrboschung of approximately 14°, representing the angle from failure scarp to runout toe. Figure 4-2 shows DAN-W model results, and Table 4-4 summarizes complete DAN-W model results and sensitivity analysis. Table 4-4: Summary of Modeled Runout Results (DAN-W) Horizontal Runout Distance Beyond Design RSF Toe(ft) Dynamic Friction Angle 34°Waste Rock, 32°Waste Rock, 24°Saprolite 24°Saprolite Pore 0 waste rock, 0 saprolite >1 6 pressure 0.1 waste rock, 0.2 saprolite 9 13 coefficient 0.2 waste rock, 0.3 saprolite 15 33 Source:SRK,2023 Horizontal runout distance results in Table 4-4 indicate a maximum runout of 33.4 ft under the conditions modeled as part of the sensitivity analysis. The modeled runout is less than the smallest slope height portion of RSF-X that is located near existing administration buildings directly to the east (Figure 4-1). MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 23 5 Design Description To support evaluation and mine permitting for the Project, SRK developed prefeasibility or preliminary designs for RSF-A and RSF-X to aid Albemarle in making informed decisions regarding advancement of the Project. Appendix B includes the conceptual design drawing set of the proposed RSFs and appurtenant facilities, as well as plans, sections, and details for the following components: 1. Over-excavation of unsuitable soils and, where required, replacement with compacted granular general fill. 2. Construction of a system of underdrains for RSF-A and overliner drains for RSF-X. 3. Construction of contact water pond for RSF-X and placement of geomembrane liner, split into two phases to include the contact water pond and west half of the pad for Phase 1 followed by completion of the pad for phase 2 (refer to Drawing 400 in Appendix B). 4. Placement of a minimum 3-ft-thick protective overliner layer with no particle larger than 3 inches, which may be generated through processing waste rock from the legacy TSF embankment or another approved source. 5. Construction of perimeter stormwater control system and access roads. 6. Controlled comingling of materials destined to RSF-A to achieve a stable mixture and prevent the formation of lenses of weak material within the total mass. 7. Controlled loading for both RSFs to spread load over as wide an area as possible and prevent rapid loading in smaller areas and the potential generation of excess porewater pressures in the subgrade. 8. Engineering drawings were prepared under the direct supervision of R. Breese Burnley (P.E. No. 055362), a Professional Engineer currently registered in the state of North Carolina; Table 5-1 provides the drawing list for these plans. Table 5-1: Engineering Drawing List Drawing Number Title 100 Location Map and Drawing Index 200 Existing and Proposed Site Facilities 300 RSF-A Final Configuration Grading Plan and Sections 400 RSF-Final Configuration Grading Plan and Sections 500 Rock Storage Facility Details Note: Refer to Appendix B. The following sections provide additional detail and guidance for RSF construction. 5.1 RSF Design Table 5-2 summarizes the RSF design criteria. To prevent damage to the property or to critical on-site infrastructure, setback distances have been recommended. In addition to the slope design criteria presented in Table 5-2,the toe of the RSFs will be located on flat to gently sloping topography between 50 and 150, with base grading modifications where required to improved overall slope stability. RSF-X is located across the legacy TSF,which requires removal.The topography in this area will be regraded to a gentle slope following excavation of the existing tailings and unsuitable subgrade material, and a slight upward slope along the southern third will be created to improve stability along the liner interface while providing for routing of overliner drainage to the contact water pond in the southwest corner of the RSF (refer to the design drawings in Appendix B). MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 24 Table 5-2: RSF Slope Design Recommendations RSF Bench Maximum Lift Dump Face Maximum Overall Height(ft) Slope Angle(°) Slope Angle(°) RSF-A Lower five 30 36 22 (2.5H:1 V) Upper 30 36 26 (2.5H:1 V) RSF-X All 30 36 20 (2.5HIV) Source:SRK,2023 In addition, the following geotechnical design requirements are established: • Soft and saturated materials within the footprints will be removed prior to construction; this specifically includes legacy tailings and soft subsurface soils, such as the upper weakest layers of saprolite, where dumps are to be constructed. If the excavation of unsuitable soils results in excavations below design grade, approved general fill will be placed in loose lifts of specified thicknesses and compacted in accordance with technical specifications developed for each particular fill source to bring the surface back up to design grade. • Engineered subgrade foundations will need to be constructed prior to construction of the overlying dump platforms. • Vertical advance rates may need to be limited on an annual basis to prevent the generation of excess porewater pressures in the foundation and subgrade. Loading restrictions should be determined following additional characterization and detailed analyses carried out for the next phase of design. • Waste rock located at the slope face and across the initial platforms will need to be free- draining, coarse, and durable. 