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HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Page 1 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 1) Parcel ID: 01000011 ELLIOTT THOMAS ETALS 21) Parcel ID: 0060001513 HOOPER HILL LAND COMPANY INC 33) Parcel ID: 0100001302 WILLIS HERBERT L AND ELLIOTT ESTHER 52) Parcel ID: 0100002108 ELLIOTT ESTER H ETVIR ELLIOTT THOMAS 53) Parcel ID: 0100002109 ELLIOTT THOMAS ET ELLIOTT ESTHER Mailing Address: 287 CHELSEA BLVD,PLAINDIELD,NJ 07062 36) Parcel ID: 0100002126 BLUFFS INVESTMENT LLC 37)Parcel ID: 0100002127 145 BROOKLINE DR, PINEHURST,NC 28374-7129 38) Parcel ID: 0100002128 2) Parcel ID: 01000010 LONGLEAF PINE HOLDINGS LLC APPLICANT PO BOX 126,ASH,NC 28420-0126 4) Parcel ID: 01 OHAO26 WALTER JOHN G ETUX WALTER CHERYL H 9036 MARTINGALE CT,LELAND,NC 28451-9704 6) Parcel ID: OIOHAO22 BAUTISTA HERNANDEZ LUIS 622 GOVERNORS RD,WILMINGTON,NC 28411-9077 8) Parcel ID: 01 OBB026 MCCULLOCH RANDALL ET MCCULLOCH MERRY 3965 SOURWOOD CT,LELAND,NC 28451-9724 RECEIVED OCT 191010 LAND MINING PROG�M i r ru . © a LZI 1 ru p: o rq 17 lTSll�l r1ll sm Pr al lfs 41.1�� fQ'lw1 L ll.) a mFPOEIg. I `P I rd f '� OaHlll a Foe fl It 917 'Iro 0-0-MI-led en Fee I:., 4n^ s n :�" $ n ervk:ea9F0a9 pM1xkMv,adtlleve '�Wep Is) 1 cae 6a9(cM1wkeog otldl<ee apro Qely) I PecdPIQ�aAwp» S ?I1 1111 N Pecap,greN<PpA 5 �p 110newm flwNpl(v!-b 10 $ da} rp PBBVnom pgaedpl laiwlrvrh) s &0, fL- Paelmetk ,p �GNpad AblflwtAdnl DeMery $ Hare pMYIPaMctadp0apy b—�}�- Here ;gip ❑MW191pnatamflegWnd IF pr :flpulnd b 'y 1 QMPIISIpnewmg0adcledpHaenb 1pn.Yvv Retreadpepven b -.p Ppalage •C3 a+l 4fl,4fl .5E7 411,9f1 '.,N To a '['N7/;?II?�,' N Tale Pablege an Feat nth'/7 1?'l $ ELLIOTT REERTL /' s gg;R0UNTY0F RUNSWI�K' a $e901)ELLIOTT ESTH R Sens To s) r Jgg�g YeHiYI7:-_....................._...... ..... ;p ssaar�anbiv.:-dFp6j�/x��$O/X-24&----------.._...---------------- - - cl�'IwS1# �ELD,N'J--47flbz-- •--------------- blly,.✓31e1e:YIP+d........B.0LI VVuL-NG..2842-Z.........-�-._...... •ram t. a �'�� p. P p p p .� ,(� ,� n� p p 0 I� W V �tN.�' E !m FI iI�J)lV ��il V?i i% L U 8 RE CeNllea Men Fee 'I64 r?5 rlx�fl j� CerlNed Mall Fae kL-7c �J Oy�fl T J cr S Uk ery des ees{ywPkaoX eddmev �l n '.� r ervcea eoe(eneckeoX eddrea _ n N onnnnlpt padmM s N vtum necdpt tTWwPV) b p ❑Pelumn"PI(aummMo) b ��roll Postmark p ❑Cetlaled Mall PmldWed pdNary 5 'aT Here p �gelum Pwelpl(eladmnly) Ear r;{f1- Pa9M0rk tp Here .p Qpxlup 810newrPP.puhad b�tGR-. ip QAdup 6lgwWra gegWed 5-m�- �PilupSPnelunPUWcladpegvay$ " 1• OgdWi 810ne1vre Pn4bledpelNeryb "'�""'`' ,cl Poslaga Pottage icla 2fl IO ,cl _ ILr) .311 1711 �± N To la Pcela 4�/?7 h11 �� B Lippt!"17(7(I?i FA JOHN G E ?'1 Ta Pae rkYe NC 28374-7129 s s Sent To r�i Sept To p slreeiendgopaoZ.,lb"r� az""p��. .p sLee}ard�: o.,or or-flu. NG__z84.5k91o4--------•_ ---- - ---- '` ----- -------- ------------------....... dily.slaie;Y . dtry,seii:zlF4da.__............... - - as t. •. j .II >. t m ® k m RECEIPT :3- u t a t nlu Pfl Pan cePne ManFea m '110 1 P F/p?.A!i11/� p p p S FE Q, ,� CeHllatl Mvl FeO ,F¢•ti5 l\_ L /`ll !4a l4�/, rl„i� I�'r ra ery wa 8FBB5(vM1eckeDX eddhe vaepprvpale) �-. $. turn Pxdpl[nWwa» b re ery Bd sea(rd-ba;etltl/me Arte(eJ p oRn-gsdptnw..Nv) S Poslmelk N ewrn Pewlpinre a., $ .1111 p E1Ca QFbd MNflearddONxaN S Here O ❑nalwn Pavdpt(alaclmNP) b 4fl flll Paslmerk C3 DMAISMwW.Pe14vd b p ❑CrvlMled AlWlfleaMcletlpeMdV b .I.f'._ �AtlWI&Bwwm flueklM pekraryE p ❑AtlNI bIAndNa gpvkad E ---r,•-.,,T Hera Ln Pwage QAtlWl9pnalum PeemgatlpelweNb- ' �- 1-3 Postage ,N Tole F MERRY g N eta Pastegi and Fou sam B I 1°ELAND�NC-.28451.9724----„--------------------------- o senrn 522 G0VERNORSRD p 3iiuelEndApfWd.,br B7oxNu. t9H;3`ietc:z7P+4a----------------------------------------- -- ----- - -— t` eM a NC 28411-9077 b1N Ste)e:YIP+de.------------.-----------------.........—..._..------------------- I i li 4 i .. �.. .-.: . • • • eER:COMPLETEo CO • s I Complete items 1,2,and 3. A Slyn +re ■ Cpm�plete items 1,2,and S. - 7 :-•�Agerrt K C �jl ❑Agent a•�nYt`tyour name and address on the revers�acS•'$r` ndw� _,/ 1 Print your name and address on the reverse X .c.�- d ❑Addressee � ((�' Addressee so that we can return the card to you. so that we can return the card to YOU. - eceived try(Primed Name) C.Date of Delivery B. a &ed b d tedName) C.Date of Delivery la Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, "^'� A,-4" 3 or on the front if space permits. or on the front if space permits. ?� r�� �: D. Is derivery address different from Rem 19 0 Yes . Article Addressed'tb:—' D.Is dPLvery address dfiereMfrom item 1T Yes L LAND COMPANY INC, If YES,enter delivery address below. El No ;OUNTY OF BRUNSWICK If YES,enter defrvery address below [I No ELLIOTTSz=%ONUS/WILeS HERBERT L ;OUNTY MANAGER—STEVE STONE AND ELLI# T ESTHER DO BOX 249 287 CHEIL A BLVD. aOLIVIA, NC 28422 PLAINF1EE17,N7 07062 I 11 lesso 3. Service Type ❑Prionty Mall egress® fll'll�ll'II III�III�II Illlllf'Ilfll if ll�'f'If & Service Type ❑Regis Mau EaP II"I'I'l l'II I�If IIII II III�II I'IIIIII II�tI'If ❑Ademfi Sig;rnine ctl Mnu® ❑De�INery Mat°^ Il6t ❑AtleRed MRO ❑Ra9ktemd Mall^, Adult Sig^etme Restrictetl De1Nery ❑Registered Mal ResMcletl ❑Adult Signeerre Restricted Delivery ❑g:�V Mal Restrlcted ❑ Nfled MaCW DDeerl�ntur 9590 9402 8052 2349 8654 22 ❑ eweetl Mat Restricted°el"a°' o awanne e°nm"eu°nTM 9590 9402 8052 2349 8654 46 ogect MailNiny Uetl DaiNery O SignaNre Cor,rmiation ❑Ceuect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirrmtlpn ❑Couact on OeMery ❑Signature Confumedan Deaect en Delivery Restricted Denvery Rssficted Delivery , ArticleNOmber(r2na(erfmrrl ServlDefabP.l) ❑Collect on Delivery PesLicred Ortrvery Restr,ekO Delivery 2. Article Number(rrensferfmm service fabe) ._.yyi n mme.a Mae 7017 1450 0001 9683 8422 Ill Res ced Deli cry 7017 1450 D001 9683 8415 0) l Reatr teeoeuvey Domestic Return Receipt ! 8 7 J I 2020 PSN 7530-02-D00-9053 Domestic Retum Receipt p5 Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-D2-000-9053 $F-aVD:3.,j- p,X - ,.,-,•- .- • COMPLETE THIS sF��iioiv ON DELIVERY ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A Si afore ,1,2,and 3. - A - 'Y r ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Bent r, rn ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addr and address on thereverse X $ eceived by N C.D of D ivt U - ❑Addressee Y Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, /l•� 0 Otum the card to you. (r 1 to the back of the maifpiece, B. Rece y(PArrted Name) C.Date of Delivery ! or on the front if space permits. 's 1 9:ArticleAddrasse _--.___._. -_ _ D.Is delivery ad ifferentfrom item 17 Yes f space permits. ' -T7-= s-A=Med to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes j WALTER J.OHN G ETUX If YES,enter delivery address below. ❑No -' --""'—' If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No I WALTER CHERYL H y BLUFFS INVESTMENT LLC '9036 MARTINGALECT '145 BROOKL'1NE DR LELAND,NC 28451-9704 PINEHURST,NC 28374-7129 �IIIIIIII IIII IIII�IIIII IIII IIII�III�IfI�I III 3. Service Type ❑Priority Neu Express® 3. Service Type ❑Priority Merl Express® ❑AdaksWoehae ❑Registemtl MailR ❑Atlult5l ❑Regilawd M Mt �Restricted DeINerY ❑Peglstered Mall Restrit �1 �1�19111I1111lillIIIIIIIII!Iitll111lllll111 Ad..... . ®Rasn Delivery ❑Dpeg MauRese"ned 9590 9402 8052 2349 8654 08 ❑=wMelrRestrictedDewy ❑sgnakueemmmafter 'Getl Delivery ❑Slel ConfumakonTM ❑Coueet on Dd" ❑Signature Cordirmaft 9590 9402 8316 3094 0502 43 ❑collect or;Der"ery ❑slgnatue Catfirmauon 2. Article Number?ransferfmm sarld.U ❑Collec a Nivery Restr c ed Deli cry Res do ed De cry ...u.,..l,•.!TTi:ir.C3r¢etn3e@!@f�Elj�r_ _� ❑Collect an Delivery Resmcted Delivery Raa;°tm Dewey ma 7017 1450 0001 9683 8446 Merl Restricted Der„ary 7017 1450 0001 9683 v59°sII°d Mell nl Restricted DeMery, ps Ponn 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02000-g053 DI Domestic Rehm Receif PS Fonn 3811,Jury 2020 PSN 7530-02-D00--903 .--- - ----�------- --^-------------- - -- Domestic Return Receipt •�----' - - - _ i • COMPLETE e a • IN- A Si amre I ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A Signature , ,. (`1 at Complete items 1,2,and 3. -, ❑Agent ! ■ Print your name and address on the reverse �f�} {I`C„JIh- E3 Agent at Print your name and address on the reverse ti Addressee! so that we can return the card to YOU. so that we can return the card to you. B.Received (Pnrrted N ) C.Date of Deliv� . eceived by noted Nama) C. ate of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallpiec@, � ar1�g ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece I _oLonSbe¢pD}jF_sQace_perm_i1s._._�_. . e 'r W�I d or on the front if space Permits. t Adlcla Addresse0 ta: D.Is defrve address different from item 17 ❑Yes 1. Article Addressed to: I •-:.:,:-� D tsderweryaddrandlfferent from' 4 El Yes 3 14CCULLOCH RANDALL/ MERRY If YES.enter delivery adds ❑No �!' If YES,enter delivery adtltess below.. ❑No BAUTISTA HERNANDI`Z LUIS 3965 SOURWOOD CT 622 GOVERNORS RD - LELAND,NC 28451-9724 c WTLMINGTON.NC 28411-9077 (AlIr - 1 3. Service Type ❑pdodty e.4.4 3. Service Type ❑Pnwdy Mall rapres9A IIIIIIIII IlIIIiIIIIIIIIIIII�IlIIIIIIIIIIII III 13❑Aduvl[ retu Dal ❑Pry'v5leredMY IIIiIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIiII IIIIII IIIiIIIII IiII III ❑ uRsgnaElaa clad Delivery ❑ red MallRavtrided: mall Restricted Delrwe*Can 9590 9402 8052 2349 6653 92 °cemred Mail Retldated orrery ❑Slenatte e° 9590 9402 8052 2349 8653 85 °cllenanoefvery AS_ i lemma °GIIeC an Delivery ❑5gnatae Wnrmatkn ❑Ctaect an Dervery Restricted D rJivay ?rants r+T^'^^_'--•_ on Deiivay Restricted Defrvmy Restcted DeriNay 2. Article Number fna sforfvom service Qua" Mail 2 Artide Numher 7py7 ]453 0307 9683 8453 _ �R��Delivery 7017 1451J OC)f11 9683 8460 Ratced Delivery Domestic Return Race PS Forth 381�,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-0069055 Domestic Return Receipt PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-oD0.9053_ __�_ ___ HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Page 2 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 10) Parcel ID: O I OAA003 BEACHY NICKEL LYNN 9176 SPIVEY CT NE,LELAND,NC 28451-6085 12) Parcel ID: 01 OAA00101 TAR PIT LANDING HOA 5201 MONROE RD,CHARLOTTE,NC 28205-7827 14) Parcel ID: 0060000101 COSTIN GERALENE ROBBINS 16) Parcel ID: 0060000102 932 VILLAGE RD NE LELAND,NC 2845I-8460 15) Parcel ID:00600006 PRIDGEN JAN MILLER 5006 HEWLETTS RUN UNIT 2 WILMINGTON,NC 28409-2423 20) Parcel ID: 0060001512 EVERETT IRENE 3989 RED OAK RD NE,LELAND,NC 28451-4047 24) Parcel ID: 0060001216 DANIELS EVORIA NO STREET ADDRESS APT 205,LELAND,NC 28451-9142 25) Parcel ID: 0060001215 YOUNG KELVIN D 9539 HOOPER ROAD,LELAND,NC 28451 t i {3 1 i i i 11, �. Ps}nAm jp!'J 1 - D ( .,..�i-AIV '.E so +'e a Icy a /. spa m I as�� �:r,fl��TC [I.I� R- L J S.E m r, . 5 A L. U9 ts, �soCoMletl Mall Fee ' 't0 Cedillatl MaP Feu 'f a,,S ' ❑' $ '�1+ZS fl4�il �, S, 04017 pr SaN esflFeeshkmrkbd;addlw w le) ervooaSF¢ashlwakmv.adtllweIlw nl .19 aYm RWWPI Mello PW $ '�il 1111 INn PxdplmWcopyl $ h '1 O �gelum nttapl(plttwPla) $ of r Posimonr O nelwn nttelpl(Neawnlq $ II I Ii Poslmadi Ip COeNgodfANlgasalWedaeWery S�tu�il_ He'. O cennd tmm�y.".DelNey 5 Here ,0 ❑fWun ❑Abell BbnetutpgpWrttl $ I"I' ! O 6bn aMo negNmd S QAdW181gnelNa PpseklOtl DNNMry$�,�, C'soon8lgesluh gasWWetlgaWary$ 1,Ln Postage gl1,9n wi postage h1114f1 1 }q T.I. P¢6laegell •eea n7 ro7(;?n�3 rri r $ REVf Y�1tENE 0539 HOOP R' OAD rq san"T 989 RED OAK RD NE rq 5LIBLAND,NC 28451 o ...... ........_----------- C3 ....... ..........-....._------.....__..._.---- Ir sIrPPJ'L"�.'E:�`ftY�" �84S1=�FOrk7- sJraaterdaPr.rro.:or�sgo;<rdo:-....... -------------------------------------=------ - ----.-...... b76-67"ale,YIA«d°"""""_.__.__-- 2ir:da_._.___. as I . � F• a m ma 0 0e 0 m I.4l 1.v LL•,e l4J m Wi .:inn 'IiY°It. 0+`4114 ° L U 11"i E .tea Cedlllad Mail Fee fie i` n4?n m CeNged Mal Fee �, $. I,n $ P3,Z5 17a?fl eN S&Fee9([Aeckawa etltlhaa ale) 'nl regary es&Fees(MeckmN,adtl tumgecalPl$eNwp» 3 ge[elpl PwtlwP» S 'k0 II•t �gmumnecaPl(daP. ) $ PIP PDsbrawk O �gelumflttelpl(elmlmnc) $_.Q.A7 P¢stmaFk '0 ❑O.6MedfA.PPMdpletl DeWery 5- � Here (]CeMted MNlgmWne�ONNery, $ Ham 0 �Asuits nelu¢fleauletl $ a.