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HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuarry Permit Ap 92-10 NoiseSTEWART ACOUSTICAL CONSULTANTS July 13, 2020 Mr. Brian Wrenn Director - Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources NC Department of Environmental Quality 612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 and Mr. Daniel Sams Regional Engineer -Wilmington Regional Office NC Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cargo Dr Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 919-858-0899 7330 Chapel Hill Rd, Ste 201 Raleigh, NC 27607 Re: Permit Application 92-10 - Comments on Noise of Wake Stone Quarry Expansion at Umstead Park Dear Mr. Wrenn and Mr. Sams: I am Noral D. Stewart, PhD, President and Senior Principal Consultant, Stewart Acoustical Consultants, 7330 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh, NC 27607. 1 am writing as a consultant to the Mattox Law Firm and their client The Umstead Coalition. I have attached a one -page summary of my expertise and educational background (1)*. 1 received my education - specialized in acoustics - in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at N. C. State University. Aside from a brief 4-year hiatus, I have been continually involved in the study and application of acoustics since 1967. 1 am a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and ASTM International, a Past President of the National Council of Acoustical Consultants, and the fourth recipient of the Laymon Miller Medal for Excellence in Acoustical Consulting. My consulting experience includes substantial work for two major quarry companies on many sites, some work for a third, and two projects for the NC Division of Land Resources Management (NCDLR) regarding quarry issues. The first of those involved the original hearings before the Mining Commission for the Wake Stone Quarry in 1980 when I made measurements and recordings in support of the NCDLR case to deny the permit. My quarry experience has involved many appearances before local government boards in support of quarry permit applications and a few against. In those cases, it was always my experience that the burden of proof was on the applicant to demonstrate that the proposal met the criteria for approval. In both cases where I worked for NCDLR in 1980 and in 2000 for Mr. Stephen Conrad and Mr. Charles Gardner, I was clearly told that that it was the responsibility of the state mining regulatory agency to protect park lands from significant impacts from noise, though the state agency deferred to local regulators regarding noise impacts on other properties. * References listed at end and attached. Member Firm - National Council of Acoustical Consultants Quarry Noise Impact Page 2 July 13, 2020 Based on my experience with quarries and review of the permit application (92-10), it is my professional opinion that the quarry expansion as proposed will have a significant adverse impact on Umstead State Park due to noise. It is also my professional opinion that the permit application as submitted does not present adequate steps to prevent such impact or evidence that the steps proposed will prevent such impact. There are two kinds of park spaces: one of which is used for sound producing activities such as sports competitions or concerts, and another which is a place for quiet contemplation and enjoyment of the quiet sounds of nature. Umstead is of this second type though challenged by neighboring activities. For National Parks of this nature, the National Park Service (NPS) has developed a strong plan for monitoring sound and development of park specific plans to control the intrusion of man-made sounds from either outside the park or by park visitors. A summary of NPS's monitoring work as of 2010 (2) and a more recent update (3) are attached along with the NPS policy on noise (4). The NPS emphasizes the audibility of intrusive sounds which depends on the level of the intrusive sound relative to the existing background sound, and for some sounds, distinctive characteristics of those sounds. For instance, backup alarms, some drills, and jaw crushers crushing hard rock, produce distinctive sounds that can be heard at much lower levels than non -distinctive sound. Therefore, NPS has not established sound criteria as absolute sound levels. This corresponds to the recognition by manufacturers of products that it is the way that a product sounds, its sound quality, that is more important than sound level unless the level is very high. Today, in the environmental noise world, this is incorporated in the concept of the "soundscape," or making an environment sound the way people expect it to sound. When the existing quarry was approved by the Mining Commission, several conditions were attached intended to reduce noise impact on the park. There was no requirement that the quarry carefully evaluate the design of barriers or berms, or machinery modifications or equipment locations on the sound propagation. There is no evidence this was ever done. There was discussion about the drawing of noise contours showing the propagation of sound during the approval process, but such was a very difficult process at that time, and it was not required. While one condition was location of processing equipment at the lowest practical elevation, the proposed and approved location was at a high elevation. When viewed from across Crabtree Creek north of the pit, there is a high rise from the creek that might be assumed to be a berm. However, it is the original topography and there is a similar rise in elevation on the north side of the creek. Appropriately high berms were built to the east of the pit. For the first year after the opening of the quarry in 1982 and 83, the Division of Parks and Recreation conducted extensive sound monitoring in the park and concluded that the quarry was clearly heard and noise levels and their impact on the park were increasing. The mining regulatory agencies have visited the quarry since opening and generally reported compliance with the conditions of the permit. However, the people doing these inspections have no acoustical expertise or qualifications to evaluate whether the steps taken are acoustically effective and have not monitored sound. It has been almost 40 years since the quarry was first permitted. The world and our knowledge and ability to deal with noise has changed greatly. In 1980 it was thought that vegetation was much more effective in attenuation sound than it actually is. We now know that much of the benefit attributed to vegetation is actually due to soft ground. We also know that most or all of the noise buffering benefits of soft ground are lost when a berm or barrier is inserted, so a net benefit of the barrier must be evaluated. In 1980, there was some understanding of the effects of winds and temperature gradients to curve sound upward or downward. However, this knowledge had not been widely applied to berms and barriers. We now have a much better understanding Quarry Noise Impact Page 3 July 13, 2020 of atmospheric effects related to winds and temperature gradients that cause the sound to curve upward or downward. We know that at distances beyond 1000 feet from a source, the sound level can vary by more than 20 dB due to variations in atmospheric conditions. In some cases, a sound can go from inaudible to very clear in a period of less than 30 minutes as atmospheric conditions change. These atmospheric effects can make low barriers and berms totally ineffective during the times when the sound propagation is strongest. In 1980, we did not have modern backup alarms designed to minimize long range propagation and concentrate the warning where it is actually needed. Finally, 40 years ago, plotting contours of sound propagation was impractical. Today we have computers and extremely capable software designed to do just this. In sum, we now have much greater ability to evaluate the spread of sound and to figure out ways to limit that spread. The industry standard for noise evaluation has progressed from the pencil and paper calculations of 1980 to computer calculations undreamed of then. Among the general sound analysis programs that can be applied to a quarry are SoundPlan and Cadna-A. The Oregon Department of Transportation with the help of the US DOT has developed a computer model specifically to evaluate noise from quarries (5). Today it is common to use such computer programs to model the noise propagation from proposed quarries to surrounding areas. Two papers are attached (6,7) that discuss modern modeling and investigation of quarry noise. So, what do we have before us in Wake Stone's mining permit application? There are many problems that are simply not properly evaluated and addressed. 1. The site is clearly a very challenging one. Quarry companies I have worked with whenever possible prefer a site where they can have a large buffer on their property around the operation. This site has insufficient land area to provide adequate buffers and Wake Stone proposes to place the pit right at the boundaries with very small buffer areas, even smaller than those for the existing pit. 2. The site begs for high berms on the order of 40 feet to protect adjacent areas, yet only 15- foot berms are proposed. Such berms at least during early stages of the quarry clearing and operation will have little benefit beyond a few hundred feet from them much of the time. 3. Crabtree creek presents a challenge as it creates a gap in any berm protection plan. Sound from trucks crossing the bridge and possibly other sound could propagate down the channel created by the creek valley reflecting from the water in the creek. 4. There is a road around the north crest of the existing pit approved in 1991 that is now proposed to be improved so it can be used for heavy haul trucks. A 14-foot highway type noise wall is proposed. However, as with highway barriers, this will have little if any benefit much of the time a few hundred feet away in the park across the creek. This road needs to follow a lower elevation path so the high crest where it is proposed will serve as a barrier. 5. One of the major irritating sounds from quarries is backup alarms. The traditional alarms generate a tonal beep at around 1200 Hz. This propagates as a distinct noticeable sound for long distances. I remember hearing such alarms clearly a half -mile away in 1980 when doing measurements around a quarry to prepare for hearings. These alarms not only irritate people who have no need to hear them, they also create confusion among people who do need to be warned when they are always hearing many alarms. New alarms use high-pitched sound over a broader frequency range that is directional to the area behind the truck and does not spread strongly over long distance. DEMLR should consider mandating these modern alarm systems, at least for off -road vehicles that remain on site. Quarry Noise Impact Page 4 July 13, 2020 6. Wake Stone proposes to keep existing processing equipment at its current location, and some of it at a point of high elevation where it is difficult to shield the park from it. Although the equipment is not moving, the granting of the permit modification will extend these noise impacts for at least 20 years beyond the life of the existing Triangle Quarry. This equipment is at the location indicated in the initial permit, though that permit also said the "the plant shall be located at the lowest feasible elevation." The primary and secondary crushers have been located lower in the pit but much equipment remains at the high elevation. Nothing is said about evaluating the impact of it on the park or anything that could be done to reduce that impact. Some of this equipment remaining up higher is of types that have been enclosed at other quarries to reduce noise. 7. Since the original quarry opened, new criteria for blast ground vibration, more restrictive than those of 1980, have been developed and imposed on quarries. These and the "overpressure" or sound criteria for blasting are based on preventing structural damage rather than disturbance of natural quiet. Quarries do have ways to control the peak of the vibration and sound by spreading the blast over a short period and typically do that. This is a sensitive location, not only due to the park but also due to an extremely close house. There is nothing in the permit application about any extra care in blasting due to these conditions. The application says blasting will be controlled to avoid damage to structures 500 feet away. However, the closest home is potentially within 300 feet of a blast site for which a permit is sought and even closer to the less defined "future reserves." Wake Stone's current mining permit application is devoid of an adequate noise mitigation plan. Wake Stone must be required to submit a carefully developed analysis evaluating noise impacts and including strategies to implement effective controls to minimize those noise impacts. The plan must be developed and documented by recognized experts hired by the proponents and reviewed by recognized experts hired by the agency. The permit must not be granted unless it can clearly be concluded that adequate conditions are imposed and will be enforced to assure no significant adverse impact on the park. Sincerely, STEWART ACOUSTICAL CONSULTANTS Noral D. Stewart, PhD FASA FASTM INCE Attachments 1. Resume Noral D. Stewart 2. An assessment of noise audibility and sound levels in U.S. National Parks 3. Anthropogenic noise in US national parks — sources and spatial extent 4. NPS Director's order #47: Soundscape preservation and noise management 5. Quarry noise model (Oregon DOT) 6. Proactive noise control at a rock quarry next to a residential neighborhood 7. Novel approach to visualization of SoundPLAN data for analysis of mining noise STEWART ACOUSTICAL CONSULTANTS Noral D. Stewart Senior Principal Consultant Phone: 919-858-0899 7330 Chapel Hill Rd, Ste 201 Raleigh, NC 27607 Education: BSME (with honors) - 1969, MSME - 1974, PhD - 1981 Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University at Raleigh Specialization in acoustics and noise control at all levels Honors and Recognitions: Laymon N. Miller Medal for Excellence in Acoustical Consulting Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America Award of Merit- Fellow of ASTM International NCSU Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Hall of Fame - 2013 Inaugural Class ASTM E33 Wallace Waterfall Award Phi Kappa Phi Tau Beta Pi Pi Tau Sigma Technical and Professional Society Membership and Activities National Council of Acoustical Consultants President - 00-02, Pres. Elect 98-00, VP 96-98, Board of Directors 94-04 Bylaws Chair 05-current Long -Range Planning Committee - 00-Life, Chair 02-04 Acoustical Society of America Member - Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics 96-20 Member - Technical Committee on Noise 95-10, 11-18 North Carolina Chapter Chair 79-80, Sec -Treasurer 77-79, 83-91, Treasurer 91-96 Institute of Noise Control Engineering Co -Chairman - 1981 National Conference - NOISE-CON81 Papers review for Noise Control Engineering Journal ASME International Papers review for various technical divisions Aircraft Noise Subcommittee, Transportation Research Board Standards Activities ASTM International Committee E33 on Building and Environmental Acoustics Vice Chair - 04-09, 12-17 - Chair - Subcommittee E33.05 on Research 11 - Chair - Task Groups for standards E336, E1686, E557, E1332, and E2964 Acoustics Proposal Review Committee of Facilities Guideline Institute (Medical Facilities) 2015 - ASA-ANSI Committee S12 Working Group on Classroom Acoustics Standard S12.60 Consulting Experience: Consulting since 1977, Full time 1981-2016. Consulting activities have covered the broad spectrum of problems involved in architectural acoustics, community and environmental noise, and industrial noise control. Largest acoustical consulting firm headquartered in the area between Washington, DC and Atlanta, GA. Expert Witness: Over 30 cases in Federal and state courts of NC, SC, & TN, and in arbitration. Publications and Presentations: Co -Author of chapter on Community Noise in the AIHA Noise Manual Six Refereed Journal Papers Seven papers in Proceedings and Magazines Sixteen Invited and Ten Contributed Presentations at National & International Conferences Primary Author of Two ASTM standards and major revisions of another Ten training classes including national teleconference on Community Noise for ASHA Thirty Presentations to Regional Organizations Special Invited Activities: Co -Editor of Proceedings and Co -Chair of Noise -Con 81 National Noise Control Conference Principal Noise Control Expert 1990 NIH Consensus Conference on Noise and Hearing Loss Represented all major acoustical organizations before International Codes Council 2011 Invited by National Academies of Engineering to discuss future of industrial noise control in 2014 Member Firm - National Council of Acoustical Consultants Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 DOI 10.1007/s 10980-011-9643-x RESEARCH ARTICLE An assessment of noise audibility and sound levels in U.S. National Parks Emma Lynch • Damon Joyce • Kurt Fristrup Received: 2 December 2010 / Accepted: 10 August 2011 / Published online: 25 August 2011 © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. (outside the USA) 2011 Abstract Throughout the United States, opportuni- ties to experience noise -free intervals are disappearing. Rapidly increasing energy development, infrastructure expansion, and urbanization continue to fragment the acoustical landscape. Within this context, the National Park Service endeavors to protect acoustical resources because they are essential to park ecology and central to the visitor experience. The Park Service monitors acoustical resources in order to determine current conditions, and forecast the effects of potential man- agement decisions. By community noise standards, background sound levels in parks are relatively low. By wilderness criteria, levels of noise audibility are remarkably high. A large percentage of the noise sources measured in national parks (such as highways or commercial jet traffic) originates outside park boundaries and beyond the management jurisdiction of NPS. Many parks have adopted noise mitigation plans, but the regional and national scales of most noise sources call for conservation and management efforts on similar scales. Keywords National parks • Acoustical monitoring Noise • Acoustical resources • Natural quiet E. Lynch (®) • D. Joyce • K. Fristrup U.S. National Park Service, Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division, 1201 Oakridge Drive, Suite 100, Fort Collins, CO 80525, USA e-mail: Emma— Introduction Anthropogenic noise is arguably one of the least understood and most common threats to resources in national parks. Burgeoning energy development, infrastructure expansion, and urbanization create expansive noise footprints that fragment the acous- tical landscape and restrict naturally quiet conditions to relatively brief intervals of the day in many protected natural areas. Acoustical resources are conserved or restored by the National Park Service (NPS) because they are crucial to ecological integrity and important for visitor experience. NPS is