5.1.1 Topsoil Salvage and Unsuitable Soil Removal Prior to construction, the RSFs' footprints will be cleared and grubbed of existing vegetation. Organic topsoil and growth media will be stripped and hauled to a designated stockpile where it will be stored for reuse during the Project closure phase. Unsuitable soils across the site, and in particular along the southern edge of RSF-A and under the legacy tailings at RSF-X, will be removed and hauled to a designated stockpile where it will also be stored for reuse during facility closure. Based on information obtained during site characterization activities, the depth of required removal of unsuitable soils is highly variable across the site and will require direct oversight of a geotechnical engineer during construction to ensure all potential unstable soils are removed and replaced. Where unsuitable soils are removed below design grade, waste rock or other suitable fill material (potentially generated through cut-and-fill operations within the pit base)will be used to backfill the excavations in compacted layers up to design grade. Placement and compaction will be achieved in accordance with technical specifications tailored to each specific material type. 5.1.2 RSF Interior Base Design and Contact Water Management Ponds The overburden, residual soil, and saprolite at the base of the RSFs' interiors will be excavated to an average depth of about 10 ft(except as noted above along the southern boundary of RSF-A and under the legacy tailings at RSF-X)and shaped to the final design lines and grades. Based on available site characterization and laboratory test data, relatively low permeability saprolitic soils are likely to be present throughout the RSFs'footprints, and it is expected that moisture conditioning and compaction of in situ soils during base preparation will provide a relatively low-permeability surface capable of MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 25 inhibiting vertical migration of fluids and promoting lateral flow to the RSF base drain systems described below. Where possible, fine-grained saprolitic soils removed to achieve design grades will be stockpiled for later use in facility closure. Following base grading and compaction, a base drain system will be installed over the prepared RSF base to collect and remove infiltrating meteoric water and any collected seepage from upwelling groundwater. This base drain system will consist of a series of various sizes of perforated corrugated polyethylene (PCPE) collection pipes (Advanced Drainage Systems (ADS) N-12 or approved equivalent) placed along the existing and regraded natural flow lines and covered with drain rock or sand to provide a preferential flow path for migrating liquids (refer to Drawing 300 in Appendix B). The base drain system will route fluids to a seepage and contact water collection sump at the southeastern corner of the RSF-A footprint.Two drainpipes will exit the sump base and be routed under the southern embankment and into the contact water pond at the southeast corner of the RSF. The pipeline will be installed with multiple water stops to prevent seepage flow along the pipeline. The waste rock placed in the RSFs is anticipated to be very coarse.All drains will be covered with filter sand material specifically designed to minimize the migration of fines into the drain media. Crusher pilot testing will be performed as part of facility construction to develop grain size distribution relationships for each component of the interior sideslope design to facilitate Terzaghi filter calculations (1950)and ensure that the different material types will be both internally stable and compatible for use in a layered sand filter design. If on-site materials cannot be processed to meet the necessary specifications, Albemarle may need to source one or more components of the layered sand filter from an outside vendor. The same approach to unsuitable material removal will apply to RSF-X except that the legacy tailings will also be removed. Once a non-yielding foundation is established, an 80-mil double-sided textured liner will be constructed over the Phase 1 and contact water management pond footprints, and the overliner drainage system and protection layer will be installed. The system will be constructed in a similar manner as described for RSF-A except that this system will be constructed over the geomembrane liner and designed to provide for full containment of meteoric water contacting the PAG waste rock to be placed in RSF-X for temporary storage. Collected contacted water will be routed through the proposed on-site water treatment plant prior to discharge into WSB-1 for eventual release into Kings Creek. 5.1.3 Stormwater Management Stormwater management at the RSF sites is relatively simple in layout and includes a perimeter stormwater management channel at the toe of the RSF slopes that will route collected runoff flows into each RSF's contact water management pond. Stormwater management controls for areas external to the actual RSF areas are described in the report Archdale Surface Water Management Report, Kings Mountain Mining Project(SRK, 2024a). 