HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-70_1_Redacted 4 NORTH CAROLINA D.eparbnent of Environmental Quaft f North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, Land Quality Section MINE INSPECTION REPORT N PERMITTED MINE SITE ❑ 'UNTERMITTED MINE SITE 1. ML1E NAME: Flintstone 91 Mine 2. MINE LOCATION: Ruby Way NW 3. COL7.NTY: Brunswick 4. RIVER BASLV: Lumber 5. CASE: 6. OPERATOR: Ike Williamson 7. ADDRESS: _PO Box 742, Shallotte,NC 28459 8. MIN-IG PER-MIT#: 10-70 ❑ N/A 9. PER-MIT EXPIRATION DATE: ® NIA 10. PERSON(S) CONTACTED AT SITE: none—no one on site 11. PICTURES? ❑ Yes N No TAKEN BY: 12. TYPE OF INSPECTION: RECEIVED ❑ A. Initial Inspection (tinpermitted Mine Sites) 1. Size of affected land: ac. (attach sketch map) JAN 2 9 2019 2. How was this area measured? Measured by: ® B_ Routine Inspection (Permitted Mine Sites) LAND QUALITY II C. Follow-up Inspection MINING PROGRAM 13. Date of last inspection: 01/10/2018 14. Any mining since that date? ❑ Yes N No If yes,cite evidence of such mining activity: 15. Was mine operating at time of inspection? ❑ Yes N No If yes,explain: 16. Is the mine in compliance with the Operating Conditions of the Permit? N Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, explain: 17. Is the mine in compliance with the Reclamation Conditions of the Permit? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NIA If no, explain: 18. Is there any off-site damage? A. ❑ Yes B. ❑ No C. ❑ None observed If A,describe the type and severity of the damage: If B or C,is there potential for offsite damage? ❑ Yes N No Explain: 19. Corrective measures needed and/or taken: 20. Other recommendations and comments: _Mine appears inactive. Be sure to mark mine boundaries before resuminj4 mining operations. 21. Is the Annual Reclamation Report +/- map accurate? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Explain) N Not Reviewed ❑ N/A 22. Follow-up inspection needed? ❑ Yes N No Proposed date 23. No. of additional pages of Inspection Report 0 24. Cry of Report sent to operator 01/22/2019 INSPECTED BY: Connor Musial DATE 01/16/2018 Telephone No: (910) 796-7372 Copy to file Copy to operator Copy to Mining Specialist COMPLETETHIS SECTION . PLETE THIS SECTIONON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 Agent 0 Print your name and address on the reverse ' ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B by(Ir N . D of liveryco f ■ Attach this cared to the back crf the mailplece, • To + or on the front it space permits. f. Article Addressed to: D ls del different from item 1 ^` ES:��' ery address below: LANo I G) r •C, MR JOSEPH W COX 1707 BENT TREE TRAIL SW a Service Type } OCEAN ISLE BEACH NC 28469 N Ce:tfied Mail Mall Raged J� Rsbtm Receipt for Merctrartdfse 13 I nsured maii' C.O.D. 4. Restricted DefivmybJ&x Fee) p Yes 2. Aide Number '� I (T,ansfer from service tares 7013 2630 000i 8998 9778 PS Form 3811,February 2Q04tD+.?z) Domestic Return Racelpt , �1 p�`•� 102595-024t-1540 SENDER: SECTION . DELIVERY ■ Complete itertls 1,2,and 3. WE3. R ■ Print your name and address an the reverse emt so that we can return the card to you. Addn3ssee a Attach this card to the back of the maUplece, ived 6y(Panted Name) C. Date of Delivery I - or an the front if space permits. �— i 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address dHfenBrrt Iterfl 1? Yes { If YES,enter delivery address b No MR GLEN NORWOOD WILLIAMSON )tl O PO BOX 742 V) SHALLOTTE NC 28459 -7V �r'7 II I I� f�I�lll lie I I I I I I��III If If!fl I f I I I li I II! E Service Type Q�ry Mai na,at �S� o� Mall"' I t Slgrwture Re$bttad DWvfty Q Entered Mail ReVlat•dl 9590 9403 0730 5198 3108 11 =ad MWO cart •d Man Restrtctad Y Rxerpt tar � ❑cawct an DeWery t�S�handse 2. Article Number Mvrtster horn seMce labell Q CcUad M Dakyery fiest•scted DeRywy si s 0 slgmtz Cor>nrasm nzUM ' jDOMM 7 013 2 6 3 0 ❑Doti 8 9 9 8 ' 9 4 8 8 I all Reslrlclecf nelN•ry .. -_ PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9 Domastfc Retain e"dpt North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, Land Quality Section MINE INSPECTION REPORT ® PERMITTED Nl�'E SITE ❑ U�`PERMITTED MINE SITE 1. MINE DAME: J.P. Russ&Sons Mine 42 2.AM-E LOCATION-: Russtown Rd NW 3. COUNTY: Brunswick 4. RIVER BASIN: Lumber 5. CASE: 6. OPERATOR: J.P. Russ & Son Inc. 7. ADDRESS: 5621 Beach Dr. SW, Ocean Isle Beach,NC 28469 8. MINI G PERINUT#: 10-80 ❑ N/A 9. PERMIT EXPIRATION-DATE: ® N/A 10. PERSON(S)CONTACTED AT SITE: none—no one on site 11. PICTURES? ®Yes ❑No TAKEN BY: Digital Camera _ 12. TYPE OF�-SPECTION; RECEIVED ❑ A. Initial Inspection (Unpermitted Mine Sites) 1. Size of affected land: ac. (attach sketch map) JAN 2 9 2019 2. How was this area measured? Measured by: _ ❑ B_ Routine Inspection (Permitted Mine Sites) LAND QUALITY C. Follow-up Inspection MINING PROGRAM 13. Date of last inspection: 7/11/2018 14. Any mining since that date? ® Yes ❑ No If yes,cite evidence of such ruining activity: _Pit larger along southeast section of mine area and additional stockpiles. 15. Was mine operating at time of inspection? Lj Yes ® No If yes,explain: 16. Is the ravine in compliance with the Operating Conditions of the Permit? ❑ Yes ® No ❑, N/A If no, explain: 3A: Sufficient buffer(minimum 50ft undisturbed)shall be maintained between anaffected land and any adiaLning waterway or wetland to prevent sedimentation of that waterway or wetland from erosion of the affected land and to preserve the inte i of the natural watercourse or wetland. 5: All affected area boundaries shall be permanently marked at the site on I00-ft intervals unless the_line of sight allows for larger spacing intervals. 17. Is the mine in compliance with the Reclamation Conditions of the Permit? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A If no, explain: 18. Is there any off-site damage? A. ❑ Yes B.0 No C. Xi Nane observed If A,describe the type and severity of the damage: If B or C, is there potential for offsite damage? 0 Yes ® No Explain: 19. Corrective measures needed and/or taken: Tree line used to denote Northern LOD boundaries of proverty boundaries. Add vegetation to buffer along the southern border of site.No lop er dewatering at time of inspection Should dewaterin take place, dewater pit to pit. The pipe leading off site on the south eastern border should be removed or a NPDES NCG02 Permit and modification to the mine permit will be required. Failure to comply may result in a Notice of Violation and possible penalties. _ 20. Otber recommendations and comments: 21. Is the Annual Reclamation Report f/- map accurate? ❑ Yes ❑ No (Explain) 2 Not Reviewed ❑ N/A 22. Follow-up inspection needed? ® Yes ❑ Ro Proposed date August 2018 23. No.of additional pages of Inspection Repo 0 24. Copy of Report sent to operator 01/23/2018 INSPECTED BY: ConnorMusial rJ� DATE 01/16/20I9 Telephone No: _ (910) 796-7372_ Copy to file Copy to operator Copy to Mining Specialist t ROY COOPER Governor :a MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary Energy,Mineral& TRACY DAVIS Land Resources Director ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY December 1., 2017 Glen Norwood (Ike)Williamson Glen Norwood (Ike)Williamson P Q Box 742 Shallotte, NC 28459 RE: Mining Permit No. 10-70 Flintstone#1 Mine Brunswick County Dear Glen Norwood (Ike)Williamson: This letter is to advise you of recent amendments to the North Carolina Mining Act of 1971 which impact the permit term of your existing mining permit. Pursuant to the passage of House Bill 56,which became law on October 4, 2017 as SL 2017-209, all existing mining permits and any newly issued mining permits are to be issued for the life of site or for the duration of the lease term.The"life of site"means the period from the initial receipt of a permit for the operation until the mining operation terminates and the required reclamation is completed. Considering the above, this letter hereby modifies your existing mining permit to remove all references to the prior expiration date to convert your permit to a life of site or lease permit effective immediately. No action is required on your part for this modification to be effective. Please attach this letter to your existing mining permit for future reference. The mine name and permit number on the permit document, and all existing operating and reclamation conditions contained therein, shall remain in full force and effect. Furthermore, all provisions of GS§74-51 and GS§74-52 still apply to all new, transferred and modified reining permits. In addition to the life of site or lease mining permit provision, SL 2017-209 also enacted a new annual mining permit operating fee of$400 per mining permit number. By statute, the initial payment of this annual $400 fee must be submitted to this office by December 31, 2017—see the attached Invoice to remit the initial annual fee payment by this deadline. Beginning in 2018, the $400 annual operating fee must be submitted by July 1 of each year with the required Annual Reclamation Report as required by GS§74-55, Failure to submit the fee by the required deadline will result in a $50/month late fee and could result in the denial of future permit actions and/or revocation of your mining permit. Lastly, pursuant to GS§74-54, the cap on reclamation bonds has been raised from $500,000 to $1 million. Any adjustments needed in existing bonds will be initiated by this office or addressed during your next requested permit action unless you contact this office with a written request to have your bond reevaluated. The issuance of a mining permit and/or any modification to it does not supersede local zoning regulations. The responsibility of compliance with any applicable zoning regulations remains with you. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions on the above, please contact Ms. Judy Wehner, Assistant State Mining Specialist, or me at(919) 707-9220. Sincerely, William"Toby"Vinson, Jr., PE, CPM Interim Director, DEMLR State or North CarnRna I Enkironmental Quality I Energy,Mineral and Land Resaurres 512 N,Salisbury Street 11612 Mail Service Center I Rale€gh,forth Carolina 27699-1612 419 707 9200 ROY COOPER _ Gover'nar MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary En TRACY DAVISergy,Miriera!& Uirectar land Resources.ENVIRONMENTAL QUALM September 28, 2017 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7013 2630'0001 8998 9778 Mr. Joseph W Cox 1707 Bent Tree Trail SW Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina 28469 Re: Mining Permit No. 10-70 Fliotstone #1 Mine Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Cox. Your.request to have Mining Permit No. 10-70 transferred in its entirety from you to Glenn Norwood {Ike}`Williamson has been approved. As we have received Mr. Williamson's required surety in an amount sufficient to cover the present operation, your company is hereby released from further responsibility for this site with respect to The Mining Act of 1971. Therefore, I am retur'hing your$5,700.00 Assignment of Savings Account No. issued by BB & T'to,you for your disposal Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. S' cerely, Tra y E. Davis, PE, CPM Dir to DEMLR TED/jw Enclosure: Assignment of Savings Account No. cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE Mr: William Gerringer DOL, Mine and Quarry Bureau State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy,Mineral and Land Resources 512 N.Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 77699-1612 919 707 9200 COMPLETE •N COMPLE1Y. rHJS SECTIONON DELIVERY i ■ Complete items 1.2,and 3. 'a Si ■ Print your name and address on the reverse Agentso that we can return the card to you. I7 Addressee a Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, eceNed by(FWnted Name) C. Dare of Deilvery or on the front if space permits. i. Article Addressed to: D. is delivery address different fra_m *^p Yes r I If YES,enter delivery ,ad ` 1j�No MR GLEN NORWOOD WILLIAMSON `` �IN PO BOX 742 © N% SHALLOTTE .NC 28459 '�-• 3. Service Type ❑a,1or ry Haan Expreas8 f If l 111[I IIII [l l l l i f 111 111 l!Ill ll l l ll[I I[I I[I 0 Rea { 9590 9403 0730 5196 3108 42 c oeq.ery Lmuvery aoerot for o cc+necr on DdNwy 2. Article Number(rmnsfer from sew` IabeD ❑lnwred I is s odn�r ❑SkFwWrs 7013 2630 000L `��a --.�� 0 inwirad Md RexbtWDe y ReatMadWvary i PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7630-02-00o40% �` � -j0 "7 Domestic Return Reoelpt ROY COOPER MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary Energy.Mineral& TRACY DAVIS Land.Resources Director ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY September 28, 2017 Mr. Glen Norwood (Ike) Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Mining Permit No. 10-70 Flintstone#1 Mine Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: Your request to have the above referenced mining permit, issued to Joseph W Cox, transferred in its entirety to you has been approved. In addition, your application for renewal and modification of the above referenced mining permit has also been approved. The modification is to decrease the permitted acreage to 16.19 acres and increase the affected acreage at this site to 10.84 acres as indicated on the Site Plan received on August 3, 2017. This modification includes the addition of a new access road that enters from the south, and a 2.0 acre LCID waste area along the southern permit limits. A copy of the transferred, renewed and modified permit is enclosed. The new expiration date is September 28, 2027. The permit number shall remain the same as before the permit transfer, modification and renewal. Please review the permit carefully and notify this office of any objections or questions you may have concerning the terms of the permit. It is your responsibility to fully.understand and comply with the conditions of your mining permit. The conditions in the transferred, renewed and modified permit were based primarily upon the initial application. Modifications were made as indicated by the renewal and modification requests and as required to insure compliance with The Mining Act of 1971_ G.S. 74-65 states that the issuance of a mining permit does not supersede or otherwise affect or prevent the enforcement of any zoning regulation or ordinance duly adopted by an incorporated city or county or by any agency or department of the State of North Carolina, As a reminder, your permitted acreage at this site is 16.19 acres and the amount of land you are approved to disturb. is 10.84 acres. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy.Mineral and Land Resources 512 N.Salisbury Street 11612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh.North Carolina 27699-1612 919 707 9200 Mr. Williamson Page Two Again, if you should have any questions on this matter please contact Judy Wehner, Assistant State Mining Specialist, at (919) 707-9220. S'6c , y, Davis, PE, CPM Di DEMLR TED/jw Enclosures cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE Mr. William Gerringer-DOL, Mine and Quarry Bureau, w/o enclosures DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES PERMIT for the operation of a mining activity In accordance with the provisions of G.S_ 74-46 through 68, "The Mining Act of 1971," Mining Permit Rule 15A NCAC 5 B, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations Permission is hereby granted to: Glenn Norwood (Ike),Williamson Flintstone#1 Mine Brunswick County - Permit No. 10-70 for the operation of a Sand Mine which shall provide that the usefulness, productivity and scenic values of all lands and waters affected by this mining operation will receive the greatest practical degree of protection and restoration. MINING PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE: September 28 2027 Page 2 In accordance with the application for this mining permit, which is hereby approved by the Department of Environmental Quality, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and in conformity with the approved Reclamation Plan attached to and incorporated as part of this permit, provisions must be made for the protection of the surrounding environment and for reclamation of the land and water affected by the permitted mining operation. This permit is expressly conditioned upon compliance with all the requirements of the approved Reclamation Plan. However, completed performance of the approved Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation, secured by the bond or other security on file with the Department, and may survive the expiration, revocation or suspension of this permit. This permit is not transferable by the permittee with the following exception: If another operator succeeds to the interest of the permittee in the permitted mining operation, by virtue of a sale, lease, assignment or otherwise, the Department may release the permittee from the duties imposed upon him by the conditions of his permit and by the Mining Act with reference to the permitted operation, and transfer the permit to the successor operator, provided that both operators have complied with the requirements of the Mining Act and that the successor operator agrees to assume the duties of the permittee with reference to reclamation of the affected land and posts a suitable bond or other security. In the event that the Department determines that the permittee or permittee's successor is not complying with the Reclamation Plan or other terms and conditions of this permit, or is failing to achieve the purposes and requirements of the Mining Act, the Department may give the operator written notice of its intent to modify, revoke or suspend the permit, or its intent to modify the Reclamation Plan as incorporated in the permit. The operator shall have right to a hearing at a designated time and place on any proposed modification, revocation or suspension by the Department. Alternatively and in addition to time above, the Department may institute other enforcement procedures authorized by law. Definitions Wherever used or referred to in this permit, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, terms shall have the same meaning as supplied by the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-49. Modifications September 28, 2017: This permit has been transferred in its entirety from Joseph W Cox to Glean Norwood Williamson. In addition, this permit has been modified to decrease the permitted acreage to 16.19 acres and increase the affected acreage at this site to 10.84 acres as indicated on the Site Plan received on August 3, 2017. This modification includes the addition of a new access road that enters from the south, and a 2.0 acre LCiD waste area along the southern permit limits. Expiration Date This permit shall be effective from the date of its issuance until September 28, 2027. Page 3 Conditions This permit shall be subject to the provisions of the Mining Act, N.C.G.S. 74-46, et. seq., and to the following conditions and limitations: OPERATING CONDITIONS: 1. A. Any wastewater processing or mine dewatering shall be in accordance with the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. B. Any stormwater runoff from the affected areas at the site shall be in accordance with any applicable permit requirements and regulations promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency and enforced by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to contact the Stormwater Program to secure any necessary stormwater permits or other approval documents. 2. A. Any mining process producing air contamination emissions shall be subject to the permitting requirements and rules promulgated by the N.C. Environmental Management Commission and enforced by the Division of Air Quality. B. During mining operations, water trucks or other means that may be necessary shall be utilized to prevent dust from leaving the'permitted area. 3. A. Sufficient buffer (minimum 50 foot undisturbed) shall be maintained between any affected land and any adjoining waterway or wetland to prevent sedimentation of that waterway or wetland from erosion of the affected land and to preserve the integrity of the natural watercourse or wetland. B. Any mining activity affecting waters of the State, waters of the U. S., or wetlands shall be in accordance with the requirements and regulations promulgated and enforced by the N. C. Environmental Management Commission. 4. A. Adequate mechanical barriers including but not limited to diversions, earthen dikes, sediment check dams, sediment retarding structures, rip rap pits, or ditches shall be provided in the initial stages of any land disturbance and maintained to prevent sediment from discharging onto adjacent surface areas or into any lake, wetland or natural watercourse in proximity to the affected land. B. All drainage from the affected area around the mine excavation shall be diverted internal to said excavation. C. Mining activities shall occur as indicated on the mine maps received August 3, 2017 and the supplemental information received on June 7, 2016, September 1, 2016, November 23, 2016, February 1, 2017 and September 15, 2017. Page 4 5. A. Ground water monitoring wells shall be installed and monitored as deemed appropriate by the Department, if necessary. B. Mining depth shall be limited to a maximum of 30 feet. 6. All affected area boundaries (10.84 acres) shall be permanently marked at the site on 100-foot intervals unless the line of sight allows for larger spacing intervals. 6. The angle for graded slopes and fills shall be no greater than the angle, which can be retained by vegetative cover or other adequate erosion control measure, structure, or device. In any event, exposed slopes or any excavated channels, the erosion of which - may cause off-site damage because of sedimentation, shall be planted or otherwise provided with ground cover, devices or structures sufficient to restrain such erosion. 7. The affected land shall be graded so as to prevent collection of pools of water that are, or likely to become, noxious or foul. Necessary structures such as drainage ditches or conduits shall be constructed or installed when required to prevent such conditions. 8. Existing vegetation or vegetated earthen berms shall be maintained between the mine and public thoroughfares whenever practical to screen the operation from the public. 9. Sufficient buffer (minimum 50 foot undisturbed) shall be maintained between any excavation and any mining permit boundary to protect adjacent property. 10. A. No on-site disposal of refuse or other solid waste that is generated outside of the mining permit area shall be allowed within the boundaries of the mining permit area unless authorization to conduct said disposal has first been obtained from both the Division of Waste Management and the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources, Department of Environmental Quality. The method of disposal shall be consistent with the approved reclamation plan. B. Mining refuse as defined by G.S. 74-49 (14) of The Mining Act of 1971 generated on-site and directly associated with the mining activity may be disposed of in a designated refuse area. All other waste products must be disposed of in a disposal facility approved by the Division of Waste Management. No petroleum products, acids, solvents or their storage containers or any other material that may be considered hazardous shall be disposed of within the permitted area. C. For the purposes of this permit, the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources considers the following materials to be "mining refuse" (in addition to those specifically listed under G.S. 74-49 (14) of the N.C. Mining Act of 1971)- 1. on-site generated land clearing debris 2. conveyor belts 3. wire cables 4. v-belts 1 Page 5 5. steel reinforced air hoses 6. drill steel D. If mining refuse is to be permanently disposed within the mining permit boundary, the following information must be provided to and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources prior to commencement of such disposal: 1. the approximate boundaries and size of the refuse disposal area; 2. a list of refuse items to be disposed; 3. verification that a minimum of 4 feet of cover will be provided over the refuse; 4. verification that the refuse will be disposed at least 4 feet above the seasonally high water table; and, 5. verification that a permanent vegetative groundcover will be established. E. Any C & D landfilling activities conducted within the mining permit boundary shall be conducted in accordance with the statutes, regulations and permit requirements promulgated and enforced by the Division of Waste Management and any applicable local government body. On-site disposal of waste shall be in accordance with Operating Condition Nos. 10.A. through E of this permit. 11. An Annual Reclamation Report shall be-submitted on a form supplied by the Department by February 1 of each year until reclamation is completed and approved. 12. The operator shall notify the Department in writing of the desire to delete, modify or otherwise change any part of the mining, reclamation, or erosion/sediment control plan contained in the approved application for a mining permit or any approved revision to it. Approval to implement such changes must be obtained from the Department prior to on-site implementation of the revisions. 13. The security, which was posted pursuant to N.C.G.S. 74-54 in the form of a $17,900.00 Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit, is sufficient to cover the operation as indicated in the approved application. This security must remain in force for this permit to be valid. The total affected land shall not exceed the bonded acreage. 