HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrabow references for Hydrologic review2©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Flow Measurement Topics: Hydraulics of flow, flow measurement devices, streamgaging, rating curves After completing this module and homework, you should be able to: • Understand concept of open channel flow • Identify appropriate water measurement devices for given situations • Size water control structures for a given design discharge • Understand how to current meter a stream (perform stream gaging) • Construct rating curves Measurement of flow in watershed monitoring is very important for a variety of reasons. Flow measurement is critical in order to: • Estimate loads which are a product of concentration and discharge • Develop relationships between flow and concentration to use in estimating concentra- tion when flow measurements exist and concentration data does not • Trigger automated sampling events that are based on flow -paced or flow -proportional sampling • Assess changes in hydrology due to land use changes Fundamentals of Open Channel Flow Flow in open channel hydraulics can be categorized in terms of time and space. A flow that does not change in depth over space (channel distance) is termed uniform flow. In reality, uniform flow occurs rarely normally confined to well formed geometric channels such as trapezoidal channels used in irrigation and drainage. Uniform flow requires not only a uniform cross-section, but an absence of in -channel structures that could affect flow depth. Flow that varies in depth over space is called varied flow. This type of flow is further categorized into gradually varied flow and rapidly varied flow. As the names imply, gradually varied flow varies in depth gradually over space while rapidly varied flow changes depth suddenly. An example of rapidly varied flow is a hydraulic jump or a hydraulic drop. Most flow in natural rivers is gradually varied flow. The hydraulic modeling computer program HEC-RAS models gradually varied flow. Examples of gradually varied flow and rapidly varied flow are shown in Figure 1. Steady flow is flow that does not change in depth over time at a particular location, while unsteady flow does. Examples of unsteady flow are flood waves and hydraulic bores illustrated in Figure 1. Channel control locations may be defined as those locations with features that control the depth of flow upstream in a sub -critical flow regime (downstream control). In supercritical flow, the control or influence is upstream. The location of flow depth control can vary with flow rate. Figure 2 illustrates this concept. It is important to know where control point are when siting a flow control structure or selecting a stream gaging location. Water Measurement Structures Flowing water can be measured in terms of energy and momentum. In open channel hydraulics, much analysis is conducted in terms of energy rather than in terms of momen- 1 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Figure 1. Illustration of gradually varied and rapidly varied flow in a natural stream Figure 2. Natural channel profile showing channel control locations under high and low flow con- ditions turn. Energy relates to the internal state of a volume of water while momentum involves external forces. The energy of water can be divided into potential energy (the depth of water or height above a datum) and kinetic energy due to velocity (velocity head). Total energy in an open channel is: 2 E=y+2(1) 9 where: y = depth of flow measured from a datum, ft (m) v2/2g = velocity head, ft (m) For any flow and specific energy, there are 2 depths that can exist - one at subcritical depth (slower flow) and one at supercritical depth (faster flow). The state of flow can be found by calculation of the Froude number; the ratio of inertial to gravitational forces: and Fr = � (2) 2 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT v = average streamflow velocity, ft sec-1 (m sec—') g = gravitational constant, ft sec-2 (m sec-2) L = characteristic length, ft (m) The characteristic length normally used is the hydraulic depth, D, which in a rectangular section is equal to depth, y, and in a natural stream is equal to the cross-section area of flow divided by the top width of flow at the water surface. The depth of flow that produces the minimum energy is called the critical depth, and that flow can only occur at one depth. The Froude number at critical depth is equal to 1.0. Near critical depth, flow will look wavy and unstable since with a small change in energy, a large change in depth occurs. When a number of these plots of flow depth, y, versus energy (E) are done for different flow rates, a line can be drawn through the minimum energy points, resulting in a line of the equation: 2 y, = 3 E, where: y, = critical depth of flow, ft (m) (3) Knowledge of this relationship is used in the derivation of equations used to predict flow across critical flow devices. These devices force water to pass through critical depth (from subcritical to critical) thereby producing a unique head -discharge relationship. Selection of Water Measurement Devices Selection of an appropriate water measurement device depends on many criteria, among them: 1. Cost 2. Accuracy 3. Head loss 4. Ability to pass sediment 5. Calibration requirements 6. Installation requirements 7. Operational requirements Item 3 refers to the fact that all measurement devices require a head loss (reduction in combination of elevation and velocity [energy]) to measure flow. Sharp crested weirs in general require more head loss then broad crested weirs or flumes. In fact, weirs normally require some sort of drop, either produced by the weir bulkhead or natural drop, to function well over a range of flows. This means that water will have to be backed up more for a weir than a flume in most cases to pass the same discharge and accurately measure flow rate. Flumes are able to pass sediment and trash more easily, since they do not have an bulkhead set perpendicular to flow that can catch objects, and an upstream pool that slows water and allows sediment to deposit. Weirs that are of standard geometry that are installed correctly are less likely to require calibration than custom-made devices. 3 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Weirs Weirs are simply overflow structures placed in open channels perpendicular to flow to measure flow rate (discharge). They are generally categorized into two categories; broad - crested and sharp crested. Flumes can be grouped within the broad -crested category, but are separated for purposes of discussion here. Another classification of weir types is suppressed or contracted. Suppressed weirs are those in which the side walls of the channel form the edges of the weir, whereas contracted weirs have sides that are offset from the channel walls. In natural channels, most weirs and flume are contracted as an irregular natural channel section is not conducive to suppressed types. Figure 3 illustrates different types of weirs. Weirs operate on the principal that there is a unique relationship between upstream water surface elevation (head) and discharge, i.e. for any given upstream depth, there will be one and only one discharge. A unique head -discharge relationship does not always hold true in natural channels since channel resistance may change over time or season, thereby changing the relationship between depth and flow. Installing a weir alleviates this concern, as the weir sill (bottom) becomes the constant control feature in the channel. Figure 3. Various sharp -crested weirs (after USBR (2001)) 11 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Broad Crested Weir Broad Crested Weirs fall into a general category of weirs that do not have a bulkhead - faceplate configuration such as a sharp crested weir. As with all types of weirs, they generate a unique head -discharge relationship by forcing flow through critical depth. Using the relationship shown in Equation 3, and the knowledge that the velocity head at the critical state of flow is equal to half the hydraulic depth D, or alternately D,=2(v'/2g), an equation for flow over a broad crested weir can be obtained. For a rectangular section D=y so the equation above may be written y,=2(v2/2g). Setting the 2 equations equal gives: _H'(4)2 (V2 2g) 1.5 where: H is equal to E in Equations 1 and 3. Rearranging Equation 4 yields: 9Ho (5) vc = 1.5 From continuity, unit discharge (q,)=v, x y, and using Equations 3 and 5 we obtain: F�3q = vcyc = 2 3 Hc (6) which upon further reduction yields q = 3.09H,1.5 (7) for U.S. customary units (cfs per foot of weir crest) and q = 1.70H,'.5 (8) for metric units (cros per m of weir crest) which are the theoretical equations for a broad - crested weir. To determine total discharge the right hand side of equations 7 and 8 are mul- tiplied by the crest length L, and the generic form of the weir equation becomes Q=CdLH1.5 where Cd is called the coefficient of discharge. In practice it is very difficult to determine the location where critical depth develops, so measurement is taken upstream of the weir where velocity is slow and therefore h,,, , H, where h,,, is the measured water depth above the weir crest (see Figure 4). The coefficient of discharge takes into account drawdown (flow contraction) across the weir, velocity head, and flow resistance in a broad crested weir. Values of Cd are oftentimes derived from laboratory studies and for typical weirs may be found in manufacturers tables or hydraulic reference manuals. The coefficient of discharge may be found by back -solving in a calibration procedure in which discharge is measured: __ Q Cd 1.70Lhl*5 5 (9) ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT where L = width of the weir, ft (m) hti, =the head upstream of the weir as measured from the water surface to the weir crest. A simple device that functions as a broad -crested weir is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4. A broad -crested type weir shown in a laboratory setting Sharp Crested Weir Knowing that the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy at any 1 point (cross- section) is a constant, and referring to Equation 1 we know that: v = 2gH (10) Since the discharge (Q) is equal to vA, unit discharge (q), is vH. Integrating Equation 10 from H=H to H=0 (weir crest), and multiplying by the weir crest length, L, and by a coefficient of discharge (Cd)to allow for flow contraction over the crest and the effects of the boundary conditions at the weir, gives: Q = 2CdLH2 2g 0 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Rehbock found that the coefficient of discharge was related to the ratio of head on the weir, H to the distance from the channel bottom to the weir crest (see Figure 5): Cd = 0.062 + 0.083 P (12) Equation 11 can be reduced to derive a sharp crested weir equation, similarly to the broad crested weir equation as was done in Equations 7 and 8. For practical Purposes, weir equations for common weirs including coefficients of discharge are shown in the following sections. H P Nappe Figure 5. Sharp crested weir (longitudinal section) showing terms used in Equation 12 and the overflowing jet called the nappe. Rectangular Contracted Weir Rectangular contracted weirs are popular in watershed monitoring of small watersheds since they are relatively simple in concept and simple to construct. Figure 6 is an illustration of such a weir. This type of weir is contracted on all sides (two sides and bottom). To be fully contracted, the sides of the weir plates must be located at least twice the maximum head from the channel boundaries. The discharge equation for a rectangular contracted weir shown in Figure 6 is from Francis (1883): where Q = discharge , cfs H = head on the weir, ft L=length of weir crest, ft Q = 3.33H3/1 (L — 0.2H) Q = 3.33 [(H + h)3/2] (L — 0.2H) 13 7 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT h= approach velocity head, v2/2g The upper equation may be used when the velocity of approach is negligible (a Froude number less than 0.5 is generally ok). bwarr• Gv+t CM) Figure 6. Rectangular Contracted Weir If the channel is such that installing a fully contracted weir is not possible, e.g., a short crest distance from channel bottom and/or small side contraction are used to reduce head loss (reduce upstream backwater), then the Kindsvarter-Carter method (Kindsvater & Carter, 1959) that also corrects for velocity of approach should be used: Q = CeLeHie�2 (14) where Ce = effective coefficient of discharge Le = L+kb, where kb is a correction factor to obtain the effective weir length Hie= Hl+Kh where Hl is head above weir crest, ft, and Kh is a correction factor (0.003 ft). The reader is referred to (USBR, 2001) for details on how to derive the coefficients and factors involved with Equation 14. The Kindsvater-Carter method may also be applied to fully suppressed weirs. The Francis formula (U.S. customary units) for a fully suppressed rectangular weir is: Q = 3.33LH3/2 Cipoletti Weir (15) A Cipoletti weir is a contracted weir with side slopes on the weir plate of 1HAV. This design lessens the side contraction and thus lessens the reduction of cross -sectional flow area ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT found in contracted weirs with vertical sides. Most Cipoletti weirs are found in irrigation system applications. The formula for a Cipoletti weir is (U.S.Customary units): Q = 3.367LH3/2 (16) An illustration of a Cipoletti weir is shown in 7. V-Notch Weirs !� elope rr Pont to M"Kn depth (H) a rrr � fir, `•F��fy� �j-�i�fi �rf�rl�/ fiy' , Figure 7. Cipoletti Weir. Note 1H:4V slope on weir plate. V-Notch weirs are suited for small flows being more accurate than rectangular weirs in the low flow range. Although the standard v-notch weir is 90°, any angle can be used. The degree stipulated is the angle formed by the notch in the weir plate/bulkhead. The drawback of a v-notch weir is the head required to pass higher discharges, therefore requiring impractical weir plate/bulkhead heights. The discharge equation for a 90' v-notch weir (illustrated in Figure 8 is: Q = 2.49H2.48 (17) The formula for v-notch weirs of any angle is: Q = 0.43,,,fg-tan 12 I H5/2 (18) where 0 = notch angle, degrees g = gravitational constant in U.S. customary units, (32 ft sec-2) 9 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Figure 9 shows the head required to pass a given flow for a 90' v-notch weir and a 2-foot fully contracted rectangular weir. Figure 8. V-notch Weir (90 degree notch). Compound Weirs Compound weirs refer to types of measuring structures that have two or more types of weir geometry. Probably the most common combination is a v-notch weir that graduates to a rectangular weir. This allows for accurate low flow measurement, but allows higher discharges to pass without an inordinate rise in head (and backwater). Another type of compound weir is shown in Figure 10. A plot of head -discharge for a v-notch weir of 2 ft height transitioning to a rectangular weir with a 5 ft crest length is shown in Figure 11. Note the change in relationship at a head of 2 ft, the elevation at which the transition from v-notch to v-notch with rectangular weir occurs. Flumes In general, a flume is an open channel flow section that accelerates flow. Normally the intention is to accelerate the flow through a converging section so that the flow passes through critical depth. In this case, only one measuring point is required. Some flumes can also provide accurate flow measurements under less than ideal conditions (very low flow or when downstream water level causes submergence) when flow does not pass through critical depth. Some typically used flumes are discussed in the following sections. Broad -crested weirs are also classified as long -throated flumes. Flumes require side walls of a constant and known geometry, so have been used extensively in irrigation canals that may be lined or easily fitted with headwalls. Flumes are less adaptable to natural streams, and if used in such an application require that headwalls be constructed to force all flow through the flume section. 10 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT 4 4M u'7 [ti Q N � W'7 -0e r O LE C O C 0 10 20 30 Discharge, cfs Figure 9. Head discharge relationships for 90 v-notch weir and rectangular contracted weir with crest length of 2 feet. Parshall Flumes Parshall flumes are able to measure accurately with relatively low head loss, and can be measured under considerable submergence. The narrowest section of any flume is referred to as the throat. The discharge equations for Parshall flumes are: Q = Q = 4W Ha •522Wo. o2s (19) Q = (3.6875W + 2.5) H1 where Q = discharge, cfs W= flume throat width, ft Ha=upstream head measured from flume floor (see Figure 12 The upper equation is for throat widths (W) of 1 to 8 feet, and the bottom equation is for throat widths of 10-50 feet. Ha is the measurement location in the upstream section of the flume shown as the upstream staff gage in Figure 12. The downstream measurement point, Hb is used in conjunction with Ha under conditions of submergence that occur when the ratio of Hb/Ha is 0.70 for flumes of throat width 1-4 feet and 0.80 for flumes of throat width 10-50 feet. Table can be consulted to correct flow estimates for submerged conditions. Parshall flumes have many sloping angles, so are not easily constructed. Usually smaller flumes (Parshall and others) are made of prefabricated fiberglass or plastic and may be purchased from vendors. 11 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Figure 10. Compound partially contracted rectangular weir Other Flumes Other flumes used in water measurement include Cutthroat flumes, H-flumes, and Palmer -Bowles flumes. A cutthroat flume has a converging and diverging section like a Parshall flume, but has a flat bottom so is easier to construct. H-flumes have a trapezoidal section with converging side walls. H-flumes have been used on small watersheds and pass sediment easily, however, they are limited to lower flow rates and require more head loss than other flumes. Palmer -Bowles flumes have traditionally been used in municipal wastew- ater applications since they are designed to be positioned inside a pipe flowing partially full. If a steam has a culvert, it may be adapted to that application. Siting Water Measurement Structures For sharp -crested weirs, the following general rules should be observed during installing and operation: • Maximum downstream water surface elevation should be at least 0.2 feet below the weir crest • Head measurements below 0.2 feet should be treated with caution unless it can be verified that the overpour is not clinging to the weir crest • Head measurement should be taken a minimum of 4 times the distance of the maxi- mum head (maximum distance from water surface to weir crest) on the weir • Weir plates should be between 0.03 and 0.08 inches. This may be achieved by cham- fering stock to the prescribed thickness. • The distance from the bottom of the approach channel (weir pool) to the crest should be at least twice the head on the weir and in most cases not less than 1 foot. For all water measurement structures: 12 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT .V C C, 0 1 2 a H" fi. Figure 11. Head discharge relationship for a compound v-notch, rectangular weir. • The site should have a stable channel bottom. This avoids undercutting of a structure placed within the channel • If possible, the Fronde number should not be above 0.5 for a distance of 30 times the head measurement at maximum flow Submergence Submergence is a condition in which the downstream water level, also known as tail - water, is too high relative to the upstream water level for the weir or flume to measure as intended. In this case, head loss is not sufficient, and the stage -discharge relationship of the measuring device is changed. For some types of flumes, notably flumes with downstream stage, i.e., hb measuring capability, correction may be made knowing the relationship of hb/ha,. Tables specific to a particular type of flume and submergence ratio (hb/hp,) are available to make adjustments to flows. It is important to locate weirs and flumes such that submergence does not occur. This is normally achieved by placing weirs just upstream of drops or by raising the crest of the weir by either building up its foundation (in the case of a flume) or otherwise making sure the weir crest elevation is high enough. Raising the weir or flume higher than necessary means that the upstream water surface is raised (backed up) higher than necessary. This may retard passage up sediment and otherwise unduly change natural flow regimes. 13 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT M mm*- Umm_ = NO =80. il -VS f C �r /{aft ogwo flM lm wtar Figure 12. Plan, Profile and Isometric view of Parshall Flume. The profile view shows free -flow and submerged conditions Velocity of Approach Velocity of approach refers to the velocity, and consequently the velocity head, in the section of stream upstream of a flume or weir. If the velocity of approach is too high, the discharge rating will be inaccurate as elevation head (measurable head) is converted to velocity head. The velocity of approach is determined by the channel conditions upstream of the measuring device. For weirs, velocity of approach can be limited by an adequate upstream pool that creates a larger cross-section and slows the water. Stream Gaging Stream gaging is used when flow measurement using an in -channel structure is imprac- tical or cost prohibitive. The general concept is based upon the fact that the product of velocity and cross -sectional flow area is equal to the discharge of that area. A current meter is used to measure velocity at points along a stream section, and the flow for each sub -section 14 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT represented by each measurement point is added up to obtain the total stream discharge. Velocity measurement may be made with meters that have cups that spin in proportion to the flow velocity (like an anemometer cup), or more recently available transducers such as Doppler meters. Control Section Often times erosion, deposition, or changing vegetation in a channel change the stage - discharge relationship of a stream. In order to provide a constant stage -discharge relation- ship, control sections are sometimes built at the location to be gaged, or just downstream of the gaging station. The easiest way to provide for a constant stage -discharge relationship in a natural stream is to locate the gage upstream of a section not subject to erosion and deposition. Artificial controls are sometimes built and resemble low weirs. Their function is to control the flow over at least the low- to mid -range discharges and provide a unique stage -discharge rela- tionship. It is often times impractical to build such a control for higher stages. The controls are not meant to estimate flow like a weir, but simply to provide a control for the upstream water surface. Sometimes control sections are built to simplify a rating curve development and provide a stable section. Such an example is shown in Figure 13. Figure 13. Rated control section in a forested watershed, central coast of California 15 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Stream Gaging Hardware The most common way of stream gaging is to use a current meter. A Price Type AA current meter is shown in Figure 14. These are used extensively by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in their stream gaging programs. Another commonly used meter is a pygmy meter, which, as the name implies is smaller the the standard meter. It is suitable for use in shallow depths. Current meters are attached to wading rods for use directly in the stream, or may be attached to cables suspended by reels on a bridge or other structure crossing a stream. Cableways, that are cables stretched across a stream suspending a self-propelled seat (called a cable car) are used by the USGS in rivers that are too deep and/or swift to use a wading rod, and where a bridge does not exist. Weights are normally required when a meter is attached to a cable to stabilize the meter and prevent it from deviating too far from a vertical angle. Reels are anchored permanently on a bridge, supported by a crane assembly with a movable base, or suspended with a bridge -board that may be re -positioned at each measuring point along the cross-section. A bridge board is simply a plank with a sheave that the cable passes through at one end, and the reel is placed at the other end. A bridge board is normally extended and balanced over a bridge railing. Figure 14. Price Type AA current meter with a top -set wading rod with USGS technician 16 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 FLOW MEASUREMENT Calculation of Discharge The Rantz method is normally used to calculate discharge using data obtained by a current (velocity) meter. The equation for the discharge through any subsection x is: qx = vx I bx — 2 bx-1 + bx+1 I 2 — bx dx (20) Conceptually this is a mid -point integration method as illustrated in Figure 15. Total discharge of the station is simply the summation of partial discharges: n Q = E qx x=1 (21) Velocity used in Equation 21 is the average of measurements taken at two depths, or at one depth if the depth of flow is too shallow for the current meter. In the two -point method velocities are taken at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth below the surface. For shallow depths a single reading at 0.6 of the depth below the surface is used (0.4 of the depth from the bottom). Top set wading rods can both measure the depth of flow, and help set the current meter at desired fractions of the depth of flow through markings on the rod. 1, v' [az" I Figure 15. Rantz method applied at cross-section stations 1 and 4 Measurement of Stage Whether a flow measurement device such as a weir of flume is used to measure flow, or a current meter is used to estimate flow, depth of flow or stage will need to be measured. Stage measurement is necessary to convert stage to head for a critical flow device or to 17 ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 References estimate flow from a rating curve developed during a stream gaging campaign. Devices to record stage range from manually read staff gages to various transducer -type methods that measure stage indirectly. The simplest and most direct method of measuring stage is by a manually read staff gage. Such a gage is shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13. If used in conjunction with a weir or flume, the elevation of the crest of the weir or flume must be tied into the staff gage so that head (H in the appropriate equation) can be determined from the staff gage. Some flumes and many gaging stations use stilling wells in which staff gages or other water level recording devices are housed. Stilling wells help damp any waves in the water surface. Float devices are well adapted to stilling wells, and when connected to a pully with a counterweight can be used with a drum recorder (a pen records stage on a chart) or a shaft encoder that provides an analog voltage or current that is logged in a datalogger and converted to stage. Other indirect methods of measuring stage commonly used are pressure transducers and bubbler systems. Pressure transducers have a diaphragm that senses water pressure on one side through strain. They are normally vented to the atmosphere to cancel out the atmospheric pressure, thereby measuring only the piezometric (elevation and pressure head) of the water. Rating Curves Rating curves are primarily developed for use in streams that have been gaged, but may also be developed and used for weirs and flumes that are calibrated. Several measurements of discharge and the corresponding stage are required to develop a rating curve. The most common form of a rating equation is of a power form as presented in Kennedy (1984) and is illustrated in Figure 16. In the figure, e is called the zero stage offset or the stage below which no flow occurs. Summary Measurement of flow may be one of the most difficult aspects of watershed monitoring, yet arguably it may be one of the most important. Foresight and planning should take place before selecting flow and stage measurement devices and site selection. References Rancis, J. (1883). Lowell hydraulics experiments (fourth ed.). New York: D. Van Nostrand. Kennedy, J. (1984). Discharge ratings at gaging stations [Computer software manual]. Kindsvater, C., & Carter, R. (1959). Discharge characteristics of rectangular thin -plate weirs. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 124. USBR. (2001). Water measurement manual (third ed.) [Computer software manual]. This document is written in LATE and converted to pdf In ©Garry Grabow, 2012 BAE 576 References Figure 16. Illustration of rating curve fit to measured data. 19 �-✓ I i,mUSGS science for a changing world Techniques of Water -Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey • Chapter A6 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR GAGING STREAMS By R. W. Carter and Jacob Davidian Book 3 APPLICATIONS OF HYDRAULICS 0 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ❑ONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Dallas L. Peck., Director First printing 1968 Second printing 1969 Third printing 1977 Fourth printing 1989 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1968 For sale by the Books and Open. -File Reports Section U.S. Geological Survey Federal Center, Box 25425 Denver, CO 80225 • • 0 • PREFACE The series of manuals on techniques describes procedures for planning and executing specialized work in water -resources investigations. The material is grouped under major subject headings called books and further subdivided into sections and chapters; section A of book 3 is on surface - water techniques. The unit of publication, the chapter, is limited to a narrow field of subject matter. This format permits flexibility in revision and publication as the need arises. Provisional drafts of chapters are distributed to field offices of the U.S. Geological Survey for their use. These drafts are subject to revision because of experience in use or because of advancement in knowledge, techniques, or equipment. After the technique described in a chapter is sufficiently developed, the chapter is published and is sold by the U.S. Geological Survey Books and Open -File Reports Section, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, CO 80225 (authorized agent of Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office). III 0 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY • The U.S. Geological Survey publishes a series of manuals describing procedures for planning and conducting specialized work in water -resources investigations. The manuals published to date are listed below and may be ordered by mail from the U.S. Geological Survey, Books and Open -File Reports, Federal Center, Box 25425, Denver, Colorado 80225 (an authorized agent of the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office). Prepayment is required. Remittance should be sent by check or money order payable to U.S. Geological Survey. Prices are not included in the listing below as they are subject to change. Current prices can be obtained by writing to the USGS, Books and Open File Reports. Prices include cost of domestic surface transportation. For transmittal outside the U.S.A. (except to Canada and Mexico) a surcharge of 25 percent of the net bill should be included to cover surface transportation. When ordering any of these publications, please give the title, book number, chapter number, and "U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water -Resources Investigations." TWI I -DI. Water temperature -influential factors, field measurement, and data presentation, by HA1. Stevens, Jr., 3.F. Ficke, and G.F. Smoot. 