HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240729_PCN_Submittal 27107/2024, 14:22 AT&T Yahoo Mail-404 PCN Application Submittal-Toisnot Pit 404 PCN Application Submittal - Toisnot Pit From: laserriche@ncdenr.gov(laserfiche@ncdenr.gov) To: robin.maycock@gmail.com;e2s@bellsouth.net,tobacc@yahoo.com Date: Thursday,July 25,2024 at 08:26 PM EDT Your pre-construction notification application has been submitted to the Wilmington District US Army of Corp of Engineers. The time clock for the review process will begin on the first business day of the submittal or the next business day if submitted on a weekend or holiday. If this pre- construction notification was not submitted to the correct field office, the time clock will not start until the correct field office receives the application. If the application is incomplete a project manager will be contacting you to request more information. If you have any questions, or are experiencing any issues with the PCN online form, please contact Kristi Lynn Carpenter at KristiLynn.Carpenter@ncdenr.gov. This email was automatically generated by Laserfiche workflow. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses aren't monitored. Jlfi 2 S gpty 27/07/2024, 14:23 AT&T Yahoo Mail-401 PCN Application Submittal-Toisnot Pit 401 PCN Application Submittal - Toisnot Pit From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov (laserfiche@ncdenr.gov) To: e2s@bellsouth.net Date: Thursday,July 25, 2024 at 08:25 PM EDT Your pre-construction notification application has been submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Resources - 401 Buffer Permitting Branch. The time clock for the review process will not begin until after the initial review has been done and payment received. If the application is incomplete a project manager will be contacting you to request more information. If you have any questions, or are experiencing any issues with the PCN online form, please contact Kristi Lynn Carpenter at KristiLynn.Carpenter@deq.nc.gov. This email was automatically generated by Laserfiche workflow. Please do not respond to this email address, as responses aren't monitored. DPre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form.pdf 497.7kB MAL Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) December 4,2023 Ver 4.3 P/ease note:frebs marked with a mtl asterisk*below era required. You wNl rmf be able to submit the form until all mantlatory questions ere answered. Also,if at any paint you wish to print a copy of the E-PCN,all you need to do is right-click on the document and you can print a copyof the form. Below is a link to the online help hle. https:/ledom.deq.nc.govAVaterResources)DocVtiew.aspx?dbid=OSid=2190924 A. Processing Information If this Is a courtesy copy,please fill in this with the submission date. Does this project involve maintenance dredging funded by the Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging and Aquatic Weed Fund or Involve the distribution or transmission of energy or fuel,Including natural gas,diesel,Petroleum,or electricity?` Yes No Is this project connected with ARPA funding?' Yes No County(or Counties)where the project is located:' Wilson Is this a NCOMS Project` Yes No 0v va,wly WNW.$o me apglmnt adeogiunt. DO NOT CHECK YES,UNLESS YOU ARE Dills OR CO-APPLICANT. Is this project a public transportation project?` Yes No mh.>aor P.mldy raoam or m��swatauta o.xme.a n:�a.aaa,,.,r awon vas:vaurw=v,q.n. la.Type(s)of approval sought from the Corps:' Section 404 Permit(wetlands,streams and waters,Clean Water Act) Section 10 Permit(navigable waters,tidal waters,Rivers antl Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?' Yes No Is.What typ (s)of permit(s)do you wish to seek authorization?' Nationwide Permit(NWP) Regional General Pernit(RGP) Standard(IF) to.Has the NWP or GP number been varified by the Coma?` Yes No Nationwide Permit(NWP)Number. 44-Mining NWP Numbers Ifor multiple NWPS): testae Nw sun.la you ai avWr'=s kv oot on ina op c­ua. id.Types)of approval sought/rom the DWR:` area at wtavvN 401 Water Quality Certification-Regular 401 Water Quality Certification-Express NOn-404 Judsdidlonal General Permit Riparian Buffer Authorization Individual 401 Water Quality Certification 19.Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for KIM 401 Certification: Yes No For the record only for Corps Permit: Yes No 1t.Is this an after-the-fact Permit application?e Yes No 19.Is payment Into a mitigation bank or 1Mieu fee program proposed for miligatian of impacts? If so,a.un Y2 .....r Iran mnpa.caw IX inisu ly prw., YES No Acceptance Letter Attachment C6 re dcu.a Erzg en]nrpfib Ir[req..<n ECNmenl FILE TYPE MUST BE GOF th.Is the project located In any of NC's twenty coastal counties?s Yes No 11.Is the project located In a designated trout watershed?s Yes No Link to trout Information:http:IAw ..saw.usam.army.mIVMlssions/Regulatory-Pomlt,Progmm/Agency-CooMinatioNrrout.aspx B. Applicant Information 1a.Who Is the Primary Contact?e T Paldck Shillington,PE 1c.Primary Contact Phone:[ 1b.Primary Contact Email: n—W.