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NORMS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Dr.Suite 102 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wihnington,NC 28412 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tuo stall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K.Bland,P.E. Robbie P.Hennelly,E.I. January 10, 2024 Mr. Adam Parr NCDEQ / Division of Land Resources r'PIVED Land Quality Section — 5th Floor RE. 1 -- 512 N. Salisbury Street JAN 16 1024 Raleigh, NC 27604 LA',.;u Re: Review Comment Response MINING PRO GPAM King Sand Mine (Pits 1 & 2) Brunswick County, NC NT Project No. 18011 Dear Mr. Parr, We are responding in red to the December 13, 2023, review comments as follows: 1. Please provide proof you have submitted your NOI for your NPDES permit. See attached cover letter. 2. Please clarify if any wells exist within 500' of the excavation or if all the adjoining properties are on municipal water. If there are any wells please clearly identify and label on the mine map the neighboring wells within 500' of the mine excavation. All wells within 500' of the proposed excavation area have been identified on the plans. 3. There is a potential intermittent stream located on the perimeter of the property. The NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) is concerned about the proximity of the mine excavation and the fill for the new access road. Please provide a Jurisdictional Determination JD from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as well as a stream determination from DWR. The client's environmental consultant has requested a stream determination with DWR. The environmental consultant has requested a formal wetlands JD in lieu of the provided USACE wetlands concurrence statement. 4. The mine permit boundary is only labeled on sheet C2. Please clearly identify and label on the mine map the mine permit boundary on all sheets that show the permitted area. The mine permit boundary has been updated on all sheets. 5. The hatching on the sediment pond is identical to the hatching of the undisturbed buffer. Please differentiate the hatching in these two areas. The dewatering basin hatching has been revised as requested. NCBELS License C-3641 Mr. Adam Parr January 10, 2024 N&T Project# 18011 Page 2 6. The affected area table in mine permit application has a note that the table is attached separately. There is no attached table. Please provide an affected area table for the entire site. A singular affected area table has been provided on Sheet C1 for your use. 7. The permitted area on the affected area table on the mine map only accounts for the affected area. Please clarify the affected area table on the mine map. The permitted area should include any proposed undisturbed areas. The updated table accounts for buffers and upland areas as well. See updated table on revised Plan Sheet C1. 8. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the owner of record adjoining the mine permit boundary. The property directly across SR 1323 (Ludlum Rd.) was not labeled. The owner has been identified for the property across the street from the entrance as requested. 9. Please clarify your response to question C.3.b of the mine permit application where you stated there would be no discharge to waters of the state. The sediment basins drawn on the map show outlets to the wetlands. The permit page has been revised and is provided for your use. 10. Please provide a pumping operations and maintenance plan (O&M) for the dewatering activities. The pumping O&M plan has been provided for your use. 11. Please clearly label on the mine map the name of the mine permit applicant. The applicant info has been identified on the mine map. 12. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map structures located within 300' of the mine excavation. All structures within 300' of the proposed excavation area have been identified on the plans. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL C LTING ENGINEERS, P.C. ?sephK. Bland, P.E. 0-23 s-mining-Itr CC' Brandon Hardee NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C.�--� 2602 Iron Gate Dr.Suite 102 1429 Ash-Little River Road Wilmington,NC 28412 Ash,NC 28420 (910)343-9653 (910)287-5900 (910)343-9604 Fax (910)287-5902 Fax John S.Tunstall,P.E. J.Phillip Norris,P.E. T.Jason Clark,P.E. Joseph K.Bland,P.E. Robbie P.Hennelly,E.I. January 12, 2024 NCDEQ —Stormwater Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Re: NCG02 Notice of Intent Submittal King Sand Mine Brunswick County, NC NT Project No. 18011 Dear Reviewer, In connection with the subject project, please find enclosed the following: • Check Made Payable to NCDEQ in the amount of$120.00 (Norris Check#2886) • Original Notice of Intent • NCSOS Annual Report • Dewatering Calcs • Pumping Operation & Monitoring Plan • USGS Site Location • USACE Concurrence Email Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, NORRIS &TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. Joseph K. Bland, P.E. J KB/ttw 1801101-12-24 ncg021tr cc: Brandon Hardee NCBELS License C-3641 NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220 C.PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s).Attach additional sheets as needed. Once all permits have been obtained,the operator will clear and grub the proposed excavation area. Excavation will begin and occur on an as needed basis. 2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation(include specific plans for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s),waste piles,access/mine roads,and process areas),and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures.Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s)and provide typical cross-sections/construction details of each measure.Engineering designs and calculations are required to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. Extensive natural buffers will remain. The excavation area will be graded to drain internally to the pit area. No movement of sediment is expected offsite or to any adjacent wetlands. Temporary silt fence to be installed in areas adjacent to wetlands. Temporary diversion ditches and temporary sediment basin to be installed until excavation limits potential for offsite runoff. 3. A)Will the operation involve washing the material mined,recycling process water,or other wastewater handling? FIYES FX NO If yes,briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. B)Will the operation involve discharging fresh or wastewater from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters of the State? YES FNO FX If yes,briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points(along with their method of stabilization)on the mine map(s). Mine dewatering to NCDOT dewatering basins. Basins discharge at non erosive velocity to adjacent wetlands to facilitate ground water discharge. Basins are shown on mine maps. Revised September 21,2021 Page 16 i 3c 11 Subject: Fwd: USACE wetland concurrence statement (with revised wetland delineation map) for the Ludlum Road Project in Brunswick County, NC (SAW-2023-01615) ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Beecher, Gary H CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Gary.H.Beecher@ usace.army.mil> Date: Wed, Aug 9, 2023 at 2:20 PM Subject: USACE wetland concurrence statement (with revised wetland delineation map) for the Ludlum Road Project in Brunswick County, NC (SAW-2023-01615) To: Paul Farley<paul.farley@davey.com> Cc: kingfarming@atmc.net<kingfarming@atmc.neb Mr. Farley, I just realized that the wetland delineation map that I had recently sent out with my Wetland Concurrence Statement had an incorrect key on it. The wetland and upland acreage were reversed in the key. I've attached a updated and revised Wetland Delineation map for this project. Respectfully, Gary US Army Corps; of Engineers - Mlimington Districl 2of5 - `tl a Gary Beecher USACE Wilmington Field Office Regulatory Project Manager Office (910) 251-4694 Cell (910) 473-7045 gary.h.beecher@ usace.armymil From: Beecher, Gary H CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2023 1 :19 PM To: Paul Farley<paul.farley@davey.com> Cc: kingfarming@atmc.net Subject: USACE wetland concurrence statement for the Ludlum Road Project in Brunswick County, NC (SAW-2023-01615) Dear Mr. Farley, Reference is made to ORM ID SAW-2023-01615, please reference this number on any correspondence regarding this action located on Ludlum Loop Road in Ash, Brunswick County, NC. (Parcel ID: 16300016) The Corps received information from you requesting the Wilmington District, Regulatory Division review and concur with the boundaries of an aquatic resource delineation. We have reviewed the information provided by you concerning the aquatic resources, and by copy of this e-mail, are confirming that the aquatic resources 3of5 delineation has been verified by the Corps to be sufficiently accurate and reliable for permitting actions and the determination of compensatory mitigation requirements. The boundaries of these aquatic resources are shown on the delineation map labeled Ludlum Loop Road Tract Section 404/401 Delineation Preliminary Sketch. Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) 16-01 https://usace.contentdm.o llc.org/utils/getfile/Collection/p16021coll9/iid/1256 provides guidance for Jurisdictional Determinations (JD) and states `The Corps generally does not issue a JD of any type where no JD has been requested". At this time we are only verifying the delineation. This delineation may be relied upon for use in the permit evaluation process, including determining compensatory mitigation. This delineation verification is not an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) and is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an AJD, which is an appealable action. If you wish to receive a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD), or an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) please respond accordingly, otherwise nothing further is required and we will not provide any additional documentation. Please contact me if you have any questions about this project or about the USACE Regulatory Program. Respectfully, Gary US Army Corps, of Engineers vVilmington District 4of5 <image003.png> Gary Beecher USACE Wilmington Field Office Regulatory Project Manager Office (910) 251-4694 Cell (910) 473-7045 gary.h.beecher@ usace.army.mil Paul Farley I Senior Environmental Scientist Davey Resource Group, Inc. 3805 Wrightsville Avenue, Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 P: 910.452.0001 ext. 19011 M: 910.471.0507 1 F: 910.452.0060 L� 5of5 SITE nrawy�-- '=—_ 1114030 �30S t t ri t O'W us 17 US 17 me 179 MCNO — ©OpenStreetMap(and)contributors,CC- Y-SA L:\wetlands\2018\d atapackage\mapset.edr `Boundaries are approxiria' an se not meant to be absolute. SCALE 1" = 1 tulle Map Source:ArcGl3 World Street Map Ludlum Loop Road Tract LMG lAtiD M.VYAGEMFNt GROW uc Brunswick County, NC E-il 1 Figure 1 wwwimgroui).net Vicinity Map 2018 3805 Wrightsville Avenue March LMG#0120187 Wilmington,NC 28403 Phone:910.452.0001 Fax:910.452.0060 F rti a J 'r r` e F x P-41 'k4+C$�T1. .. x tad SIfY 3►':�'<+ �~ i. �} • — ,:.,yA.. f'`'. ♦1.. A �4 i•9.9'e� 41 'U (l"�'.9f'•tl Sw,4 ..Legend t4n s�x�` ve QPro ect Area — 31.1 acres Potential - Potential wetlands— 2.2 acres F�_i AV Potential uplands — 28.9 acres L:\Templates\Map Templates\map_set_ft_8.5X11 Portrait N Boundaries are approximate and not meant to be absolute. 0 250 500 1,000 Map Source:2020 NC OneMap ft Ludlam Loop Road Tract `� Brunswiick County, NC DA` Section 404/401 Resource Group Delineation Map Date: 6H23 3805 Wrightsville Avenue DRGNCW01-18-087 Wilmington, NC28403 Preliminary Sketch (910)452-0001