1975. 65 pages. TWI 1-132. Guidelines for colli.ction and field analysis of ground -water samples for se tee led unstable constituents, by W.W. Wood. 1976. 24 pages. TWI 2-D1. Application of surface geophysics to ground water investigations, by A.A.R. 7ohdy, G.P. Eaton, and D.R. Mabey. 1974. 116 pages. TWI 2-D2. Application of se is n ic -re frac t i on techniques to hydrologic studies, by F.P. Haeni. 1988. 86 p. TWI 2-El. Application of borehole geophysics to water- resources investigations, by W.S. Keys and L.M. MaeCary. 1971. 126 pages. TWI 3-Al. General field and c0ice procedures for indirect discharge measurement, by M.A. Benson and Tate Dalrymple. 1967. 30 pages. TWI 3-A2. Measurement of peak discharge by the slope -area method, by Tate Dalrymple and M.A. Henson. 1967. 12 pages. TWI 3-A3. Measurement of peak discharge at culverts by indirect methods, by G.L. Bodhaine. 1968. 60 pages. TWI 3-A4. Measurement of peak discharge at width contractions by indirect methods, by H.F. Matthai. 1967. 44 pages. TWI 3-A5. Measurement of pi;ak discharge at dams by indirect methods, by Marry Hulsing. 1967. 29 pages. TWI 3-A6. General procedure for gaging streams, by R.W. Carter and Jacob Davidian. 1968. 13 pages. TWI 3-A7. Stage measurements at gaging stations, by T.J. Buchanan and W.P. Somers. 1968. 28 pages. TWI 3 A8. Discharge measurements at gaging stations, by T.J. Buchanan and W.P. Somers. 1969. 65 pages. TWI 3-A9. Measurement of time of travel and dispersion in strea3ns by dye tracing, by E.F. Hubbard, F.A. Kilpatrick, L.A. Martens, and J.P. Wilson, Jr. 1982. 44 pages. TWI 3-A10. Discharge ratings at gaging stations, by E.J. Kennedy. 1984. 39 pages. TWI 3-All. Measurement of discharge by moving -boat method, by G.F. Smoot and C.C. Novak. 1969. 22 pages. TWI 3-Al2. Fluorometric procedures for dye tracing, Revised, by James F. Wilson, Jr., Ernest D. Cobb, and Frederick A. Kilpatrick. 1986. 41 pages. TWI 3-A13. Computation of continuous records of stream flow, by Edward J. Kennedy. 1983. 53 pages. TWI 3-A14. Use of Humes in measuring discharge, by F.A. Kilpatrick, and V.R. Schneider. 1983. 46 pages. TWI 3-A15. Computation of water -surface profiles in open channels, by Jacob Davidian. 1984. 48 pages. TWI 3-A16. Measurement of discharge using tracers, by F.A. Kilpatrick and E.D. Cobb. 1985. 52 pages. TWI 3-A17. Acoustic vetoe ity ricter systems, by Antonius Lac nen. 1985. 38 pages. TWI 3-Bl. Aquifer -test design, observation, and data analysis, by R.W. Stallman. 1971. 26 pages. iWI 3-B2.= Introduction to ground -water hydraulics, a programmed text for self -instruction, by G.t7. Bennett, 1976. 172 pages. TWI 3-B3_ Type curves for selected problems of flow to we [is in confined aquifers, by J.E. Reed. 1980. 106 pages_ TWI 3-B5. Definition of boundary and initial conditions in the analysis of saturated ground -water flow systems -an introduction, by 0. Lehn Franke, Thomas E. Reilly, and Gordon D. Berndt. 1997. 15 pages. TWI 3-B6. The principle of superposition and its application in ground -water hydraulics, by Thomas E. Reilly, O. Lchn Franke, and Gordon D. Bennett. 1987. 28 pages. TWI 3-Cl. Fluvial sediment concepts, by HY, Guy. 1970, 55 pages. TWI 3-C2. Field methods of measurement of fluvial sediment, by H.P. Guy and V.W. Norman. 1974. 59 pages. TWI 3-C3. Computation of fluvial -sediment discharge, by George Porterfield. 1972. 66 pages. TWI 4-AL Some statistical tcois in hydrology, by H.C. Riggs. 1969. 39 pages. TWI 4-A2. Frequency curves, by H- C. Riggs, 1968, 15 pages. TWI 4-B1. Low -How investipitions, by H.C. Riggs. 1972. 18 pages. TWI 4-B2. Storage analyses for water supply, by H.C. Riggs and C.H. Iiardison- 1973. 20 pages. TWI 4-B3. Regional analyses of streamflow characteristics, by H.C. Riggs. 1973. 15 pages. TWI 4-D1. Computation of rate and volume of stream depletion by wells, by C.T. Jenkins. 1970. 17 pages. TWI 5-A1. Methods for determination of inorganic substances in water and fluvial sediments, by M.W. Skougstad and others, editors. 1979. 626 pages. 'Spanish translation also available. tv TWI 5-A2. Determination of minor elements in water by emission spectroscopy, by P.R. Barnett and E.C. Mallory, h. 197L 31 pages. '1'WI 5-A3. Methods for the determination of organic substances in water and fluvial sediments, edited by A.L. Wershaw, M.J. Fishman, R.R. Grabbe, and L.E. Lowe. 1987. 80 pages. This manual is a revision of "Methods for Analysis of Organic Substances in Water" by Donald F. Goerlitz and Eugene Brown, Book 5, Chapter A3, published in 1972. TWI 5-A4. Methods for collection and anaIysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples, edited by P.E. Greeson, T.A. Cltlke, G.A. Irwin, D.W. Liuu1, and K-V. Slack. 1977. 332 pages. TWI 5-A5. Methods for determination of radioactive substances in water and fluvial sediments, by I—L. Thatcher, V.J. Janzer, and K.W. Edwards. 1977. 95 pages. TWI 5-A6. Quality assurance practices for the chemical and biological analyses of water and fluvial sediments, by L.C. Friedman and D.E. Erdman n. 1932. 181 pages. TWI 5-CL Laboratory theory and methods for sediment analysis, by H.P. Guy. 1969. 58 pages. TWI 6-Al. A modular three-dimensional [mite-diHercnce ground -water Flow model, by MichateI G. McDonald and Arlen W. Harbaugh. 1988. 586 pages. TWI 7-CL Finite difference model for aquifer simulation in two dimensions with results of numerical experiments, by P.C. Trescott, G.F. Pinder, and S.P. Larson. 1976. 116 pages. TWI 7-C2. Computer model of two-dimensiona] solute transport and dispersion in around water, by L.F. Konikow and J.D. Dredehoeft. 1978. 90 pages. TWI 7-C3. A model For simulation of flow in sing Iar and interconnected channels, by R.W. Schaffranek, R.A. Dal tzer, and D.E. Goldberg. 1981. 110 pages. TWI 8-A1. Methods of measuring water levels in deep wells, by M.S. Garber and F.C. Koopman. 1968. 23 pages. TWI 8-A2. Installation and service manual for U.S, Geological Survey monometers, by J.D. Craig. 1983. 57 pages. TWI 8.132. Calibration and maintenance of vertical -axis type current meters, by G.F. Smoot and C.E. Novak. 1968. 35 pages. • 0 • • 0 CONTENTS page Preface------------------------------------ III Discharge measurements —Continued Abstract_ --------------------- 1 indirect discharge measurements--_----_-_ Introduction------------------------------- I Dilution method -------------- General objective4md procedures ------ I Discharge ratings --------------------------- Selection of gaging site ----------------------- 2 Stage -discharge relations------------- Artificial eonirols------------------------ 3 Complex discharge ratings --------------- - - Measurement of stage------.----------------- 5 Computation and preparation of discharge records Methodsofsensingstage----------------- o -----_---------------------------- Station analysis ------------------------ Water-stage recorders _ - - - - - - - - - - - 6 Manual eomputations- - - - - - ------------- Reference gages ---------------- 6 Automatic computations ---------------- Discharge measurements- - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - €i Publication of records - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Current -meter measurements------------- 7 References --------------------------------- FIGURES 1-10. Photographs: page I. Gage and natural control, Little Spokane River at Elk, Wash _ - - _ -- _ 2 2. Gage, concrete control, outside gage on bridge, and an engineer making a wading measurement, Kaskaskia. River at Bondviile, Ill--------- 4 3. Concrete artificial control on Mill Creek near Coshocton, Ohio ------ 5 4. Artificial control on Delaware River near Red Bluff, N. Mex., with shallow V-notch in the broad -crested weir----------------------- 5 5. Bubble -gage digital -recorder arrangement. Gas tank on right-, digital - punch recorder on left---------------------------------------- 6 G. Measuring discharge. with current meter by wading -- - -- - 8 7. Measuring discharge with current ineter from bridge over the. Hudson River V Poughkeepsie, N.Y----------------------------..------ 9 S. VADA (velocity-aziiilutli-depth-assembly) equipment in use for meas- urement from bridge ------------------------------------------ 9 D. Pressurized constant -rate injection tanks for injection of dye into strnazns----------------------------------------------------- 10 10, Equipment for ftuorometer testing of water samples in the Field--- - - - 11 V11 Page 7 9 10 10 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 • • 0 GENERA! PROCEDURE FOR GAGING STREAMS By R. W. Carter and Jacob Dravidian Abstract This chapter briefly describes the objectives and pro- cedures used in obtaining streamflow records. It is considered are introduction to other chapters on sur- face -water techniQues which treat individual proce- dures in greater detail. Introduction Measurement of the flow of streams was be- gun by the U.S. Geological Survey in 1888 as part of special studies relating to the irrigation of public lands. Since that time systematic records of strearnflo►r have been obtained at more than 16,000 places in the United States by the Geological Survey. In 1967 the stream - gaging network comprised about, 91000 continu- ous -record. stations. In addition, there were ,t:bout 7,200 partial -record stations where data on only fioodflow or low flow were obtained. Stream gaging is the largest operation among the various hydrologic networks. St rearnfio►w is The only part of the hydrologic cycle in which moisture is so confined as to permit reasona- bly accurate measurements of t lie volumes in- volved. All other measurements in the hydro- logic cycle are at best only inadequate samples of the whole. Wafter in streatnis serves man in many ways; it, provides water supply for man and aiiimaLls, irrigation water for plants, dilution and trans- port for removal of waste, energy for produc- tion of power, channels for water transport, and a. medium of recreation. Records of strearn- flow are important in each of these uses. Wa-ter 111 stt'eaerns caii also he a hazard. Floods ca►u5e extensive (Innrige and harrrlship. Records of flood events obtained act• gagin"r a-tattions serve rl5 tl3e la,i5i7 for rile desigu of highway bridges and ca31►erts, danis,:tiiFl flood -control reservoirs and for flood -plain delineation and flood- ►eaLrning systems. The network of stream -gaging stations is de- signed to nieet, the various needs for informa- tion on strew. rnflo►v. Many stations are operated to provide current information for use in the day-by-day management of water supplies or for use in forecasting flood events. Most of the stations, however, are operated as it part of the hydrologic network. Records for these stations reflect the natural hydrologic characteristics of the basins and can thus be used as samples of the variations of streamflow in time and space. The design of streamflow networks is gov- erned to some extent by the ability to nneasure stage and discharge at aL givers site to the re- quired degree of accuracy. The continued de- velopment of new instrumentation and analyti- cal techniques has improved the capability of obtaining streamflow records under difficult conditions. This chapter describes in general terns the techniques used in obtaining continuous stream - flow records---froin,selection of site to publica- tion of records. It is considered an introduction to four other chapters in book 3, section A, surface -water techniques, which describe in de- ta.il t.lw instruments and techniques used in making specific measurements. This series of chapters im y be considered an updating of Water -Supply Paper 888, "Stream Gaging Procedure." General 06jective and Procedures The objective in operating a, gaging station is to obtain a continuous record of stage and discharge wit the site. The exact location of the station is chosen to take advantage of the best 2 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS available condition for stage and discharge measurements and for developing discharge ratings. A continuous record of stare is obtained by installing instruments that sense and record the tvat.er-surface elevation in the stream_ Dis- eifaarge ineasuremen`s care initially made at vari- miu , stag-P-S to define. the relation between stage <alul discharge. Discharge measurements are their 111ade at. periodic intervals, t)su ally monthly, to verify the stage -discharge relation or to define any change in the relation owing to chaaages in elaaaaaaasl geometry. At many Sites the discharge i5 aaot as unique function of stage; variables other than stage ,also must be continuously measured to obtain :idischaar-e record. For example, stream slope is pleasured by the installation of an auxilia-ry stage gage downstream if variable backwater occurs. At other sites as contit)tta11s aneasaire of stream velocity at a point. in the cross section is obtained and used as an additional variable in the discharge rat-iug. The rate of change of stage can be an important. variable at sites hav- ing considerable tuisteadiness of flow. .Tloty weirs and drap)s are constructed at some stations to stabilize the stage -discharge rela- tions 1n the, lots• -flow ran(re. These control struc- 1 ures are calibrated by stage and discharge 73)ensurem ents ill the field. The data. obtained at the raging station .are 1*4?V letl ed 1and an alv-red by eltgineeriilg persoi)iiel at the eaael of the tv:atet yeaar. Discirarre ratings ,area established, :and the gage -height record is reduced to mean values for selected time peri- ods. The mean discharge for each day :and ex- tremes of discharge. -for the year are computed. The data are then prepared for publication. Selection of Gaging Site The selection of gaging sites is dictated by the needs of ,rater )nana.gement or by the re- quireineuts of the hydrologic network. In ful- tilling needs there i-, lit'tle or no freedom of choice in selecting gaging sites, and frequently records Imast be obtained )order very aadverso hydraulic co3aditfons. For example, Inany of t:be principal streanns in the (;nited States have been converted into a series of fools by tlae Construction of dawns; yet, very precise records are needed for operation. Rec- ords are also needed in tidal reaches of stream channels in connection with water supply, salin- ity contamination, or Waste disposal. Hydrologic network requirements allow more choice in selecting good sites for gaging, al- though in some places gaging conditions are poor throughout an. entire region. For example, all strew in a given region ana,y have -unstable beds and banks, which result in continually changing stage -discharge relations. However, before ra streaYnl-gaging station is constructed, :a geaaeral reconnaissance is made in order that the most suitable site for the gage may be se- lected. This reconnaissance is facilitated by an exam nation of geologic, topographic, and other maps of the arena. Tentative sites for gaging sta- tions nlay be indicated on the maps, each site being subject to critical examination Of the phy- sical characteristics of the stream channel. In selecting <a, site consideration should be given to the following items: 1. Cllaannel ehaaraaateristics relative to as fixed rmd permanent relation between stage and dischalrge at the gage. A rock riffle or falls, as shown in figure 1, indicates an ideal site. If aa, site on as stream with a movable bed must be accepted -for example, a, sand - channel stream -it is best to locate the gage in as uniform :a. reach as possible, :away from obstructions in the channel with as bridges. ?. Opportaznity to install an artificial control. i. Possibility of baackwat.ez• from downstream tributaries or other sources. If a site Figure 1. Gage and natural eonfrol, Little Spokane River at Elk, Wash. • • 0 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR GAGING STREAMS 3 • • where backwater occurs must be accepted, a uniform reach for measurement of slope should be sought, in addition to the proper placement of an Auxiliary gage. Un- steady flow such as occurs in tide -affected stream channels requires similar considera- tion but, in addition, line power must be available to insure simultaneous record- ing of stage at the two gages. 4. Availability of a nearby cross section where good discharge measurements can be made. 5. Proper placement of it stage gage with re- spect to the measuring sect -ion and to that part. of the channel which controls the stage -discharge relation. 6. Suitability of existing structures for use in making high -flow discharge measure- ments, or the proper placement- of a cable- way for this purpose. 7. Possibility of flow bypassing the site in ground water or in flood channels. 8. Availability of line power or telephone lines where needed, for special instrumentation or for Telemark units. 9. Accessibility of the site by roads, particu- larly during flood periods. The gage an Kaskaskia River at Bondville, III., shown in figure 2, satisfies several of the above requirements. Low -flow measurements are made by wading upstrmam from the artifi- cial control, and high -flow measurements are made from the bridge. The bridge site provides accessibility, convenience to power lines, and a, good location for an outside gage, shown. on the downstream handrail. Artificial Controls Artificial controls are structures built in a stream channel to stabilize the stage -discharge relation and thereby simplify the: procedure of obtaining accurate records of discharge. They may be low damns, broad -crested ►veirs con- forming to the general shape and freight of the strearnhed, or flumes similar in design to the Parshall flume. The adverse effects of unstable conditions due to shifting bed or banks, the formation of ice in ►vinter, progressive growth of aquatic vegetation clna•ing tl►e summer, and other phenomena. which at times affect the stage -discharge relation at low stages may gen- erally be eliminated or alleviated by the con- struction of an artificial control. The structure is seldom designed to function as a complete control throughout the entire range of stage. Generally it is impracticable to build it high enough to eliminate the effects of downstream conditions at high stages unless there is a steep fall below the gage. If the downstream slope is flat, so that with an increase in discharge the water below the control rises faster than the water above it, the control may be completely effective only for low and medium stages. Fig- ure 3 shows the artficial control on Mill Creek near Coshocton, Ohio. A differently shaped artificial control is shown in figure 4, for the gage on the Delaware River near Red Bluff, N. Mex. Note the shallow V-notch in the broad - crested weir, to improve sensitiveness. Although the artificial control is usually con- structed in the forrn of a darn or a weir, it is seldom if ever desirable to attempt the use of a weir formula as its rating. The rating for each station should be determined by a current - meter or other method of measuring discharge. The conditions or facilities for the accurate measurement of small streams and for the measurement of the low-water flow of larger streams commonly can be unproved by the use of artifical controls. In the design of artificial controls the follow- ii►g four major points should be considered: 1. The shape of tho structure should permit the the passage of water without creating u33- desirable disturbances in the channel above or below the control. 2The struoture must be of sufficient height to eliminate the effects of variable down- stream conditions. 3. The profile of the crest of the control should be designed so that a small change in dis- charge at low stages will cause it measura- ble change in stage, and the relation of changes in stage to changes in discharge should produce a rating curve of a shape that may be extended to peak stages with- out serious error. 4. The control should have structural stability and should be permanent. The artificial control should beself-cleaning and GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR GAGTATG STREAMS 5 • • 0 Figure 3—Concrete artificiol control on Mill Creek near Coshocton, Ohio. Figvre 4.—Artificial control on Delaware River near Red Bluff, N. Mex., with shallow V-notch in the broad -crested weir. should not be si.tbject to obstruction by debris and ice or to deposits of sand, gravel, or silt. in its itnmediate vicinity, either upstrea.nr or down- stream. Measurement of Stage The stage of as strwun is the lieight of :rdie grater surface above aan estabIislied datnal. platze. 1lea.sureinents of streaani stage are used in de- tenninino, records of streaun discharge. In ad- ditiori, records of stream stage are useful in theinselves, such is in the design of structures a fleeted by stream elevation or 'In the planning of t.Ile it se, of (load plains. A record of stage can be obtained by system- atic observations of a nonrecording gage. In the early days of the Geological Surrey, this was the. means generally used, but now •i lie water - Stage recorder is used at, practically all gaging stations. The advantages of the nourecording gage are the low initial cost and the ease of in- stallation. The disadvantages are the need for ata observer quid the Iaek of amuraey of then esti- inated continuous stage graph sketched through the points of observation. For long-term opera- I.ion the advantages of the recording gage far outiveigh those of the nonrecording gage, and f.htts t1le i:se of the zionrecording gage is no longer considered a feasible method of obtain- ing a stage. record. Methods of sensing stage Stage is usually sensed by a float in a stilling well that is connected to the stret,ni by intake pipes. The stilling well protects the float and dampens the fluctuation in the stream caused by wind and turbulence. Stilling wells, though usually placed in the hank of the stream, are often placed directly in tlae stream as in figure 4, attached to a bridge pier or abutments. The bottom of the stilling well should be below tho minimum anticipated stage and its top above the n-ia.ximum anticipated stage. 'riie in- take to diewell must be of proper size and loca- tion to prevent Iag during periods of rapid change in stage and io prevent velocity -mead effects at its end. Stage inay also be sensed by a gas -purge sys- tem known as a bubble gage. This system does not require a stilling well. A gas is fed through it tube acid bubbled freely through an orifice that is permanently mounted in the stream. The gas pressure in the. tube is equal to the pieio- metric head on the bubble orifice at any gage height. The pressure in t•he tube is measured by it zero -displacement mercury anwometer with the :assoajated electrical components to drive a stage recorder. The bubble gage is used primarily at sites where it would be expensive to install as stilling well. It is :also used on sand -channel streams be- vautse the gas tends to keep the orifice front be- ing covered with sand and the tube tray be easily extended to follow a stream channel that shifts its location. However, the float stilling - well installation is elieaper to install at most sites, and its performmicce is iriore reliable than is that, of the bubble gage. The t o systems have .�Ex»tt [lie satime accuracy—±4.01 foot. The �] TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS choice of system thus depends on the charac- teristics of the site. Water -stage recorders Both strip -chart aazA digital -tape n•;ater-level recorders ,are in general use. Either recorder may lie actuated by the float, or bubble -gage system. Figure .1 shows a bubble. -gage digital - Punch arrangement. Figure 5.—Bubble-gage digital -recorder arrangement. Gas tanf on right; digitzil-punch recorder on left. A strip -chart recorder produces as graphic record of ahe rise an(l fall of the water surface wN la respect to mm,. A gage -height scale of I : 6 and a time seale,of one clay being equal to 2.4 inches are coinmonly used. ContlllUoUs t•e- oorders such as the Stevens A--35 Nvill operate unattended for periods of 60-90 days and pro- vide, a very saaisfaactory record of stage. A digital stage recorder punches coded values of stage on paper tape at preselected time. inter- vals. A. time Interval of 15 aninutes is normally used. The Fischer-Poz-ter recorder is battery operated and ,Fill run unattended for periods of 00-90 days. The code consists of four groups of four punches eaac.."a: the foaar haunches repre- sent 1, 21 -1, and H In each group. The punching of a stage requires only a 0.1-inch advance of paper tape. The recorder is actuated by a cam on a battery -driven inechanical clock. Digital recorders are gradually replacing strip -chart recorders aat gaging stations in the United States. The tivo recorders .are about equal in accuracy, reliability, and cost, but the digital recorder is compatible With the use of electronic computers in computing discharge records. This automated system as developed by the Geological Survey offers greater economy and flexibility in the computation -publication process than do manual methods associated with graphical recording. However, the use of graphical recorders will be continued at those sites where a graphical record is necessary to detect ice effects, backwater, or frequent nial- functions of the recording system. Reference gages Because of the possibility of plugged intakes or other inalfunctions, a nonrecording gage is installed so that the Water level in the stream can he directly aneasured. Comparat-I've readings on the inside and outside gages are taken dur- Mg each visit to the station by engineering per- sonnel. Datum of all gages is checked at peri- odic intervals —casually every 2 or 3 years. In figure 2, the outside gage is on the bridge. Out- side staff gages are visible in figures 3 and 4 in the pools near the gage structures. • DISckarge Measurements 0 Discharge measurements are made at each gaging station to define the discharge rating for the site. The discharge rating may consist of a simple relation between stage and discharge or as more complex relation in which discharge is a function of stage, slope, rate of change of stage, or other factors. Discharge measurements are normally made by the current -meter method, Which consists of detcrininations of velocity and area in the parts of a stream cross sectinn. However, indirect methods are frequently used in determining flood peak discharges. These, methods utilize hydraulic equations in conjiniction with the in- formation on channel characteristics and flood - marks obtained in aa, field survey after the flood event. Discharge measurements may also be made by the dilution method. This method depends on determination of the degree of dilution of an added tracer solution by the flowing water. 