HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240709_Bat Survey Report_20230710 A Study Plan Prepared for: r� L EFIFiEL DH Kleinfelder, Inc. SURVEY REPORT FOR A SUMMER MIST NET SURVEY FOR THE PROPOSED FEDERALLY ENDANGERED TRICOLORED BAT FOR PROPOSED FUTURE TREE CLEARING AT THE VULCAN MATERIALS COMPANY ROCKINGHAM QUARRY IN RICHMOND COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. Prepared by: Chance Osborne 64�' encorno Encarna, LLC. July 10, 2023 (14 encorno TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................1 2 METHODS..............................................................................................................2 3 RESULTS...............................................................................................................4 3.1 Mist Net Survey...................................................................................................4 3.2 Radio-Telemetry..................................................................................................4 3.3 Culvert Surveys...................................................................................................4 4 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................5 5 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................6 APPENDICES APPENDIX A: Project Mapping — Figure 1: Project Location Map; Figure 2: Mist Net Site Locations Overview Map; Figure 3: MS-1 Mist Net Locations Map; Figure 4: MS-2 Mist Net Locations Map; Figure 5: MS-3 Mist Net Locations Map APPENDIX B: Completed Mist Net Survey Datasheets APPENDIX C: Mist Net Site and Representative Bat Species Photographs APPENDIX D: Agency Concurrence of Study Plan and Site-Specific Authorization Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com i (14 encorno 1 INTRODUCTION Vulcan Materials Company (VMC) operates aggregate mining facilities throughout the state of North Carolina. VMC is proposing to conduct tree clearing activities of potentially suitable forested habitat for threatened and/or endangered bat species for proposed future mining expansion activities. The project, referred to as VMC Rockingham Quarry Future Tree Clearing Project (Project), is located in Richmond County, North Carolina (approximate Project midpoint at Latitude: 39.934381°, Longitude: -79.816477°). The Project was reviewed using the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Information for Planning and Consultation (IPaC). Based upon the information obtained from the IPaC, it was determined that the Project may provide suitable summer habitat for the tricolored bat(Perimyotis subflavus; TCB). Per the USFWS"2023 Range-Wide Indiana Bat& Northern Long- Eared Bat Survey Guidelines", the 2023 protocols may be used for TCB presence/probable absence surveys when using the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis; NLEB) level of effort for the 2023 field season (USFWS 2023). The proposed Project will result in the removal of approximately 122.4 acres of suitable forested habitat for Threatened and Endangered bat species (Appendix A, Figures 1 & 2). Kleinfelder, Inc. (KLF) contracted Encarna, LLC. (Encarna) on behalf of VMC to conduct a summer mist net survey to determine if the proposed federally endangered TCB is present within the Project area during the summer maternity season. The following survey report details the findings of the approved USFWS Eastern North Carolina Ecological Services Field Office (NC USFWS) study plan for a summer mist net survey that was conducted between June 27 — June 29, 2023. The Project is located on the Rockingham 7.5-Minutes U.S. Geological Survey topographic quadrangle near Rockingham, North Carolina (Appendix A, Figure 1). Agency concurrence and site-specific authorization of the proposed study plan can be found in Appendix D. A copy of the IPaC report and the approved USFWS study plan are available upon request. Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com Page11 encorno 2 METHODS To address the presence/probable absence of the TCB within the Project area during the summer maternity season, Encarna conducted a summer mist net survey pursuant to the USFWS 2023 Indiana Bat& Northern Long-Eared Bat Summer Survey Guidelines (USFWS 2023) from June 27 — June 29, 2023. Based upon those guidelines, the 2023 protocols may be used for TCB presence/probable absence surveys when using the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis; NLEB) level of effort for the 2023 field season. Non-linear projects in the seasonal range of the NLEB require a minimum level of effort of 10 net nights per 123 acres of suitable forested habitat to determine the presence/probable absence of the NLEB and the TCB (USFWS 2023). A net night is defined as the operation of one net set for one calendar night. To satisfy the required level of effort when targeting the TCB, the completed mist net survey had an effort of four net nights for one calendar night at one site location, three net nights at a second site location for one calendar night, and three net nights at a third site location for one calendar night throughout the proposed tree clearing areas, which resulted in a total level of effort of 10 net nights. Mist net site locations are depicted on Figures 2 — 5 in Appendix A. Final mist net locations were determined by a USFWS approved bat biologist that possessed a current USFWS Native Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Permit (Permit Number: ES6277813-2) and were primarily based on the extent of canopy cover, overhanging branches, and potential flight corridors available within the Project area. Upon further investigation, it was found that few forested corridors were available to survey within the Project area. The forested corridors that were present within the Project area provided excellent side cover and moderate canopy cover. The forested communities within the Project area were comprised of loblolly pine plantations, mixed hardwood-pine forests, and new growth areas primarily dominated by saplings. Species composition within these communities consisted of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), sweetgum (Liquidambarstyraciflua), tulip poplar(Liriodendron tulipifera), water oak (Quercus nigra), white oak (Quercus alba), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), red maple (Acer rubrum), flowering dogwood (Cornus florida), American holly (Ilex opaca), blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica), and sassafras (Sassafras albidum). Mist nets were deployed in areas with the highest probability of capturing foraging bats. Individual mist net locations were recorded using a Trimble R1 Sub-Meter Accurate Global Positioning System and were designated a unique name for reporting purposes. Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com Page 12 (14 encorr iu Mist net surveys began at dusk and continued for a minimum of five hours. Each mist net was monitored for captured bats approximately every 10 minutes. These survey efforts were conducted during suitable weather conditions as outlined in the USFWS 2023 Indiana Bat& Northern Long-Eared Bat Summer Survey Guidelines (USFWS 2023). Upon each capture, bats were identified to the species level based upon distinctive morphological characteristics (e.g. body size, hair color and texture, presence/absence of a keeled calcar, ear length and tragus shape), data was collected, and each bat was released unharmed near the point of capture. The following data parameters were recorded for each individual that was captured: age, sex, reproductive condition, body mass (grams), right forearm length (RFA), White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) wing damage index score, time of capture, capture location and capture status (new or re-capture). To prevent cross-contamination of captured bats with Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the fungus that causes WNS, Encarna followed the most recent USFWS WNS decontamination protocols during all