�yy.--�yyy-- 0 ❑AQdl Sbnatam gagWlud 6 .ihliq 0Adut ftutumgeemkletl DelNpry6 %�'•1��'— pAdWtelBnetun flssLlded OdNery$ + 0 Postage ¢n_Rn Postage 4n,gn rq Tote .siege and eas ,� We Postage an peas dBaQn 4 f se9 2 LAGERDNE._........................_.__—._...----....... rr9 santrP5006IIEWLETTSPON UNIT 2 :0 'l ,. LEL.AR'v�;•49Gd�L ` 8460 Ifs' c1N's7elo;zlF4da-'-- I Q7H-sra7e,3r5«da----------—---------------------.......................... ---- • , CD e 1 . N ' •.Y' qt ke i. ol..mod: :M C¢ened4'° 1FIF Ch PA, L aj �J E m Ch�jO�aLy�'llZ l'6 � [1� l�J ;_a $ �4.ZS r ny1n Castled Mall Fee la ery asfl aea(Neckbmt edtlfeep+ W n1 0-' $ T iv Mf� C3 PttelplQleAwpg 5 '`III mServcesflQaadosap.ttkaW,etltlfse !J nl 0 Qgelum Pewipl 1plwwNO $ 6fl„�(]_ P0.11mlk r-J mflewlPl ltuNooPy S 0 QDedlgetl OR.,1nalad Wery $ +'• Here 0 ❑nplum Pe"nak(elaclNn(a l) $ gotg T Poslmadt 0 DAEul3bnet.RKWOdDe S— 0 ❑winw?"IrtasalMeouNary $ Here re ne pndult false eidilea Da ,4 O ❑AdQft.Meonowl 3 Lri 0 Poaiage ❑AtlW161gnaNm gesslolatlgeWary3 4nd9fl Ln Postage 41l Rn .ri Thim P¢vtage a V07/?1123 S $ r3 Total Poahqmentl Fame f17 M7/?II?i �q s nr q Q $ I'AR PIT M NFDING HOA SGeel�r Rpep.1d SFPUg'". uh Ku �.NF...------....._- rq sonNeuI M .. }E3tA�'N 98451-6095 ...... _ .M1 5r;0e�TdAt] T��$�yld(v �18205=7829-----------------•------------ ------------------------------------------------_. Cly;"sid7a�7lV«da............._......__._.. ..._. t q al • a • SENDER: THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS I A IIISign lure Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Ignabae a Complete items 1,2,and S. Agerrt Cl Agent ® Printyour name and address on the reverse X .♦31'Addrewee Y Print your name and address on the reverse X (�❑Addre: so that we can return the card to you. so that we can return the card to you, g Receiv by(Pri Name) C.Date of Dell ® Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, .Recei by iPnn e) C.D Delivery a Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, T. or on the front If space permits. fin, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to D. Is delvery addressdi3erentfmm item 17 OYiis 1. Article Addressed.t¢. - -- --- D. Is defveryaddress ddfererd from Men 17 Ures BEACHY NICKEL LYNX If YES,enter delivery address below: 43 No If YES,enter delivery address below. ❑No TAR PIT LANDING HOA 9176 SPIVEY CT NE 5201 MONROE RD LELAND,NC 28451-6085 CHARLOTTE,NC 28205-7827 3. Service Type 0 Paority Man Express® 'I 3. Service Type ❑Piodry Mail Dip= OA ts!g etl Delivery Cl❑Rgistered Mm�l Festricted II�IIIIII III I'IIII'II ILII IIIIIIII111111111 DAdu Ads, astr Delivery ❑p tered Mail`u IIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIII�IIII{III IIIIIIIII fietlMal® Da verymy Delivery ❑aignanaoConfimutianTM estricted DegveN ❑signature confrrea 9590 9402 8052 2349 8653 78 D owkct oo�� ❑signaeae Conrmmation 9590 9402 8052 2349 8653 61 C Wlect oa Delivery o syna ure ComBma ❑CWect on Dolivery Restricted Delivery Rinhided Delivery nr_ -n Oeavcry Restricted Deliver Restricted DeMery ewo-�n Number(7rdnsfer from service labe9 D Na,red Mull Y. Aerial.Number frrdnsrer fmm rro r^"'" 7D17 1450 0001 9683 8477 AEI Res+dcred Delivery 7017 145D 00D1 9683 8484 sir Resfi Getl Den ery asool Domestic Return Receipt ', pS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 753002-000-9053 Domestic Return Ret PS Forn 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 ___y_. --------- ■ Complete Rerrls i,2,and S. A.si nature : 1.■;Bbmpl'ete items 1,2,and 3. cc THIS SECTION ON, 0�e"t ■girt your name and address an the reverse -k ® Print your name and address on the reverse � DELIVERY❑Addressee so that we can return the card fo you. 1 Addr so that we can return the card to you. g R ive�tl by(Print. erne) C. D Delivery : eceived by(P Name) C.Date of Dr A Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, �.Ar �\\ ■ Attach this card to the back it the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. � ,f xy.\P (_E15-�'�N gel or on the front if space pertn'rfs. -- D. Is delivery address ddferentfrom item 17 ❑Yes 1. Article Addic;.sid tot" -" D.Is delivery address ddferemfmm item 17 Yes i. AAde Addressed to: if YES,enter delivery address below. O No if YES,enter delivery addrass below: ❑No 'OSTIN GFRAT ENE ROBBINS PRMGEN JAN MILLER 132 vU LAGE RD NE - : 5006 FIEWLETTS RUN UNIT 2 LELAND,NC 28451-8460 WILMINGTON,NC 28409-2423 3. Service Type a Priority Mall Express® 13 3. Service Type ❑R'M Mail Fspn IIIIIIIIIlI11�1111II11fillIIII111IIIIlI1111 ca �Ma� es cedDen¢ry o MallestrGed IIIIIIIII Jill IIII III IIIIIII11111111IIIIIilllli ❑w adM� Ided a 0AMeryry ❑S9oaureCodn Gad Delivery 0 Dvgnahve eonamirrlwnCanfim 9590 9402 8052 2349 8653 47 p Dolle on DeMery D slerwtare Continuation 9590 9402 8052 2349 8653 54 D CogeG on Delivery ❑Re Ante DOE-, ❑Cogect on DeMery Restriced DeMery Restricted Deevery 2, Article Number rrrdnsterlrwn serviee labe0 ❑cuAiict onUl Delivery Restricted Delivery RsstdGetl Oenvei 2. Article Number(rransferyrom service Iabe9 — tal 7D17 1450 0001 9683 8491- „ ;aiil Restricted DellveN 7017 1450 0001 9683 8507 rail Restricted Delivery Domestic Return Receipt 4. PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7630-02-000-9053 Domestic Return R PS Form 3811,July 2020 FSN 7530-02-000-9053 ---- ' ilk iLyTp.ur FROM: Norris &Tunstall Consult, gineer• 1429 Ash Little River Road,Ash, NC 28420 NT#21205 toG N n N YOUNG%ELVIND 7017 1450 0001 9683 8538 _ TO: 9539 HOOPERROAD LELAND,NC 28451 N €N A j 9 NIXIE 276 CC i t.2e'�g8J21%23 NO r� OR 9..ECUi'TEKE ! UNABLE TO .93 H H 8 �.T�8 �88bmg �3 NMR BC: _. 2842®1715Z9 ''268®16®25S i21-c3 .! 28426>177.5 1i SSS111 '��M I1�"' "ISiI'11011!"1!I1j11'I':1!!'1ji'!}I'I"�' ! HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Page 3 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 27) Parcel ID: 0060001229 MOORE BEVERLY HALL 28) Parcel ID: 0060001228 HALL BEVERLY PO BOX 1394,LELAND,NC 28451 31) Parcel ID:01000013 HOOPER BRYAN ETALS 9480 HOOPER RD NE,LELAND,NC 28451-9020 34)Parcel ID: 0100001305 WILLIS LOUISE H 1690 CEDAR HILL RD NE,LELAND,NC 28451 39)Parcel ID: 0100002902 N C DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 5501 BARBADOS BLVD,CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429 41)Parcel ID: 01000023 HAMILTON BRIAN K/HAMILTON SHELBY C PO BOX 12321,WILMINGTON,NC 28405 46)Parcel ID: 01 OJA036 WADDELL DAVID JR AND BROWN KATINA L 9082 HOOPER RD NE,LELAND,NC 28451 c I E s h�' s Ofl n.N t�Jif ©fJ ' ru " l!I 'ZI m v a) a � Cedi led all Fee 4 ]r:, Cedllled Mall Fee} j0^ g e•rr Iry Tp $ �. s i aeaau es8 a°egn.cxme i}- E r a ervce r am:etl$e_fea ifl1f1jr1 _Is rk aturaftoelplChadwWrl am Recelpl$Odwpyl , 144I iWine R"ItDied-1n $—(1 P k O eeeplekdmnic $ - Y ) \ Pe llf p ❑CM.URenmedaevry $_ }4—,Aj — Hato ❑COVIed Mtllfluldbd DOWN maHere $_ Fl 6�arw R.Wwei0 [1d8idn ereRrgelred n� 173 Ondunsprramm nalddea oaMena OamamNneaaeflomcleeoewens Ml Poslog^ POelags 1 4t),,wt Ii a TOlal Poa 7 �n�5 TOtel Padlaga en Ftta (17 1.) f w,13 s IRg .SEVERLY L/ A��' - $ HOOFER I#'kYAN ETALS i,ri s°^IT° s°dlro�480HOOPERRDNE -- — — --- tN $heelen ., d 1:3 s�ar :A' '�-�8451=902D-------------------------------- aN:'sieaLF �NDe-NC._28.451 -- ............ — —........... 'seta:zrP;do._....................... —..................................... .I Ln e. p rn _7n t f 0 L'n 1 L1 m _ ling? y g? g p a . Il �r4 „ lUJ B�i� C� m 1�.' . ,.• II^.n IJ '.tin ti' �;� ll,Y l47 (� Cn m .e ' ce •� Cedllle Mall Fee C`✓} i 1,0 Came Mall Fee P4,'j9 ..0 '�n 39 rl '71l n4ln $ 4,. lu s Or ra el ces& eeA(fAeckOw.aedroom//pp n9 re cea& eea(4rxkew,erltl been,-pm 1 'PII.111 Irq elumRO,O tsmdc0pA $_ ri n?r n Nm Ravalpl$a -M, $ drl firl Pa. as C3 ❑Rehm Reeelpl(Neeaaac) $ �^ ^,. lO ❑Rehm Reaelpt(eleownh) $ �;re'— Postmark �CedRad Mdl PeaNded aeWery $— 's O Ocaanednwlgomdedoemen $ 'ilieirr Hale O Oneansgnena.Rpdr.a $ TTa�p*r Here •p 0gdulmanatmeR"kni $ {}-�(}- OAdell Sgniftemimvledo°Nery$_ (]Adull6ldnduu ReslMlM DOWN$ M Farm, 0 pealege 4f1,4n In 4.I1,q17 ' $Ota oatage en F rl TOIMP�a1 � s WILLIS L PL H senTION 1`l s°4'990 CEDAR HILLRDNE — -5r5D�BABADOS BLVD iC3 Si fi�UMSI_....--_ Siren e ----------••----- d)H31a1S:YfA3de.-------------------------—---------------—._------------------ Rig I= m p, 11 $ v InLn �. m. WI 'Ov"+/91af ��'lrJ'�} l6e u s E m cemj1MdM11111 11 ll-��I1y'R0�"'tutr 0 G� 6�, 1u7 ' l r0 CeNRed Mall Fea "� '�,y, ?S flQ�fl 'FE,%S nNO Er s _n $ �a a ces&Fa¢$(aOeakimi dlne qp le) n9 ❑' °sarvces&Fees(.h kEdcaddfl- to a.) 11 ,.,� lum Reaalpt Ze., py) $ •k• 'f me,R.epl C3 QRaarm R.11alehclmfde) $T^r ''� �Pelum ReMryt(dmimnbl $ df�� PaeMeHt (] OGe^NMMWRmNdafa." $— 'a— PHer. r.3 QCeNdOd MNReelddedaellvory $ •fir(— HBfe O Clmws,sO mRepMd $—�i�ji1♦,1— •� 0Atlall5lgnaum Reetrid $_d.�•e-,M— O (]MNIBbnelum ReaMaled aYNary$ QAMasINneWe RealdelodoePverv$ ' • 1•t � PBallage :a Paslege. snlvn ur tl7,vn r{�SL rwpryn� n oe � IANK/HA LP�N7/� ' 17, s I{ATINAILI f) Ii sent T9082 HOOPER RD NE s i �eB o � _.-----------.._........... -------•--- v L9&� (a7e;YlPrde��� wx•---------------------------------..---•--•--• ry W�JL NC.' — -- — -- -- ._... -- A Signature , n51,2,end 3. COMPUTE THIS SEC71ON ON DELIVERY A Signature rn Id 3. 2� J L 2023 Fo[ aL ❑Agent U Idress on the reverse X i _ , ne and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee ❑ ie card to you. odd`asee n return the card to you. tXf back of the mallplece, eceived by(Ptinte emeJ G.Date a Delivery '` U vd to the back of the irta'lpiece, B.Re�rved by Name) C.Date of Delivery mits. 7 LL ❑ if space Permits. per ArtiGe Addressed fo: D. tlelrvery address d from Hem 7 es � ad to:- �- .. _ D.is deWery addmss dMerentfmm Item 1? 0 Yes tt YES,emer delivery address below. ❑No 7ERLY HALL/HALL If YE S,emerdeWeryaddressbelow: ❑No (13PER BRYAN ETALS 3EVERLliv Y 180 HOOPEIE 1D NE DO BOX 1394 ELAND,NC Y8451-9020 ;,ELAND,NC 28451 beo Q�L� _ Service Type ❑prift Man Eapr=6 1�1 II 3. Service Type El mbmtetl Dewey ❑R 64red Mail- IXetl II I IIIIII IIII III I III I II IIIIII III I I(IIII I II I III ❑��,<d Mz 0 Res7lclee Oewary ❑Deu '� Restrl3ed III IIIIII IIII I.II IIII II IIIIII III I I II IIIIIIIII ❑AdW1519natura ❑Po,a Ma0"' ❑Si9naeae COMlnnadmT' 9590 9402 8052 2349 8656 44 eetl Mall Restr(ded Dalhrery ❑S1gnaWreConnrmaliw^' ❑CetlGed Ma nctridad Dewey ❑SlgnahrtaConemmtlm, 9590 9402 8052 2349 8656 51 ❑c rji;ed Ma Rstr ❑menp°'°c°"nrtnaean ❑odlectan Defivxry --" Article Number(T2rsferfrom servlrc bran nraw..,Dewery Restricted Dewery Reuticted Delivery 2 ^-.^"---` Overy ResMcted Dawery Restrict every 7117 1450 0001 9683 8545 „R��,��. 7017 1450 0001 9683 BST Re edoewey s�pm Domesbc.Retyrrt.Receipt — Domestic Return Receipt . PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN7530-02-000-9053 >Form 3811,July 2020 PSM753D-o2-00D-so53 _ _ ::r 4COMPLETE THIS SEC77ON ON DELIVERY - rn �'��" "� ••. W A Sig 1,2,and 3. A S19 t t:m.-..' -13. _ 0Agent and address on the reverse )( Y: ress on the reverse addressee U wtum the card to you. ❑Addressee m _71{�.1`��\\\_,, 0 ;card to you._ B rvetlbyJ�nnfed Name) Cl Date of erivery ! ❑ Jo the back ofthe mailpiece, B. R eHed by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery - __ _ - }ck of the mailplece, �)� J-( .