0 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR GAGING STREAMS 7 • • 0 Current -meter measurements In the making of a, discharge measurement the cross section is divided into 20-30 partial sections, and the area and mean velocity of each is determined separately. A partial section is a rectangle whose depth is equal to the sounded depth apt a meter location (a vertical) and whose width is equal to the suer of half the distances to the adjacent verticals. At each vertical the follow ing observations are made : (1) The dis- tance to n reference point on the bank, (2) the depth of flow, and (3) the velocity as indicated by current teeter at one or two points in the vertical. These points are at either the 0.2 and 0.9 depths (two -point Method) or the i1fi deptli (ogre -point method) from the water surface. The average of the two velocities, or the single velocity at 0.6 depth, is taken to be the mean velocity in the vertical. The discharge in each partial section is computed as the product of mean velocity times depth at the vertical times the sun3 of half the distances to adjacent verti- cals. The sum of thc; discharges in all the par- t-l:al sections is the total discharge of the, str•eftni. The measurement can be made by wading the stream with it current teeter which slides on a graduated depth rod as sho►vn in figures 2 and 6, or it can be made from a supporting structure such as a bridge (see fig. 7), cableway, or boat, the meter being suspended by a cable. The Price current, meter is used to observe velocity, except in shallow depths where the pygmy current meter is used. The rotor on both these meters has :a. vertical ;axis atad six cone - shaped cups. Each meter is individually cah- brated irr the rating flinne at the National Bu- reau of Standards. Figure 8 shows a velocity- azirnm-li-depth assembly, which has been in use since 1558, primarily on large rivers and in estuarine studies. These nrethods anti the atssOciateal erlriip ment have been developed by the Geological Survey over a period of 60 years. Satisfactory results have been obtained in measuring dis- cliaarges ranging from the trickle of a small stream to the 7,500,000-cfs flow of the Amazon River. Methods and equipment used in making discharge measitreinents by the current -meter method are described in detail in book 3, chap- ter AS, of this series, by Buchanan and Somers., Indirect discharge measurements During floods, it is frequently impossible or impractical to measure the peak discharges ►guest they occur, because of conditions beyond control. Hoards may be impassable; structures frosil ► shell e.ttr•rent- meter Measurements might, have been made may be nonexistent, not suitably located, or destroyed; knowledge of the flood rise may not be available sufficiently in advance to permit reaching the site near the time of the peak; the peak may be so sharp that a satisfac- tory eiirrent-meter measurement could not be intade. even with aii engineer present -it the time; the flow of debris or ice may be such as to pre- vent use of z current meter; or limitations of personnel inight make it impossible to obtain direct measurements of high -stage discharge at numerous locations during a short flood period. Consequently, naatny peak discharges resist be determined after the passage of the flood by indirect method-, stick as slope -area, contracted - opening, flow -over -dam, or flow -through -enl- ver't, rather than by direct current-roeter me.as- ur•eriient. To evaluate the accuracy of indirect methods, comparisons have been made at every opportu- nity. When it has been possible to compare peak discharge computed by indirect means with peak discharge measured by current meter or other direct means, the agreement, in general, has supported confidence in the auxiliary methods. Indirect measurements make use of the energy equation for computing discharge. The specific equations differ for different types of fio-w, such as open -channel flow, flow over darins, and flow through culverts. These equations re- late the discharge to the hater -surface profiile and the geometry of the channel. A field srarvev is made rafter the flood to determilie the location and elevation of high-water marks and the geometry of the channel. ' Buchanan. T, J.. and Somers, W. i'., FxL�eharge measure- menix at gitging +stntlonr-.: aI.S- Geoi- survLy 'Fet!iinigues ►►'titer-rresnurr-es Icir.. hook ehaip. AR, tinpuh. data. q,rCT31NIQUES Or' WATf:R-Rh:SOURCES IVVESTIG&TIONS n �, ..•;fir` Figure b.—Measuring discharge with current meter by wading. • C I • • • 0 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR GAGING STREAMS Figure 7. --Measuring discharge with current meter Erom bridge over the Hudson River at Poughkeepsie, N.Y -Detailed descriptiw)s of the procedures used hi eollectilig field data aix.l in computing the dischrtrge are giveii in Betison aid Dalrymple (1067), Dalrymple and Benson (1.967), Bocd- haine (1968), lllattliai (1967), and Hidsilig (1967), which are book 3, chapters AI--A5, of M this series. The use of electronic computers in these computations is explained by Anderson and Anderson 2 and by Somers and Selner." Dilution method Measurement of discharge by this method depends oii determination of the degree of di- Itition of in added tracer solution by the flowing water. A solution of a stable or radioactive chemical is injected into the stream as either a - constant rate or all at once. The solution be- comes diluteal by the discharge of the stream. Measurement of the rate of injectioli, the coli- ce.iitrgtion of the tracer in the injected solution, and the collcent.ration of the tracer at a. cross An Slen:on, 1). B.. and Ande.mon, N. I... Compittation of «:i�er- rrria�c liratiirs in ❑pen chann(�N ; U.S. Geol. surety Ti oinii)ncs Wa ter, Kfrsgm vee5 Ins'.. impub. data. Boater , W. 1'.. and tieiriCr, a. L. computation of : tagu- dkeliargr relationship" at etih-erN and Computer tee.hnigiw for s3npe-area nie.,LStirk!nw ts: U.s$ Geol- Swr%(zy TCChllique�- hater-Iirsoarces Inv., anpub. data. Figure 8.—VADA (velocity -azimuth -depth -assembly) equipment in use for measurement From bridge. 10 TECILNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS section downstream from the injection paint permits the computation of stream discharge. The accuracy of the method critically depends upon complete mixing of the injected solution through the stream cross section before the sampling station is re4whed and upon no adsorp- tion of the tracer on stream -bottom materials. The method is recommended only for those sites ,where conventional methods cannot be em- ployed owing to shallow depths, extremely high velocities, or excessive turbulence. A detailed description of the procedures and equipment used in measuring discharge by a dye -dilution method is given by Cobb sand Bailey,' Figure 9 shows the pressurized constant -rate tanks used to inject fluorescent dye solutions into the streams, and figure 10 shows collected sample bottles ready for field testing with a fluorometer on the tailgate of a vehicle. Discharge Ratings The computation of continuous records of discharge at gaging stations depends on defini- tion of the discharge rating for the channel. Discharge ratings may be simple or complex. The rating may consist of a simple relation be- tween stage and discharge or of several rela- tion curves which define discharge as a function of stage., slope, rate of change of stage, or other• variables. The expression "discharge rating" is an all-inclusive ter;rn to describe the one or more relations used to determine the discharge from measured pararneters of flow. Stage-dis+charge relations Discharge ratings at a large majority of gaging stations consist of relations between stage and discharge. These stage -discharge re- lations are rarely permanent, particularly at low flow, because of changes in the stream chan- nel such as scour and fill, aquatic growth, ice, or debris or because of changes in bed rough- ness. Frequent disclarge measurements are necessary to define the stage -discharge relation at any time. 4 Cobb, E. D., and i nffi-y, .1. F., Measurement of discharge he dye-ilnutlon methods: ]_S. Geoi. Survey Technlquea Water- Resourrws Ins-., unpub. data. Figure 9.—Pressurized constanWate injection tanks for injec- tion of dye into slrearns. The relation of stage to discharge is gen- erally controlled by a section or reach of eharr- nel below the gage, known as the station con- trol. Section controls may be either natural or constructed, and may consist of a ledge of rock across the channel, a boulder -covered riffle, an overflow dani or any other physicaP/ feature capable of maintaining a fairly stable relation between stage and discharge. Section controls are commonly effective only at low dis- charges, and are completely submerged by channel control at medium and high discharges. Channel control consists of all the physical features of the channel .which determine the stage of the river at a given point for a certain rate of flow. These features include the size, slope, roughness, alinement., constrictions and expansions, and shape of the channel. The reach of channel which acts as the control may lengthen as the discharge increases; such changes introduce new features which affect the stage -discharge relation. Knowledge of the channel features which • • 0 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR GAGING STREAMS 11 • • Figure t Q.--Equipment for Fluorometer testing of water samples in the Field. control the stage -discharge relation is ianpor- tant. The development of stage -discharge curves where more than one control is effective and the number of measurements is limited generally requires judgment in interpolating between measurements and in extrapolating beyond the highest measurements. This judg- ment is particularly necessary where the controls are not permanent and various discharge meas- urements represent different positions of the stage -discharge curve. Stage -discharge relations aro developed from a graphical analysis of the data, plotter. on either rectrnngular-coordinatte or logarithmic plotting paper. A good analysis of the data requires a knowledge of the characteristics of the channel and a knowledge of opera -channel hydraulics. The discharge measurements available for the analysis rarely define a unique stage -discharge relation because of changes in the channel dur- 0 ing the period represented by the measure- ments. The determination of the proper shape of the rating curve and its position at various times requires considerable engineering knowl- edge, experience, and judgment. In general, a base stage -discharge relation is used, and devia- tions from this relation with time (shifts) are determined by consideration of the plotting of individual discharge measurements. These shifts, in the form of a stage adjustment, are then used with the base rating In computing the discharge record. The stability of the stage -discharge relation governs the number of discharge measurements that are necessary to define the relation at any tirne. If the channel is stable, one measurement a month is generally sullicieat; in sand -channel streams, three measurements a week may be required because of the random shifting of the stream ehanrnel. 12 TFC_fJNIQUES OF WATER-HESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS Complex disckarge ratings ff variable backwater or highly unsteady now exists at a gaffing station, the discharge rating cannot be described by stage alone. Variable backwatt.,r may be caused by a tribu- tary stream that enters the control reach down- stream from the gage, by ;;manipulation of gates at a dam, or by flow of water into and from overbank storage created by natural constric- tions in the stream channel. The discharge un- der these conditions is a function of both stage and the slope of the energy gradient, which is approximated by the slope of the water sur- face between two stage gages. Stage -fall -dis- charge ratings are usually determined empir- ically from observations of (1) discharge, (2) stage at the base gage, and (3) the fall of the water surface betNreen the base gage and an auxiliary stage gage downstream. The general procedures used in developing these ratings are described in book 3, chapter A9, of this series, by Carter and Davidian." If the flow is very unsteady, as in a tidal reach, the acceleration head governs the energy slope. Under this condition. unsteady -flow equa- tions must be used to describe the variation of discharge with time. This method is described by Davidian s A special type of unsteady flow is treated under the Beading "Uniformly progressive floe" in Carter Lind Davidian.' For such flow the stage and rate of change of stage observed at a single gage are used to establish the dis- cliarge rating. Computation and Preparation of Discharge Records A continuous record of flow at a gaging sta- tion is computed f rorn records of stage and the discharge rating for the station. The typo of stage recorder used at the station determines whether the. computations are done manually or n Carter. R. IV., .and Davidian. JauOt3, Discharge ratings .at gaging stations: U.S. Geoff- Survey Techniques Water- iiesonrces Ins'., hok 3, elia1). X), )inpuh, data. ' Davidian, Jacob, Computation of discharge in ticaai re:t(i:m : U.S. Gea1. Sar•rey Technique4 Rater -Resources Ina-, nnl)vb. data. by an electronic computer. In either system the engineer must study the data and prepare what is termed a station analysis before computations are performed. Station analysis A station analysis, which documents the re- stiltof the study of the data, is prepared for each station at tiie end of each water year. The study includes the following items: I. A review of field surveys of gage datum and a determination of the datum corrections, if any, to be applied to gage readings taken during the year. ?. :L review of discharge-measumment notes. 3. An analysis of the discharge rating and the determination of the rating (or shifts) ap- plicable during each period of the year. 4. The preparation of tables which express the discharge rating. Manual computations if stage, is recorded at the station on a strip- chartt recorder, all computations are performed manually in the following order: 1. Determination and application of gage - height and time corrections to Clio gage - height chart.. 2. Computattion of 'the mean gage height for each day, or for shorter periods if the range, in discharge during the day is large. Sub- division is necessary because of curvature in the discharge rating. 3. Computation of discharge for each period from mean values of stage and the dis- charge rating, including any shift correc- tions. 4. Computation of peak values of gage height and discharge. 5. Listing of the values of meal, daily gage heights and discharge and momentary peaks. €i. Computation of mean flow for each month and the year in cubic feet per second and in inches. i. Review and comparison of the record of dis- charge with that of nearby streams. • • 0 GENERAL PROCEDURE FOR GAGING STREAMS %3 • • Automatic computations If stage is recorded on a digital tape at the station, the computations just outlined are per- formed by an electronic computer. The input to the computer is the digital record of stage, with a list of any datum corrections, and the discharge rating, with a list of any necessary shift, corrections. Far stations at which the stage -fall -discharge tyl3e of rating is aapplica.- ble, the digital -tape records of stage from both the primary and the auxiliary gages are fur- nished to the computer. In add ition to the stage - discharge relation, supplementary information such as the stage -fall rela.�tion and the relation of fall ratio versus discharge ratio are supplied. The output from the computer consists of two forms_ The first includes a lasting of the maxi- mum, the ininimum, and the mean gage height for each day, bilaourly gage heights for each city, and the mean discharge for each day. The second form includes as listing of mean daily discharges and the naont.hly and yearly sum- maries in the same format as is -used for publi- cation. 13esides being pa.ablished, the daily dis- clia,rges and yearly summaries are stored on magnetic. tape. Corrections are inaade on the tape where necessary after the computed records are reviewed by engineering; personnel in the dis- trict offices. Publication of Records Through September 30, 1960, the records of diseli arge of streams Mid contents of bikes or reservoirs mercy piiblisiwd in an annual series Q 0 * 118 [30VF.-MIXT 1'F MI HG0 VICE 1-tl - 111-111 - 111111171 of Geological Survey water -supply papers en- titled "Surface Water Supply of the United States." Each volume in the series covered an area whose boundaries coincided with those of certain natural drainage basins. Beginning with the 1961 water year, stream - flow records and related data have been released by the Geological Surrey in annual reports on a State -boundary basis. These reports are pre- pared and released by the district offices soon after the close of the water year. Daily discharges and annual summaries are also being published in water -supply papers at intervals of 5 years. The first series to be pub- lished covers the period 1961-65. References Benson, M. A., and Dalrymple, Tate, 1967, General field and office procedures for indirect measure- ments: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Re- sources Inv., book 3, chaps Al, 30 p. Bodhaine, G. L., 1968, Measurement of peak discharge at culverts by indirect methods: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A3, 60 p. Dalrymple, Tate, and Benson, M. A., 1967, Measure- ment of peak discharge by the slope -area method: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A2, 12 p. Huasing, Harry, 1967, Measurement of peak discharge at dams by indirect methods. U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A5, 29 p. 3latthai, H. F., 19%7, Measerement of peak discharge at width contractions by indirect methods. U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 3, Chap. A4, 44 p. • 11 • ^-J imUSGS science for a changing world Techniques of Water -Resources Investigations of the United States Geological Survey Chapter A8 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT CAGING STATIONS By Thomas J. Buchanan and William P. Somers $oo� 3 APPLICATIONS OF HYDRAULICS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THOMAS S. KLEPPE, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY V. E. McKelvey, Director First printing 1969 Second printing 1976 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON .1969 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D. C. 20402 PREFACE The series of manuals on techniques describes procedures for planning and executing specialized work in water -resources investigations. The material is grouped under major subject headings called hooks and further subdivided into sections and chapters; -Action A of book 3 is on surface -water techniques. Provisional drafts of chapters are distributed to field offices of the. U.S. Geological Survey for their itse. These drafts are subject to revision because. of experience in use or becaiFse of advancement in knowledge, techniques, or equipment. After the teahniclue deserilwd in a chapter is sufficiently developed, the chapter is published and is sold by t:lie U.S. Geological Surrey, 120(} Soiit.h Fads Street., Arlington, VA 22201 .(authorized agent. of Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office). III CONTENTS page Current -meter measurements —Continued Page 1'refaCf'_ -. - _ - _ _ _ 3Lt C U rre n t -M Oter m('fl.+lIreMe. nt i)FWed uIT' _ _ _ - 37 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..- . _ 1 Current -meter rnelislFreFrl4'FltS by wad - Introduction - --- - - - - - 1 ___---- 38 Current -meter rueasurenreiit.z _ _ __. _ -_ 1 Current -meter measurements from lns3[runlents and F'quijJrlent_ _ 4 cablewavc--.-----._-- ['LrrrE:FIL meters -.. _ .-. _ 4 Current -meter measurements from LF'i't cFirr��nt. meters - 4 brid------- 41 llorianntid-,axis current meters__ _ 7 Current -meter measurements from f3lF#ir.lt ciirrr•Iit. ini�tcr. -.. -- -.- _ 7 ice 42 Cgire of the ,,Irtical-axis current cover -------. ----- 7 Current -meter measurements front meter [tasting of current rneurs 8 boats ------------------------------- 44 tiolrndiliK equipment 3 ?Moving-baat measurements of dis- Wa.Firngrods _ rJ charge ---------------------------- 46 Sounding weights and accessones. 11 Networks of current meters_ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ 4.6 Sounding rF'.!'.1S__ _ - - _ 13 Measuremeut of deep, swFft streams__ 47 Somiding, cable- _ _ 14 Possible to sound; weight and 14 meter drift downstream_ 47 Depth iildicat.ors-._ _ _- _ _ 14 Not possible to sound; standard Power F uii t _ _ _ - . 15 cross section available_ - - - - - - - - 52 11:i11dline.'__-.-- - _ _ - - 15 Not possible to sound; standard Snirie sounder -. - _ _ - - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - _ 16 cross section not available---- 52 Width-mea:;uring, ecluipmem _ 17 Not possible to put meter in water_ 53 3'.rguipaleFlt. ,ltiseFri tiile _ 18 ]Measurements during rapidly changing Cableway !.quilmilclit_ 18 stage ----------------------------- 53 13ridgo e(plipinent .._ _ _ _ _ 20 SerieG of measurements during a peak Boat equipment. -- _ _ _ _ -- _ _ 24 of short duration ----------- ------ ir3 Ice F:gii1p111r'nt.- 27 Mean gage height of discharge measure- 1-eloeity-,1.irnnt.Ii-de 1..etll-zssemltiy 27 ments---------------------------- 54 lli�cell,irientis equipment - 34 Portable weir plateg--------------------------- 57 M eatiurernF+nt of c ekrciuI 31 Portable Pars, halI fiumes, description and theory_ ii9 •F!i'ti Call r�'[' flletliod_ _ _ 31 61 Two-point 'I't!•n-point Friethod _ _ . -.. _ - _ _ _ - _ -. _ eth 32 Volumetric measurements____________________ Six-to°nths-depth method-_ 32 Floats ------------------------------------- 63 Two -tenths -depth rtaethod -- -. _ _ -.... -. 33 Indirect discharge measurements_. _ 64 Three-point method_ _ _ ..- _ - - _ _ - _ 37 Bye -dilution method of measuring discharge__ 64 Subsurface method__ _ -. _________ 37 References----__ -_ - fill FIGURES Page 1. Definition sketch of midsection method of computing cross-section area for discharge measurements-------------------------------------------------- 2 2. Comoutation notes of a current -meter measurement by the midsection method----------------.--------------------- 3. Assembly drawing of small Price type AA current meter_ - _ _ _ _ _ - - 5 9 VI CONTENTS 4-7. Photographs: Page 4. Price type AA and Price pygmy meters--------------------------- 6 5. Vane ice meter, and vane meter with cable suspension yoke- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 6. Magnetic switch contact chamber, shaft, and adapter bushing, and cat's whisker contact chamber and shaft_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 7. Ott current meter - - - - - _ -. - _ _ 8. Velocity components measured by Ott and Price current meters_ _ 7 9. Photograph of 11off current meter -------------------------------------- 7 W. Photograph of optical current meter _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 8 11. Current -meter rating table --------------------------------------- 10 12-55. Photographs: 12. Top -setting wading rod with meter attached _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -- 11 13. Closeup view of setting scale on handle of top -setting rod- -_ _ 11 14. Paris for round wading rod_ _ - _ 12 15. Round wading rod with meter attached_ _ _ - _ 12 16. Lower section of ice rod for use with vane ice meter 13 17. Lower section of ice rod for use with Price meter_ _ _ _ _ - 13 18. Columbus sounding weights------------------------------------ 13 19. Sounding -weight hangers and hanger pins------------------------ 14 20. A -pack reel -------------------------------------------- ----- 14 21. Canfield reel- --.-.-----...------------------------------------ 15 22. B-56 reel ------------------------------------------------------- Ifi 23. E-53 reel_ ---------------------------------------------------- 16 24. Connectors --------------------------------------------------- 17 25. Computing depth indicator 17 26. Power unit for sounding reel___ ----------------------------------- IS 27. Handline---------------------------------------------------- 19 28. Lee- Au and 'Xiorgan handline reels_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 29. Handline in use from a bridge - _ _ _ _ _ _ 19 30. Sonic -sounding recorder_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ 19 31. Sounding weight with compass and sonic transducer-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. - _ _ _ _ 20 32. Sonic measuring assembly --_---------__ _--____ 21 33, Pakron, Lee -Au and Columbus type A tag -line reels_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 34. Sitdown cable car_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 35. Standup cable car --------------------------------------------- 36. PortahIr. reel seat on sitdown type cable car__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22 37. Cagle -car pullers --------------------------------------------------- 22 38. Battery -powered cable car -------------------------------------- 22 39. Gasoline -powered cable car_ -- _ _ . _ _ _ _ 23 40. Sitdown cable car with Canfield reel clamped to side of car 24 41. Typc�--A crane with 3-wheel base _ _ - _ 25 42. Type -A crane with 4-wheel base --------------------------------- 26 43. Bridge board in use_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44. Truck -mounted crane used on the Mississippi River --------------- 28 45. IIori7ontal-axis boat tag -line reel without a brake ------------------ 29 46. JJoriaontal-axis boat tag -line rool with a brake_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30 47. Vertical -axis boat tag -line reel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. 31 48. Boom and crosspiece for use on moats_ --------------------------- 32 49. Measuring equipment set up in a boat 33 50. Gasoline -powered ice drill. .----------------------- ---- 33 5L Collapsible reel support and ice -weight assembly _ _ -- _ _ 34 52. Velocity -azimuth -depth assembly_________________________ 35 53. Stopwatch------------ -------------------------------- 35 54. Automatic counter and headphone_ _ _ - _ -• _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35 55. Ice creapers for boots and wagers------------------------------- 36 56. Tpyical verical-velocity curvc------------------------------------------ 36 57. Diagram showing measurement of horizontal angles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39 CQNTENT8 VH Paga 58. Photograph showing wading measurement using top -setting rod _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 39 59. Photograph showing ice rod being used to support current meter for a dis- charge measurement and ice drill being used to cut holes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 42 60. Diagram showing method of computing meter settings for measurements under ice--- --------------------- -------------------- 43 61. Typical vertical -velocity curve under ice cover_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44 62. Sample sheet of part of notes for discharge measurement under ice cover_ _ _ _ 45 63-65. Diagrams: 63. Determining position in the cross section section, stadia method_ _ _ _ 46 64. Determining position in the cross section, angular method_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 65. Position of sounding weight and Iine in deep, swift water_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 48 66. Sketch of geometry of relationship of actual to measured vertical angle when flow direction is not normal to measuring section _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 51 67-69. Charts 67. Computation of weighted mean gage height---------------------- 55 68. Discharge measurement notes with discharge adjusted for channel storage effect - - - •------------------------------ --- 56 69. I?ischarge measurement notes with mean gage height adjusted for time -of -travel of flood wave -------------------------------- -- 58 70. Expanded plot of gage -height graph during measurement 264 at Sig Creek near Dogwood, Va------------------------------------------------ 59 71. Sketch showing portable weir plate sizes_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 72. Photograph of modified 3-inch ParshalI flume made of sheet iron _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 61 73. Working drawing of modified 3-inch ParshaII flume ----------------------- 62 TABLES Page 1. Sounding reel data --------------------------- -------------- 14 2. Current -meter and velocity -measurement method for various depths_ _ _ _ _ _ 39 3. Velocity-mcasurement method for various suspensions and depths _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 40 C Air -correction table, giving difference, in feet, between vertical length and slant length of sounding line above water surface for selected vertical angles_ _ _ _ _ ___ 49 5. Wet -line table, giving difference, in feet, between wet -line Iength and vertical depth for selected vertical angles ------------------------------------------ 50 6. Degrees to be added to observed angles to obtain actual vertical angles_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 50 7. Summary table for setting the meter at 0.8-depth position in deep, swift streams_ _ 52 8. Rating table for 3-inch modified ParshalI flume ------------------------------ 61 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS By Thomas J. Buchanan and William P. Somers Abstract The techniques used in making discharge measurements at gaging stations are described in this report. Most of the report deals with the current -meter method of measuring dis- charge, because this is the principal method used in gaging streams. The use of portable weirs and flumes, floats, and volumetric tanks in -measuring discharge are briefly described. Introduction The U.S. Geological Survey makes thousands of streamflow measurements each year. Dis- charges measured range from a trickle in a ditch to a flood on the Amazon. Several methods are used, but the Geological Survey makes most strearnflow measurements by current meter. The purpose of this report is to describe in detail the procedures used by the Geological Survey for making current - meter measurements and to describe briefly several of the other methods of measuring streamflow. Streamflow, or discharge, is defined as the volume rate of flow of the water including any sediment or other solids that may be dissolved or mixed with it. Dimensions are usually expressed in cubic feet per second. Other common units are million gallons per day and acre-feet per day. Current -Meter Measurements A current -meter measurement is the sum- mation of the products of the partial areas 326-263 0-69 2 of the stream cross section and their respective average velocities. The formula Q=Z(a v) (1) represents the computation where Q is total discharge, a is an individual partial cross- section area, and v is the corresponding mean velocity of the flow normal to the partial area. In the midsection method of making a current -meter measurement it is assumed that the velocity sample at each location represents the mean velocity in a partial rectangular area. The area extends laterally from half the distance from the preceding meter location to half the distance to the next and vertically, from the water surface to the sounded depth. (See fig. 1.) The cross section is defined by depths at locations 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . n. At each location the velocities are sampled by current meter to obtain the mean of the vertical distribution of velocity. The partial discharge is now computed for any partial section at location x as q==v=+ 1d. L 2 2 1- 2 where q==discharge through partial section x, vx=mean velocity at location x, bx=distance from initial point to location x, bt=_I) =distance from initial point to preced- ing location, b(y+l)=distance from initial point to next location, dx—depth of water at location x. 1 TECHNIQUES of WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS bn h(n-r jbS Initial point f'a bz bi I 1 � I I I I a I m I I b I 11-- -J -3 b 4 I I I I I I I I I i I I y M EXPLANATION Water surface 1, 2, 3....... Observation points b1, b2,b3..... ...bl Distance, in feet, from the initial paint to the observation point di,d2,d3, ...... -dn Depth of water, in feet, at the obse vation point Dashed lines Boundary of partial sections; one heavily outlined discussed in text Figure 7 ,—Definition sketch of midsection method of computing cross-section area for discharge measurements. Thus, for example, the discharge through partial section 4 (heavily outlined in fig. 1) is q4-N1 2b8]ds. r .