required by law and management policies to protect the acoustical environment. Stewardship of acoustical resources requires sys- tematic acoustical monitoring to determine the cur- rent status of resources, identify trends in resource conditions, and inform management decisions regard- ing desired future conditions. This paper summarizes the acoustical conditions in several parks in the National Park system, and identifies salient patterns in these data. Acoustical resource management in the National Park Service The need for resource protection in national parks was first articulated in the National Park Service Organic Act of 1916, which stated that the purpose of national parks is "... to conserve the scenery and the Q Springer 1298 Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 natural and historic objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations." The first Congressional reference to acoustical resources is in the Grand Canyon Enlargement Act of 1975, which explicitly identified "natural quiet" as a resource to be protected for future generations. In this case, Congress recognized the conflict between the demand for air tours over Grand Canyon and the resource degradation that visitors on the ground experienced. The Redwoods Act of 1978 addressed potential conflicts between visitor use and resource protection by affirming that, "the protection, man- agement, and administration of these areas shall be conducted in light of the high value and integrity of the National Park System and shall not be exercised in derogation of the values and purposes for which these various areas have been established, except as may have been or shall be directly and specifically provided by Congress." In 1987, Congress focused specific attention on aircraft flights over park lands when it passed the National Parks Overflights Act (Public Law 100-91). This act mandated that the Park Service conduct a number of studies related to the effects of overflights on parks, and directed the NPS to report results to Congress. The Natural Sounds Program, a national NPS office, was established in 2000, with the passing of the National Parks Air Tour Management Act (NPATMA). NPATMA mandated that FAA and NPS jointly develop Air Tour Man- agement Plans (ATMPs) for more than 106 parks where commercial air tours operate. Effects of noise on visitor experience The founding documents of the NPS state that parks were created for the purpose of preserving resources for the enjoyment of present and future generations. Like scenic vistas, clean air, or pristine bodies of water, natural sounds are considered a precious natural resource worthy of protection by the NPS. Any "noise," or human -caused sound that masks or degrades natural sounds is a threat to the acoustical environment (which we define as the complete set of physical sound resources intrinsic to a park). Many people visit national parks with the hope and expec- tation of experiencing natural sounds, and noise degrades their chance to experience the cultural, �L Springer historical, and natural features that parks offer. A 1998 survey of the American public revealed that 72 percent of respondents thought that providing oppor- tunities to experience natural quiet and the sounds of nature was a very important reason for having national parks, while another 23 percent thought that it was somewhat important (Haas and Wakefield 1998. In another survey specific to park visitors, 91 percent of respondents considered enjoyment of natural quiet and the sounds of nature to be compelling reasons for visiting national parks (McDonald et al. 1995). The need to preserve the acoustical environment for the benefit of the visitor experience is further amplified in wilderness areas, where managers endeavor to provide opportunities for solitude. Separation from the sights and noise originating outside wilderness is one of the primary indicators used to gauge success in wilderness preservation (Dawson 2004). Noise can even affect visitors who are not actively listening to the environment, and who may not explicitly perceive the noise. For instance, a 2008 study found that noise from traffic and aircraft caused involuntary physiological responses (increased blood pressure and heart rate) in sleeping humans (Haralabidis et al. 2008). Parks are critical fora for education, and can inform visitors of all ages about the importance of natural resource protection. However, noise can elevate ambient sound levels in parks above the recommended conditions for classrooms (35 dB(A), ANSI Standard 512.60), mak- ing it difficult for park educational and interpretive presentations to reach their audience. Degraded com- munication can also elevate risk for park staff or visitors who are engaged in potentially hazardous activities, when shared information and coordinated actions are essential for safety (e. g. search and rescue, climbing, or canyoneering). Effects of noise on wildlife Hearing is likely more vital for wildlife than park visitors. In addition to auditory communication, ani- mals rely on sounds to gather many kinds of important environmental information. Adventitious sounds can alert attentive listeners to the location, identity, and behavior of other animals, including predators, com- petitors exploiting an important resource, rivals in mating systems, and potential prey. Physical environ- mental features may also be revealed by the sounds they produce (changing weather, flowing water, fire). Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 1299 Noise can interfere with animal acoustical aware- ness in several ways. Very loud sounds can temporar- ily deafen animals. Less dramatic noise events can distract attention or introduce clutter to the acoustical environment. Noise adds energy to existing sound levels, effectively reducing the range at which signals can be detected, identified, and localized (masking). Masking can take place even if the animals do not react to, or even perceive, the noise source. In general, sounds are more easily masked by other sounds with similar acoustical properties (e.g. center frequency, bandwidth). It should be noted that the effects of masking extend beyond intentional communication (between members of a single species). Many verte- brate species have been shown to "eavesdrop" on the communications between other species, as in the case of gray squirrels (Sciurus caroninensis) listening to blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) calls to determine risk of cache pilfering (Schmidt and Ostfeld 2008). Prolonged exposure to noise has been shown to cause wildlife to avoid certain areas, reducing already limited potential habitat. Sonoran pronghorn antelope, mule deer, and sage grouse have been shown to preferentially select habitat with less noise from human activity (Landon et al. 2003; Sawyer et al. 2006; Doherty et al. 2008). Studies of songbird behavior and ecology near oil and gas development found a signif- icant reduction in pairing success, bird density, and bird species diversity caused by noise (Habib et al. 2007; Bayne et al. 2008). Development inside national parks is managed to avoid unacceptable impacts to resources, but noise can have substantial effects on habitat quality, species distribution and demographic parameters. To adequately understand and protect acoustical resources, the park service conducts acoustical mon- itoring to determine the status of acoustic resources, track trends in resource conditions, and inform management decisions. This paper presents monitor- ing and analysis protocols, summarizes the acoustical conditions in several parks in the National Park system, identifies significant patterns in these data, and discusses ways parks have incorporated acousti- cal data into management actions. Methods Acoustical monitoring equipment is widely utilized to ensure compliance with industrial health and safety, community environmental standards, and architectural standards for indoor spaces. The Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division of the Park Service utilizes similar instruments, but high standards for resource condition and visitor experience call for different monitoring practices and objectives. Fur- thermore, the harsh weather conditions encountered during long deployments in national parks (ranging from summer in Death Valley National Park and Preserve to winter in Kenai Fjords National Park), and high probability of wildlife encounters demand entirely new system configurations. These monitoring systems gather long-term data about acoustical con- ditions in parks and provide vital metrics such as existing- and natural- ambient sound levels. Equipment National Park Service acoustical monitoring equip- ment has evolved over three distinct generations. All three types were employed in the collection of data referenced in this paper. The common denominators among the generations are ANSI Type 1 sound level meters (SLMs) using '/z" measurement microphones. Microphones were deployed with environmental housings and wind screens at approximately 1.5 m above ground (approximating the average height of the human ear). Each second, the SLMs collected 33 1/3 octave sound pressure level (SPL) measurements (in decibels, or dB) from 12.5 to 20,000 Hz, which encompasses the nominal range of human hearing. Generation I acoustical monitoring equipment con- sisted of a Larson Davis 824 SLM streaming data to a laptop computer. An anemometer was collocated to record local wind speeds over the monitoring period. The generation I systems were powered by at least three 35Ah lead acid batteries and photovoltaic panels. Deployment locations for these systems were limited by weight (approximately 90 kg), solar exposure, and power requirements (approximately 12 W). The weight of these systems required at least four people for deployment and recovery. Furthermore, they experienced a high rate of data loss due to serial communication conflicts. NPS required the capacity to identify prominent noise sources and the stations were developed to make audio recordings as well as measure sound levels. The laptop software was programmed to save 10-s uncompressed audio recordings every 2 min. This sampling scheme was required due to limited Q Springer 1300 Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 storage space, but also ensured that every aircraft overflight event would span at least two recordings. Generation II introduced several substantial improvements. In 2007, the laptop was replaced with a personal digital assistant (PDA), reducing the power consumption to approximately 2.5 W. The reduction in power consumption allowed the use of fewer batteries, resulting in a system weight of approximately 11 kg. The PDA used an optimized software interface between SLM and PDA, resulting in negligible data loss. Generation II acoustical monitoring stations included anemometers, but these data were collected by a separate data logger. Another notable improvement was the introduction of a continuous audio recorder. Audio input from the microphone was delivered to a 60 GB hard disk - based MP3 audio recorder. These audio data provided more complete and detailed records of all sounds at each site. Unfortunately, the hard disk MP3 audio recorders proved unreliable; extremes of temperature and humidity often caused them to fail. Generation III, introduced in 2008, employed a new SLM, the Larson Davis 831. This unit possesses its own 2 GB internal memory, as well as USB storage capabilities. With these storage options, the PDA became superfluous. In addition, the introduction of solid state MP3 audio recorders, with no moving parts, proved far more reliable in inclement weather. In 2010, we configured the SLMs to accept instantaneous wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and humid- ity, from attached sensors. This eliminated the need for an additional data logger, and eliminated the need to resynchronize data collected by independent devices. Future acoustical monitoring systems may be much more capable. In cooperation with Colorado State University's Electrical and Computer Engineer- ing Department, the Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division is developing small SPL meters capable of multichannel acoustic data collection, real-time beam - forming to resolve direction of arrival, real-time detection for acoustical events of interest, and wire- less communications to provide regular summaries of conditions and equipment status. Study areas and site selection This report summarizes data collected at 189 sites in 43 national parks (there are a total of 393 park units in the National Park system). The number of sites �L Springer monitored in each park depended largely upon the variation in major land cover types, or the number of distinct management zones within the park. Areas with similar attributes (vegetation, topography, land cover, elevation, and climate) possess similar natural sound sources, and hence can be considered representative of a given soundscape. Additional criteria for site selec- tion included avoidance of problematic conditions: large, reflective surfaces such as cliff walls, persistent masking sources such as rivers or waterfalls, and heavily traveled roads or trails, for security. For concision, parks are referred to in figures by 4-letter codes, but a list of full park names is listed in Table 1. Though the variability of SPLs over time and space in national parks is not fully understood, each additional dataset provides insight into natural variability. The monitoring period used for collection of these data is based on a preliminary statistical study that evaluated long-term datasets from Bryce Canyon National Park and Arches National Park. Based on the study, 25 days was found to be adequate to account for annual variation in sound level within 3 dB (Iyer 2005). Iyer's findings are supported by the observation that this period is generally sufficient to capture a representative sample of weather conditions at a given site. Off -site listening and visual analysis to identify sound sources A limited amount of on -site listening and data logging was conducted at most monitoring sites. These obser- vations, performed by experienced technicians, iden- tify the common sound sources that can be heard at the site by an attentive listener. Monitoring equipment has made 30 days of continuous data relatively easy to gather. The resulting volumes of data demand efficient data reduction methods that yield audibility statistics comparable to what is obtained by intensive listening in the field. Audibility denotes the capacity of a sound to be perceived by an animal with normal hearing. Audibil- ity is influenced by the hearing ability of the animal, the masking effects of other sound sources, and by the frequency content and amplitude of the sound. Two distinct methods were developed to rapidly measure the audibility of sound sources at each site. The goal of our audibility analyses was to determine how often anthropogenic sounds were perceptible by humans at Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 1301 Table 1 List of full park Park code Park name Population names, their abbreviations, and population size within DRTO Dry Tortugas National Park 374 16.1 km (10 mile) of park boundary SAND Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Park 3,022 GRBA Great Basin National Park 3,078 ORPI Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument 3,296 BRCA Bryce Canyon National Park 3,861 CIRO City of Rocks National Reserve 4,040 DENA Denali National Park & Preserve 7,523 KEFJ Kenai Fjords National Park 8,272 GRSA Great Sand Dunes National Park & Preserve 8,437 ELMO El Morro National Monument 9,059 NOCA North Cascades National Park Complex 10,710 BADL Badlands National Park 11,600 DEPO Devils Postpile National Monument 11,835 PEFO Petrified Forest National Park 17,404 MORU Mount Rushmore National Memorial 19,995 SEKI Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park 24,051 YOSE Yosemite National Park 24,779 ELMA El Malpais National Monument 25,438 MORA Mount Rainier National Park 25,558 DEVA Death Valley National Park 26,514 GLCA Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 26,612 GRCA Grand Canyon National Park 27,200 CAHA Cape Hatteras National Seashore 29,542 ROMO Rocky Mountain National Park 31,614 LAMR Lake Meredith National Recreation Area 35,078 HALE Haleakala National Park 37,721 CALO Cape Lookout National Seashore 42,107 Population sizes as of 2009, ZION Zion National Park 42,201 within 16.1 km (10 mile) of the park boundary are also ACAD Acadia National Park 42,883 reported. Anomalous HAVO Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park 48,213 population reports (such as MOJA Mojave National Preserve 54,337 374 people within 16.1 km OLYM Olympic National Park 86,161 of Dry Tortugas National Park) can be attributed to PORE Point Reyes National Seashore 150,309 the intersection of large MONO Monocacy National Battlefield 219,373 U.S. census block borders BITH Big Thicket National Preserve 295,806 (which in rural areas are often as large as counties) GRSM Great Smoky Mountains National Park 311,960 with the park boundary MUWO Muir Woods National Monument 403,547 buffer. Any blocks which LAKE Lake Mead National Recreation Area 710,556 intersect park boundary EVER Everglades National Park 859,237 buffers were included in the total population count, SAAN San Antonio Missions National Historic Park 954, 350 occasionally producing MIMA Minute Man National Historic Park 1,160,446 overestimates of nearby GOGA Golden Gate National Recreation Area 2,487,768 population size each site so that we might determine what the ambient." One of the methods for rapid calculation of acoustical environment would be like without noise. audibility involves listening to a subsample of the We call this baseline ambient sound level the "natural audio data; the other involves visual inspection of IL Springer 1302 Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 spectrograms. Both of these analyses were performed in an office environment. At sites where anthropogenic noise was rarely audible (such as remote backcountry sites) noise events were identified visually by technicians, using spectrograms generated from SPL data. Spectrograms are plots which display sound level as a function of time and frequency. By plotting daily spectrograms for each site (see Fig. 1), analyzers can quickly examine many samples within the measurement period. We've determined that most anthropogenic sounds possess recognizable sound signatures. Thus, we were able to manually identify and catalog each event, indicating its begin and end time, as well as the frequencies it spanned, maximum level, and sound exposure level (a single number representing the total equivalent energy of a sound, in dB, over a given period of time, abbreviated SEL). In datasets with continuous audio, we confirmed identification of events with uncertain sound signatures by playing back corresponding audio files. We used the total percent time anthropogenic sounds were audible to calculate the natural ambient sound level for each hour. For locations where many noise sources were audible at once (such as sites near roads or trails), visual detection of simultaneous events proved dif- ficult. In