HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230720_USFWS P�MeNT of ryF FISH&WILDLIFE United States Department of the Interior q RVICE o FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ''gRCH s,,a°� Asheville Field Office 160 Zillicoa Street Suite B Asheville,North Carolina 28801 July 20,2023 Mr. Adam Parr Assistant State Mining Engineer Division of Energy,Mineral, and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699 Subject: Scoping for Wallace Road Sand Mine in Kannapolis,Rowan County,North Carolina. Dear Mr. Parr: On July 10, 2023,we received(via email)your information requesting our comments on the subject project. We have reviewed the information that you presented for this request and the following comments are provided in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended(16 U.S.C. 1531 - 1543) (Act). Proiect Description According to the information provided,Keller Mining, Inc. is applying for a mining permit from the NC Division of Energy,Mineral, and Land Resources(DEMLR) associated with mining 24.9 acres at the Wallace Road Sand Mine at 5830 Wright Road in Kannapolis,Rowan County,North Carolina. Federally Listed Species Under section 7 of the Act, federal agencies must consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service)when any action the agency carries out, funds, or authorizes(federal nexus)may affect either a species listed as threatened or endangered under the Act,or any critical habitat designated for it. It is the federal action agency's responsibility to make this determination. At this time, it is unclear if the proposed project will have a federal nexus and be subject to section 7 consultation. Below is a list of species known from Rowan County that may occur in the proposed project action area and should be considered in a biological assessment and/or biological evaluation prepared for this project. Species Status' Schweinitz's sunflower Helianthus schweinitzii T Tricolored bat Perimyotis subflavus PE 1T=threatened and PE=proposed endangered. We encourage use of the Service's Information for Planning and Consultation system(IPAC, h1t2s://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov0 which identifies proposed and listed species, and proposed and designated critical habitat,that may occur within the proposed project action area. Only those species identified on the official species list generated by IPAC need analysis during project review. Additional consultation guidance can be found at https://www.fws.gov/office/asheville-ecolo ig cal- services/asheville-field-office-online-review-process-overview. If there is no federal nexus for the proposed activities, then section 7 consultation is not required. However, section 9 of the Act(Prohibited Acts) (a)(1)(B) still applies and explicitly states that it is unlawful for any person—including private and public entities—to"take"individuals of an endangered species and,by regulation, a threatened species(16 U.S.C. §1533(d)). The Service appreciates the opportunity to provide these comments. Please contact Ms. Rebekah Reid of our staff at rebekah_reid@fws.gov, if you have any questions. In any future correspondence concerning this project,please reference Log Number 4-2-23-704. Sincerely, --original signed-- Janet Mizzi Field Supervisor 2