{ z The procedure is similar when x is at an end section. The "preceding location" at the be- ginning of the cross section is considered coinci- dent with location 1; the "next location" at the end of the cross section is considered coincident with location n. Thus, q1=v1[�2 dF, and '� qm=v,� 2 d,�. For the example shown in figure 1, qI is zero because the depth at observation point 1 is zero. However, when the cross-section boundary is a vertical line at the edge of the water as at location n, the depth is not zero and velocity at the end section may or may not be zero. The formula for q1 or q„ is used whenever there is water only on one side of an observation point such as at piers, abutments, and islands. It usually is necessary to estimate the velocity at an end section as some percentage of the adja- cent section because it normally is impossible to measure the velocity accurately with the current meter close to a boundary. There also DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATION'S is the possibility of damage to the equipment if The mean --section method used by the Survey the flow is turbulent. prior to 1950 differs from the midsection method The sumination of the discharges for all the in computation procedure. Partial discharges Martial sections is the total discharge of the are computed for partial sections between suc:- stream. An example of the measurement notes cessive locations. The velocities and depths at is shown in figure 2. successive locations are each averaged, and o y_ci•.. t .3iBy ... -31 - I r -7:5Z - 33 60 J98- 1.3 1 I { _1 ZS! 6i 10 �53 _�t_ 1 6.8i - 13 5,h- 158 - 8. 3 0 .'t • 54. � ' Z 3 0 �• 1.5 L 3 • BL 67 6 Q. Y-QZ . - 8, 19 • Yb .zz. _t30!x )0 z,[4 s - •79 5:9.:_.`C-37� . 1.[L�Q • 59. _U!!z 1L 2,20:50 43_-1:75 6.I...�L55.• 910_YiZ :sr 467t 2 z+zo,,ga 9lj ❑: YR; ...:.i7 6. f ..y 70 tl .52J '- l'f0 z Via iB I'sAa~,73- 111.5 4Z S Z .:2-_5 S .i's. 1 S a! 2.75 UMNARSE PRAWREYEKF MOTE$ 4 B:.' �i 3 ?RS• 49..i i..3.04 ..... !10} a z5 ."6Z w TS f3�c�an.an ;`i5i c n 1 9.3_ o.a, 76.`i - - 7 `6P a,m.a tIt'E, �.a. Z. 1 r.i[.s.w-•PLZL:6}fakSO ! .�.YB .65. 3 �7" M.v-a..f 1 i�...a �.Var�+.ua .,... f � 36 S `I --2-1.6-6Z 53.3 2.I ..6:3{31,53 46 .• b.3. Zia l31o`�4Y 19Y. ! g4'79Z �� y �'•'�� • - � S2.E6 3 z ih) 0,55 2: • .4Y i ,• .6,1 2 3-0,,. u. 33C7StRrt1 . �!44 �^'��' ""•• •'� Fe4 99� 54}3 zp ib• 7 iiQ .4Z• I w a.. .. b w..b '-60Ftnm aq4 >T-w. .9.9i SZ13 j It LL 7 ks .• a 3A riZ. !,.h.Q-�- 1YY914z19z 19z.14o �...,.�...�.�..,, iLW,4'10,56 - . _ 1�i3l-- mm 1& 6-6 Y3_ .4z 3.z, ).34 98. 43 -6:Ai. Sh0 3d. 30 �•$. .SH. M ..«....:� ,s. .. a� �I t t �1aw : «,t.� A. 67 •[ iv3S ?o; ! � fZ.4. 76.37• RrtrJ .R Y...1 i•i•�e e,wa � w.s,. T�fke.f wi LFi's' J`+.34 - - Rz-1•.61.=. 0.:.3. k t0 i Ft. �] Figure 2,--Computation notes of a current -meter measurement by the midsection method. 4 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES ItiVESTIGATIONS the section extends laterally from one observa- tion point to the next. Discharge is the product of the average of two mean velocities, the average of two depths, and the distance between locations. A study by Young (1950) concluded that the midsection method is simpler to compute and is a slightly more accurate pro- cedure than the mean -section method. Current -meter measurements usually are classified in terms of the means used to cross the streain during the measurement, such as wading, cableway, bridge, boat, or ice. Instruments and equipment Current meters, timers, and -counting equip- ment are used when making conventional types of measurements. Additional equipment used depends on the type of measurements being made. Instruments and equipment used in making current -meter measurements are described in this section under the following �mtegories: current meters, sounding equipment, width -measuring equipment, equipment as- sernblies, and miscellaneous equipment. Current meters A current meter is an instrument used to measure the velocity of flowing water. The principle of operation is based on the pro- portionality between the velocity of the water and the resulting angular velocity of the meter rotor. By placing a current meter at a point in a stream and counting the number of revolu- tions of the rotor during a measured interval of time, the velocity of water at that point is determined. The number of revolutions of the rotor is obtained by an electrical circuit through the contact chamber. Contact points in the chamber are designed to complete an electrical circuit at selected frequencies of revolution. Contact chambers can be selected having contact points that will complete the circuit twice per revolution, once per revolution, or once per five revolutions. The electrical impulse produces an audible click in a headphone or registers a unit on a counting device. The counting intervals are measured by a stopwateh. Current meters generally can, be classified into two main types, those meters having vertical -axis rotors and those having horizontal - axis rotors. The comparative characteristics of these two types are summarized below: 1. Vertical -axis rotor with cups or vanes. a. Operates in lower velocities than do horizontal -axis meters. b. Bearings are well -protected from silty water. c. Rotor is repairable in the field without adversely affecting the rating. d. Single rotor serves for the entire range of velocities. 2. Horizontal -axis rotor with vanes. a. Rotor disturbs flow less than d❑ verti- cal -axis rotors because of axial sym- metry with flow direction. h. Rotor is less likely to be entangled by debris than are vertical -axis rotors. c. Bearing friction is less than for vertical - axis rotors because bending mo- ments on the rotor are eliminated. Vertical -axis current rnefers The most common type of vertical -axis current meter is the Price meter, type AA. (See fig. 3.) This meter is used extensively by the Geological Survey. The standard Price meter has a rotor 5 inches in diameter and 2 inches high with six cone -shaped cups mounted on a stainless -steel shaft. A pivot bearing supports the rotor shaft. The contact chamber houses the upper part of the shaft and an an eccentric contact that wipes a bead of solder on a slender bronze wire (cat's whisker) attached to the binding post. A separate reduction gear (pentagear), wire, and binding post provide a contact each time the rotor makes five revolutions. A tailpiece keeps the meter pointing into the current. In addition to the standard type AA meter for general use there is a type AA meter for low velocities. No pentagear is provided. This modification reduces friction. The shaft usually has two eccentrics making two contacts per revolution. The low -velocity meter nor- mally is rated from 0.2 to 2.5 fps (feet per second) and is recommended when the mean velocity at a cross section is less than 1 fps. In addition to the type AA meters, the Geological Survey uses a Price pygmy meter 21--- I Cap for contact chamber 8 Yoke 16 Pivot bearing 2 Contact chamber 9 Hole for hanger screw 17 Pivot 3 insulating bushing for contact 10 Tailpiece 18 Pivot adjusting nut binding post 11 Balance weight 19 Keeper screw for pivot 4 Single -contact binding post 12 Shaft adjusting nut 5 Penta-contact binding post 13 Bucket -wheel hub 20 Bearing lug 6 Penta gear 14 Bucket -wheel hub nut 21 Bucket wheel 7 Set screws 15 Raising nut Figure 3.—Assembly drawing of small Price type AA current meter, J: G TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS in shallow depths. (See fig. 4) The pyomy meter is scaled two -fifths as large its the stand- ard meter and has neither it tailpiece nor a. pent:wear. The contact chamber is an integral part of the yoke of the meter. The pygmy meter snakes one contact each revolution and i.s used only for rod suspension. The Geological Survey has recently developed a four -vane vertical -axis meter. (See fig. 5.) IJiis meter is useful for measurements under ice rover becFac3se the vanes are less likely to fill with slush ice, and because it requires a much smaller hole to pass through the ice. One yoke of the vane meter Is made to be sus )ended .at the end of 23. rod :and will fit holes made by an ire drill. Another yoke is made for regular sits - pensions. (See fig. 5.) The vane meter has .a disadvantage of riot responding as well as the Price type AA meter at velocities belong 0.5 fps. A new contact charnber has been designed by the Geological Survey to replace the wiper Figure 4.--Price type AA meter, top; and Price pygmy meter, bottom Figure 5 —Vane ice meter, top; and vane meter with cable suspension yoke, bottom. contact of tine type AA and v€Erie naeters. The new contact chamber contains as magnetic switch, glass enclosed in a hydrogen atmosphere: and hermetically sealed. Tlae switch assembly is rigidly fixed in the top of the meter head just above the tip of the shaft. The switch is operated by a small permanent magnet rigidly fastened to the shaft. The switch quickly doses when the magnet is alined with it, and then promptly opens when the magnet moves away. The magnet is properly balanced on the shaft. Any type AA meter can have a magnetic switch added by replacing the shaft and the contact chamber. (See fig. 6.) The magnetic switch is placed in the special contact chamber through the tapped hole for the binding post. The rating of the meter is not faltered by the change. An automatic counter (see p. 31) is used with the magnetic -switch contract charnber. If a head- phone is used, arcing can weld the contacts. A Price meter accessory that indicates the direction of flaw is described on page 27. Figure 6—Magnetic switch contact chamber, shaft, and adapter bushing, left; and cat's whisker contact chamber and shaft, right. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 7 The care and rating of vertical -axis meters is described below and by Smoot and Novak (19(s8). Horizontal -axis current meters The types of horizontal -axis meters in use are the Ott, Noyrpic, Haskell, and Hoff. The Ott ineter is made in Germany, the Veyrpic meter in .France, and both are used extensively in Europe. The Haskell and Hoff meters were developed in the United States where they are ttsed to a limited. extent. The Ott meter is a precision instrument but is not used extensively in this country because It is not as durable as the Price meter under extreme conditions. (See fig. 7.) The makers of the Ott meter have developed a component propeller which in oblique currents auto- matically registers the velocity projection at right angles to the measuring section for angles as much as 45' and velocities as much as 8 fps. For example, if this component propeller were held in the position AB in figure 8 it would Figure 8.—Velocity components me4svred by Ott and Price Current meters. register V cos a rather than V, which the Price meter would register. The hreyrpic meter is used rarely in this country because it has the same disadvantages as the Ott meter. The Haskell meter has been used by the U.S. Lake Survey, Corps of Engineers, in streams that are deep, swift, and clear. By using propellers with a variety of screw pitches, a considerable range of velocity can be measured. The meter is durable, but has most of the other disadvantages of horizontal -axis meters. The Hoff meter is used by the Geological Survey, the Department of Agriculture, and others, especially for measuring pipe flow. (See fig. 9.) The lightweight propeller has three or four vanes of hard rubber. The meter is suited to measurement of low velocities, but not for rugged use. Optical current meter The Geological Survey, in cooperation with the California Department of Water Resources, has developed an optical current meter. (See fig. 10.) This meter is a stroboscopic device designed to measure surface velocities in open channels without immersing equipment in the stream. The optical current meter will find its principal use in measurements of surface velocity during floods when it is impossible to use conventional stream -gaging equipment be- cause of extremely high velocities and a high debris content in the stream. Care of the YerticaI-axis current meter The calibration and maintenance of vertical - axis type current meters is presented in detail Figure 9.---Hoff current meter. S TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES JNVESTIGATIONS Figure IO.--Optical current meter. by Smoot and -Novak (1968). A brief descrip- tion of the checks of the condition of a meter and the care and cleaning of it during daily field use is preseaated in the next few paragraphs. Before and after each discharge me:asnre- rnent, examine the meter cups or vanes, pivot and bearing, and shaft for damage, wear, or faulty alinement.. Before using the meter, check its balance if on a hanger, check the alinement of the rotor axis with a hanger or wading rod, and adjust the conductor wire to prevent inter- ference with meter balance and rotor spin. Clean and oil ureters daily when in use. If measurements are made in water carrying noticeable suspended sediment, clean the meter immediately after each measurement. Surfaces to be cleaned and oiled are the pivot bearing, pentagear teeth and shaft, cylindrical shaft bearing, and thrust bearing at the cap. After orlrng, spin the rotor to make certain it operates freely. If the rotor stops abruptly, find (lie cause and correct the trouble before using the metier. On notes for each measurement, record the duration of spin. Obvious decrease in spin duration indicates need for attention to the bearings. The pivot needs replacement more often than ether meter parts. Examine the pivot after each rnewsurement. Replace a fractured, rough, or sworn pivot. Beep the pivot and Divot bearing separated e-xcept, during rneasurernents. Use the raisin=; not if provided, or, for pygmy meters, replace. the pivot by the brass plug. Most minor repairs can be made in the field. alepair attempts; however, should be limited only to rninor damages. This is particularly true of the rotor because minor dents in the bucket wheel or caps can have a large influence on the meter rating. Unless minor dents in the cups can be straightened out to "like new" condition. the entire rotor should be replaced with a new one. Badly sprung yokes, bent yoke stems, misalined bearings and tailpieces, should be reconditioned in shops equipped with the specialized facilities needed. Racing of current meters In order to determine the velocity of the water from the revolutions of the rotor of a current ureter, a relation must be established between the angular velocity of the rotor and the velocity of the water turning it. The estab- lishment of this relation, known as "rating the current meter," is done for the Geological Survey by the National Bureau of Standards. Because there is rigid control in the manu- facturc of the small Price meter, virtually identical meters are produced and, for all practical purposes, their rating equations are identical. Therefore there is no need to calibrate the meters individually. Instead, a standard rating is established by calibrating a large number of meters that have been constructed according to Survey specifications and this rating is then supplied with each meter. Identi- calness of meters is insured by supplying the dies and fixtures for the construction of small Price meters to the manufacturer who makes the successful bid. :Meters which have been rated by means of rod suspension, and then by means of cable suspension using Columbus -type weights and hangers, have not shown significant differences in rating. Therefore, no suspension coefficients :are needed, and none should be used, if weights and hangers are properly used. The current -meter rating station operated by the National Bureau of Standards in Washing- tora, D.C., has a sheltered reinforced concrete basin 400 feet long, fi feet wide, and 6 feet deep. An electrically driven car rides on rails extend- ing the length of the basin. The car carries the current meter at a constant rate through the still water in the basin. Although the rate of travel can be accurately adjusted by means of a hydraulic regulating gear, the average velocity DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS of the moving car is determined for each run by making an independent measurement of the distance it travels during the time that the revolutions of the rotor are electrically counted. A scale graduated in feet and tenths of a foot is used for this purpose. Eight pairs of runs are usually made for each current meter. A pair of runs consists of two traverses of the basin, one in each direction, at approximately the same speed. Practical considerations usually limit the ratings to velocities ranging from 0A fps to about 15 fps, although the rating car can be operated at lower speeds. Unless a special request is made for a more extensive rating, the lowest velocity used in the rating is about 0.2 fps, and the highest is about 8.0 fps. For convenience in field use, the data from the current -meter ratings are reproduced in tables, a sample of which is shown in figure 11. The velocities corresponding to a range of 3 to 350 revolutions of the rotor within a period of 40 to 70 seconds are listed in the tables. This range in revolution and time has been found to cover general field requirements. To provide the necessary information for extending a table for the few instances where extensions are required, the equations of the rating table are shown in the spaces provided in the heading. The equation to the left of the figure in parentheses (2.28 in fig. 11) is the equation for velocities less than 2.28 fps and the equation to the right is for velocities greater than 2.28 fps: The 2.28 fps is the velocity common to both equations. It should be noted that the equations given are those of the rating table, and not necessarily those of the actual rating. If a rating table already on file matches a rating within toler- ances, that table is selected in preference to preparing a new one. Those tolerances are listed below. Recoftaions of rotor Tolerance Per second in Pereeni 0.4-------------------------------- 1.0 1.0 and above------ -- 5 Sounding equipment Sounding (determination of depth) is com- monly done mechanically, the equipment used depending on the type of measurement being made. Depth and position in the vertical are measured by a rigid rod or by a sounding weight 3316 153 0 -69 3 suspended from a cable. The cable is controlled either by a reel or by a handline. A sonic sounder is also available, but it is usually used in con- junction with a reel and a sounding weight. Sounding equipment used by the Geological Survey is described in the following categories: wading rods, sounding weights, sounding reels, handlines, and sonic sounder. Wading rods The two types of wading rods commonly used are the top -setting rod and the round rod. The top -setting rod is preferred because of the con- venience in setting the meter at the proper depth and because the hydrographer can keep his hands dry. The round rod can be used in making ice measurements as well as wading measure- ments, and has the advantage that it can be taken down to 1-foot lengths for storing and transporting. The top -setting wading rod has a %-inch hexagonal main rod for measuring depth and a %-inch diameter round rod for setting the posi- tion of the current meter. (See fig. 12.) The rod is placed in the stream so the base plate rests on the streambed, and the depth of water is read on the graduated main rod. When the setting rod is adjusted to read the depth of water, the meter is positioned automatically for the 0.6-depth method. (See fig. 13 and p. 32.) The 0.6-depth setting might also be described as the 0.4-depth position up from the stream - bed. When the depth of water is divided by 2 and this new value is set, the meter would be at the 0.2-depth position up from the streambed. When the depth of water is multiplied by 2 and this value is set, the meter would be at the 0.8- depth position up from the streambed. These two positions represent the conventional 0.2- and 0.8-depth positions in reverse. (See p. 32.) The round wading rod consists of a base plate, lower section, three or four intermediate sections, sliding support, and a rod end (not essential). (See fig. 14.) The parts are assembled as shown in figure 15. The meter is mounted on the sliding support and is set at the desired position on the rod by sliding the support. The round rod is also used in making ice measurements. Intermediate sections of the round rod are screwed together to make an ice :rod of desired length. (See fig. 16.) The most convenient length for an ice rod is about 3 feet DRPARThMT OF INTM OR - CROLOGIOAL SNiYET IUDEi......... I. .:f - 76 Wtsr Ilaao-rc*G Dirislou BQWTIOH$.:.:.`:?r......•..t� :�861}'2UP." '4:br4..... BATING TABLE FOR T1'PY.,4A...CLRR9iT 1V`M N0...34A ........... Lical.ta of Aotual Fafirn(g.Q,?5- tp .p-9.... feet•per, se 31L9PR.'1SIOH iwd RATED =ebevary 16, 1y-,.2 at Bnrsau of Standards, gash„D.C, Condition of idsUr 4SLOCI;Y IN FEET PER SECOND C u -1. IN FEET PER smonn i . s�o utl ona raiuto 10 15 20 50 SO SO 100 150 200 @5O 300 350 3 5 7 25 30 40 a o y 40 .199 .311 .424 ,592 .871. 1.15 1.44 1.72 2.28 40 40 2 £4 ? J.0 !. FD2 5 0'4 A i 4 11 24 14.04 16.84 19.6+. 40 41 .195 .304 .r.14 -579 .853 1.13 1.4C i.68 2.23 41 41 a.77 3.32 4.41 t-50 8.24 10.97 11.70 16.43 19.16 41 42 .191 .298 .405 .%6 .834 1.10 -.37 1.64 2.117 42 42 2.71 3.2- 4.31 5.37 8.04 10.71 11.37 16.04 18.71 42 43 •187 .2W .396 .553 ,815 1.08 1.34 1.60 2.12 43 43 2.61; 3.17 4.21 5.25 5.13 7.85 7-F.9 10.46 1'v.22 13.D6 15.67 18.27 43 44 .183 .286 .388 ,541 .797 i.CS :.% 2.38 " 44 .59 3.C9 4.LL 12.7y 15.31 1?.86 44 45 •186 .2E0 .3E0 .g30 .78c 1.0'+ i.28 1.53 2.03 45 45 2.53 �.•J3 4.02 5. C2 7.51 10-iX 12.413 1t.97 17.46 45 46 .177 •275 ,372 .519 .764 1.Oi 1.2q 1.50 1.99 46 46 2.47 2.96 3.94 4.91 7.34 9.78 12.21 11..65 17,08 46 47 .174 .269 •365 .509 .748 .987 1.23 1.47 1.94 47 47 2.42 2.;c 3.95 4.81 7.19 9.57 11.95 I4.34 16.72 .171 .264 .358 .499 .'7338 _.2c :.44 1.51 48 48 2.37 2.A•.3.77 4.71 7.04 9.37 11.71 14.C4 Lfi.37 �1- 4948 .166 .260 .3g1 .J39 .719 .94E I -.1.ai 1.41 1.87 49 49 :,. 3? 2.7c 3.70 4,6' 6.90 9.IS 11.47 13.75 16.aL. 50 -165 .255 .345 .480 .705 .930 I.15 1.3E i.8, 50 60 2.28 2.73 3.62 4,52 6.7E 11.2! 13.48 155.72 50 51 .162 .251 .339 .4il .69r .912 1.13 1,35 1.79 E 51 51 2.24 ?.68 3.55 4.43 6.63 8.82 11. 02 13.22 15.41 5I 52 .ic0 .246 .333 I .�-6.3 .-5-(9 -a95 l.li 33 1.76 52 52 2.19 2.62 3.49 4.35 6.50 8.56 10.b_ 12.96 15.12 92 53 .157 .242 .327 •4 •667 .879 1.C9 1.3O 1.7? 53 53 2.15 2.5., 3.42 4.27 6.38 8.49 1D.6i 12.72 A. 53 64 .155 .238 .322 .447 .655 .BC3 t 1.07 1.2P 1.70 54 54 2.11 2.53 3.?6 4.:5 6.26 p.34 lo.41 i2.48 14.E 54 59 .153 •235 .316 .439 .'44 .648 1.05 1.2-� 1.67 55 55 2.07 ?.48 3.30 4.11 6.15 8.lg 10.22 12.26 IL.29 55 56 .151 .231 .3i1 .432 .633 .834 1.03 1.2v 1.64 56 66 2.C7. 2.41. 3.24 4.04 6.D4 8.04 10. 04 12.04 14.04 56 57 .148 .227 .3o .425 .622 .Sig :.02 1.21 1.61 57 57 2.00 2.40 3.i8 ?.97 5.93 7.90 9.86 11.83 13,79 57 68 .146 .224 -N2 418 .612 .806 1-OD 1.19 1.5i3 58 58 1.97 2.36 3.i3 3.93 5.83 7.76 9•'10 11.63 13.56 5s 59 .144 .221 .297 .411 .602 .793 •983 1.17 1.% 59 59 1,94 2.32 3.CA 3.84 5.73 7.63 9.53 Ll.Z3 13.33 59 60 .142 .21.8 .292 .405 .592 .78C .368 ).15 1.53 60 60 1.91 2.26 1.03 3.77 5.64 7.51 9.37 11.24 13.11 60 61 .141 .214 .288 .399 ' .593 .76F .952 i.11• 1.51 61 Sl 1.87 2.24 2.98 3.71 5.55 7.38 1 9.22 11.06 12.Fg 61 62 .139 .211 .284 .393 .574 .7% .937 1.12 1.L8 6$ 62 1.84 2,21 2.93 3.65 5.46 7.27 9•0f7 10.88 12.6g 62 63 .137 .209 .280 .387 .�6 .74L .923 1.'0 1.46 63 63 I.La2 2.17 2.88 3.E0 5.37 7.15 8.93 10.71 12.'+8 61 i4 .i35 .2o6 .276 -3aO� •557 •733 •909 108 1.41, 64 64 1.79 2.1;• 2.84 3.54 5,29 7.c4 8.79 10.54 11.29 64 65 .134 .203 .272 .376 .549 .-(22 .89" 1.o7 1.41 65 65 1-% P.11 2.°0 3.49 5.21 6-93 8.66 10.38 12.10 65 66 .,32 .200 .269 .371 .541 .712 .882 1.05 1.39 66 67 66 67 1.73 1.71 2.08 2.0,L 2,76 2.71 3.45 ?-38 5.13 5.05 0'.33 6.73 8.52 8.4D 10.22 to.o7 11.92 11.74 66 67 67 .131 .198 .265 .3<6 .534 .702 .870 1.04 1.37 66 .129 .195 .262 .361 ,526 .692 .857 1.02 1.35 69 68 1.GP 2.02 2.68 3.55 4.98 6.63 8.28 9.92 11.57 68 69 .128 ..193 •258 .356 •5'.5 .682 .845 1.01 i.33 69 69 1.66 1.99 2.64 3.29 4.91 6.53 8.16. 9.78 11.v0 fig 70 125 .191 .255 35= •5>< -67.3 •83u •504 1.32 1 70 70 1.64 1.96 2.60 3.24 4.t34 6.44 8.04 9.64 11.24 70 3 6 7 10 15 2D 25 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 250 $00 350 Figure I4.--Current-meter rating table. P. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 11 Figure 12.—Top-setting wading rod with meter attached, longer than the maximum depth of water to be found in a cross section. About 12 feet is the maximum practical length for an lee rod; depths greater than 10 feet are usually measured with a sounding weight and reel. The base plate, sliding support, and lower section are not used on fin ice rod. lnstead a special lower see-- tion is screwed directly into the top of the contact chamber of the vane ice meter. (See fig. 16.) If it Prim meter is used under ice cover, Sa'44IAy = 3.77 ire et r h% 3.77x d.4 te.a d re by.( 4 Figure 13.—Closeup view of setting stale on handle of top -setting rod. another special lover section is used to hold the meter by means of the hanger screw. (See fig. 17.) All lower sections for ice rods now are made so that the center of the vanes or cups is at the O-foot point on the rod. Sounding weights and accessories If a strearn is too deep or too swift to wade, the current meter is suspended in the water from a boat, bridge, or cableway. A sounding weight is suspended below the current meter to keep it stationary in the water. The weight also prevents damage to the meter when the assembly is lowered to the streambed. The sounding weights now used are the Columbus weights, commonly called the C type. (See fig. IS.) The weights are streamlined to offer minimum resistance to flowing water. Each weight has a vertical slot and a drilled horizontal hole to accommodate a weight hanger and securing pin. The weight hanger is attached to the end of the sounding line by a connector. The current 12 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS (D Figure 14. —Pa rts For round wading rod. ureter is attached beneath the connector, and the sounding weight is attached to the lower end of the hanger. There tire three types of weight hangers (fig. 19): 1. The Columbus or C type, by % by 12 inches (for weights up to 150 pounds). 2. )leavy weight, % by "; by 18 inches (for 200- and 300-pound weights). 3. Heavy weight, s by 1;� by 18 inches (for 200- and 300-pound sounding weights which have the slots properly extended to accommodate a 1j4-in. hanger). The Coliinnbus hanger has three holes in it in order to properly position the meter. The hanger screw of the current -meter yoke is placed through the bottoin hole to support the meter whets a. :30-pound sounding weight is useti. The center of the ineter cups is then 0.5 foot above the bottom of the weight. This arr€ingement is designated as 30 C .5, which ttieans that a 30-pound Columbus weight is, being, used and the center of the meter e€ips is Figure 15.—Round wading rod with meter attached. 0.5 foot above the bottom of the weight. The hanger screw goes through the middle hole when 15- or 50-pound weights are used. The designations for these arrangements are 15 C .5 and 50 C .55. The hanger screw goes through the upper hoie when 50-, 75-, 100-, and 150-pound weights are used. The designations for these arrangements are 50 C .9, 75 C 1.0, 100 C 1.0, a-t1d 150 C 1.0. Each of the two heavy -weight hangers has only one hole for the hanger screw of the meter. The designations for these arrangements are 200 C 1.5 and 300 C 1.5. DISCHARGE MFASUREMEA"rS AT GAGING STATIONS 13 Figure 16.—Lower section of ice rod for use with vane ice meter. Weight -hanger pins of various lengths are avriilable for attaching the sounding weight to the weight hanger. (See fig. 19.) The stainless steel pins are threaded on one end to screw into the weight hanger and slotted (in the other. Sounding reels A sounding reel has a drum for winding the sounding cable, a crank and ratchet as- sern•bl;y for raising and lowering the weight or holding it in any desired position, and a depth indicator. 'Fable 1 contains detailed informa- tion on each of the five reels most commonly used. '.'I he A -pack reel is light, compact, and ideal for use at cableway sites a considerable distance from the highway. (See fig. 20.) It can also be used on cranes, bridge boards, and boat booms. Figure 17. —Lower section of ice rod for use with Price meter. Figure 18 —15-, 30-, 50•, 75-, and 100-pound Columbus sounding weights. The Canfield reel is also compact with uses similar to that of the A -pack reel. (See fig. 21.) The A-55 reel is for general purpose use with the lighter sounding weights. The B-56 reel (a major modification of the B-50 reel) can handle all but the heaviest sounding weights and has the advantage that it can be used with a handcrank or power equipment. (See fig. 22.) 14 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS i,- is C, lY� Figure 19 —Sounding-weight hangers and hanger pins. The E--53 reel is the largest reel commonly used for current -meter measurements. This reel. will handle the heaviest sounding weights and is designed exclusively for use with power equipment. It has a handerank for emergency use. (See fig. 23.) Sounding cable Ellsworth reverse -lay two -conductor cable is normally used on all sounding reels except the Figure 20 —A-pack reel. single -conductor Canfield reel which uses gal- vardzed steel aircraft cord. It is important that the appropriate size cable -laying sheave be used on the reels. Connectors A connector is used to join the end of the reel cable to the sounding -weight hanger. The three types of connectors generally used are types B, Au, and pressed sleeve. (See fig. 24.) The type-B connector is used with A-55, B-56 , and E-53 reels. The Au connector is used with the A -pack and Canfield reels although the pressed -sleeve connector can be used on, these reels. The pressed -sleeve connector is used mainly on handlines. (See p. 15.) Depth indicators A computing depth indicator is used on the A--55, B--56, and E-53 reels. (See fig. 25.) The Table 1.