HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230911_Mine_Maps LOCATION MAP CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE and CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES - (NOT TO SCALE) G 5�\\NG 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary permits, and hold F\ a pre-construction conference prior to commencing any work. SITE 2. Installation of Sediment Trap at end of permanent access/haul road. G 3. Clearing, stumping, and construction of permanent access/haul road. s 4. Clearing and stumping of access/haul road to Lake/excavation area. and associated sediment fencing downstream of access/haul road. \,1 R 5. Installation of Gravel Construction Entrance. 0 6. Clearing and stumping of first five (5) acres of Lake/excavation area for truck turn around and stockpile location and associated FJ �� sediment fencing. 2 7. Construction of Lake emergency overflow swale and erosion control GAO _z ti z a sediment trap. 2 z W N 5 o w S. Initial excavation consisting of stripping and removal of topsoil a a a X w in stockpile area (within Lake excavation area). Construction of a ¢ w M a earthen berm/sound barrier. Creation of vegetated buffer. U 0 O a R U PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - a 9. Stockpiling of 0.5 to 1.0 acres of material for creation of settling/ M dewatering area / sediment basin. This area will serve as a self PERMIT BOUNDARY c z contained dewatering area / sediment basin and will have an earthen O 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE dam separating it from future excavation. As the Lake/excavation CE Practice 6.06 PROJECT LIMITS grows, the dam will be removed to enlarge the settling/deatering area/ / / �1 sediment basin to include recent completed excavated areas. Shall be installed at the entrance to the project from •S. HIGHWAY y L>t PERMIT v BOUNDARY PROJECT LIMIT 10. Construction of temporary diversion to sediment basin. PROJECT LIMI the road and w t l l be controlled with downstream practices. 50'DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER ,3a '°� During wet weather it may be necessary to wash truck tires "� at these locations. °°_«'^ TS 11. As 2 to 3 acres of excavation have been completed in the mannermentioned above, lake banks will be shaped, graded to 5 to 1 slopes, mulched, seeded and landscaped as shown on the plans. 50'DISTURSEDIUNEXCAVATED BUFFER m 884 AC a.rrEn ss•vEvernnve J r- 50'DISTURBEDNNEXCAVATEDSUFFER M PERMIT BOUNDARY 2. LAND GRADING 569Ac 12. The settling/dewatering area will remain as the finished product, Practice 6. 02 a a LIMITS keeping the excavation and pumping to a minimum. Grading should be limited to areas as shown on the q w Plans. Cut and fill slopes shall be 3: 1 or flatter except m CURRENT PERMIT BOUNDARY 'G Co 13. Once the Lake is completed, temporary haul roads will be removed and where specifically indicated. 4 0 reclaimed. Temporary erosion control measures will be removed. Access road to site and earthen and vegetated buffers will remain permanently. d J�oP M o M SF PROJECT LIMITS o< 3. SEDIMENT FENCE Z w e s O r Practice 6.62 r' g�D AREA A ��v MAINTENANCE PLAN - Sediment fencing should be installed as shown on the j = Tw o T> 36.36 AC. w m 0 of prevent any interior areas from eroding onto adjacent areas, Z PIT 8 TEMPORA SIN ' AREA B o d O 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall �a 63.94 AC. a G event and needed repairs made immediately.C 4, GRASS-LINED CHANNELS T4 ' >y / � EXISTING w 2. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re-seeded Practice 6, 30 z PROJECT LIMITS 28.68 Ac. o as necessary, according to specifications provided, to All overflow swales to be graded to design maintain a suitable vegetative cover. w � PREVIOUS PERMIT configuration, seeded, and stabilized if necessary with s xNa�E� s 3. Sediment to be removed from ditches and Grass-lined Channels HAU temporary straw-net liners to collect and convey site water ` when they are approximately 50% filled or sediment level is off site shown on P Ian, After final project h� 50DISTURBEDIUNEXCAVATEDBUFFER within 2' of top of d i teh bank. stabilizatt I on, swales to be re-graded and cleaned of ' � PIT PERMIT BOUNDARY siltation as needed to establish original contours for ^ ® (PIT 5,6,&NEW AREA COMBINED) stormwater conveyance, 50.42 Ac. 4. Sediment to be removed from behind the Silt Fence when it oem(r AI 31 side dope,) becomes 0.5' deep. Fencing to be repa i red as needed to EXISTING mat nta i no barr i er. 12'BERM(TEMPORARY) v PREVIOUS PERMIT Mi�50fEXCi STABILIZATION TIME FRAMES, O PROJECT LIMITS 5. Construction entrance to be maintained in such a manner as to F a 2 prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. Q x a SoSoe, m PROJECT LIMITS Periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone may be required. SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION Q w g PROJECT LIMITS u Inspect after each rainfall and immediately remove all X a objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes 7 DAYS a w public roadways. High Quality Water (HQW) Zones 7 DAYS o \ F� a 6. Inspect temporary sediment traps after each period of significant Slopes steeper than 31 1 7 DAYS _� o PIT 2 rainfall. Remove sediment and restore the trap to its original J EXISTING dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to 1/2 the design Slopes 311 or flatter 14 DAYS N ene PREVIOUS PERMIT depth of the trap. Place the sediment that is removed in the s 25 designated disposal area and replace the contaminated part of the All other areas with slopes flatter than 411 14 DAYS g �� NORMAL POOL gravel facing. Check the structure for damage from erosion or FL 6 EST (TO FUNCTION AS SEDIMENT BASIN) piping. Periodically check the depth of the sp i l lwoy to ensure it NOTE WELL: / s 5e e` is a minimum of 1.5 ft below the low point of the embankment. Immediately fill any settlement of the embankment to slightly above ANY AREAS ON-SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN I design grade. Any riprap displaced from the spillway must be PROJECT LIMITS MAINTAIN MIN. rep laced i mmed i ate l y. After, all sediment producing areas have 15 WORKING DAYS AND AS ABOVE, ALL SLOPES EMBANKMENT OF been permanently stabilized, remove the structure and all unstable ELEV.7.0' sediment. Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining areas and MUST BE STABILIZED WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY w w stabilize properly. ACTIVITY, m 5w i x PROJECT LIMITS PROJECT I LIMITS °°4e PIT 1 w EXISTING LL NORMAL POOL 4.0+- w 421 SAND MINE LLC (TO FUNCTION AS SEDIMENT BASIN) NEW PERMIT AREA DB 6355 PG 1164 PERMIT BOUNDARY (CURRENTLY UNDER RECLAMATION) W PERMIT BOUNDARY PARCEL ID:R001500-001-002-002 25'VEGETATED BUFFER ell = w ENE MIT AREA m me x a 2 DISTURBED UNEXCAVATED = �� LL � 0 4) 0 Up N ~~ PREVIOUSLY BUFFER PROJE 0'DISTURBEDIUNEXCAVATED BUFFE U =O O CT LIMITS PERMITTED I U R B r Q w J 404 WETLANDS a m � VEGETATED d a vo= o `o G1J) �s,.