-v..+ e2s@belisoulh net (919)53941582 Id.Who is applying for the permit?� Owner Applicant(other than owner) (Gerka rM1.1,Y) Is.Is there an AgentlConsultant for his project? Yes No 2.Owner Information 2a.Name(s)on recorded deed:* Toisnot Preserve,LLC 2b.Deed book and page no.: 2877/243 2c,Contact Person: iW Cagoamml Robert Brown 2d.Address sn[er Aeerea 3204 Nash St North Am oeue2 Suite C Dry But.I Pminm I Regal Wilson NC Pmallza W. Caemy 27896 USA 2e.Telephone Number.." (252)230-0348 21.Fax Number 2g.Email Address:' tobacc@yahoo.mm 3.Applicant Information(if different from owner) 3a.Name:* T.Patrick Shillington,PE 3b.Business Name: (4epaainse) Engineering and Environmental Suences Company(E2S) X Address` $wet Mdme 3008 Anderson 0nve Mr..t.2 Suite 102 spy Slate/Pm-.+nrq IRry n Raleigh NC Pwul/npc Cpeppy 27609 USA 3d.Telephone Number;* (919)781-7798 3e.Fax Number. It Email Address:` e2sCbellsouth.net 4.Agent/Consultant(if applicable) 4a.Name:` Robin Maycock Perez 4b,Business Name: (seppm.) Maycotl Environmental 4.Address` $neat Md. 2415 Adams Fan Court .,.t na 2 C., $tale I PV,xi l Rapbn Snow Camp NC POBUI12ip CMa pynm. 27349 USA M.Telephone Number.* (919)418-7645 4e.Fax Number. pra) -..e. Pnh++em 4E Email Address:` robin may.&Cgmall com C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1.Project Information 1a.Name of project:` Toisnot Pit ib.Subdlxision name: (ilapyOpnal6l 1a Nearest municipality 7 town:` Stantonsburg 2.Project Identification 2a.Property IdenONcation Number. 2b Property size: M.PIN srarcel l0) ..u. 3657770648 729.86 2c.Project Address $,eel MMo x. 7604 Sand Pit Road M4matM2 NC Highway In CaY Sute/PmNroel Regbn Stantonsburg NC PvaetlLp Cade Country 27883 USA 2d. Site coordinates in decimal degrees Please collect site coordinates in decimal degrees.Use between"digits(unless you are using a survey made GPS device)after the decimal place as appropriate,based on how the location was determined. (For example,most mobile phones wiih CPS provide kcalional precision in decimal degrees to map uwtdinates to 5 or 6 digits after the decimal place.) Latitude:` Longitude:` 35,6103 -77.8006 3.Surface Waters 3a.Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:` unnamed tributary to Contentnea Creek 3b.Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:` C;SW,NSW Surface Water Lookup 3c. What river basin(s)is your project located In?' Neuse 3d.Please provide the 12dlgit HUC In which the project Is located.' 03020203000096 River Basin Lookup 4. Project Description and History 4a.Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use In the vicinity of the project at the tlme of this application:' Existing conditions:logged/clearest upland areas,some wooded areas used for hunting,active mining.Road improvements. General land use:rural residernallagricultural 4b.Have Corps permits or DM certifications been obtained for this project(Including all prior phases)In the past?' Yes No Unknown 4f.List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 398 acres 4g.List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: (muemient and ommNal) 3516 linear feet 4h.Explain the purpose of fine proposed project:` Expand mining permit to extract sand,gravel and fill dirt 41.Describe the overall project In detail,Including Indirect Impacts and the type of equipment to be used:` Existing logging roads to be used and one crossing expanded for mining equipment.Typical consiruction equipment to be used-excavators,bulldozers,and dump mucks to improve crossing and mine sand,gravel and rill din from upland areas.Impacts to wetlands and streams were avoided and minimized during previous logging and will be avoided and minimized with 50 it buffers during mining operation. 5.Jurisdictional Determinations Sa.Have the wetlands or streams been dell heated on the property or proposed Impact areas?' Yes No Unknown Comments: Data forms to be provided 5b.If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination,what type of determination was matle?' Preliminary Approved Nat Venfied Unknown N/A Corps AID Number: Eaami:W S.M7.99999 Se.If Be is yes,who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name(if known): Robin Maycock Perez AgencylConsultant Company: Maycock Environmental Other: 6. Future Project Plans 6a.Is this a phased project?' Yes No Are any other NWP(s),regional general pennit(s),or individual permits(s)used,or intended to be used,to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity?This Includes other separate and distant crossing for linear projects that require Department of the Army authorization but don't require pre-construction notification. D. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1a.Where are the Impacts associated with your project?