survey efforts (USFWS 2016). Additionally, to mitigate the risk of transmittal of SARS-CoV-2 to bats and vice versa, Encarna followed the United States Geological Survey:Assessing the Risks Posed by SARS-CoV-2 in and via North American Bats — Decision Framing and Rapid Risk Assessment (USGS 2020) and the International Union for Conservation and Nature Species Survival Commission Bat Specialist Group: Recommended Strategy for Researchers to Reduce the Risk of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from Humas to Bats (IUCN 2021). Additionally, as a condition of site-specific authorization from NC USFWS, it was requested for Encarna to conduct surveys on any culverts that were present within the Project area that were greater than or equal to 36" in diameter to determine if NLEB and/or TCB were using these structures. After discussions with VMC personnel, it was determined that no culverts meeting those requirements were present on-site. Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com Page 13 encorno 3 RESULTS 3.1 Mist Net Survey A mist net survey was completed at three site locations from June 27 — June 29, 2023, with a total level of effort of 10 net nights. A total of two bats comprised of one species were captured within the Project area: • 2 big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus, 100% of total captures) A summary of all species captured during the survey efforts is provided in Table 1. Detailed site-specific information and site diagrams can be found within the Mist Net Survey Datasheets in Appendix B. Site photographs and representative photographs for each species captured can be found in Appendix C. Table 1. Bats captured during the 2023 summer maternity season within the Project area. Adult Female, Juvenile2 Male3 Species Total P L PL NR F M TD NR big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 (P) pregnant; (L) lactating; (PL) post-lactating; (NR) non-reproductive 2(F) female; (M) male 3(TD) testes-descended; (NR) non-reproductive 3.2 Radio-Telemetry No threatened or endangered bat species were captured during the survey efforts, therefore, no radio- telemetry was performed. 3.3 Culvert Surveys No culverts were present on-site that met the requested size parameter of 36" in diameter, therefore, no culvert surveys were performed. Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com Page14 encorno 4 SUMMARY VMC operates aggregate mining facilities throughout the state of North Carolina and is proposing to conduct tree clearing activities for future mining expansion activities at the VMC Rockingham Quarry in Richmond County, North Carolina. The Project will result in the removal of approximately 122.4 acres of suitable forested habitat for bats. A summer mist net survey was conducted with the appropriate level of effort and under the appropriate conditions to investigate the presence/probable absence of threatened and endangered bat species within the Project area. Two big brown bats were captured during the survey efforts. The results of this survey indicate that the Project will not likely adversely affect threatened and endangered bat species populations within the Project area. On behalf of VMC, Encarna would like to request concurrence that the Project will not adversely affect threatened or endangered bat species and that VMC can remove the proposed 122.4 acres of suitable forested habitat outside of the seasonal tree clearing window (November 15 — March 31). Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com Page 15 (14 encorno 5 REFERENCES U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2023. 2023 Range-Wide Indiana Bat Summer Survey Guidelines (March 2023). USFWS Endangered Species Program: Midwest Region. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2016. 