• > � PROJECT LIMITS a a U PROPOSED HAUL ERGY PERMIT BOUNDARY PREVIOUSLROAD OGRE NEN z PERMITTED Y rjOJ PROJECT LIMITS 1T0'P SMlssl�Y PER 13 r Rp,N T OF\N 2 PG IL RI PP g0 MPSON�MPPNY M TNO INC,G PROJECT LIMITS 0 PREVIOUSLY ISOLATED WELANDS gY R�EY PERMIT BOUNDARY 90 PERMITTED UNDER PERMIT REVIEW SU F T m A PERMIT BOUNDARY INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET No. DESCRIPTION DRAWING No. 1 OF 9 COVER SHEET and GENERAL NOTES 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 2 OF 9 PIT 4 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 3 OF 9 PIT 5 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 4 OF 9 PIT 6&7 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 N.T.S 5 OF 9 PIT 8 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 CATEGORY AFFECTED ACREAGE 6 OF 9 PIT 8 DETAILS 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 EXISTING 7 OF 9 EXISTING CONDITIONS 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 TAILINGS 0 8 OF 9 NOTES 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 SEDIMENT PONDS 0.14 8 OF 9 RECLAMTION MAP 11936-MASTER-08-22-23 STOCK PILES 1.93 WASTE PILES 0 NOTES: Practice Standards and Specifications P ROC ESS I N G/HAUL ROADS 7.75 MINE EXCAVATION 114 1. CONTOURS SHOWN WERE TAKEN FROM NCDOT LIDAR Maintenance Checksedimentbasinsaftereachrainfal[.Removesedimentandrestoreoriginal DISTURBED UN EXCAVATED BUFFERS 19.12 \\\Illllllllllttttt/ 0 300 600 900 volume when sediment accumulates to about one-half the design volume. ����,CN CARQ Sediment should be placed above the basin and adequately stabilized. VEGETATIVE BUFFERS 3.56 LEGEND __ Check the structure for erosion,piping,and rock displacement weekly and POWER LI N E EASEMENT 0.86 =O �oFES S gni ( greater) p y EXISTING TOTAL 147.36 _ Q = SCALE IN FEET. 1"=300' after each significant '/x inch or realer rainstorm and repair immediately. SEAL ' =POWER POLE TOTAL PROJECT AREA EXPANSION 80.31 AC. Date: Remove the structure and any unstable sediment immediately after the L-2876 SITE PLAN OF -� =DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION ESB EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN construction site has been permanently stabilized. Smooth the basin site to OS-23-23 blend with the surrounding area and stabilize.All water and sediment should PROPOSED EXPANSION 9 yO 4 21 SAND MINE E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE C N0 SURN�. Scale: be removed from the basin prior to dam removal. Sediment should be placed HA U L ROA DS 1.52 �i �� E.I. = EXISTING IRON in designated disposal areas and not allowed to flow into streams or drainage �/�F ��\ 1"=300' E.C.M.= EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT ways during structure removal. MINE EXCAVATION 59.95 //tttGll lAl I I I1NP�\\\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: RIW = RIGHT OF WAY C,E CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DISTURBED UN EXCAVATED BUFFERS 16.34 GIN C.P. = COMPUTED POINT (TYPICAL) References Sinface Stabilization TOTAL EXPANSION 77.81 6.10,Temporary Seeding Checked: t�C OWNER: BRUCE B. CAMERON TRUSTEE, HEIRS EST =EXISTING SEDIMENT TRAP 6.11,Permanent Seeding GAIN 6,12,Sodding GRAND TOTAL 225.17 DATE: 09-06-23 P.O. BOX 3649 PROPERTY LINE 6.13,Trees,Shrubs,Vines,and Ground Covers W ILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 Project No: MODIFICATION(ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC.) 8-22-2023 Sediment Traps and Barriers NOTES PHONE: 910-762-2676 11936 PROOSED SILT FENCE °---- SF 6.61,Sediment Basins 3 MODIFICATION(ADDITIONAL 7.44 AC.) 5-24-21 6.65,Porous Baffles • 1. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD 2 NC DEQ COMMENTS (FINAL PLAN) 3-05-18 COMPUTED PROPERTY LINE INTorth Carolina Department of Transportation NOTE: 1 NC DEQ COMMENTS 6-29-17 sheet No: Standard Speciftationsfor Roads andSmictures AND 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCT PROJECT LIMITS THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED 3. FOR REFERENCE SEE AS NOTED REV.NO. REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEWRS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY 8403 WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF 4. SURVEYED JANUARY OF 2017 O g ghtsresemad.Reproductionoruseofthecontentsofthisdocument,oradditionsordeletionstomis WILMIN (910)3.C. 02 Copyright c anover Desr n Services,P.A.,An ri PHONE:(910)343-8002 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE document,in whole or part,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original of this document THIS MINING PLAN. marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. Of: LOCATION MAP I NOT TO SCALE G SITE U . S .'(P WY. 421 01Q, 0, 0 * 1 A" 4� 4)' 4Z7 ------------- 0 A- 0 PROPERtii-BO-CjND-Af:�y 28'38'20"E 540.98- 29'33'PG"E 350.34- --- -- --- - ------------------- S 32-38'10-E 2Gj 25' G S 29'28'26"E 352.01'VEGETATIVE BUFFER ' 02 ATFD BUFFER 50' 9.84 AC. ......... L 50' Ll�) S�TU D/ EXC TED BUFFER, A 5 Ac. i - --------- ------ Q) ------------2�LMITS-OF,EXCAVATION ZVI' o LO LLI 11 LLLL Z z LLJ Ica (0 W W co 9:0 > ---[o 0 (D c W C 30 95 C 25 90 1L-J EXIST11 IG'ROUND LL C LL 20 TJD� ca 6 50.00 W > PROF)SED WATER SUF FACE @ PI 4 cli < 1 z - ISTING\ x1 0 . 414" 0 z 1w 28.68 A\c. 11 R, LO \,'l W IOUs P MIT 0 65 0 -5 75 '31'05"E 499.42' LO 70 F LJ -20 OF EX"AVA ION 0 F- k' LO U, LLI LL ILL 0------- W L L L L L 0.06 0 so 1 00 1 so 2.00 2+50 3+00 3+50 4+00 4+50 5+00 5+50 6"00 > 50 b SECTION A-A (TYPICAL) 7 --- ar r PIT CROSS SECTION(PITS 4 THRU 7) 0 W HORIZ SCALE I'ar 50' > 0 04 04 WETLAND LINE SURVEYED JAN"2017 ................. Q 0 J -J Ll --------- IT 2 j 150,1, QOGUVV RI�S EXISTING R VIOUS PERMIT EASkSNT P �PNO y RE 25,BUFF, RMAL POOL 4.0 + NO BASIN) 5\GFig EST TO FUNCTION AS SEDIMENT J TYPICAL HAUL ROAD X-SECTION = LIMITS OF EXCAVATION 12' 12' .10 LLJ LL EXISTING GROUND 0 8" OF ABC C/L CAROB NOTE: ROAD SURFACE TO BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING GROUND Z' SEAL 0 100 200 300 Z Z: �144 SCALE IN FEET: 1 100' A. Date: SITE PLAN FOR 08-23-23 Note: Metal stakes are minimum 4'long, 1.33 Ib/LF steel. DATE: 09-06-23 FILTER FILTER 421 SAND MINE MAXIMUM SPACING, Scale: -- 'LT _ 1 100 1� , EE NARRATIVE FABRIC FABRIC EXTENSION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: BACKFILL FABRIC AND WIRE COMPACTED MINIMUM 8" INTO THE TRENCH FILL PRELIMINARY P LA N GA > THICK LAYER OF GRAVEL 01 8"MINIMUM WIRE REQUIRED PERMITS (not limited to) OWNER: Checked: WIRE BRUCE B. CAMERON TRUSTEE, HEIRS GAW V-TRENCH 1. NORTH CAROLINA STATE MINING PERMIT P.O. BOX 3649 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 Project No: COMPACTED FILL OR 8"MINIMUM 2. NCDENR/DWQ STORMWATER EXEMPTION PHONE: 910-762-2676 GRAVEL,EXTENSION 11936 OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH SEE NARRAT 14"MINIMUM FOR MORE DETAIL. SECTION 4"MINIMUM SECTION 01 0'Sheet No: ISOMETRIC V 4 MODIFICATION(ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC.) (8-22-2023 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. SF SEDIMENT �NtE ( SILT FENCE ) REV.NO. REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEYORS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS 2 NTS 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY PRACTICE 6.62 WILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 C