HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230817_Release_10-45 ROY COOPER
Secretary V
Interim Director
Environmental Quality
August 15, 2023
Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested
7022 0410 0003 1130 8370
John Parker
1861 Holden Beach Road Sw
Supply, NC 28462
RE: Returning bond to insurance company and releasing site
F and R development mine
Mining permit#10-45
Brunswick County
Lumber River Basin
Dear Mr. Parker:
On June 2, 1998 you and your company posted the security to receive mining permit#10-45 to comply
with North Carolina General Statue§74-54.
Currently,the mining permit is expired for the F and R development mine, mining permit#10-45.
In March of 2023 staff members of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of
Energy, Mineral and Land Resources visited the site listed above and determined the site has been
adequately reclaimed.Therefore, your company is released from further reclamation responsibility for
this site with respect to the Mining Act of 1971,and no mining should be occurring on or occur at this
The State did not spend any money to reclaim this site. In accordance with North Carolina General
Statute§74-56(c), unused portions of the bond are to be returned to Travelers insurance Company.The
issuer of the bond. (Please see attached letter).
Please contact me at(919)707-9228 for any questions concerning the matters addressed in this letter.
David Miller, PE
State Mining Engineer
cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE,Wilmington Regional Engineer
,�cr+n D E Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources
512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 2 769 9-1612
°+�E"a^'�W �� 919.707.9200
Secretary qu
Interim Director NORTH CAROLINA
Environmental Quality
August 15,2023
Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested
7022 0410 0003 1130 8288
Travelers Bond &Specialty Insurance Claim
P.O. Box 2989
Hartford, CT 06104-2989
RE: Releasing and Returning Bond for the F& R Development Mine
Mining Permit#10-45
Brunswick County
Lumber River Basin
Dear Sir:
United States and Fidelity and Guaranty company(now Travelers) issued a bond on June 2, 1998 to
ensure obligations to cover reclamation requirements for the F& R Development, mining permit 10-45.
The bond was#41-0130-10864-98-5.
In March 2023 staff members of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of
Energy, Mineral and Land Resources visited the site listed above and determined the site has been
adequately reclaimed.
The State did not spend any money to reclaim this site. In accordance with North Carolina General
Statute§74-56(c), unused portions of the bond are to be returned to the issuer of the bond.The issuer
of this bond is Travelers insurance company.
For this reason, the bond#41-0130-10864-98-5 is being returned to Travelers insurance company.
Please see the attached bond.
Please contact me at(919)707-9228 for any questions concerning the matters addressed in this letter.
David Miller, PE
State Mining Engineer
cc: Mr. Dan Sams, PE, Wilmington Regional Engineer
DE Q'. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources
512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 2 76 9 9-1612
wTMr w
August 15, 2023
To :Toby Vinson-Section Chief, Program Operations-DEMLR.
From : David Miller,State Mining Engineer, prepared by Jacari Daye, State Mining Engineer.
Subject: Memorandum to file for safe.
Returned of bond for 10-45, F and R Development Mine, Brunswick County.
John Parker operated a mine in Brunswick County. Mr. Parker allowed this site's mining permit to expire
and failed to reclaim the site in the two years that is allowed by NC§74-53.
A site visits confirmed that the site is satisfactorily reclaimed at no cost to the state.
This site visit was conducted by Garrett Elmo, Environmental Specialist II, Wilmington.
The State did not spend any money to reclaim this site. In accordance with North Carolina General
Statute§74-56(c), unused portions of the bond are to be returned to the owner of the forfeited bond.
The issuer of this bond:
United States and Fidelity and Guaranty Bond#41-0130-19864-98-5 $7,300.00
company(now Travelers)
It is recommended this sit released and the security be returned to Travelers.
David Miller: n , Bate
Toby Vinson: Date
; %� �
C: To safe.
August 10,2023
Memorandum to File
From:Jacari Daye
Subject: 10-45
F& R Development
Brunswick county
Operator F&R Development INC.,John F. Parker Jr, Registered Agent
2019 Elk Road SW,Supply, NC, 28462
Site History
Initial Application- February 24,1998
Permit Issued-June 05, 1998
Permit expired-June 05, 2008
Bond amount of$7,300.00
Current Site Evaluation
This site was last inspected by Garrett Elmo on March 2, 2023
The permittee has not filed the release request form; however,the mine has suitable slopes and
groundcover for reclamation.
Permittee has not requested for mine to be released. Permittee is no longer owner of the land but is still
responsible for reclaiming the site.
Garret Elmo was consulted on July 14, 2023 to confirm that this site is releasable.
Photos taken on March 2, 2023
D_EQ�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources
512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1612
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