these cases, technicians listened to daily samples (10 s every 2 min) from the audio data. For each 10 s sound sample, all audible sound sources were identified. This information was compiled to calculate a total percent time audible value for each sound source, which was in turn used to calculate the natural ambient sound level for each hour. To avoid limitations imposed by the office environment, such as the confounding sounds of conversation or HVAC, we used over -ear, noise canceling headphones when cataloging audible events. Results from visual anal- ysis and auditory analysis of the same dataset were found to be comparable. Fame (min) Sou11d Pressur8 Lml (Q) Fig. 1 24 h spectrogram, annotated with jet aircraft events This 24 h spectrogram displays 1/3 octave band SPLs for all hours of the day. The x-axis represents time in 5 min increments, with 2 h displayed on each line. The y-axis represents the logarithmic frequency scale ranging from 12.5 to 20,000 Hz. The z-axis (tone, ranging from black to white) describes unweighted SPLs from —9 to 90 dB. On this scale, �L Springer quiet intervals appear dark while loud events appear white. The white boxes drawn on the plot highlight just 10 of the many jet aircraft overflights. The morning bird chorus is distinguishable as a series of subtle dots near 4,000 Hz, starting near the end of the 5th hour. Thunder claps appear as sharp, white spikes in the middle of the day Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 1303 Calculation of metrics No single metric is adequate to characterize acoustic resources. Furthermore, each park has unique char- acteristics and legislative requirements, so one set of metrics may not meet the needs of all parks. Accordingly, the Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division works with several metrics. Acoustical studies in national parks use SPL data, spectral data, audibility data, source identification data, and mete- orological data. Background sound levels are a fundamental prop- erty of the acoustical environment, because they determine the minimum amplitude of acoustical signals that can be detected, identified, and localized. The median ambient sound level (L50) represents an average background level that includes all sound sources (both natural and anthropogenic); the NPS calls this quantity the existing ambient sound level. The median ambient sound level is preferred over the mean ambient sound level because it is not unduly affected by unusual events, and because the proba- bility of exceeding this level is known (50%). The natural ambient metric (Lnat) estimates the desired condition for many parks. It is an estimate of what the median ambient sound levels for a site would be in the absence of all extrinsic (or anthropogenic) sources. The NPS method of calculating Lnat does not simply remove all intervals in which noise is audible. While it may seem logical to do so, this method is flawed because in some cases (e.g. windy locations), quiet periods are the only time noise events are audible. Thus, removing the intervals where noise was audible would also remove the quietest moments. In some cases, this method produces nonsensical results where estimates of Lnat exceed L50: how can adding noise result in a lower median level? Instead, NPS presently estimates Lnat by removing the loudest p percent of the data in each hour (where p is the percent of the time when anthropogenic noise is audible), and computing the median of the remaining SPL measurements. The calculation identifies the exceedance level, L,{, which represents the L50 value that would have existed in the absence of noise. Algebraically, the calculation is: 100 — p x = 2 +p For example, if human caused sounds are present 30% of the hour, p = 30, x = 65, and the Lnat for that hour is equal to the L65, or the median sound level exceeded 65% of the time during the hour. This formula could underestimate natural sound levels when loud natural events, like thunder, are numerous. However, it is unlikely that this bias will persist over a 25 day measurement period (NPS 2005). This Lnat estimate ensures that Lnat levels are always lower than L50 levels. The audibility of both natural and anthropogenic sounds varies substantially throughout the day, so ambient values are calculated on an hourly basis. In addition, NPS measures wind speed in order to determine when sound level measurements are unreliable. Wind causes flow noise around the microphone enclosure, inflating sound level measurements above the levels that would be measured if the microphone were not present. At present, NPS does not utilize sound level measurements when the wind speed exceeds 5 m/s. The NPS emphasizes changes in background sound levels because this effect of noise can be translated directly into lost hearing opportunities. In most environments, the energy from a sound source is distributed over the surface of hemispheres that increase in size as the sound propagates away from its origin. This effect, called spherical spreading loss, causes the sound level to decrease by 6 dB for each doubling of distance from the source. Therefore, to compensate for a 6 dB increase in background sound level, a listener would have to be half as far away from the source to detect it. A 12 dB increase in background levels causes a 75% reduction in detec- tion distance. For animals that rely upon sounds to warn them of danger, this loss of alerting distance can have dire consequences. Other animals —and many park visitors —use hearing to search for items of interest. The search area is proportional to the square of the maximum detection distance, so each 6 dB increase in background level causes a 75% reduction in listening area. Note that these listening area effects do not necessarily correlate with measures of per- ceived loudness in humans. Many references state that each 10 dB increase in SPL causes a doubling of perceived loudness (Crocker 1997), but a 10 dB increase is equivalent to moving the sound source more than three times closer to the listener. The above paragraph addresses the issue of detec- tion, but all of its points also apply to the degradation of information content in the received signal. This information includes species and individual identity, behavioral context, and location. Numerous studies IL Springer 1304 Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 have investigated the degree to which physical envi- ronments and signal characteristics interact to limit the range at which this information can be perceived (Marten and Marler 1977; Marten et al. 1977). Cursory inspection of the hourly metrics across sites revealed general patterns that appeared to be shared by most —but not all —sites. The existence of exceptional sites recommended a median polish procedure for analysis, rather than a linear model or ANOVA. Median polish is a computational technique for robustly decomposing a two-way table into an additive model consisting of overall, row, column, and residual effects (Tukey 1977). In our application, we focus on the column effects, which capture shared diel patterns in noise values across all sites. Results Measured levels of hourly noise audibility are presented for 93 sites in 22 parks in Fig. 2a, and the overall picture attests to the ubiquity of audible noise in national parks. A median polish applied to the data in Fig. 2a estimates the median noise audibility across all sites and hours to be over 28%. Even the quietest sites in this dataset (Kenai Fjords National Park, City of Rocks National Reserve) experience audible noise more than 5% of most daytime hours (Fig. 2a). Periods of quiet can be found at most sites, during the hours between 0000 and 0600. But most sites exhibit high noise audibility from 0700 to 2200 h, even in relatively remote settings. The high levels of noise in Yosemite relative to Sequoia Kings Canyon provide an informative contrast. Many of the sites in Sequoia Kings Canyon had rushing water nearby, so it is possible that this constant sound source prevented detection of noise events. Yosemite lies beneath two high traffic aircraft routes (east —west traffic for the San Francisco Bay Area, north —south traffic between southern California and the Pacific Northwest), and it tends to have quieter natural ambient levels that enhance detection of distant noise sources. In this figure, parks are ordered by total population size within a 16.1 km (10 mile) buffer of their boundaries, such that the parks near the least populated areas appear on the left, and parks near the most populated areas appear on the right. Though the parks in the least populated areas do display smaller time audible percentages, the vast majority of sites display a consistent pattern of audibility, independent of the size of the nearby population. A 70 9A 90_. 60 Time audible I%j Hour al Yalo & 9 1 g-- 1 9 a� A m a Fig. 2 Hourly percent time audible for human -caused noise sources. a Results of off -site noise audibility analysis for 93 sites in 22 parks. Park names are arranged on the horizontal axis, while hours of the day are shown on the vertical axis. The beginnings and ends of site groupings are marked by tick marks. Parks are ordered from left to right by total population within a 16.1 km (10 mile) buffer of park boundaries; parks �L Springer B 02 0.6 1.0 1.4 Multiplier with the smallest population nearby are on the left, while parks with the largest nearby population are placed on the right. Percent time audible for noise is symbolized by the tone of each block, with the scale displayed at the top of the figure. b Diel trend of audibility for all noise (in black) and aircraft noise (in white). These deviations were computed using a median polish procedure Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 1305 This pattern suggests that the most commonly audible noise source must be something other than that caused by the surrounding communities. Figure 2b shows that the general pattern of noise audibility in parks tracks the activity cycles of humans, and that the pattern of all noise audibility is nearly identical to the pattern of aircraft noise alone. The aircraft "rush hour" is a bit later than the peak of commuter traffic in cities, with a peak between 0900 and 1000 h. A lesser peak also occurs in the early evening, which corresponds to airport departures after normal busi- ness hours. These audibility results probably under- state afternoon traffic levels, because winds tend to be stronger and more prevalent in the afternoon and act to reduce the audibility of aircraft noise. A few sites in national parks suffer from degraded noise environments comparable to urban settings. Two notable sites, one in Yosemite National Park, and one in Minute Man National Historic Park exhibited very high audibility across all hours (in Fig. 2a, these sites stand out as the brightest in their respective parks). The site in Minute Man National Historic Park, near Concord, Massachusetts, was situated close to highway Route 2A and Hanscom Field airport, while the site in Yosemite National Park was located in Yosemite Village ("The Mall"). The Mall is one of the most congested areas in the park during the day; the high nocturnal noise audibility was due to HVAC in nearby buildings. Many national parks have zones like Yosemite Village, which are designed to provide important services for large numbers of visitors (see Fig. 2, Kenai Fjords National Park, for audibility statistics from another visitor facilities zone). Future designs for such sites can plausibly provide the same services and preserve a quieter environment. The sites which deviated from the normal pattern of audibility each have unique stories. Zion National Park, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, and Mojave National Preserve all have notable late night (0000-0400) audibility, due to train and aircraft activity near Las Vegas. The sites in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument are near the Mexican border, and these sites experience noise from inten- sive border patrol activity, particularly in the evening and early morning hours. While Fig. 2 reveals the patterns of audibility in national parks, it does not provide insight into sound levels. Audibility provides a sensitive measure of the temporal extent of noise events, but it provides no information about loudness. Figure 3 displays three measures of sound level—L90, L50, and L01—from 189 sites in 43 parks. As in Fig. 2, sites are ordered by total population size within a 16.1 km (10 mile) buffer of their boundaries, such that the parks near the least populated areas appear on the left, and parks near the most populated areas appear on the right. These metrics represent an estimate of background ambient sound level, the median ambient level, and the magnitude of loud events, respectively. These values are A -weighted sound levels computed from 1/3rd octave spectrum level measurements from 12.5 to 800 Hz (see ASA Specification for Sound Level Meters DF for details on these terms). The range of frequencies used in Fig. 3 spans most transportation noise energy, so these measurements provide the clearest indication of the potential impacts of noise and the capacity of the local acoustical environment to mask other transportation noise. Full spectrum dB(A) measurements are inappropriate to evaluate the potential impacts of transportation noise because they encompass all frequencies, low to high. High frequency natural sounds can substantially inflate environmental sound levels, yet these sounds cannot mask transportation noise. While the exceedence levels in Fig. 3a vary widely among parks, panel 3B reveals that a common pattern of natural ambient sound levels does exist. A salient feature of Fig. 3 is the similarity of the three panels with the L90 and L50 patterns being nearly identical. Median polishing of the data in these three figures yielded the diel patterns displayed on the right hand side of each panel, and the following overall median sound levels across all sites and hours of the day: L90 = 21.8 dB(A), L50 = 24.6 dB(A), L01 = 40.6 dB(A). In addition to approximately 4 dB increase in level, the L50 panel exhibited a stronger afternoon increase in sound levels than the L90 panel. As in Fig. 2, exceptional patterns in the data can be related to exceptional conditions at the sites. The highest L01 levels in Fig. 3 correspond to dense urban settings in Golden Gate and San Antonio Missions, unusual conditions at Rocky Mountain National Park (the "Thunder in the Rockies motorcycle rally"), and frequent aircraft activity over Lake Mead (helicopter transport of Grand Canyon air tourists over Indian Pass). The Rocky Mountain National Park data are a fairly accurate representation of acoustical conditions Q Springer 1306 Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 A Fig. 3 Measured background, median, and peak levels of sounds between 20 and 800 Hz, in dB(A). a Measured hourly exceedence levels from 189 acoustical monitoring sites in 42 parks. Parks are displayed on the horizontal axis, and hours of the day are shown on the vertical axis. Parks are ordered left to right, from smallest population size to largest population size within 16.1 km (10 mile) of the park boundary. The tone of each block represents sound level as measured by the integral of A -weighted energy between 20 and 800 Hz. These measure- ments focus attention on the frequencies covering most of the transportation noise energy. Darker tones symbolize quieter near any busy park road during periods of high visitation. However, not all high sound levels are attributable to noise. At sites in Olympic National Park, Cape Lookout National Seashore, and North Cascades National Park, ambient sound levels are naturally high because of the sounds of waves or cascading streams (sites such as these appear mono- chromatic in this figure). In this sense, the term "natural quiet" offers an incomplete image of desired conditions because the powerful sounds of water are quintessential to the character of these places. A comparison of Figs. 2 and 3 shows that high levels of audible noise do not always coincide with high ambient sound levels. City of Rocks is note- worthy for low audibility and ambient sound levels; part of this national reserve was originally identified �L Springer gp dWAj.2"W HZ p P Hour 04 a 08 09 10 11 12 $ Multiplier sound levels while brighter tones symbolize louder sound levels. The L90 represents the hourly levels exceeded 90% of the time during the monitoring period, and is often used to approximate background ambient sound levels in community settings. The L50 represents the hourly levels exceeded 50% of the time during the monitoring period. The L01 represents the hourly levels exceeded 1% of the time during the monitoring period, and summarizes the sound levels for the loudest events that were measured at the site. Fields with hash marks indicate hours without data. b The overall diel trends produced by median polish of L01, L50, and L90 data in (a) in legislation as "Silent City of Rocks." However, many sites in Grand Canyon, Lake Mead, Yosemite, and Zion exhibit low ambient sound levels but extensive durations of audible noise. These sites illustrate the delicate nature of exceptionally quiet locations: their pristine character is most susceptible to noise from distant sources. Several sites in Kenai Fjords and Sequoia Kings Canyon show that rela- tively high ambient levels due to natural sounds can be coupled with limited extents of audible noise. Discussion A comprehensive 1982 EPA survey assessing the noise climate in residential areas revealed that 87 percent of Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 1307 the urban population of the United States was exposed to a day -night sound level over 55 dB, and an additional 53% was exposed to a day -night sound level over 60 dB (day -night sound level is a standard community -noise metric, defined as 24 h average sound level, with a 10 dB penalty added for noise levels occurring between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.) (EPA 1982). Collectively, park monitoring data show that most park sites have relatively low background sound levels, and are generally quieter than most urban or suburban communities. But despite their quiet back- ground sound levels, extrinsic noise is audible in many parks for significant fractions of the day. High traffic locations in parks present the most degraded acoustical environments, due to the density of visitors, the mode of transporting visitors within parks, and noise from buildings and other park infrastructure. Many remote sites also have high levels of audibility, because very distant sound sources can be audible against low background sound levels. The quietest sites in parks are the most vulnerable to noise intrusions. There are several reasons for NPS to pursue noise management. First, noise management is rooted in NPS management policies: "the natural ambient sound level —that is, the environment of sound that exists in the absence of human -caused noise —is the baseline condition and the standard against which current conditions in a soundscape will be measured and evaluated" (NPS 2006). NPS management pol- icies (2006) also state that: "culturally appropriate sounds are important elements