2016 National White-Nose Syndrome Decontamination Protocol —Version 4.12.2016. Runge, M.C., Grant, E.H.C., Coleman, J.T.H., Reichard, J.D., Gibbs, S.E.J., Cryan, P.M., Olival, K.J., Walsh, D.P., Blehert, D.S., Hopkins, M.C., and Sleeman, J.M., 2020, Assessing the risks posed by SARS-CoV- 2 in and via North American bats—Decision framing and rapid risk assessment: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020-1060, 43 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr2O2OlO6O. Kingston, Tigga, et al. "IUCN SSC Bat Specialist Group (BSG) Recommended Strategy for Researchers to Reduce the Risk of Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from Humans to Bats." IUCN SSC Bat Specialist Group (BSG), International Union for Conservation of Nature, July 2021, https://www.iucnbsg.org/uploads/6/5/0/9/6509077/amp_recommendations_for researchers final.pdf. Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com Page 16 encorno APPENDIX A: PROJECT MAPPING Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com P VNlcn d f on Rd R m 8 % $ 6r a 16O I",Rd c 3 d. o- V ,t,Rd t � FyatltG� � C. 0. F 4 sttix _ �Rp � � a nrr4tOs Qp N erelfs � L •rtlry 51 4?p, '�0y'%inp agP W yy M�•L are a �n5t VS.T S h s r'L x st ,pf 9' S wy r wry'w 4�5 H ram, r � a� '5.7 WWI "v � i 01 e RJR Vy arwuAg a, Rp a �Ol � ' }FJD4' rate;• � a 3 P on p N {8 9y�enFaRs ftd a ! ❑ 04pAve Q rip 1i q t y $ W ,S-7s-,R E ly �% y a 4r Y _? 5 G - Schpw o] � esrg, Myr Rd A N vOp ,; L1 Awe 6ranCn Rd C` US-74 E US — �. d'b r' of r ,e¢9 Avg a ' n y yJ` � rR Mrppn�ld - L�daya 1s� Po- 5 rs \ \♦ ��r�`S Rd Ro�x�P�� .. Rvs�tYn Rd sa ya'"`5x a i'to"rrd `Po %Ra C. va� arc•°` X 4. ry gncads MIU R6 a Pow° ryC Rd ti 1 P'sid 'Pry rcLL t � o,�r p ] ry '.•Q And Service Layer Credits:Esri,DigitalGlobe,GeoEye,Earthstar Geographies,CNES/Airbus US, USDA,USGS,A—Grid,IGN,and the GIS User Community, 1Rd 0 2,300 4,600 9,200 PROJECT NO. 2023.005 FIGURE Feet Legend DRAWN: 05/16/2023 Project Location Map The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. Encorna,LLC. makes no DRAWN BY: CTO representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness, timeliness,or rights to the use of such information.This document is not intended FILE NAME: See File Path for use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction ^ r �'`� �y Vulcan Materials Company design document.The use or misuse e the information contained on this graphic r l ( , 1 Mine Permit Boundary (±1,262.11 Acres) representation is at the sole risk of the part'using or misusing the information. I I yl I I I VMC-Rockingham Quary Future Tree Removal Project Richmond County,North Carolina www.encarnaenv.com 1 tip• .� ~ {rt r - 4 MS-3 � y Ln S,i f. .. *PAt XCL r Y MS-2 MS-1 Jl .�, .�. .- All J fl t f- + _ Service Layer Credits:Esri,DigitalGlobe,GeoEye,Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus US, USDA,USGS,AeroGrid,IGN,and the GIS User Community, 0 650 1,300 2,600 PROJECT NO. 2023.005 FIGURE Legend Feet Mist Net Site DRAWN: 07/03/2023 to Locations Overview Map to The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a toMine Permit Boundary (±1,262.11 Acres) varietyo(sources and is subject to change without notice. Encama,LLC. makes no DRAWN BY: CTO t representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness, i timeliness,or rights to the use of such information.This document is not intended FILE NAME: See File Path Proposed Tree Removal Areas (±122.36 Acres) (or use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction encorno Vulcan Materials Company to design document.The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic VMC-Rockingham Quary Future Tree Removal Project � representationis at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. O Mist Net Locations ri Richmond County, Carolina 6 www.encarnaenv.com ti ) .r' NetB As m ., �: •, Net C � � .,- 0 E Net D �a,. .`• fir -�;�;_ tea. _. _ - - • - o F ri r- O +,1 N N o -r Y ♦p -' � in ' •• '' - - Service Layer Credits:Esri,DigitalGlobe,GeoEye,Earthstar Geographics,CNES/Airbus DS. a'�.• d�� USDA,USGS,..Grid,IGN,and the GIS User Community. 