14. A. Authorized representatives of the Division of Archives and History shall be granted access to the site to determine the presence of significant archaeological resources. B. Pursuant to N. C. G. S. 70 Article 3, "The Unmarked Human Burial and Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act," should the operator or any person in his employ encounter human skeletal remains, immediate notification shall be provided to the county medical examiner and the chief archaeologist, North Carolina Division of Archives and History. Page 6 APPROVED RECLAMATION PLAN The Mining Permit incorporates this Reclamation Plan, the performance of which is a condition on the continuing validity of that Mining Permit. Additionally, the Reclamation Plan is a separable obligation of the permittee, which continues beyond the terms of the Mining Permit. The approved plan provides: Minimum,StandardsAs_Provided_By G.S. 74-53 1. The final slopes in all excavations in soil, sand, gravel and other unconsolidated materials shall be at such an angle as to minimize the possibility of slides and be consistent with the future use of the land. 2, Provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property must be provided in all excavations in rock. 3. All overburden and spoil shall be left in a configuration which is in accordance with accepted conservation practices and which is suitable for the proposed subsequent use of the land. 4. No small pools of water shall be allowed to collect or remain on the mined area that are, or are likely to become noxious, odious or foul. 5. The revegetation plan shall conform to accepted and recommended agronomic and reforestation practices as established by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station and the North Carolina Forest Service. I6. Permittee shall conduct reclamation activities pursuant to the Reclamation Plan herein incorporated. These activities shall be conducted according to the time schedule included in the plan, which shall to the extent feasible provide reclamation simultaneous with mining operations and in any event, provide reclamation at the earliest practicable time after completion or termination of mining on any segment of the permit area and shall be completed within two years after completion or termination of mining. RECLAMATION CONDITIONS: 1. Provided further, and subject to the Reclamation schedule, the planned reclamation shall be to restore the mine excavation to a lake area and to grade and revegetate the adjacent disturbed areas. 2. The specifications for surface gradient restoration to a surface suitable for the planned future use are as follows: A. The lake area shall be excavated to maintain a minimum water depth of four feet measured from the low water table elevation. Page 7 B. The side slopes to the lake excavation shall be graded to a 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter to the water line and 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter below the water line. C. Any areas used for wastepiles, screening, stockpiling or other processing shall be leveled and smoothed. D. No contaminants shall be permanently disposed of at the mine site. On-site disposal of waste shall be in accordance with Operating Condition Nos. 10A through E. E. " The affected land shall be graded to prevent the collection of noxious or foul water. 3. Reve etation Plan: After site preparation, all disturbed land areas shall be revegetated as per the following: Permanent Seeding Specifications Dates Species Rate. Lbs/Acre February 15- April 1 Kobe Lespedeza 10 Bahiagrass 50 Redtop 1 Winter rye (grain) 15 April 1- July 31 Common Bermuda 50 August 1- October Lespedeza (unscarified) 30 German millet 40 October 25- February 15 Rye (grain- temporary) 120 Soil Amendments Lime - 2000 Ibslacre or follow recommendations from a soil test. Fertilizer- 1000 Ibslacre 8-8-8 or 10-10-10, or follow recommendations from a soil test. Mulch - All seeded areas shall be mulched using small grain straw at a rate of 2000 Ibslacre and anchored appropriately. Whenever possible, disturbed areas should be vegetated with native warm season grasses such as switch grass, Indian grass, bluestem and gamma grass. Page 8 In addition, the permittee shall consult with a professional wildlife biologist with the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission to enhance post-project wildlife habitat at the site. 4. Reclamation Plan- Reclamation shall be conducted simultaneously with mining to the extent feasible. In any event, reclamation shall be initiated as soon as feasible after completion or termination,of mining~of any-mine segment-under permit. .Einal reclamation, including revegetation, shall be completed within two years of completion or termination of mining. This permit, issued to Joseph W Cox on January 23, 2007, is hereby simultaneously transferred in its entirety to Glenn Norwood (Ike) Williamson, renewed and modified this 28th day of September, 2017 ursuant to GS 74�-51 and 52. By: Tracy avis, PE, CPM, Director Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources By Authority of the Secretary Of the Department of Environmental Quality NOTICE OF ISSUANCE OF MINING PERMIT You have previously expressed an interest and/or are listed as an adjoining landowner in the application to modify this mining permit filed by Glenn Norwood (Ike) Williamson to conduct mining activities off SR 1348 (Mulberry Road) in Brunswick County. The mining permit (no. 10-70) was modified on September 28, 2017. North Carolina law allows persons aggrieved by the issuance of a mining permit to contest the decision by filing a petition for a contested case in the Office of Administrative Hearings pursuant to N.C.G.S. 150B-23 of the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). If you believe that you are an aggrieved party within the meaning of the APA and NC General Statute 74-61, a petition for a contested case must be filed in the Office of Administrative Hearings within thirty (30) days of the mailing of this notice to you_ if you file a contested case petition, it must be in writing and in the form prescribed by N.C. General Statutes 1508-23. File the original petition and one copy with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Any questions about filing a petition may be directed to the Clerk of the Office of Administrative Hearings by telephoning (919) 431-3000. You must serve the Department of Environmental Quality by mailing a copy of the petition to Mr. Sam-M. Hayes, Registered Agent and General Counsel, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601. Tr D vis, PE, CPM Directo Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality This notice was mailed on l` A I /7 Brenda Harris Mining Program Secretary s� J ��o a r b \ 1< 4� \ \ — I� A Z \ \y�Yt vv v -0co o v � a vv � \ \ �g m O � D pr --I pr prtA aS' >� �� ro � Hof �coFp ccoZ ZZ; C w 0 woz wo L4 om �� � M `\ \ oo = oo " 0 0 M ox poZ MC Z po 0- �I�m I� b I� o m I� t7 / _O \ \ \ D� �p co / vwK a � � o x ® \ \ o M p o pvm M?0E pvp p '9T. W m m m � O 7C Of 7p,C0 � g �OO O Co w vo= , 30 o.-. on o ma moos moor' ma O�.~.. O � A m m OJ \ 0co po ��� p ro, �N �� z o y cnm � Aoo COn pem iCm tr, _ o / mo mgz oor�r� vo c� % l m m mco w o / / m / CTI W / / MEL / ��5X m0i m / c� v o z z o c� F m oc� Az / �'� WoPo CPR3 FPQ Fn / �co �oz .. M o — 7C S7 . p yj IV-. 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NW Shallotte, NC 28459 ' J WILMINGTON, NC 28401 ASH, NC 28420 PHONE (910) 343-9653 PHONE (910) 287-5900 4434874 OLD NEW BRITTON ROAD licence #C-3641 SHALLOTTE, NC 28470 ° W J z a Z c� t7 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 71 PROPERTY LINE 0 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr o i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i OR WETLANDS .: ! .!.:.=.! 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E r / I \ mpZA I I D < bzl < $! xp� vp_i I m -D—iZ �< !•' I I 6DDZ(A0 J I I A p G� �J� E W�• 1 \ c Z p-1 Z / 1 D <\c,3' y o p •[vmzr m M X�A E E j I D / 0 1011, — U I co �/ CABLE ATE LOCATIO � dd t E E 1 o �11l�' J�V E E E ' \ 1 r N _ Lnul - - - o Ct CD m o pS`O FO'` O �W _ o / 1 I SYMBOL DATE DESCRIPTION BY REVISIONS h ®2016 NORRIS & TUNSTALL rn NORRIS & TUNSTALL OWNER: SITE PLAN Ike Williamson CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. P.O. Box742 FLINTSTONE #1 MINE (PERMIT # BRUNS 10-70) ,C) �A (n I" m C� 902 MARKET STREET 1429 ASH—LITTLE RIVER RD. NW Shallotte, NC 28459 Z m « OLD NEW BRITTON ROAD COZm ,+•1 WILMINGTON, NC 28401 ASH, NC 28420 443-4874 % < 9 j PHONE (910) 343-9653 PHONE (910) 287-5900 o licence #C-3641 SHALLOTTE, NC 28470 NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 28420 (910) 343-9653 (910) 287-5900 (910) 343-9604 Fax (910) 287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall, P.E. J-Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. RECEIVED September 12, 2017 SEP 15 2017 Via E-Mail and Via US Mail LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM Ms. Judy Wehner NC DEQ / Land Quality Section Division of Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Re: Flintstone#1 Mine — Mining Permit No. 10-70 Lumber River Basin, Brunswick County Comment Response NT Project# 16041 Dear Ms. Wehner: Per your letter of August 30th, 2017 regarding the subject project, please find enclosed the requested LCID Final Slope Cross Section. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Respectfully submitted, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. J. hillip ris, P. JP Ittw 041 09-12-17 s-Comment response(08-30) cc: Mr. Glenn Williamson Mr. Joe Cox NCBELS License C-3641 Norris & Tunstaff Wilmington, • -- 1 ConsultingCounty, •r • •• No. r ■ ■NNNNN n■ ■ ■■ ■ ■m ■■N■■■ ■ ■v■■'"■Nmiim■�u C■ 'iC■i'�■ioiiC ''' u''■'�'i■ iu■n'CC�C�■■'iiiCM�oCC�'■■ ■n■■■■ME■N■'■■mNm ■n m C■■■■■■m■■■n 'mmuCCCCi�'■CCME 0 Emmomm■mommiuiCn.�.'CCi"■'mi"■n 'CC■u■C■m■■'■iiMEMO ME ''�■ ■■■M■■N■■■■■■■■■■■■E■uu■■n■■nm■'Cua■'CC�Cu■�C'■'■■■�"■■■■'C■■■■■■u■ ■■m'■■N mm■■iii'■CCC■N■■■'iCC■w■■'CC u'No■.N■.■C ■■■ CC/'miii'iCCi■C'■■ui ■'NNE■q/n�■N■�Cl����'!■'�■�■"�C■'��'�CME Ca■■■i■OE q�■■N■'�"OMEN'■�MEIC m■■N■■■q■■■■■■N■■■■C■■■■■■■■nq■�N■■■■■■■■■�■am■u■IL■■mnam ■■1■■■.■■■■■■■■.■/■mN■■■■■m■■m■■Nmmm/W x■u1�/■■m'"a ow■.w■■■■■■.■■■■■ ■ ■ ■m ■■■■■/■■N■■■■■■■■■■■m■ammo nqi■■u■■■Oq=N■■w■■■■m[■■■■■■■N■ u■iiiioCC■n'CCiuuiio■■■iiiiMII 0 �'■i■iC'�"'■CC�'i■N■■CN'■■'i'■■mNm■m■■■■'■■■nwCUC ■■■■■■■■■■■m■EN■■N■nn■■u■C■■■■■NN■■'■�mm■■ w■ ■■■■/■■■■■■■N■■■■■■N■.N■ru■■�■■m■■■N.■■■m■m■■um■/■■ ■ ■�n■■E■■■■■■■■■u■■■■N■■m■■■■■■■ mmmEnmmnmim■m■Mnrmq■■ ■■■■ MEMO■■■ME■■■■N■■■■■N■■OW■■ MEN■w ■EU■■E■■■■■■�■■ ■'■ ■■/ ■■■■■■■CN■■CN■■■ ■■'■NMMMMI CCCC■■s■ ' d ii�■� wN■.�■�■ �■C :■■m■■ .C■■■ E■■NME■ MEMO no n ■■■■.■■■■■■■ n .■/.■m.■■ ■m MEE ■■■■■■/■■■■■■■� ■■■O■■■/■■ ■ E■■N ■■ ■ ■m■ ■■NCMEE ■■iNE■■■■■■.■ ■■■m■now CE ■■■CE■mn ■ ■�S■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■i ■u■M■n■■■■ ■ ■m■■�■■■■M■■■■■E■m■■ wu ■■■..■■�r■ no ■■■WORSE■■ / ■ MEW ■■O■■■O■■n■■■■■ ■nN/E■■ ■MMM■■!ME ■■ 1n■■O■1■■i.■■■.■ ■■u�CC■.■ ...... ■■■ ■■ ■■■N ■E■ ■■ EME■C■ ....■. 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The hard copies will follow via US Mail. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Phil J. Phillip Norris, P.E. NORRIS & TUNSTALL —CONSULTLNG IENIGLN EEn P.G— 1429 Ash-Little River Road ,Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900(phone)910-287-5902 (fax) pnorris@nten,gineers.com It is the professional opinion of Norris&.Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc.that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske &Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. makes no representations as to the useability or readablility of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems,or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris&Tunstall Consulting engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske &Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the preparation of such data. SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE T141S SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Slg re €tem 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑ ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addresses so that we can return the card to you. g Received by( Name) C.-Date of f?eNvery ce 1 ■ Attach this card to the back of the maUpiece, `pos QFF�� or on the front if spa permits, { c. 1. Artieie Addmssed to: ll m itsrn 17 ye j erf e ry ad below o S P132017 ` e1, v �ry� MR GLEN NORWOOD WILLIAMSON D QUALITY PO BOX 742 MIN SNAcc � SHALLOTTE NC 28459 3. Service Type 19 aararted Mail ❑Eras Mau 13 FWstarad Ja Return Receipt W MerdwAlse ❑Inroad Mali M c o.D. { 4. Reshicbad Delivery?(Extra Feel ❑Yes 2. Article Nwnber {Transfer f m service label) 7 015 0640 0007 9 8 3 2. 9676 P5 Form 3811,Fobruary 200416-?O Domestic Rehrm Receipt`��2,� "] laMRS W4.1sao L 1 NORRIS &TUNSTA I, —CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC. 902 Matkct Street 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 29420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax Jahn S.TunstaE,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Cluk,P.E. September 12, 2017 Via E-Mail and Via US Mail Ms. Judy Wehner NC DEQ /Land Quality Section Division of Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Re: Flintstone #1 Mine-- Mining Permit No. 10-70 Lumber River Basin, Brunswick County Comment Response NIT Project# 16041 Dear Ms. Wehner: Per your letter of August 30t', 2017 regarding the subject project, please find enclosed the requested LCID Final Slope Cross Section. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Respectfully submitted, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. J. hillip ris, P. J P /ttw 041 09-12-17 s-comment response(08-30.) cc: Mr. Glenn Williamson Mr, Joe Cox NCBELS License C-3641 Dat Design Norris &Tunstaft Wilmington,NC Sheet -7 ILJW lConsulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County; Nc I Of Job For FL4 A;r s-.,Tvr,,X -*t Job No- Il-CA V f;#,AZIK_ A.�j.&�7W,. MI-J6 - /I- 111 t i 1i --vt 7 F 17 -1 1 ' ' 7 Lj -1-Fr- 7- -T 7 _T7 4-1 I I J j I I a i A- I j-- - I 44-1H-JI I A I I 4�4 �V I I I i I It A 1 I I F j I 1 I I I I h 1 I-- I + 7-1 �T 7 411 it T t 1 11 1 rl f i--T 1 r f I, 1 1 4 i 1+L 4 F I -T- -LL r_ j 71- -or -4-A I. F r --T-� 1*1"1 t- - I i-I A. F -I I I I F 6 .1 1 - I . . ......... . ......... +1 d- I • L f +41 -TP, -T T,I., V j- -J.- Lj U t t 71 -F �L T H L-T +L —j p, M, t __Z _ ' 10, 4 1 i AL +L; ROY COOPER Gnverrwr MICHAEL S. REGAN secremry Energy.Mineral& TRACY DAVIS I)itrector Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OVAL" August 30, 2017 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7015 0640 0007 9832 9676 Mr. Glen Norwood Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Flintstone#1 Mine Mining Permit No. 10-70 Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: We have reviewed the transfer and renewal request you submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised. information in accordance with the following comments: Provide a cross section of the final slopes of the LCID and provide erosion and sediment control measures until the LCID has been permanently stabilized. Please note that the LCID cannot intersect the ground water elevation. Please note, this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. Please be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Division of Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 State of North Carattna I En nranmerda!Quality I Energy.Kneral and Nand Rtsour ces 512 N.Saltsbury Street 11612 Mall Service Cemer I Raleigh North Carolina 27699-1612 919 707 4200 Certified Mail Mr.Williamson Page 2 As required by 15A NCAC 513.0013, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. ncerely, udith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist CC'. Mr. *Dan Sams, PE l � _ ..,.F..-.. '^'.V,w�'+-wr7-_�, i„rsv. ...Y.;;..,....,,r,�-."-.N;+rswti:tti�*''`c'-ti^„ -',�r+�'r...... - -•-wc. ;r`k-:.-:il:-€:�-� `+isi.nY%laa�'�J'---'�t'wsx;:rC+' ..._ MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING Applicant's Name: `` {G S�� )� 1 (/; FrojectName: 4t f Ak i C f/1 0 Applic.f Pmrdt No: 10 -'70 County: r.v1e'� rat 1 Date Receive&- j I Rrviezver: ! Ill River Basin Name: , t ❑ New YRenewal Mo&ftcation(inside permit boundaries) ❑ Modification(outside permit boundaries) N/Transfer ❑ Release ❑ Partial Release VAdditional Information ❑ Fee Needed:s ❑ Fee Received:s Please to entire apphratio]n�Nc6V to: Regional Office(z compkk aop'er attc l the"LQS Regiand O06 Mi i g App6aion Review Chi"to one Dopy and attaaeh both the OAQQand D W R"Mvmig Application Review Form"to the other aop�r,send both wpics to the RegimW Engineer) Date:Routed -4 Reed Dsion o Water Resowres ❑ f Date.Routed Rec'd ❑ NC Wildlife Resources Commission Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ US Fish dT Wildlife Service Date:Routed Reed (Only new applications and modi f catwn njuesu that add land to&permit) Please route first 3 MV of the application and any location maps to.- [] Division of Paris&Recreation Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ NC Geological Swvey Section Date:Routed Reed ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Soil dr Water Conservation (p&u LEA) Date:Routed Reed (Only taro gp[icawn and modifuatiaas nqueas butt add land to the permit) ❑ Division of Archives it History Date:Routed Rec'd (Only new applicams) ❑ Otht7: Date:Routed Reed Suspense Date for Comments: & F l'�,—r ?f� _ (no later than n days from receipt) ❑ Please note the following: to � C� v n 1 NORRIS & TUNSTALL J. Phillip Norris, P.E_ John S.Tunstall, P.E. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. Joseph K. Bland, P.E. T. Jason Clark, P.E. 902 Market Street•Wilmington, NC 28401-4733•Phone(910)343-9653•Fax(910)343-9604 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Ms. Judith A. Wehner Date. July 27, 2017 Job No. 16041 Assistant State Mining Specialist Subject:Joe &Webb Cox Mine NC DEQ- Land Quality Section Permit Transfer 1 Shallotte, NC 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA FAX TRANSMITTAL: NUMBER OF PAGES ❑ ATTACHED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ PRINTS ❑ CERTIFICATION ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ❑ DISKS ❑ COPY OF LETTER Call 910-343-9653 if you have any difficulty ❑ receiving this message. COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 07-27-17 CO PLANS - FLINTSTONE#1 MINE R - rck vCI C .. , 2017 LAN )Z. MINING PROGRAM QUALITYLAND 'v !N ftLf PROGRAM ® AS REQUESTED ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ FOR APPROVAL ❑ FOR YOUR USE ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ YOUR PRINTS LOANED TO US REMARKS: CC: SIGNED J. Phillip Norris, P.E. / &AW CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED: Information contained in this document is privileged and confidential, intended for the sole use of the addressee. If you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. If you have received this document in error please immediately notify the sender and return to the address above. •.s _ � ... ,�v.:;tar .-,v-'� • At c+Y.'..i�� :„E,, �ti't:J•''"^yiT',.is�-r�... .u.?•r�-i: ..,� ...�.,,,.rr-�r..tf'i.�,,'t- { � x �y�ii k�,-u��y:�«v '�:i'w.+ 1.++ i MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING Applicant's Name: i Applic./Permit No: Q'`1�(j County: V,, Date Received: D Reviewer. River,Basin Name: ❑ New L�9, RMMUI Modification(inside pernrit 6undaries) Cl Modification(outside permit 4mdvies) ❑ Transfer ❑ Release ❑ Partial Release Additional Information El Fee Needed: ❑ Fee Received:s P entire application package to, Regional Office(a wwou wpia;munch da"LQS Regional Ofioe Miry q Application Remm Chadelist"10 one copy cad 4 bath the DAQmud D WR"Mining Appliradm Review Form"to the other w W,send Both spies to the Regional Engineer) Date:Routed €1 Reed ❑ Division of Water Resources Date:Routed Reed ❑ NC Wildlife Resources Commission Date:Routed Ree'd ❑ US Fish dr Wildlife Service Date:Routed Rec'd (Orly new appiicatim and modif cm rapwsts thm add 6J to dre permit) Please mutt first 3 pages Of the application and any location maps to: ❑ Division of Panes e Recreation Date:Routed Ree'd ❑ NC Geological Survey Section Date:Routed Ree'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date:Routed Reed ❑ Division of Soil&Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date:Routed Ree'd (Only new app4catiow mod modifiratww neque b drat add land to the permit) ❑ Division of Archives dr History Date:Routed Reed (Oely new applicmrts) ❑ Other: Date:Routed Ree'd Suspense Date for Comments: f , ddl (no later than n days from receipt) U ❑ Please note the following: r � RECEIVED M Gmail AN Q 0 2a 17 Tom Gulley<tguiley@gmaii.com> LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM Ruby Way JD Tom Gulley<tgulley@gmail.com> Wed,Jul 5,2017 at 4:19 PM To:judy.wehner@ncmail.net Judy I discussed the Joe Cox mining site in Shallotte with you about a month or so ago. This is a 20 acres site located off of Ruby Way that is currently owned by Mullett Chaser, LLC- Ike Williamson. Your office required a current, approved wetland delineation for Mr. Cox to close out his ownership in the mine. I have met Brad Shaver from the US Army Corps of Engineers office on the tract to review the wetland delineation. He has reapproved the same delineation that was previously approved by this office. Below if the email from Mr. Shaver with the signed Jurisdictional Determination"final signed Ruby Way JD" and the map"field sketch". Please let me know if you need any additional info. Thanks. Tom -- -Forwarded message From: Shaver, Brad E CIV USARMY CESAW(US)<Brad.E.Shaver@usace.army.mil> Date:Wed,Jul 5,2017 at 10:51 AM Subject: Ruby Way JD To: "tgulley@gmail.com"<tgulley@gmail.com> Attached you will find a JD tearsheet, appeals form, Rapanos form, and field sketch the Ike Williamson tract. I will send Ike a hard copy. Call if you have any questions. Brad Tom Gulley Needham Environmental, Inc P.O. Box 960 Wilmington, NC 28402 (910)297-1282 mobile (910)795-0319 office fated Sent with Mailtrack 3 attachments final signed Ruby Way JD.pdf 152K Ruby Way Rapanos.pdf 153K field sketch.pdf 333K RECEIVED U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT JUL 10'2017 Action Id. SAW-2017-01307 County: Brunswick U.S.G.S.Quad: Shallotte LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property Owner: Ike Williamson Agent: Needham Environmental Inc. Tom Gulley P.O.Box 742 P.O.Box 960 Address: Shallotte,NC 29459 Wilmington,NC 28402 Size(acres) +/-22 Nearest Town Shallotte Nearest Waterway Mulberey Branch River Basin lower Pee Dee USGS HUC 03040208 Coordinates Latitude:33.9425669970857 Longitude:-78.4157050651142 Location description: The proneM is an existing mine site near the terminus of Ruby_Way accessed off Hwy 130 north of Shallotte Brunswick County. Indicate Which of the Following Apift: A. Preliminary Determination There are waters,including wetlands, on the above described project area, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act(CWA)(33 USC§ 1344)and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act(RHA)(33 USC§403). The waters, including wetlands, have been delineated,and the delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable. Therefore this preliminary jurisdiction determination may be used in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. For purposes of computation of impacts,compensatory mitigation requirments,and other resource protection measures,a permit decision made on the basis of a preliminary JD will treat all waters and wetlands that would be affected in any way by the permitted activity on the site as if they are jurisdictional waters of the U.S. This preliminary delennination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process(Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However,you may request an approved JD,which is an appealable action,by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. _ There are wetlands on the above described property, that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)(33 USC§ 1344)and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act(RHA)(33 USC§403). However,since the waters,including wetlands, have not been properly delineated,this preliminary jurisdiction determination may not be used in the permit evaluation process. Without a verified wetland delineation,this preliminary determination is merely an effective presumption of CWA/RHA jurisdiction overall of the waters,including wetlands, at the project area,which is not sufficiently accurate and reliable to support an enforceable permit decision. We recommend that you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner,you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. B. Approved Determination There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act(RHA)(33 USC§403)and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act(CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are waters of the U.S., including wetlands, on the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act(CWA)(33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. _ We recommend you have the waters of the U.S. on your property delineated. As the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manner,you may wish to obtain a consultant to conduct a delineation that can be verified by the Corps. Page 1 of 2 SAW-1017-01307 X The waters of the U.S.,including wetlands, on your project area have been delineated and the delineation has been verified by the Corps. If you wish to have the delineation surveyed,the Corps can review and verify the survey upon completion. Once verified,this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA and/or RHA jurisdiction on your property which,provided there is no change in the law or our published regulations,may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. _ The waters of the U.S.,including wetlands, have been delineated and surveyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on .Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S.,to include wetlands,present on the above described project area which are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act(33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. The property is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City,NC,at(252)808-2808 to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US,including wetlands,without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act(33 USC§ 1311). Placement of dredged or fill material, construction or placement of struenires,or work within navigable waters of the United States without a Department of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Sections 9 and/or 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act(33 USC§401 and/or403). if you have any questions regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program,please contact Brad Shaver at (910)2514611 or Brad.E.Shaver(a�.usaee.army.mil. C. Basis For Determination: The site possess wetlands as described in the 1987 Corps Delineation Manual,and appropriate regional supplement,and are abutting Lookout Branch which drains into the Shallotte River,a navigable water of the US D. Remarks: The site was field verified on 6128/2017. E. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps'Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants,or anticipate participation in USDA programs,you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service,prior to starting work. F. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B.above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination,you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process(NAP)fact sheet and request for appeal(RFA)form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele,Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW,Room IOM15 Atlanta,Georgia 30303-8801 Page 2 of 2 saw-2017-0131)7 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps,the Corps must determine that it is complete,that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 33 l.5,and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form,it must be received at the above address by 9/7/2017_. **It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence. iqiWFy signed SHAVER.BRAU',tl""�RAD.E1276601756 SON:cd15,o=US.Gv envnent. E.1276601756 00.�, Papua Corps Regulatory Official: U cn�kAV7.0745104&060n56 Date:2057A7.05 10;M&94-01'00' Date: July 5,2©17 Expiration Date: July 5,2022 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so,please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey,located online at http://comsmapu.usace.artny.mil/cm a ex/f? =136:4:0. Page 3 of 2 s azbTZTe ar-aLV } + ` .aaK' ' • R tt i . o y JfO gy � y ,�' U4�►1 NEO � i1S 0ti � n z � y � y i ' d ty1 y i 1.1711W i y _ i r S • `w Previous Wetland Delineation to be reapproved. Old delineation is marked by PVC pipes and the remains of silt fences. 1" - 200' Mullett Chaser LLC Needham Environmental, Inc. Tax Parcel # 1810001821 Environmental Consultants Wetland Delineation Survey Brunswick County, NC Wilmington, NC 03-17.056=E PecUge.cdr June 2017 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrrtury Energy,Mineral& TRACY DAVIS Land Resources Director ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY May 8, 2017 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7015 0640 0007 9832 8860 Mr. Glen Norwood Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Flintstone #1 Mine Mining Permit No. 10-70 Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: We have reviewed the transfer and renewal request you submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments: 1. Provide a valid wetland delineation. The copy submitted has expired. 2. Provide north arrows on the mine maps. Please note, this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. Please be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Division of Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 State of North Carolina I Enoronmeri al Qua Ay I Enrrgy.t iirteral grid Land Resourres 512 N.Salisbury Street f 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh.North CarrMina 27699-T612 9l9 707 9200 Certified Mail Mr. Williamson Page 2 As required by 15A NCAC 513.0013, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and-wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. erely, J ith A. ehner Assistant State Mining Specialist CC." Mr. "Dan Sams, PE I r •: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN - Secretary Energy,Mineral& TRACY DAVIS ' Direc7ar Land Resources F-HVIR 0XMENfAL QUALffY March 10, 2017 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7013 2630 0001 8998 9785 Mr. Glen Norwood (Ike) Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Mining Permit No. 10-70 - Flintstone #1 Mine Brunswick County- Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: Please find enclosed the reclamation bonds that you recently submitted to this office. I regret to inform you that we cannot accept either the assignment or the irrevocable letter of credit as either appears. I am returning these forms to you. See the following: Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit Page 2 - If the bank is automatically renewing the letter of credit every five years, the expiration date will be 2/15/2022. Page 2 — Issuing bank must be inserted in 713 and 7C_ Assignment of Savings Account The applicant must be Glenn Norwood (Ike) Williamson as is on page 1 of the application. You will have to change page 1 and 18 to of the mining permit application to change the applicant. Please note that only one type of bond is required, not both. I am enclosing new forms for your use. If you or your bank have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (919) 707-9227. 5 cerely, J dith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist\ Enclosures cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE State of North Carolina I Er1vb*0Micntal Quabq- 1 Enemy,k9irk-"and Land Resources 512 N.Salisbury St9ret 1 1612 Mail Service Carter 1 UleigK Nortti Carolina 27699-16!2 919 707 9200 j SENDER: COMPLETE THIS 5 CONIPLETtF THIS SECTION ON DELIVE,", ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3. A. 81 ■ Print your name and address on the reverse �W 4t/i� Agent so that we can return the card to you. Addramea ■ Attach this card to the back of the malipiece, Pbcaived �b f,� C. I�°t De4very f or on the from if space permfts. qV f/l/'�ter/ 1. Article Addressed to: V. 19 delivery addrem Merest 7 ❑Yes - - -- tF YES,enter delivery '\©No MR GLEN NORWOOD WILLIAMSON , PO BOX 742 SHALLOTTE NC 28459 �� o I EI�I[ [lii�l[[ I[�[�!»i�l[[II�I�[[l�I�EfIIIEE ° ° �na,ac> 0 cennw mans �ed mall j 9590 9403 0730 5196 3105 90 DeOvM jcttk� at to Calleet on Delivery 2. Artide'Number(Trnnsler!ram service Label) a C.WW on DONery R#xW&*gd Dee my � °00 �-� D Irtar sd Mai ❑kmv r,+8n PAstr+crsd Derry over PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-q= f '�� Domestic Retum Recelpt NORRIS & TUNSTALL J. Phillip Norris, P.E. S.CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. John T Jas nuClarkl, P.E. 902 Market Street•Wilmington, NC 28401-4733•Phone(910)343-9653•Fax(910)343-9604 1429 Ash Little River Road NW•Ash, NC 28420-1715•Phone(910)287-59M*Fax(910)287-5902 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: Ms. Judith Wehner Date: March 1, 2017 1 Job No. 15087 NC DEQ 1 DEMLR subject: Flintstone Mine #1 Permit 10-70 1612 Mail Service Center Flintstone Mine#2 Permit 10-77 Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA E-MAIL MAIL FAX TRANSMITTAL: NUMBER OF PAGES ® ATTACHED ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ PRINTS ❑ CERTIFICATION ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ❑ DISKS ❑ COPY OF LETTER Call 910-343-9653 if you have any difficulty JL❑ - - - — receiving this message. COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 02-15-17 Bond Package for Flintstone Mine #1 Permit 10-70 1 02-15-17 Bond Package for Flintstone Mine#2 Permit 10-77 MAR 0 S 2017 LANM!NlNG P URLITy 'v ❑ AS REQUESTED ❑ FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT ❑ FOR APPROVAL M FOR YOUR USE ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ❑ YOUR PRINTS LOANED TO US REMARKS: cc: Mr. Ike Williamson SIGNED J. Phillip rris, P.E. 1 neh CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED: Information contained in this document is privileged and confidential,intended for the sole use of the addressee. It you are not the addressee or the person responsible for delivering it to the addressee you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. tf you have received this document in error please immediately notify the sender and return to the address above. 12o Causeway Dr.,Unit 2 �UFQQU I n [BAN111 Ocean Isle Beach,NC 28469 LLJJ LL!! 91 o-575-5066 phone 91G-575-6255 fax February 15, 2017 Re: Flintstone#1 Mine Mining Permit No 10-70 Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Sirs: I hereby confirm that the following is a valid business checking account with First Bank and is in good standing with our institution. Account Name: Glenn Norwood (Ike)Williamson Routing# Account#� Yours truly, t Vickie G Williamson Manager/Customer Service Representative 46 04to APPLICATION FOR A M *aNG Pl@VIIT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND 1 l The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond(based upon a range Of$500 to $5,000 per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the mining permit. Please insert the roximate acreage or each aspect o the mining operation, that you intend to affect during the life a this mining permit(in addition Please insert the a ro riate reclamation cost/acre or each cote o om the Schedule of Reclamation Costs rovided with this a licationform)OR ou can defer to the Department to calculate your bond for you based upon your ma s and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE* COST aD Tailings/Sediment Ponds: - 0 0% Ac. X $ 6% °° /Ac. _ $ Stockpiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ Wastepiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. - $ I, bn Processing Area/Haul Roads: '"7 3Ac. X $ /Ac. - $ '7 9 Mine Excavation: .d - a (p . 0 ,'O Ac. X $ ()0 a a/Ac. _ $ av Other: ��° 1� O� '� Ac. X $ AD/Ac. _ $ TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: d - Ac. RECEIVED (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: W 1 1 Ac.) MAR 0 6 2017 TemnoM &Permanent Sedimentation&Erosion Control Measures: MINING PROGRAM Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage Ac. b) Positive Drainage Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ SUBTOTAL COST: $ Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ N 9 X Permit Life(1 to 10 years): 1 INFLATION COST: $ TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST+ INFLATION COST = $ P 71 q -1 . &a Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ (round down to the nearest$100.00) - 14- ROY CO/rO,,...PE�R K W�ffO� a5 MICHAEL S. REGAN secmtury Energy,Mineral& TRACY DAVIS L and Resources Director ENVIRONMENTAL RUALUY February 6, 2017 i Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7013 2630 0001 8998 9525 Mr. Glen Norwood Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Flintstone #1 Mine Mining Permit No. 10-70 Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: The review has been completed on the transfer, renewal and modification request you submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the following: The reclamation bond has been calculated using the information submitted on the revised mine map. The reclamation bond for this site would be $17,900.00. The calculation worksheet is enclosed for your review and the new bond will be required prior to approval of this request. For your convenience, I have enclosed a bond form, an assignment of a savings account form and irrevocable standby letter of credit form for your use in securing the required bond. The name on the security must be the same as the name appearing on the application for a mining permit, i.e., Glen Norwood (Ike) Williamson. In addition to one of these alternatives, you may, upon request, substitute a cash deposit. Please be advised that the transfer, renewal and modification request cannot be completed until the new bond amount has been received. As required by G.S. 74-51 (h), you are hereby advised that you have 60 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit the reclamation bond. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. Statr of North Ca roGna I Environmental Quality I Fxiergp.Mineral and Land Resources 512 N.Salisbury Street 11G12 Mail Service Center I Raleigh.North Carolina 2 76 4 9-1612 919 707 9200 Certified Mail Mr. Williamson Page 2 In order to complete the processing of your modification request, please forward the Fond to my attention at the following address: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Sincerely, J dith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Enclosures: Bond Forms Bond Calculation Worksheet cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE APPLICATION FOR A MEgNG P&Ur iil� `dWiDd 00 A144 J b4+A0lJ -1'�- I E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND 10 ;1 The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond(based upon a range Of 500 to $S,000 per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the miningpermit. Please insert the approximate acreage, or each as ect o the mining o eration that you intend to affect durinz the life o this mining permit in addition lease insert the qppropriate reclamation cost/acre or each cate o from the Schedule of Reclamation Costs provided-with this application form) OR you can deter to the Department to calculate your bond forxou based upon your maps and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE` COST as Tailings/Sediment Ponds: • 0 Ac. X $ '�` /Ac. — $ Stockpiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. -- $ Wastepiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. — $ e� Processing Area/Haul Roads: a 'r73Ac. X $ �oDjo IAc. Mine Excavation: 0,"OAc. X $ U a "/Ac. — $ 3OqD 60 Other: !t� 1D O1 Ac. X $ "'/Ac. — $ �Onb+o TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: •Z 'T Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: Ac.} Temporary & Permanent Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage Ac. b) Positive Drainage • (� _ Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ 3�ad�o SUBTOTAL COST: $ j q 60 Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ j X Permit Life(I to 10 years): INFLATION COST: $ a 9 g • �• Q TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST+ INFLATION COST = $ l r7 ! q q . &.6 Total Reclamation Bond Cost: S r7 0601 (roan down to the nearest$100.00) - 14- MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING AppIit a a's Name: �' �V�'ra fertName: r� �h Applic/Perrmt No: County: Daft Received: GY ll /19 Reviewer: t Rivcr Basin Name: 1 ❑ New ❑ Reneraal ❑ Modification(inside permit bottndanies) Modification(otutside es) Transfer ❑ Release Partial Release Additional Infarrrsatian ❑ Fee Needed ❑ Fee Recrimd:$ Please route entire application package to: I I V1 Regional Off we(: mpi!g arradi de aLQS Regional 0ff-e Mmn A*haftm Revicm Amdd w to.."mad both dx DWQmJ DWR"Afiniq Appbcdm Rrniem Form"to else admr mpy;sead both aopia to dx Regiaud Engmecr} Date:Routed Reed ❑ Division of Water Resources Date:Routed Reed ❑ NC Wildlife Resources Commission Date:Routed Reed ❑ US Fish&Wildlife Service Date:Routed Rec'd (Only nem qpficaum and mado)utioa n*w5ft that add loin to the pen ) Please route first 3 pages of the 2Epliration and any location maps to: ❑ Division of Parks&Recreation Date:Routed Reed ❑ NC Geological Survey Section Date:Routed Reed ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date:Rotted Rec'd ❑ Division of Soil&Water Constrvafion (phis LEA) Date:Routed Rec'd (Only rum applicalim anJ mahftcatimu rrganu that add land to the permit) ❑ Division of Archives dT History Date:Routed Reed (Only nem applicants) ❑ Other. Date:Rotted Rec'd Suspense Date for Comments: C EMC (no latter chars n days from receipt) ❑ Phase nose the follourmg: tw r �_i•�,s�PJs :�_5 W j�" • w NORR S & TUNSTAL L CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC— 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little Fiver Road 'Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 28420 (910) 343-9653 (910) 287-5900 (910) 343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J. Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. January 30, 2017 0 a Ms. Judy Wehner ; NC DEQ 1 Land Quality Section ° Division of Land Resources RECEI EDfit 1612 Mail Service Center ' l Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 LAND QUAWTv Re: Flintstone #1 Mine — Mining Permit No. 10-70 MINING PRCg" Lumber River Basin, Brunswick County NT Project # 16041 Dear Ms. Wehner: Further to our December 20, 2016 response letter, attached are copies of the signed green cards for those landowners who have received and acknowledge the notification. For those who did not acknowledge the notification, we have enclosed copies of the status as posted by the USPS. Should you have any further questions or comments, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P. . J. illip ris, P. JP /neh 041 01-30-17 s-mining response-mine#1 -ltr cc: Mr. Ike Williamson NCBELS License C-3641 �� � • ����ilAr".�'�!F_a1L'J CJ3.�[AJ�/J. ! Llt1i`�L1.74��+;Jtr�;,:\llJ.�M:+�.t :'r Comp;�.e items 1,2,and 3. 1 aturo l3 Print your name and address on fire reverse X f p Addre.- so that we can return the card to you. ` re — eE [3 Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, g• eceived by(Printed Name) CID to of DeGvaly or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D, Is delivery address ditsmt from item 1? ❑Yes if YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No ru lflst�J tGk K Se.l�od 1 Ili if[III�III I[[[I[sll[I[I�III[8111[I[ll[ [1 3. Service Type 0RegisteredMal" s2ri ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MaIITM "Wt$Ignatum Restricted Delivery Cl Reclstered Mall RestrictE Certified Mailo Delivery 9590 9403 0654 5183 6959 08 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delhyery Q Return Receipt for ❑Cviisct on Delivery Merchandise L Conect on WN ery Restricted Del very ❑Signature Ounfirmat un" 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label} Mail ❑Signature canrrrnatmn I Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 7007 3020 0001 6 615 6 419 PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 13 Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Ss nature D Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. ❑Address 13 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Receive (Printed Name) C. Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. t. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ©Yes j If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No T 0 I[@91�I�II�IIISIII[III[II�I[I[II[ III�I I[I�II QreSSO AdW"Signature F ❑R g, eredM� RECEIVED Certi ed a d@ Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mast Rrstrtc7 95590 9403 0654 5183 6959 15 n cceAi�MaIT Restricted oeWery ❑Delivery ern for ❑Cottect on Delivery Merchandise FEB 0� 2017 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label Q Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑signature Ganrrmetlen ..,A;xl Cl Signature fignrrmatlon 7007 3020 0001 6 615 6426 �a Restricted Delivery Restricted Del very LAND PROGRAM M PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receip G O �_ -� `y�.� -'a'`urr�'''�-r�I+lC�cca�ati�l1►1_�" s-.�...-. D Complete items 1,2',and 3. A. Sig tune d Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. �i l3 Addresst t7 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B• Received by(Pfinte Date of Deliver or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D, Is delivery address different from Item 1 1 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below;'` ❑No', `rya; �l#��ub � G X MoA0. � sy ( HU3 S to G aStk�o 4�rrk-l ��e I Il��fll ll lll��llll[lllllll�[Ili llllllll[I II 3. ServioaType URgiByMdlMail—YS® ❑ 5lgnahua ❑Registered MaIIT"` Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑RecFstered Mal flestrte Certified Mrs® Delivery 9590 9403 0654 5183 6959 22 Certified Mall Restricted Dessvery ❑Ration Rece,¢t for ❑Collect on Delivery Mershandlsc 9_ Articla Number fTransfer from service fabeO ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Q Signature Contlrmabon' 'Mail Q 56gnature Connrmstion 7007 3020 0001 6 615 6433 Mail Restricted Delimy Restrlded Delivery PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-OLI-000-9053 Domestic Return Recelpl i rPeq,'IH� 7 Complete items 1,2,and 3.13 Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addresse 0Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, v by(Printed Name) Date of Delivei or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from ern 17 ❑Yes y I _ If YES,enter delivery address b ow: [3No 110 -7� II I Il it IIII IIII I II l 111 III l9[II I I IIII!I I I I III A Rested Delivery 0 RegistePriority red Mail R�c ❑ l Expre-.�st Adult Signature Q Registered Mal 9590-9403 0654 5183 6959 39 Cl c rrddied Mail Restricted Dernety Ct Return Receipt for p Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(transfer from service tabeA ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted De ry ❑Signature Confrmation all 0 Signature Confirmation _ 7007 3020 0001 6 615 6440 n1 Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receip p Y 0 MOW;; • 1 . y 13 Complete items 1,2,and 3. A Si9nattu� 13 Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent 30 that we Can return the card to you. 0 Address{ U Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, Received-by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delive, or on the front if space permits. air 1-17-17 1. Article Addressed to. D:,fs delivAry address' #rorri item 17 13 Yes cler-g r e)C4fdtom] 1✓Tv hK if YES,enter-delivery ess el6 1 [3 No A s ,lit 17 2411 _ ,y 1 RECEIVED 1 II IIIIIII IIII III I I I I I III III II I II I I Ilit IIIII III 3 semi Type p Registered ty Mall axpreaa�J ❑Adult signature fl Mao- FEBD 4 @17 4 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery i?Flegistered Meig�Restricl LS] $Certitled Mast® Dawe+Y 9590 9403 0654 5183 6959 46 0 Certified Merl Restricted Delhsery ❑Return Receipt for LAND QUAL El Collect on Deli on very Restricted Delhrery ❑Signature Merchandise 2- Article Number(fiarisfer from service fabelJ MINING PRQG`RAM n F^a-wi Mail Q Signature Confirmation 7 0 0 7 3020 0 0 01 6 615 6457 Mil Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery Ps Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-o2-oar-so53 Domestic Return Receip o Complete items 1,2,and 3. " A. Signature b 13 Print your name and address on the reverse.. 13 Agent so that we can return the card to you: Addresst 13 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, fB+�'R,e eY� (Printed Name) C.Date of De•hive or on the front if space permits. l� SG1111SbZ'! 3 1 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address dfferent from Item 14 © es '/> If YES,enter delivery address below: Q No �;- Is la C Il I IIIIII IIII IIII l I I I III III II I Ill I III8I III I III EI ServiGe uit Signature RestrictedDelivery q M sttred Me" ere Mau R Mail Reult Signature 0 Registered MaM tric ste eFy 9590 9403 0654 5183 6959 84 CCertifiieedd Mail Restricted Delivery 0 Re Rdeciptfor n.a�•.r4 er,,,,,y,e,.rRanefer lm.�earyir-A(,yypn ¢Collect on Deli Restricted Delivery 9❑_ Collect an Del' C]Si nature Canfumatian Mal ❑Signature Confirmation 7007 3020 0001 6 615 6495 Mal ResftWed DerwM Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Retell Sig aturg. } 'qWCornPlate items 1,2,and 3. ❑Agent 13 Print your name and address on the reverse YON 1 Addrasstso that we can return the card to you. elved by(Prfnt&d Name) C. Date of Relive Q Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece,Or on the front if space permits, 1. Article Addressed to: elivery address d�frerent from item 1? ❑Yes ES,enter delivery address below: ❑No �t� e 047D II I IIIIII till III I I I I I III I[I I�IIII[IIIIII I li III 3 Service Type ❑ i g Mail Express ❑AduU Signuo><2i ❑Registered e Regstered Ma— "it Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Reeggi,stered Mail Restric 9590 9403 0654 5183 6969 91 Cert,ped Mail Restricted Delvery . ❑DRelett mryRecetpt for ❑Collect an Delivery Mercltandse 2. Article Number(Transfer from sendca fabeo ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Canfumotlon Van ❑Signature Confirmation _ 7007 3020 0001 6 615 6501 lJai Restricted Detivety Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,April 2015 PSN 753042-CCO-9053 Domestic Return R-ceil nix • , • • • f ❑ Complete item 1,2,and 3. A. Signature is Print your nam �d address on the reverse X C �E l Agent so that we can Feturn the card to you. ❑Addressf 13 Attach this card to the back of the malipiece, 8 R lved by(�'`''ted Name) C. Date of Delive, Or on the front if space permits. h In i s 1. Article Addresst cd to. �7 D. Is delivery address different from item 17 ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: ©No TV�DWLa--s StA) S• REC EIV III9IIII! ll lil III I[�IIIIII III lI[III' 3.Adult Scg Type � — ❑Priority Mel ExpressS Q Adult scgriat,im p q���MaBn. Adult Signatu a Re tr cted peltvery p Registered Mall Restrlc ,� 95Dewery 90"9403 0664 5183 6960 28 ❑�lieedd M4 Restricted Delivery ❑ Receipt for FEB 0 13 Collect cn Delivery Mwctn�ndlse ¢r7 o nnl�ta tu,,mtwr rTramsfar from sendce labe> L7 Colect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Q Signature Confvmation' 7I]a7 302Cf 000� 66]�5 653�, ••Mail ©Rent ureConrver LAND QUALITYMi�Restricted Res ivied Der MINING PROCf Ag PS Form 3811,April 2Q15 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receip 0 Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sig t e _ , /� t7 Print your name and address on the reverse � /` �/� ,�l/. /11 13 Agent so that we can return the card to you. �w�� �ifJ✓`V`�©Addresse 13 Attach this card to the back of the mailpilece, eceived (P� e N e} " C. Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. q i, 1. Article Addressed tu: Is delivery address drffetnrtt from item t? ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No PD- `tax [III IBI I I I li III I[I II III I III[II II![II r ult 8gna�e �- 0 Priority�M�MultSignatureRestrktedDeAvery ❑p B4y tvlatl Restrlett 9590 9403 0654 5183 6960 35 turedMany Delrerytlfied Mall Restdtd Delivery ❑Return Recelpt for lect on Dcllvery Restricted Delivery ❑signaturellect on Delivery Merchw1dconnrm@tlonn cn 7 0 0 7 3020 00.01 6 615 6549 Aaail Restricted Delivery °w ed twe Delvee PS Form 3811.April 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt I Complete items 1,2,and 3. Signature a Print your narne and address on the reverse ❑Agent X �.. so that we can return the card to you. •� El Addresse o Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, / B. Received b &Tfed Name) Date of Deliver or on the front if space permits. 7. Article Addressed to: D, is delivery address different fromm4m 1?�El 1esf if YES,enter delivery address 6e-row-. El No Zl E)ILIi{.�� a {��lGi I{t fp1 3.Adult sig Type Q Priority reds all"" se Q Adult Signature iJ Registered Ma11T°' Adult Slgnature Restricted Delivery Q Registered Mail Restict 9590 9403 0654 5183 6961 41 ❑c6Yed Mai Restricted Der R maaD elivery Delivery Q M run Receipt for ❑correct an Oerivery Merchandise 2, Article Number(Transfer ht7m service labeo L--Collect on delivery gestrfcted Delivery Q Sign-cft=Carrfirma�on` r-1 u,.�t Mai Q Signature ConfUmation 7 0117 311211 110111 6 615 3524 Mail Restricted pefivery Reed Delivery PS Farm 3811,April 2D15 PSN 753o-D2-000-9053 w Domestic Retum Receipl ,EcEIV�.D FEB Q� 20 LAND QUA' Y MIt4lNG PR4G, F�tglish C—t—foor Service USPS M.W. Regntar7 Sean En Still Have QuSstlonsT USPS Tracking® Browse ourFAQs> c Get Easy Tracking Updates Sign up for My USPS. Tracking Number.70073020000166156464 f � i Your item was returned to the sender on January 30,2017 at 8:33 am in SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 because it was not claimed by the addressee once the item reached its maximum hold time at the post office. Product & Tracking Information Available Actions fPostal Product Features: F#rsl-lass Mail* cemed Mail— Retum Receipt Text Updates I See tracking for related item: 95949E173065451G3695953 Email Updates DATE&TIME STATUS OF ITEM r LOCATION January 30,281T,8:35 am Unclaimed/Max dlMax Hold Time i SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 r � Your item was returned to the sender on January 30,2G17 at 8:33 am in SHARLOTTE,NC 28459 ' because it was not cLwmed by the addressee once the item reached its maximum hold time at the post office, January 12,2017.1 1:OB am Notice Recipient Availabio)alzed i SHALLOTTE,NC 28470 RE El D January 11,2017.7.OB pm Departed USPS Fatality i FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28302 ^!