document in whole or part,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original of this docximarit, PHONE:(910)343-8002 opyright c eanover Design Services,PA,,All rights reserved. Reproduction or use of the contents of this doc�merit,or additions or deletions to this [VON 9 I marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. Of r— LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) Ilk - � } `vo U . S . HWY. C, 421 - 31'21"E � A,S 29 ----- �. z -- EXR�MpN. �- s 29°5s'o1°E 368.89' ---- SITE PERMIT/ PROPERTY B0 � 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER - ----- S 30°41'38"E 200.04' ��ry�' Cr S 29°33' '50'U. � S 28�38'20"E 540.98'' w 4' --------_ 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER S 2; ZO' DISTURBED/UNEXC Q ------------------ \�R° �o j AVATED BUFFER 50' 9.84 AC, z r ti Q. c� STU DA > - - /'�� ROPOSED HAUL LO qj ----------------- OPOSED HAUL ROAD � d LX 111, UN:* Lu .� 50.00' < 50.00'_ \ LU w w - a m � 15 U LL 6 - LL L� O ` w w ¢ PRO SED WATER SU ACE J w W 7 W U 7 T owLIJ10 Z w1z L 75 1 70 G is 0 T CO -5 75 I C REN TOP B N K �• Ln ° OF XISTI PIT 7 o -ZO Poo M 65 I I t -u .25 - - o I PROPOSED HAUL ROAD -30 30 (� IT 5R .35 o (PIT5, 6, & E AREA CO PIT WIC TH VAR/ S COMBINE ) �o QQ �,� 50.4� Ac. ' ro ab 1 A A Ot00 Ot50 Si: 1-OC 4+50 5+00 5+50 F-i: `T `T • e e SECTION A-A (TYPICAL) , PIT CROSS SECTION(PITS 4 THRU 7) EX HORIZ SCALE 1-50' E �\ U W _ o� Zif W uL co k coW C0 o Q O co X\ • W z Z LIJ LI 0 �O P b sec dh - - N c— W pCif s�GN a u el � ___ �LPNOS • rr �E LU \\������IIII11///�: 03 % \ �.�� N CARD Lu �N4�tiy''; q = SEAL > QC vni o: P Po ° • do S �, ` �J 0 100 200 300 A W V � \ Z P OP A DATE: 09-06-23 S` N SCALE IN FEET:1"=100' W / s" Date. Z x R°G�E sM -� SITE PLAN FOR 08-23-23 W P P - '` � R°�' -_ Lu ( �' 421 SAND MINE Scale: Q Q -" 1 r'=100' LLI >- p �^ 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: 75 GA W r` OWNER: BRUCE B. CAMERON TRUSTEE, HEIRS Checked: P.O. BOX 3649 GA W WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 Project No: PHONE: 910-762-2676 11936 LL _ LL.= 4 MODIFICATION (ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC.) 8-22-2023 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. Sheet No: REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEYORS,,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS 3 F" LAN 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY PRELIMINARY 9 /./ WILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 Copyrightc,(�anover Design Services,P.A.,NIrightsreserved.Reproducdonor usesfthecontentsofthlsdocument, origindonshi deletionst,this PHONE:(910)343-8002 document,in whole or part,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies 6om the original ofthis document, marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyorcr ,Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and fine copies. Of: r— LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) G G� N\N UIJ I UKD SITE _--- 125' DISTURBED/UNEXC, A�GAT� UFFER ---- � 7 UTILITY EASEMENT R � c�Z 57'07"E 2163.13' PERMIT / PROPERTY B 25' EGETATIVE BUFFER 25'VEGETATIVE BUFF S S�S�S / 50' QISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED FF 50 3.07 50' DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 50' DISTURBED/UN EXCAVATE[ � I Pi �y o 7- o So. _ r N 00 ROA IT (n PROPOSED O rn s IvO / \` -----�t> , z ,t �N-XE CAA FF 0 50 URgEL I 7 D � O \•,\ V) oA M '0 z 7- M -� z Q m r ITt O N oN CJ z — - N�o D0 �00 Z r G) Nz N a O R1 7-0 _ m m x v/VC PO Sc 4 C S m N 0 D 0 G D EXISTI G GROUND \ O G II g Z 50.00• 101" w w ¢ ROF SED WATER$Uf FACE m w w j K 7 V w y < y NEXCA V TEp 0..E ,0 w w /Emmons 5 W m I A -5-10 Noll N mom - R -20 MENEM SEAL = PIT WI TH VARI S -"o ,� 7 0t00 b.. .. SC 4+00 4.5C 5+00 �.. / / •'9No yO SECTION A A (TYPICAL) .