`.,.,.eP„armits. in l.Jr g 23 �'-- -pace Permits. D.Isderiveryaddrersdilferentfrom Heml7 OY --'•"^iCl'�vIENT OF D.Is ES,en erdress dy addr from item 17 ❑Yes l.y�.f{c1§$[�dg�xQ}A V 1U JK AIV IJ tSKV W N (f YES,enter delivery addnss below. ❑No If YES,ewer delivery address below. ❑No KATINA L ' ,NSPORTATION 9082 HOOPER RD NE BARBADbS BLVD LELAND,NC 28451:: STLE WAYNE,NC 28429 ••••••• 3. Service Type ❑Rlodty Ma➢Emmss® I ❑adwt siy„atua ❑Raghumci ltrir- Q Mira IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ❑�nn�°°°`° °o �° Iilllllllllll�llllillllllllllllllllllllllllll Ce dMa® D�ery clad DetNary ❑Raeetemd Mali Reamaed cad Dem y ❑ i,, d Mee Restrlcted 590 9402 8052 2349 8655 63 ed Mall ResMelad Dmvary ❑siD,vNre ccnMr ,i-1 9590 9402 8052 2349 8655 69 estdned Dewey °Sl9rawm eeMimatbr^� ❑rAueat a,Dellwry ❑sigmWrt eonMredon ❑COIIeIX on oewerr ❑R D cte wMlmiatmr e Number(Tansler7rom service lobar ❑ an RWc�Delivery Re °ems 2. Article Number(Trans7erfrom service labep ❑cooeIXmDewey Resafc�d oenvey Res4iclM Davey 7017 1450 0001 9683 8576� mRetldp ea Dewery 7017 1450 0001 9683 8590 0ResMctedoavery 'Return Receipt 13811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000.9053 Domestic Return Receipt PS Fomt 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 �ome5l CoMpLETETHISSECTIONONDEUVERY �J - • • 3 A Signature 0) id S. A Signature 2� J 'L 2023 PIS A ,,6 ns 1,2,and 3. ❑Agem (.) ides on the reverse _ ne and address on the reverse )( ❑Addressee I� X I ^r— ❑Addressee f a) n return the card to you. B.ReceNetl try(Hi Name) C.Date of Darrvery ❑ ie card to you. ecehred by(Prune erne) C.Date of Oewery C.) ed to the back of the Ti —� back of the mailpiece, �j e ❑ R if space permits. ___ _ perrnits. T tL ed to:-- .. -. D.Is deWery atldress ddFerentfmm fern l7 ❑>% Adlcle Addressed ib: D, delivery address d from item 17 es if YES,emer delivery address below: ❑No 6f�it BRYAN ETALS YES,erne tlefrvery address blow. p No _✓ERLY HALL/HALL 180 HOOPED D NE ?0 BOX Y BOX 1394 ELAND,NC 18451-9020 :,ELAND,NC 28451 �eo e�q �n --- _ 3. Servce Type ❑PdwnYMall(�rra9 1�11�1tI ❑ of slwre ❑Rog metl ail^' IIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllll llllll 111111 ❑AdN fiea MeA®acted DeN'eN ❑RDeg'�sV Mau Restricted III(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'I,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ;[3 j aMHedDeweN ❑ .erect Mal Retrcted e1eY De ❑Cmttfied Mal PesMdetl OeweN ❑DgMWMCarKumado 9590 9402 8052 2349 8656 44 'fiedM_0 RaMdea DelWey ❑ �n14niaeon'" 9590 9402 8052 2349 8656 51 ❑ccn�trnoesweN ❑st9mWr"c°"nn"�i°" ❑Cofl c.C werY ❑sig,uNre Conumvdoa - •. ,Dewery Restdded DeweN Redrided OeGvay Article Number(lranderfmm service ufv+n mrN� ,Dewery Restdctod DeweN Re C,ted Der" 2 A J-7M^^""'r' 7017 1450 ❑EEL 9683 8552 aReatddedDowry 7017 1450 0001 9683 8545 � ,��. i Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-00-9053 Domestic Return Receipt PS Forth 3811,July 2020 PSN 753n-D2-000.9n5S Doesbc9etpndR Receipt CO&IpLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY • Ca--&N: ;,w..<•`..,...•':', !3. A Sig to pg t,2,and 3. A Sig t� (::(d,-.< _ M Agent and address on the reverseetlF ++. E� ress on the reverse ❑Addressee T}.. �__... :card to you.-._ (.) and the card to you. X ❑Addressee _ � Q _ B Ned b�@r�Med Name) C.Date of elivery �WrB. R e'ived by(Primed Narne) C.Date ofDel'rvary _ �_ - _ mom a mailpiece, rJ_ 1 n 'y � - FIAT 7Jf�V U to the hack of the mal7piece, "' D. Is derrvery address dMe<emimm Rem 17 ❑Y i•-- -�--space permits. q,l)g�r}g�ge�}ptvtuJxnrvu tsxvvvry --�.r ierh4ENT OF - - D. Ls delivery address differentfrom item l7 ❑Yes 1. If YES,enter delivery address below. ❑No If YES,errterdelivery address below. ❑No KATINA L NSPORTA770N 9082 HOOPER RD NE . BARBADk BLVD LELAND,NC 28451. STLE 4TAYNE,NC 28429 3. Service Type ❑Priodry Mal Fapess® II�1 'I ••••,•• S. Service Type ❑PdodN Mall Fmwrcsm I IIIIIIIII IIII IIIIII'II(IIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII III ❑Atictt SlgnaWe ❑Po irvred Mat^' III.(III IIII(IIIII(IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII III ❑AtlN[s'9^etree ❑Ronlstered Mau' Dewen' ❑Re9cteretl MaA R.sVlcletl Dawery ❑Registered Mall Restricted. Delivery CeUnM Delivery ifi� �eetriotsy DeweN CSfgmtrae Con(mmafbn^' i90 9402 8052 2349 8655 83 saws"Reatr dea DeweN ❑5 9�mre """ I 9590 9402 8052 2349 8655 69 ❑cooed on Dowry ❑s gmaae Da^r ma bn ❑cdied m Dowry ❑Sl de Connmiedon ❑Couect on Deweryneetdded every ReatrldW Dewcry a Number(Transfer8om service faben ❑Cdled en DeIIveN Restricted Oewery ResUlcted Deuwery i 2.Article Number rrar&erfrom service labep 7017 1450 0001 9683 8576 anRostidedDewery 1 7017 1450 0001 9683 8590 �Rd�O� i ➢om Return Receipt n 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Recelpt t PS Fonn 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02 000-9053 1 I A.S19n y' pL_�� PM@A9ent iplete items 1,2,and 3. X /r'Ff,-L' es ❑Atldrsee t your name and address on you.— Anted N e) D.Date d Delivery � hffi We can return the CO to y B. ReceNetl tyL(P _��� ch this card to theyack of the mailpiece, f fall, U -h the front if space Pertnhs. p,Is deWetY address diRererRfiom item 7T ❑Yes {g�1 AN K Hp MILTON If YES,en er dervrery address 6e aw No BY C PO BOX 12321 prMM NGTON,NC 28405 3. Service Type ❑Pdorey Mad E.PUM0 I I I, II II II�� ❑NJWt Signature a,MMd DellvM 13 Reyletered Mall ReWded �l�'lll��I'II�LIIII�uI�uII1�I lPI llll'I P'll DCadiaed Mvl® tied Der-M ❑Signau Confirn UDn^ ` ll II��11 C.an OeGvery cis 19na RestrictmconfimRtlan n rnuw.q 0 IveryResnicted Delivery ed Dellvc 9590 9402 8052 2349 8655 76 ❑COOe ry e prtlrlo N�imhv TnnefarR^^"^'r^r9y�3l,I Rdcta esid DdlVery 701? 1450 0001 \PS Form 3811.July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000'90.53 ^___ HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Page 4 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 48)Parcel ID: 0100002129 TODD LEMONDO DEIRICO ETUX TODD TALITHA CLEMMONS 9109 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 51)Parcel ID: 0100002115 HOOPER MELVIN/HOOPER DIANE M 9550 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9018 23)Parcel ID: 0060001502 HOLLIDAY CHARLES A SR AND HOLLIDAY MINNIE 30)Parcel ID: 0100004701 HOLLIDAY MINNIE AND NW CHANNEL INC.ETALS 50)Parcel ID: 0100002114 HOLLIDAY MINNIE L Mailing Address: 8975 FINCH DR NE LELAND,NC 28451-4043 17)Parcel ID: 00600007 CORBETT PACKAGE COMPANY 18)Parcel ID: 00600008 CORBETT TIMBER CO P O BOX 210 WILMINGTON,NC 28401 19)Parcel ID: 00600009 3)Parcel ID: 01 OHAO27 HANNEL JAMES A HEIRS 9028 MARTINDALE CT LELAND,NC 28451 5)Parcel ID: 01 OHAO23 BAKER ICENNETH ETUX CHRISTENSEN KERI 3973 GUM BRANCH CT LELAND,NC 28451-9703 i i ra- `�� '�� Ir U .JII I1 /,>"` '�:, �.J �:?7 LS" m LOTY IP.'!(IE'll il.:� U /,ri\ LI:. COMING Mao FOG 4rpr CeRllletl rr Metl Fea Ofkry(i 3O" ervlcaa eea(Nttkbw,adtlfw ed le) t ' Samoas Faee(Gnckbou,add/w II ) I) R.I.llewlpt P+mwpv) 6 � Me Wool6laNwpn 6 1 I,r9 ❑RJIunRwJpl(eleWmnla) d_JP;{lh.{I{L PaGm.,k O ❑rtmumPttalpl(aleGmN�) S__ ij�JfJ_ P°simark :1� ❑OoaNea MaV Re+Walgtl eekvry 6�tiLa� Hors O ❑CeNllea MJ111e9adoa 0aMery 6_ •y� y_ Hoia QAdW mgareur+Hego'd S�—�1'1y1y--"may^�— 1� �Pdull Slgnalvm Roquk+a 6 � (C3 []MWt Sllwlme R..W.hdDr%.13 ""1�5' L31GIWl9awlum ReaOlclea OJHery6 Postage d- (a Pastegg -U7 S .tvva ui�.a.\IPLl�v aav, aav ava�r+u.e.v 2 41-11411 1 Total Par Foea p7/?7!?jr?? r9 Total Po Oi h'n` a o r semro N 5 9018 '� sa"I )109 HOOFER RD NE 2 ND 1,M -- s 3ai� - o �p Sireelen ap, o.,or 6fid;CNo.`T � � A1 -28451 ----------------------------------------- ---- r - - .._..__. CiiY Sldie, ....................___. 011 Slsle, .. �I f"i? I i &,_, ® x t x RECEIPT Vs .hl ;t6Jhf1�;.'nFl;,; ( �lt�F tCi1L"a 0,: l'�) [ 'm I^°�"-'--4PI n L U S HE m Y °a CartlRed Mell Fee :�;d. ;rl 11�•�li I� Cartigetl Mae fao k¢ `� ,p rr f1.1 �Q- 2 rr m Servoba a0a(MvOkbux,addlwa aala ery ces&Fees(axxkbG,odd lboa Vm I{11e) Hll r1 Imn Recelpl0edeaw 3 i� Numflewlpl(T.rvdwp'A .IIit QRe4ttnRwegllGegl,mle) 6 fl P°elmark ;C3 Paa4Ratk O ❑Cmt6led MN PUWGW OWXery If ,kT Hare ,0 pCedRetl MJl RasmmeE Mlvery §ITTA Here p D,raGasl9rolweRpWed S AMID 1� LIPWASISnatm MgWled S QAduIl3lvnlvm flaamGal oelNery 5� � �pdull616nalma RemdWad Oekmy 5 � 0 Postage ¢(:I:4h ,� Postage ' io j a Total oa $f1,9f1 v.Lo a' x °l7 iryP!^fl73 2 oREETT R CO 2 HOLLID rt senTt r~9 Sant C. Sireelalvwpl�-4. 0 2g�Q1•d -••___-____.-_.--._-. M1 Siree�`dAh�r o ___------____--.-_-_-._.-.-___---_-.________ - � diy-sidle,YlP+Ie__________________ .---_.____-__- . aervice"' ` ee ® a 0 6n ® 0 RECEIPT Ln a. bs ailIly � Pr Sn Ln a Codified Mall Fee Il m �'" M S Lc w7fl •� CeWllletl Mal Fee ty( a` Er Ta�q 2 asa ea as(aheakbok,WaheN^ ' � •.n{ 1OP la) a 5G apl Fees xE6,ed6 ras r9 bun Reaelpl(nsNa 6 IGRcGPIPWwpp 0 poslievark A Hope O ❑Ream (mwmn10) S eal'i FIr 1 lriI —k) Postmark: OpqukSlenmeaRt"Wred ❑ dMolgwIdGedOelXery S��f1-' pnw(sgb(wlaem +a RW.d2fY�Y ; O pmwisl Here lTtl pnaWlssrolun Rammed moray S Ln Poa�ege 411,4P �Ln Foods, �• c ill Flo,/?h?� �, 2 $I1.411 r9 'a Tote.Po 177/?R!�fiaT CHRISTfi$1uf ICERI {�MBS A HE S r~-'1 '90103 GUM BRANCH CT r- 3enl To s"L �dA(N43i,°FdCg Bd�1=9703... - .......... 0 81eeFan P�h r�rGaxro28.45-1-....------------ ---------- - -- b cIN siete;YfP'ida____..-.__..............................._...--.._._...-.-___ gig Gidfe1191W11 I ^' i_. T jjjFO NC 280•is&Tunstall Consalting Engli 3 RM 3 L ' the River Road, Ash, NC 2841 q: 0 N /�y� r'NS�N O 00 N r TODD LEMONDO DEMICO 7017 1450 0001 9683 8606 �o TODD TALITHA CLEMMONo N 9109 HOOPER RD NE m LELAND,NC 28451 `e 0 1 D i7 NITRE Z75 CC 1 t3208/Z1/23 RETURN TO SENDER NC) MAIL RECEF'i ACLE U%,%5LE TO FQR\y ARD Iv9 V4C09R55B®®®$2 NMR BC; 28420171529 "(5348-019A5—ZII-6£3 2Bh'"'2ii81:it7`179070'' i Ill Ill II111P ill '111n11�frAul{I,fllttilli� v A,Slgnalur fps F..i ,s 1,2,and.3. ❑Agent 1€n rime and address on the reverse X ❑Addresses ' i- In an Yeturn the card to you. Re elved•hv(Pont d Nam) 0.Data of Dellvery and to the back of the moilpioco lv , ol`o'rTtfie tront If space permits, f 1, NWV� VQs ,vil-41 tik"'CICiu"n D.is dos,lIv ntordressdllfaddrouss below l7 O es I If YES,enter dellvnry addross below; ❑No f 9550 HOOPFR RD NE . LELAND,NC 28451-90183. 1 1 Red urvlce Type. ❑Pdodty Express® 13 ". I ❑Adult Signature a 'led Delvery ❑ g.tared MalhReetdeled IIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III Ooadl„led '®oshlalod Dellvery ❑signdure con0rtnallonaM 9590 6402 B316 3094 0503 04 ❑comotanoalivery ❑signature conermmlon Stllrin M„mba..2m¢arr^r•^^" Vx=^'-""Rellvory nasldclad Dallvary Roslilded Dellvery 7017 1450 0001 9683 6510_ neddatedoolvery —�T trn rs eo) 'I psForm 3811,July 2020PSN73ag 7 9�1° �U1E1 0 _11�'�111�itfnelelmlila911�9fP'I C O �. m Complete Items 1,2,end,, I: A. signature n ` v Prldt•your name and address on the reverse X 11 Agent - so that we can return the card to you. ❑of Doli e ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallploce, B. ecelved by(Printed Nomo) C. ale of De11ve or on the front If space permits, 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery addross different from Item 17 U Yes. ' HVLL;IVHY l."YIKKLCJ 7{ J{(/ If YES,enter delivery address below: '12 No HOLLIDAY MINNIE/NW CHANNEL i INC. 8975 FINCH DR NE LELAND NC 2 i451-4043- I 3, Serylce Typo ❑Priority Merl Explesa® IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIII III ❑Atlull30analure ❑Rector dMallra I ❑] ant alenelure fleshloled Delivory ❑Re�lllvvbtared Mall ReeVk ant ed Mall® Da e 9590 9402 8052 2349 8655 38 ❑cane i oMo it en sled Dal vary o signeroie connrrmatia �. Article NumbeLPmRahL(Lolg.€ervlce lebep ❑collect on Dellvery Resldded Delvery Restricted Delivery "d M 7017 1450 0001 9683 8620 I'-u oaellA ReelrtoIa0 Dell Va.ry I - Return Ranalt 1f ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3.• A. SI alure 6�Agent N Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. g, a by(P lie area C,D to of Delivery ! is Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, C ' Qc .��-5 !. or on the front if space permits. O 1, ADlots Addressed to: - D. Is it III ry address different from Item 17 []Yes i CORBETI-PACKAGE COMPANY If YES,enterdelivery address below: ❑)Qo CORBETTTIMBERCO _ i P0 BOX 210 \ WILMINGTON,NC 28401 1 fiarvloa Typo 0 Holly Mall Exprosso, III'IIIII IIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIII III 13 0Adull810aoeura clod Oollvary O p livery dMell'Reslrlaled 9690 9402 8052 2349 8655 21 ucenlllad Mon 10.11 etl Dollvery o signature confirmation" ❑collect an Doll very 2. Article Number(Transfer(lore service label) [I an Delivery Raslricled Delivery ReslrloNdoeiivary ❑Insured Mall Nan Restricted Delivery 7017 1450 0001 9683 7531 n `, Ps Penn 3811.July 2020 P814 7530_02-000_9059 __ Domestic Return Receipt A. til n tore ❑Agent 1 ■ Complete Items 1,2,and-. X ❑Addressee as on the reversal'I'I'll ` a print your name and c. Data of Delivery so that we can return the card to you. 6, eceived by(P n ad Name) i ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, . or on the afront rIt specs Permits- D.Is del very address dl @at an 1T ❑Yes till 5Atd19kI 1'�S A HEIRS If YE6,enter dollva �p0r's hot 'Ir. ❑ 1 9028 MARTINDALE CT f LELAND,NC 28451 — pr 0 N � ce 3, 60NlTypa ❑Pdml di n(P ssW D Oe e1 DRagle edM Mill II IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII r1111eM11 IrlcledDallve e very Mall Raarlo asldcletlDelive ociet conmato aco E3 Sgnelies De tsllon 55 C alive Restrcled Delivery 9590 9402 8052 2349 8 ll live ryReal rlets olivarynr .n.a., y....,..