-F3 217 i t Q jf{ January 11.2017.11:30 am Arrived at USPS Facility FAYEITEVILLE,NC 2=2 I w ND QUA, 7� rY January 11,2017,2v8 am I Departed USPS Facility CHARLOTTE,NC 28228 MINfNG PROGRAM January 11,2017,1:04 am Arrived at USPS Facilay CHARLOTTE,NC 28228 r1 I � V January 10,2017,10:58 am Acceptance CALABASH,NC 28467 f I 11 Track Another Package Manage Incoming Packages Tracking(or receipt)number Track a9 your packages from a Cashbaard. I No vac cu numoars r*oassary. Track it Sign up for My USPS) Eny4sh C4WtMwr 8er#M USPS Mobile pp reeiirir I Sign In OU 100m5 USPS Tracking® BrovotoutFAQll Have ona7 I Browse our FAQs} j p Get Easy Tracking Updates> Sign up for My USPS. Tracking Number.70073020000166156471 On Time Updated Delivery Day:Thursday,January 12,2017 Product & Tracking Information Available Actions Postal Product Features: i First-Class Made Certified Mao' Rehm Receipt Text Updates i Sae tncldnp tOr related item: 9590940306545163695960 Email Updates I DATE d TIME STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION Notice Left(No Authorized January 12,2017,1,09 pm Recipim"Available) ASH,NC 28420 27 We attempted to deriver your item at 1:09 pm on January t2,2017 in ASH,NC 28420 and a notice was [aft because an authorized recipient was not avaitabte. January 12,2017,9:21 am Out for Delivery ASH,NC 28420 January 12,2017,9:11 am Sorting Complete i ASH,NC 28420 January 12,2017,9137 am Arrived at Unit � ASH,NC 28420 RECEIVED January 11.2017,11 Al pm Departed USPS Fadity FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28302 January 11,2017.8:58 am Arrived at USPS Fatllity FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28302 FEB 0% 2017 January 11,2017,2:06 am Departed LISPS Fadity CHARLOTTE.NC 232M LAND QUAL k January 11.2017,1:04 am Arrived at USPS Facility CHARLOTTE,NC 28228 MINING PROGRAM January 10,2017,10:58 am Acceptance CALABASH,NC 28467 Track Another Package Manage Incolning Packages Tracking(or receipt)number Track all your packages horn a dashboard. No tradtirp numbers narassery. Track It Sign up for MY USPS e 4 4 '� Enghh c.wtonre'r service LISPS 1AoEik ppp !Shin In a Still USPS Tracking' BrowasourrrFAQs. ? Gat Easy Tracking Updates) I J Sign up for My USPS. Tracking dumber.70073020000166156468 I E • i Your item was retumad to the sender on January 30,2017 at 8:33 am in SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 because It was not claimed by the addressee once the item reached its maximum hold time at the post office. Product & Tracking Information Available Actions Postal Product: Features: First-Cfass Mail* CertiOed Ma— Return Reciaipt Text Updates I See tracking for telaWd item: 1#SM40MSOI536OSS77 Email Updates DATE&TIME STATUS OF ITEM I LOCATION January 30,2017,8:33 am is dlMaz Hold Time SHALLOTTE,NO 28459 md Your item was returned to the sender on January 30.2017 at 8.33 am in SHALLOTI-E,NO 28459 because 11 was not claWted by the addressee once the item reached ft maximum hold ttmo at the post office January 13,2017.9700 am Available for Pickup i SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 January 13,2017,9:00 am Arrived at Unit i OCEAN ISLE BEACH,NO 28469 �1 r ' I i January 13.2017,8:59 am In Transit to Destination j R '�1 _E I V E D i V`11 LLLrrr... January 11.2017,7:06 pm Departed USPS F3CMty FAYETTE-AU.E.NC 28302 i Jawary 11,2D17,9:02 am Arrived al USPS Fachily FAYETTEVILLE,NO 2M02 LAND January 11,2017,2,08 am Departed USPS facility CHARLOrM,NO 28228 MINING PROG qM January 11,2o17,1.03 am k*ed at USPS Facility CHARLOTTE,NO 282M January 10.2017,10:56 am Acceptance CALABASH,NO 2t1187 I Track Another Package Manage Incoming Packages Tracking for receipt)number Track atl your packages from a dashboard. Track It No tracking runbers necessary- Sign up for My USPS r � f s . a English Cawtombr Same. LISPS MOW. aepis»r r Sipe In A ° LISPS Tracking® j $n�, ,;:pu Get Easy Tracking Updates r Sign up for My LISPS. Tracking Number.70073020000166156518 Your item wag returned to the sender on January 30,2017 at 8.33 am to SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 because it was not claimed by the addressee once the item reached its maximum hold time at the post office. Product & Tracking Information Available Actions Postal Product Features: i First-Class Maas Certified Mall' Retum Recoo Text Updates See tracking for rstated item:95WHO3a6545183696004 Email Updates DATE S TIME STATUS OF ITEM LOCATION i i January 30,1017,11:33 am i Unclaime"ax Mold TTme ! SHALLOTTE,NC 2N59 Expired n Your item was returned to the sender on January 1Q,2017 at 8:33 am in SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 because it was not claimed by the addressee once the item reached its maximum hold time al Ore post } W l J office. �+J January 12,2017,2:21 pm Notice Lett(No Authorized ! SHALLOTTE,NC 28470 Recipient AvaklBbb) R. C E IV" ' ED January 11,2017,7:06 pm Departed USPS Facility FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28302 �y iJanuary 11,2017,11:31 am Arrived at USPS Facility FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28302 0 2017, + January 11,20t7 I.2�8 am Departed USPS Facft CHARLOTTE.NC 2822a LAN©QUALITY MINING PROGRAM January 11,2017,105 am Atrlved i1 USPS Facsily I CHARLOTTE,NC 2822tt January 10,2017,10:56 am Acceptance CALABASH,NC 28467 Track Another Package Manage Incoming Packages Tracking(or receipt)number Trw*all your packages tram a dashboard. I I i Track It i Sign up Tor My USPS> i English Customer Serrim USPS Mobile Np pp�//��,p� y/�,r7 Register I Sign In tf.f S �U-C®.lJif e USPS Tracking® f Still Have Questions? Browse our FAQs Get Easy Tracking Updates) j Sign up for My USPS. Tracking Number 70073020000166156525 j i i Your item was returned to the sender on January 3%2017 at 8.33 am in SHALLOTTE,NC Z8459 because it was not elatmed by the addressee once the item reached its maximum hold time at the post office. Product & Tracking Information Available Actions Postal Product: Features, First-class Matte eemned Malt' Return Rempt Tait Updates See tracking for related item: 959OW308545193696011 Emali Updates DATE&TIME -_ STATUS OF ITEM _-_. LOCATION --- January 30,2017.8:31 am �P allmedfMax Hold Time SHAEI OTTE NC 28459 1 Your item was retumed to the sender on January 30.2017 at 8:33 am in SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 ! because it was not claimed by the addressee once the item reached its meAmum hold Ume at the post i I office, i January 12,2017,8:41 am AvaAa bile for P"wp I SHALLOTTE,NC 28459 January 12,2017,8:40 am Arrived at Unit 3 OCEAN ISLE BEACH,NC 26469 l January 11.2017.7;00 pm Departed USPS Facility FAYEI'11;VILLE.NC 2ti302 January 11,2017.9:02 am Arrived at USPS Fadirty FAYETTEVILLE,NC 28302 RECEIVED �t� 0� 2i317 January 11,2017,2:08 am Departed USPS Fadlity t CHARLOZ 1E,NC 28228 LAND QUALITY January 11,2017.1133 am Arrived at USPS Facility CHARLOTTE,NC eerie MINING PROGRAM January 10.2017,10:58 am Aicceptance CALABASH,NC 211487 Track Another Package Manage Incoming Packages Tracking(or welpt)number Track all yoir packages tans a dashboard No unckmp numl>"necessary. I Track It Sign up for My USPS o I t j English ruamrner Service tt51'5 Narvik Repisar 7 Sign in Still Have Questions? USPS Tracking® amom out FAQai Get Easy Tracking Updates Sign up for My LISPS. Tracking Number.70073020000166153517 Your item was ntturned to the sender on January 30,2017 at 8,33 am in SHALLOTTE.NC 2M59 because it was not claimed by the addressee once the item coached its maximum hold time at the post office. Product & Tracking Information Available Actions Postal Product Features: First-Class Mail* Certified Mail' Return ReoeiM Text Updates See trecking for related Item: 85809403065451=9E042 Email Updates DATE 3 TIME STATUS OF ITEM r LOCATION t January 30,2017,8:33 am Uncial�piremedlMax Hold Time i SHALLOTTE,NC x845a rf OL � Your item was returned to the sender on January 30,2017 at 8:33 am in SHALLOTT6,NC 28459 because it was not Claimed by the addressee once the item reached its rna*mum twld time at the post (� f 1 office. v\ lC January 12,2017,11:18 am Notice tell{No Authorized i SHALLOTTE,NC 28470 Recipient Avallable) January 11,2017,7:06 pm ; Departed LISPS Facility FAYETTEMLLE,NC 28302 January 11,2017,9:02 am Arrived at LISPS Facility FAYEiTEML.LE,NC 2a302 RECEIVED January 11,21117,2:08 am 1 Departed USPS Facility CHARLOTTE,NC 28228 (�G•q 2017 January 11,2017.1,03 am Arrived at LISPS Facility I CHARLOTTE,NC 28228 rsf 2 LAND QUALITY January 10.2017.10:58 am ! Acceptance CALABASH,NC 2807 MINING PROGRAM Track Another Package Manage Incoming Packages Truck or reeei number Trade�I s tram a dashboard. h8 f Pt) Y�P�+>Oa Aio traciai0 nmiEen neosssary ' Track 11 Sign up for My LISPS ti F r'^�`..d's,_',. T^.r•r.�.f'^',L' —:J" „_.— -.f� , .r^--tie-- tv�,., i-r�;, - . . ;;M.7.. � . � ,,syr.r .. .r. MINING CHECKL IS�T�R ROUTING I " w l Applicants Name: l.�k ProjectName: Applic f Permit No: " I County: /fful ct Date Received:_ Revietoer: l River Basin Name: ❑ New ❑ Renewal ❑ Modi flcation(inside emit boundaries) ❑ Modification(outside permit boundaries) ❑ Transfer ❑ Release ❑ Partial Release ❑ Additional Information ❑ Fee Needed:# ❑ Fee Received: Please a en application]paacchaage to: t `i ' �"Rertonal C96(s mpW ov"atta&&"LQ$RtBiona!Of f s Mid APPdica.R,oiem C6k(irt"to 0w 0"aced ath eb the D WQmed DWR`Mmq App6dtm Rev=Farm"to the ot6r caM read bode wpm to dee Rl amd Engineer) Date:Routed j 131 r]Reed ❑ Division of Water Resources Date:Routed / Rec'd ❑ NC Wildlife Rem wces Commission Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ US Fish dr Wildlife Service Date:Routed Rec'd (Only new appli=tians med=xhf ica m requests that add land to the mmit) Please route first 3 Plages 01 the aPPlication and anY Iocatian Maps to: ❑. Division of Parks i�Recreation Date:Routed Rec'd El NC Geological Survey Section Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Soil e Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date:Routed Reed (Only mm applications and mo&ficatiaas requcas drat add 6d to the permit) ❑ Division of Archives&History Date:Routed Reed (may new app6cds) ❑ Other: Date:Routed Reed Suspense Date for Comments: o� `� (no Later Am 25 days from receipt) ❑ Please note the following: r GGt/ I1 NOBS &TU1aSTALL •CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J. Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Cbak P.E. K EC E I `E D Joseph K.Bland,P.E. December 20, 2016 JAN 13 2017 Ms. Judith Wehner LAw QUALiTY NC DEQ 1 Land Quality Section MININV PROGRAM Division of Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Re: Flintstone#1 Mine - Mining Permit No. 10-70 Lumber River Basin, Brunswick County NT Project# 16041 Dear Ms. Wehner, In response to your December 19, 2016 comment letter regarding the above subject, we offer the following response. 1. The NPDES transfer request was submitted on June 3, 2016. We have requested a status update on the permit transfer with no reply to date. We have informed the owner that a valid wetland delineation is needed. 2. Notifications have been submitted to the adjoining landowners along the access route. Copies of the return receipt will be provided once received. The fee had been previously provided as discussed. Should you have any further questions or comments, please contact us. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSU TING ENGINEERS, P.C. Joseph K. Bland, P.E. JKBItm 16041 12-20-16 s-mining response-mire#1-kr cc: Mr. Ike Williamson NCBELS License C-3641 If • • RECEIVED NOTICE 'IN 3 2017 LAND QUALI Pursuant to provisions G.S. 74-50(bl)of The Mining Act of 1971,Notice is hereby giveic'tama G PROGR,q Glen Norwood Williamson has applied on (Applicant Nacre) (Date) to the Land Quality Section,Division of Land Resources,North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 1612 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1612, for(check one): ❑ a new surface mining permit, ❑ a modification of an existing surface ruining permit to add land to the permitted area;or ® a modification of an existing surface mining permit to add land to the permitted area with no disturbance in the area proposed. Please mote that future modification(s) may be submitted by the applicant to allow disturbance within this area without re-notification of adjoining landowners. The applicant proposes to mine Sand on 16.19 acres located 0.28 (Mineral, Ore) (Number) (Miles) North of Shallotte off/near road SR 1348/N. Mulberry Rd.,NW (Direction) (Nearest Town) (Number/Name) in Brunswick County. *SEE ATTACHED MAP FOR PROPOSED PERMIT BOUNDARIES AND CORRESPONDING ADJOINING LANDOWNER NAMES AND LOCATIONS* In accordance with G.S. 74-50(b1), the mine operator is required to make a reasonable effort, satisfactory to the Department,to notify all owners of record,both public and private,of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary;if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract., all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts must be notified(that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary). In addition, the mine operator must also notify the chief administrative officer of the county or municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located. Any person may file written comment(s) to the Department at the above address within thirty(30)days of the issuance of this Notice or the filing of the application for a permit,whichever is later. Should the Department determine that a significant public interest exists relative to G.S. 74-51,a public hearing will be held within 60 days of the end of the 30-day comment period specified above. A copy of the permit application materials is on file and available for public review during normal business hours at the above listed address as well as at the appropriate regional office. For information regarding the s ecifics of the proposed mining activity, lease contact the applicant at the following tele hone number: For information on the mining permit application review process, please contact the Mining Program staff at (919) 707-9220. Please note that the De artment will consider an relevant written comments/documentation within the provisions of the Mining Act of 1971 throughout the application review process until a final decision is made on the application. Steve Stone,Assistant County Manager F.O. Box 249�Bolivia NC 28422 Glen Norwood Williamson (Addressee/Owner of Record's (Name of Applicant: Include Contact Person Name and Address) &Company Name, if Applicable) P.O. Box 742 Shallotte,NC 28459 (Date of Issuance of this Notice/ (Address of Applicant) Mailed to Addressee/Owner of Record) AFFIDAVIT OF NOTIFICATION L Glen Norwood Williamson ,an applicant,or an agent,or employee of an applicant,for a new Mining Permit,or a modification of an existing Mining Permit to add land to the permitted area,from the N.C.Department of Environment and Natural Resources,being first duly sworn,do hereby attest that the following are all known owners of record, both public and private, of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary(including,where an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract,all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts,that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary)and that notice of the pending application has been caused to be mailed,by certified or registered mail,return receipt requested,to said owners of record at their addresses shown below,such notice being given on a form provided by the Department: (Adjoining Landowner Name) (Address) See Attached Listing_ (Attach additional list if necessary) I do also attest that the following individual is the chief administrative officer of the county or municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located and that notice of the pending application has been caused to be mailed,by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to said office at the following address: (Chief Administrative Officer Name) (Address) [i.e.: City Manager, County Manager, Mayor, etc.] Steve Stone-Assistant County Manager P.O. Box 244 Bolivia,NC 28422 The above attestation was made by me while under oath to provide proof satisfactory to the Department that a reasonable effort has been made to notify all known owners of record,both public and private,of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary (including, where an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract, all owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts,that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary)and the chief administrative officer of the county or municipality in which any part of the permitted area is located in compliance with N.C.G.S.74-50(b 1)and 15A NCAC 513.0004(d). I understand that it is the responsibility of the applicant to retain the receipts of mailing showing that the above notices were caused to be mailed and to provide them to the Department upon request. Mi., I, iw� - 4oeL r -lb- /-I Signature of Applicant or Agent f Date If person executing Affidavit is an agent or employee of an applicant, provide the following information: Name of applicant: aLen & U)F l(iQJWs4ta , -J Title of person executing Affidavit ow+n cr' 1, _ �ja'Lg�:, +6 uj a _.__ _ a Notary Public of the County ofJ�'u r4S43 ti C,1L , State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that G ten AL W�( ft o-otso+n , Jr appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged that the above Affidavit was made by him/her. Witness my hand and notarial seal,this 10-4K day of _-gnu any 200 Notary: my Commission expires: a0mbe-r -3, !7 2 Adjoining Landowners — Flintstone #1 Mine Mining Permit No. 10-70 NT 16041 Parcel # Owner Mailinq Address 1. 18100019 West Brunswick High School 35 Referendum Dr., Bolivia, NC 28422 2. 1810001901 Atlantic Telephone Co. PO Box 3198, Shallotte, NC 28459 3. 181001803 B ant, William HenryPreviously notified 4. 1810001818 Tapia, Agustin ETUX Maria 207 Union Lane, Shallotte, NC 28470 5. 1810001816 King, Letita 4079 Ruby Way, Shallotte, NC 28470 6. 1810001817 B ant, William HenryPreviouslynotified 7. 1810001820 Bryant, William HenryPreviously notified 8. 1810001814 Bryant, William HenryPreviously notified 9, 1810001804 Saunders, Reginald W ETUX PO Box 65361, Fayetteville, NC 28306 Anna 10. 1810001806 Grissett, Pe ETUX Kathi 4160 Ruby Way NW, Shallotte, NC28470 11. 1810001802 Bryant, William HenryPreviously notified 12. 1810001815 Bryant, Hardy Bar 4312 Little Prong Rd. NW, Ash, NC 28420 I 13. 1810001809 Stanley, Robert Et Elizabeth Previously notified 14. 1810001812 Hill, Eric P Etux PO Box 1895, Shallotte, NC 28459 Hill, Machalina 15. 1810001811 Johnson, Curtis Anthony796 Etta Lane, Supply, NC 28462 16. 1810003901 Ber , Leeanna 583 N. Mulberry St., Shallotte, NC 28470 17. 1810003905 Siler, Valarie 455 Tanner Dr. SW, Shallotte, NC 28470 18. 1810003903 Bell, Porshee PO Box 1984, Shallotte, NC 28459 • 19. 1810003902 Bell, Thomas 4740 Leonas Way SW, Shailotte, NC 28470 20. 1810001808 Mullet Chaser, LLC PO Box 742, Shallotte, NC 28459 21. 18100016 Stanley, Rhodia (LT 856 Whiteville Road, Shallotte, NC 28470 % Juliet & Trema ne Stanley -:OLn NEV HR7Tr7OA RD • SIS> Sa` o r \ i �.•` I 1 I I t 1 y I 1 s m 21 us 17 / 1 W C j �. .r� J.'.l• ' \ 1 ..0 VICINITYMA2 / /" /�1-- �- ' /+� 1\ I 1 1 W a z /- �.•,I'. I r\� � �.•: � ate 1 1�� � � � W / c 20 "J N W IL LU La IL O v % ` •� `ter- � � `�• \\ \ �'. 1 •' � 181 --�� — :� 17 .J 13 j I ilrf I v =m 1 .,` -�• '�• -ter_ — � 1 r� � f cc� � o 20'Nun R0AL7 1,1 L — f 5,750 LP A 12 / 6 f l UI YA •_�53Iza -V C-\•--'-1 U m 3 me REST BRUNW-K HlW SCHOOL TONG LE7111A SMINDEAS REWU M ER1L MINI L STAgv ROOM ET ELIZABER, SEER VAIERIE SSAYLEt Rk,OKOA[Li}7L mm 13/1O/16 1 PARCE2 E,te,000r 5 PARCEL KF 18,OOOte16 g PARCEL ID 18100O1e0A 1 PARCH R:I810061eD9 17 PARCEL 0:,e 100p79Os '21 AuuEr d 0�Y-6T' DEMO L O010 eQDPAGL-OOIt DEEDB" 2W5 OLEWA(L:Ow DfMWOK:23,1 LE�AGE:047B DEMSOM.MM DEEDPACE:Ow DDEDBOOK:372,OEEDPAGE:0590 PARCEL R:191DOG16 OEEPBOOK ODDC OEEDPAAF:2011 ATLWK TELEPHONE CO. WYWT mm R RO Gg1MM PM D ETW KA74 FRL MC P EW WOIILPI A OIL PORS." PARCEL ID lelD00,9O1 B PARC&10;,e100C1817 10 PARCEL iD 18iW0,M6 14 PARCEL R:1510001P12 18 PARCEL R:IalODDM 3 DEEDW :OSYO OLLDPAGE:061E BEEDBOOK:1191 OEEDWL 0522 DEEDBOCK:OW PAGE D759 FARCE00R:2329 BE3'DPAOE:0999 DEIDBWK:2721 DEEDFAGE:0596 w7ART wu;&m motIr wywr eK19Al HERRV BRrmT 4A.tm HEPM JO4"OIQTS WHOIT ML TKIAAS 3 PARCEL R:1810O01e13 7 PARCEL R: 185000,e2O 11 PARCEL V 181O00IW2 15 PARCFL R 1810001el l ig PARCEL ID Idlo0 MU DEEG"K:0463 OEEDPACE:0769 OFIDBOOK:6463 0EFDPAOE:0769 DEIDB00K:M61 DEEI7PAGL:OY69 DEEAAOOK:2fi95 BEEDPAGE;0157 DUMBOOK 3721 DEEDPAGE OW7 8 4 WK AOU53N 00 NACA I pp WrAAO OLUO 11{L7) WrW FIARM 9AY6tt $let!tUAWiA YBlLE7 CHASM ILC PARCEL U 181000le16 PARCEL O Ie1000la" 12 PARCEL U.18 OW3E75 16 PARCEL R 1810003901 20 PARCEL V,WODDIOX co OEEDSOOII 3343 OEEDPAM'1059 DEEDBOOK: 1191 DEEDPAGE:0516 OEEDBOOK:,599 DEFDPIGE: 1195 CUM:372,OGi PAGL 0599 OEEDBOOC 375A OEEOPACE 1377 SCALE: 1" =200 0 700 wo 6w • Wehner, Judy From: Wehner,Judy Sent: Monday, December 19,2016 4:47 PM To: Jody Bland Obland@ntengineers.com) Subject: Flintstone Mines Attachments: 10-70 adilet 2016 3.doc; 10-77 adilet 2016 3.doc Here are the letters. You are right. The modification fee has been paid so please ignore that portion of#3 on the Flinstone#1 letter. I am bummed to see you go but know you have a great opportunity and wish you the best! Judy Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Land Quality Section 919-707-9227 office Judv.Wehner(a)_ncdenr.gov Email 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, Norty Carolina 27699-1512 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 t Nothing Compares_-,, Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. ----------------------------------------- E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. i � PAT MCCRORY I DONALD R. VAN DER VAART sr—tary Energy,Mineral and Land Resources TRA CY DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Direcror December 19, 2016 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7013 2630 0001 8998 9266 Mr. Glen Norwood Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Flintstone#1 Mine Mining Permit No. 10-70 Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: We have reviewed the transfer and renewal request you submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments: 1. The NPDES permit and Operation and Maintenance Plan from the Stormwater Program must be transferred. Please complete the enclosed form and submit the original to the Stormwater Program. Provide a valid wetland delineation. The copy submitted has expired. 2. It appears that you are requesting to modify the current permit by adding the LCID and new access road. Please provide proof, such as copies of the signed return receipts from certified mail, that the county manager and landowners adjoining the new access road have been properly notified. Please find enclosed the notice form and affidavit of notification for your use. In addition, provide a $750.00 processing fee for the modification. Please note, this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. The reclamation bond has been calculated using the information submitted on the revised mine map. The reclamation bond for this site would be $17,900.00. The calculation worksheet is enclosed for your review and the new bond will be required prior to approval of this request. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy.Mineral and Land Resouroes 1612 Mail Service Center 1 512 N.Salisbury St. I Raleigh.NC 27699 919 707 9200 T r� •MPLE-rE rHis sEcnON COMPLETE THfS SECTiONON ■ Complete items 1,2,aril& A Si AQeM ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. !lINNN ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, ecelved by } a. Date o3 Del or on the front If space permits. t✓C,(Y t h h 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is ddhwy addrew Qlfterent trap Item 19 ❑Yes ! tf YES,enter delivery address bakes. p No elEN NORWOOD WILLIAMSON SHp <dJX 742 y L�OT�� I ;HALLOTTE NC 29459 4 } �I lI!!!!!!11 IlI11 I I I II!ICI II 11I 111II I fl��III ° A"s�Geruw � e Re>; ded 0 "MAn� DWMV 9590 9403 0730 5196 3121 36 � tdemReWcWdoewy Reaesptfor a Corlett on DdKwy 2—Artlde Nrunber rrmisfer from imce h%6e '----- :. ❑CoUeci DelMery Reshti MOD. cted Degvary ClV 701? "2630 0001 8998 9266 'MdRidDWhery RestkwDeDwy � ' PS Form 38"1am,-,ipr112015 PSN 753DQ2-0W-90W ` _a b r rnesUc Retum Racelpl Certified Mail Mr. Williamson Page 2 For your convenience, I have enclosed a bond form, an assignment of a savings account form and irrevocable standby letter of credit form for your use in securing the required bond. The name on the security must be the same as the name appearing on the application for a mining permit, i.e., Glen Norwood (Ike) Williamson. In addition to one of these alternatives, you may, upon request, substitute a cash deposit. Please be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information and the bond to my attention at the following address: Division of Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 As required by 15A NCAC 513.0013, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. 6 kJl-� 1 cerely, J dith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Enclosures cc: Mr. "Dan Sams, PE APPLICATION FOR A MINING&MIT 0"iDW ` Q i&� "14,+AVW '� 1 �E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE.AND BOND 10 r b The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond(based upon a range of$500 to $5,000 per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the mining permit. Please insert the aDproximate acreagre. or each asz7ect o the minft epa—anom that vou intend to qEect during the life o this minin permit in additioy, please insert the qMrWriate reclamation cost/acre for each cate o om the Schedule o Reclamation Costs provided-with this qpyZicationform) OR you can defer to the Department to calculate your bond for o- based ypon your maps and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE* COST Tailings/Sediment Ponds: - 0 0 =Ac. X $ 's op /Ac. $ Stockpiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. = $ Wastepiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. = $ Processing Area/Haul Roads: a 'r7 3Ac. X $ 16 00- If/Ac. - $ `� 9 ! y8a Mine Excavation: 8. 