0 0 125 250 500 PROJECT NO. 2023.005 FIGURE Legend Feet MS-1 Mist Net p DRAWN: 07/03/2023 to The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a Locations Map to Mine Permit Boundary (±1,262.11 Acres) varietyo(sourcesandissubecttochangewithoutnotice. Encarna,LLC. makes no DRAWN BY: CTO t representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness, i timeliness,or rights to the use of such information.This document is not intended FILE NAME: See File Path Proposed Tree Removal Areas (±122.36 Acres) (or use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction en rVulcan Materials Company tn design document.The use or misuse of theinformation contained on this graphic VMC-Rockingham Quary Future Tree Removal Project � representationis at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. O Mist Net Locations ri Richmond Coun ,North Carolina 6 www.encarnaenv.com v o x r t � a WCL Mul Z 1�W _. m Net A C) • F. k{A • 7,. . w c fill 04 ,mow ��_ •V 7'q 3 .. t � - r � AA .l'}-� — �� jai - w� �... �� .7'. �_ � — � �•�. � ix a r � •�� y '� , '� I .� � Y yam, 1• It [' 1 - \. •mil `_ rr ` Service La er Credits:Esri,Di Ital Globe,G-E e,Earthstar Geo a h—CNFS%Airbus DS. Y 9r P USGS,AeroGrid,IGN,and the GIS User Community. 0 125 250 500 PROJECT NO. 2023.005 FIGURE Legend Feet MS-2 Mist Net p DRAWN: 07/03/2023 r ,U The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a Locations Map (4 Mine Permit Boundary (±1,262.11 Acres) vanetyo(sources and is subject to change without notice. Encarns,LLC. makes no DRAWN BY: CTO A L representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness, t F i timeliness,or rights to the use of such information.This document is not intended FILE NAME: See File Path Proposed Tree Removal Areas (±122.36 Acres) fare as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction encorno Vulcan Materials Company design document.The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic VMC-Rockingham Quary Future Tree Removal Project representation is at the sole ask of the party using or misusing the information. O Mist Net Locations Richmond County,North Carolina �j www.encarnaenv.com x X E Lrai Forested areas surrounding proposed tree clearing activities . on both sides of Lassiter Rd. have previously been clear cut. Potential flight corridors previously observed on the available aerial imagery were no longer available to survey. Net C ,,.. Net A L) U - > N N a fi t Z t + ; U �� �f•-� t C Service Layer Credits:Esri,DI italGlobe,GeoE e,Earthstar Ge,,r ra)hits.CV FSiAlrhus DS. - ry�� r 7. y� Y 9 Y -7.t � � � �� + USDA,USGS,AeroGrid,IGN,and the GIS User Community, CD 6 0 125 250 500 PROJECT NO. 2023.005 FIGURE Legend Feet MS-3 Mist Net DRAWN: 07/03/2023 ° Locations Map to The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a Mine Permit Boundary (±1,262.11 Acres) va etyo(sourcesandissubecttochangewithoutnotice. Encarna,LLC. makes no DRAWN BY: CTO C t representations or warranties,express or implied,as to accuracy,completeness, J i timeliness,or rights to the use of such information.This document is not intended FILE NAME: See File Path Proposed Tree Removal Areas (±122.36 Acres) (or use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction en r Richmond Coun Vulcan Materials Company tn design document.The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic VMC-Rockingham Quary Future Tree Removal Project � representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. O Mist Net Locations ri ,North Carolina 6 www.encarnaenv.com encorno APPENDIX B: COMPLETED MIST NET SURVEY DATASHEETS Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com Bat Capture Datasheet Site No:MS-1 Project No.:2023.005 Company:Vulcan Materials Company Project Name:VMC Rockingham Bat Survey Date:27 June 2023 Location:Forested Corridor in NE Section of Permit Boundary Pipeline Segment: KM Block No. JApprox.Mile Post: County:Richmond State:North Carolina Surveyor(s):Chance Osborne,Adam Hevia Lat/Long N 34.929153 W-79.803100 Quad: Rockingham Tract No.: Repro. Mass Wing Guano/ Net Net Moon Phase: # Time Species Age Sex Cond** RFA(MM) (g) Score* Band No. Hair Name Height