5.1.4 Closure RSF closure is described in more detail in SRK's preliminary closure plan (SRK, 2024)and is currently anticipated to include ongoing closure and reclamation of RSF-A exterior slopes followed by placement of a minimum of 2 ft of growth media in loose lifts and revegetated with an approved seed mix. Best management practices will be implemented to prevent erosion until vegetation is successfully MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 26 established. Stormwater berms and channels will be installed as necessary to control stormwater flows off of the closed surface and safely route them into the perimeter stormwater management system; riprap lining or channel erosion protection products will be utilized where necessary. RSF-X is a temporary facility, and at closure the PAG waste rock will be relocated to the open pit, the liner will be shredded and disposed of in an approved municipal waste landfill, and the original lined footprint will be covered with a minimum of 12 inches of growth media and revegetated with an approved seed mix. 5.1.5 Technical Specifications and Construction Quality Assurance Plan The detailed design of the RSFs will include preparation of a thorough set of technical specifications to guide construction in accordance with the approved design and a detailed construction quality assurance plan to detail required field and laboratory procedures that must be followed to ensure compliance with the technical specifications and approved detailed design. 5.2 Construction Guidelines 5.2.1 Standard Operating Procedures The operation of the RSFs must be consistent with the design basis and assumptions stated above. Operational guidelines or standard operating procedures(SOP)should be developed using the design basis. SOPS for the construction should be implemented to improve safety for operating staff who are tasked with building the dumps. The SOPs should be implemented prior to construction and approved by the Kings Mountain geotechnical team. The mine engineering team should consider the following when developing short-term dumping plans: • Opportunities for multiple dumping locations and providing sufficient length of the dump crest in each area to an acceptance crest stability condition. • Utilizing topographic variations and features to help control dump stability during construction. • Completion of required surface water diversion and drainage features prior to establishment of the initial dump platforms. The following other operational aspects should be considered: • Provide survey control to maintain dumps are per design limit. • Where practical, maintain traffic flow so that loaded trucks travel driver side along the crest, giving the operator an opportunity to visually inspect the condition of the crest. • Materials should be dumped short of the crest to be pushed over the edge by the dozer. • Lift heights should be managed to reduce any rapid loading and impact to underlying overburden and saprolite foundation materials. • Continually inspect the condition of the dump site for abnormal or hazardous conditions. Hazardous conditions would include: o Excessive surface cracking o Safety berms not staying in place o Ongoing surface build-up to maintain a level platform o Bulging of the dump face o Slope toe or foundation creep MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 27 Figure 5-1 provides an example of an RSF inspection checklist that can be adapted for Kings Mountain. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 28 Waste Dump(i.e,Phase 1 Dump): completed by: Date Completed: Date of Last Inspection: INSPECTION CHECKLIST:(indicate the location of abnormalities or potential hazards on an attached drawing) Dump Face(continued) Diversion Ditches Free cf debris/sediment build-up: Yes No lSijEns of over-to Yes No Rip-Rap/armouring in place: Yes No Discharge point dear: Yes No Signs of erosion on base or sides: Yes No Comments/Actions Required/Recommended: Dump Foundation Coarse material at base and into yes No Bulging at the toe: Yes NO gullies: If y Dump Foundation es,bulging is in: Seepage From toe Region: Yes No moterirrl material II yes,water is: clear dirty Rock noise: Yes NO Haulroads Comments/Actions Required/Recommended: Required sign age in-place: Yes !Vv Run-away lanes in place and access Runningwidth adequate: Yes NO Iclear Yes No Shoulder herms adequate: Yes No Reck rollout protection berms Road drainage adequate: Yes Nv adequate: Yes NO Comments/Actions Required/Recommended: Photos taken d uri ng inspection: Yes No Additional Comments: Dump Platform include comments from dump erscm Required sign age in place: Yes No Free standing water or snow build-up: Yes NO Cracking on platform surface: Yes No Settlement of platform: Yes No Water inflow at dump-original ground yes NO Status of action items recommended from the last inspection: If ym,is settlement: Ever uneven contact: Weak materials on platform: Yes No JPAG lift