��'F S 'z' PIT CROSS SECTION(PITS 4 THRU 7)50' // \\ '= 0 100 200 300 /IIII HORIZ SCALE f DATE: 09-06-23 SCALE IN FEET:1"=100' SITE PLAN FOR Date 08-23-23 421 SAND MINE Scale: 1 r'=100' NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: GA W 01 Checked: OWNER: BRUCE B. CAMERON TRUSTEE, HEIRS GAW P.O. BOX 3649 WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 Project No: PHONE: 910-762-2676 11936 F'O' RELIMINAIRY F"" LAN 4 MODIFICATION (ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC) 8-22-2023 01 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. Sheet No: REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEYORS,ENOINEERS&LAND PLANNERS4 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY 9 WILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 Copyright c,(Vanover Design Services,P.A.,NI rights reserved.Reproduction or use of the contents ofthis document,oradditions or deletions to this PHONE:(910)343-8002 document,in whole or part,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original ofthis document, marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyoror Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. Of: '- ETATIVE B E—-----------1, -1- / /11 25' VE SF 6 _A9- /50' E E ATED I�UFFER 'vim ----------------- A,'(F=D BUFFER''-F \xc�v 50' DIS IRBED/UNEX, TION L \ ki ki IMITS 0,E� LIMITS OF E I�JCAVA ON ki M k\ X ------------------------------------------------------------------------- M" �., ! r !! PRO IN X PROJECT LIMITS '0 ki Pf LEGEND M ~�~� \ \ fill/ \ r r r W\M WATER METER PERMIT BOUNDARYM W\V WATER VALVE i ; \ \ 1' f \ / n �j �j / / \ \ ` �r / \ \\ �\ \ C\O SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT -n FTS 0-F, E:)(CAVA\T I ON-71T LIM INV. INVERT ------- '5kQ. -------K, -------- i ------ 59.91, B/O BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY BFP BACK FLOW PREVENTOR \ ;\ \ z it I G\W GUY WIRE U SWMH = STORM MANHOLE --------- GT. GREASE TRAP 0 F\H FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY 40 --------- ------- qc I.S. IRON SET FL PROPERTY LINE kk if < 171 76 k G) BUILDING SETBACK I0 7 M \ r \ / A r W �p < CENTERLINE z ITI 03 FL C EASEMENT SF -n ---- ------ ITI 77 COMPUTED PROPERTY LINE OD k" \ `` `� J v j i D EXISTING CONTOUR(LIDAR) yam C) ---------------------- ------------------------------------------ -Till 0 L 016 \ \ ESB EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN (n 03 0 M CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LL �/ y� � ��w\ `� � � � �i (TYPICAL) F-TLANC)S x 404\N z ' 0 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE k I ---- ",> SF PROJECT LIMITS < it SF SF SIF SILT FENCE 0.94AC. (TYPICAL) PERMIT BOUNDARY = 88.54 Acres It \ m -n ,- Y. TOTAL AREA OF DISTURBANCE 77.81 Acres 44. SF SF M N) i 1 / `-- \ f Cb (A ------—------ 25'VEGETATED BUFFER will PERMIT BOUNDARY (11 TZ'/3, 4 WN 4( DISTURBED UNEXCAVATED Q) PROJECT LIMI 3.6BAC- BUFFER SF SF 404 WETLANDS J, 7;, Q) VEGETATED Q) I r / \ Z PROPOSED HAUL PERMIT BOUNDARY ROAD Q) M.B. 20 PG. 94 it PID: R01500-001-002-002 ISOLATED WELANDS zJ X UNDER PERMIT REVIEW Z) k, N) LAWS 404 WETLANDS \\ \ \ \ \ i 0 .79 Cf) REQUIRED PERMITS (not limited to) \ \ l 1 '9e ; ' \, �\ \ �, 1. NORTH CAROLINA STATE MINING PERMIT 2. NCDENR/DVVQ STORMWATER EXEMPTION SF NOTES 0 01> 1-DISTURBED UN EXCAVATED BUFFER FOR ACCESS TO DIGGING OPERATION. ------------------------- V `v r \ 2-25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER SHALL REMAIN UN-DISTURBED -T --------------------- 3-ACCESS TO LCFWASA EASEMENT WILL BE MAINTAINED SF \\ FOR THE LIFE OF THE MINING OPERATION. 