Photo Waxing Gibbous-67.0% 1 23:57 Eptesicus fuscus A M NR 46.1 17.0 0 - A 2.5m EPFU Rise Set 2 00:07 Eptesicus fuscus A M NR 43.8 15.75 0 C 2m Moon 14:55 01:55 3 Sun 06:08 20:38 4 5 Time Temp Sky Wind #Bats 6 20:38 78 2 1 0 7 21:38 75 2 1 0 8 22:38 72 2 1 0 9 23:38 71 2 1 1 10 00:38 1 70 1 2 1 1 1 1 11 01:38 1 68 2 1 1 0 12 13 Sky Code 14 0 Clear 15 1 Few Clouds 16 2 Partly Cloudy 17 3 Cloudy or Overcast 18 4 Smoke or Fog 19 5 Drizzle or Light Rain 20 6 Thunderstorm 21 22 Beauford Wind Code 23 0 Calm(0 mph) 24 1 Light Wind(1.3 mph) 25 2 Light Breeze(4-7 mph) 26 3 Gentle Breeze(8.12 mph) 27 4 Moderate Breeze(93.18 mph) 28 29 Acoustic Unit Serial No: *Wing Score:(0)No Damage;(1)Light Damage(<50%);(2)Moderate Damage(>50%);(3)Heavy Damage-deteriorated wing membrane with isolated holes Repro.Cond(Reproductive Condition):(P)Pregnant;(L)Lactating;(PL)Post-lactating;(NR)Non-reproductive;(TD)Testes descended Lat:N Long:W e n co I n o Bat Capture Datasheet Net Site Diagram Dominant Vegetation N ` 1 Pinus taeda i 2 Liquidambar styraciflua r r ( 1 I 3 Acer rubrum /1 �, I l 4 Quercus nigra ( (Net A 5 Quercus alba 1 f - % ( ,� Other Species: Net B / Corpus florida 1 / Net Site(s) by Habitat Habitat A B C D River l Stream Net C / \ Pond J Road Rut i� Corridor X X X X _ Cave/Mine Total JNo.of Nets X Net Height X Net Width Total Area A 2 X 2.6 X 4 20.8 Net D B 2 X 2.6 X 9 46.8 C 2 X 2.6 X 6 31.2 l lI D 12. 1 X 2.6 X 6 131.2 Comments: Net site is located along a forested corridor on the northeast side of the proposed tree clearing area. Good side cover and moderate canopy cover are present along corridor. Forest consists of mixed pine-hardwood stand. Few PRT's are present along corridor. Net A: 34.929153, -79.803100; Net B: 34.928904, -79.803002 Net C: 34.928471, -79.803069; Net D: 34.928064, -79.802968 encorno Bat Capture Datasheet Site No:MS-2 Project No.:2023.005 Company:Vulcan Materials Company Project Name:VMC Rockingham Bat Survey Date:28 June 2023 Location:Forested Corridor in North-Central Section of Permit Boundary Pipeline Segment: KM Block No. JApprox.Mile Post: County:Richmond State:North Carolina Surveyor(s):Chance Osborne,Adam Hevia Lat/Long N 34.937985 W-79.814674 Quad: Rockingham Tract No.: Repro. Mass Wing Guano/ Net Net Moon Phase: # Time Species Age Sex Cond** RFA(MM) (g) Score* Band No. Hair Name Height Photo Waxing Gibbous-76.1% 1 Rise Set 2 Moon 15:58 02:15 3 Sun 06:09 20:38 4 5 Time Temp Sky Wind #Bats 6 20:38 77 1 1 0 7 1 1 1 1 1 21:38 73 1 1 0 8 1 22:38 71 1 1 0 9 23:38 69 1 1 0 10 00:38 1 68 1 1 1 1 0 11 01:38 1 68 1 2 1 1 0 12 13 Sky Code 14 0 Clear 15 1 Few Clouds 16 2 Partly Cloudy 17 3 Cloudy or Overcast 18 4 Smoke or Fog 19 5 j Drizzle or Light Rain 20 6 IThunderstorm 21 22 Beauford Wind Code 23 0 Calm(0 mph) 24 1 Light Wind(1.3 mph) 25 2 Light Breeze(4-7 mph) 26 3 Gentle Breeze(8.12 mph) 27 4 Moderate Breeze(13.18 mph) 28 29 1 1 1 1 1 Acoustic Unit Serial No: *Wing Score:(0)No Damage;(1)Light Damage(<50%);(2)Moderate Damage(>50%);(3)Heavy Damage-deteriorated wing membrane with isolated holes Repro.Cond(Reproductive Condition):(P)Pregnant;(L)Lactating;(PL)Post-lactating;(NR)Non-reproductive;(TD)Testes descended Lat:N Long:W e n co I n o Bat Capture Datasheet Net Site Diagram Dominant Vegetation NI 1 Acer saccharum 1 2 Liriodendron tulipifera /f I 3 Acer rubrum 1 4 Liquidambar styraciflua Net C \ 5 1 Quercus alba Other Species: l Pinus taeda / \ Ilex opaca Net B Corpus florida \ Net Site(s) by Habitat Habitat A B C D River r Stream / ( Pond \ Road Rut Small Dried Up Corridor X X X Intermittent Stream Cave/Mine Net A Total 1 � f J No.of Nets X Net Height X Net Width Total Area A 2 X 2.6 X 6 31.2 B 2 X 2.6 X 6 31.2 C 2 X 2.6 X 9 46.8 D X X Comments: Net site is located along a forested corridor within a medium-aged hardwood stand. Corridor offers good side and canopy cover. Net A: 34.937663, -79.814337; Net B: 34.937985, -79.814674; Net C: 34.938251, -79.814383 4 encorno Bat Capture Datasheet Site No:MS-3 Project No.:2023.005 Company:Vulcan