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October 16, 2023
Attn:Adam Parr
NCDEQ- DEMI.R-Mining Section
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699-1612
512 N. Salisbury Street, 516 Floor
Raleigh,NC 27604
RE: Shingleton Farms Mine RECEIVED
Permit No.71-12 Modification M'2 U 20
Fender County
Dear Mr.Adam, MINING pkclURj�M
On behalf of Mr.Farnell Shingleton,we are submitting a modified mining permit application on
the subject permit boundary totaling 41 i.o1 acres. The affected acreage or bonded acreage will be
increased to 6.2o acres. The pit will be an expansion north of the existing Pit C as labeled on the
mine maps. The previous maps for the rest of the property should still be referenced in the permit
1. The previously supplied map did not show the entire permit boundary.Please provide a
map showing the entire mine permit boundary that includes the haul road to the nearest
public road.
RESPONSE: The entire permit boundary (411.01 ac)is shown on Sheet M-i.
2. The previously supplied map did not include the note about haul road maintenance.Please
clearly indicate and label on the mine map the note about road maintenance from the
previous modification on this map set.
RESPONSE: The previous haul road detail and maintenance notes are added to the maps.
3. The previously supplied map sealed July 24, 2023,has Pit C2 labeled as Pit C in the
"Proposed Expanded Pit C"view. Please clarify and dearly mark your pit labels.
RESPONSE: Revised Pit labels for clarity. Pit D is the proposed excavation and Pit C is the
current excavation.
4. The flood map provided in the last response indicates that FEMA Flood Zone A is located
in the vicinity and within the mine permit boundary.Please clearly indicate and label on the
mine map the ioo year flood plain limits.
RESPONSE: Zone A is a non-elevation regulated flood area. The boundary has been
shown on the mine map.
2 Page
5. Mining activities have been identified within the ioo-year floodplain,please provide proof
of correspondence with the local jurisdictional flood plain manager.
RESPONSE: Mr. Shingleton has contacted the Pender County floodplain administrator as
requested. The effective maps are dated 2009 and the preliminary or proposed maps were
supposed to go into effect in 2014,but currently have not been issued by FEMA. None of
the proposed Pit D is inside the effective or preliminary Zone A line.
6. Please see the enclosed comments from the Division of Water Resources regarding
wetlands. Please provide a JD (Jurisdictional Determination)on the wetlands in the vicinity
of the mine excavation.Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the location of the
RESPONSE: The wetland consultant is in discussion with the USACE about this area. We
are confident that no areas here are wetlands. Note,the Zone A shown is in the area of Pit
C,but the PJD issued for that area per SAW-2018-01325 did not call that area wetlands. So,
the area that potentially holds water was not called wetlands,so we would assume the
higher ground would not be wetlands or Zone A. This area for Pit D was previously
pasture as well.
7. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine may the location of any wetlands and adequate
buffers to those wetlands. 50'buffers are recommended to all wetlands.Buffers of less than
50'must be justified.
RESPONSE: The wetland line shown for the previous maps is shown again and 50-ft
buffers are shown. This is the area along the creek,run of Canary Branch,that drains north
to the larger creek called Trumpeter Swamp, which is a regulated Zone AE zone.
8. Please see the closed page of the submitted application that states a proposed 6 gpd.Please
provide your proposed dewatering rate.
RESPONSE: Revised to 480,00o gpd based off a i,000 gpm pump pumping 8-hrs a day.
9. During a recent site visit,the mine operator and landowner indicated that they would like a
single pond rather than 2 ponds left as reclamation. Please clarify your intent and clearly
indicate and label on the mine map the design of the final pond. Please provide a sequence
of mining operations that details mining in two ponds and removing the dike to create a
single pond.
RESPONSE: See revised mine maps showing Pit C and Pit D to be one large lake as final
io. During a recent site inspection,a flashboard riser was visible in the existing Pond C.Please
clearly indicate and label on the mine map the location of the proposed flashboard risers.
