February 21, 2024 FEB 6 ppj�
Mr. Adam Parr, PE
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699
Subject: Stella Mine, W.A. Page & Sons, Carteret County
Dear Mr. Parr;
I am writing on behalf of Mr. William Page, W.A. Page & Sons, Inc., in response to your letter
of November 21, 2023. As you are aware, this is a somewhat unique site, and I appreciate the
discussions we have had, as well as meeting with Brian Lambe and Andres Baena onsite with
the owner. This letter also serves as the response to the Inspection Report sent to Mr. Page by
Andres Baena on February 16. As a result of our discussions, we have revised the Mine Plan,
incorporating the changes that we have discussed.
We understand that the primary issue is the existence of unreclaimed areas due to previous
mining activity at the site. It has been the steadfast position of Mr. Page that he was not
responsible for the previous land disturbance, and that the previous property owner, who
received a Notice of Violation for the activity, is the responsible party for the reclamation. Based
on your letter, and our subsequent discussions, we understand that the primary area of concern
is the narrow excavation along the southeastern property line. We have added the outline of
this disturbed area to the Mine Map. It is our understanding that the slope of this excavation
along the property line is acceptable to you, and that no further work will need to be done to this
area, other than minor smoothing and vegetation enhancement. We wish to point out that there
is little to no buffer between the top of this slope and the property line, and that the previous
property owner is solely responsible for this excavation, and that Mr. Page will not be required to
backfill this area to re-create a buffer. It is also our understanding that the southwestern half of
the property that was previously mined and disturbed by various parties over the years has
sufficiently grown adequate vegetation and stabilized such that no further reclamation will be
required in this area. At your request, the mine permit limit was redrawn to include this area
within the permit boundary.
The new mining excavation will still be primarily within the presently unmined areas of the
property. As the new excavation approaches the old excavation to the southeast, a sufficient
buffer will be maintained to prevent any water from either excavation from flowing into the other.
Any disturbed areas northwest of the "pond" in the narrow excavation will be sloped and
reclaimed to stabilize these areas and prevent any offsite sedimentation.
The Limits of Excavation on this site will be clearly marked by permanent, visible
monuments. The Limits of Excavation on the southwest side of the mining area can currently
be seen in the field because it is the current limit of the previously mined area. The new
markers delineating this line will be installed prior to any land disturbance.
PO Box 429, GARNER, NC 27529
Page 2
Mr.Adam Parr, PE
We appreciate the open discussions we have had to address the issues that you have
expressed with this application. We,trust that this letter and the revised Mine Map adequately
address these issues, and that your review of the application can proceed. If you have any
questions, or need any additional information, please let me know.
James C. Izzell, Jr., PG