Materials Company Project Name:VMC Rockingham Bat Survey Date:29 June 2023 Location:Forested Corridor on Both Sides of Lassiter Rd. Pipeline Segment: KM Block No. JApprox.Mile Post: County:Richmond State:North Carolina Surveyor(s):Chance Osborne,Adam Hevia Lat/Long N 34.943627 W-79.808802 Quad: Rockingham Tract No.: Repro. Mass Wing Guano/ Net Net Moon Phase: # Time Species Age Sex Cond** RFA(MM) (g) Score* Band No. Hair Name Height Photo Waxing Gibbous-85.8% 1 Rise Set 2 Moon 17:05 02:44 3 Sun 06:09 20:38 4 5 Time Temp Sky Wind #Bats 6 20:38 78 0 1 0 7 1 1 1 1 21:38 76 1 1 0 8 1 22:38 73 1 1 0 9 23:38 72 2 1 0 10 1 00:38 1 71 3 1 1 0 11 01:38 1 70 1 1 1 1 0 12 13 Sky Code 14 0 IClear 15 1 Few Clouds 16 2 Partly Cloudy 17 3 Cloudy or Overcast 18 4 Smoke or Fog 19 5 Drizzle or Light Rain 20 1 6 IThunderstorm 21 22 Beauford Wind Code 23 0 Calm(0 mph) 24 1 Light Wind(1.3 mph) 25 2 Light Breeze(4-7 mph) 26 3 Gentle Breeze(8.12 mph) 27 4 Moderate Breeze(93.18 mph) 28 29 Acoustic Unit Serial No: *Wing Score:(0)No Damage;(1)Light Damage(<50%);(2)Moderate Damage(>50%);(3)Heavy Damage-deteriorated wing membrane with isolated holes Repro.Cond(Reproductive Condition):(P)Pregnant;(L)Lactating;(PL)Post-lactating;(NR)Non-reproductive;(TD)Testes descended Lat:N Long:W encorno Bat Capture Datasheet Net Site Diagram Dominant Vegetation N Clear 1 Pinus taeda Cut 2 Quercus nigra 3 Liriodendron tulipifera 4 Forested 5 Other Species: Liquidambar styraciflua Lassiter Rd. Quercus marilandica Sassafras albidum Forested Net C Net Site(s) by Habitat Habitat A B C D Forested River Stream Pond Road Rut Corridor X X X Cave/Mine Net B Total Forested No.of Nets X Net Height X Net Width Total Area Forested A 2 X 2.6 X 9 46.8 B 2 X 2.6 X 6 31.2 Net A C 2 X 2.6 X 4 120.8 D X X Comments: Net site is located along forested corridors within a loblolly pine plantation on both sides of Lassiter Rd. in the northern section of the permit boundary. Corridors provide good side cover and moderate canopy cover.There are scattered snags surrounding where the nets are located. Larger adjacent pine plantation with network of trails has been clear cut. Net A: 34.943627, -79.808802; Net B: 34.944007, -79.808815; Net C: 34.943957, -79.808222 6 encorno encorno APPENDIX C: MIST NET SITE AND REPRESENTATIVE BAT SPECIES PHOTOGRAPHS Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com to71 Om h � f •' # IF 'a - :±'�'.�'�S.r1ti-� 4,:•r'Spit.��.m"� �`s'�e�F�nN>>,�'�a:.�`�Elaa'�;n�..�r..,.�yr'.-���..`C�i" w. �`�' .y s �; • i • 1 � • i 1 1 1 • • • • • • ' k 1 -- � �� � �� ,i.'c7 i� :=f'� '�� �.�� �'ram- ! �✓ X A 1P. l ` ' Aat t �7' P X lef�'3 T# _I. y g `1 Ga; 4 • 1 • i • • • • • • ' • • • - ca r t� i L j a�- F -- - 1, -_ Mml mi t 4 _ F Y - 1 1r _ -r*? .AIr IN l , • � s a y§ n 4 WORM I'M ' ,E11 ' : 1 : • - • • • • YAP encorno t Representative Bat Species Photograph — big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com encorno APPENDIX D: AGENCY CONCURRENCE OF STUDY PLAN AND SITE-SPECIFIC AUTHORIZATION Sharpsburg, GA I Aberdeen, NC 1803.608.2775 1 www.encarnaenv.com .�OT or rti United States Department of the Interior ° FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE N Raleigh ES Field Office Post Office Box 33726 �PcH 3 zs'y Raleigh,North Carolina 27636-3726 June 12, 2023 Chance Osborne Encarria, LLC 715 Winds Way Aberdeen,NC 28315 Subject: Vulcan Materials Company, Richmond County,NC Concurrence with Site-Specific Survey Plans for Bats Dear Mr. Osborne: This letter serves as site specific authorization from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) for the proposed activities at the Vulcan Materials Company's (VMC) Rockingham Quarry site, as stated in your May 16, 2023 study plan for bat summer presence/absence surveys. These activities include mist-net surveys and telemetry surveys in Richmond County,North Carolina. The Service appreciates the proposal to conduct telemetry studies with any federally-listed bats that are captured, and we request that (at a minimum) any captured