construction: Yes No Comments/Actions Required/Recommended: Summary of activities since last inspection(include comments on material quality,dumping rates,and compliance to design): Dump Crest Safety berm in place along entire Cracking at the crest: Yes No length: Yes NO Subsidences atthecrest: Yes No Positive lup)gradient to berm: Yes No I Rock noise: Yes NO Comments/Actions Reg uired/Recommended: Summary of recommended actions from this inspection. Recommendation: Priority: Responsibility: Date: Dump Face Steep slope below crest: Yes No Fill tening or spreading towards the Yes No cracking on the face: Yes No toe: Bulging an the fate: Yes No Build-up of fine material on the fare: Yes No Seepage from the face: Yes No If yes,water is: deer dirty Build-up of snow or the face: Yes No Comments/Actions Required/Recommended: ¢opy to the mine manager and the engineering manager) Source:SRK,2023 Figure 5-1: Example RSF Inspection Checklist M B/F W/B B KingsMountain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 29 5.2.2 Foundation Preparation The following guidelines are provided to support the foundation preparation activities: • Boundaries should be laid out for clearing and topsoil salvage for the dump footprint. The mine services team/operations team should select and oversee contractors used for timber salvage and clearing. All areas will be cleared of timber and vegetation on an as required basis. • The mine services team/operations team should select and oversee contractors used for construction of the foundation subgrade. The geotechnical team should inspect the construction and review the conformance to design prior to covering with waste rock. • Foundation preparation will need to be carefully managed should this occur downslope of dump deposition during a phased construction sequence. In these situations, dumping may need to be stopped and inspected/monitored at a higher frequency. • Following the clearing/grubbing/stripping, the proposed RSF-X footprint will undergo cut-and- fill regrading to achieve and overall slope of 15' to 20' (20' maximum) sloping to the southwest, with a portion of the pad backsloped towards drainage trench locations to improve slope stability. Subgrade will be prepared in accordance with the lines and grades shown on the drawings, including regrading and compaction with select engineered materials. The detailed design and engineering specifications will be developed during the next phase of design. After clearing and base preparation, the geotechnical team will inspect the final foundation footprints. The geotechnical team should map and record the surficial materials and evaluate whether the topography and foundation conditions vary from those used in design (in particular noting any areas that are steeper than design or with weak foundation materials); this is important for the saprolite materials along the southern edge of RSF-A and directly underlying the legacy tailings at RSF-X,which may have layers of softer materials within the upper 30 to 40 ft of saprolite under the legacy tailings. In light of findings from the inspection, the design will be reviewed and modified by the engineer, and a site foundation inspection report should be prepared. Surface water diversion systems and sediment control structures should be in place prior to commencing material handling and placement. 5.2.3 Construction Methodology RSF-A will be constructed over gently sloping terrain (5° to 15°). RSF-X will be constructed over the legacy TSF embankment. The topography in this area will be regraded to a gentle slope following excavation of the existing tailings at the legacy TSF (regrading plan will provided in a separate memorandum). There may be some shallow slumping as the rock materials are initially placed over areas of soft or yielding subgrade foundation; this can be considered a hazard to mine operations during the construction. To reduce the potential for slope instability, bottom-up construction methods are recommended for the RSFs near to the property line. During initial construction at both RSFs, the perimeter of the facility must be constructed using good-quality waste rock first. RSFs are to be constructed in flat and level lifts of maximum 30-ft thickness and dumped at a 1 AH:1 V lift face angle (generally angle of repose for waste rock). There should be no areas of an RSF where adjacent lifts are more than two lift thickness difference. Where practicable, construction should follow MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 30 a dump-and-push method, where the load is dumped onto the lift and dozer-pushed to form the crest. This method ensures that dumping is carried out with a spotter for reversing haul trucks and the lifts are constructed on well graded material. 