of the national park experience in many parks." In NPS areas, "the Service will preserve soundscape resources and values of the parks to the greatest extent possible to protect opportunities for appropriate transmission of cultural and historic sounds that are fundamental components of the purposes and values for which the parks were established" (ibid). Moreover, protected natural and cultural areas preserve increasingly rare sanctuaries for the public to fully experience natural sounds and solitude. Quiet settings at cultural sites or memorials enhance the contemplative or reverent atmosphere. Quiet is also an essential attribute of outstanding settings for teaching and interpretive presentations. Children are especially prone to distraction, and have more difficulty than adults in understanding speech in noisy locations. In attempt- ing to preserve outstanding acoustical conditions, NPS confronts an accelerating historical trend. Rapid energy development, infrastructure expansion, and urbaniza- tion are fragmenting the acoustical landscape. Degraded listening opportunities also affect innu- merable aspects of ecosystem function. From the perspective of resource preservation and restoration, it is understandable if noise management pales in comparison to ensuring the survival of threatened and endangered species. Nonetheless, an emergent body of literature suggests that these concerns are often linked. For wildlife, noise pollution intensifies the ecological stress that habitat fragmentation has caused (Barber et al. 2010). Hearing is the universal alerting sense; it remains active even in sleeping animals. Fortunately, the benefits of noise management can be measured and perceived immediately; a noise source quieted, displaced, or removed is readily apparent. However, ecosystem recovery from noise exposure and changes in visitor expectations and use patterns may progress on much longer time scales. NPS enjoys a unique obligation and opportunity to translate the principles governing architectural design for out- standing indoor acoustics into park architectures that preserve authentic conditions. Design options like noise barriers between parking areas and scenic overlooks may provide significant improvements over current conditions. In the longer term, transportation networks inside parks can be reshaped to reduce their impacts to acoustic resources and visitor listening opportunities. Lamentably, much of the noise measured in national parks comes from sources outside park boundaries and beyond the management jurisdiction of NPS. The regional and national scales of these noise sources call for conservation and management efforts on the same scales. As shown in Table 2, the NPS has made a number of significant achievements in the realm of sound- scape management and noise mitigation. Muir Woods National Monument declared a permanent "quiet zone" in Cathedral Grove, after social science research revealed that such signage was supported by an overwhelming majority of park visitors and that the resulting reduction in sound levels was equivalent to halving the number of visitors in the park. Mass transit has become an increasingly attractive option to parks like Zion National Park and Devils Postpile National Monument, allowing them to provide access to large numbers of visitors while diminishing impacts to resources. When Zion National Park Q Springer 1308 Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 Table 2 Noise management techniques, as applied in national parks Park Mitigation method(s) Acadia National Park Currently using baseline ambient data to fulfill legislative mandate by managing air tours over national parks Big Thicket National Preserve Used baseline ambient data to persuade energy development company to erect berms between park and directional drilling operations Devils Postpile National Currently using acoustical data to determine impacts of new mass transit options (buses) Monument Grand Canyon National Park Utilized baseline ambient data in completed draft Air Tour Management Plan. Currently seeking public comment Great Sand Dunes National Park Cited data in an injunction of proposed oil and gas exploration in adjacent national wildlife refuge & Preserve Haleakala National Park Currently using baseline ambient data to fulfill legislative mandate by managing air tours over national parks Hawai'i Volcanoes National Using baseline ambient data to fulfill legislative mandate by managing air tours over national Park parks Kenai Fjords National Park Established desired future conditions and soundscape quality standards for Exit Glacier Management Plan Lake Mead National Recreation Currently using baseline ambient data to fulfill legislative mandate by managing air tours over Area national parks Minute Man National Historic Established desired future conditions and soundscape quality standards. Drafted Soundscape Park Management Plan to manage park -wide acoustical environment, currently under park review Mojave National Preserve Monitored areas below flight paths between to document baseline conditions prior to the construction of a nearby major airport Mount Rainier National Park Currently using baseline ambient data to fulfill legislative mandate by managing air tours over national parks Mount Rushmore National Currently using baseline ambient data to fulfill legislative mandate by managing air tours over Memorial national parks Muir Woods National Designated permanent `quiet zone,' based on the findings of various acoustical monitoring studies Monument North Cascades National Park Incorporated protection of natural sounds into wilderness management plan Complex Organ Pipe Cactus National Used baseline ambient conditions to determine effects of border patrol installations on the Monument soundscape and the endangered Sonoran Pronghorn, a species which inhabits the park Sand Creek Massacre National Gathered baseline ambient data in order to incorporate protection of natural sounds into the Historic Site park's first general management plan. Worked with Colorado Air National Guard to assess impacts of military overflights Sequoia and Kings Canyon Currently using baseline ambient data to fulfill legislative mandate by managing air tours over National Parks national parks Yosemite National Park Incorporated developed desired conditions and standards of quality for soundscapes in Merced River Plan. Considered soundscape as a resource to be protected and incorporated into future plans Zion National Park Used acoustical data to quantify benefits of shuttle system in Zion Canyon. Finalized a soundscape management plan which included desired future conditions, soundscape objectives, and standards of quality instituted a shuttle bus system to reduce summer congestion on park roads, the park received visitor comments expressing appreciation for the quieter conditions. Numerous parks have begun drafting Air Tour Management plans to mitigate noise from air �L Springer tour operations. Acoustical monitoring data has even been cited in court decisions as a reason to halt oil and gas exploration near parks. These efforts to mitigate noise in parks are an encouraging trend. The NPS has a unique opportunity to educate and engage Landscape Ecol (2011) 26:1297-1309 1309 the public on issues like noise pollution, air quality, and climate change, but effective resolution will require partnerships that transcend park boundaries and institutional barriers to cooperation. Acknowledgments We thank acoustical technicians, Ric Hupalo, Skip Ambrose, Dave Schirokauer, Ericka Pilcher, Charlotte Formichella, Dave Stack, Katherine Warner, Daniel Mennitt, Jessica Briggs, and Cecilia Leumas for the many field and office hours they spent collecting and analyzing the data in this report. We also greatly appreciate the assistance provided by park personnel in data collection efforts. Thanks to Kirk Sherrill and David Hollema from the Natural Resource Stewardship and Science (NRSS) Inventory and Monitoring Program for GIS assistance. We also thank technicians at Wyle Laboratory for the role they played in data collection, and our partner agency, the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, for data collection assistance, as well as monitoring and analysis protocol development. References Acoustical Society of America (1983) American National Standard Specification for Sound Level Meters. ANSI Standard 51.4-1983, 17 Feb 1983. Rev 2006 Barber J, Crooks K, Fristrup K (2010) The costs of chronic noise exposure for terrestrial organisms. Trends Ecol Evol 25:180-189 Bayne EM, Habib L, Boutin S (2008) Impacts of chronic anthropogenic noise from energy -sector activity on abundance of songbirds in the boreal forest. Consery Biol 22:1186-1193 Crocker MJ (1997) Encyclopedia of acoustics. Wiley, New York Dawson C (2004) Monitoring outstanding opportunities for solitude. Int J Wilderness 10(3):12-29 Doherty KE, Naugle DE, Walker BL, Graham JM (2008) Greater sage -grouse winter habitat selection and energy development. J Wildl Manag 72:187-195 Environmental Protection Agency (1982) National Ambient Noise Survey. Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Washington, DC Haas GE, Wakefield TJ (1998) National Parks and the Amer- ican public: a summary report of the National Parks Conservation Association, conducted by Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Habib L, Bayne EM, Boutin S (2007) Chronic industrial noise affects pairing success and age structure of ovenbirds Seiurus aurocapilla. J Appl Ecol 44:176-184 Haralabidis A, Dimakopoulou K, Vigna-Tagliand F et al (2008) Acute effects of night-time noise exposure on blood pressure in populations living near airports. Ear Heart J 29:658-664 Iyer H (2005) Determination of adequate measurement periods (temporal sampling). 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J Wildl Manag 70:396-403 Schmidt KA, Ostfeld RS (2008) Eavesdropping squirrels reduce their future value of food under the perceived presence of cache robbers. Am Nat 171:386-393 Tukey J (1977) Exploratory data analysis. Addison-Wesley, Reading IL Springer RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 559 Check for updates I Anthropogenic noise in US national parks - sources and spatial extent Rachel T Buxton'*, Megan F McKenna 2, Daniel Mennitt3, Emma Browne, Kurt Fristrup2, Kevin R Crooks', Lisa M Angeloni4, and George Wittemyert In an era of unprecedented environmental change, US national parks are refuges of natural ecosystems and facilitate connections between humans and nature. However, anthropogenic noise is an increasingly pervasive threat in these parks. To diagnose noise levels and sources, we analyzed thousands of hours of acoustic recordings collected across park units and summarized results from continental -scale sound models. We found that anthropogenic noise was audible in 37% of park recordings, and that parks with high road density and those in close proximity to large airports experienced a greater number of noise events. The most common noise sources were aircraft and road vehicles, but, when present, trains and watercraft generated the loudest noise levels. Sound models show that anthropogenic noise caused a tenfold increase in median sound levels in 36% of parks, and loud areas were often localized. Our analysis identifies situations where noise management would yield the greatest benefits to park visitors and wildlife. Front Ecol Environ 2019; 17(10): 559-564, doi:10.1002/fee.2112 The US National Park Service (NPS) was established over a century ago to conserve natural and cultural resources. As the first system of federally protected areas in the world, US national parks have shaped a global standard for protected areas. Since NPS's inception, the US population has more than tripled, road and aircraft traffic have become widespread, and 80% of the US population now lives in urban areas (Barber et al. 2010). In this context, national parks represent refuges of ecological integrity and provide increasingly important oppor- tunities for people to establish personal connections with natu- ral environments (Miller 2005; Machlis and McNutt 2015). This rapid increase in infrastructure, transportation net- works, and human activity has resulted in the widespread dis- tribution of anthropogenic noise (hereafter "noise"), even in the most remote protected areas of the US (Figure 1; Buxton et al. 2017a). At high levels of exposure, noise annoys people and contributes to health problems (Basner et al. 2014). At lower levels of exposure, noise reduces the benefits of experi- encing natural sounds, which include increased relaxation, restored attention, improved mood, and reduced stress (Benfield et al. 2014; Abbott et al. 2016). Noise also affects wildlife, masking critical sounds (including incidental signals such as the sound of predators approaching) and increasing perceived risk, causing changes in behavior, physiology, and fitness (reviewed in Shannon et al. [20161). Moreover, the responses of individual species to noise extend through eco- logical interactions to alter community structure and ecosys- tem function (Francis et al. 2012). Despite its known impacts on natural systems, noise is rarely considered alongside other pervasive threats to protected areas (Butchart et al. 2010). 'Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO *(; ZNatural Sounds and Night Skies Division, National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO, 3Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO; ¢Dept. of Biology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Congressional concerns about noise in national parks have been expressed through legislation since 1975, and NPS policy requires the management of noise and conservation of acoustic resources (NPS 2006). Accordingly, NPS has been identifying noise sources, measuring not only how often they are heard but also sound levels at hundreds of sites over the past two dec- ades, resulting in a unique, spatially diverse acoustic dataset. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of all noise sources in national parks across the US. More specifically, we identify the causes of continental -scale patterns of noise expo- sure (Buxton et al. 2017a) by analyzing the identities and char- acteristics of noise sources audible in national park units and relating these outputs to landscape -scale summaries of acous- tic conditions inside national parks. The results document (1) the loudest and most frequent sources of noise and the anthropogenic features associated with them, (2) which of these sources predict landscape levels of noise estimated using geospatial models, and (3) summaries of these noise metrics across different protection categories (ie park type, wilderness areas, and critical habitat of US endangered species). We relate this diagnosis of noise across different park contexts with emerging approaches to mitigate noise pollution, aiming to identify management strategies that preserve or restore natural soundscape experiences for park visitors and wildlife. ■ Methods Noise sources A team of trained acoustic technicians identified, cate- gorized, and measured characteristics of noise by listening to and observing spectrograms of recordings from 251 sites in 66 park units (WebPanel 1). At 168 sites with This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2019 The Authors. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment published by Wiley Periodicals Inc. on behalf of the Ecological Society of America. RT Buxton et al. a z a z Figure 1. Some examples of anthropogenic noise sources in US national parks include (a) aircraft (Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota), (b) vehicles (Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska), (c) trains (Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio), and (d) watercraft (Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska). high rates of noise events, categories of noise (WebTable 1) were identified as present or absent in 10-second samples of audio taken every 2 minutes (except for sites in Alaska's Denali National Park; see WebPanel 1). The audibility of a noise source was calculated as the proportion of acoustic samples where the noise event was observed during an hour of sampling. At 96 sites with low rates of noise events and little overlap between events, tech- nicians measured the following characteristics of all noise events observed throughout recordings: sound exposure level (SEL), maximum sound pressure level (max SPL), and duration (minutes) (for definitions, see WebPanel 2). We estimated audibility for these sites by calculating the probability that a noise event intersects a 10-second sample across each 2-minute interval based on the dura- tion of the event (WebPanel 1). Note that both types of analyses were conducted at 13 sites. To compare audibility among noise categories (WebTable 1), we fitted the most parsimonious model structure, a gener- alized linear mixed model (GLMM) with a quasi -Poisson error structure with the log of the total number of acoustic samples included as an offset term. Because we found substan- tial temporal autocorrelation in model residuals for SEL, max SPL, and duration of noise events, these were compared between categories using second -order autoregressive, inte- grated, moving average (ARIMA) mixed models with a Gaussian error structure. All models incorporated each cate- gory of noise, season, a variable controlling for the front- or backcountry placement of the recorder, and morning hours (0700-0900) as fixed variables, with date nested within site nested within park as a random effect. Using data from national parks within the contiguous US, we used an information —theoretic approach to investigate which landscape -level anthropogenic features explain differ- ences in audibility of all noise sources across sites. We con- structed three global quasi -Poisson GLMMs, each of which included uncorrelated combinations of distance to, size of, or density of anthropogenic features, and variables for park designation type, wilderness areas, and critical habitats of US endangered species (covariates are described in WebTable 2). For the park designation variable we assigned each of the 21 types of national park units, based on distinctive manage- ment attributes, into one of four possible designations: (1) national parks, preserves, and reserves; (2) recreation areas; (3) cultural parks; and (4) national monuments (WebPanel 1). We included recording date nested within site nested within park as a random effect in each model. We chose the model with the lowest Akaike's information crite- a 7. a z Front Ecol Environ doi: 10. 