HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240103_ADI_Received HEDRICK INDUSTRIES RECEIVED December 27, 2023 JAN 0 3 2024 Adam Parr NCDEQ—Land Quality Section LAND QUALITY 1612 Mail Service Center MINING PROGRAM Raleigh,NC 27699 Permit: Norman Sand Mine 62-36 Dear Adam: In response to your letter dated November 1, 2023, I have included an updated site map and pages 6 and 7 on the mine permit application. 1. If during the mining excavation for sand,we need to mine below the water table that water will be pumped to other areas that have previously been mined. We will not discharge any water from the site. Stormwater discharge will be the only potential discharge from Norman Sand. The material mined across Yarbough Road will be carried back to our current processing plant. We have no plans to process material on the parcel that is part of the modification request. 2. I have moved the berm outside the 50' undisturbed buffer. The berm will be seeded according to the seeding plan in the mine permit modification. 3. The buffer will be undisturbed. No berm or other structure will be constructed within the 50' undisturbed area. 4. There are no structures within 300' of the proposed mine excavation. If you have any questions, please call at 828-686-3844 or cell 828-712-9009 Sincerely, eason Conner VP Land Management Grove Stone and Sand PO Box 425 Swannanoa,NC 28778 Office:828.686.3844 Cell:828.712.9009 iconner(@hedrockind.com www.hedrickind.com NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220 C.PROTECTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence to the mine map(s).Attach additional sheets as needed. A. Logging as needed B. Installation of sediment and erosion control structures C. Clearing an grubbing of mine area, fill areas, roads, stockpile areas, and plant area D. Overburden removal in pit area and placement in fill areas. Grading of roads and plant area E. Plant Construction 2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to prevent offsite sedimentation(include specific plans for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s),waste piles,access/mine roads,and process areas),and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for maintenance of the measures.Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s)and provide typical cross-sections/construction details of each measure.Engineering designs and calculations are required to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures. Sediment basins, check dams, diversion ditches, and silt fencing will be installed prior to any land disturbance. 3. A)Will the operation involve washing the material mined,recycling process water,or other wastewater handling? I^IYES, FINO If yes,briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used. The mined sand material will be hauled to the permitted plant site and washed. Water will be pumped to the processing plant and will be utilized in the washing of the sand material. The process water will then be released to a series of settling ponds in a closed loop recycle system and then re-used at the plant. B)Will the operation involve discharging fresh or wastewater from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters of the State? YES FX if yes,briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points(along with their method of stabilization)on the mine map(s). Wastewater will not be discharged from the site. Only storm water will be discharged. It will be treated through the approved erosion control devices as outlined on the mine map. All wastewater that is generated from the washing or pumping will be sent to the settling ponds and re-used at the existing plant. Revised September 21, 2021 Page 16 NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220 C)Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s)extend below the water table? IYES FINO If yes,do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)? FTES FX NO Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: If yes,what impact,if any,will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells?Locate all existing wells on the mine maps)that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation area.Provide data to support any conclusions or statement made,including any monitoring well data,well construction data,and current water withdrawal rates.Indicate whether the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells. If during the mining process sand is found below the water table the water will be pumped to adjacent areas within the mining footprint. As we mine any dewatering that is required will be pumped to other areas that have been previously mined. There will be no discharge from the dewatering off site or to waters of the State. D)If you answered yes to any of the above questions,provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the appropriate water quality permit(s)(i.e.,non-discharge,NPDES,Stormwater,etc.)from the Stormwater Program.In addition,the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources,Ground Water Management Branch,if the operation withdraws more than 10,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit from the Division of Water Resources,Ground Water Management Branch,if the operation lies in a capacity use area and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day. NPDES Permit#NCG020430 4. A)Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions? FIYES FX]NO If yes,indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality or local governing body. B)How will dust from stockpiles,haul roads,etc.,be controlled? A water truck will be used to control dust from the stockpile are and haul roads. Revised September 21, 2021 P a g e 17