5.2.4 Material Quality The quality of waste rock materials should be managed during RSF construction and especially during the initial lift placement. Geotechnically trained personnel should regularly characterize the materials that are being excavated from the pit and hauled to the RSFs, including any concentration and rapid advancement with weaker rock. The RSFs are not designed for storage of organics and topsoil materials. Should the mine plan require topsoil mining, additional specific temporary dump areas should be designed. It is understood that waste rock from the pit development will be prioritized toward TSF construction. This practice is generally acceptable; however, near the final limits of the RSF, good-quality material should be sourced to allow for any final slope grading to meet closure requirements, if required. SRK understands that Albemarle plans to use RSF-A to also store finer-grained materials comprising DMS rejects, excavated sand from the existing Old TSF (Golder, 1975), and minimal quantities of optional off-site fine material. The materials will need to be comingled at a mix ratio that does not negatively affect the strength governed by the coarse waste rock component. Additional characterization and pilot study may be required to establish the most-effective mix ratios once full- scale mining and waste rock and other material generation begins to ensure the generation of a stable comingled material. 5.2.5 Advance Rates The RSF headings are not extensively large, and advance rates will need to be carefully managed through the spreading of material across the crest widths. There may be circumstances where concentrated material placement occurs over a short duration. The advance rates will need to be regularly managed and inspected by mine operations. It is understood that the RSFs are to be constructed across the 8.5-year mine life; however, the detailed mine plan will need to be further developed to evaluate loading rate restrictions. It will be important to distribute the waste material relatively evenly along the available active dump crest length. Equal load distribution across the entire active dump crest reduces the potential for slope instability by reducing the pressure applied to the foundation materials and the resulting pore pressure increases. Figure 5-2 provides a case study stability chart for dump height versus advance rate for short-term mine planning guidance (Hawley, Cunning, and CSIRO, 2017). The actual stability relationship between advance rate and dump height is site-specific and can be determined from the geotechnical inspections. The monitoring data line labeled guideline should be used a starting upper-bound for advance rates. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev0ldocx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 31 24 22 20 st 1 3 18 E 16 \ m V G A 14 , a m 12 U U m 10 m o ♦ L 3WER BO[INJ OF MOST FAILURES s 8 ` E b A GUIDELINE 4 2 ■ 0 10 100 Maximum Dumping Height(m) *Coal Mines-Stable Dumps ■Coal Mines-Failed Dumps s Metal Mines-Stable Dumps x Metal Mines-Failed Dumps s Diamond Mines-Stable Dumps Source: Hawley,Cunning,and CSIRO,2017 Figure 5-2: Plot of Dump Crest Advance Rate versus Dump Height MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 32 6 Conclusions SRK completed a number of stability and sensitivity analyses of the proposed final RSF configurations and utilized the current understanding of material properties and site conditions to iterate design configurations for RSFs at the Project. Factors of safety for each of the final cross-sections were determined to be within established design criteria, as described in the slope stability calculation package (Appendix C). However, additional analyses and data collection to define the shear strength parameters of the foundation materials are required at the next phase of design to limit the potential for slope instabilities. Based upon SRK's review of runout potential, the occurrence of a runout event under the conditions described in this report is considered a low probability. The results of the stability analyses indicate that the proposed setback distances to infrastructure and environmental features are appropriate for a larger event. However, the expected stability and runout potential from a dump platform scale event will need to be confirmed with further field investigation and foundation characterization work, particularly where adverse impacts to South Creek Reservoir are considered feasible. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 33 7 References Note that missing references will be provided upon revision. Applied Weather Associates (AWA) (2022). Site-Specific Probable Maximum Precipitation Study for Kings Mountain Mining Operations, North Carolina, Applied Weather Associates, September 2021, KM60-EN-RP-9431. Austin Powder Company, 2023. Please provide this reference. Catalytic, Inc., 1975. Lithium Carbonate Plant—Section 2100 (Catalytic Job No. KM-74-1). `Approved for Construction' engineering drawings prepared for Foote Mineral Company, by Catalytic, Inc. (Engineering Department, Philadelphia PA), Kings Mountain, North Carolina, 1975. Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), 2023. Please provide this reference. Garrett, D. E., 2004. Handbook of lithium and natural calcium chloride. Elsevier. GEOVision Geophysical Services (GEOVision), 2023. Seismic Investigation - Kings Mountain Mine. Prepared for SRK Consulting (U.S.) Inc., No. 22027-01 Rev 0. January 13, 2023. Golder Associates (Golder), 1975. Report on Investigation of Tailings Dam for Foote Mineral Company, prepared for Foote Mineral Company, by Golder, Gass Associates, Inc., Kings Mountain, N.C., March 1975. Golder and Hungr Geotechnical Research Inc. (Hungr), 1994. Run-out Characteristics of debris From Dump Failure in Mountainous Terrain Stage 2L Analysis, Modelling and Prediction. Report Prepared for Department of Supplement and Services. Project No. 932-1493. 1994. Google Earth, 2023. Please provide this reference. Hawley, M., Cunning, J., and The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), 2017. Guidelines for mine waste dump and stockpile design. Clayton South, VIC: CSIRO Publishing. Horton, J.W., Jr., 2008. Geologic Map of the Kings Mountain and Grover Quadrangles, Cleveland and Gaston Counties, North Carolina, and Cherokee and York Counites, South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2981, 1 sheet, 1:24000 scale, 2008, with 15 p. pamphlet. Hungr, 2010. DAN-W, Release 10. Dynamic Analysis of Landslides. Kottek, M., Grieser, J., Beck, C., Rudolf, B., and Rubel, F., 2006. World Map of the Koppen-Geiger climate classification updated. Meteorol. Z., 15, 259-263. DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0130. Lambe, P. C., 1996. Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation, Chapter 19 - Residual Soils. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.Washington, DC:The National Academies Press. Lambe, P., and Riad, A., 1990. Determination of shear strength for design cut slopes in partly weathered bedrock and saprolite. Lettis Consultants International, Inc., 2022. Preliminary Soil Design PGA Values for the Kings Mountain Mine Development. Memorandum prepared for SRK Consulting regarding Kings Mountain, April 7, 2022. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 34 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 2023. National Center for Environmental Information, Station ID: GHCND:USC00317846 Shelby 2NW, from their website at www.ncei.noaa.gov Schnabel Engineering (Schnabel), 2011. Foote Mineral Reservoir Dam Removal Design Report, prepared for Wildlands Engineering, Inc. (on behalf of Chemetall Foote Corporation), by Schnabel Engineering South, PC, Kings Mountain, N.C., July 6, 2011. SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (SRK), 2023. Factual Report, prepared for Albemarle Corporation, by SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc., Kings Mountain, North Carolina, March 2023. SRK, 2024. Rock Storage Facilities RSF-A and RSF-X Pre-feasibility Site Characterization Report - Kings Mountain Mining Project, prepared for Albemarle Corporation, by SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc., Kings Mountain, North Carolina, April 2024. SRK, 2024a. Technical Report Archdale Tailings Storage Facility Water Quality Predictions. 2022 Prefeasibility Study, Kings Mountain Mining Project, prepared for Albemarle Corporation, by SRK Consulting (U.S.) Inc., March 28, 2024. St John, B. J., Sowers, G. F., and Weaver, 1969. Slickensides in residual soils and their engineering significance. Proc. 7th Int. Conf Soil Mech. Fdn Engng, 591-597. Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon), 2023. Geotechnical Engineering Report, prepared for Albemarle Corporation, by Terracon Consultants, Inc., Kings Mountain, North Carolina, March 30, 2023. Terzaghi, K., 1950. Mechanisms of landslides, in Paige, S.C., ed., Application of engineering geology to engineering practice (Berkley volume): Geological Society of America, p. 83-123. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. Pre-feasibility Engineering Design Report, RSF-A and RSF-X—Kings Mountain Mining Project Page 35 Disclaimer SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. (SRK)has prepared this document for Albemarle Corporation (Albemarle), our client. Any use or decisions by which a third party makes of this document are the responsibility of such third parties. In no circumstance does SRK accept any consequential liability arising from commercial decisions or actions resulting from the use of this report by a third party. The opinions expressed in this document have been based on the information available to SRK at the time of preparation. SRK has exercised all due care in reviewing information supplied by others for use on this project. While SRK has compared key supplied data with expected values, the accuracy of the results and conclusions from the review are entirely reliant on the accuracy and completeness of the supplied data. SRK does not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions in the supplied information, except to the extent that SRK was hired to verify the data. Copyright This report is protected by copyright vested in SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. It may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever to any person without the written permission of the copyright holder, SRK. MB/F W/BB KingsMou ntain_RSFAXDesign_Report_USPR000576_Rev03.docx April 2024 SRK Consulting(U.S.), Inc. RSF-X and RSF-A Site Characterization Report—Kings Mountain Appendices Plates CC/TH H/RBB Report.docx April 2024 1080 1080 1060 1060 1040 1040 N 1020 PROPOSED ROCK 1020 r p 1000 STORAGE FACILITY _ 1 1000 980 TSFM-6 TSFM-3 Cn 9 TSF -12 980 N-field -field ~ ° N-field Id 00 960 00000 L M � Occcc ro 960 ILL OrNM�LO U- a 2 � OrNMVw OrC 14Ln ' co 940 � C O C � j' ' � PI LL a. TSFM-14 � 940 � o • N-field c� � Z 920 PI-LL— • OrNM�Ln ~ ° 920 10 900 •PI LL • Estimated Limits of 900 NP—NP 880 • • Saprolite Removal NP P 880 N 860 •• NP NP • 13 33— ••••• SP • IF 860 • w r W 840 M. ? �'NP-NP . M? ?