1002/fee.2112 Noise in US national parks rion (AIC) score, and considered covariates from this model with the greatest parameter estimates with 95% confidence intervals that did not overlap zero to be the most influential (Burnham and Anderson 2002). All model procedures are described in detail in WebPanel 1. Noise exceedance To quantify acoustic conditions in parks within the con- tiguous US, we extracted national estimates of noise from a previously published geospatial model (Mennitt and Fristrup 2016). These models were generated by machine - learning algorithms to analyze the relationship between acoustic measurements at 492 sites across the contiguous US and geospatial features, including vegetation, topog- raphy, climate, hydrology, and anthropogenic activity. In addition to predicting expected sound levels, the models predicted natural sound levels by minimizing anthropo- genic factors. Furthermore, the difference between these values is an estimate of the amount that anthropogenic sound energy raises existing sound levels above natural levels (Mennitt et al. 2014). We used this difference, termed "noise exceedance", as a metric of noise because it meas- ures changes in sound levels due to anthropogenic noise (detailed definition in WebPanel 2; Buxton et al. 2017a). Noise exceedance values were predicted from A -weighted sound levels (a method of summarizing sound levels across frequencies) emphasizing sound energy at frequencies at which many vertebrates have their most sensitive hearing thresholds, and averaged over summer daytime hours, representing seasonal listening conditions (WebPanel 1). Sites in Alaska and Hawaii were included in audibility analyses, but predictions of noise exceedance were limited to sites in the contiguous US. We summarized noise exceedance, examining median noise exceedance within each park unit and the proportion of pixels experiencing noise exceedance above 3 decibels (dB) and 10 dB within each park unit. Exceedances of 3 dB and 10 dB cor- respond to a doubling and tenfold increase, respectively, in acoustic energy, and to a 50% and 90% decrease, respectively, in the spatial extent of acoustic signal detection (ie "listening area"; Barber et al. 2010) in many vertebrates (Buxton et al. 2017a). In addition to masking important acoustic informa- tion, noise exceedance in this range reduces visitor enjoyment of parks through annoyance and interference with natural quiet and natural sounds (Rapoza et al. 2015). Moreover, the scholarly literature published over the past two decades demonstrates that noise exceedance in this range affects wild- life species richness, reproductive success, behavior, and physi- ology (Shannon et al. 2016). Comparison across management designations We compared noise audibility and exceedance (1) across park types; (2) in wilderness areas within parks, non - wilderness areas within parks, and wilderness areas outside parks; and (3) in critical habitat of US endangered species within parks, non -designated areas within parks, and critical habitat outside parks. Fitting models to compare noise exceedance among park management designations was unfea- sible given the dataset's large size (n > 5 million) and the prohibitively large matrices needed to account for high spatial autocorrelation. Accordingly, we used a bootstrapped pro- cedure (described in WebPanel 1). To compare audibility of noise in recordings across land designations, we used the predictions from GLMMs described above. To examine the relationship between noise exceedance and characteristics of noise sources at each site, we built linear mod- els predicting noise exceedance at each recorder location from mean audibility, SEL, max SPL, and duration of each category of noise. We considered noise category models with the highest R2 and lowest AIC (corrected for small sample size: AICc) as the best predictors of audibility and other noise metrics. ■ Results Audibility of the loudest and most frequent noise sources Analysis of 1,440,999 acoustic samples from 46,789 hours of recordings in US national park units identified ten common noise sources (Figure 2). Although noise sources varied among park units, aircraft noise was heard at all sites and was the predominant source at most sites (Figure 2). The second most common noise source was ground -based vehicles (WebFigure 1). Another common category was sounds from people (eg voices, footsteps; WebFigure 1). Some noise sources were geographically limited; for example, train sounds were more common in western parks (Figure 2). Model results, accounting for different sampling across locations and time, indicated that noise was audible in 37% of acoustic samples (WebFigure 1). Noise events were most com- mon between the hours 0700-0900 and during the summer (July —September; WebTable 3). Aircraft and vehicle sounds were the most common noise sources, audible in 3 1 % of sam- ples, ranging from sites with no noise audible to 100% of sam- ples containing aircraft or vehicle noises (WebTable 4). Aircraft noise was predominantly (73%) from jets, and 43% of ground - based vehicle noise was from automobiles (car, truck, and bus engines and tires on pavement; WebFigure 1). People sounds were mainly (89%) voices (WebFigure 1). Among the subset (38%) of recordings for which acoustic parameters could be measured for individual noise events (n = 51,754 noise events), watercraft sounds had the highest SEL (mean ± standard deviation [SD]: 64.6 ± 4.9 dB) and the long- est duration (mean ± SD: 19.9 ± 1.7 seconds; WebTable 5), and train sounds had the highest max SPL (mean ± SD: 48.7 ± 13.4 dB). Anthropogenic features that were associated with higher audibility of noise sources included the density of roads within the park, and the distance to and traffic volume of nearby air- ports (WebTable 6). Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2112 RT Buxton et al. 4 1. O Noise sources • Aircraft M Vehicle Watercraft i O Oversnow O Train � Grounds care People Domestic animal fit:. O Building sounds Construction Park boundaries Figure 2. Ten common noise sources were identified through analysis of recordings made in US national park units. The proportion of each type of noise source observed in the recordings indicated the regional presence of some sources (eg trains) and the prevalence of others (eg vehicles, aircraft). The "oversnow" category includes sound from snowmobiles, snow coaches, snow groomers, and snow planes. Spatial extent of noise predicted from geospatial models The median noise exceedance, measured within each park unit, ranged from 0 dB to 29.1 dB (WebTable 7). Median noise exceedance was greater than 3 dB in 77% of 364 park units (48% of total park area), representing a doubling in acoustic energy, and median noise exceedance was greater than 10 dB in 36% of park units (2% of park area; Figure 3; WebTable 7), representing a tenfold increase in acoustic energy. Park units with the highest 10% median noise exceedance had high levels of noise exceedance across the entire park area (Figure 3). Conversely, noise exceedance values were less than 3 dB across most of the park area in park units with the lowest 10% median noise exceedance. Of all noise sources detected in the acoustic recordings, audibility of ground vehi- cles was most strongly related to predicted noise exceedance from geospatial models (parameter estimate ± standard error: 8.64 ± 0.94, R2 = 0.30; WebTable 8). In contrast, duration of audible aircraft noise events was negatively related to noise exceedance (-0.04 ± 0.01, R2 = 0.34), because aircraft can be heard from greater distances at quieter sites. Noise across different protective categories Examination of noise across types of park units revealed higher noise exceedance and audibility in park units designated to preserve cultural or historic resources (WebFigure 2; WebTable 9). When other landscape variables were taken into account, noise audibility was highest in parks designated for recreation (WebTable 6). Natural resource parks had the lowest noise exceedance and audibility (WebFigure 2). Fewer noise events were audible at recording sites inside relative to outside wilderness areas (WebFigure 2), even when other landscape fac- tors were accounted for (WebTable 6). Likewise, median noise exceedance was lower inside NPS wilderness relative to non -wilderness areas (WebFigure 2; WebTable 9). Noise exceedance in NPS wilderness was slightly elevated, but not significantly, relative to designated wilderness in other protected lands (eg Forest Service land; WebTable 9). Audibility of noise sources was similar between designated critical habitats of US endan- gered species and non -designated areas within national park units. Similarly, noise exceedance did not differ significantly between critical and non -critical habitats within park boundaries (WebFigure 2; WebTable 9). Noise exceedance was slightly higher in critical habitats outside of park boundaries as compared with that inside park boundaries (WebTable 9). ■ Discussion The negative effects of noise on a range of animal species, ecological communities, and human visitors in protected areas are well documented (Rapoza et al. 2015; Shannon et al. 2016). Noise that overlaps in frequency with important natural signals compromises a primary sensory system for wildlife (Swaddle et al. 2015) and people. We assessed the common noise sources in US national parks, derived from 46,789 hours of recordings, and how these sources relate to noise levels predicted by geospatial models. We found that the most common sources of noise were aircraft, road vehicles, and people sounds, with vehicles accounting for much of the variation in median noise exceedance. Our large-scale assess- ments of the spatial distribution, common sources, and levels of noise provide insights for spatial planning to implement the numerous existing tools for reducing noise (NRC 2010). The most common noise sources require distinct man- agement approaches. Aircraft noise was spatially extensive and was audible for longer in areas with low noise exceed- ance, likely because low ambient sound levels make it easier to hear all sounds (Lynch et al. 2011). The vast spatial extent of air transportation networks combined with the regulatory role of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) means that management of aircraft noise necessitates a collabora- tive approach. NPS has partnered with the FAA to limit the spread of noise in parks by routing flights over road corri- dors (FAA 2012); collaborative mitigation approaches such Front Ecol Environ doi: 10. 1002/fee.2112 Noise in US national parks Figure 3. Median model -predicted noise exceedance within each national park unit in the contiguous US indicates large variability in the levels of noise across units. In the top graph, boxes (25th-75th percentile) and whiskers (2nd-98th percentile) for all park units (n = 396) are overlayed on colors repre- senting levels <3 dB (dark blue), 3-6 dB (cyan), 6-10 dB (yellow -green), and >10 dB (yellow) (representing a reduction in listening area of less than 50%, 50-75%, 75-90%, and greater than 90%, respectively). Parks were generally inundated with noise >10 dB (eg parks within the boundaries of Washington, DC), had high noise exceedance in spatially restricted areas (eg noise exceedance was >10 dB in a small area in Death Valley National Park that experiences high traffic and visitation), or experience near -natural acoustic environments (eg exceedance was <3 tlB in 85% of remote areas in Great Sand Dunes National Park). as this can be replicated in areas where our analysis identi- fied high audibility of aircraft. Noise from road vehicles was more spatially restricted, but when present was a chronic source of noise that drove high levels of noise exceedance. Considering road vehicle noise when devising transporta- tion plans (eg shuttle systems, speed limits) and designing park infrastructure (eg "quiet pavement") could be a key strategy for reducing its effects (Lynch et al. 2011). Finally, we found widespread sounds produced by people. In the context of visitor conversation and ranger interpretive ses- sions, voices are intrinsic to park values and visitor experi- ence; yet even when appropriate to the setting, these sounds affect wildlife (eg Buxton et al. 2017b). In areas where reduced visitor sounds would further enhance natural resources (eg wildlife -viewing areas), designation of quiet zones can markedly improve conditions (Francis et al. 2017). Quiet zones have the additional benefit of enhancing the visitor experience in these places (Stack et al. 2011). Geospatial model predictions of noise levels revealed the ubiquity of noise in national parks. Although NPS lands are among the quietest of US protected areas (Buxton et al. 2017a), we found high overall median noise exceedance (>10 dB) in one-third of US national park units (2% of all park area). These levels of noise have been shown to affect the body condition (Phillips et al. 2018), behavior (Klett-Mingo et al. 2016), and fitness (Schroeder et al. 2012) of many wildlife species. Ultimately, this level of noise exceedance can affect ecosystem services, altering processes like seed dispersal and pollination (Francis et al. 2012). Moreover, we found increases in sound levels of 3 dB due to noise in almost half of all park area (pooling among all parks) — levels known to alter, for example, avian song performance, with detrimental outcomes for com- petition and pairing success (Davidson et al. 2017). Often, high noise exceedance was limited to small areas within a park unit. Our assessment of the distribution and levels of noise within and among parks indicates areas where management of noise would generate substantial benefits. Noise management strategies will depend on the manage- ment designation of the park, as well as the relationship between noise sources and visitor experience. Inside national park boundaries, noise was lower in wilderness than in areas without such protective designations. The exclusion of motorized vehi- cles, among the most prevalent noise sources in our analysis, is critical to maintaining near -natural conditions available in wil- derness areas managed to provide "outstanding opportunities for solitude" (Watson et al. 2015). Noise was high in cultural parks (military, memorial, or historic sites), which are relatively small (<135 km2) and usually close to large cities. Because these sites are often embedded within more developed landscapes outside park jurisdiction, collaborative approaches for noise diminution are needed in such contexts. We note that models of noise exceedance generally underestimate the highest sound levels and overestimate the lowest sound levels (Mennitt and Fristrup 2016), suggesting that parks identified as loud are likely Front Ecol Environ doi:10.1002/fee.2112 RT Buxton et al. louder than estimated and quiet parks are likely quieter than estimated. In most cases noise exceedance is underestimated, and as such represents a conservative estimate of noise levels. Although conditions in national park units are typically quieter than conditions in their surrounding landscapes, NPS has legislative mandates to manage parks to superlative standards of resource quality and visitor experience. As park units consider accommodating higher levels of visitation, substantial challenges include designing transportation plans and park infrastructure that conserve or restore soundscapes. On large landscape scales, noise management will likely require collaboration with partners to reduce noise arriving from outside park boundaries. The variety of noise sources and their spatial distribution across park contexts emphasize the need for diverse strategies informed by local knowledge and partnerships to conserve natural soundscapes for park visitors, wildlife, and ecological processes. ■ Acknowledgements We thank numerous park staff and Colorado State University (CSU) research associates for placing and servicing acoustic recorders; J Job, C White, D Joyce, and CSU-NPS acoustical technicians for collecting and analyzing acoustic data; and B Gerber for statistical advice. C References Abbott LC, Taff D, Newman P, et al. 2016. The influence of natural sounds on attention restoration. J Park Rec Admin 34: 5-15. Barber JR, Crooks KR, and Fristrup KM. 2010. The costs of chronic noise exposure for terrestrial organisms. Trends Ecol Evol 25: 180-89. 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Final FAA RNAV and RNP procedures at Denver International Airport and Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport environmental assessment and Finding for No Significant Impact (FONSI) and Record of Decision (ROD). Washington, DC: FAA. Viewed 20 May 2019. Francis CD, Kleist NJ, Ortega CP, et al. 2012. Noise pollution alters ecological services: enhanced pollination and disrupted seed dis- persal. P Roy Soc Lond B Bio 279: 2727-35. Francis CD, Newman P, Taff BD, et al. 2017. Acoustic environments matter: synergistic benefits to humans and ecological communi- ties. JEnviron Manage 203: 245-54. Klett-Mingo JI, Pav6n I, and Gil D. 2016. Great tits, Parus major, increase vigilance time and reduce feeding effort during peaks of aircraft noise. Anim Behav 115: 29-34. Lynch E, Joyce D, and Fristrup K. 2011. An assessment of noise audi- bility and sound levels in US national parks. Landscape Ecol 26: 1297-309. Machlis G and McNutt M. 2015. Parks for science. Science 348: 1291. 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The relationship between aircraft noise exposure and day -use visitor survey responses in backcountry areas of national parks. J Acoust Soc Am 138: 2090- 105. Schroeder J, Nakagawa S, Cleasby IR, et al. 2012. Passerine birds breeding under chronic noise experience reduced fitness. PLoS ONE 7: e39200. Shannon G, McKenna MF, Angeloni LM, et al. 2016. A synthesis of two decades of research documenting the effects of noise on wild- life. Biol Rev Camb Philos 91: 982-1005. Stack DW, Peter N, Manning RE, et al. 2011. Reducing visitor noise levels at Muir Woods National Monument using experimental management. J Acoust Soc Am 129: 1375-80. Swaddle JP, Francis CD, Barber JR, et al. 2015. A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound. Trends Ecol Evol 30: 550-60. Watson A, Martin S, Christensen N, et al. 2015. The relationship between perceptions of wilderness character and attitudes toward management intervention to adapt biophysical resources to a changing climate and nature restoration at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. Environ Manage 56: 653-63. • Supporting Information Additional, web -only material may be found in the online version of this article at 1002/fee.2112/suppinfo Front Ecol Environ doi: 10. 1002/fee.2112 National al Park Service San Diego, CA NOISE -CON 2019 2019 August 26-28 Quarry Noise Model Juliet A. Page, Alexander Oberg, Aaron Hastings, Gary Baker Kira Glover -Cutter Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, US DOT Oregon Department of Transportation 55 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02142 Salem, OR 97301 555 13'h St. NE, Suite 2 Salem, OR 97301 ABSTRACT The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) sponsored the development of a tool to help predict noise exposure in areas surrounding ODOT aggregate source sites (rock quarries) by the USDOT's Volpe Center. The Quarry Noise Model (QNM)' has three inter -communicating components: QNM Graphical Information System (GIS) Module, Noise Database and Acoustic Engine. The GIS Module represents the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for QNM and harnesses both custom and existing tools within ESRI's ArcGIS to streamline the analysis of quarry noise scenarios. Two types of parameters are included in the noise database: classification parameters, which are used to identify the source, and emission parameters, which characterize the emitted noise. The Acoustic Engine leverages the Advanced Acoustic Model (AAM)2 which has been updated to include the ability to model operations from equipment distributed over a quadrilateral area, calculation of attenuation due to surrounding foliage, and a simplified blast model for prediction of initial blast overpressure. This paper describes QNM, its acoustic database, and the enhancements and adaptations made to AAM in support of QNM development. 