-.m_.o-..- -.,� Ian 7017 1450 [100149683 7548 a e ]an nastrided Delivery Domeallc Return Recelpt 1, PS Form 3811.July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 j A, signature ❑Agent m Complstdife �t'1,2,and 3. , Print your name!amfadd Xress on the reverse Addressee I so that we can return the card to you. 6, Received by nted Name) D. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this car81 ithe back of the mallplece, or on the front if space permits. ' D. Is delivery address different Imm'tam ? ❑Yes I 1. edicts Addressed to: II YE6,anter delivery address below: ❑No BAKER KENNETH ETUX 'CHRISTENSEN KERI 3973 GUM BRANCH CT LELAND,NC 28451-9703 r.n r r. , r .,nr• ,r�•sr• S. Service Type ❑Priority Man Express® 13 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIII ucedln0 Ad ItaladMlure Reelrlaled Dallvery ❑Regegvary dMelitated O Resldolod Denvery e ewoled Dallvery ❑elenature conirmation`" I 9590 9402 8052 2349 8655 07 ❑couaatonoauvery D rllenalure Ca Reslticlad Dallemelion frestricted D 2 Adtcle Numb®r?1450 of701 9683 7555q WmpiaeeM�oa oalNoy livery ew lvery t70>7 _---T—iaerssea I8 .9gmestlo Relum Racelpt I t tl PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7590.02.000-9053 r HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Page 5 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 7)Parcel ID: 01 OHB00101 HOODS CREEI{VILLAGE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION INC 5201 MONROE RD CHARLOTTE,NC 28205-7827 9)Parcel ID: 01 OHBO27 RANSOM DESHAUN ANTRELL 1060 TIDELINE DR LELAND,NC 28451-9494 11)Parcel ID: 010AA004 GRAINGER VICTORIA AND HEDWIN DONNIE R 9182 SPIVEY CT NE LELAND,NC 28451-6085 13)Parcel ID: 00900121 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY 205 PERRY LANE RD BRUNSWICK,GA 31525-9799 22)Parcel ID: 0060001514 HOOPER WORTH D JR ETALS 9430 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9020 26)Parcel ID: 0060001226 HALL JANEEN 6141 HA.NNA CT CHARLOTTE,NC 28212-2189 t i E t i i i i H., b.,ll ` '�'' IMF' :-• s ..� i� ' � ja vA - FU III ry Itz J ?pi pp pp pp �F-,T-111 3�yl1. AI�., ��� (a;J E, 'm ll,)� .2) m camlmd Man Fae ter: nS?h �X CeH[led Mall Fee r4.Zc fl4ofl � S �'!t fl fT' $' Ilry 3ery ces9Faea kMckbw,eddlro appm els) eNlcaslk eea(NeokbnCeddfee.,ppmy N .a Pe mRectlplPwmpN S 'krt 1 1� Blum Raalpl Pa°ropA S '111lllrl 0 E r�r"" Paslmant IO ❑Ramm Pectlq(NedmNc) E—"�.[1-.{�1•L. N.tnuuk Het. IO pwdnedldallfluldclW cellwry EHp- Hate QMWl6lgnelum Pa°uked E .nlr._ )M pAewsgn.wm RpWetl S�:Tr�lYi— OMdt Slgnvluwe Rwdalaf ceavery6 ❑MUIISIgulWaflesNaktice9.en6 Postage . . P.Mage' �10.911 d �• S + }'}!in/?YID-{ /I r9 Tote as p AFL-L-A BIiOe 'q Totalpaslpe�p InINEDR s OWNL?ZtMASSOCIATIO INC .(~ saRfra E i SonlTo 5201 MONROERD - ------------------------------------- sc.ataa7bF#tr��3 F4 FrN 2U5 C 28 =7i7----------------------- 8 NStreet anAAyl:Wd,;'oiPO------------- I` C/y slots,21Pad°" - , }v x�u- .i - -li°.. a s—•v ii . 1Ti - p SHE o ILri T' "°•tl" p a N�11 �7 p p � - U Pr P m f''Y' !I�"�` 'u �I�. lra\ LSm lvJ Z' li;; I m � `�FilF-�?ll4 C, i"� [ M 8) E �c OeHined Met l Paa [ Ian CeHIRed Mall Fee sL $ SaNlce.& ee9ph eackbos,.ddf,,d pm eW '�'1 '� SeN as oesphavkbde ( l Ott Nrn Rwtlpl Pe aPY) S 1.a Wrn Puelpl Pua.'A $_,k I�11111 I'] ❑RaNm Pecelpl(<IecLonb) S !_FYI Po0I01N ❑ROWm Rttalpl(d.Lanb) Ed„f OP-- Poslmalk p ❑wnMetl MelRaWeled ceWary E (}ijYt— Here ,� �CaHMM Mek PumNer cautery sj� Hare 1:3 E)measlgnaleafl'aw S '111_ •,,, .O E]PLwagnewm Rpulmd S QMultalgnelw Reeb1oWlDeWenE •'•• QMultslaaalam Re tadwwmy 0 Ln Postage ¢(I•_FYI 1� Footage V1CP.LYItJSY''L'Vll.l V1UH VL 'rq To � T YI7(�R/?f•1�? ..r�9 Total Pae r s ERRY�IfANE RD :r s r-1 s btkUNSWIGYe, ; ._•-- - - -- a LELAND NC 28451 samrP - •- --- StiedienJApLWb:;or pfftfox'Nd;-...."-"' '� Slid.}Enar .Wd,;UF16 m�.�Wd:."....."'"'•6085 "•"""••• ......................... clfx'6'feiµ'Y16+7°.... S%lys-81e7dtY(Nila.............. nm�mnrr.nrrnnn nnM m.e r.nr r ee a ° jCERTIFIED VAWO: ® l 0 e 4 a 1-n )r s 1 r e tlr :m M S E mlC [i A L U (j E CeHlned Man Fee 4 ,< • 3rr rl4?rl Cedilled Me Fea fl¢q- Q, c 114 0' S F II mSary es 9asrdurkdak edak.a �, , 1� PeMnPadpi PaMaaPN S ra B Co.Co6 ee9(eMckbw,addles 'appta•ra) ml Rel.m RactlP101-0.mNrd s III I10 Postmark alum ReNPIPw<aPp S l o1 O ❑cedMi°d MelIRagldewl cdbvry S 'h— _ Hare O ❑ReWmflacelpl(61eaLeera� 6—S&I cFl.RV— Pa91m&It I, O �M°Ie6ynelum Ppulnd E.�� �)}_ M HeYe �MYII91BvaWm PaWdvd O<Ikrory6 ` 0 ❑adult BlgnvWroRvvulrod E C3 Postage 9.11;4H O pPdu116gnvMe Ruldvlad ceWaryE n�— f _:. Posage ?Yt�� „L nvvrnKl yREUn im v an n t 0 I; $Total P al3°AL" 7�t1EEN a Total I U � Sent fi r=j sent To . .s ---- M1 sireeie�� t� ?dF 3$3i2=2189 0 M1 Siide'teddApl:Wd.;ai YBHox""Nn:............................_... I I. 81;SIxld; ...................... ,5;SlniN ..lPtd a.._..._........._.__... P N Ga,2 it it . .. .,... .K Rplail U.S. POSTAGE P, &Tunstall Co lting Engineen s River Road, }ash, NC'28420 �f `,, ...� �'jII� s'FNo 28420 IIIIII1�I' ' III JUL 28,2023 ANSOM DESHAUN ANTRELL ; .—Mao 060TIDELINEDR i 7017 1450 0001 9683 7579 �DC99 ' j 3o8Y1 2371-0 ELAND,NC 28451-9494 � -- *%� a�•- � 1 1 °'a '318rnya�34 yea37,y } `, iz.Zigen� 888 Fs�@`1I359 . 4L rEi i nrt r iw4e': -Jill lh,i„Illllfipi1hjlillll'I pill llj'iI III Iil ulli'1'liI;IIIj ' U.S. POSTAGE PAID FCM LETTER t&Tunstall Consulting Engij _ ; III IIIII IIIIII II III ASH, 2 .7 JUL 28, 2023 ' IS River Road,Ash, NC 2841 `.." -. 28451 $8.80 _... iRAINGERVICTORIAAND 7017 1450 0001 9683 7586 pCcjg- - =-_ 2306Y152371-04=� 1EDWINDONNIER 182 SPIVEY CTNE ,ELAND,NC 28451-6085 NIXIE 276 CE 1 Ev209/21123 j nFTURN TO SENDER ] UNCLAIkMD (z j UNABLE TO FORWARD @B[d8@885%@S�$S UNC SC: 284203.7:152S * 2648-@2138-29-@2 i 28420>1715 �lil''I`�111'I'11�,IIi11 ihiltIIIil,lllll�ly�„�,111,1ii111lt��i I I. i i V i I • I I - l\ • " • -' ol Cam plete-itdfi5Su1:2,and 3. ... : . A.Slgnatura 0 Agent . A Signature and address on the reverse___ ■ Complete name 1,2,and S. soPrint.t w `name:. X ❑Addressr ■ Print our name and address on the reverse Agent I so that we can refute the'card to yeu- Y ddressea B.Aecetved by(Printetl Name C.Date of Delivea so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back cif the mailpiece, yy s Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Race' d by dntetlName) c�lDate of Delivery or an the from if space permits. 1'ld'� t��D or on the from if space Permits- C✓Vr /-31 y2 J 1FYdtiErzShBdldSseErtoT+e-i'''n�+""a"•�'--- D. Is delivery atldress diR tentfrom ttem 17 1'as 1. Article Addressed to: . is delivery address crgerentfmm item 17 ❑Yes M30 HOOPER RD NE If YES,enter delivery adtlmss below: ❑No 1UUVJ I-KrM7VILLRV'E t3Vtv1O If YES,enter delivery address below: El No E LELAND,NC 25451-9020 JWNERS AWOCIATION INC i201 MONROE RD :HARLOTTE,NC 28205-7827 3, Service Type ❑Priority Mail BP-50 vrn•s•r\nv4 a�.<rs IIIIIII'll'lll®IIIII'lll�ll l'II�'I�I�I�I IIII ❑AtlW[59n•� cted oellay ❑P.91swed Mail Restrio 0 Adult-'^ 3. Service Type ❑F6.*Me06ryresse II�� ��'�IIII IIII IIIIIIII�Illlll 111l111 llllll 1111 ❑Ceyp a ae Dalrvery o RDee9rer istered A ai Restr c ed 9590 9402 8052 2349 8652 86 D � au ay �1v ❑ LRastricled DeMery Cl❑slenanva C MMia on 'ed Mal Rest lcted[hJivary ❑agrean conrmna m- ❑CeoeIXdl'DeovaY ❑R tflcae Danfimmtion 9590 9402 8052 2349 8654 91 ❑signs as Can ante on n c-e ne Nvy Re cted'PeWery Resmed odrvr ❑collect on Del'aery I 2. Article Number(rrdnsferfmm swv%ro r=+•=^ yl 2. Article Number?nr+srerfmm sarvtm Uh=II ❑Co6ecton OelNmy Restricted DaWery Restricted Degvery r,>^3g Resented Dellmy ag 7017 1450 0001 9683 760 7017 1450 D001 9683 7562 a a Restricted DeWery l PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 T Domestic ReturnRece� PS Form 3811,JOly 2o20 PSN 7530-02-o0D-9053 Domestic ReturnReceipt 1A. OK9—ent ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A Si ure 9 I ■ Complete name 1,2,and 3. ❑Agent o print your name and add�'ss`Sn:the reverse ❑Address,- m Prim your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee ' ,sothat-we canMumdha c�tZ'Vyi "' so that we can return the card to you. C.Date of Delivery `� '' B. eivad dntatl Name) C.Date of Deliver m Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, /R q'(Pn d a e) I Is Attach this card'td t4edYdd�o�e'ma"Ipiece, _f, or on the front ff space permits. i/ / or on the front if s"pace p§fmits.,. _ D. very address dHferentlrom ttem 17 Yes t. Amide Addressedlo:___ _ . ,-delivery address different item 17 ClYes ` L� I�Ir�a �f�?fS�-�;vavzrzss.z—^"—""_ If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No HALL JANEEN f vBs,emu del ve y add below ❑No M PERRY LANE RD 6141 HANNA CT I BRUNSWICK,GA•31525-9799 CHARLOTTE,NC 28212-2189 iMDLD <l1l1D Tt3 it TD L'T AT C 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail PPRSe® I 3.II I IIIIII IIII III I III'II I IIIII III I II I.I.III I II III ' IIIIlllil I'lllil I III I II IIIIII III I II III IIIII I8II 3 75 cted pe6vary ❑RegkhaR D MonafIR ServiceType ❑Pdaeoy Mat Ezpass® ❑Aduitslgnetun ❑Adult m� ❑Regis aetl MaTM etl De cry Dtl9Istered Maol mR ras Deery R Dy ❑codidMalle CI 51 .Con6mg titloorcv e TM dc oeur ❑agre Confln 9590 9402 8052 2349 8652 93 ❑ Restricted ey 9590 9402 8052 2349 8652 79 ❑Cogc o Dewry ❑slgnm confhrwWn Restrced Delivery edDlNe AaltedDeliry - 93 nDellveRestri Article UM MmResdaedDe rer 2. ArtdeNDmbu?a 7616 Aar 17 1450 500 70171450' 0001 RestictedDeliery r �_ we ssom ( ssgol - Domestic Retum Rece Domestic Retum Reonpt PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 _ PS FD,T 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-00D-90M `-- — 7 HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 &HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Page 6 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 29) Parcel ID: 0100004712 MYERS IVORY D SR ETUX MYERS JACQUELINE 4231 M HALL LN NE LELAND,NC 28451-7976 32)Parcel ID:0100001301 JACOBS RICHARD L 9411 HOOPER ROAD NE LELAND,NC 28451 35)Parcel ID: 0100004709 JONES DANA D ETALS 1003 N LIMESTONE LEXINGTON,KY 40505-3591 40)Parcel ID: 0100002901 BOX STREET PARTNERS NC LLC 252 7TH AVE APT 6Q NEW YORK,NY 10001-7334 42)Parcel ID: 01OJDO17 RUIZ ELIZABETH 43)Parcel ID: 0IOJD018 9038 FINCH DRIVE NE LELAND,NC 28451 44)Parcel ID: 010JD019 EATON GAYTHON/EATON PATRICIA C 413 F AVE,KURE BEACH,NC 28449 i i i I 1 } E t l- UPW wili Oil 0 rLla. e ru lr. r r Jf'MG 4 a (!B � t ar e (d� Lei n, '4, qq �� u) � ; m Le,.`d�d 1. �s m{ �', L �C� 8 m Ir Il' :.0 r �, �/ �: i� Codllled Mal Foo �r - Owasso Mel.Feoi-11 ` �e rlt9fl ra enemas eea(en«Nanr,add we trrl-) , rr nj IQ• a Sew cam&Fee-(loch WX eddlee 'bp b) j� alum Recalptpvdmp» 4 H m P«alpl(eNaanl% Pblw Recdpl(okalroNe) 5. )I An \ Poatmelk ORalummR«elptlW«±mnq $_. CtrClli— Postmark I� ❑cenmaa Meesaldded pemw $ 'kfl tiff Here ❑CaM1Y4d b1a1 Pasfdtletl ptlNary d.Fi---,' -. Here C3 ❑ . I0 ❑Aau(SkwtwR,uW s nn— Id ❑multsMnnwReawee $ -44.fjf — ` i []AUullalQnOWm st M& O$Weryd ❑Pdua6lgnaluro ResMduO poavery3 1 j Postage 1 PoslegeI �i 1 1 to io;',o/on�3 'S - k)7;9 /'Nn�l� t� TaN P X ..I a T�btP93XCPS� IQHARD L ,ry S I., ' ri senti1q Sent To4231-M HALL LN N$....--- C3 84-54...------------------ ----------- streets d 7. x .. r` street w - j °l 028451-7976 ..............................—._....-----I.-..__--_-.-__-_........_ City,§ieie,ilPtida-----------------------_. -------------------- --------------- �j ' t, •- • N m • „a CERTIFIED MAIU, ill ;p oa Only E 'm 76O411 titi? llIl.A o — Certlned Mall Fee ey Caltlled Mall Fee r -n G'_._,. rIL�Q ;Q` $ - rr •flit Er Sery s eeakn«kb5r,vmG.qq++. rN se cea&Fees kaecthox,vMlese e W n/j r,-� umP«dpl Panwml 1 "I,�( .1 II m P«alDl(nWaaRA 3 (O ❑Velum Ree-110el«tmnlc) S al jiff POalmalk p RWw R«alpl(elealroPly) dam? Poelfnerk iO ❑Cedmetl MNlPml,ieledpenvery S .