� �1 - ' ? • 0 840 J 820 • ?M 9 ? 38 = _ - 10' to • ? ? ? ? ? ° 820 800 780 —�— � 31— ?� ? ? • 780 760 � ? ? � � —? . '— � .a.? 760 740 • 740 720 - 720 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11 +00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 STATION (FT.) LEGEND N-field Refusal N-field P PI LL I LL A s SM d WASTE ROCK _ NP NP SM ML SM M NP NP ML d s ML PI LL d SM SP �' d ° d SM - ML SM d ° ML - d d d _ ° d ° ML d s d ° d� d GW-GM ML d ° d d ° d ° SIP d d ?'NP-,NP?- ?_ . _?_?-? ° ML 1 29 ML I CH s SSIPN P NP -- 7 - ML ° ML TAILINGS SLIME — Sw � p PWR UNWEATHERED ° d BEDROCK sd d ° ML CL O ° ° ° ML 000o d d ?-?-? -noun ? 10 ' �oQo 0 o to CL ? ■? ML - - - - - �? --WEATHERED� • -?-?-? ° ? 9 38 — ?—? ? ? BEDROCK mum PVWQ.?—?—? ? ? WEATHERED BEDROCK rr�� l �J o C / O ML 7 31 �oQo / PWR oQo� >00 C 7 31 ? UNWEATHERED ?—? 0o�C BEDROCK TSFM-6 / SNKM22-432 TSFM-3 / SNKM22-389 TSFM-12 / SNKM22-378 TSFM-14 / SNKM22-436 SOIL CATEGORY REVISIONS DESIGN:XXX REVIEWED:XXX PREPARED BY: DRAWING TITLE: ISSUE: DRAFT REV. DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN:AA APPROVED:XXX ; C k consulting DATE: COORDINATE SYSTEM: Y RSF-X - SATBILITY SECTION 1 04/05/2024 OVERBURDEN PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK SYSTEM PREPARED FOR: SRK PROJECT NO.: REVISION: PROJECT: USPR000576 A WEATHERED BEDROCK KINGS MOUNTAIN MINE ALBERMARLE DRAWING NO. SAPROLITE � r IF THE ABOVE BAR .�� A L B E M A R L E Operated by: DOES NOT MEASURE 1 INCH, Albemarle-Lithium KINGS MOUNTAIN FILE NAME: RSF-X-SECTION C-I.dwg THE DRAWING SCALE IS ALTERED C:\Users\SRK CONSULTING\OneDrive-SRK Consulting\0800_TSF\040_Drafting\Task-600_RSF-A_RSF-X_Haul-Rds\Working\AA\LE\RSF-X-SECTION C-I.dwg 1140 1140 1120 1120 1100 1100 1080 1060 _ PROPOSED ROCK 1080 1060 1040 '0 � co STORAGE FACILITY 1040 a N - a O' M 1020 � � �, CR — a. � — 2M CO LO M r 1020 • 1 000 r 00 r fn - cn - r C co C 2023 GC-001 M w o �, �- o o �' �? N N- field 1000 980 T FM-11 U. � - y RD - 98O Urn LL a) M M � 2023 GC-0 3 M o r M H D N-field � O O o N-fie d 960 N OrNM�Lf! 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R--? _? 00-0P1 LL ML 25 48 SM ML PWR - ML MLP0 6 42 _ ° ° ° PWR SP - a d RAI 5 31 NP NP SM SM ML 0 NP ° 1 A ° POORLY GRADED SAND ML 9 36 O� WEATHERED p p BEDROCK ° ,s° 0 N P POORLY MIL — O O a GRSANDD ML ..� -WEATHERE ��?-? - Q Q BEDROCK ° ° PWR GC-001 / SNKM23-502 RAVELLY— �/ COBBLES GM \/ \/ 18 -52 SW— CH CL-ML oQ<:D WON- CL-ML - 6 29 - - WEATHERED CL 0 0 11 MH -? BEPROC. ?—emu?—nun?unumiI? ? - - PWR - - gHYLLITTC METASLITSTO E THERE BEDROCKMUDSIONE , O AMPHIBOLE GNEISS / j SCHIST UNWEATHERED ? ? BEDROCK C ? WEATHERED BEDROCK O UNWEATHERED ' ?-mmm?ti BEDROCK TSFM-15 / SNKM22-404 TSFM-11 / SNKM22-377 WRD1 -9 / SNKM23-489 GC-003 / SNKM23-498 G C-003 / SNKM22-391 SOIL CATEGORY REVISIONS DESIGN:XXX REVIEWED:XXX PREPARED BY: DRAWING TITLE: ISSUE: DRAFT REV. DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN:AA APPROVED:XXX k consulting DATE: COORDINATE SYSTEM: RSF—A — SATBILITY SECTION BX 04/02/2024 OVERBURDEN j PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK SYSTEM PREPARED FOR: SRK PROJECT NO.: REVISION: PROJECT: USPR000576 A WEATHERED BEDROCK KINGS MOUNTAIN MINE ALBERMARLE DRAWING NO. SAPROLITE � r .� IF THE ABOVE BAR k A L B E M A R L E Operated by: DOES NOT MEASURE 1 INCH, Albemarle-Lithium KINGS MOUNTAIN C FILE NAME: RSF-X-SECTION C-I.dwg THE DRAWING SCALE IS ALTERED C:\Users\SRK CONSULTING\OneDrive-SRK Consulting\0800_TSF\040_Drafting\Task-600_RSF-A_RSF-X_Haul-Rds\Working\AA\LE\RSF-X-SECTION C-I.dwg 1260 1260 1240 1240 1220 1220 1200 1200 1180 1180 1160 1160 1140 1140 1120 1120 1100 PROPOSED ROCK STORAGE FACILITY 1100 1080 — 1080 1060 ILL 1040 1040 1040 z 1020 T F-11 1020 O 1000 W D-9 -field _ (1�0Q00 980 N.field coo NM�� u_ 980 960 N - In � 960 rn o a1 v S U_ a) r— O N-field ` 0 T N � > 940 o 1 O orNMqS PI LL' 940 W 920 e • ,4 62MAW 920 J .. 37 900 900 '� W 0 r M�u� PI LL � w„ • — 70-46 880 Estimated Limits of • 2 880 PI-LL— 14_40 860 • Saprolite Removal —:_ "' � . 860 840 27=65=_ _ 840 2 • 42 69 •° 820 „ 49,•_ . _ — `. .�////// 820 9-32 800 20' to 30• ,9 3, �� MIN 800 780 ,7 37 /' 780 73-29 760 9 CIPll{ .us�., _ 760 740 740 720 IR 720 I 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11 +00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 21 +00 STATION (FT.) P 1 LL Residual - ML 000000 LEGEND 10 46 _ S _ L Sidual - IVIH N-field Refusal 00 N-field ML 14 40 7 MH 2 .36 �11 L 42 69 _ � . _ . PI LL 0z ML — --.. MH MININN /Z M// WR Residual - ML 9 32 _ PWR 10 31 27 Marble Schist 65 — - - MH j 11 40 - - - PWR 17 37 P I LL BeeAR1s'F2030 O O - ? `? _ '? `? `? 