1. INTRODUCTION Large regions of Oregon rely heavily on material from Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) quarries for projects such as road maintenance. Recently, the potential listing of sage grouse as an endangered species prompted ODOT to consider whether activities from ODOT aggregate source sites would comply with potential Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) recommended mitigation. Given that noise levels of ODOT quarry operations have yet to be fully investigated, a need was identified to collect, analyze, and model quarry noise data for development of a methodology that can be applied throughout the state to determine potential noise impacts within noise sensitive species habitats. The key objective of this project was to develop a GIS-based noise model of ODOT quarry operations that can be visually mapped in relation to noise sensitive receivers. QNM has three inter -communicating components at its heart: QNM Noise Database, Acoustic Engine, and QNM GIS Module. The QNM GIS Module was developed expressly for the purpose of identifying, in a georeferenced fashion, quarry operations that create noise. The GIS Module streamlines the running of the Acoustic Engine using these data and receives the resultant noise calculations that may be displayed within the GIS environment. 2. QNM GIS MODULE The QNM GIS Module represents the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for QNM. The GIS Module harnesses both custom and existing tools within ESRI's ArcGIS interface to streamline the process of creating and running quarry noise scenarios. The QNM Manual' provides detailed instructions. Below is a brief overview of the QNM GIS Module functionality. Quarry Noise Model Page, Oberg, Hastings, Baker and Glover -Cutter • Create and populate the scenario inputs geodatabase with quarry geographic data, including points, routes and areas that host quarry operations; • Prepare Elevation, Impedance and Foliage Data; • Define Operations (Point, Route, Area, and Blast); and • Run the Advanced Acoustic Model (AAM) and process AAM Outputs. A. QNM Toolbar The QNM GIS Module consists of existing ArcGIS 10.5.1 functionality, which must be installed on the user's computer, along with two Python -based ArcMap add -ins: Quarry Noise Toolbar and Quarry Noise Toolbox. The Quarry Noise Toolbar and Toolbox are designed for users with some prior experience using ArcMap. B. Preparing the Quarry Noise Scenario GIS Data Before running the quarry noise module, the user must prepare the input data associated with the quarry. The first step in this process is to run the Create Input Geodatabase tool within the Quarry Noise Toolbox. The purpose of this tool is to generate a template scenario input geodatabase that contains empty feature classes that will store the quarry features (points, road segments, routes, and areas), along with other supporting feature classes and tables. The output of this tool is a geodatabase called scenario_inputs.gdb, which includes the following GIS layers and tables: • Points, Road Segments and Areas: Store the three categories of geographic data where quarry noise operations can occur; • Routes and Routes_ Description: Store the information related to the series of road segments over which a quarry noise operation might travel; • Area of Interest (AOI): Utilized by QNM GIS Module to calculate the scenario's analysis extent and clip elevation, impedance and foliage data during preparation; • Operations table: Store the linkage between a noise source and the geography the noise source will be utilizing in the scenario; • Foliage: Optional polygon feature class for identifying areas where foliage impact on sound propagation is to be computed; • Points of Interest (POI): Optional feature class for storing points where the user would like to determine specific noise impacts; and • Quarry Boundary: Optional feature class used to help calculate the `worst -case scenario' directionality of point noise sources. C. Digitizing the Quarry Noise Scenario The most time consuming part of the scenario preparation is the digitization of the quarry geography using built-in ArcMap functionality. While it is possible to use existing GIS and CAD data for the quarry to help populate these datasets, it is important that the data fit into the template generated by the Create Input Geodatabase Tool. D. Quarry Noise Toolbar The purpose of the Quarry Noise Toolbar is to utilize the ArcMap interface to define routes that will be utilized by quarry noise sources and AAM for the purposes of modeling noise. There are three components to the toolbar: "Initialize Route", "Prepare Route from Segments", and "Finalize Route." Within this tool, the user can select the road segments that make up a route. Road segments must be selected in the order they are traversed, and a road segment must neighbor the previously selected road segment. Figure 1 shows an example of what the ArcMap display might look like after populating a quarry scenario with actual GIS data. NoiseCon 2019, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 2019 Quarry Noise Model Page, Oberg, Hastings, Baker and Glover -Cutter Figure 1: ArcMap display after quarry scenario digitization E. Defining Quarry Operations Once the Quarry Noise Scenario digitization is finalized, the user is ready to define quarry operations. There are a series of four tools in the Quarry Noise Toolbox that streamline the process of defining a quarry operation by allowing the user to link a noise source to the geography that a noise source is utilizing. These four tools, used to specify the various activities at a quarry, are described in detail in the QNM manual', and include: • Define a Point Operation: Used for stationary equipment with user defined heading or worst case scenario that orients the loudest noise to the closest quarry boundary; • Define a Route Operation: Used for equipment traversing routes- user defines the speed at each node along the route; • Define an Area Operation: Used for distributed operations- user defines total operations and number of points along the primary (longest) and secondary (shortest) quadrilateral and distributes operations spatially and azimuthally over that area; and • Define a Blast Operation: Used to separately model blast operation airborne noise- user defines the state of confinement factor and instantaneous charge per hole. F. Prepare Elevation, Impedance and Foliage Data The purpose of these tools is to generate elevation, impedance and foliage data compatible with QNM. Before running the tools, the user must have a GIS-based raster elevation dataset. The user can use pre-existing elevation data or generate their own using other more detailed data, such as quarry -based CAD data. • Prepare Elevation Data: Clips elevation data to the area of interest (AOI), re -projects elevation data to the user -defined spatial reference, and converts into the AAM format; • Prepare Impedance Data: Generates impedance data in AAM format using a GIS-based raster dataset of impedance data; land cover data may be reclassified using ArcMap's Reclassify tool into ground impedance values per guidance in the AAM User Manual; and • Prepare Foliage Data: Generates foliage height data in AAM format; unlike elevation and impedance data, foliage data are not required for running QNM, however including it can enhance the accuracy of analyses in areas where foliage may impact noise propagation. G. Prepare Noise Model Inputs and Running AAM The purpose of the Prepare Noise Model Inputs tool is to prepare the AAM input deck based on all quarry geography and operation information. The user must specify meteorological data, NoiseCon 2019, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 2019 Quarry Noise Model Page, Oberg, Hastings, Baker and Glover -Cutter including temperature, pressure and relative humidity. The tool then creates a batch file that enables the user to run AAM outside of the QNM GIS Module. H. Process Outputs After AAM runs using the batch file, the Process Outputs tool converts AAM output files into GIS-formatted files that can be viewed in ArcMap. The GIS files generated include: • Point feature classes representing noise at POIs; • Raster datasets representing noise over the AOI for each noise measurement; and • Polyline feature classes representing noise contours over the extent of the AOI. The output feature classes and raster datasets from this tool can be added to a map in ArcMap for analysis and visualization. Figure 2 is an example within the ArcMap interface. fi Fdt Ywx BwbWa Mw, S.Mcti.n Cwa .a fuYw,in VhW.e I p - o x Gdbp Fyyi.�3iu.w��LPNIJodw., �CFJ\ipapaM =3 a =o CNMSJe13 w3 gCpppygµbr��4 aa� po,pmyyy� Cl�loi]}umie,M,P[. x � fiikpc iNi-MS B Fwq fe®9H� [Mlwe: ..�F.i�1W j.MIL ��Fdbp�Feil31 � Wkp� M3 i3O Fy�glp,jyl0 mMdn =�F�bp�,Wi}50 C9 WkR fos3.S5C ca.ta.s :�Fdbry fy1]S� f3 qd�. I W 3.Ib0 aantwa ■qu�ipi3}uaX a rdar• rer� 3 unx m.a.. n Fi�w+.IW1.5nd. iVl �aH�,sm�iw •-�ChVSen, &n, Figure 2: Example Noise Output within the ArcMap Environment 3. QNM NOISE DATABASE This section describes the methodology used to develop the QNM Noise Database and includes information about the noise data parameters, origins, standardization, aggregation and organization. There are a total of 474 pieces of equipment in the database with effective source heights identified. The data are organized into 1000, 2000 and 3000 series, depending on the quality and confidence of the data sources. The data contain one-third octave band, free -field data at a reference distance of 1000 ft. and source height with four ordinal angles of directivity, where applicable and available. A. Noise Data Parameters Noise data parameters are required in order to identify and accurately model noise emissions and propagation. Two types of parameters are included in the noise database: classification parameters, used to identify the source, and emission parameters, which characterize the physics of the emitted noise. The classification parameters are: Source ID, Source Name, Source Mode and Operation. The emission parameters are: Source Height, Noise Metric, Orientation and the Z-weighted One- third Octave Band Levels from 10 Hz to 10 kHz. B. Noise Data Origins The QNM has an expandable database allowing for newly measured sources to be added, however the initial database was developed using three main sources of existing data. The first was a set of reports, copies of which ODOT provided to the Volpe Center. The second was a single report NoiseCon 2019, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 2019 Quarry Noise Model Page, Oberg, Hastings, Baker and Glover -Cutter generated specifically for ODOT, thus representing specific equipment found at ODOT sites. The third was a set of source data collected for the National Highway Cooperative Research (NCHRP) Project 25-49 for an update to the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Roadway Construction Noise Model (RCNM).3 As none of these data sets were developed for the specific purpose of supplying the QNM with noise emission data, the degree of suitability varied across the sources. The QNM manual summarizes the compatibility of the various data sets. C. Standardization of Noise Data For each noise source, the noise data were standardized to Z-weighted, one-third octave band sound pressure levels at the source's height, 100 feet from the source. When sufficient data were available, the sources were converted to the free -field (i.e. ground effects removed) using AAM. Correction to the reference distance of 100 feet was accomplished by subtracting the spherical spreading attenuation at the measured distance and adding the spherical spreading attenuation at 100 feet. Attenuations were computed using AAM (note this correction uses the AAM acoustic module, as does QNM, to propagate the sound from the reference distance to receptor locations). Only one-third octave band and octave band data were considered. Estimation of one-third octave band levels from overall levels was not performed. One-third octave band data were estimated from octave band data using a spline interpolation. Some original data were reported using A -weighting. Because AAM utilizes Z-weighting data, these were converted from A- to Z- weighting. In other cases, reported levels were in sound power level rather than sound pressure level; these were converted to sound pressure level at 100 feet. D. Aggregation and Organization of Noise Data Noise data are organized in the database in three series: • 1000 Series - 77 sources: RCNM and ODOT data (appended with PV for Pleasant Valley) • 2000 series - 314 sources: each entry represents a single piece of equipment and activity • 3000 series - 70 sources: aggregated sources based on combinations of 1000 and 2000 series The QNM manual and associated database codex file provides details on each data source, quality and aggregation procedure. The database has been processed into a NetCDF format file for use with AAM, and QNM includes a tool for users to add their own custom data sources. 7. QNM ACOUSTIC ENGINE Quarry Mode functionality, including use of the Quarry Noise Database, was initially incorporated into AAM Version 2.3. The QNM GIS module creates an ASCII input file (.INQ extension) that consists of keyword controlled options. The new SETUP QUARRY keyword accepts a range of possible geometric parameters including points, roads, routes, areas and operational types, including moving, static and distributed quarry and blast operations. The QNM manual provides details of the input file structure in case a user wants to make modifications manually outside of the features available in the QNM GIS module. Recent additions to AAM physical modeling include the ability to model operations from equipment that is distributed across a quadrilateral area, the addition of attenuation due to surrounding foliage and the calculation of airborne blast noise from quarry operations. These selected keyword features and physical modeling additions in AAM are described below. A. Distributed Operations The DISTROQOPS keyword is used in AAM to define distributed operations over quadrilateral areas in the quarry, with inputs as illustrated in Figure 3. The user defines the number of operational/fractional hours (with user -defined split between daytime and night time) and the total number of a pieces of equipment operating. Noise exposure is accumulated using the user defined total time. The area is divided up into points which are used to model the equipment over that area. NoiseCon 2019, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 2019 Quarry Noise Model Page, Oberg, Hastings, Baker and Glover -Cutter The user can specify how many points are used for the noise calculations. An example with a distributed quarry operation (DIRTMOVE01) is illustrated in Figure 3. The area is divided into a mesh of 8 x 5 points (black rimmed blue dots). These 40 points will be used acoustically to model noise from the equipment. • .51 DIRTMO VED1 • • P012 • Figure 3: Example of distributed operations with acoustic modeling nodes shown. B. Foliage Attenuation Modeling The AAM foliage model utilizes the method described in ISO 9613-2, 1996.4 The method applies only in instances where tree and shrub foliage is sufficiently dense to completely block the view along the propagation path and when it is impossible to see a short distance through the foliage. The .FOL binary file is structured similarly to the .ELV and .IMP files and contains trees or shrub foliage height for only those regions meeting the foliage density criteria. The effective propagation distance df used to compute attenuation through dense foliage is the summation of the line of sight blockage near the source (di) and receiver (d2), along a ray propagating at an angle of 15' (Figure 4) with respect to the horizon. For the purposes of computing foliage attenuation, the ground is treated as a straight line between the source and receiver locations (local terrain effects are ignored in computing di and d2) in AAM. The 15' ray path is modeled as an arc and computed independently at the source and receiver sides. The rays may not connect in the middle if the source and receiver heights are different. The curved ray path radius is assumed to be 5 km as noted in the standard. A height comparison is made at incremental distances until the ray exits the foliage and the ray path propagation distances through the foliage (di and d2) are calculated and summed. Subsequent secondary ray reentry into foliage due to the presence of taller dense foliage is not considered. The ISO standard defines attenuation for octave bands. Within AAM these are applied to each of the one-third octave bands within the associated octave band. Figure 4: Geometry for computing foliage df=dr+d2 parameter. (Source: ISO9613-2) C. Quarry Blast Noise Modeling AAM includes a simple model for airblast noise modeling for quarry operations. Airblast is an airborne shock wave that results from explosive detonation and is dependent on the explosive charge weight per hole and the confinement factor (an indication of the degree of explosive confinement). This may be used to estimate the overpressure from airblast operations in an aggregate manner and does not take into account specific blasting sequences, depths or orientation or the phasing that may result. The simple blast model adopted for QNM encompasses four parts: NoiseCon 2019, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 2019 Quarry Noise Model Page, Oberg, Hastings, Baker and Glover -Cutter • Airblast overpressure calculation from the user defined maximum blast charge, based on the Minnesota recommended models, a derivative of the Linehan and Wiss methodology" with the propagation exponent modified to remove ground effect; • Ground effect computed based on local terrain using the AAM methodology'; • Blast event duration, as specified by the user; and • Normalized spectrum application based on published Tunisia empirical data. The equation P = x �Qo 3� Bexp presents the method for calculating the blast overpressure, where P is the overpressure (kPa), K is the state of confinement factor (3.3 indicates fully confined and 185 indicates unconfined explosions), Bexp is the Blast Propagation Exponent, Q is the maximum instantaneous charge (lb) and R is the distance from the charge (m). (The metric relation is presented here for consistency with literature; units of Ft are used in AAM with appropriate conversions applied). The propagation coefficient in the Minnesota model has Bexp = -1.2, however this has been updated to Bexp =-0.8552 in QNM to remove the ground effect so that it can be replaced with the AAM calculations to take into account terrain effects. The state of confinement factor (K) � can be empirically derived for a particular quarry if blast data are available. Analysis of Tunisia quarry noise measurement data suggests a suitable empirical value of K=6.5 for the state of confinement factor, for the conditions experienced during those blasting events, and a Bexp of-0.8552. Data and analysis is provided in the QNM manual.' While this simplified blast noise model implemented in QNM is omnidirectional, propagation takes into account the surrounding terrain and shielding, as well as the effects of nearby foliage, and applies them spectrally to the blast noise at the receiver location. A side by side example of blast noise predictions considering propagation over flat and natural varying terrain is provided in Figure 5. One can see the impact terrain shielding has on the signal, but also the places where terrain actually amplifies the sound. Generally, noise reductions are in areas where line of sight between source and receiver is broken by the intervening terrain, and areas that increase in noise are often the side of a hill that is facing the blast. 