HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240226_ADI_Response NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Dr. Suite 102 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28412 Ash,NC 28420 (910) 343-9653 (910) 287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910) 287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K.Bland,P.E. Robbie P.Hennelly,E.I. February 22, 2024 Adam Parr Assistant State Mining Engineer NC DEQ - Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section — 5t" Floor 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Review Comment Response Coastal Land and Sand Company, LLC Mine Mining Permit No. 10-92 Brunswick County, NC NT Project No. 21113 Dear Mr. Parr, We are responding below in red to your comment letter dated June 28, 2023, as follows: 1. Please provide proof of registration with the Division of Water Resources Groundwater Management Branch for dewatering activities. We are in the process of obtaining this information from the Mine Manager. 2. Please provide proof you have submitted your NOI for your NPDES permit. See attached. 3. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the entire mine permit boundary. The mine map should show the existing permit boundary as well as the proposed addition to the mine permit boundary. The mine permit boundary has been updated. 4. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the existing pit and all affected areas associated with the permit. If you are proposing to release reclaimed areas of the mine permit boundary. Please show the area as it exists on the current permit and clearly indicate which areas are proposed to be released. The existing pit is shown as well as the mine permit boundary being revised to include disturbed areas and areas proposed to be used for beneficial fill. 5. N.C.G.S. §74-49 defines "affected land" as the surface are of land that is mined, the surface area of land associated with a mining activity so that soil is exposed to accelerated erosion, the surface area of land on which overburden and waste is deposited, and the surface area of land used for processing or treatment plant, stockpiles, nonpublic roads, and settling ponds. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map that the haul road to the nearest public road is included in the Mine permit boundary. The existing dirt road that has been used for access in previous permits has now been included in the mine permit boundary as requested. NCBELS License C-3641 Mr. Adam Parr Review Comment Response Coastal Land and Sand Company, LLC Mine NT Project No. 21113 February 22, 2024 Page 3 6. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the extents of the 100 year flood plain. The 100 yr floodplain has been identified on the mine maps. 7. Mining has been indicated in the floodplain. Please provide proof of notice and approval from the jurisdictional floodplain manager. Enclosed is a letter indicating approval of Pit 2 as requested. 8. The current permit is issued to Coastal Land & Sand Company, LLC. Please clarify the response in the application where the applicant is listed as Tripp's Construction Company. A transfer of the permit will require letters signed from both the new applicant as well as the current permittee requesting the transfer of the permit. The proposed modification will remain in Coastal Land & Sand Company, LLC. 9. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map all structures located within 300' of the excavation limits. There is a structure located south of the existing excavation that does not appear on the mine map. All structures within 300' of the excavation area are identified on the revised plans. 10. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the location of all existing wells that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation or clarify whether the dwellings indicated on the mine map are serviced by county or municipal water systems. Existing wells within 500' of the excavation limits have been identified on the plans. 11. Please provide construction and maintenance details of the construction entrance. Please clearly identify the location of the entrance on the mine map. Please clarify if this entrance will occur at the entrance to the State Maintained Road or at the entrance of the operation. Construction and Maintenance details have been provided as requested. The gravel construction entrance is shown at the edge of pavement. 12. The buffer proposed on the mine map changes from 25' to 50' at various location around the excavation. There are places on the mine map that show buffer less than 50' in vicinity of wetlands. Please clarify how you will maintain the proposed buffer around the excavation. Please clarify how you will ensure that the 50' wetlands buffer is not encroached upon. The buffers have been updated. A minimum 50' buffer is shown where the excavation area is in proximity to the wetlands. A 25' buffer is identified in areas where the excavation area is adjacent to uplands. 