—Sounding reel data r7rRm Maximum Cable circum- C:al71e shoe weight Type rtcc•; $011I1fJ1Fkg cable diameter rerenec m acity recom- Depth indicator Brake operation (inches} (feet) [feet] mended (pounds) A -pack__ F11sworth 0.084 1 45 50 Counter -------- No ---- Hand. Canfield- .._ _-- Single 062ri 1 4.5 50 -----do --------- No---- Do. conductor.] ----- ----- Eliswortll--------- 084 1 95 50 Self `o---- Do. 10 80 too computing. 1;-56------ ---- do --- ._... _-- to 1�� 144 t50 ----- do--------- Yes---- Hand or 125 115 200 power. -do-------.--- to 2 206 150 ----- do--------- Yes---- Power. . 125 165 300 3 Some Canfield nwls ]lave been converted to rloubin-cnnductnr cable bat rnmxt or them art still used as single -conductor reels. DISCHARGE _MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING: STATIONS 15 Figure 41—Canfteld reel. Photograph by permission of Leupold and Stevens Instruments, Inc. stainless -steel indicator is less than 3 inches in diameter and has nylon bushings which do not require oil. The inrain dial is graduated in feet and tenths of a foot from ii to 10 feet. The depth is Indicated by :a pointer. Terns of feet :are read on It numbered inner dial through an aperture near the top of the main dial. The main dial has a graduated spiral to indi-- efate directly the 0-8-depth position (see P. 32) for depths up to 30 feet. The A -pack and Canfield reels are equipped n•ith counters for indicating depths. (:gee figs. 20 and 21.} Power unit A power unit is available for the B -56 and E-53 reels to raise and lower the sounding iveij,, aA and meter. (See fig. 26.) The power unit can be used with fi-, 12-, 18-, or 24-volt batteries. HandIines Handlines are devices used for making dis- charge measurements from bridges using a 15- or 30-pound sounding weight. (See fig. 27.) The advantages of the handline are that it is easily set nap, that it eliminates the use of a sounding reel and supporting equipment, and that it reduces the difficulty in making measure- ments from bridges which have interfering members. The disadvantages of the handline are that there is It greater possibility of making errors in determining depth because of slippage of the handline or measuring scale or tape and that it requires more physical exertion especi- ally in deep streams. Handlines can be used. 1.6 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES TWESTIGATIONS 1W Figure 23—E-53 reel. Figure 22.—E-56 reel. from cable cars, but this is not recommended because of the disadvantages mentioned above. Two types of handline reels are the Lee -Au ftild the 'Mogan. (See fig. 28.) 1111si orth cable Is recommended for handlines be,(iaiise nl its flexibility and durability. The pressed -sleeve connector or the Au con- nector are used on handlines because they are lighter in weight than the type-B connector, yet strong enaugh for the sounding weights used with. handlines. Figure 29 shows a handline in use from a bridge. Sonic sounder A commercial, compact, portable sonic sound- er has been adapted to measure stream depth. (See figs. ,30, 31, and 32.) The sounder is powered by either a 6- or 12- volt storage battery and will operate continu- ously for I0 hours on a single battery charge. Three recording speeds are .available, 36, 9o, or 180 inches per hour. Four operating ranges, 0-60, 60-120, 120--180, and 180-240 feet allow intervals of 60 feet of depth. The sounder is portable, weighing only 46 pounds. The depth DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS Figure 44.—Connectors: top IeFt, Au connector with plastic sheave; top right, Au connector with metal sheave; middle, type-B connector; and bottom, pressed -sleeve connector. Ff. i 4 `v t Figure 45 --Computing depth indicator. recorded is that to the streambed. The trans- ducer has a narrow bear, angle of V° which minimizes errors on inclined streambeds and allows the hydrogr•apher to work close to piers or other obstructions. ,'—Nl ': , 0 69 -! 17 Measurements can be made with this equip- ment without lowering the meter and weight to the streambed. As soon as the weight is in the water, the depth will be recorded. The meter can then be set at the 0.2 depth (see 1). 31) or just below the water surface (see p. 37) ,-here a velocity reading is obtained. Then a coefficient is applied to convert measured velocity to the mean in the vertical. (See p. 37.) Temperature change affects the sound propa- gation velocity, but this error is limited to about f 2 percent in fresh water. This error can be eliminated completely by adjusting the sounder to read correctly at a particular average depth determined by other means. Width -measuring equipment The distance to any point in a cross section is measured from an initial point on the bank. Cableways and bridges used regularly for making discharge measurements are commonly marked at 2-, 5-, 10-, or 20-foot intervals by paint marks. Distance between markings is estimated, or measured with a rule or pocket tape. For measurements made by wading, from boats, or from unmarked bridges, steel or metallic tapes or tag lines are used. Tag lines are made of %2-, �s�-, %� or 3s-inch diameter galvanized steel aircraft cord with solder beads at measured intervals to indicate distances. The standard arrangement of solder beads or tags is: lversvd Number oflags (feel) Arraatgemexrl or sfction 1--------------- 2 0-50 1__________- 5 50-150 1--------------- 10 150 to end 2----------------------- 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 150, 250, 350, 450 3----------------------- 100, 200, 300,400, 500 The standard lengths of tag line are 300, 400, and 500 feet, but other sizes are available. Three types of tag -line reels in use (fig. 33) are Lee -Au, Pakron, and Columbus type A. Larger reels designed particularly for use with boats are described on page 24. It is practically impossible to siring a tag line for discharge measurements from a boat when the width of the stream is greater than 2,500 feet. The methods used to determine width at such places are described on page 44. l5 TI CII14IQtit,:S OF WATER -RESOURCES I_N'VESTIGATION6 Figure 26,—Power unit for sounding reel. Equipment assemblies Special equipment is necessary for each type: of current -meter measurement. The meters, weights, and reels used have already been described. The additional equipment needed is described in this section. The special equipment assemblies have been divided into fire basic groups: cableway, bridge, boat, ire, and velocity-a.zimutlr-deptli-assembly (VADA) equipment. Cableway equipment The cableway provides a tract: for the opera- tion of €z cable ear from which the hydrog- rapher makes a current -meter measurement. ('able cars also support the sounding reel and otber necessary equipment. Both sitdown and standup types of cable cars are used in stream r;a.ging. (See figs.:34-36.} Pierce (1947) describes plans for both types. -Normally, sitdown can, are used for cableway spans less than 400 feet and where lighter sounding weights are used. The standup car is used on the longer spans and where heavy sounding weights are needed. The ear.3 are moved from one point to another on the cableway by means of cable -car pullers. (See fig. 37.) The standard car puller is a cast aluminum Niece With a snub attached. The snub, usually four -ply belting, is placed be- tween one of the car sheaves and the cable to prevent movement of the car along the cable. A second --type puller is used when a car is equipped with a follower brake. (See fig. 37.) A third type, the Colorado River cable -car puller, is the same in principle as the puller used on cars equipped with a follower brake. Power -operated cable cars are available for extremely long spans or other special situations. (See figs, 38-39.) DJSCHAR(CF MEIAS"HI;MENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 19 ov Figure 27—Hondiine. Figure 28—Handline reels, Lee -Au (top) and Morgan (bottom). Sitdowir cable cars Dave a variety of mean, of supporting the sounding reel. A -pack and (..'.infield reels are designed to clamp on the side of the car, (See fig. 40.) Permanent or portable reel seats are attached to the cable cars for Ittrger reels. (See figs. 34 and 36.) Figure 29.—Handline in use From a bridge. Figure 30 —Sonic-sounding recorder. Z[l TECH_NTQT ES DID WATT Fi--RFSOT?HCES INVESTIGATIONS Figure 31 —Sounding weight with compass and sonic transducer ready for assembly. Standup cable cars have reel seats attached t❑ the structural members of the car. (See fig. 35.1 A sheave attached to the structural mere-• Lers carries the sounding line so that the sound- ing weight and current meter will clear the bottom of the car. Power reels can also be used 011. standup cable ears. Carrier cables are being used on deep, narrow streams for measuriag, as well as for sediment s litplittg. They are used in areas where it is inipossible to wade, where no bridges are avail - Able, and where it, has been impracti(, al to build is coanplete cableway. The assembly is operated from the shore. Bridge equipment When one measures froin a bridge, the meter d.11d sounding weight cart be supported by a handline or by :a sounding reel mounted on as crane or bridge borard. The hardline has been described on page I5i. Two tnws of hula] -operated portable cranes are the type A (see figs. 4}, 42) for weights tip to 100 pounds, and the typo E for heavier weights. All cranes are designed so that the super- structure can be tilted forward over the bridge rail far enough for the meter and weight to clear most rails. Where bridge members are found along the bridge, the weight :and meter can be brought tip, and the superstructure can be tilted back to pass by the obstruction. (See fig. 41.) Cast-iron counterweights weighing 60 pounds each are used with four-wheel base cranes. (See fig. 12.) The number of such weights needed depends upon the size of sounding weight behig supported, the depth and velocity of the stream, and the amount of debris being carried by the stream. A protractor is used on cranes to measure the angle the sounding lime makes with the vertical when the weight and meter are dragged down- stream by the water. The protractor is a graduated circle clamped to an aluminum DISCHARGE _-MMEASUREMENTS AT GAGI-rG STATIONS 21 Figure 32 --Sonic measuring assembly, Figure 33.—Tag-line reels: top I0t, Pakron; top right, Lec-Au with removable 66 in front; and bottom, Co- lurrbus type A, Figure 34—Sitdown cable car, TEC TLNIQLA OF AVA`1'ER-RE OURCES INVESTIGATIONS Figure 35.—Standup cable car Figure: 36.—Portgble reel seat on sitdown-type cable car. Mole lags on sounding cable. Figure 38 —Battery-powered cable car. DISCHARGE -NIFASirREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 23 Figure 39.—Gasoline-powered cable car. plate. A plastic tube partly filled with colored ant.if:•ee-re fitted in as groove between the grad- tiated circle: and the plate is the protractor index. A SttianleSS-Steel rod is attached to the lower, end of the plate to ride iagaainst the doL4n- streain side of the sounding cable. The pro- t i-,,wt or st ill meanu m vertical tangles froin -- 25° to , 90D. The cranes shown in figures 41, 42 itre erluippPd with protractors at the meter end of the boom. Bridge boards inay be used with au A -pack nr A -ri i snuaadirig reel and weights lip to 50 pounds. A bi-idge boitc•d is usually it plank about 6-8 feet lung with it sheave tit one end over which the nieter cable passes and it reel seat near the, other end. The iroiart.l is placed on the bi-idgE, mil so that the farce exerted by tlae sounding weight: suspended from the reel cable is counterb.tlanced by the weight of the sound- ing reel. (See fig. 43.) The bridge board inay be hinged nbar the middle to let one end be placed on the sidewalk or roadway. Many special arrangements for measuring from bridges have been devised to suit a par- ticular purpose. Truck -mounted cranes are often used for measuring from bridges over larger- rivers (see fig. 44). Monorail stream - gaging cars have been developed for large rivers. The car is suspended from the sub- structure of bridges by means of 1-beams. The czar is attached to the I-beam tracks by trolleys and is propelled by a forklift motor having a ,, heel in corztaart with the bottom of the beam. The drive mecha.nisan and sounding equipment 24 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 3:-14 :.: Figure 40.-5itdown cable car with Canfield reel clamped to side of car. .are powered by a 430-:arrapere-ho€Ii, 450-pound 12-Volt battery. Boat equipment Measurements made from boats require special equipment not used for other types of measurements. Extra large tag -line reels are used on wide -t•s eazns. Thi ee different tag -line reels are ar%ailable for boat measurements. 1. A. heavy-duty, horizontal -axis reel without a brake and with a capacity of 2,000 feet of ;'s-inch diameter cable. (See fig. 45.) 2. A. heavy-duty, horizontal -axis reel with a brake and with a capacity of 3,000 feet of s-inch diameter cable. (See fig. 46.) 3. A vertical -axis reel without a brake and with a capacity of 800 feet of %-inch diameter cxtble. (3ee fig. 47.) A utility line consisting of 30 feet of '112-inch diameter cable with a harness snap at one end and a pelican hook at the other is connected to the free end of the boat tag line :and fastened around a tree or post, thereby preventing damage to the tag line. After the tag line is strung across the stream, the reel is usually bolted to a plank and chained to a tree. The tag line is stationed at appropriate, intervals. Special equipment is necessary to suspend the ;peter from the boat when the depths are such that rod suspension cannot be used. A crosspiece reaching across the boat is clamped to the sides of the boat and a boom attached to the center of the crosspiece extends out over the. bow. (See fig. 48.) 'rhe crosspiece is equipped with a guide sheave and clamp arrangement at each end to attach the boat to the tag line and make it possible to slide the boat along the tag line from one station to the next. A small rope can be attached to these clamps so that in an emergency a tug on the rope will release the boat from the tag line. The crosspiece also has a clamp that prevents lateral movement of the boat along the tag line when readings are being made. The boom consists of two structural aluminum channels, one telescoped within the other to permit adjustments in length. The boom is equipped with a reel plate on one end and a sheave over which the meter cable passes on the other. The sheave end of the boom is designed so that by adding a cable clip to the sounding cable, a short distance above the connector, the sheave end of the boom can be retracted when the meter is to be raised out of the water. The raised meter is easy to clean and is in a convenient position when not being operated. All sounding reels fit the boat boom except the A -pack and the Canfield, which can be made to fit by drilling additional holes in the reel plate on the boom. In addition to the equipment already men- tioned, the following items are needed when making boat measurements: 1. A stable boat big enough to support the hydrographers and equipment. 2. A motor that can move the boat with ease against the maximum current in the stream. 3. A pair of oars for standby use. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGRTG STATIONS 25 Fic;vre 41 —Type-A crane with 3-wheel base. During soundings and velocity observations the crane is tilted against the bridge rail. An A-55 reei is mounted on file crane. 2 1 6 TECITNTIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCE.; INVESTIGATIONS Figure 42.—Type-A crane with 4-wheel base with boom in retracted position, A B-56 Teel is mounted on crane. Note fluid protractor on outer end of boom, DISCHARGE ,lit?ASITRETMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 27 figure 43.-Sridge board in use. 4. A life preserver for each hydrographer. ri. A bailing device. Figure 49 shows the equipment assembled in az boat. Ice- equipment Current -meter measurements under ice cover require special equipment for cutting hales in the ice through which to suspend the meter. Cutting holes through the ice on streams to make discharge measurements has long been a laborious and time-consuming job. The development: of power ice drills, however, has eliminated many of the difficulties and has reduced considerably the time required to cut: the holes. Doles are often cut with it commercial ice drill that cuts a 0-inch-diameter hole. (See fig. 50.) The drill weighs about 30 pounds. € nd under good conditions will cut through 2 feet of ice in about a minute. Where it is unpractical to use the ice drill, ice chisels are used to cut the holes. Ice chisels used are usually 4 or 4Y2 feet tong and weigh about 12 pounds. The ice chisel 19 used when first crossing an ice -covered stream to deter- mine whether the ice is strong enough to support the hydrographer. If a solid blow of the chisel blade does not penetrate the ice, it is safe to walk on, providing the ice is in contact with the water. Same hydrographers supplement the ice chisel with a Swedish ice auger. The cutting blade of this auger is a spadelike tool of hard- ened steel which cuts a hole 6-8 inches in diameter, by turning a bracelike arrangement on top of the shaft. When holes in the ice are cut, the wafer is usually under pressure owing to the weight of the ice, and it conies up in the hole. In order to determine the effective depth of the stream (see p. 42), ice -measuring sticks are used to measure the distance from the water surface to the bottoni of the ice. This is done with a, liar about 4 feet long, made of strap steel or wood, graduated in feet and tenths of a Boot and leaving an L-shaped projection at the lower end. The horizontal part of the L is held on the underside of the ice and the depth to that point is read at the water surface on the graduated part of the stick. The horizontal part of the L is at least 4 inches long so that it may extend beyond any irregularities on the underside of the ice. When the total depth of water under ice cover is greater than 10 or 12 feet, a sounding reel or hardline is usually used. The sounding reel is mounted on a collapsible support set on runners. (See fig. 51.) A special ice -weight assembly is used for sounding under ice because a rep eilar sounding weight will not fit through the hole cut by the ice drill. (See fig. 51.) The weights and meter are placed in it framework that will fit through the drilled hole. Velocity -azimuth -de pth-assembiy The velocity-a.zimiith-deptli-assembly, com- monly called tiADA, combines a sonic sounder with a remote -indicating compass and Price current meter to record depth, indicate the direction of flow, and permit observations of velocity at any point. In figure 52, the azimuth -indicating unit is shown mounted on the four-wheel crane. Incorporated within the remote -indicator box 25 TECHtiTIauES OF WATER -RESOURCES 1NVESTIGA:i'IOINB Figure 44 —Truck-mounted crane used on the Mississippi River. DISCHARGE MEASUREISENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 29 Figure 45--HorixontaI-axis boat tag-Iine reel without a brake. 30 TECHNIQUES OF WA'ri•.R-RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS Figure 46—Horizontal-axis boat fag -line reel wifll a brake. is the battery for the current-ineter circuit, the 1 fications of this equipment are timers, counting headphone ,jacks, and the two -conductor jack equipment, and waders and boots. fcr the sonic somider. A switch allows the T ri order to determine the velocity at it point rernote-indicating unit to be used separately with a. Current meter, it is necessary to count. or in conjunction i ith the sonic sounder. The the revolutions of the rotor in a ineasured in- sc:riir sounder is inentioned on pace fti. This terval of time, usctally 40-70 seconds. The asembly is usefal in tidal Investigations and 1 velocity is then obtained from the meter -rating other special studies as well as at regular table. (See fig. 11-) The time interval is measured g; ,.ging stations, where it is desirable to deter- to the nearest ,-,ccond with a stol. w0ch. (See Enine the direction of flow beneath the surface fig. 53.) wheu it may differ from that at the si.rrface. The revolutions of the meter rotor during the Miscellaneous equipment observation of velocity are counted by an elec- Several miscellaneous items which have not I trio circrtit that is closed each time the contact. bfen described are necessary when current- , wire touches the single or penta eccentric of the Ineter Ineasurernents are Iriade. Three c•.lassi- eurrent. meter. A b:attery ,nid headphone are. DISCHARGE MEASI:I{i:_MENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 31 Figure 47.—Vertical,uxis boat tag -line reel. When in use the axis of the reel is vertical. parts of the electrical circuit, and a click is heard in the headphone each time the contact ,vire touches. (See fig. 54.) In many cases, Com- pazct., coinfortable hearing -aid phones have been adapted to replace headphones. A magneticswit•ch contact, chamber has been developed to replace the contact -wire chamber. (See p. 6.) An automatic electric counter has been developed for use with the magnetic con- t:a.ct chamber. (See fig. 54.) The counter can register up to 999 and has a reset button. A metal clip is attached to the counter so that it may be easily carried on the belt. The electric counter should not be used with the contact -Hire charrrber because at low velocities the contact., Nvire � ipes ircegularly thereby sending several signals to the counter for each revolution. Waders or boots are needed when wa.dim, ineasurements are made. Waders should[ be loose f t.ting even after allowa.nee has been irzade for }wavy winter clothing. Ice creepers strapped on the shoe of boots or evaders should be used on steep or icy stream banks and on rocky or ,iuooth and slippery st:rea.mbeds. (See fig. 55.) Measurement of velocity The current meter measures velocity at: a point. The method of Inak-inn. discharge meas- urement•s at a cross section requires determina- tion of the mean velocity in each of the selected verticals. The mean velocity in a vertical is obtained from velocity observations at many points in that vertical. The mean can be approx- imated by making a few velocity observations and using a knolvn relation between those velocities and the mean in the vertical. The various methods of measuring velocity are: I. Vertical -velocity curve. 2. Two -point. 3. Six -tenths -depth. 4. Two -tenths -depth. 5. Three-point. 6. Subsurface. Vertical -velocity curve method In the vertical -velocity curve method a series of velocity observations at points well distributed between the water surface and the streambed are made at each of the verticals. If there is considerable curvature in the lower part of the vertical -velocity curve, it as advis- able to space the observations more closely in that part of the depth. Normally, the observa- tions are taken at a.X-depth increments be- tween 9.1 and 0.9 of the depth. Observations are always taken at 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 of the depth so that the results obtained by the vertical-vel(wity curve method may be com- pared with the commonly used methods of velocity observation. Observations are made at least 0.5 foot from the water surface and from the streambed with the Price AA meter or the vane meter and are made at least 0.3 foot from these boundaries with the Price pygmy teeter. The vertical -velocity curve for each vertical is based on observed velocities plotted against depth. (See fig. 56.) In order that vertical - velocity curves at different verticals may be readily compared, it is customary to plot depth-; as proportional parts of the total depth. The mean velocity in the vertical is obtained by measuring the area between the curve and the ordinate axis with a planimeter, or by other means, and dividing the area by the length of the, ordinate axis. The vertical -velocity curve method is val- unble in determining coefficients for applica- tion to the results obtained by outer methods, 22 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS Figure 48.—Boom and crosspiece for use on boats. A, retraclabie end of boom; S, guide sheave and clamp For attaching to tag line; C, clamp to prevent movement of the boat along the tag line; 0, plate to accommodate tee]; E, rope to release clamps (6) to Free boat From tag line; and F, clamps to attach crosspiece to boat, but is not generally adapted to routine dis- charge ineamtrements because of the extra time required to colleat field data and to com- pute tine mean velocity. Two -point method In the two -point method of measuring velocities, observations are made in each 1ertical at 0.2 and 0.8 of the depth below the surface. The average of these two observations is taken as the mean velocity in the vertical. 'Phis method. is based on many studies of actual observation and on mathematical theory. Ex- perience has shown that this method gives -norn consistent and accurate result,; than any of the other methods except the vertical - velocity curve method. (See p. 31.) The two -point method is the one generally used by the Geological Survey. The two -point method is not used at depths less than 2.5 feet because the current meter would be too close to the water surface and to the streambed to give dependable results. Six -tenths -depth method In the 0.6-depth method, an observation of velocity made at 0.6 of the depth below the surface in the vertical is used as the mean velocity in the vertical. Actual observation and mathematical theory has shown that the 0.6- DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 33 Figure 49—Meawring equipment set up in a boat. depth method gives reliable results and is used by the Geological Survey under the following conditions: 1. Whenever the depth is between 0.3 foot and and 2.5) feet. 2. IV -lien large €Lniounts of slush ice or debris make it impossible to observe the velocity accurately at the 0.2 depth. This condition prevents the use of the two -point niethod. :3. When the meter is placed a distance above the sounding weight which in Ekes it impossible to place the meter at the 0.8 depth. 'Phis circumstance prevents the use of the two -point method. 4. When the stage in a stream is clianging rapidly and a measurement must be made quickly. Two -tenths -depth method The two -tenths -depth method consists of observing the velocity at 0.2 of the depth below the surface and applying a coefficient to this observed velocity to obtain the mean in the vertical. It is usP.d mainly during tntms of high Figure 50.--Gasoline-powered ice drill. Photograph by permission of General Equipment Co. water when the velocities are great, making it impossible to obtain soundings or to place the meter at the O.S or the 0.6 depth. A standard cross section or a general knowl- edge of the cross section at €r, site is used to Compute the 0.2 depth when it is impossible to obtain soundings. A sizeable error in an as- sumed 0.2 depth is not critical because the slope of the vertical -velocity carve at this point is usually nearly vertical. (See fig. 56.) The 0.2 depth is also used in conjunction with the sonic sounder for flood measurements. (See p. lfi.) The two -point method and the 0.6-depth method are preferred over the 0.2-depth method because of their greater accuracy. The ineasarement is normally cornputed by using the 0.2-depth velocity observations with- out coefficients as though each were a mean in 34 TECHNIQUE'S OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS . ........ .. -- -------- t�4 So- x, J��l ;&2 V. Figure 51 —Collap6ble reel support and ice -weight assembly, DISCfIARGE -MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 35 MA +'L4iF wnsw V. 40 Figure 52.---Veiocity-azimuth-depth assembly. .. AV ' 55.: w 5 5 -y1 i c - 20 z f 35 25 y;a 30 mod, `:X, Figure 53.—Stopwatch, Figure 54r—Automat1c counter (ieff) and headphone (right). the vertical. The approximate discharge thus obtained divided by the area of the measuring section gives the weighted mean value of the 0.2-depth velocity. Studies of many measure- ments made by the two -point method show that for a. ;riven measuring section the relation 36 TEC= IQUES OF WATER-HFSOURCES INVESTIGATIONS w 4 £ - Figure 55.—Ice creepers for boots and waders. 0 1f, LLj U 2 w 7 J N Q {t � w 0 4❑ ¢ w w OCD m W 60 00 Z rr as N_ z 0 80 tool_ 0.20 between the mean 0.2-depth velocity and the true mean velocity either remains constant or varies uniformly with stage. In either circum- stance, this relation may be determined for a particular 0.2-depth measurement by recom- puting measurements made at the site by the two -point method using only the 0.2-depth velocity observation as the mean in the vertical. The plotting of the true mean velocity versus the mean 0.2-depth velocity for each measure- ment will give a velocity -relation curve for use in adjusting the mean velocity for measurements made by the 0.2-depth method. If at a site enough measurements have not been made by the two -point method to establish a velocity --relation curve, vertical -velocity curves are needed to establish a relationship between the mean velocity and the 0.2-depth WATER SURFACE 0.40 0-50 0-80 1-00 VELOCITY, IN FEET PER SECOND Figure 56.—Typical vetficai-velocity curve. 