female tricolored bats and little brown bats be outfitted with radio-transmitters as well. There is little existing information available on the life history of these species in the southeastern plains and piedmont ecoregions of North Carolina. Telemetry studies would provide valuable data to inform potential avoidance and minimization measures for your project and for future projects. The Service also recommends that culvert surveys be conducted on the VMC Rockingham Quarry site, in culverts greater than 36 inches in diameter. In the North Carolina piedmont during all seasons of the year, tricolored bat may be found roosting in culverts. Finally, please provide a copy of the Native Endangered and Threatened Species Recovery Permit(No. ES 6277813-2) for our files. Our field office staff do not typically have access to the permits database. We look forward to seeing the results of your surveys. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kathy Matthews at Kathryn_Matthews@fws.gov. Sincerely, for Pete Benjamin Field Supervisor 7/4/23, 1:36 PM ENCARNA Mail-Study Plan for VMC Rockingham Quarry Bat Survey for Tricolored Bat Mmai I Chance Osborne <chance@encarnaenv.com> Study Plan for VMC Rockingham Quarry Bat Survey for Tricolored Bat 3 messages Chance Osborne <chance@encarnaenv.com> Tue, May 16, 2023 at 1:04 PM To: katherine.etchison@ncwildlife.org Good Afternoon Katherine, Please see the attached study plan for your review regarding a mist net survey for the proposed Vulcan Materials Company- Rockingham Quarry Future Tree Clearing Project in Richmond County, North Carolina. Within the study plan you will find project specifics, proposed tree clearing acreages, and all other necessary project details and materials. Given the nature of mist net surveys and the narrow survey window, we would like to request concurrence to conduct the mist net surveys as soon as possible to aid in project timelines. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the materials within this study plan, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. Respectfully, Chance Osborne President& Owner 6 encorno 715 Winds Way Aberdeen, NC 28315 ml 803.608.2775 www.encarnaenv.com 2023.005-VMC Rockingham Quarry Future Tree Clearing Project Study Plan_FINAL.pdf 12914K Etchison, Katherine <katherine.etchison@ncwildlife.org> Wed, May 17, 2023 at 10:43 AM To: Chance Osborne <chance@encarnaenv.com> Hi Chance, Thanks for the opportunity to review. This all looks good to me. Have you applied for your state endangered species permit yet? If not, I would recommend getting that process starting. Thanks again! Katherine ----------------------------------------------------------------- https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ik=2734ee03b0&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3315434722986232603&simpl=msg-a:r83021287240829... 1/2 7/4/23, 1:36 PM ENCARNA Mail-Study Plan for VMC Rockingham Quarry Bat Survey for Tricolored Bat Katherine Caldwell Etchison Wildlife Diversity Biologist Certified Wildlife Biologist® NC Wildlife Resources Commission Asheville, North Carolina 828-545-8328 ncwildlife.org M 1312 lobe From: Chance Osborne <chance@encarnaenv.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2023 1:04 PM To: Etchison, Katherine <katherine.etch ison@ncwildlife.org> Subject: [External] Study Plan for VMC Rockingham Quarry Bat Survey for Tricolored Bat CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. [Quoted text hidden] Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Chance Osborne <chance@encarnaenv.com> Wed, May 17, 2023 at 10:54 AM To: "Etchison, Katherine" <katherine.etchison@ncwildlife.org> Hi Katherine, Thank you for the swift response! Yes, I sent out all the necessary materials for the state endangered species permit yesterday. Thanks, [Quoted text hidden] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/?ik=2734ee03b0&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3315434722986232603&simpl=msg-a:r83021287240829... 2/2