108DOOC1 PSFina%' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1080000 PSFinax' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 1078000 1076000 1075000 1076000 s 2060000 2062000 2064000 2006000 2068C 2060000 2062000 2064000 2066000 20680DO Figure 5: Comparison of Two Blast Noise Events Propagated over Flat (left) and Natural (right) Terrain. Using the Tunisia data, the QNM blast propagation exponent was determined) by matching the slope of the curve of overpressure levels with distance to the empirical data. The curve was then adjusted by varying the confinement factor to match the overpressure amplitudes. This resulted in a propagation exponent of-0.8552 and a state of confinement factor of 6.5. The scatter in the I Confinement is a controllable variable in the blast design which can be optimized to maximize yield while minimizing noise, vibration and fly rock. It is often the result of the amount of stemming material in the drill hole surrounding the explosive, the burden and spacing of the drill holes, and the type and amount of spacing, but can also depend on the local geology, rock type and placement of the drill holes relative to an open face. NoiseCon 2019, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 2019 Quarry Noise Model Page, Oberg, Hastings, Baker and Glover -Cutter predictions is commensurate with the scatter in the empirical data. One could use the same procedure with QNM analysis for any quarry to obtain empirical based values for Bexp and K. The QNM overpressure is capped at a minimum distance of 250 ft. from the blast location. Due to the exponential formulation of the simple blast model, excessive and unrealistic overpressure values would otherwise result for shorter distances. A reference blast spectrum$ was also obtained for QNM metric calculation. Because the primary energy of the blast is below 10 Hz, and AAM only includes 10 Hz to 10 kHz data, additional energy from the 6.3 and 8 Hz bins was lumped into the 10 Hz band so that it could be accounted for in cumulative metrics. This simplified methodology in QNM does not account for the actual non -linear signature evolution of the blast pressure -time history as it propagates to the receiver. A limitation of this method is that the nominal blast spectrum, derived from a distance of 1000 ft., is assumed to apply to the full area of interest being calculated using QNM. In reality, non -linear propagation effects will transform the pressure time history with distance and change the spectral content, moving energy from one band to another. Accounting for this kind of non -linear propagation is beyond the capabilities of the current QNM model. It is recommended that for critical points of interest, empirical data be used to check that the assumed spectrum is applicable at that distance and the predicted results are valid. By using the DIAGNOSTICS keyword in power -user mode, AAM will output the analytical spectra employed in the model for checking against empirical data. SUMMARY The QNM model has been developed for the ODOT. It is available as a derivative work from the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, U.S. Department of Transportation for users with approved NASA AAM Software Usage Agreements. Contact the authors for further information. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors express their gratitude to the Oregon DOT for funding this work, and especially to Kira Glover -Cutter for her project leadership, attention to detail and tireless model testing. Many thanks are also extended to Scott Billings for his guidance and to the advisory panel for their input and feedback, which helped shape the Quarry Noise Model. Finally we also extend thanks to the other Volpe team members who supported this project, especially Anjuliee Mittelman. REFERENCES 1. Page, J.A., Oberg, A., Hastings, A., and Baker, G., "Quarry Noise Model User Guide and Technical Reference," DOT-VNTSC-ODOT-18-01, US Department of Transportation, December 2018. 2. Bradley, K.A., Hobbs, C., Wilmer, C., Czech, J.J., "Advanced Acoustic Model Technical Reference and User Manual", Wyle Research Report WR 16-08, April 2017. 3. El-Aassar, A., Alexander, A., Carpenter, S.P., Bowen, D., Hastings, A., "Development of a Highway Construction Noise Prediction Model Final Report", NCHRP Project No. 25-49, September 2019. h!Ws://gpps.trb.or crosfeed/ trbnetproj ectdisplay.asp?prof ectid=3 889 4. ISO 1996. International Standard Organization (ISO) "Acoustics — Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors — Part 2: General method of calculation", 9613-2, Dec 15, 1996, p.15. 5. Minnesota, 2015. Minnesota State Website, Dyno-Noble manufacturer information, accessed 13 Oct. 2018. l/Dyno%20Nobel%202010.pdf 6. Linehan & Wiss, 1982. "Vibration and Air Blast Noise from Surface Coal Mine Blasting", Mining Engineering Journal 34, 1982, pp. 391-395. 7. Aloui, Monia, Yannick Bleuzen, Elhoucine Essefi, Chedly Abbes, 2016. "Ground Vibrations and Air Blast Effects Induced by Basting in Open Pit Mines: Case of Metlaoui Mining Basin, Southwestern Tunisia", J. Geol Geophys 2016, 5:3. NoiseCon 2019, San Diego, CA, August 26-28, 2019 inEer.noiie '2012 august 19-22 AL new ycek city. wo o-j.��-' �ti� woea•.oi�t�. Proactive noise control at a rock quarry next to a residential neighborhood Marc C. Wallace') Ryan T. Callahan) Tech Environmental, Inc. 303 Wyman Street Suite 295 Waltham, MA 02451 An existing 60 year old quarry operation located in the northeastern United States sought state approval to reconfigure and upgrade their rock crushing equipment. Changes included moving some of their equipment closer to a residential neighborhood abutting the facility. The residential development was built during the housing boom in the early part of the last decade. Property owners had signed deeds acknowledging potential noise and dust issues with the adjacent quarry. The quarry owner has proactively worked with the neighbors to minimize noise and dust emissions from their existing operations. Many of the neighbors were concerned about noise from the relocated plant, a growing concern in today's society as new residential developments are built next to industrial facilities. Placing loud industrial equipment near homes poses unique challenges for noise control engineers and communities. Tech Environmental worked closely with the owner and the community to develop and evaluate various types of sound mitigation strategies. This approach allowed the quarry to demonstrate compliance with state and town noise limits and appease most of the neighbors. Working with noise professionals and applying the correct sound mitigation allows industrial activities to coexist with nearby residents. 1 INTRODUCTION A quarry owner needed to upgrade their nonmetallic mineral processing plant (crushing plant) and relocate the secondary and tertiary crushers closer to the primary crusher. The existing crushing plant was over 60 years old and was in need of significant improvements. The relocated secondary and tertiary plants would be moved approximately 400 meters north of the existing location, closer to a residential neighborhood. The quarry owner sought State and local approval to reconfigure and upgrade their rock crushing equipment closer to a residential neighborhood abutting the facility. As one would expect, many of the neighbors were concerned about noise from the relocated plant. Fortunately, since taking ownership of the quarry, the owner has a) email: b) email: proactively worked with the Town and the neighbors to minimize noise and dust emissions from its existing operations. Tech Environmental worked closely with the owner and the community to develop and evaluate various types of sound mitigation strategies and a compliance monitoring program to comply with State and Town noise limits while trying to appease most of the adjacent neighbors. This paper will discuss the technical approaches used to demonstrate that the relocated crushing plant complies with State and local regulations, the sound mitigation measures implemented and the efforts to work with the community. 2 DESCRIPTION OF QUARRY OPERATIONS A quarry owner operates a crushing plant in the northeast United States, which has been in existence for over 60 years; the quarry produces crushed stone, gravel and sand of various sizes and quantities. The quarry owner purchased the property from the previous owner in 2000. The owner wanted to reconfigure and upgrade their existing crushing operation to improve overall crushing operations and to obtain access to future reserves of rock deposit onsite. The primary crusher remained in the same location, but the secondary and tertiary crushers, located in the southern portion of the site, were moved approximately 400 m closer to the primary crusher in the center of the site. The primary upgrades to the plant included removing two 1.8 meter (m) x 4.9 m screens; replacing one 1.8 m x 4.9 m screen and three existing 1.5 m x 4.9 m screens with one 2.4 m x 7.3 m Double Deck Diester Screen, two 2.4 m x 7.3 m Double Deck Diester Screens and one 2.4 m x 7.3 m Triple Deck Diester Screen. The quarry produces about 1,000,000 metric tons per year of crushed stone and sand products. Figure 1 presents a site plan showing the original facility location and property boundaries and Figure 2 shows the new locations of the crushing plants. 3 ACOUSTIC MODELING ANALYSIS Tech Environmental performed an acoustic modeling analysis as part of the state air quality permit required for relocating the existing plant. To predict the sound impact on nearby residents and noise sensitive areas resulting from the movement of existing equipment to a new location within the quarry, the Cadna-A acoustic model was employed. Cadna-A is a comprehensive 3D noise modeling program based on ISO 9613-2. The model used terrain features of the quarry and surrounding area imported from the State GIS database. This was an especially important step due to the extreme elevation differences of quarry activities and bordering residents. The residents nearest to the relocated activity are elevated and look down into the quarry. This scenario makes noise mitigation challenging. Modeled ground absorption was conservatively assumed as 0.5 (not entirely absorptive or reflective) except in areas of pavement or rock, which was assumed to be zero (completely reflective). Sound power levels calculated from actual measurements taken within the quarry were used to represent the relocated equipment. Once the position of all the equipment was input into the model, calculations were made at specific receptors (the closest residents to the north, west, and noise sensitive areas to the east). Figure 3 shows the 10 receptor locations used in the acoustic model representing site property boundaries and nearest residential and industrial properties. In addition to specific receptor information, a grid of results was calculated. Earth berms proposed by the quarry owner to reduce the visual and sound impacts from the relocated plant were also included as part of the model. In addition to including the crushers, screens and conveyors, front end loaders, haul trucks and backup alarms were also included in the model to provide a complete picture of the sound sources in the quarry. Based on the initial modeling results, it was clear that although the earth berms would significantly reduce potential sound level increases to the nearest neighbors, additional sound attenuation of the relocated crushers and screens was needed. Noise barriers of various dimensions and orientations were evaluated in over 20 model simulations. The results of the additional noise barrier modeling analysis revealed that a three -sided wall on the secondary and tertiary crushers and screens and a single -sided wall on the two new 2.4 in x 7.3 in Double Deck Screens would be needed to provide additional shielding. The effect these modeled barriers had on the sound contours allowed the optimization of both the size and placement of the barriers. 4 SOUND MITIGATION MEASURES As discussed above, the quarry owner proposed to build three earth berms around the site. The quarry owner built a 30-foot-high earth berm along the northern portion of the site shielding the residential neighborhood. The second earth berm will extend along a portion of the eastern site boundary and a third earth berm adjacent to an industrial park will be along a portion of the southern boundary adjacent to a two-lane state roadway (See Figure 4). The second and third earth berms are near wetland areas and will be constructed over time upon receiving approval from the Town's wetlands protection commission. The critical earth berm closest to the residential neighborhood shielded most of the residences closest to the new location of the secondary and tertiary crushers and screens. In addition, the loudest sound sources, the secondary and tertiary crushers, would also be located at the bottom of the quarry floor approximately 40 feet below the elevation of the nearest homes. As discussed above, the acoustic modeling analysis also included a three -sided wall on the secondary crusher and screen, a two- sided wall on the two tertiary crushers, and a single -sided wall on the two new 2.4 in x 7.3 in Double Deck Screens to provided additional shielding. These sound absorbing walls were attached to the steel framing of each unit. The quarry operator also arranged aggregate stockpiles in the shape of kidney beans to reduce sound from facility operations. All of these measures are part of the quarry owner's Best Management Practices (BMP) to reduce sound levels at noise -sensitive areas within 305 in that could be impacted by a source. Additional sound mitigation included rubberized chutes to reduce rock on metal sound impacts. The acoustical modeling performed for the project required that the sound walls must achieve an overall 12-dBA reduction. To achieve the required sound reduction, the minimum STC rating of 30 was needed with a minimum NRC rating of 0.95. The quarry owner asked us to investigate vendors who could provide sound wall panels that were light weight and capable of being installed directly onto the steel framing of the crushers and screens. Koch Industries, Inc. met these design and sound reduction requirements. The panels installed are 102 millimeters (mm) thick. Each panel is constructed of a back sheet that consists of solid 16 gauge galvanized steel, and a front sheet that consists of perforated 22 gauge galvanized steel. The top and bottom side channels are 18 gauge galvanized steel. Each panel is filled with 64 kg/m3 density mineral - fiber insulation with a total density of each panel of 50 kg/m3. The sound panels were installed on three sides on both the secondary and tertiary crushers and single panels were installed on the screens to block sound directed at the residential neighborhood based on the results of the acoustic modeling analysis. 5 WORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY The quarry owner purchased the property from another quarry operator in 2000. The site is surrounded by industrial land on the west and east sides and by a strip of undeveloped land on the north side. The land to the north of the of site was rezoned from industrial to residential in the early part of the last decade which allowed for a residential development to be built with 42 new homes. Each property owner's deed includes language acknowledging that they are purchasing property adjacent to a quarry that may cause fugitive dust and noise issues. Over the years, the quarry owner has been proactive in working with the Town and the neighborhood to minimize dust and noise conditions as part of their blasting and crushing operations. The quarry owner needed to obtain a building permit from the Town planning board to be able to relocate their quarry processing plant. As part of the process, the quarry operator and Tech Environmental held an open house at quarry for the planning board and for any Town residents to take a tour of the facility and to show proposed plans and drawings of the relocated quarry plant. As part of the building permit process, the planning board wanted an environmental consulting firm to conduct a third -party review of all engineering and environmental permitting documents including any acoustic studies. The quarry owner and Tech Environmental held an additional site visit and walk through the adjacent neighborhood, so that the planning board and their consultant could get a better understanding of the project. Over a dozen meetings were held with planning board to discuss the project and make recommendations on minimizing the environmental impacts. The initial meetings were attended by dozens of concerned citizens. As the permitting process moved forward, the quarry owner and Tech Environmental made several presentations and worked with the planning board and their consultant to address their concerns. To ensure that relocated plant and sound mitigation measures will meet the State and local sound limits, a sound compliance monitoring protocol was developed to implement periodic sound testing throughout the first year of operation. Most of those who live in the residential neighborhood were satisfied that the quarry owner had met most of their concerns, however a small, but vocal group of residences were not satisfied and would hold judgment until the compliance monitoring program was implemented. 