(check all Nat apply): Wetlands Sbeams-fnbutades Buffers Open Waters Pond Construction 2.Wetland Impacts If there are wetland Impacts proposed on the site,then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. "W."will be used in the table below to represent the word"wetland". 2a.Site#"PI gal Reason m 2b.lmpect type Ivl 2c.Type of W. tl.W.name 2a.Forested" 2f.Type of Jurisdicition"�2g.Impact 11I W-59 AccessroatlP 59 Ves Both 0.08811 2g.Total Temporary Wetland Impact 0.000 2g.Total Permanent Wetland Impact 0,081 29.Total Wetland Impact 0.081 21.Commence: 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream Impacts(Including temporary impacts)proposed on the site,then complete this question for all stream sites impacted. "S."will be used in the table below to represent the word"stream". ❑3a.Reason for Impact"1vl 3b.lmpact type" 3c.Type of Impact" 3d.S.name" 3e.Stream Typa" 3f.TyPe of 3h.Impact et Judedlallon length* $1 Access road Permanent Culvert UT la Toisnol Swamp Iniermitrent DWR 20 Arr,eaa lhell IMsar fsul 52 Aaess road Pertnanenl Culvert UTto Tonmot Swamp Inlermitlem DWR 20 � Arsaae IIeM1 0.e ml S3 Access road Permanent Culven UT to Tuagm Swamp Intertnident DWR 20 Averaya line (Mw-fenl All Perennial or Intermittent streams must be verified by DWR or delegated local government. 31.Total jurisdictional ditch Impact in square feet: 0 3i.Total permanent stream Impacts: 188 31.Total temporary stream Impacts: 0 31.Total stream and ditch Impacts: 188 31.Comments: after the fact permit from prevlous logging and mining activity. 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWR) If project will Impact a protected riparian buffer,then complete the chart below.Individually list all buffer impacts below. 6a.Project is in which protect bacin(s)?` Crux a due annfi'. Neuse Tar-Pamkco Catawba Randleman Goose Creek Jordan lake Mar Bb.Impact Type*(�I Be.Peror Temp`('? 6d,Stream name` fie.Buffermitigation required?` 8f.2oneilmpact` Bg.2one 21mpaet` Si �UT to Toisnot Swamp No —.._�1,200 800 I««reree0 04.las0 UT to Toisnot Swamp No 1.200 800 I+awror«rl Irauaro r«n S4 UT toToisnot Swamp No 1.200 800 ' Iwuxer«p taWrre twit 6h. Total buffer impacts: Zone 1 Zone 2 Total Temporary Impacts: 0.00 0.00 Zone 1 Zone 2 Tolal Permanent impacts: 3,600.00 2,400.00 Zone 1 Zone 2 Total combined buffer Impacts: 3,600.00 2,400.00 61.Comments: marginally intermittent streams,after the fact authorization needed,previous rnndilion unknown E. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization Ia.Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed Impacts In designing the project:` Previous logging avoided most of the wegands.Stream crossings on intenmtlenuephemeral streams only.Mining footprint in upland areas for sand, gravel and soil.One crossing required for access. 1b.Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques:` Stormwater basins dug first,then runoff routed to basins.All wetland and nourish areas buffered with no mining in buffers. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S.or Waters of the State 2a.Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S.or Waters of the State? yes No 2b.If this project DOES NOT require Compensatory Mitigation,explain why: Proposed impacts are under the 0,1 acre threshold. NC Stream Temperature Classification Maps can be found under the Mitigation Concepts tab on the Wilmington District's RIBfrS websile. F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) •'Recent changes to the stomnvater rules have required updates to this section.••' 1. Diffuse Flow Plan fa.Does the project include or Is It adjacent to protected riparian buffers Identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? Yes No lb.All buffer Impacts and high ground Impacts require diffuse now or other forth of stormwater treatment. If the project is subject to a state Implemented riparian buffer protection program, include a plan that fully documents how diffuse now will be maintained. All Stormwater Control Measures(SCM)s Most be designed in accordance with the NC Stormwater Design Manual. Associated supplement forms and other documentation shall be provided. What type of SCM are you providing? Level Spreader Vegetated Conveyance(lower SH WT) Wetland Swale(higher SHWT) Other SCM Nat removes minimum 30%nitrogen Proposed project will not create concentrated stomnvaler flow through the buffer (Nea an Nai.,n) For a list of options to meet the diffuse flow requirements,click here. 2.Stormwater Management Plan 2a.Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS0002w?' Yes No 2b.Dues this project meet the requirements for low density projects as darned in 15A NCAC 02H.11103(2)?' Yes No To look up low density requirement click here 15A NCAC 02H.1003(2), Comments: G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a.Does the project Involve an expenditure of public(federallstate0ocal)funds or the use of public(federallstate)land?' Yes No 2. Violations (DWR Requirement) 2a.Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certfflcelion Rules(I SA NCAC 2H.0500),Isolated Wetland Rules(15A NCAC 2H.13001,or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules(I SA NCAC 28.0200)?' Yes No 2b.If you answered"yes"to the above question,provide an explanation of the violation(.): 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWR Requirement) 3a.Will this project(based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts)result in additional development,which could Impact nearby downstream water quality?' Yes No 3b.If you answered"no,"provide a short narrative description. Mining impacts will create open water areas and be allowed to revegetwe for hunting and recreational use.No additional development is amidpated. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) as.Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?' Yes No N/A 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat(Corps Requirement) Sa.Will this project occur In or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?' Yes No 5b.Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act Impacts?' Yes No So.Is another Federal agency involved?' Yes No Unknown Se.Is this a DOT project located within Division's"?' Yes No 5f.Will you cut any bases in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S.?' Yes No 5g.Does this project Involve bridge maintenance or removal?' Yes No Link to Me NLEB SLOPES document http://saw+,.u...army.miIMLEWI1 -17signed NLEBSLOPESSapps.pdf Sh.Does this project Involve the consbuctlonfinstallation of a wind turbines)?-` Yes No 51.Does this project Involve(1)blasting,and/or(2)other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines,such as jackhammers,mechanized pile drivers,etc.` Yes No 5j.What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat?` Limited habitat remains in logged areas.Impacts to wetlands,riparian areas and stmams have been avoided and minimized. 6. Essential Fish Habitat(Corps Requirement) 6a.Will this project occur In or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?` Yes No 6b.What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would Impact an Essential Fish Habitat?` NOAA EFH Mapper 7.Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) Link to the State Historic Preservation Office Historic Properties Map(does not include archaeological data: DtpY/gis n govRloowebl ?a.Oil this project occur In or near an area that the state,federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status(e.g.,National Historic Trust designation or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)?` Yes No 7b.What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?` SHPO GIS map,ncmaps.arogis.com 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) Link to the FEMA Floodplain Maps: https:/Imw.fema.gov/po l/search 8a.Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?' Yes No 8b.If yes,explain how project meets FEMA requirements: Mining upland areas and creating more open watedstorage areas. 8c.What source(s)did you use to make the floodplzin determination?' FEMA Firmatle https:llmsc fema.govlportaVsearch Miscellaneous Comments Please use the space below to attach all required documentation or any additional information you feel Is helpful for application review.Documents should be combined into one file when possible,with a Cover Letter,Table of Contents,and a Cover Sheet for each Section preferred. Glck as upload Ouaon p Ed,eM J.aka sere b a..eo,or Toisnot-wilson ce(2).pdr 597.66KB Figure 1 Vicinity Map-toariat p.pdf 1 AMS Figure 2-USDA Soil Survey Tois.pdf 1.33MB Figure 3 fema map-tolsnot pit.pdf 3.71 MB Cover Letter Taisnod Pit 7-25S24.pdf 34.84KB Welland Inventory(Wilson County)(1).pdf IAMB agent auNorizatlon-talsooLpdf 26.63KB 1.1,come,t of�vez Signature By checking the box and slgning below,I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all Information contained herein is true,accurate,and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief:and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying aulhodty review and lake action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true,accurate,and complete information on this form: • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a-transaction'subject to Chapter 66.Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the'Uniform Electronic Transactions Acf), • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66,Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the"Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"h • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same my as a written signature:AND • I intend to eaclmnically sign and submit the PCN fond. Full Name:' Thomas Patrick Shillington,PE Signature ���rllmEt$hY/:qbw Date 7/25/2024