0 IO Ac. X $ V D a"/Ac. _ $ 3as Other: k-Lo 11D O� ' Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ q 0 Qb TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: l Ac.) TemporM &Permanent Sedimentation &Erosion Control Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage Ac. b) Positive Drainage _ -(�} Ac_ X $1,500.00 = $ 3oob" SUBTOTAL COST: $ do Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ N X Permit Life (I to 10 years): 1 INFLATION COST: $ 9 • L 0 TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST+ INFLATION COST = $ 1 r7 f q q • Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ r 06 (round down to the nearest$100.00) - 14 - AV APPLICATION FOR A MP41NG SHUT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND76 1 y The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond(based upon a range of S500 to $5,000 per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the miningpermit. Please insert the aproximate acreage, or each aspect o the mining operation, that you intend to affect during the lie o this mining permit Cin addition, lease insert the a ro riate reclamation cost/acre for each category om the Schedule of Reclamation Costs rovided with this gAplicationform) OR you can de er to the De artment to calculate your bond for you based upon your maps and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE* COST a� Tailings/Sediment Ponds: 0 Ac. X $ op /Ac. _ $ Stockpiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ Wastepiles: Ac. X $ /Ac. _ $ I! oa Processing Area/Haul Roads: a '07 3Ac. X $ ����/Ac. _ $ Mine Excavation: 0,O Ac. X $ (}u a a/Ac _ $ are Other: 01 ' Ac. X $ ,0/Ac _ $ L10 nD a �C 1� ._ TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: d • 'f Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: 9 Ac.) TempoLM & Permanent Sedimentation &Erosion Control Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage Ac. b) Positive Drainage . (� Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ 0oa�o SUBTOTAL COST: $ Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ J(4t 9 X Permit Life (I to 10 years): INFLATION COST: $ TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST + INFLATION COST = $ /r7 9 q9. (o a Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ �� (round down to the nearest$1.00.00) - 14- Wehner, Judy From: Brown, Creighton A Sent Wednesday, December 07, 201611.45 AM To: Wehner,Judy Subject: RE: Mining Permit#10-70 Review Judy, On December 1, 2016 WiRo received the additional information packet for Mine Permit#10-70(Flintstone Mine#1). 1 reviewed the information provided and revisited the mine, and my response: 1. Maps reflecting Ruby Way as access road were provided 2. A dewatering permit was provided, but was in the name of Joseph Webb Cox not Glen Williamson, 3. A copy of wetlands delineation was provided,but it expired on August 22,2012. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks From: Brown,Creighton A Sent:Tuesday,September 13,2016 3:39 PM To: Wehner,Judy<judy.wehner@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Mining Permit#10-70 Review Judy, On Sept 7,2016 WiRo received the additional information packet for Mine Permit#10-70(Flintstone Mine#1). 1 reviewed the information provided and revisited the mine,and my response: 1. The vicinity map is fine if they are going to use Old New Britton Road.Currently there is no access to Old New Britton Road from the existing mine operation.They are using Ruby Way NW to access mine. 2. Mine Permit#10-77 has bonded access drive, but Mine Permit#10-70 has no bonded access drive to NC130. 3. Dewatering calculations provided. 4. No NPDES permit provided. 5. Excavation limits were permanently marked by pvc pipes. Recommend clearing around most of them to make more visible. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Creighton Brown Environmental Specialist 1 Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral, & Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7230 office crei hton.brown ncdenr, ov 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 —5�"Nothirtg Compares, Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 i MINTING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING Applicant's Name: Q�� � t l� �1 r ProjertNmne: �f�i1-� Applic./Permit No: I Q_?6 County: IA, Da Received:-_ / Reviewer: 41 i River Basin Name: /1ML — ❑ New Renewal Mif:cation(inside permit boundaries) ❑ Mollification(outside permit ) Transfer ❑ Rekase ❑ Partial ReleaseP�Additional Information ❑ Fee Needed: 4Fer Received:$ Please route entire application package to: W i e Regional Qffi ,i,=.A dw"LQS RqimW Off=Ming Apkcai=Revicm ( �to sae apy CrA a!a both t6 D WQm,d D WR`Mew Appliaauon Revkm Forts"to the other wW,and bath=pw to dx RcgwmW Engineer) Date:Routed f 0�3 Rec'd ❑ Division of Water Resources Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ NC Wildlife Resources Commission Date:Routed Reed ❑ US Fish&Wildlife Service Date:Routed Rec'd (only nem**,bans and mA fication rapesft flue add land to the permit) Pleaserst;pages a the aPPlicatian and ally location maps to: ' ❑ Division of Parks a Recreation Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ NC Geol%ical Survey Section Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Die:Rmited Rec'd ❑ Division of Soil a Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date:Routed Rec'd (Only nem applications and made fuatww rNuests duu add lend to the permit) ❑ Division of Archives a History Date:Routed Rec'd (Only new appli wo) ❑ Other.. Date:Routed Rec'd Suspense Date for Comments: 7 (no later than zs days from receipt) ❑ Please note the foRming: t..L r • 0 1 V ORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGENEERS EC. 902 Market Street 1429 Ash LittleRiver Road Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S-Tanstall,P.E. J-Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P,E. Joseph K Bland,PE. November 17, 2016 Ms. Judith Wehner NC DEQ 1 Land Quality Section Division of Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 RECEIVED Re: Flintstone#1 Mine - Mining Permit No. 10-70 NOV 2 3 2016 Lumber River Basin, Brunswick County NT Project# 16041 LAND QUALITY Dear Ms. Wehner, MMING PROGRAM In response to your September 22, 2016 comment letter regarding the above subject, we offer the following response. 1. Maps have been updated, as discussed, to reflect Ruby Way as the lone access point. An updated bond calculation form has been provided for your use. 2. A copy of the dewatering permit is provided for your use. A stomnwater O&M plan was not required at the time this mine was permitted. The wetland delineation that this project was permitted under has been provided for your records. 3. The mine cross section has been updated to reflect the reclamation slope above normal water, the anticipated normal water level, and the proposed slopes. ** In speaking with Mr. Williamson, he indicated that the LCID material that he has been placing within the existing pit area is actually within the permitted limits of the # 10-70 permit. A 2 acre LCID area line has been added to the plans and the $750 fee for the LCID permit is provided for your use.** Should you have any further questions or comments, please contact us. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL LTING ENGINEERS P.C. osep K. Bla , JKBlneh 16041 11-17-16 s-mining response-Itr cc: Mr. Ike Williamson NCBELS License C-3641 r 0 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT E. DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond(based upon a range of$500 to $5,000 per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the miningpermit.Please insert the approximate acrea a or each aspect o{the mining QWration, that you intend to affect during the life of this miningpermit(in addition please insert the appropriate reclamation cost/acre for each category from the Schedule of Reclamation Costs provided with this application formZOR. ou can de er to the Department to calculate your bond for you based upon your maps and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COSTIACRE* COST Tailings/Sediment Ponds: 0.01 Ac. X $ 500 /Ac. _ $ 5 Stockpiles: 0 Ac. X $ 1800 /Ac. _ $ 0 Wastepiles: 0 Ac. X $ 2000 /Ac. _ $ 0 Processing Area/14aul Roads: 2.73 Ac. X $ 1800 IAc. _ $ 4914 Mine Excavation: 8.1 Ac. X $ 500 /Ac. _ $ 4050 Other: 0 Ac. X $ Q /Ac. — $ 0 TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: 10.84 Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: 10.84 Ac.) Temporary& Permanent Sedimentation & Erosion Control Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will c needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage 10.84 Ac. b) Positive Drainage 0 Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ 0 SUBTOTAL COST: S 8,969.00 Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $ 8,969 .00 X Permit Life(1 to 10 years): 10 INFLATION COST: $ 1,793.80 TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST+ INFLATION COST = S 10 762.80 Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ 10,700 (round down to the nearest$100.00) Nancy Howell From: Bennett, Bradley <bradley.bennett@ncdenr.gov> Send Wednesday,April 13,2016 8:20 AM To: Nancy Howell Subject RE: Name/Ownership Change Form Attachments: NCG02 Permit Print Package 18 Nov 2015.pdf, NCGO20694 2007.pdf, NCG020694 COC 2015.pdf Ms. Howell, Attached is the original and current COC issued for this facility. The permit was originally issued in 2007 and was renewed last year. I have also attached the NCG02 general permit package. BB Bradley Bennett Stormwater Permitting Program Phone: (919)807-6378 NC Division of Energy,Mineral and land Resources Fax: (919)807-6494 1612 Mai)Service Center Email: brad ley.bennett(d)ncdenr.cov Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Web: ht4p:/lportal.ncdenr.org/webAr/stom3water Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records taws From:Nancy Howell [mailto:nhowell@ntengineers.com] Sent:Tuesday,April 05, 201610:28 AM To: Bennett, Bradley<bradley.bennett@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Name/Ownership Change Form Mr. Bennett, Thank you for this information. Would you have a copy of the existing permit for the Joe and Webb Cox Farms? We believe it would have been issued 10 years ago. We do not have a reference number for the dewatering permit but do have that the application was mailed on 10-13-06 and that the mining permit 10-70 was issued on 01-23-07. Based on this information,the dewatering permit would have been issued between these dates. Thank you for your assistance. Nancy Nancy E. Howell—Office Manager Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. 1429 Ash Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900(phone) 910-287-5902 (Fax) It is the professional opinion of Norris &Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske &Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc.that this electronic information provides design info rmationcurrent as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris& Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. 1 • and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. makes no represntations as to the usability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages,operating systems,or computer hardware differing fromthose used by Norris&Tunstall Consulting Engineers P.C. and Norris, Kuske&Tunstall Consulting Engineerings, Inc. in the preparation of such data. From: Bennett, Bradley[ma ilto:brad_I_e_y.bennett@ncdenr.gov] Sent:Tuesday,April 5,2016 8:01 AM To: Nancy Howell<nhowell(@ntengineers.com> Cc: Dean Blackmon<dblackmon nten ineers.com> Subject: Name/Ownership Change Form Nancy, You had called yesterday about the process for an ownership change on and NCG02 permit. I have attached the forms that need to be filled out. Also,the form notes other information that is needed for ownership changes. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks Bradley Bennett Stormwater Permitting Program Phone: (919)807-6378 NC Division of Energy,Mineral and land Resources Fax: (919)807-e494 1612 Mail Service Center Email:bradley.ben nett(cbncdenr.00v Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 Web: hftp:lli)ortal.ncdenr.orQ/web/lrlstormwater Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to public records laws 2 pF\NArE9 Michael F.Faslty,GDVGmor C3= QG � William G.Ross Jr:,Secretary rNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Nalutal Resources ~i Colton H.Sullins-Qiroctar Division of hater Quality October 31, 2007 Mr- Joseph Webb Cox Joe and Webb Cox Farms 1707 Bent Tree Trail SW Ocean Isle Beach,NC 28469 Subject: General Permit No. NCGO20000 Joe and Webb Cox Farms COC No. NCG020694 Brunswick County Dear Mr. Cox: In accordance with your application for a discharge permit received on October 17,2006 we are forwarding herewith the subject certificate of coverage to discharge under the subject state—NPDES general permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215 .l and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection agency dated December 6, 1983. Please note that since your mining site is adjacent to wetlands that have the potential to be drained by your mining activities the special bulleted conditions of the first part of Section C: l in Part III on Page 6 of 9 apply to your site. Prior to beginning any mining activities on the site an Operation and Monitoring Plan must be submitted to and approved by the Wilmington Regional Office. The details that musl-be included in this plan ate within the bulleted conditions in the above-mentioned section. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you,you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. Please take notice that this certificate of coverage is not transferable except after notice to the Division of Water Quality. The Division of Water Quality may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the certificate of coverage. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other federal or Local governmental permit that may be required, Nam` Carol na torah; NDnh Carolina Division of Wata Quality 1617 Mail service Cutter Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Phone(919)733-7015 Customer Service Internet: h2o enr"e.nc.us 512 N.Salisbury St- Raleigh,NC 27604 FAX (919)733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal opporlia*/ASrnnatwe Acbm Employer—W%Reryclt dtl0%Post Consurivi Paper CGC No,NCG020694 Mr.Joseph Webb Cox Joe and Webb Cox Farms October 31,2607 If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Aisha Lau at telephone number(919) 733-5083 ext. 578. Sincerely, kColeen H. Sullins cc: Wilrriington Regional Office Central Files Stormwater Permitting Unit Files Attachments STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO.NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No.NCG020694 STORMWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELINUNATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision ofNorth Carolina General Statute 143-215.1,other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission,and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act,as amended, Joseph Webb Cox is hereby authorized to discharge stormwater and to operate or continue operation of treatment systems and discharges associated with mine dewatering overflow from a facility located at Joe aad Webb Cox Farms Old New Britton Road Shallote Brunswick County to receiving waters designated as Lookout Branch,class C Sw HOW water,in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with the effluent Iimitations,monitoring requirements,and other conditions set forth in Parts 1,I1,111,IV,V,VI and VII of General Permit No.NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective October 31,2007. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day October 31,2007• Coleen H.Sullins,Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission i 1 4-y �_lll sil 'Fkv an; ;/...j J/jr.w,r �191 J6 2 4i si L C-1 r Z, o W7.t ir W-k A, LL 'Orem j Gs 9)Ir. 2NNU %WNA, —Y., • o'k I A)I V t V" :3 71 Yr Ml� '�P, ej 1 0 ``fir 1,: 43 Xl �y. fli- ) !:�- -1 CD Vl ZA cn cu LL, 0-ft k5A Nix. 20 1 ;z Zj. �. L Fr-r ml a 2- -If gN n -11 CUr zg - e p A4'e"lQZJ ey-x l 4 � U,3 T Awlit "Kq Af i V ,IAIz M iwu.. R STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY _DIVISION OF ENERGY,MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES GENERAL PERMIT NO.NCG020000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No.NCG020694 STORMWATER AND WASTEWATER DISCHARGES NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1,other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission,and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Joseph Cox is hereby authorized to operate approved wastewater treatment system(s) and discharge stormwater and/or wastewater, as approved in the original permit/application or subsequent permit modification,from a facility located at: Joe&Webb Cox Farms R-o-W Clearing-Shallotte Old New Britton Rd ShaIlotte Brunswick County to receiving waters designated as Lookout Branch, a class C;Sw,HQW water in the Lumber River Basin, in accordance with the effluent limitations,monitoring requirements,and other conditions set forth in Parts 1,11,111,and IV of General Permit No. NCG020000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective October 1, 2015. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day October 1, 2015. for Tracy E. Davis,P.E., CPM Director,Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission E � US Army.C*rps Pt Fngtneem,. WilrtlingtUrf�Disirfci Date. 22 Aueust 2007 ATTENTION PROPEWFY OWNER New Guidance on Jurisdictional Determinations On June 5,2007,the U.S_Army Corps of Engineers(COE)implemented a new method for performing jurisdictional determinations(JD)pursuant to the Clean Water Act (CWA). This new process is a result of the recent Supreme Court decisions(United Stases v. Rapanos and United States v. Carabell)and now requires the COE to conduct extensive reviews when determining if certain waterbodies, including wetlands have a significant nexus(connection)to"traditional Navigable Waters. Since this Office has reviewed and verbally approved a jurisdictional determination for your property prior to June 5,2007,we have finalized this JD using the previous process. However, if you,as the property owner,are interested in having your property evaluated under the new guidance or have any questions regarding this matter,please contact Ms. Kimberly Garvey at(910)251-4482. S.Kenneth Jolly Chief,Regulatory Division U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS - WMMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id SAW-260640668 County: Brunswick U.S.G.S,Quad: Shallotte NOTIFICATION OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Property OwnedAgent CHC Mining Address: C/o Joe Cox 1707 Bent Tree'Trail " Ocean Isle Beach,NC 28469 Telephone No.: (910)579-S290 Property description Size(acres) 20.0 Nearest Town Sballotte ?dearest Waterway Lookout Branch River Bastin Lumber USGS HUC 03040207 Coordinates N 33.9660 W 78AO60 Location description The arorwrty is located off Old New Briton Road off 1111?_bwav 130 near Shallotte,Brunswick Coitnty,North Carolina_ Parcel ID member is 1810001921. Indicate Which of the Fallowing Apply: A. Preliminary Determination _ Based on preliminary information,there may be wetlands on the above described property. We strongly suggest you have this property inspected to determine flee extent of Department of the Army(DA)jurisdiction- To be considered final,a jurisdictional determination must be verified by the Corps. This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process(Reference 33 CFR fart 331). B. Approved Determination _ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the kivers and Harbors Act and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X There are wetlands on the above described property subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act(CWA)(33 USC§ i344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years fzum the date of this notification- - We strongly suggest you have the wetlands on your property delineated Due to the size of your property andlor our present workload,the Corps may not be able to accomplish this wetland delineation in a timely manna- For a mom timely delineation,you may wish to obtain a consultant To be considered final,any delineation must be vmTwd by the Corps. The wetland on your property have been delineated and the deli=lion has been verified by the Corps. We strongly suggest you have this delineation surveyed. Upon completion,this survey should be reviewed and verified by the Corps. Once verified,this survey will provide an accurate depiction of all areas subject to CWA jurisdiction on your property which,provided there is no change in the law orour published regulations,may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years. X The wetbuds have been delineated and muvcyed and are accurately depicted on the plat signed by the Corps Regulatory Official identified below on 9/2212007. Unless there is a change in the law or our putblisbed regulations,this detcrrri lion may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. There are no waters of the U.S.,to include wetlands,present on the above described property which arc subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act(33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations,this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. X The property is located in ane of the 20 Coastal Counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). You should contact the Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington,NC,at(910)395-3900 to dctcrnie their requirements. Page 1 of 2 Action a- SAW-2006-40668 Placement of dredged or fill material within waters of the US and/or wetlands without a Deparduent of the Army permit may constitute a violation of Section 301 of the CIm Water Act(33 USC§1311). If you have any questiuns regarding this determination and/or the Corps regulatory program,please contact Ms.KimbeLft Garvey at(910)251-"82. C. Basis For Determination The site exhibits wetland criteria as described in the 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual. Wetlands are adjacent to Lookout Branch which drains to the Shallotte River.a Traditionagy Navi able Water. D. Remarks E. Appeals Information (This information applies only to approved jurisdictional determinations as indicated in B.above) This correspondence constitutes an approved jurisdictional determination for the above described site. If you object to this determination,you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process(NAP)fact sheet and request for appeal(RFA)form If you request to appeal this deturmi, ion you umst submit a completed RFA form to the following address- District Engiueer,Wilmington Regulatory Division Attn_Ms.Kimberly Garvey,Project Manager Wilmington Regulatory Field Office PO Box 1890 Wilmington,North Carolina 2&402-1890 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps,the Corps arast determine that it is conTlete,that it meets the criteria for appeal tinder 33 CFR part 331.5,and that it has been received by tlme 1)istri ce within'60 days of the date of the NAP- Should you decide tosubmit an RFA fa be received at the abo by 22 October 2007. "It is not necessary to submit an A fo the ce if u do J t object to the determination in this carrespozx1e e.'* / i Corps Regulatory Offi Date 22 August 2007 0 (!p"Datc 22 Aue-ust 2012 The Wilmington District is cc to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we contimte to do so,please complete the attached customer Satisfaction Survey or visit hM:/twww.saw.usace.niM.miVWETLANDS/indexhhnl to complete the survey online. copy furnished: J.Tom Gulley,Jr,,Needham Environmental,Inc.,PO Box 960,Wirdugton,NC 28402 Joanne Steenhuis,NCDENR-DWQ, 127 Cardinal Drive,Wilmingura,NC 28405 Page 2 of 2 F • . PAT MCCRORY h .t Y CiOt%rlOr DONALD R. VAN DER VAART S=MY Energy,Mineral and Land Resources TRACY DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL GVA07Y September 22, 2016 Dlrwor Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7015 0640 0007 9832 8686 Mr. Glen Norwood Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Flintstone #1 Mine Mining Permit No. 10-70 Brunswick County Lumber River'Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: We have reviewed the transfer and renewal request you submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments' 1. Provide a location map that shows how to access the site. A road off Ruby Way NW is being used. Include this in the permit boundary. Provide acreage for this access. 2. As previously requested, provide proof that you have obtained a valid discharge permit (NPDES) and Operation and Maintenance Plan from the Stormwater Program. Provide a valid wetland delineation. 3. As previously requested, revise the cross section on the mine map to show pit depth, water depth and side slopes at the time of final reclamation. Minimum slopes of three horizontal to one vertical or flatter are required. i In order to transfer a permit from one operator to another and renew a permit, the mine site must be in compliance with the current permit conditions. Please be advised that our review cannot,be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In addition, please note this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. � i l : t State of North Carolina I Farviropmeutal Quality I Energy,Miners!andland Raaurow 1612 Mail Service Ceater 1 512 N_Salisbury St J Raleigh,NC 27699 r 919 707 9200 T k % 1 Certified Mail Mr. Williamson Page Two In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 As required by 15A NCAC 513.0013, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period_ Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. SjR cerely, (44tw J ith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist CC' Mr. Dan Sams, PE Wehner, Judy From: Brown,Creighton A Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 3:39 PM To: Wehner,Judy Subject: Mining Permit#10-70 Review Judy, On Sept 7, 2016 WiRo received the additional information packet for Mine Permit#10-70(Flintstone Mine#1). 1 reviewed the information provided and revisited the mine,and my response: The vicinity map is fine if they are going to use Old New Britt oa urren there is no access to Old New Britton Road from the existing mine operation.They are usi Ruby Way NW t access mine. 2� Mine Permit#10-77 has bonded access drive, but Mine rmit#10-7 as no bonded access drive to NC130. Dewatering calculations provided. No NPDES permit provided. Excavation limits were permanently marked by pvc pipes. Recommend clearing around most of them to make more visible. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Creighton Brown Environmental Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral, & Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7230 office creighton.brownta'7.ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 ---v'Nothtng Compares,%.,- Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 MINING CHECKLIST FOR ROUTING A licmd's Name. I r pp ��.— �� 14 GI�+���ertName: 7 1 A Applic./Permi o: ty: �{ ate Received: Revirrtier River Basin Name: ❑ New Renewal ❑ edification(inside permit boundaries) ❑ Modification(outside permit X Transfer ❑ Release ❑ Partial Release Additional In farmatian ❑ Fee Needed:s ❑ Fee Received:# P6w r gate en 'rr application pac6gc to. t '� `�- �mW (: atra1&`LQS Rqmd Mms Rem Cha"e to ow copy mid AUA both the DWQQand DWR`Mining Agplieaian Rirvvicm FmTe to the other copy;wa bet!►wpm to the Regimtcd Engineer) Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Divi#m of Water Resources Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ NC Wildlife Resources Commission Date:Routed Reed ❑ US Fish dJ Wildlife Service Date:Routed Reed (only—appliaatlm aad modifwdm nip=ft that add land tv the pit) • 41ease route first 3 pages of the application and!M location maps to: {' �❑ Division of Parks&Recreation Date:Routed Reed ❑ NC Geological Survey Section Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Sail&Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date:Routed Rec'd (Only nm appliaations mid modificatiana requests that add W to the permit) ❑ Division of Archives&History Date:Routed Rec'd (Oldy—awe) ❑ Other: Date:Routed Rec'd Suspense Date for Comments: aL (no later than 25 days from receipt) ❑ Please note the following: ' 0 • NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.•` 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 2W1 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910) 287-5902 Fax John S_Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. EcEWED Joseph K Bland,P.E. �l p 12416 August 23, 2016 Sip LAND QUALITY Ms. Judy Wehner WINING PRO GRAtA NC DENR Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Flintstone Mine #1 Mining Permit #10-70 Request for Additional Information NT #16041 Dear Ms. Wehner: In response to your July 12, 2016 request for additional information, we offer the following response: 1. A vicinity map is provided on Sheet C1. Access to the site is by Old New Britton Road which is a dirt road. 2. At the time when this mine was permitted, it was not required to permit the access road to a NCDOT road. Additionally, this mining project had to be split into two parcels and mining permits due to local ordinances. Mining Permit #10-77 is directly adjacent to this permit and has a bonded access drive to NC130. 3. Dewatering calculations have been provided for your reference. Hours of operation as approved by Brunswick County Board of Adjustment are from dawn to dusk (typically 12 hour days). Pumps may be moved on an as needed basis but shall discharge into the previously approved stilling basins. Only one stilling basin / dewatering point shall be used at a time. Details of the stilling basin are provided on Sheet C1. 4 A copy of the previously approved Dewatering Permit is provided for your reference. To my knowledge a formal wetland delineation was not required during permitting. The wetlands were flagged by Mr. Cox's wetland consultant. The lines were then confirmed by ACOE and the proposed excavation limits verified to be outside all wetlands as well as any required buffers. 5. Mr. Cox has indicated that excavation limits were identified as required by Mr. Brian Lambe (NCDEQ DLQ) a few years ago. They agreed to install pvc pipes at intervals as NCBFJS License C-3641 Ms. Judy Wehner Flinstone Mine#1 August 23, 2016 NT#16041 Page 2 determined by walking the perimeter of excavation limits. All delineation markers remain in place as required. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. e4oseph K. Bland, P.E. JKB/tm 16041 08-23-16—state mining(Mine#1)response-Rr cc: Mr. Glen Norwood (Ike) Williamson Mr. Joe Cox Flintstone #1 Mine Dewatering Operating and Monitoring Plan August 2016 NT# 16041-1 The operation and monitoring of discharge water from Flintstone #1 Mine shall adhere to the following limitations. All water that collects within the pit area through groundwater seepage and/or direct rainfall shall be extracted out of the pit area on an as need basis. All water that is extracted will be routed through the previously approved stilling basins in accordance with the previously approved Dewatering Permit. All pond discharge will route water to onsite wetland areas by where it will collect and slowly infiltrate ensuring maintenance of the ground water table. The infiltration process will continually recharge the water table and also protect the wetland areas from any impacts associated with the mining operations. The stilling basin and adjacent upland area will be required to be inspected on a monthly basis. An inspection of the stilling basin and adjacent upland area shall be performed monthly to ensure that any type of channelization is not occurring at any outlet location. if needed, the vegetated buffer should be reestablished and channelization should be removed. Vegetation should remain; at all times; a minimum six (6) inches in height. All silt fencing shall remain at the excavation limits as specified by site plans- Any accumulated sediment should be removed from the base when the depth reaches one (1) foot. Any discharge from dewatering activities shall not exceed 70,000 gpd. All discharge shall be directed to the identified wetlands for containment and infiltration as previously mentioned. No discharge shall overwhelm and overflow from these wetlands therefore preventing any discharge to any off-site waters. A sample of the dewatering discharge should be taken from the pump outlet for testing in accordance with the regulations set forth in the dewatering permit. A log of dates indicating when dewatering has taken place shall be kept in the mining office. Quarterly reports are required to be submitted to NCDENR DWQ. If no dewatering has taken place during the quarter, then a statement should be submitted indicating that no discharge occurred during the quarter. For questions regarding dewatering regulations and procedures, please contact NCDENR DWQ — Richard Riddle or the appropriate representative. JKB/fm 16041 0$-25-16-O&M plan Date Design NORMS & �-�+� NST L L Sheet ¢��( J1 �.1�� t�.�. Wilmington, NC I�• ,( Jam, CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. Brunswick County, NC Of I Check Job For ,lob No. �L t►�t'ST� rvl, # I per, f uru C 4-c { I ; i i r .,. I I I ' fiu-Nr , ; ._.-1-................._..__-_____...`_;..�___...__._._ ___,_..._._•.._.._._�___ lt IttINtfrf ____.....___ ___ _ __�-._--_1_.______..f.•-__.....__.�_�...... _---------_-------- '!CA 1 i i i .. .......... _ - _ - -...............-.. - ............... .._ -I-- ....z------- s--------- ....-......... •---' ......' - - ... -------. ._..... _.......- - --.......--......... ,_._.•....... __._»-....r. ,.. ... { • i i i I I ..................... M-- �......_ i_._- ... ....». ....... ......... ........ ...... .__..i�.... - , i t 1 _.._.__.---__.__-.__y__••_.._._ ._........:...... ».---......... L.« ................... ....._ .................._ _................................ ....... .. ..�..... ---- ... , : : Date Design NORMS & TUNSTALL Wilmington, NC Sheet E114,16 J�-� CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.— Brunswick County, NC Check Job For Job No. JF�j FLI MwE -1�I 'Q-=WA-T e-" e !!-; j Lzq4 01 Fk*l ptT-Ap-tA -5 tA-Au— -K Q& < 4�f-- TIE T� . ......------- -------------------------- ............. ......—.... ----------------------- ------ ...... --- !�As ............................I............. ................. -------- ------------------ -5 -/ ........... I-W C A5.7 a p . ......... ......... ........... . ...... .... .......... ......... ...... ............... FAT!.. -- --------- 5-1 ............. AV--........... .................... ..............---------------:-------------......... ............ ----------................. ............ ------------ ......................................... . ...... ------------ . --------- ................ ------................ ........... ---------------- ................... ............. ---------------------------------................... .............------------- ------- ....... ------------------- ----------------- ------- ------- ....... ............ ....................---------- --------- ------------------ ------- ........... ----------- ------------ ...... -------- ...........................----------------- ...... ......... - .......--------------............. ----------- ........ ----------------------------- ------------ ...... ........... ---- -- --------- ...................... ............. ----------------..................................----------- --------- ---------- ... ................... ..........--- - - ---...... --------- ...................... .......... ---------------.. ....... ......... .......... ............... ...... - ....... ...... .......................... ......... • . ........ . ----------------- ...... --- ...... ..........M ....... ................. -- -- ------------------- ------- ------- ----------------- ---------------- .. ----- Otf . ................................. ;e6UU t)eries uewatering Fumes These are popular Flygt dewatering pumps, known for job site dependability. Most models have strong, lightweight aluminum and stainless steel body parts and feature hardened impellers with nitrile rubber adjustable wear parts for long life.These tough pumps do not require total submersion,and will operate under snore conditions if necessary. Many are available in MSHA-certified,explosion-proof versions for use in mining or landfill dewatering. Model number: 2610.172 ! 2610.160 �o Motor rating: .172: 1 o:1.3HP @3420 RPM .172:30:1.9HP03365RPM 60 .160: 1 o:1.8HP @ 3475RPM 292 Voltage(1 o): 115V 230V so Full load amps: 11A/15A 5.6A/7.4A Voltage(3o): 230V 460V 575V a so Full load amps: 5.2A 2.6A 2A = H Versions: 2"Standard J Imp.Code 235,292(1 o):236(3o) o av 2ss 236 Hose connection: Male NPT Pump dimensions: .172:V/a"W(max.)x 22"H(max.) ao .160:77/a"W(max.)x 24"H(max.) max.weight(lbs.): .172:47 / .160: 55 i0 Description: Aluminum and stainless steel construction;open non-dog 0 50 100 150 200 250 impeller,rests on bottom strainer. FLOW GPM i A—W— Options: Warm liquid 70°Cversion available; 2610.082 MSHA approved version. BS/KS2620 Model number: 2620.172 105 Motor rating: Io:2.4HP@3420RPM 3e:3.5 HP @ 3410 RPM 90 Voltage(1 o): 230V V236 Full load amps: 9.9A 7$ Voltage(3o): 230V 460V 575V ® Full load amps: 9.5A 4.7A 3.6A ` 6p lH Versions: 3"Standard i Imp.Code K235 0o)K236,B228(3e) a 45 Hose connection: Male NPTs Pump dimensions: 91/z"W(max.)x 25"H(max.) 30 Max.weight(lbs.): 66 Description: Aluminum and stainless steel is eonstrudon;open non-dog(K) Bx2s or extra wear resistant(B)closed impellers,rests on bottom strainer. 0 50 100 150 20A 250 300 �—W —� Options: Warm liquid 70"C version available; 1a ow GPM 2620.082 MSHA approved version. RS/KS 2630 Model number: 2630.181 1411 Motor rating: S.9HP6r73490RPM Voltage(3o): 208V 230V 460V 575V 120 Full load amps: 15A 14A 7.1A 5.8A Versions: 3"High head 100ra sz Imp.Code B253 LL H 4"Standard so Imp.Code K236,B228 x J Hose connection: Male NPT S so Pump dimensions. 111/4"W(max-)x 29"H(max-) lczsa Max.weight(Ibs.): 106 40 �s Description: Aluminum and stainless steel construction;open non-dog(K) 20 or extra wear resistant(B)closed impellers,rests on bottom strainer. I. ._. I_., l I 1 I yY a 100 Zoo 3W 400 500 600 rin+;nnr Warm I;n"iA 7nof wr rcinn nwn;12Wc- . PAT MCCRORY � ! ' Covemor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secretary Energy..Mineral and Land Resources TRACY DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY July 12, 2016 »r Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7015 0640 0007 9832 8211 Mr. Glen Norwood Williamson PO Box 742 Shallotte, North Carolina 28459 RE: Flintstone #1 Mine Mining Permit No. 10-70 Brunswick County Lumber River Basin Dear Mr. Williamson: We have reviewed the transfer and renewal request you submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with GS 74-50 and 51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments: 1. Provide a location map that shows how to access the site. 2. Revise the mine map to show the access road to its intersection of the state maintained road. The entire road must be included in the permit boundary. Clearly label the permit boundary., 3_ Provide more information regarding dewatering activities at the site. Provide the make/model of the pump, hours of operation, pump capacity, etc. In addition, show the pump location, sett,ling pond and discharge point. Provide construction details of the settling pond and outlet. 4. Provide proof that you have obtained a valid discharge permit (NPDES) and Operation and Maintenance Plan from the Stormwater Program. Provide a valid wetland delineation. 5. Provide proof that the.affected area boundaries have been properly marked in the field/ State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality t Energy,Mineral and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center 1512 N.Salisbury St.I Raleigh,NC 27699 919 707 9200 T Certified Mail Mr. Williamson Page Two 6. Revise the cross section on the mine map to show pit depth, water depth and side slopes at the time of final reclamation. Minimum slopes of three horizontal to one vertical or flatter are required. Please be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In addition, please note this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two (2) copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 As required by 15A NCAC 513.0013, you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time, you must submit information, in writing, to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response, we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Sincerely, }} W� Judith A. Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE • i PAT MCCRORY tJUl'erYlU1' DONALD R. VAN DER VAART SeCrc trrr S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Water Resources Dimclor ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY July 6, 2016 RECEIVED ECEI d,` D MEMORANDUM �✓ JUL 0 3 1616 TO: Ms. Judy Wehner Land Quality Section LAND QUALITY SECT01V FROM: Michael Bau Eanagement Ground Water Branch Division of Water Resources SUBJECT: Comments on the Mining Permit Application Request for: Glen Norwood (Ike) Williamson Flintstone 41 Mine Brunswick County Please find attached a copy of the mining permit Transfer with Renewal request for the above referenced project. The Flintstone #1 Mine located in Brunswick County does not appear to have an unduly adverse effect on ground water supplies since dewatering proposed on site is less than 100,000 gallons per day. However, if the mine starts to withdraw 100,000 gpd of water, they will need to register their water withdrawals with the Division of Water Resources on an annual basis. The registration form may be obtained from the following link: htip://www.newater.org/Permits and_Registration/Water Withdrawal_and—Transfer_Registration. Facilities are required to register their water withdrawals in accordance with the North Carolina General Statute G.S. 143-215.22H. This statute requires any non-agricultural water user who withdraws 100,000 gallons or more in any one day of ground water or surface water to register and update withdrawals. This statue also requires transfers of 100,000 gallons or more in any one day of surface water from one river basin to another river basin to register and update their water transfers. Water withdrawal registrants must complete the annual water use reporting form by April 1 for the previous year. If you have further questions regarding the water withdrawal registration please contact John Barr with the Division of Water Resources at (919) 707-9021 or email him at john.barr@ncdenr.gov. State of North Carolina I Environmental Q atiry I Water Resources 1611-Mail service Cerra (Raleigh,Notth Carolina 27699.1611 9197079000 COMPLETE •N COMPL 7TE THIS SEC VONON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. St Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. VZQ� ❑Agent j ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X W if'�"4 ❑A&—see 4 so that we can return the card to you. elved y fed J�f��S_ C. Date of', Y ery ■ Attach this card to the Hack of the mailpiece, �/[ri j or on the front if space permits. 04 I dMnerd,trortr item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: r . If YES,enter delivery addres_s,hpJavr:�❑ No a 2 2016 E MR GLEN NORWOOD WILLIAMSON\ND QUALITY 22 p16 I PO BOX 742 MIN+IINIC c'Dnf=RflAR c�h SHALLO-TE NC 28459 3. Service Type �� ' t, certified mar ❑ Priority Mai!Expr[-s- Registered ja erohar Return Receipt for Mxiise I ❑Insured Mail Collect on Delivery { 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes l r 2. Article Number 7015 0640 0007 9832 8211 s (rransfer from service label) j << PS Form 3811,July 2013 1 I-?fl Domestic Return Receipt I� PAT MCCRORY Govemor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary Energy,Mineral and Land Resources ,tune 14, 201� TRACY DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Dimcror MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Nat Wilson ST Hydrogeology Group am= Division of Water Resources FROM: Brenda M. Harris r JUN 16 ?016 Mining Program Secretary MWAN OMTER USMUS Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal Request for Glen Norwood Williamson Flintstone#1 Mine Brunswick County © Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater, estuarine, or marine fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by July 8, 2016 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. Any comments your agency can provide regarding potential effects on potable groundwater supplies and groundwater quality will be appreciated. We would like to have any recommendations you may provide for permit conditions, for reasonable protection of groundwater quantity or quality_ If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh Attachments Cc: Mr. Dan Sams State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy,Mineral and Land Resources 1612 Mail Savice Center 1 512 N.Salisbury St. I Raleigh,NC 27099 919 707 9200 T LTk RECEIVED PAT MCCRORY Governor JUL 0 6 7016 DONALD R. VAN DER VAART $ecmrary Energy,Mineral LAN D QUAUT Y SECTIQN and Land ResourcesT R A C Y DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Bimcror 1-4 June 14, 2016 MEMORANDUM Z 25Z6?7 TO: Ms. Maria Dunn o J(JN 2016 Habitat Conservation Program Coordinator w Wildlife Resources Commission m FROM: Brenda M. Harris Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal Request for Glen Norwood Williamson Flintstone #1 Mine Brunswick County Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2). Please respond by July 8, 2016 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed erosion and sediment control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off-site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation in the review of these types is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibmh Attachments cc: Mr. Tim LaBounty State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy,Mineral and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center 1 512 N.Salisbury St. I Raleigh,NC 27699 919 707 9200 T Wehner, Judy From: James, Trentt Sent: Monday,July 11, 2016 11:40 AM To: Wehner,Judy Subject: 10-70 Review-Transfer Attachments: D00071116-07112016103715.pdf Judy, I attached the review sheets, After speaking with Brian, it looks like his major concern was that they get an NPDES permit, which it looks like they did. As far as the renewal here is a list of items that may be of concern. -The vicinity map needs to be updated to show the actual way in.The current one make the mine difficult to find. -The mine map needs to show the haul road to the next state maintained road,the road they are proposing to use is not the way they currently coming in and out this needs to be clarified -There is a cross section on the mine map but there is not a clear reclamation map Let me know if you have questions. Thanks Trentt James Environmental Senior Specialist Land Quality Section Division of Energy, Mineral, & Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 910.796.7305 office trentt.james@ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Dr. Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. -----Original Message----- From: NCDEQ-Wilmington Regional Office Scanner ANNEX [mailto:DoNotReply@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Monday,July 11,201610:37 AM To:James,Trentt<trentt.james@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Send data from Annex 07/11/2016 10.37 Scanned from Annex D a te:07/11/2016 10:37 Pages:4 Resolution:200x2OO DPI HAVE A GREAT DAY!l I 1 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 2 LAND QUALITY SECTION REGIONAL OFFICE MINING APPLICATION REVIEW CHECKLIST APPLICATION/PERMIT NO.: 0-7o ACTION: New Modification Renewa Trans Release APPLICANT NAME: d6 MINE NAME: nfk...e COUNTY: i Administrative Issues: j A. Is the site currently under NOV? Yes lain: B. Is the site under CAMA jurisdiction? Oes'?;Explain: Field Issues: A. Are potential wetlands and watercourses properly indicated on the Mine Map?6 No Explain: B. Are the proposed buffer zones adequate Yes No Explain: C. Do all occupied dwellings within 300 feet of the mine excavation appear to be indicatedX3D No Explain: D. Do all water supply wells within 500 feet of the mine excavation appear to be indicated? ess % Explain: G E. Is visual screening needed? Yes No Explain: F. Are the proposed erosion and sedimentation control measures properly located to prevent offsite sedimentation? Yes(:A Explain: _ G. Is the proposed revegetationlreclamation plan p bO Yes o xplar: A10 o�� I * Date inspected: C' 23 !6 I i Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Review: i) It is the responsibility.of the Regional Office staff to verify the adequacy of the E&S measures. Please provide any concerns or comments: Prl 5}h tzs [;ti n v r hn,t� Other Comments: 5 4c nitda Iz E4 � 14 a iced lvtdtrnk �vul ✓utu9 }r t�nyxi _�Mji anriihAUL1 d yr r4 I rl�ywcr)c 75 iNihvLt �,irJ✓nwlr. aHd G.�.M hiabh J&,r mop iajJ r ffir t Lla° \�QO M4 J,tn.,�.,r•� J�.J A•5 (.. 'M1�iN— oub i�nL our Who was the application touted to and when?: Division of Air Quality: Date:. Division of Water Quality (Water Quality Section only): ._Date: Other: Date: Inspector/Reviewer's Name: i nw' r _9 n Date: Regional Engineer's Name: Date: Rev Dec 2006 _ Print this form to PDF Re1um1011 of this form 10 DEMLR Co by email.cc DEMLR RO,*PU, Send a copy to the permitlee. MINING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM forthe DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES THIS SECTION TO BE FILLED OUT BY DEMLR: Project Name: Joe Webb Cox Farm Mine DEMLR Permit# 10-70 County: Brunswick Applicant's Email: Jody Bland Obland@ntengineers.com) 5 PERMIT ACTION TYPE: YES NO Date Commencing i Have land disturbing activities started? Date? r + r + 2007 : Latitude: 33.9922 Longitude: -78.4153 ' Please return comments to (at DEMLR CO): Judy Wehner RECEIVED/NCDENROR I t Comments clue by: 718/16 I SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWR: Water Quality Regional Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standaryl,�ler Comments: A a , �t P � ►" d = 30 ff rrwQd + �`�tJctic��ot•q �� Watershed/Stream Name & Classification:Jumkr ef4var;r ,., DWR Compliance Status of Mine: _____�-,SytJ-l#y► to o���'i~ _! r Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWR back fees to pay? FYI"Quy, If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in BIMS? YES NO j � 1 f�:,;T Y ) s •:*fi, '��f sw I� �40f Wetland°Cart: required?f y j ,� r +y ;See # < ; G�Qt ;::'` ,�' r r �` � _ ' '{ t?:."'r�+'�h 1 t 401 Wetland Cert. existing? 1—+ Permit# + krpocis i ,.n.. • - Y - - _L '^'S .y'YT rip 1 1 REF + .,sysr eshD.WR3R0shave�enougF� infartnationito r t . , � a y� r rr F t'determine ifra40ceitlflcation°is re mired? i'`�` � . �. two,,: I i i 77 YES NO ` A/�P ��yj'?f� a4�,.,4{'� si -v' . C '! 'l..ij.�,' 1Mre�Fe &#tlandg4ditIR!�d � f ���t$��,. 'n �`V''' :!�?r a'.s• rCL,--x li'� x�}Z2L -.-+"3` :r?e. .y:`;;'!;"l3Z'} 1b�C7 l�. = 33 !. Does DWR RO suspect or know of nearby wetlands to the site? u +bDcanlQcur e; }l .iY1 `iUY✓�S' �� ft k;j' 3 �' xc7xT E, sawetlanddeiineation+requiredprlorto r� r 1b,onsultant °"' ffl-R- F-ton5�1�� + t!T*���3�i.� Rote Ggnremhar 2mn Print this tonn to POF Relu- I this I—to DEMLR CO by email.cc DEMLR RO,Dsu Send a copy to the parmittee- R K IE-T 10, -3z 6,*V C nh ,LY -M --0 E I-• 0 SM Stream Determination Needed? F i nee -7 L Does DWR RO need a statement that no wetlands/strearns are disturbed DCi for this project from applicant? CS 4!f0 fCRqtkfT I fia!!k#,N ­7 Buffer Determination Completed? Rec y if n1permlVeMitin k-- glz 10i 3;P,60- New Recycle System permit required?* F ? Enough information to determine? ;�„ ­�- �'P. � -"- . j ­r ,�NO' W�di­ 'Ifo, - - "" - 1 ;.R ist rr V'17 i'­-.0 Does this applicant need to contact the regional of Central DWR Office to F F-- determine if a State Stormwater Permit is needed? F 'Unknown. Will wastewaters discharge to HQW waters r 17Q10 Permittee with a 7Q10=0? Flow- , must determine. IN .. F y oattonj4,". 40 .� -(".., --, -, Fit F �O&M�R, Yrfv, naf A': ♦ , -3 it -.0, - t .5 'w ftlrembnW j -1,QjC-_ondeij-W6­6 F HOW170I !0 h&PQlbacki -s,br -:it' *7 fi;AjEkk;Wihol&thif) M 0 'P - ' 1 . DWR 8 1"Mi. t . j F A � ' ' i Oe "bscause"CWi,,iiquires�morPihf�A tht, -N ai Z, R9d§eideschbV4h§ rea§oh4 ' . • WXe ,Vv1 -the� ermit % RG, in Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan is r AFd approved? D% w P, DWR RO Surface Water: egional Office:L>1 W'Date: L/ RO Aquifer Protection Section: 1-61 Regional Office: Date: CIO C,_nf- r)C-cja qNk JI-Q_ �jo PC)�e-d- p f �0 T) fie, V(6 RAv q.-Nomhpr 70 in MINING PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM �f for i DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY i i 1 Aroject: (�L�7 E�E,^ q f f'7G� /v `7U County:_ 4U �s i j f `Due Date for Comments Back to Land Quality Section- Will the operation, as proposed, violate standards of air quality? � Comments: r 5 i cl d `m i r e rr►, Z N to V o w erl Ava 1 0s Au cGr d be YES NO Air permit required Air permit existing (Permit i x i Other Comments: j Reviewed by: '� Date: to 9 if I. I Print Name: D r'.