+r____�T,�.,,m;nr' Hare 'O GdNietl Mall Pests ladpeMery S�,try.y:,,�_ Hafe 'q ❑Multsy..Nw R,.w S �f(N_ 'O ❑AMt818netw RpWnd $ I" "'I ❑MW18m�u1w PesblgetlpeMery$ Postage wlw RumWedGmery3 — iU- Postage j C] Pwlega Lrj 9:n,9n r-j Total Foods C ItB�� 9 n ,ry 6 1003 N sL�tSTONE �� s�° EET PAR RS NfI t $amra a sedTaLEXINGTON,KY 40505-3591 p��T��: Y-- atrearadan tiwe.:a AYIEU -•---- ----------------------------------- N40001 —-$334---------- -----•----- r ,r Straetend .,oi0'RVieNTo tiry slete;Y7a:d"' ---------------------------------------------- _ N RECEIPT N N m .il s. s rLown t` M1 Rom}. (�. /�R4.�1m P�. p p p ,� `'P7,7 �4�mFiL�' '!I"'IF114Sdi'li`/,sit !� V nd m� CeRllledMallFea v O<7fl ;� CeR lied$ s cr. fly 0 pSaq� elan8 llnWwp,S t 'b '� wnn.1,1fuNmpl] p ❑Rebw Reedat(reatmab) d '�1�,nnnn Postmark I❑ RemmPea.Iptlolo.vonW d SIT Postmark 'O ❑CeM1IAed MWIRmWdotl pelNery 3 'p�:.�f!'� Hole '0 ❑CeNBetl MYlRmidded pelNery t 'ST,TI„� Here ❑pquRSmneMmfloquhatl d :0 ❑AduIt818nelum ppuaaa da: �, ❑PauR5lgnabw PeshbletlpeMary t-�„�nrT O ❑AEult Blpnelum ResWebd peMery3 p " — i O Postage.� Postage 9n '� tn.9r, °tot N �r� Total Pas;, sand Faea N SelTd I ,�.� 9MEELFDABETH j o I I r sc7y; 4 13 F AVE . ,N O reee --C- -2 8 4 - - -— - sc)rreiy,"s tale ;YiPtiide..._.l._. --.-.•.-.-.-.-..------------------- ..........._........ ...... ..... ........-___-_.._.._ .._.._................................Seie,Ylsde............ I I l Re tail U.S. POSTAGE PA unstall Consulting Engineers FCIDf L�TTEFry . ver Road,Ash, NC 28420 1111 H 223 4UL 28, 20" ES DANA D ETALS w 40505 $,8.80 1 I N LIMESTONE 7017 1450 ❑001 9683 7708 i.ADG gg R2308,Y152371-0i4 INGTON,KY 40505-3591 . . Tn UNABLE TO FORWARD firs BC: 28420171529 *2648-02109-29-02 1 3 28420>1715 II1111)'II)II"lil'III)'I'Il���h)Il�niildy')i)I)II'li)IIIIII) i l!!!I • - - Retall U.S. POSTAGE PAI[ 111111111 iii FCM LETTER 4 Tunstall Consulting Engines ��---- Asti, ,0 JUL 28, z0 River Road, Ash, NC 28420 2o 1 ' .. 2845.1..._—$-8.80 COBSRICHARDL 7017 1450 0001 9683 7692��Cgg R2300Yt82371•04 I 1 HOOPER ROAD NE ?LAND,NC 28451 i 1 N Ti XIE 276 DE. 1 Fezaa/21/25 � RETURN TO SENDER NO MAIL RECEPTACLE UNASLE To, PORVMR6 140.Il0886o��31�9 NMR BC: 284Z®3.71529 r2 548-02 488-7.9-®2 28420w1715 jl till 11111IIj11111WIIwOlijll III 111jlljjlllilliljllljltljlta ■ Complete Items W21f'and 3.I Q Agent I Print your name Iand address on the reverse ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. ry '. s Attach this card to the back of the mallpleca, S. Rc wed by rioted Noma) Oala of Dative or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery addres dlifemnt Irom Item 17 ❑Yes IF YES,enter delivery nddress below: ❑No I RUIZ ELIZABETH 9038 FINCH DRIVE NE LELAND,NC 28451 3. SaNlceType - Cl Priority Mall Expresso _ + II��IOI�I I'll l���III�Ip II��IIfYI II'I�II II'I'II ❑Atlult 919neture D aetrlaled Delivery 13D se. dM Il Resl d oled. NA'V 9590 9402 8052 2349 8652 24 Cedlned Mail Reddded Delivery D Slgnewte conn,maum collect on Delivery ❑Signelle Delivmollen _Adlr.In Number(/�ansler item service label) ❑called on Delivery Restricted Delivery Reeldcled Delivery ❑Insured__Mall 7017 1LI50 0001 9683 7722 Roe'ndaaoanvery PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 0 02 000 9053 - _ —Domastlo R_aturn Receipt 753 f . I elCOMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DEUVEny s Complete home 4a 2,.Artd s, A. Slenetu a i ■ Print your nadldeadloddresson the reverse y�'f _ ❑Agent eD that we cen`returnathe carci to you. ❑Addressee ■ Attach this bard-to 4ho back of the mall lece., e.. acbly byl to Nome C.Date of Delivery P 1 �7.,poaro�ln the front If apace permits. 7-BI CAIMNYTHON/BATON - D. Isdellveryaddressdlffelont fmmllemll ❑Yes ! PATRICIA C If YES,enter delivery address below: _❑No t 413 F AVE i KURB BEACH,NC 28449 x I y 3 SeNloe Typo ❑Priority Mail Ev"'a j �I��III�II II Itlllll'�I IIIIII�IIIIII'llll�I III ❑Adult all Conned'a:umJ,eaelated Delivery ,p oegjalared Mall Restricted 9590 9402 8052 2349 8651 87 0 HA afResglated Dellvery' 13 Sfg�onelureB nllrmauow4' 13 Called on Dellvery ❑signature Conennellon i 2. Artfcle NumberQFdnsterftomsemlce lahelt ...__._.. _.. 11Collar.Lan Delivery Rosirioled Delivery Restricted Delivery 1 7f117 1,45n 0001 968.3 7760 !a!! ..... ._ .. HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail—Page 7 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 45)Parcel ID: 01OJD020 CURL ALICE FAYE 9039 FINCH DR NE LELAND,NC 28451-4045 47) Parcel ID: 01OGA001 DAVIS CAROLYN J 9089 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9025 49)Parcel ID: 01000049 JACOBS LEVANDER ETUX JACOB S DETRA 22 STONEY RD CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429-5398 I VIp •5 Ir m M1 t1�•r /� p n p (.� m 1� Il L%=5 L U 5) kE .� Genie Mrs. F4•_� iSG.III FFFFs�%%)ffIl(!a SaMam eea(eha<kho;eddrq rooY `�H,Wlp RaadplpwbgpH [] (((❑flalYmfle<elpl(uledgnlel 5 dam_ Postmark 1 0 �Cea. Me4RumaledosMcry S.— �•I r Hero 0 QatlNl6gneWlYRagdratl $- _-r QMNISIpaaWq flaahkletl DeMary i E3 Paslege I Lr) an.vn .ar-'1 Total $ !fiIDRNE wsaD(TLELAND NC 28451-4045 ° , M1SiieeiundApC}7u.;Dill!fUoiiUo.•..........................._----------------------: .. d7ry;'Sleio.YlP+d^..._._....._.._._.._.................. .......................... ' p M1 rI PIE T 71 A p 10 N OW Mall Fee � tr a ead eea(�eckhd5 addles W fllj r9 Ium Raelpl peNwpH L I I 0 Rol umilecolpl(si.d.kJ $ $11,no Postmalk p ❑Cedmetl lAaapgmmedoaauory S M f\f Hale 0 Dmultstaalum Regu"d $ Q(WYII SIgn51Yq RY54k1M 4eMery$ Postage to 411.4f1 � iolol voamee RnaF n, M1 $ Sam TO 9089 HOOPER RD NE ry ssadraav - ------------------............ 28451-9025 Postal m [VIAILG) RECEIPT In as M1 I M1 a� Carl 11. 1eIIPoa -o �b ;` Il4�fil Tr a vas eB9 kheukeN(odtlM �p la) n4 I. r� z.::wlpl5•NwpY) S p Ralmn RxalPl(eleeuopk) 5 (�_ PoalD•tk 0 ❑Ceflc tl hldlRumcladow,r, $��_ Hera OAtlull6lpnelge RmmdotloalNery 1 '� Puatego la rota Postag '(`t XW-q/?(i;3 u $ TA dME"PIR Sentrp 22 STONEY RD 'r Slieei5nd °ff ..YNE,------C_-2---8429------------"5398 - ` .. ..... .- --- NC I. f j I A signature AQ ggB�'t , ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3, p,dc3ra`- 1 ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X eil { so that we can return the card to you. O,pets of Io ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, S. Re slued by(P No Nme) I or on the front If space permits. Yas I 1. AnldeAddreaeedto: D.Iadelivery�ddres�dlNerentfromllemV R No I Is YES,enter dellvary address bslow: DAVIS CAROLYN J 9089 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9025 ❑Adulteldnalura 13Regleteo' ilV��p i 3. Service TyPe ❑Prl rin' II�el61e1IN1111111111111111111111111111111 DadllladMall% eeldcledDelNery o "o _G Bea go u Dort '1 9590 9402 8052 2349 8652 00 0 cmlecl on oanvery`led ossuary ❑Rg"i d ®tt 2. Amete Nember lrhe.r...___-- ' •9683 7746 loll ellvery Reeaided DaOveN 7017 1450 0001 aeeirleted DAVery - 53 Do�t�— • PS Form 381 - .. • P _ J Retail"All pG W%^ &Tunstall Consulting Engineers a River Road,Ash, NC 28420 i •:, Jgf{1FIHbflr. 28451 �. .- �� URLALICEFAYE 7017 1450 0001 9683 7739 C89 FI2�� )39FINCHDRNE _ _- - ELAND,NC 28451-4045 NIXIE 276 DE 1 Dow? a. / RETURN TO SEI4DER NO MAIL RECEPTACLE UNABLE TO FORWARD !V&00959&800®H'� 14MR. BC: 2 8 42 02.7 15 2 9 iB264B-02490- .28420>2.715 1�+II11�111'II��1�'It�lt��e11111�"III��i�ll(tll�n�lllrtt.ta tg� a : .. . :. . ..:.. Retail \ llIIIIIIIIII�1� rris&Tunstall Consulting Englneer� _Ittle River Road,Ash, NC 28420 _.. ._ _ YBNlPfR4. .. 2842� JACOBSLEVANDERETUX 7017 1450 0001 9683 7753u"°st _ JACOBS DETRA RDC 99 22 STQNEY RD CASTLE HAYNE,NC 28429-5398 �S ,�I3112� NIXIE 276 SE 1 RE-ruRN TO SENDER TEMPORARILY AWAY UNABLE TO rOP.WARD HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Red Page 1 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 9-A) YURGEL PETER Parcel ID: 01 OHBO28 1706 CHASON RD LUMBER BRIDGE,NC 28357- 8838 9-B) ELSWICK PAUL M ETUX Parcel ID: O1 OHBO29 ELSWICK NANCY L 3972 SOURWOOD CT LELAND,NC 28451-9723 10-A) BEACHY QUARTNEY LYNN Parcel ID: 01 OAA002 934 VILLAGE RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-8460 11-A)Parcel ID: 01OAA005 WILLIS PATRICIA JAN 11-B)Parcel ID: O I OAA006 9169 SPIVEY CT LELAND,NC 28451-6401 11-C GRAINGER VICTORIA J AND Parcel ID: 01 OAA007 HEDWIN DONNIE R 9182 SPIVEY CT NE LELAND,NC 28451-6085 32—A JACOBS MILDRED Parcel ID: 01000012 9411 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9021 i f 1 i I t l i r 1 f (i E i i • 0 • e CERTIFIEDmAfLORECEIPT CERTIFIED MAILO N -m LOOPW AQ`C Q A L� u � En. imF11lledFe:6, i`.31('IIP°',1,1 1r q� fi�'G`.1�Q>n l�P .� �Ce ge Mag Fee c Iall Fee '.nR4,i 1 il4;ail .A ,3� ilS� S rase ea$FeesfcAukba,.ad/<e l �PNumFew tfnm MV4FrF°le) I ces$Fees(cAackba5 eaalee. la)rzj IP ecelpt(Ip ❑ReNm PecelPl Pledank) S WOf• Postmark iprboete(e,"W) f W kip❑omweamdrksaadmx .n f Hete �p PosMerk p d McIlPamMea oe0.xry f (ul. Here pnaNtsgmNaa PegWaa $ IN q.atw R ` Iscj4xsgnalua flesardsoo.svaySlgnNae Poste e p9 gri $Ile Rn d1 z �^ r9 Total ostaboan eos _ �e.'I to Pogtpgppnt(F•g$a 94TER fl7l��{:7(17 $ •.FitU1ClTIV Rk W , r � tm BemT jrq FBQnl Top ES �dd } BT�' 7$1�1-9929 - - -----------___________________________------_-_-_--. --------------------- .--____._-._.____-._.._-_____.__-___-__-____-._-_____-"Sraie,2/�da"""""""""""-" Postal Postal CERTIFIED + © RECEIPT CERTIFIED 1 O' RECEIPT � •a - - • •a - +a N .ro Cedilled Mall Fee $4 ]9 n R 1) certified MO Fee pL rr Il ._u t �.,. a5� ft 9 $ 3 r - ervloea&Fees(Unr+'ba',.ee Yea 'II' miss ces$Fees(Wckbok,.ae teess - !I� tam Rewlptol•al-M S arum Rsoapl germ-py) S I IIII r9 0getmM. 1pl(eloc0mnk) S ¢ Postnalk In nn p p ❑IlelulnfleaWpt(NeNadc) Ste_ Postlnalk p ❑CealRatl MellPpmlNed oeg.ery E 'ram- Here :p ❑�dm�MNl RcsmWea OpMery 5 .�(� Here p 0M tslgrntungepuh.a f_ T- ID ❑pJmtsgnmwe Penutea S pPtlWt SlgnetuaflpNaeled ONkery6 a. 0MuSBlgmWa ResmlcteaoelN 6-art �r� ,M Postage 2(Itgll IELp) Pbslege $n.en �- $ �F�L - n7r7�r?n,3 �. nnn�� a �ut�.nuvnx xxv�y!/�7 Total P. CT ,a dall Pa WM-• ,APE RD NE $ S ,.N Sent To a - .N serf To • - r9 r9 -..- ________ .____.-___.____ I _. 1� Sheetan8Aji(.'Tru.,otltU9oz(Fri.—" _.......__-------_----------------_.___..-__.___ � Srrae(eedApilUo.;SiPdHox lfYe. ___________________________ ______ _____ 1 7:11y Ste}e.Z/l�+ds"""••____________________ a____..-.---_..-.____._.--__-_..___--.._.-_____.__-_-__.-___..____... diry,3}e}e;Ylr+d n ' a. Postal CERTIFIED + RECEIPT M10ERTIFIED + DomesticCO V Domestic only Q-,� k�f�ifS�L1 � • i • • • • , L lop s • fM Certifiedki Fee �4 - Cedlfled Meg Fee ! Se cas$Faes pAeckbm;eMlee ea pppp��etl r) arviees$ eas(dackbgG eddlee es l ) tq Nm Re olPt(hv opy) S 811 I10 n� Return Receipt Qiadwpy) § •kli i,n n'� p Rdam gec.IPt lNedronb) S d—n tit p ❑ aWm RecelPl(elealanb) E--t"--`a� all Postmark O ❑Car1iRMMNI Pesmkl.E oepvery E Postmark p po-MAMM.Il Pesmblw D.1 .ry $_ An Here O ❑gdN131 Here p EI Mtmg,atua Rs,,,so E nr gMtMRMuima E—¢"�/r—,'y:.'y7 p I „ ❑AtaSu l 6lgnamugesa�enletle O4eMna rypal sre Rulftea Desm,9 p Postage � a N Total Pas n'i7r rL Total Po N $ 9411 APERRDNE ru $ BED S "R�0 1'!• t111(�r,7r�)"ta'� east To LEL ru Sia, TO 9182 SPIV_EY CT NE I p - -- ------------------------------------------ SbeefanLl7�, '+• w.Z84�i-6�i�5___-.__--_-___-._ j M1 Siree}anJApt%7o,;3rPlfUoxNo:-__..-_. ..__-_..._--_.. U '• Z9iy,-siere'zlP.d+___..-._-___-_______._ ----------- �N Siere;zia+da.___.-__-.__. I &Tunstall Consuting-Enginee .. -.r .L. IIIII IIII IIII IIII FCM LETTER .,v: ASH, 28420 River Road, Ash, NC 28420 JUL 28.,2023 28357 URGELPETER ; 7p17 1450 0001 9683 7777 � RDC99 R230bJ1523714 706 CHASON RD II _ UMBERBRMGE,NC 28357-8838 NIXIE 276 DE 1 0®08/23 /23r } I RETURN TO SENDER 7. UNCLAIMED I UNABLE TO FORWARD UNC Sc-, 2842®171529 i`2648-62459-Z9-02 , 284•zio>:i715jllllil,lnllll{II111'1 '1 "1`1"'1' '11 `1'li1 '111i1'1 . flit" : JJ ,3r is &Tunstall Consulting En g4 tle River Road, Ash, NC 28 C. 7017 1450 0001 9683 7791 6 BEACHY QUARTNEY L 934 VILLAGE RD NE / _ LBLAND,NC 28451-8460 L,/ Retail U.S. POSTAGE PAID FCM LETTER I_jH, NC 28420 �} L 27. 