6 COMPREHENSIVE SOUND COMPLIANCE MONITORING After all mitigation measures were installed and normal operation of the quarry commenced, it was necessary to demonstrate compliance with both Town and State noise regulations. Per the requirements of the Sound Compliance Monitoring Protocols, created by Tech Environmental and approved by the Town's own noise consultant and the State environmental protection agency, three consecutive months of sound compliance monitoring was performed during the first full year of operations followed by semi-annual monitoring the second year of operation. The protocol presented the method for sound compliance monitoring. The objective was to confirm that the relocated plant, once in operation, complied with both the Town and the State noise regulations. Per the requirements of these monitoring protocols, sound compliance monitoring was performed when the primary, secondary and tertiary crushers were all in full operation. The quarry owner notified the Town prior to each monitoring session, so that planning board members or residents could observe the monitoring. Sound compliance measurements were taken at 10 locations representing three site property boundaries, five residential -zoned properties, and two industrial -zoned properties. These locations represented both background monitoring and modeling locations used in the acoustic modeling analysis (See Figure 3). All sound level measurements were made with two ANSI Type 1 real-time sound analyzers (ANSI Standard S I A) that were calibrated to NIST standards within the previous 12 months and were field -calibrated with an ANSI Type 1 calibrator. The Larson Davis 824 and Bruel & Kjaer (B&K 2250) sound analyzer microphones were tripod -mounted at a height of 2 m, in accordance with ANSI Standard 512.18-1994 and equipped with wind screens. Measurements were not made during periods of precipitation or when winds exceed 5 m/s (II mph). Concurrent observations of audible activity at the quarry, other industrial sites and other noise -producing sources were recorded by the sound engineer on field data sheets. The sound compliance monitoring recorded the A -weighted L90 sound level and L90 whole and one-third octave band levels for a minimum of 15 minutes at each monitoring location in order to demonstrate compliance with the State regulations. The Town noise regulations did not specify what sound metric was to be used. For the purposes of this monitoring program, the equivalent sound level Leq was selected. The regulations specified different limits for "continuous noise" and "sporadic noise." The "continuous" residential and industrial sound limits are 50 dBA and 65 dBA, respectively, and the "Sporadic" sound limits are 10-dBA higher. Sporadic noise is defined as sound lasting one minute or less. Therefore, the sound compliance monitoring recorded fifteen (15) one -minute A -weighted Leq sound level measurements at each monitoring location and those levels were compared to the Sporadic and Continuous Sound Limits. After each compliance monitoring session, a sound compliance monitoring report was submitted to the Town and State for their review. Both the monthly and semi-annual compliance monitoring reports demonstrated that continuous and sporadic sound levels generated from the quarry were below the Town and State noise regulations. Even so, the quarry owner continued to make additional sound attenuation improvements on their operations, and as a result, measured sound levels in the adjacent neighborhood were lower during the second year semi- annual compliance monitoring. The quarry owner and Tech Environmental attended planning board meetings that were open to the public to discuss the results of the monthly monitoring reports. Many of the residents were satisfied, but, some residents living closest to the quarry were skeptical of the results of the compliance monitoring. They believed that the monitoring procedures did not capture highest sound impacts from the quarry and that compliance monitoring was being performed on days when the quarry was operating at less than maximum capacity. As discussed above, the quarry owner made additional sound mitigation improvements at the site and they continue to meet with residents when noise complaints are reported to the plant manager. In the second year of operation, there have been less noise complaints from neighborhood residents; overall sound levels have been lower, and when possible the quarry owner has shut down operations on weekends to accommodate when a resident has a special event occurring outdoors (i.e., graduation, birthday party, etc.). Recently, State regulators attended the semi-annual compliance monitoring session. They were quite impressed with the amount of sound mitigation measures implemented at the site and how quiet the facility sounded within the adjacent neighborhood. 7 CONCLUSIONS A quarry owner wanted to reconfigure and upgrade their rock crushing equipment and move it closer to a residential neighborhood abutting the facility. The Town and nearby residents were concerned about noise from the relocated plant. As part of the permitting process, Tech Environmental worked closely with the quarry owner and the community to develop and evaluate various types of sound mitigation strategies to demonstrate compliance with State and Town noise limits and to try to appease most of the neighbors concerns about potential noise impacts. Through extensive acoustic modeling, an array of sound mitigation measures were designed and installed, which included earth berms, sound walls, and rubberized conveyors and chutes. Monthly and semi-annual compliance monitoring was conducted that demonstrated compliance with State and local noise regulations. Most of the neighborhood residents are satisfied with the steps that the quarry owner has taken to minimize sound impacts to the neighborhood. The quarry owner continues to make improvements at the site in order to be a good neighbor with the residents. i _77"7 . I_j �r r Original Facility Location 1 J _ } T ti . _` i Fig. I - Site Plan Showing Original Facility Location Fig. 2 — Site Plan Showing New Location of Crushing Plant Fig. 3 — Noise Monitoring Locations Fig. 4 — Earth Berm Locations Grand Rapids, MI NOISE -CON 2017 2017 June 12-14 Novel Approach to Visualization of SoundPLAN Data for Analysis of Mining Noise Mike Raley Acoustics By Design 321 SW 41h Avenue, Suite 700 Portland OR 97204 ABSTRACT This paper describes a novel approach to using Google Earth in conjunction with SoundPLAN when conducting an environmental noise analysis of aggregate mines and quarries. Google Earth can be used to quickly visualize large data sets generated by SoundPLAN and to determine what areas of the site require noise control measures for the mining equipment. The graphics created by this method can be used to develop a noise -driven mining plan and to help explain the noise control measures to the project team and the public. Other useful GIS tools that work with Google Earth and SoundPLAN are also discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION In aggregate mine and quarry projects, the analysis area can cover many acres. SoundPLAN makes it possible to analyze a large number of potential source locations, predict the maximum noise levels from the operation, and determine the maximum required noise mitigation. However, identifying which source locations require mitigation and which do not can be difficult using SoundPLAN's results tables. This paper describes how to use Google Earth to visualize the SoundPLAN results in a way that makes it easy to identify where mitigation measures are required. The resulting visualization(s) can be used to develop a mining plan that allows the operator to defer the implementation of noise control measures, possibly by many years. Generation of the visualization begins with the creation of a grid of noise sources in SoundPLAN. The grid covers the analysis area, and the grid spacing can be adjusted based on the size of the area and the level of detail needed in the analysis. Once the grid is created and properly set up, the SoundPLAN analysis is run to generate predicted noise levels from each source location. The SoundPLAN results table is exported to Excel and converted to a format that can be displayed in Google Earth. Opening the resulting file in Google Earth creates a grid of color -coded points that show where mitigation is and is not needed. The point grid can be used to verify the analysis results and develop a noise -driven mining plan. Details of each step are discussed below. 2. SOUNDPLAN ANALYSIS Creating the Google Earth visualization beings with the prediction of sound levels from a large number of source locations. To do this, a grid of point sources is created in SoundPLAN (see Figure I below). The grid can be created using a script in AutoCAD, or by drawing a line in SoundPLAN, dividing the line into points, and converting the points to point sources. Visualization of SoundPLANResults in Google Earth Raley �:. E•i 1Alw WdYrw.rM1 GcuTeel. iooh Oaimic.neeon av�n YFwry HNc . r f o ') ¢s. Zm.m� rtrroo N `S 0 0 u.v.w. -] � • N •v..aao..� }} .�kpmw. c .i.er3s�� a. rb- .: ��ni�iuutYul n s 1 r r ����ti',��t1���,<m �v�rurrr� r i � r-' �r��^»w:�rrrr r Ir•��.� �� �f � ' t � r r i � . 9 � I. fir'• � � 'I �f?.fh�;� �,i r J Figure 1: Example of a source grid as used in SoundPLAN. Once the grid of sources has been defined, the analysis is run as usual, and a large table of results is generated (see Figure 2 below). For large sites with tight source grid spacing, there could be hundreds, if not thousands, of source locations. MEMENUftim rat - I 1 1 Yeti I M. 4. ..r 1 =.. I r. . o: @ I m. Laurejwood Quarry Expansions 10 i} Mean propagation - 2110 - Phase 1 - Scenario 1 - Rock Drill - sr„ L50 RND FI sou" 0 j, LW S Adly Agr MPr Amm A01 Amso dLr4tl Lr ' 1 ?31 dBA) m .dB dB dB dB dB dB .dB �dB[A1 Receiver R 1 Fl G d L54 83.9 s� 1 G Rxk 57 120. 86.8.3 47,4 -0.5 0.0 -t.< D.0 -F.3 0.0 68 .9 1! G�Rxk 58 120. 88.5 47.4 -0.5 0.0 -t.2 0.0 -Z.3 0.0 $8.9 • t G Rxk 50 120. $9.3 47.8 4.5 0.0 -1.2 0.0 -2.4 0.0 88.4 t G Rock 0120. 71.0 -48.0 -0.5 0.0 -1.2 0.0 -2.4 0.0 68.1 I..{jij i 1 G Rack 57 120. 73.9 -48.4 -0-5 0.0 -1.3 0.0 -2.3 0.0 87.8 t G Rock 207 120. 74.9 -W.5 -0.5 0.0 -1.3 0.0 -2.0 0.0 67A 1 G Rock 45 120. 75.5 48.9 .05 a •1.3 0.0 .2.3 0.0 67.2 1 G Rock 48 120. 79.4 49.0 -0.5 aD -1-3 0.0 -2.2 0.0 67.1 1; G Roe 28 120. 75.5 48.5 -0.5 -D2 AA 0.0 -2.6 0.0 67.0 11 G Rock 208 120. 82.7 49.3 -0.5 0.0 -1A 0.0 -2.5 0.0 86.5 1 1 G Rak 210 120. 82.3 -49.3 -0-5 0.13 -1,4 0.0 -2.8 0.0 66.2 • 1 G Rock 14 120. 90.1 -50.1 -0.5 0.0 -1.5 0.0 -2.2 0.0 65.70 ? ,nil 1 G Rock So 120. 918 -W-5 -0-5 0.0 -1-5 0-0 -2-2 0.0 65-7 1 G Rock 31 120. 90.4 40.1 -0.5 aO ` -13 0.0 •2A 0.0 85.8 t ;` G iRock 49 120. 94.5 -50.5 -0.8 0.0 -1.6 0A I -2.2 0.0 BSA M GjR.ock 209 120. $6.2 d9.7 -0.5 -OA -1A 0.0 -2.8 0.0 65.2 Eij t G Rock 44 120. 98.8 -50.7 -0.6 0.0 -1A 0.0 -2.3 0.0 65.1 1 ! G Rock 262 120. 92.2 -50.3 -0.5 0.0 -1.5 0.0 -3.2 0.0 84.7 M 1! GjRoek 219 120. 102.5 -51.2 -0.6 0.0 A 0.0 -2.4 0.0 84.4 11 GjRoek 204 120. 95.7 -50.6 -0.6 -0.3 -1.7 0.0 -2.6 0.0 64A 7� 0JkWk 34 120. 100.1 -51.0 -0.5 0.D -1 -G 0.0 -2.6 0.0 64A Figure 2: Example of SoundPLAN results showing the large table of results even for a single receiver. Identifying the loudest source location using the results tables is easy enough, but identifying which areas on the site generate noise levels above or below a noise limit can be very difficult. To quickly identify where noise mitigation is needed, it is necessary to visualize the SoundPLAN results based on each noise source location. NOISE-CON2017, Grand Rapids, MI, June 12-14, 2017 Visualization of SoundPLANResults in Google Earth Raley 3. PREPARATION OF RESULTS FOR VISUALIZATION The first step to visualizing the SoundPLAN results is to translate them into a format that can be easily manipulated and that can easily interface with other programs, especially Google Earth. Excel is the chosen format because it is widely used and because there are tools available for translating Excel data into a format (a KML file) that can be displayed in Google Earth. SoundPLAN also provides a built-in function for exporting results data to Excel. SoundPLAN's results tables include a list of the predicted sound levels at each receiver from each source location. Visualizations can be generated for a single receiver or for all receivers. For a single receiver, export only the results data for that receiver. For all receivers, or a group of receivers, export the results data for all receivers in question and filter the data to include only the loudest predicted level for each source location. Once the results data has been exported and filtered, it needs to be properly formatted for import into Google Earth. There are several programs that will convert Excel data into a KML file, one of the file types used in Google Earth. It is best to pick a converter and determine the file formatting needed for that converter. Acoustics By Design (ABD) uses the Excel to KML converter provided by Earth Point( ._ s 7 u - - •-B- - - `�wwe scener • 5 -w �aro�..:T,i., �.•; � dlfa+nW Pa:rn - •, Rs'>�ee+0• t3nM- sry1M- nw«~aa HU A a C U E E G 1� 1 MMw l.anpigrdl Name kallCebr PelMlen LtlNlnle OM[1lpllen 2 3r4A IOT41MTI dmE 5W7901m1 O3 581 3 i Red iJr 493877 SIriE 5027927 mF 0.3 58.7 Of ayaald hnL :A¢1v2,w. tl a MAP 5 ' d Rud 1. a9285d 3 F 50?M nJ� 0 3 Sr? a_ r Rnd mT 1*.W me r0? 9a+mr 0, M 1)7 r BRed IOT d9187f 3mE �8N,mF 03 42.1 6 ' 9 Ra] 1Sr dgpg7l dmE 50?7961 nN 0.3 59 9 ` 14 we0 101 ayyyl, amE �1Y[r96, mn tl 3 L9 1 10 ' 11 F i0PA1219nJ O.1 6d i 11 ' 12 Red IRr ag3gS7 ZE 50 WIW 03 63.3 12 ` IsFed 10T aK957 E t;Z`70r�0 3 44.4 1$ ' 11 Rea tOT 19 r ]niE 502805&M 0 3 M 1 1� ' IS wed 101 agygv,M6 WP95 x 03 56 15'Iat d45HS5 2wF 50?791LLM 03 '7 S 16 17 Rea 1ST a93g55.dmE 50QiY}JnN 03 62 I r' ' fie wed I. oBa€vs wf S9Qrp w o a sr 9 1$ 19 Rue IN 0. 71 2 50?8R W 0 $ 09 19 20IiuO IOi a938B9nE 5�14]Bn/1 03 01 20 ' 2t Rod 10r iy34M 1rFf= 50?7918 0 3 W 2f 22 Re0 1ST t96e85.en'C 50Q79i&M 0.3 - 5 & ' 23 wetl WT a9oeas Z 50P/9GAnM 0 3 62.1 IN i9C�99B Ind 502M9 03 6d 9 2a 25 R 1Sr mew 5 e 402r913M 0 3 95A 35 ` 24 Rea 'QT'"M 31£ 5W7902n+ 0 3 41 M ' 27 Ree 10T t9085BmE SQZ79Q3HJ O 3 0.i 21 29 wed 10T a9aen 1- 59¢atlrlmF• 4 a &r 9 719 r 79 Fed IQT t13= rF.5 9�M77r. • a 3 Od 6 29 W R90 JOT496971 311E 5VQ8PV11M 03 64A z w.. AT p 2 acn..ysw��.n .. ,... ,• , � �� sas rhea aw;,„�: - - FiM•51W+- e.e. S T 11 V W % Y 2 AA AB Sheell k_U Shell . + - L. Figure 3: Example Excel file for conversion to KML format. At the very least, the Excel file will need to include the coordinates for each source location. Earth Point's converter will accept coordinates in many formats such as LatLon and UTM. To visualize where mitigation is needed, the icon representing each source location should be color -coded to quickly group source locations by the noise levels they generate at a receiver or receivers. The color of each source location can be set separately in the Excel spreadsheet. Two colors can be used to identify sources above and below a threshold, such as a state or county noise limit. Additional colors can also be used if desired. For instance, a third color can be added for source locations that produce noise levels within five dB of the threshold, indicating source locations that may exceed the noise limit when combined with other noise sources. Additional information can be added to the KML file to increase the usefulness of the Google Earth visualization. For instance, the name of the icon for a source location can be set to the NOISE-CON2017, Grand Rapids, MI, June 12-14, 2017 Visualization of SoundPLANResults in Google Earth Raley predicted noise level from that source location. This makes it possible to quickly see the predicted noise level from a particular source location, and it is therefore easy to identify spatial trends in the predicted noise levels. Also, if a visualization is generated for all receivers so that it depicts the maximum predicted noise level for each source location, the receiver with the highest noise level from the source could be added to the source description. This can help identify which sources are affecting which receivers. 4. VISUALIZATION OF THE DATA IN GOOGLE EARTH Once the data has been correctly formatted, the file can be converted using the chosen Excel to KML converter and then opened in Google Earth. Figure 4 shows an example of the resulting color -coded point grid in Google Earth. Figure 4: Color -coded point grid as viewed in Google Earth. The resulting grid can be used to quickly identify areas where noise mitigation measures are needed. It can also be used to determine which source locations affect which receivers. For instance, the example below in Figure 6 shows a comparison of the point grid for all receivers and the point grid for only receivers R2 and R3. An error check of the prediction results can also be done using the point grid. For instance, if the graphic for receivers R2 and R3 showed a few red icons in the northwest corner of the site, this would seem anomalous and would need to be investigated to ensure the accuracy of the predictions. NOISE-CON2017, Grand Rapids, MI, June 12-14, 2017 Visualization of SoundPLANResults in Google Earth Raley Figure 5: Comparison of point grid for all receivers and only receivers R2 and R3. Visualizations can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a berm and highlight potential issues with the use of a berm. For example, in Figure 6 below, comparing the point grids for predictions with and without berms shows that a berm provides effective mitigation for receivers R2 and R3, but not for receiver R1. Figure 6: Comparison of point grids for predictions with and without noise berms. Using Google Earth to visualize the terrain, as shown in Figure 7, it is clear that the berm for R1 is ineffective because it is in a low-lying area and the land rises sharply just south of the berm location. NOISE-CON2017, Grand Rapids, MI, June 12-14, 2017 Visualization of SoundPLANResults in Google Earth Raley Figure 7: Using Google Earth to visualize why a berm is ineffective. Finally, the point grids in Google Earth can be used to quickly and accurately define various zones where different levels of noise mitigation are required. These zones can be used to develop a phased mining plan that allows the operator to defer noise control measures. As an example, Figure 8 shows how the previous visualizations were used to develop four distinct zones. The operator could begin work on Zone 1 without the need for any mitigation (except for in a very small portion of the southwest corner). After working on Zone 1, they could move to Zone 2 and only have to construct a small portion of the total berms required for the site. This would allow the operator to slowly build the berms over time, rather than being required to build the berms all at once before mining began. Construction of berms can be time consuming and expensive, so delaying the berm construction and spreading it over multiple phases would be a significant benefit to the operator. Figure 8: Depiction of noise control zones based on point grids in Google Earth. NOISE-CON2017, Grand Rapids, MI, June 12-14, 2017 Visualization of SoundPLANResults in Google Earth 5. CONCLUSIONS Raley Google Earth can be a powerful tool for visualizing SoundPLAN results. Creating a grid of point sources in SoundPLAN and visualizing the results in Google Earth can allow the user to verify calculation results, determine where mitigation is needed, evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures such as berms, and develop a noise -driven mining plan. The Google Earth visualizations can also be very helpful when trying to communicate the results of SoundPLAN modeling to a client. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to Kerrie Standlee for teaching me about mines, quarries, their noise sources, and how to mitigate them. Thanks to Valerie Smith for helping me develop this analysis method, and especially for her help developing some of the "Excel magic" that I use in this procedure NOISE-CON2017, Grand Rapids, MI, June 12-14, 2017