RESPONSE: Flashboard riser-barrel pond outlet devices are shown on the maps for both
Pit C and the original Pit A.
i i. Please provide construction and maintenance details for the proposed flashboard riser.
RESPONSE: See maintenance notes and details for the flashboard riser outlet.
Please review the application and mine maps and let us know if you have any questions or need
additional information.
Dogwood LD,PLLC
P 2785 t
J.BranchXrmith E
do_ ood1d�11cogmail.com
Cc: (2) Copies of Revised Mine Application Pages
(2)Mine Maps [
(1)Copy of 2018 Wetland PJD
(i)Copy of emails with Pender Co. FPM
(1)Copy of Letter to NPDES Stormwater
NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center
PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh,NC27699.1612
Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220
1. Cleary mark and label the location of your mining operation on six(6)copies of a 7.5-minute quadrangle and a county
highway map.These maps,in addition to six(6)copies of all mine maps and reclamation maps,must be submitted
with each permit application.
7.5-minute quadrangles may be obtained from the N.C.Geological Survey:
Mailing Address Physical Address
1612 Mail Service Center 512 N.Salisbury St.,5kh Floor
Raleigh,NC 27699.1612 Raleigh,NC 27604
HUp:llportal.ncdenr.org/webflr/geological home (919)733-2423
County highway maps may be obtained from the N.C.Department of Transportation:
Mailing Address Physical Address
1587 Mail Service Center 3401 Carl Sandburg Court
Raleigh,NC 27699-1587 Raleigh,NC 27610
http:llwww.ncdoLrgfitlgis (919)212.6000
2. A table%hart must be provided on the mine map that clearly lists the approximate acreage of tailings/sediment ponds,
stockpiles,waste piles,processing areaslhaul roads,mine excavations and any other major aspect of the mining
operation that is proposed to be affected/disturbed during the life of the mining permit.A table/chart similar to the
following will be acceptable:
OCT 2 0 2023
For new permits,complete only the total affected acreage column.
For modifications,complete all columns. L;•.NU DUALITY
Tailings/Sediment Ponds 0.00 0.00 0.00
Stockpiles 0.30 0.40 0.70
Waste piles 0.30 0.40 0.70
Processing AreasiHaul Roads 3.50 0.40 3.90
Mine Excavations 24.80 4.70 29.50
Other(Please explain) 0.30 0.30
Total Affected Acreage 28.90 6.20 35.10
Total Permitted Acreage 411.01 411.01 411.01
Revised September 21, 2021 P a g e 14
NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center
PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh,NC27699-1612
Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220
1. Describe in detail the sequence of events for the development and operation of the mine and reference the sequence
to the mine map(s).Attach additional sheets as needed.
OCT 2 0 2M
2. Describe specific erosion control measures to be installed prior to land disturbing activities and during mining to
prevent offsite sedimentation(include specific plans for sediment and erosion control for mine excavation(s), waste
piles,accessrmine roads,and process areas),and give a detailed sequence of installation and schedule for
maintenance of the measures.Locate and label all sediment and erosion control measures on the mine map(s)and
provide typical cross-seclions/construction details of each measure.Engineering designs and calculations are required
to justify the adequacy of any proposed measures.
1. Prior to beginning the expanded excavation, the temporary silt fence will be installed per the
mine maps.
2.The construction entrance will also be repaired prior to expanded excavations.
3. During excavation activities the haul road shall be maintained for dust control and
sedimentation runoff.
4. During excavation activities, self-inspections of the silt fence and construction entrance shall
occur and the mine operator will maintain all sedimentation and erosion control measures.
5.The excavation will occur as cell mining and dewatering.
3. A)Will the operation involve wash' the material mined,recycling process water,or other wastewater handling?
If yes,briefly describe all such processes including any chemicals to be used.
B)Will the operation involve discharging fresh or wastewater from the mine or plant as a point discharge to the waters
of the State?
If yes,briefly describe the nature of the discharge and locate all proposed discharge points(along with their method of
stabilization)on the mine map(s).