2023 276 CE 1 0288,121/23 �i I l.9"'(+►V\ " RETURN TO SENDER .1 666 NO MAIL RECEPT;. C.LE ql/ if1C LZ UNABLE To F OR W A.RD " e 2s4e171sz9 r268®- ® 2gamesssMellR5 87-Z1-23 . a,..,. -•'��gs� '"H: 1111LEI I,t1{III1,Il{iI11Illllll,,,Illllttlt,lj,I,IrtVt,�i„I11ti1�1 i I A: ": `•7 r�lft'�(('ftLtrl(€i(t((!'tft�ll('d(t((lIr(tgr.( rdLFrr,�•r,/ F..,�., •,k.,:f.r- .a„ - wis&Tunstall"Consulting Engi 023 PM 3-L Little River-Road, Ash, NC 284 JAC, J 7022 2410 0001 6631 9594 OBSMILDRED 9411 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9021 l' 1 U.S, POSTAGE PAID Retail FCM LETTER ASH, NC 28420 • � �� � � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JUL 27,2023 28451 $8.80 ,� one,nn [ioanRv1F9A71.01 .9 -• t `u,n r e •. .W,% SENDER: • s ,COMPI CTL THIS SECTION ■ Complete Items 1,2,end 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse � ,,� ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. ddresse I ■ Attach this card to the back of the malipiece, a so ved by dnted plgme) C. Date of bNer i or on the front if space permits. ZYCL..fd� 1.'Atticle Addressed to, - ---- --•*••v;:y...• D. Is delivery address different fr Itemt7 ERbs ELSWICKPAUL/ELSWICKNANCY If YES, below: o J 3972 SOURWOOD CT l LELAND,NC 28451-9723 I �ceruv nitnv�rntcvivnmr I r 3. Service Type eeaaa Ilfllll'I Jill IIIIIIIillllllllllllllll1111111 D Adult arilne dnature Mell®Restricted Delivery ❑pe9Nery d Mall rRestrict 9590 9402 8052 2349 8657 74 D Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑signature Confirmation' I ❑Coiled on Delivery ❑signature confirmation ,, m..,,r.,1••,..ten,..rnhun ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 12 7017 1450 0001 9683 7784 iRestrldedDollvary PS Form 3811.July 2020 PSN 7530.02-000-9053 � Domestic Return Recelp _..� SECTION ---- COMPLETE THIS " 1 ■ Complete Items 1,'2,and 3. A. 3ignawIs ■ Print your nem�.'and address on the reverse - ❑Agent so that we cad1return the card to you. a Addresse ■ Attach this card to the back of the malipiece, B. Received by(Printed Nam g of Deliver or on the front ii space permits, j Y.eAidt'9§•'Ad'did9eaTfzT t6r +a'+'^ ^+"� ' -' D, is delivery address dltlerent tmm Item 17 Yes HEDWIN DONNIE R If YES,enter deliveryatldresa below: No 9182 SPIVEY CT NE LELAND,NC 28451-6085 3, Service Type ❑Priority Man Express® III'III'I IIIIIillllllll�lllill lllllllll Jill Jill OAdult Signature riled Delivery D Registered Mall Reslda Delivery 9590 9402 8093 2349 7417 61 ❑Codified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑signature Connnretion ❑Collect an Delivery ❑algnelure Confirmation AdlotI%Alumh—< --f, '^'-`'-"—"` ..- '--OeINery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 7022 241 EJ 0001 6631 9587 niaedrideaoaMery o or { PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Recoil SECTIONSENDER: COMPLETE THIS DELIVERY ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3. A. to s Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. ❑Address I ■ Attach this card to the back of the malipiece, S. Hioelvydy IF ted area) S C to of Dative or on the front If space rrontifsspace permits. 1 WAtLILI3 CtieCKfUIH'JAIV' -- ""'-�""' D. Isdeliveryacklod" Brent Item17 9169SPIVEYCT IfYES,enterdeliv eddrsabelow: ❑ o LELAND,NC 28451-6401 U( s : entire^filtr• r ♦fire nllllllllllllll�lllll'll'IIIIIIII IIIIIII III III 3 Service Type s IdodDellvery�RegislemdMall Mall rRedd, ❑Adult Signature 9590 9402 8093 2349 7416 48 ❑Cedlfied Mall Restricted Delivery ❑sase ternum contimnatior D C0lloot go Delivery ❑signature Cooftimetior i 2. Article Number(rransfarfromseNlcela4l - .Dellvcry Reetdoted Delivery Restricted Delivery l '�i ,83 780.7. dl Reivicted➢elivery I I ' ' tayar$Sed) l PS Form 3811,July 2020"N7530-'02.000=9053' Domestic Return Recoil HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Red Page 2 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 31-A)Parcel ID: 0100001309 HOOPER TERRY 31 -E)Parcel ID: 0100001309 9429 HOOPER ROAD NE LELAND,NC 28451 31-B RIDDY BALINDA AND Parcel ID: 0100001307 CARR SAMMY 9437 HOOPER RD LELAND,NC 28451 31-C)Parcel ID: 010000 13 10 HOOPER WORTH DAVID JR 33C)Parcel ID: 0100001304 HOOPER WORTH D(BUG)ETUX/HOOPER BETTY 33D)Parcel ID 010000.1311 HOOPER WORTH DAVID JR ET ` HOOPER'BETTY Mailing address 9430 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 31-D NIXON BRYAN ETALS Parcel ID: 0100001306 NIXON YOLANDA 9427 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 30-A)Parcel ID: 01000016 BROWN SYLVIA LEE 30-B)Parcel ID: 0100004713 HOOPER ELLIS JAMES 30-C)Parcel ID: 0100004714 HOOPER SHIRLEY M 30-D)Po-celID: 0100004702 HOOPER ELLIS JAMES Mailing Address: 9453 GRADY WAY NE LELAND,NC 28451 26A HALL JOSEPH CORNELIOUS Parcel ID: 01000048 9473 HOOPER ROAD NE LELAND,NC 28451 i S l 1'r9 ve qrq p v. v a I.eTn I'd Ptd{4,11i`n uA L I1 I; 9 [ qra Le.....�-:? f M Castled Mall FOB m Ceditletl Mall[Fee $ 'F¢.i5 n�.711 ..n E 1,4,y5 llaoi) Ira arvic89 Pa Fees(dieckbw.add lee Il a aea ,a9(Necabay edtlhee W fl>t r9 tore Feadpt P•d--Fh $ + An I +� awn P<celPi p,vtlwPYl $ m • p Reran Recept(dacamkJ E PoaMaah-- �-- p R.I.� RaaiPl(dwlrenk{ $ Posgnad( p CeMIed MW PeeMdetlpa9very $ Hera E HBre l p ❑Adut Signature Reauaed E �� 0 ❑Gedifietl M4lflasvklM pMvery t li p QRduRSlgnetumilmded $ DRdul191gntlun flmekletl Oageary$ �AtlMt 6lgnelum Pealticled pad+eryE 'I I,.1.111 1 Pasts g 'p Postage 12IDDY��A•)lgMA AND Tota1P n7/;�y0jr7n�? Total Postage an Feel a �n n7 r?n/7n�'j s s OOPEROMY samrpLELAND,NG 28451 ru santT§429HOOPERIN --------------._.._.----•---------- :...--....p Sireel endA"Y7(p:;oi{fd Box Nu:'""""""' • p - - 51-------' r, P Slieei"irY"" 1�8'4 . .................................................................... �i N - ".""""................__....-_._..___-._....----------_--_.._._...-- bltK sfe7p,n7,fQ��n tTrnn mTr T\�TTTTI To I ;S7a7e�fP+Je" I 1 Postal Postale d • i MAILO RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAILORECEIPT 7 m ee a fL v. e r9 Le19d ,PRO117 � A L h<ES E Leer dpr 0 m Cadlged Man Fee a m Can ad Mail Fee ,._13 I !s3,r fl4in ,.n E .11 $ nx ' '-G ary 8, I S ass&FBes(pbecRbox add fee q0 k) 'I ' Services S 1 me) turn Rnnelpt garccoM) $ 'Rf rig mRxdpt$wdropy7 en so.phec bM.ddfsea a p-nn Postmark � ❑ .,um Rmalpt(eleceoAs $ �— Postmark ,p Rehm Rwelpl(abalia,l� $fir Here Re>t❑Coneil Mall riYed 0.1" $ Hem p GeNRed Mal Resblctatl peNary $ p �hr+.I p QMdt Slgwtun RN*aJ $ 4 I p I]Mdt SlWlero Pequbetl $ �I"'+rl n1" pMdl glanaturo RUNpletl OeRvery$ ' �+� M I �MJi Slglulwe Ree41c1ed OdNery6 p Postage 1 0 Postage 9flVVK1YI LAV JK a $ ;i,eil -r $ nw � 01%1�,o/7n7: j rptel fi!(YAN L'11iLS n7r�8r?n73 `N Tafa Pas fLl sent fU Sent To �427 HOOPEI�RD NE o q3 1400FBR RD NE--__-- --------- ru - .. rSree� P ° 451---------------------- - r Sireaie� A° 28451 .............................................._....._..._. _.__.__. . � LYN"Sieia;ilA;d�-.. CIry,Stale,2iS'.d a 4 On I PostalPostal CERTIFIED © RECEIPT CERTIFIED , peMail onik M Doinestic Mail e Rr) lr) Sam tr Garaged Mall Fee !m Certified Mall FOR ire 4a ;_n #a3` flq?n $ _ $ ot amlcese Fm9(Meelrba,addheee la de) np 1 SONES ry cgs& e¢s(caeetboy add lase yry[ktde) n� 1 !� durn ReeeiPl(basba-1. Racelpt(beetwis) $. _ ❑Petmn Pwalpt(elecaonlc) $--- {r♦,{H-- Postmark Fletums!arot(aMcl.d0 E PoHotBlk pCeNRed MallPaddded paMery S Hare •Q CediRetl MN ReeNdea peavery $ Hate p OMWt Slgrewro Rewuea $ I pMMtslpware RegdrM $ r- E3 OMult ggreture RadAdd WNW 11 11 'p pMWI&pnalureRuiddea0agvdy$�11 V�- p tag. n 4(l t p Poatage , � $ U Ir9 $ Sil_9n v tom" $tat HCj� R ROAD NE $t'f7�/�n23 N natal PO"M96 e� IU sent r NC 28451 to Sam Ta ru Y ELAND> ;ru � .G� _......... - - I` GAL} r�Ve�YNE• -._..__..._.._. p Siieei'endApt:Yk:;oiPCYB'oxNd:"" ,0 SiiedlSnvrpr,nva; - o. r -___--_.--___________________________ 14C.284S1_ v ____. -....________.-..__..--._.—_--___._-.-- I GN Stele,ZIP.d""_______................ , Gly,Sle7a, as t 1 11YrP•> �i SENDER: ITHIS SECTION • • • IELIVERY ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3. A. Signatu "�—.ot ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ` ❑Addressee so that we can return the card to you. I ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, re b (Pdnted Name) C. D s of Dellvery I or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D.Is delivery address different from Ite 1 e I �RIDDY EALINDA AND ffYEs, erdeliveryaddressbelow: ❑No CARR SAMMY 9437 HOOPER RD LELAND,NC 28451 ' IiS? _ •. gym• / 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mail Express® a! �I�'I�I'I IIII I'IIIIIIII��IIII fI IIIIIfIIIIII tII ❑Aeal�laldult glaae®Restrlcted Delivery ❑Reglaterd Mail Restricted 9590 9402 8093 2349 7416 86 ❑ ertiNd Mall Restricted Dellvery ❑Signature Confl matlonTu ❑Colleoton Dallvary ❑§IgOature Conlinnatlon 2, Article Num6ar(rpneraY/mme �•r-", - n Dellvary Realrlgtoo Dellvery [Rdoiloted Delivery - � 7022 2410 0001 6631. 9617 �iRelddtdoan�ay -- (ovari5gtl) " PS Form 3811.July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Retum Receipt 'is&Tunstall.Consulting'Eppgineers, P 1 I _ 0 i :itfle River Road, Ash, NC 28420 00 i N m 0 N M III rvp � � BROWN SYLVIA LEE/HOOPER EL 7022 2410 0001 6631 9563 o m JAMES/HOOPER SHIRLEY M I _6 9453 GRADY WAY NE u j LELAND,NC 28451 . "a ., NIXIE 276 DE 1 0088/21%23 I RETURN Tad SENDER NO MAIL RECEPTACLE • UNABLE TA'; F: ORWARD , HBfl8B686983Z$3 N'tJiR ^• BGI 23420171529 *2 6807 0027 9-21-23 22420>1715 tllllhtlililllIll lilt 111,lull�illnllli1111ni11illNiul R6CCIrr .. U.S. POSTAGE;F low, FCM LETTER frris &Tunstall Consulting Eni ASH, NC 28420 Little River Road,Ash, NC 2 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII JUL 28, 2023. 28451 at0•v0 HOOPER TERRY 7022 2410 0001 6631 9600 v —RDC 99 - R2306Y152371-'0 9429 HOOPER ROAD NE LELAND,NC 28451 _ I I J y - IIl ` t - j Nx IE 276 CE 1 0298/21/23 l i RETURN TO SENDER j1 NO MAIL RECEPTACLE UNABLE TO FORWARD I TSB&88869eS.1$3 NMR Bt: 2342 e171y 29 *2448-e3834-29-e1 .$ ', . , ... _ ;;.28$2;�51L5•.<_+C�� jj,{slullljljll{jt1111yltlit,i,itjjl,lihlljjlLltlinnt{iltlst V� J SECTIONSENDER:.comptETE THIS COMPLETE LwAttach plete Items 1,2,end 3. A. Signature our name and address on the reverse Agent y X L Addresser at we can return the card to you. this card to the back of the mallplece, B. Received by(Prinfed Na e) C. Date of Deliver! the front if space permits. t' A�dryys.;ifgz-rvn-rrvaae-----"'" D. Is delivery address diNerent from Item 14 ❑Yes HOOPER WORTH D/HOOPER If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No BETTY 9430 HOOPER RD NE I LELAND,NC 28451 3, Service Type 6 Priority Mall Express® III'Ifl'I ltll lflllll�Il 11111111111111111111111 ❑Adult 1eSignature striated Delivery D Regstryd Mall Restrict u I 9590 9402 8093 2349 7416 93 Mail Restricted Delivery ❑SIglllinelme Confirmation' ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature confirmation ❑C 2. Article Number(fransfef from seMce labeD ollect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Reakictad Delivery I _-Mal 7022 2410 0001 6631 9624 Mill wceaGsnvery SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature a Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Agent X so that we can return the card to you, I �' "-a-Address) s Attach this Card to the back of the mallplece, B. R c ived by(Printed Name) C.Data of Derive or on the front If space permits. j4t11[0614Wyrgf57fl�tat..G'i"A-G.�' ---- - D, Is delivery address different from Item 17 ❑Yes NIXON YOLANDA If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No 9427 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 SewiIIIIII�II(III IIIllllill IIIIII II(IIIIIII II I I III D AdultsCe TypeRes ed De very 13❑Reglstered Mall Registered c De w 9590 9402 8093 2349 7417 09 ❑Cenlfied Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Congrmagon ❑Cons.