�F.f t�Q lrrt1 s I,I 1012000 ; E Fill �HECKLIST FOR ROUTING6&LtApplicant's Nam: NectName: t , Applic.1 Permit No: Co". , ,Date Received Revieurer:_ e River Basin Name:_ LIA'AL, r ❑ New VRommal ❑ Mo&finition(inside permit boundaries) ❑ Modification(outside permit barmdaries) I Transfer ❑ Release ❑ Partial Release El Additional Information ❑ Fee Needed �j ; r/a Received ; P route entire application parkge to: copirg attach the SQ5 Lrond Offur Mo g Applicabou Rev- QedrW to one Copy dnd ch bath DWR" Wqg Appiiaateae Review Forth"to the other wW,,mid both copies to the Rquwdl Engineer) �p Date:Routed G l`I" Rec'd G "�- 1 / Division of Water Resources Date:Routed / Rec'd NC W:7dIi fe Resources Commission Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ US Fish&Wildlife Service Date:Routed Rec'd (Oniy,new ag&rdiions mid modification rrgne n tha add Land to the pern ) Please route first 3 pa es of the application and any location reaps to: ❑ Division of Parks a Recreation Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ NC geological Survey Section Date:Routed Rec'd ❑ Division of Marine Fisheries Date:Routed Reed ❑ Division of Soil ift Water Conservation (plus LEA) Date:Routed Rec'd (Only new applications and mA f catsmu requests dwt add Laved to the permit) ❑ Division of Archives a History Date:Routed Rec'd (OnlyWW dpp ) ❑ Other. W Date:Routed Reed Suspense Date for Comments: (no later than zs days from receipt) ❑ Please note the following: 6*1L �r, d • • PAT MCCRORY l.d river DONALD R. VAN DER VAART seer Energy,Mineral andLand Resources TRACY DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Dlreaor June 14, 2016 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms. Maria Dunn Habitat Conservation Program Coordinator Wildlife Resources Commission FROM: Brenda M. Harris Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal Request for Glen Norwood Williamson Flintstone#1 Mine Brunswick County Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife,and freshwater fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2). Please respond by July 8, 2016 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. As is the case in our review of all mining permit applications, renewals and.modifications, this office will carefully review all proposed.erosion and sediment'control measures to ensure that they are sufficient to restrain erosion and off-site sedimentation. However, any comments your agency can provide regarding effects on wildlife and freshwater fisheries would be greatly appreciated. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time, Also, please send a copy of your comments.to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation in the review of these types is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at (919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. Ibm h Attachments cc: Mr. Tim LaBounty i State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I EneM,Mineral and Lsnd Resources 1612 Mail Service Center 1 512 K Salisbury St. 1 Raleigh,NC 27699 919 707 9200 T L PAT MCCRORY Govamor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART seamy Energy,Mineral and LandResmwces TRACY DAVIS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY June 14, 2016 - pfrectar MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Nat Wilson Hydrogeology Group Division of Water Resources FROM: Brenda M. Harris 4�Y"A Mining Program Secretary Land Quality Section SUBJECT: Mining Permit Renewal Request for Glen Norwood Williamson Flintstone#1 Mine Brunswick County © Mine Dewatering Proposed ❑ No Mine Dewatering Proposed Please find attached for your review a copy of the mining permit renewal request for the above referenced project. Please review this information and advise as to the probability of this operation having unduly adverse effect on wildlife and freshwater, estuarine, or marine fisheries (G.S. 74-51 (2)). Please respond by July 8, 2016 so that we may complete our review of this request within our statutory time limits. Any comments your agency can provide regarding potential effects on potable groundwater supplies and groundwater quality will be appreciated. We would like to have any recommendations you may provide for permit conditions, for reasonable protection of groundwater quantity or quality. If your staff wishes to perform a site inspection, it is recommended that they contact the person submitting this request to set up a convenient date and time. Also, please send a copy of your. comments to the person noted in the application. RETURN ALL APPLICATION MATERIALS AND MAPS WITH YOUR REVIEW COMMENTS TO THIS OFFICE. Your continued cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please contact Ms. Judy Wehner at(919) 707-9220 if you have any questions. /bmh Attachments Cc: Mr. Dan Sams Stnte of North Carolina I Eaviranmental Quality I Energy,Mmeral and Land Rcsourcm 1612 Marl Service Centex 1 512 N.Salisbury St. +Raleigh,NC 27699 919 707 9200 T �' 3f is -�� -s:. `��eiFf Yam'-�� �.�.�•�"" . �*'t0"-z.,o- ,c„�x •'�°•r-�'�p-.'P''�,p'°.,k�'+i �j �j rw +r�-is""�'�*r� �^''t:. .}�c�•r�r t.,. �-'���"� •� �456-531'• '..Tw" +C.,�1 O L'�G�r IKE,W,MIBC S!lA �O fgFE;NC 2845 f �SATE47 • ��v° .. .�. A u #• f � yl-r� •tom"' .- + ' PAYI'O11iB ORDER OA '� '3 d`. T r - ~`Ll!w`' w? s�.�` �i€t�O r �►Ti flu?�,+r " 1�aLLARS FLOW. se _ �.'IFMO��1�V1�_�!'�Srf�-^ x `�,► .��� _ �,�„��� A. d _, ��mow. a�-+.;.�. T 7 .- - -'---�-' - '�-+ "4f�;�.�.` "-y��_ �-+,,:did• e * _ wa• h Wehner, Judy From: Wehner,Judy Sent: Tuesday,June 14, 2016 2:46 PM To: Gregson, Jim Cc: Sams, Dan; Conway,Jean Subject: 10-70 DWR REVIEW SHEET 2013 Attachments: 10-70 DWR REVIEW SHEET 2013.doc Here's the review sheet for the renewal and Transfer of the Joe Webb Cox Farm Mine in Brunswick County 1 Print this form to PDF Return PDF of this form to DEMLR CO by email.cc DEMLR RO, DWR SPU. Send a copy to the permittee. MINING PEFAIT APPLICATION REA. W FORM' for the DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES - THIS SECTION TO BE FILLED OUT BY DEMLR: Project Name: Joe Webb Cox Farm Mine DEMLR Permit# 10-70 County: Brunswick Applicant's Email: Jody Bland abland@ntengineers.com) PERMIT ACTION TYPE: YES NO Date Commencing F F( Have land disturbing activities started? Date? F( 2007 Latitude: 33.9922 Longitude: -78.4153 Please return comments to (at DEMLR CO): Judy Wehner Comments due by: 718116 SECTION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY DWR: Is the RO concerned that the operation, as proposed, would violate standards of water quality? Comments: Watershed/Stream Name & Classification: DWR Compliance Status of Mine: Does this mine (or previous owner) have DWR back fees to pay? If yes, amount: Is this mine an active permit in BIMS? YES NO 401 Wetland Cert. required? 401 Wetland Cert. existing? F( Permit# F Does DWR RO have enough information to ( r determine if a 401 certification is required? YES NO Are wetlands disturbed at this site? �( r Does DWR RO suspect or know of nearby 17-( (— wetlands to the site? If(LID Is a wetland delineation required prior to (Consultant DWR issuing the permit? C (Dnsite? RPv..gPntamhPr hnin Print this form to PDF Return PDF of this form to DEMLR CO by email.cc DEMLR R0,DWR SPU. Send a copy to the permittee. E—(Offsite? Stream Determination Needed? Stream Determination.Completed? f Does DWR RO need a statement that no wetlandststreams are disturbed F_ F_[ for this project from applicant? Buffer Determination Needed? r[ Buffer Determination Completed? r[ F [ Recycle system permit existing?* r[Permit# r r New Recycle System permit required?* Enough information to determine? Non-discharge permit existing. Lr[Permit# r r Does this applicant need to contact the . regional of Central DWR Office to F( F( determine if a State Stormwater Permit is needed? I—[Unknown. Will wastewaters discharge to HQW waters F_[7Q10 Permittee with a 7Q1O=O? ** r r Plow: must determine. [ Has Violation [ O&M Requirements r[ HQWt7Q10 Concerns Does DWR require DEMLR to hold the [ Pay back fees or renew' -permit(e.g. so DWR can review it further or DWR permit [ because DWR requires more information)? f7[ Other. Please describe the reason to hold the permit: RO contact: E( Hold Until:. Mine must wait to dewater until an O&M plan is �—r F r approved? DWR RO Surface Water: Regional Office: Date: RO Aquifer Protection Section: Regional Office: Date: RPv SPntamhar,2n1n MINING RMIT TRANSFER C KLI T As set forth in G.S. 74-51 of the Mining Act of 1971, a valid mining permit may be transferred from one party to another, provided that the following actions have been completed: One (1) original and one (1) copy of the following are required: The proposed new permittee must request in writing that the existing permit be transferred and clearly state the new operator's name (company or individual). The proposed new permittee must also indicate that he accepts any and all responsibilities and liabilities with respect to the Mining Act of 1971. The proposed new permittee must complete the first 3 pages of the mining permit application form. Please be reminded that only the entire (existing) permitted area can be transferred. The Act does not allow transfer of part of the permitted area. v�F Both the landowner of the land covered by the permit and the new proposed permittee must sign the Land Entry Agreement contained in the mining permit application form. An updated mine map must be submitted for the site clearly indicating the items listed under Section B - Maps of the mining permit application form. ' A letter from the existing permittee must be submitted requesting that the mining permit be transferred to the proposed new permittee. The existing mine name and permit number must be identified in the letter. The original of the following documents are required: u A non-refundabl 100.00 rocessing fee must be submitted before the transfer request 0* can be process check must be made out to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 7) An acceptable security (performance/reclamation bond) must be submitted by the new 1 permittee to replace the existing bond. Therefore, page 14 of the application form (the bond calculation worksheet) must be completed in order to validate the appropriate bond amount. The new security/bond must be in the same name as the proposed new permittee. In the event the new permittee already has a bond (blanket bond) in full force and effect sufficient to cover the new site, this step will not be necessary. After all of the above information has been received and deemed complete, the transfer of the permit will be finalized. The old permittee will be notified by letter of the effective date of the permit transfer, and, if applicable, the existing bond will be returned. The new permittee will be sent similar notification along with a copy of the transferred minim permit. Please note that until the permit has been transferred to the new permittee, the existing permittee will be held responsible for maintaining compliance with the mining permit conditions. For more information, contact the Land Quality Section Regional Office servicing your area, the Central Office at (919) 707-9220 or at httoaloortal.ncdenr.orglwebllrlmining Revised Feb 2012 Revised 212012 RENEWAL OF MIN MING PERMIT CHECKLIST As provided in G.S. 74-52 of The Mining Act of 1971, a mining permit may be renewed at any time during the 2 years prior to its expiration. The following items are required to renew a mining permit: ` The appropriate mining permit renewal processing fee must be submitted to the Land Quality Section Central Office (see fee schedule). (-Igo One 1 Ori inal and Four 4 copies of the following are required: The permittee must complete a new mining permit application form except for the Notification of Adjoining Landowners Section. The renewal can only cover the acreage under the existing mining permit for the site. If any additional acreage is to be affected by mining, a modification request (including the corresponding processing fee) must accompany the renewal request. A letter must be submitted to the Land Quality Section by the permittee requesting renewal of the mining permit for a period not to exceed 10 years and must clearly address how the continued operation will not invoke any of the 7 denial criteria listed under G.S. 74-51 of the Act. This letter must also describe any expected changes.iin the operation of the mine and must state whether additional land is to be added or affected by mining at this site. Additional acreage to be added to this permit (affected or unaffected) will require a modification request (including proper notification of new adjoining landowners and the local government, as well as the appropriate modification processing fee). New disturbances within the permitted area requiring new sediment and/or erosion control measures will also require a modification to the mining permit. V4 An updated mine map must be submitted for the site delineating the sizes and locations of all existing and proposed features of the mining operation, including sediment and erosion control measures. Typical construction details must be submitted for each sediment and erosion control measure, existing or proposed (although supporting design calculations for existing measures is not required). Again, if additional land areas are proposed, a modification request must be submitted, including the appropriate processing fee. In addition, the mine map must clearly indicate the size and location of the additional land and include the locations of all new adjoining landowners, the sediment and erosion control measures for the new acreage, and the other relevant items listed under Section B. - Maps of the application form. The permittee will be required to complete the notification section of the application if land is to be added to the permit. Lastly, any proposed sediment and erosion control measures must be accompanied by supporting design calculations. The original of the followinq item is required: The performance (reclamation) bond must be evaluated to ensure that it is sufficient to cover all proposed mining-related activities at the site for the renewal period. All mining permits for unreclaimed sites must be renewed. If your mine site has been inactive and suff:cientTy reclaimed (meets the reclamation conditions of your mining permit), please contact the Land Quality Section Regional Office serving your area to schedule an inspection for a full or partial release of area covered by-the mining permit and reclamation bond. For more information, contact the Land Quality Section Regional Office serving your area or the Central Office at (919) 707-9220. NOBS & TUNS'TAL L CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC— 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 29420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K.Bland,P.E. June 1, 2016 Ms. Wehner NCDEQ (\ � 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 This package contains the previously discussed mining permit transfer and renewal request. Enclosed are five (5) sets of updated plans, a letter from the new permittee requesting transfer and renewal of the permit, an updated mining application, a letter from the existing permittee requesting transfer, and both $100.00 transfer fee and $750.00 renewal fee. A Reclamation Bond will be provided once the application has been reviewed. Sincerely, NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING E NEER, P.E. seph K. Bland, P.E. JKB/tm 16041 06-01-16-application-!tr RECEIVED JUN 0 7 2016 LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM NCBELS License C-3641 NORMS & TUNSTAILIL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC�^- 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fag (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K.Bland,Pam. June 1, 2016 DECEIVED Ms. Wenner JUN 14 2015 NCDEQ MINING PROGIRAM 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 This package contains the previously discussed mining permit transfer and renewal request. Enclosed are five (5) sets of updated plans, a letter from the new permittee requesting transfer and renewal of the permit, an updated mining application, a letter from the existing permittee requesting transfer, and both $100-00 transfer fee and $750.00 renewal fee. A Reclamation Bond will be provided once the application has been reviewed. Sincerely, *eNcl D sc J (:I,-p— +h e NORRIS & TUNSTALL -4dd 1 tj O o41 -4 CoP l� CONSULTING ENGIN ER, P.E. [� 1 - FV-YOUTe c�I r 1 0 tS � Joseph K. Bland, P.E. 30 JKB/tm 16041 06-01-16-apprcatfon4tr NCBELS License C-3641 0 PAlb NORRIS fir. TUNST .IL}L 644 —CONSULTING ENGINEERS P C- 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little River Rg3d j Wbnivon,NC 28401 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax _ (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J_Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K Bland,P.E. May 26, 2016 Ms. Judy Wehner NCDEQ 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 I, Joseph W. Cox, request that the existing mining permit number 10-70 for the Joe and Webb Cox Farms mine be transferred to Glenn Norwood Williamson. Additionally, I would like to request the release of the bond associated with this permit. The new owner will be providing and working under a new bond for the project. I have sold the property to Mr. Williamson and will no longer be associated with the property. Sincerely, 9")J1 W I t Joseph w. Cox 16041 05-26-16 4tr NCBELS License C-3641 NORRIS & TUNS7[AL L CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 902 Market Street 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28401 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunst A P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K Bland,P.E. May 26, 2016 Ms. Judy Wehner NCDEQ 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 I, Glenn Norwood Williamson request that the existing mining permit number 10-70 for the Joe and Webb Cox Farms Mine be transferred to Glenn Norwood Williamson. I accept any and all responsibilities and liabilities with respect to the Mining Act of 1971. In addition to the above transfer request, 1, Glenn Norwood Williamson would like to request renewal of the existing transferred permit for the maximum permitted time frame of 10 years. There are no requested changes to the existing mining permit or design. I intend to operate the project as previously permitted. The continued operation of this mine will not involve any of the 7design criteria listed under G.S. 74-51 of the Mining Act of 1971. Specifically 1. I intend to operate under all rules set forth by the Mining Act of 1971. 2. Any discharge dewatering from the pit area will be in accordance with the associated Dewatering Permit. All discharge will be routed through a stilling basin and a vegetated fuser prior to exiting any onsite wetlands where it will be contained and infiltrated in order to preserve wetland hydrology. 3. The operation will comply with all and any water quality standards. 4. Distance to neighboring developed properties is expansive thus there are no hazard, health, or safety concerns related to this operation. 5. The operation does not reside in the vicinity to any public parks, forest or recreation areas. 6. There are no stream beds or lakes, etc. nearby that could be affected by this operation. 7. All other current.projects are in compliance with all rules and regulations. Sincerely, Glenn Norwood Williamson 16041 D6-26-16-W NCBELS License C-3641 APPLICATION FOR A MINIAERMIT • NT# 16041 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAND QUALITY SECTION APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) 1. Name of Mine Flintstone#1 Mine County Brunswick River Basin Lumber IL Latitude(decimal degrees to four places) 33.9922 Longitude(decimal degrees to four places) 78.4153 2. Name of Applicant* Glen Norwood a Williamson 3. Permanent address for receipt of official mail** P.O. Box 742 Shaliotte NC 28459 Telephone (910)4434874 Alternate No. _� NIA 4. Mine Office Address P.O. Box 742 Shallotte NC 28459 Telephone (910 ) 443-4874 5. Mine Manager Glen Norwood (Ike)Williamson �T We hereby certify that all details contained in this Permit Application are true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation. ***Signature Date Print Name Glen Norwood Williamson Title Owner * This will be the name that the mining permit will be issued to and the name that must be indicated on the reclamation bond(security)that corresponds to this site. ** The Land Quality Section must be notified of any changes in the permanent address or telephone number. *** Signature of company officer required. G.S.74-51 provides that the Department shall grant or deny an application for a permit within 50 days of receipt of a complete application or, if a public hearing is held, within 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental information required by the Department. All questions must be addressed and all required maps provided before this application can be considered complete. Attach additional sheets as needed. APPLICATION FOR A MININGPERMIT • NOTE: All of the following questions must be thoroughly answered regarding your mining operation for the intended life of the mine. All responses must be clearly conveyed on a corresponding,detailed mine map. A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MINE 1. Answer all of the following that apply: ❑ If this is an application for a NEW permit,indicate the total acreage at the site to be covered by the permit(this is the acreage that the "new permit" fee will be based upon): Of this acreage, how much is owned and how much is leased? Acres owned: Acres leased: Property owner if leased: ® If this is an application for RENEWAL of a mining permit,indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit: Mining Permit No.: 10-70 Total permitted acreage (this is the acreage that the "renewal" fee will be based upon): 8.49 ❑ If this is an application for a MODIFICATION to a mining permit, indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall) acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: Total permitted acreage:_ _ Does the modification involve acreage within the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ No❑. If yes,indicate the acreage to be covered by this modification(this is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): Does the modification involve acreage outside the previously approved permitted boundary? Yes ❑ No ❑. If yes, indicate the additional acreage to be covered by this modification: . (NOTE: you must complete all of Section F.ofthis application form entitled Notification of Adjoining Landowners)_ Of this acreage to be added to the permit,will any portion of this acreage be affected(i.e.:disturbed, ground cover removed)by the mining operation? Yes ❑ No❑ (If no,a"minor modification" fee of$100.00 is required, despite the "undisturbed" acreage to be added). If yes, indicate the acreage to be affected within the acreage to be added to the permit(the total acreage to be added to the permit is the acreage that the "major modification" fee will be based upon): ® If this is an application for TRANSFER of a mining permit,indicate the mining permit number and the total (overall)acreage covered by the existing permit. Mining Permit No.: 10-70 Total permitted acreage: 8.49 SEE THE FEE SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THIS FORM FOR THE PROPER FEE AMOUNT TO BE PAID FOR THE REQUESTED PERMIT ACTION(S) AND CORRESPONDING ACREAGE NOTED ABOVE 2. Name of all materials mined: Sand 3. Mining method: ® Hydraulic Dredge 8 Front-end Loader&Truck ❑ Shovel & Truck Dragline& Truck Self-loading Scraper Other(explain): 4. a. Expected maximum depth of mine(feet) 30 feet Depth is relative to what benchmark? (e.g., natural ground level, mean sea level, road elevation, etc.) existing natural ground level b. Expected average depth of mine(feet) S. Has any area(s)at this site been mined in the past? Yes ® No ❑ APPLICATION FOR A NIN IIII PERMIT If yes, when and by whom was this activity conducted? Current mine under current permit. Mine has been sold and ownership needs to be transferred. 6. Number of years for which the permit is requested(10 years maximum): 10 years B. MAPS 1. Clearly mark and label the location of your mining operation on six(6)conies of a 7.5-minute quadrangle and a county highway map. These maps, in addition to six(6)copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps, must be submitted with each permit application. 7.5-minute quadrangles may be obtained from the N.C. Geological Survey: Mailing Address: Physical Address: 1612 Mail Service Center OR 512 North Salisbury Street, 5" Floor Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1612 Raleigh,North Carolina 27604 (919) 733-2423 http://I)ortal.nedenr.org/web/ir/jzeoiogical home County highway maps may be obtained from the N.C. Department of Transportation: North Carolina Department of Transportation—Geographic Information Systems(GIS) Mailing_Address: Physical Address: NCDOT GIS Unit NCDOT GIS Unit 1587 Mail Service Center 3401 Carl Sandburg Court Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1587 Raleigh,North Carolina 27610 (919) 2I2-6000 httR://www.ncdot.org/it/gis/ 2. Mine maps must be accurate and appropriately scaled drawings, aerial photographs or enlarged topographic maps of the entire mine site. All aspects of the mine site must be clearly labeled on the maps along with their corresponding(approximate)acreage. As a reminder,mining permits can only be issued for up to 10 years; thus, all mine and reclamation maps must only denote those activities that are intended to be conducted during the life of the mining permit. All maps must be of a scale sufficient (see minimum requirements listed below) to cleanly illustrate the following, at a minimum• a. Property lines of the tract or tracts of land on which the proposed mining activity is to be located including easements and rights-of-way. b. Existing or proposed permit boundaries. c. Initial and ultimate limits of clearing and grading. d. Outline and width of all buffer zones(both undisturbed and unexcavated). e. Outline and acreage of all pits/excavations. f. Outline and acreage of all stockpile areas. g. Outline and acreage of all temporary and/or permanent overburden disposal areas. h. Location and acreage of all processing plants(processing plants may be described as to location and distance from mine if sufficiently far removed). i. Locations and names of all streams, rivers and lakes. j. Outline and acreage of all settling and/or processing wastewater ponds. k. Location and acreage of all planned and existing access roads and on-site haul roads. 