1.20 DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 37 velocity, The usual coefficient to adjust the 0.2- depth velocity to the mean velocity is about 0,88. Three-point method The three-point method consists of observing the velocity at 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 of the depth, thereby combining the two -point and 0.6-depth methods. The mean velocity is computed by averaging the 0.2- and 0.8-depth observations and then averaging the result with the 0.6-depth observation. When more weight to the 0.2- and 0.8-depth observations is desired, the arith- metical mean of the three observations may be used. The first procedure is usually followed, however. The three-point method is used when the velocities in the vertical are abnormally dis- tributed. It is also used when the 0.8-depth observation is made where the velocity is seriously affected by friction or by turbulance produced by the streambed or an obstruction in the stream. The depths must be greater than 2.5 feet before this method can be used. Subsurface method The subsurface method consists of observing the velocity at some distance below the water surface. This distance should be at least 2 feet and preferably more for deep swift streams to avoid the effect of surface disturbances. The subsurface method is used when it is impossible to obtain soundings and the depths cannot be estimated with enough reliability to even approximate a 0.2-depth setting. Coefficients are necessary to convert the velocities observed by the subsurface method to the mean velocity in the vertical. Vertical - velocity curves obtained at the particular site are used to compute these coefficients. The coefficients are generally difficult to determine reliably because they may vary with stage, depth, and position in the measuring cross section. Current -meter measurement procedure The first step in making a current -meter measurement is to select a reach of stream containing the following characteristics: 1. A straight reach with the threads of velocity parallel to each other. 2. Stable streambed free of large rocks, weeds, and protruding obstructions such as piers, which would create turbulence. 3. A flat streambed profile to eliminate vertical components of velocity. It is usually not possible to satisfy all of these conditions. Select the best possible reach using these criteria and then select a cross section. After the cross section has been selected, determine the width of the stream. String a tag line or measuring tape for measurements made by wading, from a boat, from ice cover, or from an unmarked bridge. String the line at right angles to the direction of flow to avoid horizontal angles in the cross section. For cable- way or bridge measurements, use the gradua- tions painted on the cable or bridge rail as de- scribed on page 17. Next determine the spacing of the verticals, generally using about 25 to 30 partial sections. With a smooth cross section and good velocity distribution, fewer sections may be used. Space the partial sections so that no partial section has more than 10 percent of the total discharge in it. The ideal measure- ment is one in which no partial section has more than 5 percent of the total discharge in it, but this is very seldom accomplished when 25 partial sections are used. The discharge measurement " shown in figure 2 had 6.2 percent of the total discharge in the partial section with the greatest discharge. Equal widths of partial sections across the entire cross section are not recom- mended unless the discharge is well distributed. Make the width of the partial sections less as depths and velocities become greater. Usually an approximate discharge can be obtained from the stage -discharge curve. Space the verticals so the discharge in each vertical is about 5 per- cent of tha d tscharga frem the ra. ing curve. After the cross section has been selected and the stationing determined, assemble the appro- priate equipment for the current -meter meas- urement and prepare the measurement note sheets to record the observations. (See fig. 2.) For each discharge measurement record the following information: 1. Name of stream and location to correctly identify the established gaging station; or name of stream and exact location of site for a miscellaneous measurement. 3$ TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATION15 2. Date, party, type of meter suspension, and meter number. 3. Time measurement was started using mili- tary time. 4. Bank of stream that was the starting point. 5. Control conditions. S. Gage heights and corresponding times. 7. Water temperature. S. Other pertinent information regarding the accuracy of the discharge measurement and conditions which might affect the stage -discharge relation. Identify the stream bank by either LEVY or R.EW (left edge of water or right edge of water, respectively, when facing downstream). Re- cord the time in the notes periodically, during the course of the measurement. This time usu- alzy should be synchronized with the time of pvnch on the digital recorder. (See fig. 2.) This is important because if there is any appreciable change in stage during the measurement, the time is needed to determine the mean gage height for the measurement. (See p. 53.) When the measurement is completed, record the time and the bank of the stream where the section ends. After the equipment and the note sheet have been readied, begin the measurement. Indicate on the note sheet the distance from the initial point to the edge of the water. pleasure and record the depth at the edge of water. After the depth is known and recorded, determine the method of velocity measure- ment. Normally the two -point method or the 0.6-depth method is used. Compute the setting of the meter for the particular method to be used at that depth. Record the meter position (as 0.8, 0.6, 0.2, . . .). After the meter is placed at the proper depth, permit it to become adjusted to the current before starting the velocity observation. The time required for such adjustment is usually only a few seconds if the velocities are greater than I fps, but for lower velocities, particularly if the current meter is suspended by a cable, a long period of adjustment is needed. After the meter has become adjusted to the current, count the number of revolutions made by the rotor for a period of 40-70 se d� Start the stopwatch `giff Ta,neously with the first signal or click, counting "zero," not "one." End the count on a convenient number given in the meter rating table column heading. Stop the stopwatch on that count and read the time to the nearest second, or to the nearest even second if the hand is on a half -second mark. Record the number of revolutions and the time interval. If the velocity is to be observed at more than one point in the vertical, determine the meter setting for the additional observation, time the revolutions, and record the data. Move to each of the verticals and repeat this procedure; record the distance from initial point, depth, meter -position depth, revolu- tions, and time interval, until the entire cross section has been traversed. (See fig. 2.) If the direction of flow is not at right angles to the cross section, find the velocity vector normal to the section. Measure the cosine of the horizontal angle (fig. 57) by holding the note sheet in a horizontal position with the point of origin (0) on the left edge of the note sheet (fig. 2) over the tag line, bridge rail, or any other feature parallel to the cross section. With the long side of the note sheet parallel to the direction of flow, the tag line or bridge rail will intersect the value of the cosine of the angle a on the top, bottom, or right edge of the note sheet. Multiply the measured velocity by the cosine of the angle to determine the velocity component normal to the measur- ing section. Details peculiar to specific types of current - meter measurements are described in the following sections. Current -meter measurements by wading Current -meter measurements by wading are preferred, if conditions permit. (See fig. 58). Wading measurements offer the advantage over measurements from bridges and cableways in that it is usually possible to select the best of several available cross sections for the measure- ment. Use the type AA or the pygmy meter for wading measurements. Table 2 lists the type of meter and velocity method to use for wading measurements for various depths. If a type AA meter is being used in a cross section with an average depth greater than 1.5 feet, do not change to the pygmy meter for a few depths less than 1.5 feet or vice versa. Use D1SCHARGF MEAStiHEMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 39 Meter in stream ,rm 9 V 5 Tag line, edge Of cable Point of car, or badge rail origin Read anple .coefficient here Figure 57--Measuremenf of horizontal angles. Fable 2.—Current-meter and velocity -measurement method for carious depths 7)4mh Velocity (feet) _Veler rseehod 2.5 and above-- --- Type AA {or Type 0. 2 and 0. 8 A). l.g-2.5 --- --------- do ---------- --- -6 .3--1.5----------- Pygmy i--------- -- .6 1 Used when wlocities are less than 2.5 fps. the type AA meter at depths as shallow as 0.5 foot, l.ts use is not recommended below depths of 1.0 foot because the registration of the meter is affected by its proximity to the water surface and to the streambed. Do not use the type AA meter or the pygmy meter in velocities less than 0.2 fps unless absolutely necessary. Coeflicients given ley Pierre (1941.) for the perforimir ce of em-rem. lneters in n:tter of shttllmr del)tll alld Ion- Ve10cit.ie5 aIT'e no longer t-igure 58:--wading measurement using top -setting rod recommended for use, at. least. until further 1Flt'estio-ation. When natural conditions for measuring are in the range considered undependable, modify the measuring cross section, if practical, to provide acceptable conditions. Often it is pos- sible to build dikes to cut off dead water and shallow flows in a cross section, or to improve the cross section by removing the rocks and debris within the section and from the reach of stream immediately upstream from it. .After modifying a cross section, allow the flow to stabilize before starting the discharge measure- ment. Stand in a position that least affects the velocity of the water passing the current meter. This position is usually obtained by facing the bank, with the water flowing against the side of the Ieg. Holding the wading rod at the tag line, stand from 1 to 3 inches downstream from the tag line and 18 inches or more from the wading rod. Avoid standing in the water if feet and legs would occupy a considerable per- centage of the crass section of a narrow stream. In small streams where the width permits, stand on a plank or other support rather than in the water. Keep the wading rod in a vertical position and the ineter parallel to the direction of flow while observing the velocity. If the flow is not at right angles to the tag line, measure the angle coefficient carefully. 40 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INTESTIGATIONFS During measurements of streams with shift- ing beds, the scoured depressions left by the hydrogra.pher's feet can affect soundings or velocities. Generally, place the meter ahead of and upstream from the feet. Record an accu- rate description of streambed and water -surface configuration each time a discharge measure- ment is made in a sand -channel stream. For discharge measurements of flow too small to measure with a current meter use a volu- metric method, Parshall flume, or weir plate. Current -meter measurements from ca6leways The equipment assemblies for use on cable- ways are described on page 18. The size of the sounding weight used in current -meter measurements depends on the depth and velocity to be found in a cross sec- tion. A rule of thumb is that the size of the weight in pounds should be greater than the: maximum product of velocity and depth in 44 the cross section. If insufficient weight is used, 1--the sounding line will be dragged at an angle downstream. If debris or ice is flowing or if the stream is shallow and swift, use a heavier weight than the rule designates. The rule is not rigid but does provide a starting point for deciding or the size weight necessary. Examine notes of previous measurements at a site to help deter- mine the size weight needed at various stages. The Price type --AA current meter is generally used when making discharge measurements from a cableway. The depth is measured by using a sounding reel and the velocity is measured by setting the meter at the proper position in the vertical. (See table 3.) Table 3 is designed so that no velocity observations will be made with the meter closer than 0.5 foot to the water surface. In the zone from the water surface to a depth of 9.5 foot, the current meter is known to give erratic results. ToWe 3. VeIocity-measurement method for Yariovs suspensions and depths Min ivmumdepth (fed) 01 and 0.8 smpensiora 0.6 method mdhod 15C.5,30C.5------------------ I.2 2.5 50 C JS5------------------------- 1.4 2.8 50 C .9-------------------------- 2.2 4.5 75 C 1.0, 100 C 1.0, 150 C 1.0_ _ - •• - - 2.5 5.0 200 C! 1.5, 300 C 1.53.8 7.5 Use 0.2 methr3d for depths 15-3-7 feet with appropriate meiiicient [esr:iin:ited 0.88)- Some sounding reels are equipped with a computing depth indicator. To use the comput- ing spiral, set the indicator at zero when the center of the current -meter rotor is at the water surface. Lower the sounding weight and meter until the weight touches the streambed. If a 3€1 C .5 suspension is used and the indicator reads 18.5 feet when the sounding weight touches the bottom, the depth would be 19.0 feet. To move the meter to the 0.8-depth position, merely raise the weight and the meter until the hand on the indicator is over the 19-foot mark on the graduated spiral (fig. 25) ; the hand will then be pointing to 15.2 feet on the main dial. To set the meter at the 0.2-depth position, raise the weight and meter until the hand on the indicator is pointing to 3.8 feet on the main dial. One problem found while observing velocities from a cableway is that the movement of the cable car from one station to the next makes the car oscillate for a short time after coming to a shop. Wait until this oscillation has dampened to a negligible amount before counting the revolutions. Tags can be placed on the sounding line a known distance above the center• of the meter cups as an aid in determining depth. (See fig. 36.) The tags, which are usually streamers of different colored binding tape, are fastened to the sounding line by solder beads or by small cable clips. Tags are used for determining depth in two ways: Set the tag at the water surface and then set on the depth indicator the distance which that particular tag is above the center of the meter cups. Then continue as if the meter cups themselves had been set at the water surface. This is the preferred procedure. If debris or ice is flowing, this method prevents damage to the meter. With the sounding weight on the stream - bed, determine the depth by raising the weight until the first tag below the water surface appears at the surface. The total depth is then the sum of (a) the distance the weight was raised to bring the tag to the water surface, (b) the distance the tag is above the center of the meter cups, and (c) the distance from the DISCHARGE PASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 41 bottom of the weight to the center of the caps. This method is sometimes used with handlines. By using tags, the meter can be kept under water at all tunes to prevent freezing the meter in cold air. Tags are also used in measurements of deep, swift streams. (See 1). 47.) If large amounts of debris are flowing in the stream, raise the meter up to the cable car several times during the measurement to be certain the pivot and rotor of the meter are free of debris. However, keep the meter in the water during the measurement if the air tem- perature is considerably below freezing. Carry a pair of lineman's side -cutter pliers when making measurements from a cableway. If the weight. and meter become caught on a sub- merged object or on flouting debris and it is impossible to release them, cut the sounding line to insure safety. Sometimes the cable car can be pulled to the edge of the water and the debris can be released. When measurements are made from cable- ways where the stream is deep and swift, measure the angle that the meter suspension cable makes with the vertical due to the drag. The vertical angle, measured by protractor p. 47), is needed to correct the soundings to obtain the actual vertical depth. (See p. 49.) Current -meter measurements from bridges When a stream cannot be waded, bridges may be used to obtain current -meter measurements. Many measuring sections under bridges are satisfactory for current -meter measurements, but cableway sections are usually better. No set rule can be given for choosing between the upstream or downstream side of the bridge when making a discharge measurement. The advantages of using the upstream side of the bridge are: 1. Hydraulic characteristics at the upstream side of bridge openings usually are more f avorable. 2. Approaching drift can be seen and be more easily avoided. 3. The streambed at the upstream side of the bridge is not likely to scour as badly as at the downstream side. The advantages of using the downstream side of the bridge are: 1. Vertical angles are more easily measured because the sounding Iine will move away from the bridge. 2. The flow Iines of the stream may be straight- ened out by passing through a bridge opening with. piers. Whether to use the upstream side or the down- stream side of a bridge for a current -meter measurement should be decided individually for each 'bridge after considering the factors mentioned. above and the physical conditions at the bridge, such as location of the walkway, traffic hazards, and accumulation of trash on piles and piers. Use either a handline, or a sounding reel supported by a bridge board or a portable crane to suspend the current meter and sound- ing weight from bridges. Measure the velocity by setting the meter at the position in the vertical as indicated in table 3. Keep equipment several feet from piers and abutments if velocities are high. Estimate the depth and velocity next to the pier or abutment on the basis of the observations at the vertical nearest the pier. If there are piers in the cross section, it is usually necessary to use more than 25-30 partial sections to get results as reliable as those from a similar section without piers. Piers will often cause horizontal angles that must be carefully measured. Piers also cause rapid changes in the horizontal velocity distribution in the section. Footbridges are sometimes used for measuring canals, tailraces, and small streams. Rod suspension can be used from many footbridges. The procedure for determining depth in low velocities is the same as for wading measure- ments. For higher velocities obtain the depth by the difference in readings at an index point on the bridge when the base plate of the rod is at the water surface and on the streambed. Measuring the depth in this manner will elim- inate errors caused by the water piling up on the upstream face of the rod. Handlines, bridge cranes, and bridge boards are also used from footbridges. When using a sounding reel measure the depth by methods described on page 44. To 42 TECHNIQUES of WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS dcternmic depth when using a handline, lower the sounding weight to the streambed, then raise the weight until one of the tags is at the water surface. Measure along the rubber - covered service cord with a steel or metallic tape or is graduated rod to deterinine the dis- tance the weight is raised. The total depth of Water is then 'the sumnitatlon of (1) the distance the litart.icultar ttsg is above the meter (,ills, (2) the nw asured distance the meter and weight was raised and (3) file distance frorn the bottoni of the sleight to the meter culls. Another method of determining depths is to set the meter cups at the water surface and then lower the soundim weight to the stream - bed while measurimg the amount of line that luis been let out by one of the methods men- tioned previously. This ineasured distance, Alas the distance from the bottom of the sound- ing sveiAit to the meter culls, is the depth of wiateI•. When using it handline, unwind enough cable from the handline reel to keep the reel out of water when the sounding weight is on the strearnbed tit the deepest part of the cross section. If the bridge is high enough above the water surface, raise and lower the weight and meter by the rubber -covered cable rather than by the bare cable. When the ineter is set for the velocity observation, stand on the rubber - covered (,table or tie it to the handrail to hold the meter in place. This arriingem.ent frees the Bands to record the data. The handline can be disconnected from the headphone mire and passed around to truss member with the sounding weight on the bottom. This eliminates the need for raising the, weir lit and meter to the bridge each time a move is made from one vertical to another, and is the principal advantage of a handline. Current -meter measurements from ice cover Discharge measurements under ice cover tare made tinder the most severe conditions (fig. 59) but are. extremely important because a Marge part of the discharge record during a winter pez•iod may depend on one measurement. Select the possible locutions of the cross section to be used for a measirrentent from ice cover during the open -water season when channel conditions can be evaluated. Ilk Figure 59.--[ce rod being used to support current meter For a discharge measurement, top; and ice drill being used to cut holes, bottom; The equipment used for cutting or drilling the hales in the ice is described on page 27. ever underestimate the danger of working on ice -covered streams. When crossing, test DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS GR1 the strength of the ice with solid blows using a sharp ice chisel. Ice thickness may be irregular, especially late in the season when a thick snow cover may act as an insulator. Water just above freezing can slowly melt the underside of the ice, creating thin spots. Ice bridged above the water may be weak, although thick. Cut the first three holes in the selected cross section at the quarter points to detect the presence of slush ice or poor distribution of the flow in the measuring section. If poor conditions are found, investigate other sections to find one that is free of slush ice and that has good dis- tribution of flow. Blake at least 20 holes in the ice for a current -meter measurement. Space the holes so that no partial section has rnore than 10 percent of the total discharge in it. The effective depth of the water (fig. 60) is the total depth of water minus the distance from the .eater surface to the bottom of the ice. The vertical pulsation of water in the holes in the ice sometimes causes difficulty in deter- mining the depths. The total depth of water is usually measured with an ice rod or with a sounding weight and reel, depending on the depth. Measure the distance from the water surface to the bottom of the ice with an ice -measuring stick. (See p. 27) If there is slush under the solid ice at a hole, the ice -measuring stick is not used. To find the depth at which the slush ice ends, suspend the current meter below the slush ice. with the meter rotor turning freely. Raise the meter slowly until the rotor stops. This point is used as the depth of the interface between water and slush. After the effective depth of the water has been determined, compute the proper position of the meter in the vertical as shown in, figure 60. The vane ice meter is recommended for use under ice cover because the vanes do not be- come filled with slush ice as the cups of the Price meter often do, because the yoke of the vane meter will fit in the hole made by the ice drill, and because the yoke and ice rod can serve as an ice -measuring stick. The contact chamber of the vane meter can be rotated to any position, so the binding post is placed per- pendicular to the axis of the yoke to avoid inter- ference when using the top of the yoke to deter- mine the underside of the ice. The velocity distribution under ice cover is similar to that in a pipe with a lower velocity nearer the underside of the ice. (See fig. 61.) The 0.2- and 0.8- depth method is recommended for effective depths 2.5 feet or greater and the 0.6-depth method is recommended for effective depths less than 2.5 feet. It is recommended 4F.}ITTTf�rLTS.� a=Water surface to bottom of ice 0.2-depth sett ing = G + 0. 2c b= Total depth of water ❑.8-depth setting= b-0.2c c=Effective depth (s=b—a) 0.5-depth setting=6-0.4c Figure 60.--Method of computing meter settings for measurements under ice cover. 111 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 3l ME 100 ICE x x 1 x x x 1 x I x x _ x 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 03 VELOCITY, IN FEET PER SECOND Figure 61 Typical vertical -velocity curve under ice cover. that two vertical -velocity curves be defined when ice measurements are made to determine whether any coefficients are necessary to con- vert the velocity obtained by the 0.2- and 0.8- depth method or the 0.6-depth method to the mean velocity. Normally the average of the velocities obtained by the 0.2- and 0.8-depth method gives the mean velocity, but a coeffi- cient of about 0.92 usually is applicable to the velocity obtained by the 0.6-depth method. When measuring the velocity, keep the meter as far upstream as possible to avoid any effect that the vertical pulsation of water in the hole might have on the meter. Eliminate as much as possible the exposure of the meter to the cold air during the measurement. The meter must be free of ice when the velocity is being observed. If there is partial ice cover at a cross section, use the procedure described above where there is ice cover, and use open -water methods elsewhere. A sample sheet of discharge -measurement notes under ice cover is shown in figure 62. In this measurement the vertical -velocity curves indicate that the 0.2- and 0.8-depth method gives the mean velocity and that the 0.6-depth method requires a coefficient of 0.92. Current -meter measurements From boats Discharge measurements are made from boats where no cableways or suitable bridges are available and where the stream is too deep to wade. Personal safety is the limiting factor in the use of boats on streams having high velocity of flow. String the tag line at the measuring section by unreeling the line as the boat moves across the stream. Some tag -line reels are equipped with brakes to control the line tension while DISCHA13GE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 45 9 "S& UNITED STATES [ram brtwos DEPARTMENT OF THE ]NTHRIOR V-37$ GEOLOGICAL SURVEY L WATER Ff1OliRCE6 D'YIStD�( D.u_N_lar-4--t----- L-S- 19_�2_2 36-5------ yfsCNARP£ Mf"UREM'NY T1dIEs—it -- Creek. near �Y r nJa }_ 4E S2111.! v «Y Pat pan iititu3 pail% Widelt Ta A dyer .E +weser w b-s.ta 0!- K` E01.6.a �h 6e3e+. en a..- aFu- Bien T- aeceod. A»a ➢i At h— 7- - SU W - - Q Q 0- -3 0 fix- zt6 --------- ---L_6 --------- A---0_ - ----- 22 ------- __ 10 ---- -- _'.47 -------- _-.50 '46 ----- 6-4 ---------- 418 - --------- -------- - - ----- --_- ------- ---- ---- _-`, ---- - --- _2._o__�.-3-`f --------- ------ --- - 1_,S_'-L#1.-.34 - _,73_-1_1.s__�-___$e�1 -----------I ---------- ------- j --- .,14. --------- -I- 3 -- ------ -Z-7- ------ Z1.3;0 --- - ---- 43 -- ------ of ---- ---- .-s 7 ------- -1- )-Q. S 9, 4_ ---------' -'----- -----'---- --------- --- -"-- -q-0 _15 S7-- -AP ,SQ 9'7 -1-7-_3,0 2,-3- ZQ _,J_Q I t5 -.9Z iZ,_Q_,--1 LQ ------'- ------- --------- - 9..1- _1.S _SO_ _.70 _.a __i._2- _ ._4_ _ •_3 7 `1q- 1'�-7 A6.1-f.-6- f ! 1 P5--- ------- ---------- 4, p�-l-�. -1�_ .: 7 --------- ------ -- ----- - 5a--`�-- ` 4- _33.2.33ZQ-lic 1.IS .- 4Z 13Z ...... ---- -- --- --------- 4._� 1 s 50 - .74 64...` - -; I I -`_ tjs __I.-ls_ 3.-Z Z_-7. z5 -i S 1,-zo LZ-9 1_Z,_5_ ------- - ------- -- ------ --------- ---- ..__ 4•- , -1-5- `_ -6 - .76 '-------- ----------- ----------- b-6 -3 aD_ - 5 -3.,5 2,z- z5 `4`4- L341-0$ _3_ :.Z i 1-11. Z --------- ---- -------- ---- --- `f. 3 1541 _ . B_ --61- -3 5-3. _1_6 . ..7 Z-3- ZS,140 L.q.._ -1.1$' ? 1_ t1__S -- -.-...--- ------- ----'--- ?�ab- _-5 1-4Q --H-7 . 335' --- .`1 y-- Zo "�1 -- - ----- _ --- ------ - !-.$i r r z. ._ I___._51eN.- Cann br--.- _---- .-.-. ------------- c,,.,,-1[_f]_f\___ u. s. care... c.s ni.n.� .ica ie�am-s Figure 62,—Part of notes for discharge measurement under ice cover, unreeling. (See p. 24.) After a tag line without a brake has been stretched across the stream, take up the slack by means of a block and tackle attached to the reel and to an anchored support on the bank- If there is traffic on the river one man must be stationed on the bank to lower and raise the tag line to allow the river traffic to pass. Place streamers on the tag line so that it may be seen by boat pilots. If there is a continual flow of traffic on the river, or if the width of the river is too great to stretch a tag line, other means will be needed to position the boat. When no tag line is used, the boat can be kept in the cross section by Iining up with flags positioned on each end of the cross section. (Seefig. 63.) Flags on one bank would suffice but it is better to have them on both banks. The position of the boat in the cross section can be determined by a transit on the shore and a stadia rod held in the boat. (See fig. 63.) Another method of determining the position 46 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS Transit Stadia rod held in boat Fkjure 63 ^Determining position in the cross section, stadia method. of the boat is by setting a transit on one bank: some convenient known distance from and at right angles to the cross-section line. The position of the boat is computed by measuring the angle a to the boat. (See fig. 64.) A third. method of determining the position of the boat is done with a sextant read from the boat. Position a flag on the cross-section line and another at a known distance perpendicular to the line. The boat position can be computed by measuring the angle A with the sextant. Unless anchoring is more convenient, the nrotor must hold the boat stationary when readings are being taken. If the maximum depth in the cross section is less than 10 feet and the velocity is low, use a rod for measuring the depth and supporting the current meter. For greater depths, use a cable suspension with a reel and sounding weight. Boat measurements are not recommended at velocities less than 1 fps when the boat is subject to wave action. The up-and-down movement of the boat (and the meter) seriously affects the velocity observations. X Transit MC CE tan a (transit) MC -tanE(sextant) Figure 64.