-n Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2. Argele Numh"e/�--•-- ----"" n De livery Restricted Delivery Restdcted Delivery 7g22 2410 goal 6631 9131 — tell sure ell Restricted Delivery' lover$60D) jt PS Form 3811.July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Recell — NCOMPLETE THIS SECTION Y. �' Lli:pisla rfems 1,2,and S. A. SI re 'our name and address on the reverse X a`/ ❑Agent . Dan return the card to you. ❑Addresse ! :�•rich tn,s curd to the back of the mallplece, B. e d by(P C.Dale of Deliver ! al on the front if space permits. .. AAlcle Adtlressedio: ._-.__..._. __.__. ._ D 5delivery dlffe.nt frem in l7 Yes If YES,a is ore elow: No HALL JOSEPH CORNELIOUS 9473 HOOPER ROAD NE LELAND,NC 28451 /t, Z N 3. Service Type .'.;p tylvall Express® v IIIIIIIII(III IIIIIIIIII IIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIII III °Cadllled Mel®Restricted Delivery ❑o � d Meil Reside ery 9590 9402 8093 2349 7417 16 led Datiay ❑Signature Congnnallon ❑Collecton Delivery [I Signature confirmation 2. Article Number QiaRsf Lfwm_""'m A-"-- -" )slvery Restricted Dellvery, nestdcted Delivery 7022 2410 013131 6631 9549 i Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Recelr I HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Red Page 3 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 26-B MOSELEY GAIL GRADY Parcel ID: 0060001210 9485 HOOPER HILL ROAD LELAND,NC 28451 26C GRADY MAXINE Parcel ID: 0060001222 9481 HOOPER ROAD NE LELAND,NC 28451 25A DAVIS HELEN C Parcel ID: 0060001211 9509 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9019 24A GRADY ZERIC LAMAR Parcel ID: 0060001220 9521 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9019 24B BRYANT LILA M Parcel ID: 00600013 9539 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 24C)Parcel ID: 00600012 HOOPER CURLIE AND HOOPER ESSIE M ETALS 35 A) Parcel ID: 0060001201 WILLIS HERBERT LEE Mailing Address: 1690 CEDAR HILL RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 I i t f i f i ` F _ _e aw N art tr to a Er a LR n G NI It U , IL Il r E I I a "1 ��z, Ce ._ )E 1 m dlfkd Mao rrl Fee I Certified Mall Fee d ,e ,' .n $ Poe s ny?i) a F., rl¢?0 � -a eBary 6,Fees(cMpkbw,add ken pmgre(y Se Mm& BBs(checYbw,adtllee eaa 1 e Rawm PauiPlpwdcoPd E TO f.f n1 nelum g..i,l(hMlcapl/r S i oNm Rtuelpt(deolNnle) $ Postmark . O Ramm Pwmpt(eloprvmc) E._., Postmark ❑Cedipod Mall gesNclad aetwry 6 a i Here Q ❑Cetliped Mellgmldaktl OeWery g p }�'.T1�}— Here ❑Aeon 6knalute Pequrkd $ ' r', O �AdullSlpnelure gapulretl E a. ❑Atlullelgmluregeatdpled PeWeryS ,III ❑ABNlelpnplme flaaldded Oepvery$ En Postage - ��...(�,�aV� M Postage 'Q• $ DY"— Total Poala e ru Tob P g ROAD q7!?�i?n;3 !ti GAIL G Y n7!'7fom3 nJ Ban fU cent To N ru 28451 O Slieei unifAP(iJo.;orFr(SSox Ko:.................................................... IO IF, SiieefaFdA�if,Y}b;i�TPT 'difP7a _ ..................................... f _ .. ------------------------------- a ........................................._ I a7N 5ia7e,3ia+dE_...._._. .__......._.:. I Postal Postal , CERTIFIED MAILP RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAILO RECEIPT rr7 e. • ® to Domestic Only o II) m Cadgled Mal Fee .00 CerRfleci Mafl Fee) liia71 710ri � $ Q' ervces BFeas(cnpckbar,etltl lee 9 gVr[atU iri arvIce98Feea,(clxekbox.etlEraa ad pe�'r�1V um Receipt OardmPfl S '.rl till l- R MR.dptplaNwph $ Ia ❑flMvmflecelpl(elecnpnlo) E 40 All Postmark `Im ❑RewMR ecelpt(eleolmpin) $ .II,IIII Ppalmalk .7 ❑CedlRed Mdl flaeNelad OpWery $ Here O 13 to MallRnnlcled oeMary IS IIII Here Adultalgna(Jm Pequhed E ,C3 ❑Adult SI,,Mrum Fagsnad $ QMult ilgww.Heatrldad WIVary E +"°''''' n7/ai 7./'jn s3 O,a PTQoetsaAkl PueM1b%raw.RealdeEd DM ry3 Postage *0 4fl to $ ,tl ?711. z3 7 aot'D ' 1-9 s 95 r sagtTd 9521 ' ' w -- NE sanr' i r-a LELAND,NC 28451.9019 — — --------- LELAND N� $g519 -------- p SlieefendApi.Tfd,aiPb Uox - A """-"""""""""�" �N SYeetanaA�r:77d;of 1t07ax No. ---------- _._..----------------------------------------------------- - -- - --clty,`sre7e,zia+d^-- -- ---------------------- --------- - al�'srare, rrnnnr•n nrmr rrrtrnnnnu ceerc i Postal Postal CERTIFIED a m RECEIPT CERTIFIED a a RECEIPT rf Domestic Domestic Only L-M ul ul - ..n Lt?I�1i PPVC A L U. m Corgfled Mall Fee i a� CeNfled Mall Fea n s f4a nw it .➢ $ n .� Bc1 arvlras eea(.haaRbex,nddl.. '`'�� art o-" rvIc088 FBe9(cexkbaxnQdke fe) 1 gemm flecelplParddopN E_µi,Jul— wmRacelPlWuJcop� E 'sll ftft ra [1Pewm flecelPl(elMronk) S d- f,fr to ❑ReturnReeelpt(alacIMr4 $ an nn Postmark ,O -�sn.•^ Postmelk — nr— ❑Codified MellRnWClOd gppvoy E -Here .� ❑cedpleJ Map flesWCedoepvery $ '.I__ Hem •0 'r" "" (]AduR6lgneltim gequ4ed E O ❑pdvM Slgnxnue Requssd E " ' — I� DAdVnBlpnawreflmMp(atl Oellcery5 QAdua 90na1We flpaVlctMOelNery$ e j .0 Postage nvvrd -vitt,>.n/nvv na�oou'.t I 1p $araga 'MI I.Rr, F1'N1 l;� g573 roalPd• }3 E NE n7fq7f?n23 mbfPp n7/;7/?)t S 1690 C}&HARHII-L RDNEI r, saniTo .r: sent To LELAND,NC _ II rq SAW W fYAp f� -G7 i -----------------------------------.._____..____...._ pS ___"-__._._.____._.___..........-__._ .._..__ )r- l_ da_._. ._. --------------------------------------------- _.._----..._._... 3e7en . e mr�rmrr A r� I A &Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. i River Road, Ash, NC 28420 ✓ 3RADY ZERIC LAMAR �co V 1521HOOPERRDNE 7017 1450 0001 9683 8408 ELAND,NC 28451-9019 N W - I . 0 1 o m � ram• o GO j1:?1E 276 CC ? S P.E TURN TO SENDER I4O MAIL RECEPTACLE UNABLE TO FORMi-kRv VO R 0 a 9 B 3 E 44 911. 13 •u•r 'NMR' 37 23429 ..w.a 11��E,1t�,11, t,,,1t14t1'ltjlt'19 1essi°i1'6''t•�'taiizg$..1j{M1 •��- y is&Tunstall Consultirg- 41m'gfneers, C 280 ".: the River Road,Ash, tr1`E'�L8420 M 3 .L •--.., .. ... .. .. ., ..... I N "� C (� CSC ,. . DAVIS HELEN C 7017 1450 0001 9683 6503 0ro N 9509 HOOPER RD NE I " z m o LELAND,NC 28451-9019 mmocc(o) � ` ro o ro m .,. o D NIXIE 276 DE , ®�esjzr/2ai RETURN 8 T40 MAIL RECEPTACLE � TENABLE TO FORW&RD .t j@-8am063r.�msa -&3 � . ,: 'N;MR • . ,•SGi 2842017].?29 =2248-®6621-Z,@-.01 ' "U ,,.. ,:.. _ z �aL-��rs�.�u� �l,lea,itilllll,,,�,,,lllllhlillllnlllllinitatl1„l�tfs�l�� � . I u I i S • SENDER: • •N COMPL67E THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY I ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ` �- ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. A %I t � ❑Addressee jIll Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C.Date of Delivery or on the front If space permits. 1:Article Addressed to: - —- — "- D, Is dellvery address different from Item 17 ❑Yes MOSELEY GAIL GRADY If YES,enter delivery address belowt ❑No i 9485 HOOPER HILL ROAD ... LELAND,NC 28451 \ t 1 N E3dutgate asred ,®Adult RegisteredIIIIIaI6IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIiIIII�III III pul[SI aldcletl Delivery ❑RDagtae�tlMall Restricted 9590 9402 8093 2349 7417 23 adnled Meil Rastrlcled Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation'^ ❑collect on Delivery. ❑Slgq@ture Confirmation Ad se tr•.le Number Ofansfer hDm rvice label ❑Calledlonosivery Residoted Delivery ResWorad Delivery 7022 2'410 0001 6631 9556 all Rosulded Delivery ` PS Form 3B11,July 202o PSN 7630-02-000.9053 "1P• pomow'Nstur COMPLETECOMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY - 0 A. Signature pGte Items 1,2,,en73:" •• - ❑Agent our name and add tile reverse X �(� ❑Addressee -"'So itTat we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name C,Dete of Deilvery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, or on the front If space Permits- 1.-ArtIcIrs-Addindsould to: -------- —"--`- -" D. Is delivery address different fromltem l7 ❑Yes GRADY MARINE If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No 9481 HOOPER ROAD NE LELAND,'NC"2U51 III�I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIiII�I IIIlIIIIIiIIpII 3. Service Type ❑PaodryMail ail Res® ❑Adult Signature D Registered Mall- j Adult ealrlotetl Delivery ❑Do ery Mail Restricted Delivery 9590 9402 B093 2349 7417 47 em Is M asidcted Delivery ❑Signature CanfineallsGp,11A ❑Sl nature Conllav f l ; ❑Collect on DelNery Reetdcted Dallve ru„o,hecCrransfed[o[aBBryipe lab el ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery very z• 7022 2410 0001 6631 957psured.Mell Restricted DelNery` Domestlo'Fetum Receipt 'i,g$,J;orRt.3811,July 2020 PSN 763Q•02-000-9053 .CHARLOTTE-NC 280 • SECTIONDELIVERY de Items 1,2,and 3. A. ¢nature lur name and address on the reverse Agent we can return the card to you. ❑addresses card to the back of the mallplece, e nod by(Printed ame) C. Date of Delivery « ,.:....._._re front If space permits. c 1. Articia'Addressad'to:' '"' "' --- - - D. ad ftlidlff from Item17 ❑Yee HRYANT LILA M f liter a add a below: ❑No 9539 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 AUU ' �annnco 0T fol tClunnlgRA.RQCTR l ' i 3. Sarvl pe ❑Priority Mall Eapreaa® IIilIIIII Jill III I III IIIIiIIIIIII II'IIIIIIIII D eNgelgna trim fiery ppplet�dMellRestdded 9590 9402 8093 2349 7416 62 a es r clod Delivery ❑signature ConfimudlonTM ❑Collect on Delivery ❑9lenature Confirmetlon I2; ATtLI,- MbPrff &-fwlnzwkd label---.. - ._ 9 polloquo Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery i IJ 7017 1450 000�1 9683 6541 ieiRastdctodDallvary' } 6 PS Form 3811,July 2020 P3!rR753 vz- 00= b6;S"' HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Red Page 4 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 24D GRADY SHEILA D Parcel ID: 0060001232 3870 ANDREW JACKSON HWY LELAND,NC 28451 35B) Parcel ID: 0060001208 HOOPER MELVIN ETUX 35C) Parcel ID: 0060001206 HOOPER DIANE M 35N) Parcel ID: 0060001221 9550 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9018 35D COLLIER HILDA FLOYD Parcel ID: 0060001209 9544 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451-9018 35E)Parcel ID: 0060001230 35F)Parcel ID: 0060001205 BLUFFS INVESTMENT LLC 36B)Parcel ID: 0100002102 145 BROOKLINE DR PINEHURST,NC 28374-7129 36C)Parcel ID: 0100002122 36D)Parcel ID: 0100002123 37A) Parcel ID: 0100002124 38B)Parcel ID: 0100002125 38A)Parcel ID: 0100002121 35G HALL FELICIA Parcel ID: 0100004707 709 VALPARAISO ST WALLACE,NC 28466-2057 BELL DARIKA AMEERAH& 35H) Parcel ID: 0100004706 HALL JOE JE,4N 35K) Parcel ID: 0100004706 i 35m) Parcel ID: 0100004704 608 ANN ST WILMINGTON,NC 28401 I E _ i E i { 1 1 1 E E� i (E I i i i Postal Postal CERTIFIED ILP RECEIPT 0 RECEIPT + m� •r ..,� p. • ni Ie coId] L USE t'o C �r I ca e".Hart Mall Fee i Certified Mall Foe 0' $' rr Se I a ees(Metknox,eadke d fly jFT M ery oesBFees(cneUrnox.eaa lee l N ,r ewm flecelPt QlWcoPY) $ 11' ' Rewm Rma1PIQiaNmp/ S p ❑EIr,Receipt lelecao.lc) $ )C fl. Ifl p'H ❑fl.wm fle.elPl lewdmnlc) E a"n Pe61^�q�ark S Postmark Herq .p ❑Cemfi.tl Mallfleslacted C.tiv.ry S •F1`^T'mT•n Here ip DcenAea Mall R.sldded oaM.ry E (� fl— .p ❑newt sbn.wnR."drea i pnmdtslerewm R.aulrea E— —� -- �MwlslpnaMeflssMteaCmueryE 'O �nddl natum Reea•tea OeMen2 '. p P..lag. �— PO6` 6 3tiGiLA L n $il 911 u $ 1, litCPkf714 �� ON1TW (,1 o 0 0 �- TCUI Pastag '•' p-•H Total PO can f1'J.g/Ifi„� iq � :t $ bO WOUNEM $ rl- r+. sent To p llr oLNu,of PD9o' kN::. r` S _.._.... - p $tie anA .............. .. .. __.._ rr+T r rt��rnn rT a�.m I • E Postal M a 0 s ., • rMAIL" W N Doinestic Mail only � m •. '1E7 IAl1ElH, SYtilElu 1��J�g+ 7r'I ��7�yq•�ry � L�Yjv(E��u -. p' 1'�q eq��, I�yryn. CeRlged Mall Fee "`" "� ,m �' V' �gfi\lA 0 A L ^� O.i' E •M $ F4a'r '�� Certified Mall Fae n4?fl e ery ces F r fl4'lll $ 3 :fir .� Mm RecelPlmWcoiphsuC edaf,.ea 0 �Relam R.rnlpt(Necao�dc) 5� Ire a .;� ervlrRs hFem(anecknog add/eau pm ) fly .p ❑Campuq MCIIR ���//�Y �������� , n� If.9 RNem Receipt plerd. $--- Irt�rr' Poeilllalk p eNdd.d napyry. S Postmark ;p �RWm"ec.lpt(.IedmNd $—�..+ — Hale QIWwISlgneyp Rpup.d E vim. . Hare :p ❑CeNfled MallRabldM eePmA 5. �--(j(f— . ❑Adak SlgnWmfleaOkled OeWarYS p Qndussigastum Rev— Ln Postage � �ntluk gnelum Rees tea CdM.ryE Vi0`1 S $ d(1 4H -1 Tots Postage an ' Q Poelege r �'C3 vVL v�•w<IlyyyY�y1YV'lY � TotelPost9s mJ17J?4:3 San* T, R" (AS D7} yr n,m t� r s - SYiea7end.Jy' �O... ... G'D1\ Sent To P�� '�'NC 28394-7i29._._.--- 'ry s�eer�daa-P�:xw:;aiP-a7�kara: dry,Sate.Y/piJe............. ------------._._ I • a Postal CER IFIE, + P RECEIPT T rq 0 1 • T i DorneStic Mail Only ru Wf i9ti�� U ru W�1i ° °yi �' h u m Certified Mall Fes g $ On tNI CeNfletlMegFae !