1. Location of planned and existing on-site buildings. m. Location and dimensions of all proposed sediment and erosion control measures. n. Location of I00-year floodplain limits and wetland boundaries. o. Names of owners of record,both public and private,of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary;if an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract,names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts,that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary,must be provided on the mine map. APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT p. Names of owners of record,both public and private,of all tracts of land that are adjoining the mining permit boundary which lie directly across and are contiguous to any highway,creek,stream,river,or other watercourse,railroad track,or utility or other public right-of-way.If an adjoining tract is owned or leased by the applicant or is owned by the lessor of the mine tract,names of owners of record of tracts adjoining these tracts, that are within 1,000 feet of the mining permit boundary, must be provided on the mine map(s). NOTE: "Highway"means a road that has four lanes of travel or less and is not designated as an interstate Highway. q. Map legend: 1. Name of applicant 2. Name of mine 3. North arrow 4. County 5. Scale 6. Symbols used and corresponding names 7. Date prepared and revised 8. Name and title of person preparing map Map scales should meet the following guidelines: PERMITTED ACREAGE MAP SCALE 0-49 Acres 1 inch= 50 feet 50-199 Acres I inch= 100 feet 200+Acres 1 inch=200 feet (NOTE: Smaller scaled maps may be acceptable if they clearly illustrate the above items) APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT A table/chart must be provided on the mine ma that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailings/sediment ponds, stockpiles,wastepiles,processing area/ aul roads,mime excavation and any other major aspect of the mining operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit. A tablelchart similar to the following will be acceptable: CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE Tailings/Sediment Ponds Stockpiles Wastepiles Processing Area/Haul Roads Mine Excavation Other(Explain) Total Disturbed Acreage NOTE: IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, THE MAPS MUST ALSO INCLUDE ANY SITE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED IN THE ANSWERS TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THIS APPLICATION FORM (PLEASE NOTE THE ITALICIZED QUESTIONSISTATEMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FORM). THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ALL RELEVANT ITEMS BEING ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON THE MINE MAPS. APPLICATION FOR A MININ�PERNIIT C. PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s). Attach additional sheets as needed. The mine barrow area will be cleared and grubbed. Mining will begin at the west end of the mine and progress to the east. The area will be reclaimed upon project completion. 2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation(include speck plans for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s), waste piles, access/mine roads and process areas), and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures. Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s) and provide typical cross-sections/construction details of each measure. Engineering designs and calculations are required to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. The entire project site will be surrounded by an existing vegetated buffer to act as a filter for any surface sediment movement. Since the mine is a pit,movement of sediment from the pit will be negligible. 3. a. Will the operation involve washing the material mined, recycling process water, or other waste water handling? Yes ❑ No N. If yes,briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. b. Will the operation involve discharging fresh or waste water from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters of the State? Yes ® No El- Ifyes, briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points (along with their method of stabilization) on your mine map(s). The discharge waters will consist of water which has ex-filtrated from excavating beneath the water table and rainwater. The water will be pumped into stilling basins where it will slowly overflow the basin and naturally sheet flow through vegetated areas. APPLICATION FOR A MININIPERMIT C. PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s). Attach additional sheets as needed_ The mine barrow area will be cleared and grubbed. Mining will begin at the west end of the mine and progress to the east. The area will be reclaimed upon project completion. 2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation(include specific plans for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s), waste piles, access/mine roads and process areas), and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures. Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s) and provide typical cross-sections/construction details of each measure. Engineering designs and calculations are required to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. The entire project site will be surrounded by an existing vegetated buffer to act as a filter for any surface sediment movement. Since the mine is a pit, movement of sediment from the pit will be negligible. 3. a. Will the operation involve washing the material mined, recycling process water, or other waste water handling? Yes ❑ No®. If yes,briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. b. Will the operation involve discharging fresh or waste water from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters of the State? Yes ® No ❑. Ifyes, briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points (along with their method of stabilization) on your mine map(s). The discharge waters will consist of water which has ex-filtrated from excavating beneath the water table and rainwater. The water will be pumped into stilling basins where it will slowly overflow the basin and naturally sheet flow through vegetated areas. APPLICATION FOR A NIININ PERMIT • c. Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s)extend below the water table?Yes ® No ❑. If yes, do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? Yes ® No ❑. If yes,what impact,if any,will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells? Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: 70,000 . Locate all existing wells on the mine map(s)that lie within 500 feet o he proposed excavation area. Provide data to support any conclusions or statements made, including any monitoring well data,well construction data and current water withdrawal rates. Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. Due to distance to existing wells and relative shallow depth of mine,no impact is expected. d. if you answered yes to any of the above questions, provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the appropriate water quality permit(s)(i.e.,non-discharge,NPDES,Stormwater,etc.)from the Division of Water Quality,Water Quality Section. In addition,the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources if the operation withdraws more than 10,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day. Permit Application attached for reference. 4. a. Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? Yes ❑ No ®. If yes, indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality or local governing body. b. How will dust from stockpiles,haul roads, etc., be controlled? Due to the sandy nature of the soil,dust is not expected to be a problem. Also buffer distances to inhabited areas are extensive. APPLICATION FOR A MINING ERNUT 5. a. A buffer will be required between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of- way. It may be an unexcavated buffer (no excavation, but roadways, berms and erosion & sedimentation control measures may be installed within it), an undisturbed buffer(no disturbance within the buffer whatsoever),or a combination ofthe two,depending upon the site conditions. Note that all buffers must be located within the mining permit boundaries. How wide a buffer will be maintained between any mining activity and any mining permit boundary or right-of-way at this site? A minimum buffer of 25 feet is recommended,although a wider buffer may be needed depending on site conditions. Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). A buffer of 50 feet will be maintained. b. A minimum 50 foot wide undisturbed buffer will be required between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands unless smaller undisturbed buffers can be justified. Depending on site conditions,a buffer wider than 50 feet may be needed. How wide an undisturbed buffer will be maintained between any land disturbing activities within the mining permit boundaries and any natural watercourses and wetlands at this site? Show all buffer locations and widths on the mine map(s). No natural water courses exist on the site. A 50 foot buffer will be maintained between the mine and wetlands if applicable. 6. a. Describe methods to prevent landslide or slope instability adjacent to adjoining permit boundaries during mining. Minimum 2 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for clayey material and minimum 3 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes or flatter for sandy material are generally required,unless technical justification can be provided to allow steeper slopes. Side slope excavations will not extend beyond 2 to 1. Wide enough buffers exist between the mine and adjacent property Lines to ensure no violations of boundaries. APPLICATION FOR A MINAPERMIT • b. Provide a cross-section on the mine map(s)for all fill slopes (berms, wastepiles, overburden disposal areas, etc.), clearly indicating the intended side slope gradient, installation of arty benches and/or slope drains (with supporting design information) if needed, and the method of final stabilization. A side slope of 2 to 1 or flatter will be maintained. c. In excavation(s)of unconsolidated(non-rock)materials,specify the angle of all cut slopes including specifications for benching and sloping. Cross-sections for all cut slopes must be provided on the mine map(s). NIA d. In hardrock excavations,specify proposed bench widths and heights in feet. Provide cross-sections of the mine excavation clearly noting the angles of the cut slopes, widths of all safety benches and mine benches, and the expected maximum depth of the excavation. N/A 7. Describe other methods to be taken during mining to prevent physical hazard to any neighboring dwelling house, public road, public, commercial or industrial building from any mine excavation. Locate all such structures on the mine map if they are within 300 feet of arty proposed excavation. The mining operation is located at a sufficient distance from any existing neighboring structures,etc.to disallow any physical hazard to them. No blasting or vibratory equipment is to be used. 8. Describe what kind of barricade will be used to prevent inadvertent public access along any high wall area and when it will be implemented. Vegetated earthen berms, appropriate fencing and adequate boulder barriers may be acceptable high wall barricades. A construction detail/cross-section and location of each type of barricade to be used must be indicated on the mine map(s). A cable gate will be located at the intersection of the access road and Old Britton Road. This access will be approximately 700 feet from the mine area. APPLICATION FOR A MININ PERMIT • 9. Are acid producing minerals or soils present? Yes ❑ No ®_ If yes, how will acid water pollution from the excavation, stockpiles and waste areas be controlled? 10. a Describe specific plans(including a schedule of implementation)for screening the operation from public view such as maintaining or planting trees,bushes or other vegetation,building berms or other measures. Show the location of all visual screening on the mine map(s)and provide cross-sections through all proposed berms or proposed spacing, sizes and species for tree plantings. The mine is located at a minimum of approximately 700 feet from any public road and is naturally screened by woods. b. Could the operation have a significantly adverse effect on the purposes of a publicly owned park, forest or recreation area? If so,how will such effects(i.e., noise, visibility, etc.) be mitigated? No. 11. Will explosives be used? Yes ❑ No ®. If yes, specify the types of explosive(s)and describe what precaution(s)will be used to prevent physical hazard to persons or neighboring property from flying rocks or excessive air blasts or ground vibrations. Depending on the nine's location to nearby structures, more detailed technical information may be required on the blasting program(such as a third-party blasting study). Locate the nearest offsite occupied structures) to the proposed excavations) on the mine map and indicate its approximate distance to the proposed excavation. 12. Will fuel tanks, solvents,or other chemical reagents be stored on-site? Yes ❑ No ®. Ifyes, describe these materials, how they will be stored and method of containment in case ofspill. Indicate the location(s) of all storage facilities on the mine map(s). APPLICATION FOR A MINING P ERMIT • D. RECLAMATION PLAN l. Describe your intended plan for the final reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands and indicate the sequence and general methods to be used in reclaiming this land. This must include the method of reclamation of settling ponds and/or sediment control basins and the method of restoration or establishment of any permanent drainage channels to a condition minimizing erosion, siltation and other pollution. This information must be illustrated on a reclamation map and must correspond directly with the information provided on the mine map(s). In addition, design information, including typical cross-sections, of any permanent channels to be constructed as part of the reclamation plan and the location(s)of all permanent channels must be indicated on the reclamation map. The area will be reclaimed as a wooded area with a stocked pond and soil road access. Pit banks will be grassed and allowed to re-vegetate with naturally occurring tree and shrub species. Haul roads will remain for access to the area for future timbering purposes. 2. Is an excavated or impounded body of water to be left as a part of the reclamation? Yes ® No ❑. ff yes, illustrate the location of the body(s) of water on the reclamation map and provide a scaled cross-sections) through the proposed body(s)of water. The minimum water depth must be at least 4 feet, measured from the normal low water table elevation,unless information is provided to indicate that a more shallow water body will be productive and beneficial at this site. Will the body(s)of water be stocked with fish? Yes ® No ❑. If yes, specify species. Beam, Bass,and Catfish 3. Describe provisions for safety to persons and to adjoining property in all completed excavations in rock including what kind of permanent barricade will be left. Acceptable permanent barricades are appropriate fencing, large boulders placed end-to-end, etc. Construction details and locations of all permanent barricades must be shown on the reclamation map. N/A APPLICATION FOR A MININGPERMIT • 4. Indicate the method(s)of reclamation of overburden,refuse,spoil banks or other such on-site mine waste areas, including specifications for benching and sloping. Final cross-sections and locations for such areas must be provided on the reclamation map. No significant amount of overburden,etc.is anticipated,soil will be excavated and hauled as needed. 5. a. Describe reclamation of processing facilities, stockpile areas, and on-site roadways. No stockpiles are anticipated. Material will be excavated as needed and hauled away. Haul roads will remain for access to the area. b. Will any on-site roadways be left as part of the reclamation? Yes ® No ❑. Ifyes, identify such roadways on the reclamation map and provide details on permanent road and ditch line stabilization. Due to sandy nature of the soil, no side ditches are anticipated. 6. Describe the method of control of contaminants and disposal of scrap metal,junk machinery,cables,or other such waste products of mining. (Note definition of refuse in The Mining Act of 1971.) No off-site generated waste shall be disposed of on the mine site without prior written approval from the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources,Land Quality Section and either the Division of Waste Management(DWM)or local governing body. If a disposal permit has been issued by DWM for the site, a copy of said permit must be attached to this application. All temporary and permanent refuse disposal areas must be clearly delineated on the mine map(s) and reclamation map, along with a list oitems to be disposed in said areas. NIA APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERNIIT • 7. Describe your plan for revegetation or other surface treatment of the affected areas. This plan must include recommendations for year-round seeding,including the time of seeding and the amount and type of seed, fertilizer, lime and mulch per acre. The recommendations must include general seeding instructions for both permanent and temporary revegetation. Revegetation utilizing only tree plantings is not acceptable. Recommendations can be sought from: a. Authorized representatives of the local Soil and Water Conservation District; b. Authorized representatives of the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; c. Authorized county representatives of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service,specialists and research faculty with the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Forest Resources at North Carolina State University; d. North Carolina licensed landscape architects; e. Private consulting foresters referred by the Division of Forest Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources; f. N.C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Planning and Design Manual; g. N.C. Surface Mining Manual: A Guide for Permitting, Operation and Reclamation; h. Others as may be approved by the Department. LIME - RATE OF APPLICATION (tons/acre): FERTILIZER-ANALYSIS AND RATE OF APPLICATION(pounds/acre): SEED - TYPE(S) AND RATE(S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING YEAR-ROUND SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre): [NOTE: Include Legumes] Seed Tunes: Seeding Dates: Seeding Rates: Pensocola Bahragram 50 lb/acre Serilea Lespedeza 30 lb/acre Common Bermuda Grass 10 lb/acre German Miller 10 lb/acre MULCH-TYPE AND RATE OF APPLICATION(pounds/acre)AND METHOD OF ANCHORING: OTHER VEGETATIVE COVERS—TYPE (S) AND RATE (S) OF APPLICATION INCLUDING SEEDING SCHEDULE (pounds/acre,trees/acre, spacing of trees/shrubs, etc): Revegetation an efores ' plan oved by: Signature Date Print Name Jose h K. Bland P.E. •••••'`��AR0� Title Professional Engineer = Agency Norris &Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. z; Ste- 041620 ' %,�✓0SNG1N �4Q� EFH yC. \ 1 APPLICATION FOR A MINING PERMIT E: DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond(based upon a range of$500 to $5,000 per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the life of the miningpermit. Please insert the approximate acreage, or each as ect a the mining operation, that vou intend to a ect durin the li e o this minim ermit in addition lease insert the gRpMpriate reclamation cost/acre or each Late o om the Schedule o Reclamation Costs provided with this a licationform)OR you can de er to the Dg artment to calculate your bond for you based ypon your maps and standard reclamation costs: AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION CATEGORY ACREAGE COST/ACRE* COST Tailings/Sediment Ponds: 0 Ac. X $ 500 /Ac. _ $ 0 Stockpiles: 0 Ac. X $ 1800 /Ac. _ $ 0 Wastepiles: 0 Ac. X $ 2000 /Ac. _ $ 0 Processing Area/Haul Roads: 0.39 Ac. X $ 1800 /Ac. _ $ 702 Mine Excavation: 8.1 Ac. X $ 500 /Ac. w $ 4050 Other: 0 Ac. X $ 0 /Ac. _ $ 0 TOTAL AFFECTED AC.: 8.49 Ac. (TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: 8.49 Ac.) Temparary& Permanent Sedimentation&Erosion Control Measures: Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC. above into the following two categories: a) affected acres that drain into proposed/existing excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsite sedimentation and sedimentation to offite watercourses and wetlands. a) Internal Drainage 8.19 Ac. b) Positive Drainage 0 Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ 0 SUBTOTAL COST: $ 4,752.00 Inflation Factor: 0.02 X SUBTOTAL COST: $4,752 X Permit Life (1 to 10 years): 10 INFLATION COST: $ 950.40 TOTAL COST = SUBTOTAL COST+ INFLATION COST = $ 5,702.40 Total Reclamation Bond Cost: $ 5,700 (round down to the nearest$100.00) APPLICATION FOR A MININ(&RMIT • G. LAND ENTRY AGREEMENT We hereby grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right of entry and travel upon our lands or operation during regular business hours for the purpose of making necessary field inspections or investigations as may be reasonably required in the administration of the Mining Act of 1971 pursuant to G.S. 74-56. We further grant to the Department or its appointed representatives the right to make whatever entries on the land as may be reasonably necessary and to take whatever actions as may be reasonably necessary in order to carry out reclamation which the operator has failed to complete in the event a bond forfeiture is ordered pursuant to G.S. 74-59. LANDOWNER: APPLICANT: Signature:1 Signature:* V, k- tyw-'�� A.0-1 Print Name: Glen Norwood Williamson Print Name: Glen Norwood Williamson (Title, if applicable) Company }�1p� Title: (If applicable) Address: P.O_ Box 742 Company: Shallotte,NC 28459 Mine Name:��.n, S'�t31.6L �F "NE Telephone: (910 ) 4434874 Telephone: (910) 443-4874 Date Signed: 6-- 3 )i 1� Date Signed: *Signature must be the same as the individual who signed Page l of this application. One original and five (5) copies of the completed application,,six[6) copies of all location maps, mine maps and reclamation snaps,and the appropriate processing fee(see next page for fee schedule)in the form a check or money order payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources must be sent to the Land Ouality Section Central Office at the address listed on the front cover of this application form. Inquiries regarding the status of the review of this application should be directed to the Mining Program staff at(919)707- 9220. - 18- L�I!l Iiil!!tll�lB[l��i I klister A. CSee I oerLw+suick County. NC f2r of Deeds page of 3 arwids rr. Clevmens of neees 03 23.-MB 14:14:32.9E2 arurowick County, � Mc W'MX 5TMF:� M..000 (R474759) AA\.J" - PrB3B " - - 3 7tt� Rev Int Ck$ 0 _Ck#15M Cash$ Rethand Cash 3 Finance Opo&-=dd=mwaass due ranr.;11on a[al�el. J[rmv-nt=d*m sus wed hpa*W to sepodreed or c*4 NORTH CAROUNA GENERAL WARRANT(DEED Excise Tax 5250.00 Recorcft Time,Book and Page Tax Map No. Parcel Identifier No.1910001821;1810001808 Mail after recording to: This Instrument was prepared by;Hewett taw Firm,PLLC,632 Village Rd.,Suite 1,5hallotte,N.C. 28470 Delinquent taxes,if any;to be paid by the closing attorney to the Brunswick County Tax Co[ectac upon dnbu cement of do=g lax PREPARED WITHOUT OrMION OF TITLE THIS DEED made this 23 day of Mamh,2016 try and between GRANTOR Joseph W_ Cox and wife, Jenny V. Cox . 1707 Bent Tree Trail SW Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 . GRANTEE Glen Norwood Williamson, Jr. P.O. Box 742 Shallotte, NC 28459 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties,their heirs,successors,and assigns,and sha11 indude singular,plural,masculine,feminine or neuter as required by contw t WUNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby ac MoWledged.has and by these presents does gran;bargain,sell and convey urto the Grantee in fee simple,all that certain lot or parcel of land and more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated kerein by reference. arm O..t n..A au r.r �/17/znos alrtl9a.�OBIk 3 >w IR MTlW s9 No,c _� • M a UWE 11112 PLAT MMMM At NO QkMW A PAN na �t 11 0[d New Brtdtmt Road RJ7► UTuEnovm s nr>yro.t .fur S 1111'ti101t nIIAY N WO 33'1 4160f' .9T 10 ISn1L rr i I i v Y/Y IdLC`1' IIf P • B.T.sTAMV t 0s 100 PO 40 3 s i R 9nly iN I � Cox t Joe C�/..(i .37.15 ACt 9.110W TQ~Ip 0n....rY Cant%N.C. 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C / / l ZIr w O f RA<< p1-41v o i SYMBOL DATE DESCRIPTION BY REVISIONS Q 2016 NORRIS & TUNSTALL NORRIS & TUNSTALL OWNER: SITE PLAN tvO Ike Williamson FLINTSTONE #1 MINE (PERMIT # BRUNS 10-70) 'G° p9 ,ti CONSULTING ENGINEERS) P.C. P.O. Box 742 r�" � F �; Shallotte, NC 28459 OLD NEW BRITTON ROAD : ro ;z cn m ➢: 902 MARKET STREET 1429 ASH—LITTLE RIVER RD. NW WILMINGTON, NC 28401 ASH, NC 28420 443 4874 =cA .F9 co z CO PHONE (910) 343-9653 PHONE (910) 287-5900 SHALLOTTE, NC 28470 licence #C-3641 s� t r b \ \ N 7� Z vv -4 v-om ora � F - m co ys �coc �co � xo� xqc � r �oo �00 wOo� w0� w02 OSO 00 R v0X vom vmoz vox �EDt � � O m S m m m cNi x \ \ 0 ° c o to 00 0 ...► \ �\ p m p0m p � � O r- -' 00 Or 05 E 70C O� ,70,C0 F o F cos , ox wo �, vo vom vox pp ,' / \ mmy rmn ED.zv mm� rnm a ' a� E< 71 rn .Ni a �l ..► �► Q ovM rvn �z m �A M � � m� mpC ' mm� mm mm mm Zp g- o or � Orm o_ �co zqf o � X Ln ' , 1 , � p op.� o � A N m co w 0 CD CD o N �CnX CD .116 O) W % / / ..► / / j / �n vc� � c� z o� F � Az oFm �F �n cxom co 7z5F x5z 7z5 � �p�p � t(G S� � N8�-1 tD � mM (JI CCCX 00 O O OON OO IA --\ / r / m o �i w �'' co � o cmni � < DN CP x 9� m .�i to / If to If N ...► J o c � F GC'>F pp �*+ Ay \ i m w oo � m .t iv rm" N co v25F vy � - mm� rmi� r^� ^' w >m YN vw m m M E o 0 o ro , -- - - --- -- - --- - - N ox X o x ' gym = I v ' 5 / ' , m 1 N , O / , ' 1 PrJ \ .J Mo- •. 0 )Zt 3.L2.LO.ZO S 90 py — \ *•-- -0t i ° Stu 01 sW CD m " G)r- 0 o � a' m 0 0 N O O SYMBOL DATE DESCRIPTION BY rn o REVISIONS Q 2016 NORRIS & TUNSTALL "/ >"o NORRIS & TUNSTALL SITE PLAN A m OWNER: L CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. m M Ike Williamson P.O. Box 742 FLINTSTONE #1 MINE (PERMIT # BRUNS 10-70) N n= O> > _K) A ; o v O 902 MARKET STREET 1429 ASH—LITTLE RIVER RD. NW Shallotte, NC 28459 cP�mmq� o � p,' \ ca Z� WILMINGTON, NC 28401 ASH, NC 28420 443-4874 OLD NEW BRITTON ROAD PHONE (910) 343-9653 PHONE (910) 287-5900 I � '' rn licence #C-3641 SHALLOTTE, NC 28470 v i