Revised September 21, 2021 P a g e ( 6
NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center
PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh,NC 27699-1612
Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220
C)Will any part of the proposed mine excavation(s)extend below the water table?
If yes,do you intend to dewater the excavation(s)?
Estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day: 480,000•00
If yes,what impact,if any,will mine dewatering have on neighboring wells?Locate all existing wells on the mine
maps)that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation area.Provide data to support any conclusions or statement
made,including any monitoring well data,well construction data,and current water withdrawal rates.Indicate whether
the proposed mine locale is served by a public water system or private wells.
No wells within 500-ft of mining-pumping. Water from Pit D will be pumped into
Pit C and dewatered from Pit C with a flash-board riser assuming the water level
rises to the overflow. Most of the time, no discharge occurs over the flashboard
D)If you answered yes to any of the above questions,provide evidence that you have applied for or obtained the
appropriate water quality permit(s)(i.e.,non-discharge,NPDES,Stormwater,etc.)from the Stormwater Program.In
addition,the applicant is required to register water use with the Division of Water Resources,Ground Water
Management Branch,if the operation withdraws more than 10,000 gallons per day and needs a capacity use permit
from the Division of Water Resources,Ground Water Management Branch,if the operation lies in a capacity use area
and withdraws more than 100,000 gallons per day.
NPDES Permit was re-applied at the request of Stormwater Permitting office.
Applicant is registered as farm under DWR. Pender County is not in the
capacity use area.
4. A)Will the operation involve crushing or any other air contaminant emissions?
If yes,indicate evidence that you have applied for or obtained an air quality permit issued by the Division of Air Quality
or local governing body.
B)How will dust from stockpiles,haul roads,etc.,be controlled?
Due to the excavation of moist sandy soils,it is not expected to have any dust issues caused by the
stockpiles.Additionally,because the mine is over 500 feet from any adjacent property,the operator does
not expect to encounter problems with dust from the internal haul road. A water truck will be used if
necessary to control dust on the public access road(Sapps Rd)entering the property. The road is scraped
and regraded occasionally as a lot of properties access the road. The property owners along Saps have
complianed before about the dust,but it is already a gravel road,and Mr.Shington seems to take care of
scraping and cleaning it.
Revised September 21, 2021 Page 17
NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center
PERMIT APPLICATION Department of Environmental Quality Raleigh,NC 27699-1612
Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources (919)707-9220
The following bond calculation worksheet is to be used to establish an appropriate bond(based upon a range of$500 to$5,000
per affected acre)for each permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Department to be affected during the
life of the mining permit.Please insert the approximate acreage,for each aspect of the mining operation,that you intend to affect
during the life of this mining permit(in addition,please insert the appropriate reclamation cost/acre for each category from the
Schedule of Reclamation Costs provided with this application form)OR Lou can defer to the Department to calculate your bond
for you based upon your maps and standard reclamation costs:
Tailings/Sediment Ponds 0.00 Ac. X $ /Ac. = $ 0.00
Stockpiles 0.40 Ac. X $ 1,800 /Ac. = $720.00
Waste Piles 0.40 Ac. X $ 2,000 /Ac. _ $800.00
Processing Area/Haul Roads 0.40 Ac. X $ 19800 /Ac. _ $720.00
Mine Excavation 4.70 Ac. X $ 500 /Ac. _ $2,350.00
Other 0.30 Ac. X $ 500 /Ac. _ $ 150.00
Temporary&Permanent Sedimentation&Erosion Control Measures:
Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC.above into the following two categories:a)affected acres that drain into proposed/eAsting
excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent offsite
sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands.
a) Internal Drainage Ac.
b) Positive Drainage Ac. X $1,500.00 = $ 0.00
Inflation Factor:
0.02 X $4,740.00 X 10 = $948.00
Total Reclamation Bond Cost:
Round down to the nearest$100.00
NOTE:The reclamation bond cannot exceed$1 million per GS 74-54
Revised September 21, 2021 P a g e 114