� 4.. ni '� t Sery as ells(eneckeax,.aane µvprRle) �� �� $ emices ees(rlle<klwx,eaaroeasrrymp•I! turn Rsowpt W Y) $ ram -tpl(maNcopll $�rT-"- 4171 fT e �rL Pw r-qp ❑Relwnflemlpl(aledmdc) affix Poslmerk I QR.Wm Reealpl ldwa.wa) $ d a� Here p ❑aeraM1E MNIResMdaa pNNery $ Here t p QCeaifled Mell RaswdedaYluery p DMult sipw.".salted Oelwm,$ I (� ' p [IPFIUIIblpnalule Rablded D~$ p Postage 1 p Postage $fltcln r9 $ 0 4I.LIM r1 $ njgg@�t�I �9¢.�7{� �71ry7J?fl?i ru T°'CBE f17 J?7/�f(147 I?' Total Po Yl[\1�LFS1!'4'1'l+^'� •.$ F yy ru ru Son i kL Sentio �p ---28466-2057---------------------••----- d SW4,608 W iL sT N 3i ea e ry t�RNC 2840E p — .......... - - ° . zrP:d+..._____.__. _- ,� �y-y-�(aieziP«i y I • a oCOMPLETE THIS SECTIONONOELIVERY t rte Items 1,2,and 3. A, Signature 0)) iur name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent U we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee �•'s f7 this card to the back of the mailplece, B. Race ved by need Name) I C„;yf Dailyery ea front If space permits. /7' �''OU, ,irirepi;n-v — D. is delivery address different from Item 1? ❑Yes 3870 ANDREW JACKSON HWY If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No LELAND,NC 28451 nl�T r Inn ITTT "A CT nxr" 3. Service Typa ❑Priority Mall Exppress® III'IIIII(III I'IIIIIIIIIIIIII'I IIIII IIIII'(111 ❑Aaudlaed naeure ❑Registered Mail'• ad Delivery D q istered Mall gesidoled 9590 9402 8316 3094 0503 11 e 18 etdcted Delvery ❑sgnalu eConi4megon*a Cl Collect.Delivery D Signature Confirmation 2. Article Number(fmnsferfmm---� Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery I 7E17 14517 �[101 9683 6527 °Restricted Deuvery (overSaao) Ps Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt uo. . dI SENDER: • •N COMPLETE THIS SECTIONON e Complete Items`ff2,and ' ` A,ElgneI ■ Print your name�nd'egdf6ss on the reyerae� X ! ❑Agent sc that we can t turn thhe card td ydti•„',.'"' ❑Addressee ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, V Re elved by(Printed Name) D.Date of DelNery or on the front If space permits, 1•M�tLMs IN/ - D. Is dslNery address different from item 17 U Yes HOOPER DI A N E M It YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No 9550 HOOPElk RD NE LELAND,NC 2 845 1-90 1 8 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mall Express® II'(IIIII I'll till lll11111111111111111111111111 Oedlgalgnaeure Restricted DelNery p Registered egv ry�Mail RestrictedMel'- El 9590 9402 8052 2349 8655 45 eslricted Delivery ❑signature ConfimlallonN ❑Coliact on Delivery Cl Signature Congrtnallon gWrJaNumhor.((}anslaNmrn-snrvlceJahnil O Coll act an Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 7017 1450 D1101 9683 8613 all Restricted Delivery Ps Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02.000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt iy. � i .. : COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ff p'••te Items 1,2,and S. A. Signature f ie ,• '' 'ur name and address an the reverse X ❑Agent We can return the card to you. ❑Addressee ! ■Attach-this card to the back of the mailplece, 8. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front If space permits. - �l •� -„ _g-Lt• ' C j 1, Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from hem l? ❑Yee r uVLL[c'n-ntrJ'Ln rLviv' -t` T" If YES,enter delivery address below: p No. 9544 HOOPER RD NE I i LELAND,NC 28451-9018 I v I I S. Service Type ❑pdorlty Mall Express® IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII D Adult Signature &led Delivery ❑Reg�gt etl Me l gealrkietl i Cedilled M ® > Degvery 9590 9402 8316 3094 0502 81 s doted DelNery, ❑signature Conirmaton+a ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature ConfIrmallon 2, Article Nu Wes'-'•^"-- ---ielivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery - bl . ¢p 1 7524 Restricted Delivery PC Pn....AAi•I...J.,�•vwrwerevem once e:•t ER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPI PTE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY poi nplete Items 1,2,and 3. A. gnature �It your name and address on the.reverse X v ❑Agent 0 zlat we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee tr--�h this card to the back of the mallplece, B. Re ed by(Pant me) .Date of Delivery _i the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D.Is delivery addret differdfit irord em 13C Yes BELL DARIKA AMEERAH If YES,enter f\IUI(P domes lost o HALL JOE JEAN /a o. " 608 ANI•. ST ",: WILMlil3T0N,NC 284013. f IIIII9IIIIIII IIIIIII11111111111111 IIIIIIIIIII 13 d!""g IYP8e" u Rd rgy#1'a Press® D�u11619nelure nicl, eilV6ytt't` R �te dMalil Restdded, i 9590 9402 8093 2349 7420 89 earned Men® _ very esirl Dellvay signature condrmellonfe ❑called on Do ivory Ofilenalure Cannrmalbn 2. Article Number?renawr I—•-^�--'_. —- " I Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Degvery 7022 241a .n001 6632 2761t tell over$Sad Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2020 P3N 7630-02-000 9053 Domestic Return Receipt i SENDER:COMPLETE ■ Complete Items 1,2,arid 3. A. sJn e ❑Agent > s print your name and address on the reverse Xf [3 Addle, see so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, B. dntetl N e) C.D�e f(of very a or on the front If space permits. 9 '�S 1rArdcle Adtltesaed t0: -""- --- - 0. Is dellvery address different from Item 1? ❑Yee BLUFFS.;,tNVESTMENT LLC If YES,enter delivery address below: b No 145 BR(tOKL►NE DR PIIdEHjRST,NC 28374.7129 3. Service Type ❑Pdothy Mall Express® IIIIIi1II IIII IIII 111111111111111111111111111111111 D Adult Signal= 13 Registered Mal" Oedlnad Me is acted Delivery ❑p gL+lry ered Mollesiticled 9590 9402 8052 2349 8654 15 cartmed Mall Restricted oeuvary O Signature connonationv Cl Collect on Delivery ❑signature Confinallon <:. 2_ArtlR.le Numb-frm.,—ce......^'" -`-" -- -- �^ DeAvory Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 7017 1450 anal 9683 8�+39 I RsstrlcteaoelNery (verSs0s1 ' PS Form 3811;Jply 2020 P,S 7630.g2 0 Domestic Return Receipt ' I an..-_... . . .. m &Tunstall Consulting Engineen ,g > r c o River Road,Ash, NC 28420 COIn o �, � - m VZry ALL FELICLA ! " ® - ON° -� )qvA PARAISOST 7022 2410 0001 6-632 2754 NA o m t 'ALLACE,NC 28466-2057 o ,ol i I NIXIE 276 17C 1 ?b®€ sills J23 RETURN 7Q SEi�'. ER UNCLAIMED . UNABLE T UNC sc: ., ,2 a 42 0171529 e'Z68®—@2�254-15 -1fi ' I ...aa,.n.�.n,.wasa+n.,C :-.:..,�,.-. ellnillrll)Illliln�l��tt'�j�lSllljl�lttln�l'ttlt�tad1111�1'1'1.1 i HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 1-3 & HOOPER ROAD SAND MINE 4-5 Certified Mail Red Page 5 N&T PROJECT#21205 Parcel Numbers Landowners 351 BRYANT ERIC K AND Parcel ID: 0100004705 SHEPARD MONICA 1922 CHURCH ST WILMINGTON,NC 28403-2126 35J) Parcel ID: 0100004711 NIXON ANTWANE JARRELL 35L) Parcel ID: 01000047 VARNER GWENDOLYN B 4183 ALFRED LN NE LELAND,NC 28451-4023 33A JACOBS ELLA RAY Parcel PIN: 227100708995 9402 HOOPER RD NE LELAND,NC 28451 33B JACOBS YVONNE Parcel ID: 01000020 9410 HOOPER RD NE LE LAND,NC 28451 36 A HOOPER HILL LAND CO INC ETALS Parcel ID: 00600025 CIO ELLIOTT ESTHER H 287 CHELSEA BLVD PLAINFIELD,NJ 07062-1704 . e Pa m CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPTmN,h s. • ;, Domestic wil Only as - .p ,�u q�. /;' p- p Flew m J@I�J'IP'�JfU�'RYl C 5 A L USE m 11101"PI'.M S A L U e'•� i0 Certified Mall Fee Rye-•e il4?fl - ;� $ergfied Mail Fea :py {pry nb?n rr '� e owdwgR flAA � emflcesa aee tonexwd ,. ylce $ fts&a,ely $tl lCx,adtlM 'eP A`r ela \mum Recdplowdppy) i t '0 ❑RNvnRpelpt(NemmnlW S�fl,.(y[L_ PoslMedt '� ❑RNwn Rewlp(Necv¢NW $ II,IIIi Poslmetk i� ❑CedRled Mea RaeWcted OelNery $ Here i]CIdIRed MNIRWN .d NINery $ '$I I�—ill 1 Here .'Cli]AENIBignalum Rpulmtl $ _ Ohdult 6lgrolw¢geabimetl OelNery$_•�� •0 �ANVa S'gnatum R.Md $ �Mu0.6ynalum flesMmed OeMry$ O Pbetage IM P tag. 171 Wl . ra TotelPo 411p9f1 $� �ITVV L� Total PC Sent To 1 h sent To -- —- C3 r` so-ealaAJ .ELa -- -- — ti stre0i7n� �SiGdZ35NC-88403 — C 28451-4023 ; ctry,s}aie, ..................___.......—_.._.__.__.......___ y,-sle}e,7 41........------.---------------- ._.....-.___..-.._..____.___ I Postal Postal IIL C MA ILORECEIPT lL ® ..n I �.m' 9p- In,- {� p•� I m L 1 J` ro'lj"?PUPAL� QJ m ® tl F � �A P A lS U S F `-c Cenmed Mall Fee � Cenigetl mail Fee / [ I��.. $ �'�• 3 fl,(Rn . eM¢as$F¢09(yxckbo$etltlrea/he 0 i� Num Rx.Ipo� wpy) kImGe$Mv n� �. ewm Receipt ole,d-ply) $ (] ORewm R—TPI(NeWelc) § aA M1M1 .l7 (]Baden Re<alpt(elepbpnka $ POMmetk }}i0 ❑Cedfied Slag ReNdmed Dewy $ '— POstmakk ❑CeNged'MN flesNmatl OaWery S Herb t0 QMURSIgnatum qe, $ I"u'!�! HBIa QAduRSignewm RequtrM S pAduRSlgnalumgeeWcleUOegvary$ DAdug Signelum gaNMIMONNery6 1r3 PlStagO Ln P.M.ge 'I�O(I 1-4 TetatPbata $ 7A )ELLARAY h $ _ sanrre sent To LELAND NC 28451 - N sieei Ndyt� G--2i845-1------------------------------- h steef�AjETYo.;rvcar----------- - — I Postal CERTIFIED m RECEIPT r+) m Domestic Mail Only Ica i� m F•lOOji 'FFOR CIA IL U S E- certified M6 11 Fea LI Rn ! Eld a ces$ eeSgnecxbuv,addit nl !� flewm Recalpl beNcpp�j $ ' '0 1111M-R-10(w"k) $ I.A.fin POetnark jp (]CmINMMeaRutddeaDeli" $— .F Hera (0 EjAduttftnabeelt aMl S E]Adu0.Slgnmme RU OW ONNery$Lrl _T, PbMage Oil 4n �l.T v jrq Q"TOW Poste �7/?f17, C/O'ff FJOTT ESUM H Sent To 287 CHELSEA Siieerend"A ii�✓ ; .�" 2=}�Q ..................—•- c`Yry:5iete3l6+do..-•................................................................. I �taU Consulting;' 9ir._ a. er Load, Ash, iSC 2842, I{ CIDN z�o )BSELLARAY 7017 1450 0001. 9683 8866 �"� 00— \ HOOPERRDNE ® y Y'�"N P m AND,NC 28451 ✓ '> � � a t , I r • m,;�' I 276 LbE 1, SJ O€.i' B RETiUPP TO SENDER ATT2 M7 TZ0 NOT &NUwN UNABLE TO 5ORWARD :a . �ffi€4S�S�89®�R� PARK 2642®i17i1529 •' ���x'=G�.;L'$�s'�'�'i 'i ltillilll`i�„16tj�i','�1ltll ltlf t'tlli l}f til�ll'�'lllltilll`yiil �. i. Tunstall Consulting Engine Liver Road,Ash, NC 28420� o w � _ronmo�i N HOOPS I 7017 1450 0001 9683 88, `` AND,NC 28451 n NIXIE 276 DE 1 .`. 'RETURN TO SENDER - xF NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED U14ABLE TO FORWARD ' flD9i,9�80uID3Z+. UTF sGt 28420171529 *0346-02026-ZB-03 224294y-j[71-$020 Ri IlMil ti I 4 z� ...' ♦ �Yr»Y a po aIre I COMPLETE ILi, SECTION ON DELIVERY Obi Clete Items 1,2,and 3. A. SI tU .G_Iour name and address on the reverse X _. ❑Agent OF-1 we can return the dard to you. ❑Addressee fL this card to the back of the mallplece, t Received by Anted Nam C.Data of Delivery he front If space permits, c�,n ol ri v, N. ,1:7W—Icfe Addressed to; D. Ia delivery ad dress dl ie ❑Yes NIXON AWWANE JARRELL/ If YES,an or daily addra3i w2.1 No VARNER O; NDOLYN B 4183 ALFRfi LN NE LELAND,TIC 28451-4023 �: t r J 0 3, Service Type Pdailry ell ese® II�'IIIII IIII I�IIIIIII�IIIIII�I�IIIIIIIII�IIII ❑Adolti asfled Mall® ed Del elivry 13 Do ad l ad M ot._ CanflrmellonTad i 9590 9402 8316 3094 0502 36 ❑Collect on Delivery gnelure CanArrt,egori f 2. Article Numhar Pmner.,Imm aarvin<lahnll ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery. Restricted Delivery 7017 1450 0001 9683 8873 dal Resldoletlpehvory:; PS Form 3811,July 2020 PEN 7530.02-00"053' Domestic Return Receipt U rn i _ COMPLETE ON DELIVERY .U. Items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature .. name and address on the reverse X ❑+19ant t can return the card to you. p Addressee i 8.Received by(Printed Name) C, Date of Delivery _ a card to the back of the mallplece, L or on the front If space permits. -4 1. Article Addressed 1o: . .. D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? ❑Yes 13KY AN 1 MIL;R 75t1.L'd'HtCiJ It YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No MONICA — 1922 CHURCH ST WILMINGTON,NC 28403-2126 4 3: Service Type ❑ ggist d Mail Express® o II I IIIIII IlII I!I IIII IIII III I III I I I II I I II I II III Codified tatted Delivery Do Reg any RestrictedMail r ❑ dified Me 9590 9402 8316 3094 0501 75 all RestdetedDelivery ❑ cnTM Signaturecotiffa ❑Collect an Delivery ❑signature Confirmation 2. Article Numberffms/er ftom_serv_Icelabgf- .. ❑CoOectbn DDelivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Dellvery 7017 1450 0001 9683 8828 r 1Man Restricted oenvev ^ el , f�RTyT�R7TiiiTiTiTi ''''rn 'i PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7s31F SAft3"126 'Dort,astic Returditecelpt l ' a