4-NO EXCAVATION SIGNS ARE TO PLACED ALONG 75' LCFWSA EASEMENT EVERY 50'. DISTURB /UNEXCAVATED , FER SO, r U IV,jr, 4()4 WETLANDS 125' DISTURBED/6 EXC5VATED-ZUFFER EASEMENT CROSSING J S 75'UTILITY EASEIME)N SEE DETAIL 75'LITILITY EASEMENT SF PERMIT PROPERTY BOULInAR) ---------- --------------- 25'VEII ER 50, EDfUNE�&VATEDII�FFER 50' DIST 1 50' -7 A 50' DISTU RBEb/UN EXCAVATED BUFFER 25'VEGETATIVE BUFF 25'VEGETATIVE BUF�Ek EX, PERMIT BOUNDARY 0, Date . Note: Metal stakes are minimum 4'long, 1.33 Ib/LF steel. PROJECT LIMITS] SITE PLAN OF 08-23-23 MAXIMUM SPACING, FILTER FILTER EASEMENT CROSSING Scale SEE NARRATIVE FABRIC C FABRIC TREE SHAKER SAND MINE 7 0 100 200 300 111- 100, > EXTENSION OF N.T.S. BACKIFILL FABRIC AND WIRE COMPACTED NORTH CAROLINA > MINIMUM 8" NEW HANOVER COUNTY Drawn INTO THE TRENCH > THICK LAYER Gw OF GRAVEL 8wMINIMUM 4il WIRE SCALE IN FELT. 1­100' WIRE 75.00" EASEMENT OWNER: 421 SAND MINE LLC Checked PRELIMINARY PLAN CARD GW V-TRENCH P.O. BOX 100 \�i\�i\� \�i\�i\\ COMPACTED FILL OR ol- WINNABOW, N.C. 28479 Project No. RAVEL,EXTENSION 4.0" FILL OVER EASEMENT G 8''MINIVUV I / \ OF FABRIC AND WIRE '\' I 1 11936 TS INTO THE TRENCH NARRATIVESEAL IF F DIST J mop/;,/ FOR MORE DETAIL. 14"l 20 % SECTION 4"MINIMUM SECTION 20010 0 ISOMETRIC Vill 4 MODIFICATION(ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC.) 8-22-2023 ol Sheet No ti HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. SEDIMENT FENCE ( SILT FENCE ) S REV.NO. REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEYORS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS NTS EXISTING GROUND Zb­A' W� '\,S" 5 PRACTICE 6.62 //////// I %0\\\ 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY Copyright®,Hanover Design Services,P.A.,All rights reserved.Reproduction or use of the contents of this document,or additions or deletions to this WILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 document,in whole orpart,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original ofthis al PHONE:(910)343-8002 marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. I ( DATE: 09-06-23 Of 9- PIT EXIST11 IG GROUND 50.00' mQ 50 OD' rc ug ¢ 2 a a J 3 a O a 2 p _ �-G,,ATFR S 0I FAIT Z ap S S C hy 75 5 3 _ z 3 8 � r 70 00 IF/z 65 75 70 65 -25 -30 -35 PIT WIDTH VARIE S 40 0-50 ,,,, '66 e„ SECTION A-A (TYPICAL) PIT CROSS SECTION HORIZ SCALE 1'=50' TYPICAL HAUL ROAD X-SECTION 12' 12' EXISTING GROUND Z 8" OF ABC C/L NOTE: ROAD SURFACE TO BE FLUSH WITH EXISTING GROUND Date' Note: Metal stakes are minimum 4' long, 1.33 Ib/LF steel. SITE PLAN OF 08-23-23 MAXIMUM SPACING, FILTE FILTER Scale. SEE NARRATIVE FABRIC FABRIC - TREE SHAKER SAND MINE BACKFILL EXTENSION OF MINIMUM 8" FABRIC AND WIRE COMPACTED THICK LAYER INTO THE TRENCH FILL NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CA LIN Drawn: OF GRAVEL GW 8°MINIMUM WIRE WIRE REQUIRED PERMITS (not limited to) \ \ \ \ \\1111111111// Checked: PRELIMINARY PLAN caR ///' OWNER: P.O.SAND MINE LLC le v-TRENCH � � ���� ��\��\� 1. NORTH CAROLINA STATE MINING PERMIT �� '(N ,,...,0 '''i� P. BOX 100 GW COMPACTED FILL OR /��j��j�� 2. NCDENR/DWQ STORMWATER EXEMPTION �� O� ' ESS/p' '� GRAVEL,EXTENSION � � ����/ 8"MINIMUM / OF FABRIC AND WIRE NOTE: _ OF N 9 = W N NABOW, N.C. 28479 Project No: INTO THE TRENCH FOR MORRATIVE RE DETAIL. %� — / / 14"MINIMUM SECTION 4"MINIMUM � sEcnoN 0 100 200 300 — SEAL _ 11936 T