HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240314_WiRO_email From: Lambe,Brian
To: Parr,Adam;Turbitt,Austin
Cc: Cook,Brittany;Sams,Dan; Brown,Creighton A;James.Trentt
Subject: RE: 10-A04 Ashton Farms Sand Mine Complaint
Date: Thursday,March 14,2024 11:34:14 AM
Attachments: imaae003.Dna
NCG021016 NOV 20240205.Ddf
2024.02.14 10-A04 WaterLevelComplaint.pdf
AshtonFarmSandMine NOV 2023.06.20.Ddf
Attached is the NOV from 6/20/2023.Attached is the NCG02 permit NOV 20240205.The
operator ceased discharging per the engineer of record, Phil Norris, after receiving NOV. I think
the complaint was around 2/14/2024. 2/16/2024 Austin Turbitt demanded that they stop
pumping via email. I think Brittany is working on issuing this permit after some changes they
made to the NOI and dewatering basin design.
I don'think an additional NOV would be prudent at this time. I am unsure of the WWATR
program and how it interacts with our permits.The mining permit application DWR review form
only mentions Capacity Use Area. Do we need to change this form to include all counties?
How much do we need to invest in inquiring about if they are registered and if they are
reporting? I am in the process of trying to implement compliance with the NCG02 permit
conditions.The WWATR program is not on my radar.The programs can go hand in hand with
the monitoring of pumping.
The mining permit asks:
d. If you answered yes to any of the above questions,provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained
the appropriate water quality permit(s)(i.e., non-discharge, NPDES,Stormwater,etc.)from the Stormwater
Program. In addition,the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources,
Ground Water Management Branch, if the operation withdraws more than 10,000 gallons per day and needs
a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources,Ground Water Management Branch,if the
operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day
Forgive my misunderstanding this statement. I keep reading in different ways.The statement
may be needed to be reworded. I understand it as register with DWQ if 10,000 AND CCPCUA,
but then gets confusing with the additional"if". Maybe it should read:
d. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, provide evidence that you have
applied for or obtained the appropriate water quality permit(s) (i.e., non-discharge,
NPDES, Stormwater, etc.)from the Stormwater Program. The applicant is required to
register water use with the Division of Water Resources, Ground Water Management
Branch, if the operation withdraws more than 10,000 gallons per day.The applicant
needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources, Ground Water
Management Branch, if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more
than 100,000 gallons per day.
I highlighted the 100,00 gallons because I think 100,000 gallons is the correct amount per§
143-215.22H. Registration of water withdrawals and transfers required. I don't know where the
10000 came from.
Brian Lambe
Environmental Specialist II
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources
Office: (910)796-7313 1 Cell: (919) 268-1678
E Q:>
Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North
Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Parr, Adam <adam.parr@deq.nc.gov>
Sent:Thursday, March 14, 2024 8:35 AM
To:Turbitt, Austin <austin.turbitt@deq.nc.gov>; Lambe, Brian <brian.lambe@deq.nc.gov>
Cc: Cook, Brittany<Brittany.Cook@deq.nc.gov>; Sams, Dan <dan.sams@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: RE: 10-A04 Ashton Farms Sand Mine Complaint
DWR Groundwater is looking into the complaint below. However,we need to address the
dewatering and stormwater discharge. Since they still do not have an approved NCG02 permit
and they are discharging stormwater they are in violation of condition 1.13 of their mining
permit. In addition DWR Groundwater management through their"WWATR Program" doesn't
have the owner name or facility name registered for water withdrawal. This would be a
violation of condition 1.A
1. Wastewater and Quarry Dewaterin .
A. Any wastewater processing or mine dewatering shall be in accordance with
the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C.
Environmental Management Commission.
B. Any stormwater runoff from the affected areas at the site shall be in
accordance with any applicable permit requirements and regulations
promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the
N.C. Environmental Management Commission. It shall be the permittee's
responsibility to contact the Stormwater Program to secure any necessary
stormwater permits or other approval documents.
Regardless of the issue with complaint we need to issue an NOV for the above two conditions.
Adam Parr, PE
State Mining Engineer
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (919)707-9207 1 Cell: (919)441-7157
Physical Address: 512 N Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27604
Mailing Address: 1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
Mining Program Website:
4i CX
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties
From:Turbitt, Austin <austin.turbitt(@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2024 2:37 PM
To: Parr, Adam <adam.parr(cDdeq.nc.gov>
Cc: Lambe, Brian <brian.lambe(@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: 10-A04 Ashton Farms Sand Mine Complaint
Importance: High
Good afternoon,Adam,
Attached is the Water Level Complaint Questionnaire concerning the Ashton Farms
Sand Mine project/site.
I had received a few complaints this week over the dewatering of their mining activities.
Essentially, Mrs. Martha Denton is concerned that her pond is being affected due to the
practices involving the mine (i.e., water level, contaminants/sedimentation, grease/oily
film), per her complaint.
Her residence is: 2714 Longwood Road Northwest,Ash, NC. Her neighbor, (which is her
granddaughter) lives at 2747 Longwood Road Northwest, Ash, NC. The granddaughter's
concerns were that her well has failed due to sediment in her water supply/shower, in
conjunction with the mining going on.
Brian Lambe had discussed with me that Norris &Tunstall/the associated partywith the
mine had not denoted her well in their submittals. Additionally, they have not obtained
their NCG02 permit.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
Take care,
Austin Turbitt
Environmental Specialist I
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Energy, Mineral, & Land Resources
Email: austin.turbitt(@deq.nc.gov Office Cell: (919) 268-7567
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