—Determining position in the cross section, angular method. The procedure for measuring from a. boat using the boat boom and crosspiece is the same as that for measuring from a bridge or a cable- way, once the special equipment has been set up and the method of positioning the boat has been. established. Moving -boat measurements of Jisckarge On large streams and estuaries the conven- tional methods of measuring discharge are fre- quently unpractical and involve costly and tedious procedures. There may be no facilities at remote sites. Where facilities do exist, they may be inundated or inaccessible during floods. At some sites, unsteady flow conditions require that measurements be made as rapidly as possi- ble. Measurements on tide -affected rivers must not only be made frequently but continually throughout a tidal cycle, The moving -goat technique is a method of measuring rapidly on large streams. It requires no fixed facilities, and it lends itself to the use of alternate sites if conditions make this desirable. The moving -boat technique is described in detail by Smoot and Novak (1968). It is similar to the conventional current -meter measurement in that the velocity -area approach to determine discharge is used; the total discharge is the summation of the products of the partial areas of the stream cross section and their respective average velocities. During the traverse of a boat across a stream, a sonic sounder records the geometry of the cross section, and a continu- ously operating current meter senses the com- bined stream and boat velocities. Three men are required to operate the boat and equipment. The data they collect are converted to discharge quickly, efficiently, and inexpensively. Experi- ence has shown that measurements obtained by the moving -boat technique compare within 5 percent of measurements obtained by conven- tional means. Networks of current meters Occasional special measurements require simultaneous velocities at several points in a cross section, distributed either laterally or vertically. For example, it may be necessary to measure a vertical -velocity profile quickly in unsteady flows and to check it frequently in DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 47 order to determine the changes in shape of the vertical profile as well as the rates of these changes. In another example, for the measure- ment of tide -affected streams, it is desirable to measure the total discharge continuously dur- ing at least a full tidal cycle, approximately 13 hours. The need for so many simultaneous velocity determinations (one at each vertical in the cross section) for so long a period could be an expensive and laborious process using conventional techniques of discharge measurement. A grouping of 21 current meters and special instrumentation has been devised by the Water Resources Division to facilitate measurements of the types just described. Only a few persons are required. The 21 meters are connected together so that the spacing between any two adjacent meters can be varied up to 200 feet. Furthermore, each meter has sufficient hardline cable to be suspended vertically from a bridge as much as 200 feet. The ineters have a uniform calibration. Revolutions of the rotors are recorded by electronic counters which are grouped compactly in one box at the center of the bank of meters. The operator, by flipping one switch, starts all 21 counters simultaneously., and after an interval of several minutes, stops all counters. The indicated number of revolu- tions for the elapsed time interval is converted to a velocity for each meter. The distance be- tween meters is known; a record of stage is maintained to evaluate depth; prior informa- tion at the site is obtained to convert point velocities in the verticals to mean velocities in those verticals. All of the information necessary to compute discharge in the cross section is therefore available, and is tabulated for easy conversion to discharge. Measurement of deep, swift streams Discharge measurements of deep, swift streams present no serious problems when adequate sounding weights are used and when floating drift or ice is not excessive. Normal procedures must sometimes be altered, however, when measuring these streams. The four most common circumstances are: 1. Possible to sound, but weight and meter drift downstream, 2. Not possible to sound, but a standard cross section is available. 3. Not possible to sound, and a standard crass section is not available. 4. Not possible to put the meter in the water. Procedures are described below for use during measurements made under these conditions. The procedures for items 2, 3, and 4 are used where there is a stable cross section. The procedure to be used in unstable channels must be determined by conditions at each location. Possible to sound; weight and meter drift downstream Where it is possible to sound but the weight and meter drift downstream, the depths measured by the usual methods are too large. (See fig. 65.) The correction for this error has two parts, the air correction and the wet -line correction. The air correction is shown in figure 65 as the distance ed. The wet -line correction in figure 65 is shown as the difference between the wet -line depth de and the vertical depth dg. As shown in figure 65, the air correction depends on the vertical angle P and the distance ab. The correction is computed as follows: ab-ac cos P=ad ac+cd ab+cd ub +cb ^ab cos P cd=co .- ab=ab[co P-lj (3) The air correction for even -numbered angles between 4° and 36' and, vertical lengths be- tween 10 and 100 feet is shown in table 4. The correction is applied to the nearest tenth of a foot; hundredths are given to aid in inter- polation. The air correction may be nearly eliminated by using tags at selected intervals on the sounding line and using the tags to refer to the water surface. This practice is almost equivalent to moving the reel to a position just above the water surface. 48 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS Apex of vertical angte I in sounding line I l 1 - i I I I I _ c I d Water surface Flow _ Figure 65: Position of sounding weight and line in deep, swift water. The correction for excess length of line below the water surface is obtained by using an ele- mentary principle of mechanics. If a known horizontal force is applied to a weight sus- pended on a cord, the cord takes a position of rest at some angle with the vertical, and the tangent of the vertical angle of the cord is equal to the horizontal force divided by the vertical force owing to the weight. If several additional horizontal and vertical forces are applied to the cord, the tangent of the angle in the cord above any point is equal to a summa- tion of the horizontal forces below that point, divided by the summation of the vertical forces below the point. The distribution of total horizontal drag on the sounding line is in accordance with the variation of velocity with depth. The excess in length of the curved line over the vertical depth is the sum of the products of each tenth of depth and the function (cos P----1 ) of the cor- responding angles derived for each tenth of depth by means of the tangent relation of the forces acting below any point. The wet -line correction for even -numbered angles between 4' and 360 and wet -line depths between 10 and 100 feet is shown in table 5. The correction is applied to the nearest tenth of a foot. The wet -line correction cannot be determined until the air correction has been deducted from the observed depth. The following points concerning the wet -line correction should be kept in mind: 1. The weight will go to the bottom despite the force of the current. 2. The sounding is made when the weight is at the bottom but entirely supported by the line. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 49 Tcsbie 4.--Air-correction table, giving difference, in feet, between vertical length and slant length of sounding line above water surface for selected vertical angles Vertical Vertical angle of sounding tins at protractor Vertical length (feet) 4° 6° 8° 10, 12' 14° IV IV W 22' 24' 26° 28° 30" 32. 34° 3W length (feet) 10 - . 0- 02 0. 06 0,10 0.15 O. 22 0.31 140 0,51 0.64 1.79 0.95 1.13 1.33 1.55 1,79 106 Z 36 10 12. - _. -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .03 .07 .12 .19 .27 .37 .48 .62 .77 .94 1.14 1.35 1.59 1,86 2.15 2.47 2. 83 12 14------------------ -03 .08 .14 .22 Al .43 .56 .72 ,90 1.10 L32 1,58 1.86 2,17 2,61 2.89 330 14 16_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ - .09 - 16 . 25 .36 .49 .64 .82 I.03 t, 26 1. 5I 1. $0 2.12 2.48 2,87 3,30 3:78 16 18_...-..-.-._____ .04 .10 .18 AS '40 .65 .73 .93 1.16 1.41 1.70 2.03 2.39 178 &23 &71 4,26 18 20------ _ _________ _05 .11 .20 -31 .45 .61 .81 1,03 1.28 1.57 1.89 2.25 Z65 3.09 &58 4.12 4.72 20 22----------------- -05 .12 .22 .34 .49 . 67 .89 1.13 1.41 1.73 2.08 2,48 2.92 3,40 3.94 4.54 5.19 22 24-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .06 .13 .24 .37 .54 .73 .97 1.24 1.54 1.88 2,27 2.70 3.19 3.71 4.30 4.95 5.67 24 26-.. - ---- - - - - - - - - 0 . 14 .26 A0 .58 .80 1.05 1,34 1,67 2.04 2.46 2.93 & 45 4.02 4.66 5.36 6.14 26 28 -------------- . .07 .15 -29 .43 .63 .86 1.13 1.44 1.80 2,20 2.65 & 15 3.71 4.33 5.02 5,77 6.61 28 30- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ OT .17 . 29 A6 .67 .92 1.21 1-54 1.93 2.36 2. 84 3.38 3.99 & 64 5. 38 6,19 7.09 30 32__________________ '08 .18 .31 .49 .71 .98 1,29 1.65 2.05 2,51 3.03 &60 4.24 4,96 6.73 &Go 7.55 32 34__-____----_--- .03 .19 .33 .52 _76 1.04 1.37 1,75 2.18 2.67 3.22 &83 4,51 &26 6.09 7.01 8,03 34 36------ ..---------- .20 .35 .66 .80 1.10 1.45 1.85 2,31 2.83 &41 4.05 C77 6.57 6.45 7142 &50 36 38------- .. ------ .09 -21 .37 .59 _85 1.16 1.53 1,96 2.44 2A9 3,60 4,28 5.04 5,89 6.81 7.84 8.97 38 40------------ _ -- 10 -22 .39 .62 .89 1.22 1.61 2,06 2.57 3.14 3.79 4,60 6.30 6.19 7.17 8.26 9.44 40 42------------------ .10 .23 .41 .66 .94 L29 1.69 2.16 2-70 3,30 3.97 4.73 5,57 6.60 7,63 8.66 9.91 42 44.. _ .. _ - _ _ _ - . -24 .43 .fib .98 1.35 1.77 2.26 2.82 3,48 4,16 4,95 6.83 & 81 7. 88 9.07 10.39 44 4fi------------------- .11 .25 A5 .71 1.03 1.4I 1.85 2.37 2,85 & 61 4.35 5.18 6.10 7.12 9,24 9A9 10.86 46 48 ------------------ .12 -26 .47 .74 1.07 1.47 1.93 2-47 3.08 3,77 4,64 6.40 6.36 7.43 & 60 9.90 11.33 48 50--------------- -- .12 .28 .49 .77 1,12 1.63 2.02 157 3.21 3.93 4.73 6.63 &63 7.74 8.96 10.31 11.80 50 52_...,_____-------- _13 .29 .51 .80 1.16 1.59 2,10 2.68 3,34 4.08 4.0 5.86 6.89 &04 9,32 10.72 12.28 52 54--- .---------- .--- .13 .30 ,53 .83 L21 1.65 2.18 2.78 3.47 4.24 5.11 &08 Z18 8,35 9.68 11,14 12,75 54 56__________________ _14 .31 A3 .86 1.25 L71 2.26 2.88 3,59 4,40 6.30 6.31 7.42 &66 10.03 11.55 13,22 56 58_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . .14 -32 .67 .89 1,30 1.78 2,34 2,99 3.72 4.55 5, 49 6,63 7.69 & 97 10.39 11.96 1& 69 58 60- - - - - - - - - - - - - i5 .33 .59 93 1.34 1.84 2.42 3.09 3.95 4.71 & 69 6.76 7.95 9.28 10,75 12,37 14.16 60 62---------------- .15 .34 '61 A6 1,39 1.90 2.50 &19 3.98 4.87 &87 6.98 8.22 9.59 11.11 12.79 14.64 62 64__________________ _16 .35 .63 .99 1.43 L96 2,58 3.29 4.11 5,03 &06 7.21 8.48 9.90 11.47 13.20 15.11 04 66 _ _ _ - - _ _ . - _ _ . 16 .36 .65 1,02 1.47 2,02 2. M 3,40 4. A 5.18 6,25 7,43 8.75 10.21 I L 83 13.61 16.68 86 68____ ____________ .17 A7 .67 1.05 1.52 2.08 2.74 3.50 4-36 5.34 6.44 Z66 9.01 10.62 12,18 14,02 16.05 68 90---------------- - .17 .39 .69 1.08 1-56 2,14 2,82 3.60 4,49 &50 6.62 7,98 9.28 10.83 12.54 14.44 J&52 70 72__________________ _18 .40 .71 1,11 L61 420 2.90 &71 4.62 5,66 6.91 &11 9,55 11,14 12.90 14.85 17,00 72 74 - _ _ _ _ .18 Al .73 1.14 1.0 2.27 2.98 3.91 4.75 5.81 7.00 8.33 9AI 1 L 45 13,26 15.26 17.47 74 76------------------ .19 A2 .75 1.17 L70 2.33 3.06 &91 4,88 5.97 7.19 &66 10.09 11.76 1& 62 I&V 17,94 76 79 ------------------ 19 .43 .77 1,20 I.74 2,39 3,14 4.01 5.01 6,13 7,38 8.78 M34 12,07 1& 98 16.09 18,41 78 80---------. - .44 .79 L23 I.70 2.46 &22 4.12 5.13 &28 7.67 9.01 10AI 12,38 14.33 16.50 19.89 80 82_ . _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ . _ - _ -20 .45 .91 1,27 1.93 2,51 & 30 4.22 5_ 26 6.44 7.76 9,23 10.87 12.69 14.69 16.91 19.36 82 84-------------- _ . , .20 A6 .83 2.30 1,89 2.57 3.39 4.32 6.39 6,60 7.95 9,46 11.14 12- 99 15.05 17A2 19.83 84 86__________________ _21 A7 .85 1.33 1.92 163 & 47 4.43 5,52 6,75 8.14 9.68 11,40 1& 30 15.41 17.73 20,30 86 88__________________ _21 .48 .87 1.36 1,97 2,69 3.55 4,53 5.65 &91 8.33 9.91 11,67 1& 61 15.77 18.16 20.77 88 90-- • - - - - - _ .22 .50 .89 1.39 2. 01 2.75 3.63 4.63 6,78 7.07 8.52 10.13 11.93 1& 92 16,13 18.56 21.25 90 92-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 .51 .40 1,42 2.06 2, 82 3.71 4.73 5,90 7.22 9.71 10A6 12,20 14.23 16.48 19.97 21,72 92 94_ _ _ _ . - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ . - .23 .52 .92 L 45 2.10 2,88 3. 79 4,84 6.03 7. 38 & 90 10. 58 12.46 14, 54 16.84 19.38 22.19 94 96------------------ -23 .53 .94 1.48 114 2.94 &87 4A4 6,16 7.54 9.09 10.81 12.73 14.85 17.20 19,80 22.66 96 98.---- .--------- _ .24 .64 .96 1,51 2.I9 &00 3,95 5.04 6,29 7,70 9,27 IL03 12.99 I6.16 17.56 20.21 23.13 98 100--------- . _ _ - _ .24 , 55 .98 1.54 2.23 3,06 4,03 5,15 6.42 7.85 9.46 11.26 13.26 15.47 17.92 M 62 23.61 100 3. Brag on the streamlined weight in the sounding position is negleeted. 4. The table is general and can be used for any size sounding weight or line, provided they are designed to offer little resistance to the current. If the direction of flow is not perpendicular to the measuring section, the angle in the measuring line as indicated by the protractor will be less than the actual angle in the line. The air correction and wet -line correction will then be too small. To correct for this the horizontal angle between the direction of flow and a perpendicular to the measuring section is measured by using a protractor or by determining the horizontal angle coefficient as described mn page 39. If the horizontal angle of the direction of How may be called H, the measured vertical angle P, and the actual vertical angle X, the relation between the angles is expressed by the formula tart X=tan P (fig. 66). (4) cos H Table 6 gives the amounts in tenths of degrees to be added to observed vertical angles to obtain the actual vertical angles for a range of horizontal angles between 8" and 28°. The conditions that cause error in sounding the depth also cause error in placing of the meter at selected depths. The correction tables are not strictly ap- plicable to the problem of placing the meter 50 TECHN Q1 ES OF WATER -RESOURCES 1NVESTIGATIONS Table 5.---Wet-fine table, giving difference, in feet, between wet -line length and vertical depth for selected vertical angles Wet -line VertScal angle of sounding line at protractor Wet -line length, in feet 4° 6° 8° I0' I2° I4° 1B° IS- �o tea° �a �° 30° 32°°° length, 1n feet I0---------- -------- 0.O1 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 a41 0.41 0.54 0.62 0.70 10 12___.- .01 .02 .04 .06 .00 .12 .15 .20 .24 .30 .36 .42 .49 .57 .65 .74 .84 12 14 . ..- .01 .02 .04 .07 .10 .14 I8 .23 .29 .35 .41 .49 .57 .66 .76 .87 .98 14 I6------------------ -0I .03 A5 AS .12 .16 .20 .26 .33 .40 .47 .56 .65 .76 .87 .99 1.12 16 i8_.. .01 .03 .06 .09 .13 .18 .23 .30 .37 .45 .63 .63 .73 .85 .98 1.I2 1.26 18 ?a------------------ -III .03 .06 .10 .I4 .20 .26 .33 .41 .50 .a .70 .82 .94 1.09 1.24 1.40 20 22.................. .01 .04 .07 .11 .16 .22 .28 .86 .45 .55 .65 .77 .90 I.04 1.20 1.36 1.54 22 24•---------- AI .04 AS .12 .17 .24 .31 .39 .49 .60 .71 .84 .98 1.13 1.31 1.49 1.68 24 ------- 26------------------ •02 .04 .08 .13 .19 .25 .33 -43 .53 .64 .77 .91 1.06 1.23 1.41 1.61 1.81 26 28----------- .--- ..- .02 .04 .09 I4 .20 .27 .36 .46 .67 .69 .83 .98 1.14 1.32 1.52 L74 1.95 ffi 30------------------ -02 .05 .10 .15 .22 .29 .38 .49 .61 .74 .89 L05 1.22 1.42 1.63 1.96 2.09 30 32__________________ 02 .05 .10 .16 .23 .31 .41 .52 .65 .79 .95 1.12 1.31 1.51 1.74 I.98 123 32 34_________ .02 .05 .1I .17 .24 .33 .44 .56 rR .84 1,01 1.19 1,39 1-60 I.M 2.11 2.37 34 .------------- .02 .06 .12 .18 .26 .35 .46 .69 .73 .89 1.07 1.26 1.47 1.70 1.96 2.28 2.51 36 38--•--------- .... -02 .06 .12 .19 .27 .37 .49 .82 .78 .% 1.12 1.33 1.55 1.79 107 2.36 2.6b 38 4p------------------ -02 .06 .13 .20 .29 .39 .51 .69 .82 .99 ),IS I.40 1.£3 1.89 2.18 Z 48 2.79 40 42------ -03 .07 .13 .21 .30 .41 .54 .69 .86 1.04 1.24 1.47 1.71 1.98 2.35 2.60 2.93 42 ------------ 44 ------- ---------- -03 .07 .14 .22 .32 .43 .56 .72 .90 1.09 1.30 L54 1.80 2.05 2.39 2.73 3.07 44 46____ • a •07 .15 .23 .33 .45 .59 .75 .94 1.14 1.36 1-61 I,89 2.17 2.50 2.85 3.21 46 .......... 48------.., .03 .0S .15 .24 .35 .47 .61 .79 .98 1,19 1.42 1.68 1.96 2.27 2.61 2.98 3.35 48 50--------------•--- .03 .08 .16 -25 .36 .49 .64 .92 1.02 L24 1.48 I-75 2.04 2.36 2.72 3.10 3.49 50 52------------------ -03 .08 .17 .26 .37 .51 .67 .85 1.06 1.29 1.54 1.82 2.12 2.45 2,83 3.22 3.63 52 54------------------ -03 .09 .17 .27 .39 .53 .69 .89 1.10 I.34 1.60 1.89 2.20 2.55 2.94 3.36 3.77 % p6------------------ .03 .09 .IS .28 .40 ..,5 .72 .92 1.14 1.39 1.66 1.96 128 2.64 3.05 3.47 3.91 66 58--._______-__ -__ .03 .09 .19 .29 .42 .57 .74 .95 I. 18 1.44 1.72 2.03 2.3I 2.74 3.16 3.60 4.05 68 00. ...... ....... . .04 .10 .19 .30 .43 .59 .77 .98 1.22 1. 49 1.78 2. 10 2,45 2. 83 3. 26 3,72 4.19 69 .. 62_..______-_..-.--- .04 .I0 .20 .3I .45 .61 .79 1.02 1.26 1.54 1-94 117 2.53 2.93 3.37 3.84 4,33 62 64......... • • - • _ _ _ - - US 10 .20 .32 .46 .63 .82 1,05 1.31 1.50 1.99 2.24 2.61 3. 02 3,48 3.97 4.47 64 .04 .11 .21 .33 .48 .65 .94 1.08 1.35 1.64 1.95 2.31 2.69 3.12 3.59 4.09 4.61 68 fi8___--------------- _04 .11 .22 .34 .49 .67 .87 1.12 1.39 1.09 2.01 138 2.77 3.21 3.70 4.22 C75 68 70.......... .04 .11 .-a 35 .50 .fig 90 1.15 1.43 1.74 2.07 145 2.86 3.30 3.91 4.34 4.89 70 72__________________ _04 .12 .23 .36 .62 .71 .92 1.18 1.47 1.79 2.13 2.52 2.94 3.40 3.92 4.46 5.03 72 74. . . . . . . . . .04 .12 .24 .87 .53 .73 .95 1.21 1. 51 1.84 2.19 2.59 3.02 3.49 4,03 4. 59 0.17 74 ......... 78.------ •-- .05 .12 .24 .38 .55 .74 .97 1.25 1,55 1.88 2.25 2.66 3.10 3.50 4.13 4.71 5.30 78 -------- 73------------------ -05 .12 .25 .39 .58 .76 1.00 1,29 1.59 1.93 2.91 173 3.18 3.68 4.24 C84 5.44 78 So •------ .os .13 A5 .40 .58 .79 1.02 I.31 1.63 1.99 2.37 2.80 3.26 3.78 4.35 4.96 5.58 80 ----------- 82............ .05 .13 .26 .41 .59 .$0 1.05 1.34 1.67 2.03 2,43 187 3.35 3.87 4.46 5.08 5.72 82 ...... 94__________________ _05 .13 .27 .42 .60 .82 1.08 1.38 1.71 2.08 2.49 2.94 3.43 3.96 4.57 5.21 5.86 84 86___________ .05 .14 .28 .43 .62 .84 1.10 1.41 1.75 113 2.55 3.01 3.51 4.06 4.68 6.33 6.00 86 88__......... _____ _05 .14 .28 .44 .63 .96 1.13 1.44 1.80 2.18 2.60 3.09 8.59 4.15 4,79 5.48 6.14 89 g0------------------ .06 .14 .29 .45 AS .89 1.15 1.48 1.84 2.23 2,66 3.15 3. 67 4.25 4.90 5. 58 & 28 90 92.... ........... - - .06 .15 .20 .46 .66 .90 1.18 1,51 I.88 2,29 172 3,22 3. 75 C 34 5. 00 5.70 6,42 92 - 94--.--------------- 06 .15 .30 .47 .68 .92 1.20 1.54 1.92 133 2.78 3.29 3.84 4.44 5.11 5.83 6.56 94 96 06 .15 .31 AS .69 .94 1.23 1.57 1.96 2.39 2.84 3.36 &92 4.53 5.22 6.95 6.70 96 98........ ...------- .06 .18 .31 .40 .71 .96 I.25 1.61 2.00 2.43 2.90 3.43 4. cc 4.63 b.33 6.09 6.81 98 ....... .06 .16 .32 .50 .72 .98 1.28 1.64 2.04 % 48 2,96 3. 50 4. 08 4.72 5.44 6.20 & 98 100 Table 6.-Degrees to be added to observed angles to obtain actual vertical angles Observed vertical angle 3, cos=0.99 I2° zw=0.98 Horizontal angle 46° 20° cAs=0.96 cos=0.94 u° oos=0.91 2b° cos=0.88 8-------------------------------- 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.0 12'------------------------------ 1 .3 .5 .8 1.1 1.5 160------------------------------ 1 .4 .6 1.0 1.4 2.0 20°------------------------------ .2 .4 .7 1.2 1.7 2.4 24'------------------------------ .2 .5 .8 1.4 2.0 2.8 28* ------------------------------ .2 .5 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.0 32`----------------------------- .2 .6 1.0 1.6 2.4 3.3 36°------------------------------ .2 .6 1.1 1.7 2.5 3.4 because of the increased pressure placed on the tables 4 and 5 will tend to eliminate this error sounding weight by higher velocities when it is in placement of the meter, and although not raised from the streambed. A meter placed in strictly applicable, their use for this purpose deep, swift water by the ordinary methods for has become general. observations at selected percentages of the For the 0.2-depth position, the curvature depth will be too high in the water. The use of of the wet line is assumed to be negligible and DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS W PLAN c 0 yV N ------------ _ Plane at protractor c �f�oh ELEVATION n fi tan ,1f H=horizontal angle cosH=—Fh P=measured vertical angle x=actual vertical angle bta = 90' W0-90° fih =90° oih= 90° tan P _ b X fh _ fh Cos H of fi of tan X= lb tan P of Cos H Figure fib. —Sketch of geometry of relationship of actual to measured Yettical angle when Flow direction is not normal to measuring section. the length of sounding line from the apex of the 1. Compute the 0.2 value of the vertica vertical angle to the weight is considered a depth. straight line. The method used to place the 2. Lower the meter this depth into the water meter at the 0.2-depth position is: and read the vertical angle. 52 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 3. Obtain the air correction from table 4. The vertical length used to obtain the air correction is the sum of 0.2 of the vertical depth, of the distance the apex of the angle is above water, and of the distance the meter is above the bottom of the weight. 4. Let out an additional amount of line equal to the air correction. 5. If the angle increases appreciably when the additional line is let out, let out more Iine until the total additional line, the angle, and the vertical distance are in agreement with figures in the air -correction table. To place the meter at the 0.8-depth position, a correction to the amount of line reeled in must be made for the difference, if any, between the air correction for the sounding position and that for the 0.8-depth position. This difference is designated as m in table 7. f the angle increases for the 0.8-depth position, the meter must be lowered- if it decreases, the meter must be raised. For the 0.8-depth position of the meter, the wet -line correction may require consideration if, the depths are more than 40 feet and if the change in vertical angle is more than 5 percent. If the vertical angle remains the same or de- creases, the wet -line correction (table 5) for the 0.8-depth position is less than the wet -line cor- rection for the sounding position by some differ- ence designated as n in table 7. If the vertical angle increases, the difference in correction n diminishes until the increase in angle is about 10 percent; for greater increases in angle, the difference between corrections increases also. Table 7 summarizes the effect on air and wet - line corrections caused by raising the meter from the sounding position to the 0.8-depth position. For slight changes in the vertical angle, because of the differences m and n in the air and wet -line corrections, the adjustments to the wet -line length of the 0.8-depth position are small and usually can be ignored. Table 7 indicates that the meter may be placed a little too deep if the adjustments are not made. Because of this possibility, the wet -line depth instead of the vertical depth is sometimes used as the basis for computing the 0.8-depth position with no adjustments for the differences m and n. Not possible to sound; standard cross section available When it is not possible to sound the bottom but a standard cross section is available, the procedure to follow is: 1. Determine the depths from the standard cross section. 2. Measure the velocity at 0.2 of the depth. 3. Determine coefficients to adjust the 0.2- depth velocity to mean velocity oil the basis of previous measurements at the site by the two -paint method. 4. Compute the measurement in the normal manner using the depths from the standard cross section and the velocities measured. The coefficient is then applied to the com- puted discharge. Not possible to sound; standard cross section not available When if, is not possible to sound and a standard cross section is not available, the procedure to follow is: 1. Refer the water -surface elevation before and after the measurement to an elevation reference point on a bridge, on a driven stake, or on a tree at the water's edge. Table 7.—Summary table for setting the meter at 0.8-depth position in deep, swift streams Change in vertical angle Air correction Wet -line correction Direction of change Correction to meter position Direction of change Correction to meter position None-- ---------------- None -------------- None-------------- Decrease_____ Raise meter the distance n. Decrease ------------- Decrease ----------- Raise meter the -----do ------------- Do. distance m. Increase ------------- Increase___ Lower meter the Decrease, then {'} distance m. increase. = Raise meter the distance n nnlem the Increase in angle is greater than about 10 percent, then it is necessary to lower the meter the distance n. DISCHARGE IIIEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 53 2. Estimate the depth and observe the velocity at 0.2 of the estimated depth. The meter should be at least 2.0 feet below the water surface. Record in the notes the actual depth the meter was placed below the water surface. If an estimate of the depth is impossible, place the meter 2.0 feet below the water surface and observe the velocity there. 3. Make a complete measurement at a lower stage, including some vertical -velocity curves. 4. Use the complete measurement and differ- ence in stage between the two measure- ments to determine the cross section of the first measurement. To determine whether the streambed has shifted, the cross section should be compared with one taken for a previous measurement at that site. 5. Use vertical -velocity curves or the relation- ship between mean velocity and 0.2-depth velocity to adjust the velocities observed in step 2 to mean velocity. 6. Compute the measurement in the normal manner using the depths from step 4 and the velocities from step 5. Not possible to put meter in water If it is impossible to keep the weight and meter in the water, the procedure to follow is: 1. Repeat step 1 for conditions when it is not possible to sound the bottom and a standard cross section is not available. 2. Measure surface velocities by timing floating drift, or by use of an optical flowrneter. 3. Repeat steps 3-6 for conditions when it is not possible to sound the bottom and a standard cross section is not available. An optical flowzneter has been described by Smith (1961). It is portable, battery operated, and requires no great skill for quick and ac- curate readings of the surface rate of flow. It is not immersed, so it does not disturb the flow, and it is in no danger of damage from floating debris or ice. It is well to note that just after the crest, the amount ❑f floating drift or ice is usually greatly reduced, and it may be possible to obtain velocity observations with a current muter. Measurements during rapidly changing stage During periods of rapidly changing stage, measurements should be made as quickly as possible to keep the change in stage to a mini- mum. This speed will minimize errors caused by shifting of flow patterns as the stage changes. The procedure to foIIow to speed up a measure- ment is: 1. Use the 0.6-depth method. The 0.2-depth method or the subsurface method could be used if placing the meter at the 0.6 depth creates vertical angles requiring time consuming corrections, or if the vertical angle increases because of drift collecting on the sounding line. 2. Reduce the velocity observation time to about 2G--30 seconds. 3. Reduce the number of sections taken to about 15-18. By incorporating all three of the above practices a measurement can be made in 15-20 minutes. If the subsurface method for observing velocities is used, then some vertical -velocity curves will be needed later to establish co- efficients to convert observed velocity to mean velocity. Carter and Anderson (1963) have shown that discharge measurements having 30 sections and using the two -point method of observation with a 45-second period of observation will have a standard error of 2.2 percent. This means that two-thirds of the measurements made using this procedure would be in error by 2.2 percent or less. They have also shown that the standard error for a 25-second period of observation and using the 0.6-depth method of velocity obser- vations with depth and velocity observed at 16 sections is 4.2 percent. The error caused by using the shortcut method is generally less than the error that can be expected by shifting of flow patterns during periods of rapidly changing stage. Series ❑f measurements during a peak of short duration The procedure to follow if a series of meas- urements is wanted during a peak of short duration is: 1. Take about 10 sections. 2. Take velocity observations at 0.6 depth. 54 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS 3. Repeat velocity and depth observations at the same 10 sections with corresponding stages as often as possible throughout the period of the flood wave. 4. Develop stage -velocity and stage -area curves for each of the 10 sections. 5. Compute the discharge corresponding to selected stages by summation of the partial discharges from the curves thus defined. Mean sage heiglit of discharge measurements The mean gage height of a discharge measure- ment represents the mean height of the stream during the period the measurement was made and is referred to the datum of the gaging station. The mean gage height for a discharge measurement is one of the coordinates used in plotting the measurements to establish the stage -discharge relation, often called the rating curve. An accurate determination of the mean gage height is therefore as important as an accurate measurement of the discharge to define the stage -discharge relationship. The computation of the mean gage height presents no problem when the change in stage is 0.1 foot or less, for then the mean may be obtained by inspection. However, measure- ments must sometimes be made during floods or regulation regardless of how rapidly stage changes. To obtain an accurate mean gage height, the gage must be read before and after the dis- charge measurement, and the recorder chart must be read at breaks in the slope of the gage - height graph during the measurement. If the station is equipped with a digital recorder, the gage -height readings punched during the measurement are to be read. At nonrecording stations the only way to obtain intermediate readings is for the stream gager to stop during the measurement once or twice to read the gage, or to have someone else do this for him. If the change in stage is greater than 0.1 foot, the mean is obtained by weighting the gage -height readings rather than by inspection of the available readings. The mean gage heights during periods of constant slope of the gage -height graph and the corresponding measured partial discharges are used to compute the mean gage height of the measurement. The formula used is: H _ q iAF T g2h2+gah,3 . . . . . . . . . +griAR (5) in which H=mean gage height, in feet, Q=total discharge measured, in cubic feet per second q1+q2+q3 . . . . . . +qn, q,, q2, qa, . q.amount of discharged meas- ured during time interval 1, 2, 3, . . . n, in cubic feet per second, Af, A2, A,,. A.