13 29 Q Residual - SM ,a„� PWR O Sa rolite - SM / 14 52 - p MH - Silica Mica Schist O O - 6 --- 37- PWR / PWR w Dixon Marble O C `? C Hornblende Schist a 9+•Miet�� ? — O — WRD-9 / SNKM22-397 ANNNN—� ? TSF-2 / SNKM23-552 TSF-7 / SNKM23-556 TSF- 1 1 / SNKM23-565 SOIL CATEGORY REVISIONS DESIGN:XXX REVIEWED:XXX PREPARED BY: DRAWING TITLE: ISSUE: DRAFT REV. DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN:AA APPROVED:XXX � k consulting DATE: COORDINATE SYSTEM: Y RSF-A - STABILITY SECTION BX ATE: 2024 OVERBURDEN j PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK SYSTEM PREPARED FOR: SRK PROJECT NO.: REVISION: PROJECT: USPR000576 A SAPROLITE WEATHERED BEDROCK KINGS MOUNTAIN MINE ALBERMARLE DRAWING NO. �r IF THE ABOVE BAR _\ A L B E M A R L E Operated by: DOES NOT MEASURE 1 INCH, Albemarle-Lithium KINGS MOUNTAIN BX FILEAME:N RSF-A-SECTION BX.dwg THE DRAWING SCALE IS ALTERED C:\Users\SRK CONSULTING\OneDrive-SRK Consulting\0800_TSF\040_Drafting\Task-600_RSF-A_RSF-X_Haul-Rds\Working\AA\RSF-A\RSF-A-SECTION BX.dwg 1260 - 1260 1240 - 1240 1220 1220 1200 1200 1180 1180 1160 1160 1140 1140 1120 PROJECTED TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY 1120 1100 1100 1080 1080 z 1060 - 1060 O_ Q 1040 1040 w 1020 1020 J Lu 1000 TSF-$ CO, 1000 980 01- z ield -field- 980 960 U OONM ?M �NMleM LL m � o I�� o 0 960 940 940 PI LL 920 - --__, RES IDAM L — _ - - - _ —Z' 92 0 IMRL Spm -sM4 52 ML — 900 3 — 900 CHS 880 RR0 860 860 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11 +00 12+00 13+00 STATION (FT.) PI LL — Aeilldah■9I�A— 5- — 14 52 Saprolite-SM - 6 . 37. � - - - - - - RESIDUAL MLHornblende Schist - - -- ML - ML _ PWR - Tk��t7 __ TSF-8 / SNKM23-564 TSF- 1 1 / SNKM23-565 LEGEND N-field Refusal N-field SOIL CATEGORY REVISIONS DESIGN:XXX REVIEWED:XXX PREPARED BY: DRAWING TITLE: ISSUE: DRAFT REV. DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN:AA APPROVED:XXX =*=w swk consultingDATE: COORDINATE SYSTEM: RSF-A - STABILITY SECTION BX 04/02/2024 OVERBURDEN PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK SYSTEM PREPARED FOR: SRK PROJECT NO.: REVISION: PROJECT: USPR000576 A WEATHERED BEDROCK KINGS MOUNTAIN MINE ALBERMARLE DRAWING NO. SAPROLITE � r IF THE ABOVE BAR AALBEMARLE Operated by: DOES NOT MEASURE 1 INCH, Albemarle-Lithium KINGS MOUNTAIN PLATE 3 FILE NAME: RSF-A-SECTION B.dwg THE DRAWING SCALE IS ALTERED C:\Users\LORENA\OneDrive-SRK Consulting\0800_TSF\040—Drafting\Task-600—RSF-A—RSF-X_Haul-Rds\Working\AA\RSF-A\RSF-A-SECTION B.dwg 1260 — 1260 1240 1240 1220 _ 1220 1200 1200 1180 1180 1160 1160 1140 PROJECTED TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY 1140 1120 — - - - 1120 1100 1100 1080 1080 1060 00 N-field 1060 z 1040 M � O NM�� 1040 1020 Co 0 1020 1000 - 1000 980 PI LL -field 980 r r w ,2 41 LL N ONO O 960 OrNM�tA 960 J 0 W 940 9 34 ~ O 940 ` LL PI 920 920 ,4 52 900 6 37� = 900 880 880 860 860 840 840 820 820 0+00 1 +00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11 +00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 STATION (FT.) PI LL Resid jai -SM 12 41 P1 LL L Sapro ite-SP Residual -SM am= wow 9 3� 14 52 SM Sa rolite- SM PWR -6 37 = PWR Mica chist PWR r4i � � h _ Hornblende Schist O1 Mica chist q0�'T O O - TSF-3 / SNKM23-545 TSF- 1 1 / SNKM23-565 LEGEND N-field Refusal N-field SOIL CATEGORY REVISIONS DESIGN:XXX REVIEWED:XXX PREPARED BY: DRAWING TITLE: ISSUE: DRAFT REV. DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN:AA APPROVED:XXX =140= swk consultingDATE: COORDINATE SYSTEM: RSF-A - STABILITY SECTION BX 04/02/2024 OVERBURDEN PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK SYSTEM PREPARED FOR: SRK PROJECT NO.: REVISION: PROJECT: USPR000576 /4 WEATHERED BEDROCK KINGS MOUNTAIN MINE ALBERMARLE DRAWING NO. SAPROLITE � r IF THE ABOVE BAR AALBEMARLE Operated by: DOES NOT MEASURE 1 INCH, Albemarle-Lithium KINGS MOUNTAIN PLATE 2 FILE NAME: RSF-A-SECTION A.dwg THE DRAWING SCALE IS ALTERED C:\Users\LORENA\OneDrive-SRK Consulting\0800—TSF\040—Drafting\Task-600—RSF-A—RSF-X—Haul-Rds\Working\AA\RSF-A\RSF-A-SECTION A.dwg 1291000.00 1292000.00 1293000.00 1294000.00 1295000.00 1296000.00 1297000.00 1298000.00 1299000.00 I I I I I I I I I I I iy��I�� I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I' i' I f l J I I I I I I I ✓ � I ' I I�l/:( I I ' o -- l r X rs�.r '3 ....• "�]` r' 1 41 N 1 0 N *44 . I _ -i' ''v !"TRH o o - o ll ...1 �I� C - •� - ;i -M 1 O TS -18 4 •{ �. �. ti SW-1 PAG-5 WRD1-12 - t '. SW-2 SW-5r, rH ci - 2023 GC-002 Y/ o o TSFM-2 o � o TSFM-CPT3 r'• /�^n �\ 1 •1 2023 GC-001 ,y O TSFM-4 - W Di-11 f_ �. 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DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN:LE/EL APPROVED:AA mow srk consulting ROCK STORAGE FACILITY(RSF)CROSS SECTION O Boreholes 2022 0 300 600 COORDINATE SYSTEM: PLAN VIEW Boreholes 2023 NAD83 NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANES.US FOOT PROJECT: DATE: REVISION: DRAWING NO.: Boreholes Golder FEET I KINGS MOUNTAIN MINE A CPT IF THE ABOVE BAR Ak ALBEMARLE operated by. 8/3/2024 B FIGURE 1 DOES NOT MEASURE 1 INCH, Albemarle-Lithium SRK PROJECT NO.: FILE NAME:PIanta.dwg THE DRAWING SCALE IS ALTERED USPR0576.800 C:\Users\SRK CONSULTING\OneDrive-SRK Consulting\0800_TSF\040_Drafting\Task-600_RSF-A_RSF-X_Haul-Rds\Working\HA\LE\Planta.dwg