13. During a recent site inspection, it was noted that one of the old borrow pits/existing ponds that is marked on the mine map as reclaimed as pond is being filled in. Please clarify this activity. Please be advised that there should be no land disturbing activity associated with this permit occurring outside the permit boundary. The applicant desires to fill previous permitted/reclaimed pit areas with beneficial fill back to original grade. This area has been included in the revised permit boundary. 14. Please clarify and provide additional details on your dewatering plan. The application states that dewatering will occur at a rate of 500,000 gal/day, and the mine map states that dewatering will occur at a rate of 95,000 gal/day. The existing pond that is being dewatered into is functioning as an erosion control measure and needs to be included in the mine permit NCBELS License C-3641 Mr. Adam Parr Review Comment Response Coastal Land and Sand Company, LLC Mine NT Project No. 21113 February 22, 2024 Page 3 boundary. The application has been revised to match the plans with a proposed dewatering rate of 95,000 gpd. The existing pond has been included in the permit boundary as requested. 15. During a recent site inspection, the existing pond outlet was not observed or installed. Please provide additional details on the existing pond outlet, including construction and maintenance details. Please clarify how you will prevent erosion/scouring and elevated turbidity as water is discharged from the pond to the wetlands. The existing Operator has indicated that an outlet is not necessary. They indicate that the basin fluctuates with the ground water table but never overtops the basin. 16. Please provide an estimate of the discharge rate from the pond and provide an explanation as to how this impacts the hydrology of the wetlands. The basin self-regulates without the need for an outlet structure. 17. Please provide a wetlands delineation or a Jurisdictional Determination for the wetlands identified on the mine map. A wetland JD is included for your use as requested. 18. During a recent site inspection, it was noted that the affected area boundaries (Condition 5 of your permit) were not clearly marked. Please mark all affected area boundaries and provide proof of the marking or contact the Wilmington Regional Office so that they may verify the markings are in place. The operator has indicated that they will mark/identify all updated affected area boundaries upon review of this response prior to the request for the bond. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. i oseph K. Bland, P.E. J KB/ttw 21113 02-22-24 s mine Itr resp cc: Dave Tripp NCBELS License C-3641 NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Dr. Suite 102 1429 Ash-Little 1Ziver Road V41mington,NC 28412 Ash,NC 28420 (910) 343-9653 (910) 287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910) 287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K.Bland,P.E. Robbie P.Hennelly,E.I. February 22, 2024 Via Federal Express NCDEQ — Stormwater Program 512 N. Salisbury St., Office 640K Raleigh, NC 27604 Re: Notice of Intent General Permit for Dewatering Submittal Coastal Land and Sand Company, LLC Mine Permit No. 10-92 Brunswick County, NC NT Project No. 21113 Dear Reviewer, In connection with the subject project, please find enclosed the following: $120.00 Processing Fee • Notice of Intent • Dewatering Calcs • Pump Operation and Monitoring Plan USACE Wetland Delineation (SAW-2021-00384-AJD) issued 08-18-2021 • NC SOS Annual Report & LLC Consent Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. seph K. Bland , P.E. KB/ttw 23113 02-22-24 sw Itr-dewatering cc: Dave Tripp NCBELS License C-3641 NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Division of Energy, Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220 C)Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s)extend below the water table? EYES NO If yes,do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? YES NO Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: 95,000•00 If yes,what impact,if any,will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells?Locate all existing wells on the mine map(s)that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation area. Provide data to support any conclusions or statement made,including any monitoring well data,well construction data, and current water withdrawal rates. Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. No adverse effect is anticipated due to the distance to existing wells. D)If you answered yes to any of the above questions, provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the appropriate water quality permit(s)(i.e., non-discharge, NPDES,Stormwater,etc.)from the Stormwater Program. In addition,the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources,Ground Water Management Branch,if the operation withdraws more than 10,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources,Ground Water Management Branch,if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day. A NPDES Permit has been applied for. 4. A)Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? YES zNO If yes,indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality or local governing body. B)How will dust from stockpiles,haul roads,etc.,be controlled? Water truck will be used as needed to control dust. Revised September 21, 2021 1 7 Add Additional Sheets