=average gage height during time interval 1, 2, 3, . . . n, in feet. Figure 67 shows the computation of a weighted mean gage height. The graph at the bottom is a reproduction of the gage -height graph during the discharge measurement. The discharges are taken from the current -meter measurement shown in figure 2. The upper computation of the mean gage height in figure 67 shows the computation using the given formula. The lower computation has been done by a shortcut method to eliminate the multi plicatiori of large numbers. In this method., after the average gage height for each time interval has been computed, a base gage height, which is usually equal to the lowest average gage height, is chosen. Then, the difference between the base gage height and the average gage heights is used to weight the discharges. When the mean difference has been computed, the base gage height is added to it. If a discharge measurement is made at a distance from the gage during a change in stage, the discharge passing the gage during the measurement will not be the same as the discharge at the measuring section because of the effects of channel storage between the measuring section and the gage. Adjustment is made for channel storage by applying to the measured discharge a quantity obtained by multiplying the channel surface area by the average rate of change in stage in the reach. The formula is: Q, =Q, ±WL Di , (6) DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS Jr rJ .o .Ia .zc 1W .40 .To eo .70 W .85 E D W �'�6 D`#I' S �F Rt.- 0E1- Tin VELOCITY 1101- i fa hu. wal. or Arcs �4.v Aa P.m 'San IT Ave.- C. 1.94 —..fir It, G. - t i 7 _ - ---- + -iD j H Doll. I�1 j s H+ IQ I nr *, zit- ! 11 Q _ - 2 n A X 9� JA .o .10 .20 .30 to so .40 .ra .au .89 40 F330 )400 I1930 Figure 67,—Computation of weighted mean gage height. in which ❑ =elapsed time during measurement, iri Q,=discharge going over the control, in cubic seconds. feet per second, A reference point (RP) or a temporary gage is Q =-rnerecon rl discharge, ire cubic feel per 3et at the measuring section if channel storage W= average xvidth vidth of stream betNveen measur- might be significant. The water-stirf ace eleva- ing section and control, in feet, tion at the section is determined before and L—length of reach between measuring section after the measurement to compute oh. If the and control, in feet, measurement is made above the control, the Ak=average change in stage in the reach L adjustment will be plus for falling stages and during the measurement, in feet, and minus for rising stages; if made below the con- 56 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS trot, it will be minus for failing stages and plus for rising stages. Figure 68 shows the front sheet of a measure- ment that has been made at a distance from the control during a period of changing stage. The computation of the adjustment for storage for the measurement shown in figure 68 follows: Adjustment for measurement 264 on Big Creek near Dogwood, Va. Measurement made 0.6 mile upstream 3,170 feet. Average width between measuring section and control=150 feet, Change in stage at control, 5.84--6.74 feet= +4-09 foot. ..1*- Change in stage at measuring section., 12.72-•13.74 feet=.+1.02 feet. Readings taken at measuring section from a reference point before and after measure- ment. Average change in stage= (0.901-1.02) 2=0.96 foot. M� UN11- STATE'[: ! DEPART h1 ENT OF THE tNTEM.R[OR M. N. -Lv-'---- GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 14 WATM RIMOURCES DIVISION Cam -- ----- DISCHARGE MEASUREMENT NOTES cti.rwabr ------- ---_- StL N. DL. width_...�____-• 19_t2_7. Party-___.:.-J�StQIlSS.!]-------------------- width A. Yei 13-07 G. a _6. A Melhod Na. aec. 3 Q_____ G. K change-129-0-- in hta. Suapb Method cod. _ -_-.._- Hor. angle eoefVftr• 2A SosP. eoef. _f�_QO+ hitter No. .Is6.9_q--- EST GALE READINGS _ Date rated ____U.cd rating 'Fier ]Et. -r RxaAu I-i& Ouui& �— for rnd _______-.. waP. Meter __�� Q.. ft. 14 1S _-'r---`t�- y- Jr-['$a,� "�-5 "��''S above bottom of wt. T&V checked -A- 4 - _ ----- _____ __________ spin before meal. x'' ,s ... afltr _7.c-, 50_ ---------- ------ p------------- --- -�... V- ------• -• - Meaa. plots ------7, &ff.from------------ntir4 ...- ._ Wading, table. ice. `boat, + pstr., dowrAtr-. rIs t.�r-;3_ ----____--- ------------------- bridge ----- Q_'__Gl... feet. In above, below ---------- --------•' ----.....- ---------- ----- Me, and --------- .....----------------- •-------- �.rt,JS F�(f 6.Z4 --------- ------•--- Check bar. chain found -------------- -- t�3a -7� r--I-7L6 _7.1.6_ 11'J. rhaKed to at -------------- Wr;se:ea rs G- H ---- _ . - ...-.- Correct ______________ C. H. eerrali. ..... Corr�+ Nr. c-[i. _--- - Lavcla obtained _- ----- ---------- Measurement rated excellent (2%), oa {$°fo fair (8%), Poor {over 8%p). bued fallow}'U19 wnditions: Cron aectian t Al-1 i---3ti►C4r1�--S brtt...aAJ___SjrAVt ___bAILQi'►►- Flow Glla�---dl'3QSl�a�1-'.F_Qrl� Weather .-R_Si1.Y�Jn pJ------------------- Other hf >z�lrii ASsL{1iJre:._._..---------------------•--- GageSI......................................... --------------- --............. Record removed . Y15_.---------- . intairc 0uahrd to `-__............ Oharrver __�.A�---Vd-i- 1 l-------------------------------- ---------------- .--- -------- Centro] __C__[Jar_....... .- � tt--------------------------}y .------------------- Remarks�-__Qi - Yam+- S ...............= -$4 ` `1 `-------------------------------------- --------------- G. K of rnv &w---------------------------- ------ ft. Elev. R P = 3O.00 f? P r. W.5 6 1,41ib = f 7f. Zg; 30.0a —,7. 2.$; 12-.7 X se --taut-= KPt-.WS SL,5"--16.Z4; 30.00-10-L6* 13•?+4 Figure 68.—D"tschwSe measurement notes with discharge adjusted for channel storage effect. DISCHARGE: MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 57 Elapsed time during measurement=ly4 hours=4,500 seconds. Measured discharge=8,494 cfs (cubic feet per second). Qc= 8,494 — 150 (3,170) 0.96 =8,494-101=8,393 efs. Use 8,390 cfs. It is also possible to approximate the effect of storage by computing the time of travel of the flood wave between the measuring section and the control and then adjusting the gage height for the traveltime to correspond to the measured discharge. The flood -wave velocity is generally assumed to be 1.3 times the mean velocity for the measurement. The traveltime is computed by the following formula: t 1.3V� (7) in which t=time of travel of the flood wave between the measuring section and the control, in seconds, I = length of reach between measuring section and control in feet and V=mean velocity of measurement, in feet per second. 1n applying the time adjustment, the time -of - travel adjustment is subtracted from the ob- served time at s abav tl gage -orr 4al4iriglie time-cif-#xav�l- j�r��-is armed o the--ab" served --time- at -tiTe _gage -if- i-fre- nCstfeR=eft+--iS either---belew-the—gage-•$n a ,—or - - ;'_�iseve-th-e--gage max- �risirrg serge �� +p Figure fig shows the front sheet for the same j measurement used in figure 68, but this time the storage adjustment has been made by adjusting the gage height. The computation of the traveltime is shown on the bottom of the front sheet. Figure 70 is an expanded plot of the gage -height graph during the time of the measurement. By applying the traveltime to the starting and finishing times of the measurement, the adjusted gage heights of 5.90 feet and 6.80 feet are obtained from figure 70. The mean gage height is obtained by weighting as described previously, �r Ic mac. 3 , : s i7/?c tic � • �' i G ... _ rLd e �-•� S' �� _ $ .1 1�1__ The relationship between mean velocity and the velocity of the flood wave is uncertain in many instances. For this reason the adjustment method using change in channel storage is usually preferred. The proper coordination of the gage height and the discharge because of the amount of change in stage is a separate and distinct problem from that of making adjustments owing to variable slopes caused by changing discharge. Therefore the relation of stage to discharge at the time a measurement is made should be determined before adjustments owing to vari- able slopes are made. Portable Weir Plates Current meter measurements made. in shallow depths and low velocities are usually inaccurate, if not impossible to obtain. Under these condi- tions a portable weir plate is a useful device for measuring the discharge. A 90' V-notch weir is suitable because of its favorable accuracy at low flows. A weir made of 10- to 16-gage galvanized sheet iron ,vill produce a free -flowing nappe having the effect of a sharp -crested weir and will give satisfactory performance. The thickness of the plate should vary with the size of the weir. Refer to figure 71 for recommended proportions. Decreasing the plate thickness on larger weirs will help maintain portability. The notch is cut, without sharpen- ing, leaving a flat, even edge. Framing, in the form of small angle irons, is required for medium and large sizes. Canvas attached on the down- stream or upstream side prevents leakage under or around the weir. Eyebolts, properly placed, ,trill secure rods driven in earth channels to stabilize the plate. A staff gage should be placed far enough upstream from the weir opening so that it is not in the drawdown region and it should be related to the weir gage by means of a car- penter's level. At a distance greater than twice the head, the drawdown effect is negligible. The staff gage is used to obtain head on the weir. Flows from 0.02 to 2.0 cfs are measured with the large weir of figure 71. Discharges can be measured within 3 percent accuracy if the weir j$ TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS s-szse [Auawt LUO UNITED YTATR$ X.. DEPARTMENT OF THE I14TERIOR 6L 0 tCAL i RVTY Carry. b7 - --- r.•xw nxwlncca ~@n V DISCRARGE MEASUREMENT NOTES �'W b' " — i_-__-cr-eu-k---- nzar....DO- -........................ nate_MA.r. ---- 'b-------i9_62- Party Width -_� `t_Q__ Area _ iQ.`.-? O VeS. $__t.b G. A 6. 3 S niarh. 8. 41 a -- Method _x'f:-8 No. secs. _ Q_ G. H. changet:I.Q in 1If hrs. Susp. Z5_5; __. Method coef. �-_.._ Hor. angle coef.VArx4s Susp. coef. _I _Da Dieter No.4_9q Bate rated z - �_�2_' 47 Z__ iised rating $p GACR HEA DINGS Ti— Ill T Refor rod ____..._ sosp. Maier __f__4_ ft. `�? r�=_ z``1-r__- _�`i__ above bottom of wi. Tags checked --------- 1 `( `{ p ` o.t .9Q ---- Spin before mess. _ Zn.A5.. afterZ.'_50 ----- ----••----•--- - - Mess. plots _.....1% dill, from ---- _rating 1� ---------- Wading, cable, ice, boat, M11—tr.1 downstr., L side bridge ---Q__ ___ feet, mile above ❑ - below ao, and -------------------------- ------ i_�5•_nis�s _4J:.i2... ---•_--.•.- Check -bar, chain found ------------------- changed to . ------ ---------- at _._...... ---------- --------- Correct--------------------------------------------- G- H- correction_-..---------- __________ __________I ; Levels obtained ------------------- ----------- CarrccL M. G-H___ _-._________________ __________ Measurement rated excellent (2%), good (5%) fair {8%a =,poor (over 8%), based on following conditions-. Cross section Flaw Goa _c�il ri�_•�12I? ?Rn_i_ 9m4.-- Weather _ - n.j- - -------------------- - Other ° F. @ __i_16-35--- Gage_ K------------------------------------ ------ Water-32 r_______________________ Record removed-_/Q.!.--------- Intake Bushed � •��^^ ky L------------ observer__l_Qf_>•F.�----r'`'•h��......_...-----•---------------- - - Control __C.f.fiR.r---------- - ----------- . .----.---- ---------------------- _... r.._.. Remarks __--Gn�tt-..._y]�i.y�,rt]---a�4StS 8�__..-F0,r..t'.r,,�..-----Q-S---- i.i ---------------• t>rA_Y_i.-j-----51..__aQ4----- Wa-V_3°A------------------------- ..... ....__. G. H. of zero flow --- --------- ------ ----------------- ft. Sheet No. of. -Li.- Sheets. L 3110 t _ _ - Z49 sacs. - 5 r•,=n. Figure 69,—discharge measurement notes with mean gage height adjusted for time of travel of flood wave. is not submerged. A weir is not submerged when there is free circulation of air on all sides of the nappe. The general equation for flow over a sharp - edged triangular weir with a 94° notch is Q= ChS12, (8) where Q is the discharge, h is the static head, and C is the coefficient of discharge. Each weir should be rated by determining the flow volumetrically. In the absence of such a rating a value of C of 2.47 may be used. To place the plate in a sand or silt channel, the only tools required are a carpenter's level and a shovel. The level is used to make the top of the plate horizontal and the plate plumb. Another way to level the plate is by fastening a staff gage or level bubble to each end of the weir. The staff gages are set at the same DISCHARGE MEASUREML•'I`T5 AT GAGING STATIONS 59 Figure 70—Expanded plot of gage -height graph during measurement 264 at Big Creek near Dogwood, Va., March 26, 1962. elevation. The plate is leveled by making the staff -gage readings identical or by using the level bubbles. The flow should be allowed to stabilize before making <a measurement. The gage height should be read five or six times during a 3-minute interval and it inean value should be used. Ordinarily a lone man can measure with a weir of this type. Portable Parsha[[ Flumes, Description and Tkeory A portable Parsh:ill measuring flume is useful for measuring discharge when the depths are shallow and the velocities are low. The flume has a converging section, a throat., and a diverging section. The floor of the converging, or upstream section is level bath longitudinally and transversely when in place. The floor of the threat section slopes downward and the floor of the diverging or downstream section slopes upward. 'I he flume may be operated as a free -flow, single -head measuring device, or operated under submerged -How conditions where two heads are measured. The head in the converging section and the head near the downstream end of the throat section are read on staff gages or in stilling wells, Both gages have their datum at the elevation of the floor of the converging section. Tree flow occurs when the ratio of the lower gage reading to the upper gage is less than 0.6. The discharge under this condition defends only on the length of crest [width of throat �1 A" 90' h d nn m Corners may be trimmed if desired )�T Weir 7 h S 1 A T Weight(lb) Large Medium Small 1.75 1.00 0.75 4.0 1.0 15 ga. 24 1.25 .80 .45 3.0 _7 14 ga. 17 .75 .47 .28 2.0 _53 10 ga. 8 Figure 71 .---Portable Weir plate sizes. 0 DISCIiARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 61 section) and depth of water at the upper gage. Submerged flow occurs when the ratio of the Iower gage reading to the upper gage reading ex(eeds 0.6. When this occurs, a reduction adjustment to the free -flow rating of the flume is needed. A flume that is properly constructed has an accuracy of 2-3 percent under free -flow con- ditions, but is less accurate during submerged flow. A modified Parshall flume was designed by C. A. Taylor and H. C. Troxell in 1931 (fig. 72) and is virtually the same as the Parshall flume Figure 72-Modified 3-inch Parshall Hume made of sheet iron. except that it does not have a diverging section and is used only under free -flow conditions. The plans are shown in figure 73 and the rating is given in table 8. The modified Parshall flume is recommended for general use because of its simplicity, light weight, :and ease of installation. However, the regular Parshall flume is also satisfactory. The flume is installed by placing it in a hole dug in the channel and by filling in around it to prevent any water from bypassing it. A carpenter's level is used to set the floor of the converging section level. Some flumes are equipped with levels attached to the braces on the Hume. After the flume is in place, the streiamflow is allowed to stabilize before reading the gages. Gage readings indicate flow condi- tions. The discharge is determined by means of the flume rating. Volumetric Measurements The most accurate method of measuring small discharges is by observing the time required to fill it container of known capacity, or the time required to partly fill a calibrated container to a known volume. The basic equipment needed is a calibrated container and a stopwatch. Calibration is done by weighing the con- tainer with varying amounts of water in it, Table 8.--Ratin9 table for 3-inch modified Parshall flume as designed by C. A. Taylor and H. C. Troxell 0 93 1) (,age height (it) llisCliarge {efs} Gage height (It) Discharge W-9) t3age heght ((o Discharge {eIs} 0.01 0.0008 0.21 0.097 0.41 0.280 .02 .0024 . 22 104 42 .290 03 .0045 .23 .III 43 .301 04 .0070 .24 .119 44 .312 05 .010 .25 127 45 . 323 .06 .013 . 26 I35 .46 .334 . 07 .017 .27 M4 47 .345 .08 .021 . 28 .153 .48 .357 .09 . 025 .29 162 .49 368 10 .030 .30 170 50 380 11 .035 .31 179 51 .392 12 . 040 .32 188 52 .404 13 .045 .33 .198 53 .417 14 051 . 34 .208 . 54 .430 15 057 .35 218 55 .443 16 .063 .26 228 .56 .456 17 .069 .37 238 .57 .470 18 .076 .38 .248 .58 .483 19 .083 .39 259 .59 .497 .20 .090 .40 269 62 TECHNIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES Y-WESTIGATIONS Material: I/a-in. aluminum Welded construction Note: This stilling well can accommodate a 3-in. float and be used with a recorder if continuous measurement is desired for a period. Figure 73; Working drawing of modified 3-inch Paishall flume. noting the depth of water in the container, and then using the following formula: V_W2—WIC (p) w in which V=volume of water in container, in cubic feet, t Wz—weight of container with water, in pounds., WI = weight of container empty, in pounds, w=unit weight of water, 62.4 lb per cu ft {pounds per cubic foot}. Another way to calibrate a container is to add known volumes of water by increments and note the depth of water in the container. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS DR] Volumetric ineasnrerr eats are made under two types of conditions. 1. When the flow is concentrated or can be concentrated so that all of it may be diverted into a container. 2. When the depth of water flowing over broad -crested weirs and dams is small and volumetric -increment samples can be obtained. Measurements are made under the first condition at V-notch weirs, at artificial controls where all the flow is in a notch or catenary, and at places where an earth dam can be built and all the water can be diverted through a pipe of small diameter. Sometimes it is necessary to plane a trough against the artificial control to carry the water from the control to the calibrated container. If a small dam is built, the stage behind the dann is allowed to stabilize before the measurement is begun. The measure- ment is made three or four tines to be certain no errors have been made and to be sure the results are consistent. Volumetric measurements are made under the second condition by catching a. segment of the streamflow with a container having a known width of opening, Samples are taken at a m.mber of locations across the dam or weir similar to procedures used for current - meter measurements. The flow rate of each sample is increased by the ratio of the sub- section width to the saml,led width to obtain a discharge rate for each subsection. The total discharge of the stream is the summation of the discharge rates of each subsection. Floats Floats have very limited use in stream gaging, but there are two occasions when they prove useful. A float can be used where the velocity is too logs- to obtain reliable measurements with the current meter. They are also used where flood measurements are needed and the meas- tiring structure has been destroyed or it is impossible to use a meter. Both surface floats and rod floats are used. Surface floats may be almost anything that floats, such as wooden disks, bottles partly filled, or oranges. Rod floats are wooden rods weighted on one end so they will float upright in the stream. Rod floats must not touch the streambed. Floating debris or ice cakes may serve as natural floats. Two cross sections are selected along a reach of straight channel for a float measurement. The cross sections should be far enough apart so that the time the float takes to pass from one cross section to the other can be measured accurately. A traveltime of at least 20 seconds is recommended, but a shorter time can be used on small streams with high velocities, where it is impossible to select an adequate length of straight channel. The procedure for a float measurement is to distribute a number of floats uniformly over the stream width, nesting the position of each. They should be allowed to reach a constant velocity before timing by stopwatch the interval each takes to travel between two cross sections. The distance of each float from the bank as it passes each cross section should also be noted. The velocity of the float is equal to the distance between the cross sections divided by the time of travel. Care must be taken when measuring low velocities, that the floats are not being affected by wind. The mean velocity of flow in the vertical is equal to the float velocity multiplied by a coefficient which is based on the shape of the vertical -velocity profile and relative depth of immersion of the float. A coefficient of about 0.85 is commonly used to convert surface velocity to mean velocity. The coefficient for rod floats varies from 0.85 to 1.00 depending on the shape of the cross section and the velocity distribution. The discharge in each partial section is com- puted by multiplying the average area of the partial section by the mean velocity in the vertical for that partial section. The total dis- charge is equal to the sum of the discharges for all the partial sections. Float measurements can be made with an accuracy within 10 percent under good condi- tions and when a certain amount of care is exercised. If a poor reach is selected and not enough float runs are made, the results can be as much as 25 percent in error. 64 TECTINIQUES OF WATER -RESOURCES INVESTIGATIONS Indirect Discharge Measurements During floods, it is frequently impossible or impractical to measure the peak discharges when they occur, because of conditions beyond control. Roads may be impassable; structures from which current -meter measurements might have been made may be nonexistent, not suita- bly located, or destroyed; knowledge of the flood rise may not be available sufficiently in advance to permit reaching the site near the time of the peak; the peak may be so sharp that a satisfactory current -meter measurement could not be made even with an engineer present at the time; the flow of debris or ice may be such as to prevent use of a current meter; or limitations of personnel might make it impossi- ble to obtain direct measurements of high -stage discharge at numerous locations during a short flood period. Consequently, many peak dis- charges must be determined after the passage of the flood by indirect methods such as slope - area, contracted -opening, flow -over -dam, or flow -through -culvert, rather than by direct current -meter measurement. Detailed descriptions of the procedures. used in collecting field data and in computing the discharge are given in Benson and Dalrymple (1967), Dalrymple and $enson (1967), Bod- haine (1968), Ma.tthai (1967), and Hulsing (1967), which are book 3, chapters AI-A5, of this series. The use of electronic computers in these computations is explained by Anderson and Anderson I and by Somers and Selner.2 Dye -Dilution Method of Measuring Disckarge Measurement of discharge by this method depends on determination of the degree of dilu- tion of an added tracer solution by the flowing water. A solution of a stable or radioactive chemical is Mier Led Into €•he stream at either a constant rate or all at once. The solution be- 9 Anderson, Y7. 13., and Anderson, W. I,., Computation of water -surface profiles in open channels: U.S. 'leol. Survby Techniques Water -Re- sources Inv., unpub, data. 2 Somers, W. P., and Seiner, 0. I., Computation of stage -discharge relationships at culverts and Computer techn}quo for slope -area meas- urements: U - & neol. SurveY T chniques Water -Resources Inv., unSsub. data. comes diluted by the discharge of the stream. Measurement of the rate of injection, the con- centration of the tracer in the injected solution, and the concentration of the tracer at a cross section downstream from the injection point permits the computation of stream discharge. The accuracy of the method critically depends upon complete mixing of the injected solution through the stream cross section before the sampling station is reached and upon no ad- sorption of the tracer on stream -bottom mate- rials. The method is recommended only for those sites where conventional methods cannot be employed owing to shallow depths, extremely high velocities, or excessive turbulence. A de- tailed description of the procedures and equip - meet used in measuring discharge by a dye - dilution :method is given by Cobb and Bailey.' References Benson, M. A., and Dalrymple, Tate, 1967, General field and office procedures for indirect measure- ments: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water - Resources Inv., book 3, chap. Al, 30 p. Bodhasne, G. L., 1968, Measurement of peak discharge at culverts by indirect methods: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A3, 60 p. Carter, R. W., and Anderson, 1. E., 1963, Accuracy of current -meter measurements: Am. Soc. Civil Engineers Jour., v. 89, no. HY 4, p. 105-115. Dalrymple, Tate, and Benson, M. A., 1967, Measure- ment of peak discharge by the slope -area method: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A2, 12 p. Hulsing, Barry, 1967, Measurement of peak discharge at dawns by indirect methods: U.S. Geoff. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., hook 3, chap. A5, 29 p. Matthai, H. F., 1967, 'Measurement of peak discharge at width contractions by indirect methods: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A4, 44p. Pierce, C. IL, 1941, Investigations of methods and equipment used in stream gaging, part 1, Per- formance of current meters in water of shallow depth: U.S. Geol. Survey Water -Supply Paper 868-A, 35 p. 1947, Structure for cablE'%i %V4: T.S. Geci1. Survey Circular 1i, 38 p., 25 pl. Rouse, Hunter, 1950, Engineering Hydraulics: New York, John Wiley and Snns, p. 222, 223. = Cobb, E. D., and Bailey, 3, F., Measurement of discharge by dye- d.lution methods: u.s. Cwoi. SurvAy Techniques Water-Ilesnurcez; Inv., uapub. data. DISCHARGE MEASUREMENTS AT GAGING STATIONS 65 Schubauer, G. B., and Mason, M. A., 1937, Per- formance characteristics of a water current, meter in water and air: Natl. Bur. Standards Research Paper, ItP 981, Smith, Winchell, 1961, Optical current meter in Short papers in the geologic and hydrologic sciences: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 424-B, Art. 424, p. D383-D384. Smoot, G. F., and Novak, C. E., 1968, Calibration and maintenance of vertical -axis type current meters: U.S. Geol. Survey Techniques Water -Resources Inv., book 8, chap, B2, 23 p. 1968, Measurement of discharge by the moving - boat method: U.S. GeoI. Survey Techniques of Water -Resources Inv., book 3, chap. A11, 22 p. Townsend, F. W., and Blust, F. A., 1960, A comparison of stream velocity meters: Am. Soc. Civil Engi- neers .lour., v. SS, no. HY 4, p. 11-19. Young, K. B., 1950, A comparative study of mean - section and mid -section methods for computation of discharge measurements: U.S. Geol. Survey open -file report, 52 p. U.S. GOVERN VENT PRINTING OMM! I969 0-328-25a EARTMENT OF THE INT MiSGS U.S. DUPS. GEOLOGICAL URVEYERIOR science for a changing world 78°52'30" 39720i 50, 47' 730 F 35°45' %k5"bL'3U" Produced by the Urljted States Geological Survey North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84). Projection and 1 000-meter grid: Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 17S 10 000-foot ticks: North Carolina Coordinate System of 1983 Imagery.......................................................NAIP, July 2008 Roads..............................................02006-2010 Tele Atlas Names...............................................................GNIS, 2008 Hydrography .................National Hydrography Dataset, 2008 Contours............................National Elevation Dataset, 2008 N. 8° 46' 156 MILS N 1° 1T 23 MILS UTM GRID AND 2010 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET U.S. National Grid 100,000-m Square ID r o0 PV I QV Grid Zone Designation 17S The National Map ==j USTopo 50' 47'30" PV QV bU' 4/'3U" PV QV SCALE 1:24 000 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2 1000 500 0 METERS 1000 2000 1 0.5 0 1 MILES 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 This map was produced to conform with version 0.5.10 of the draft USGS Standards for 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Maps. A metadata file associated with this product is draft version 0.5.11 O H CAROILINA 01IAnRANf,1 F 1 OCATInN Southwest Southeast Durham Durham Bayleaf Green Cary Raleigh Level West New Hill Apex Lake Wheeler CARY QUADRANGLE NORTH CAROLINA 7.5-MINUTE SERIES 78°45' 35°52'30" 72 70 000 =ET 71 70 69 68 50' 67 66 65 64 47'30" 63 62 61 60 59000"N 35°45' / 6-4b' ROAD CLASSIFICATION Interstate Route State Route US Route Local Road Ramp 4WD WInterstate Route 0 US Route �—� State Route CARY, NC 2010 ADJOINING 7.5' QUADRANGLES