ISOMETRIC VIEW / /� /�� 4 MODIFICATION (ADDITIONAL 81.11i Sheet No: 8-22-2u23 ,q Jam. HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES P.A. SEDIMENT FENCE SILT FENCE G� �° s SF REV.NO. REVISIONS DATE '� �\ NTS SCALE IN FEET. 1"=100' ijY//�G' A ,1A�\\��� LAND SURVEYORS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS r RACTICE 6 62 / \ 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY Copyright c panover Design Services,P.A.,All fights reserved.Reproduction or use of the contents of this document,or additions or deletions to this WILMINGTON,N.C. 284031§document,in whole or part,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original of this document, PHONE:(910)343-8002 9 marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyoror Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. DATE' 09-06-23 Of LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) �<_X� G .T VN 0 0 02 0 x° J J } F- W J g J > FW to U coN to to 2 7 to _Z CoQQ� �l J to if J W �ro 8 W if LL to 2 a0. Ir y a U 2 C a z = J y 3 0 W LL Z U.S. HIGHWA Y 421 (RIGHT OF WAY VARIES) (_S. HIGH WA Y 4 zm S \ 00 O mbir T SIN �= S Q � � s , C REN TOP B INK \ I z OF XISTI PIT � I PERMIT BOUNDARY J 00 /� zs y„ �v O �t 0 50 I EST / uph� pp NI o 00, 4 42 ANCW;LLC J / O 6355 PG 64 O PAR L/ R001 0-001-00 C� 4 O O O PV' J� E _G O ESS EN GR O I-�NE i 50 P gM�ss�p,Y.PEA' TATIos RI NT p0 P�'�' PNY ' SUBS or 0 �> C—) 6 OMPS COMP / SURVEY►NG i \��\\1111111///777 .CARD \.�� pQ •oFES s 0 300 600 900 SEAL = SCALE IN FEET. 1"=300' L-2876 01 Date. NOTES: EXISTING CONDITIONS 08-23-23 1. CONTOURS SHOWN WERE TAKEN FROM NCDOT LIDAR ',, jpF. SIJRcy° ••' '\ =• `9!VO i -k, .� NN P 421 SAND MINE Scale LEGEND LEGEND 1�11111\\\\\\\ GW NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: =DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE NOTES NOTE. E.I. = EXISTING IRON DATE: 09-06-23 OWNER: BRUCE B. CAMERON TRUSTEE, HEIRS checked: 1. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND GAW E.C.M.= EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION P.O. BOX 3649 RIW = RIGHTOFWAY 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 Project No: C.P. = COMPUTED POINT WHICH/S AN INTEGRAL PART OF PHONE: 910-762-2676 11936 3. FOR REFERENCE SEE AS NOTED THIS MINING PLAN. EST =EXISTING SEDIMENT TRAP 4. SURVEYED JANUARY OF 2017 PROPERTY LINE 4 MODIFICATION (ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC.) 2-22-2r,23 01 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. Sheet"°: REV.N O. REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEYORS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS 7 sr I PROOSED SILT FENCE 23 FLORAL PARKWAY W ILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 Copyright c Cianover Design Services,P.A.,All rights reserved.Reproduction or use of the contents of this document,or additions or deletions to this PHONE:(910)343-8002 COMPUTED PROPERTY LINE document,in whole or pan,without mitten consent of the Land Surveyor ,or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original of this document marked win the original signature and original seal of the Sumeyoror Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. ,f Temporary Sediment Trag - continued Construction Road Stabilization CPermanent Seedino G C Grass-Lined Channels F iment Fence (Silt Fence) ST Specification # 6. 80 - Construction Specifications Specifications # 6. 11 - Specifications Specification # 6. 30 - Construction Specifications ctftcatton 6, 62 - Construction Spectftcattons Protection from piping - Place filter cloth on the foundation below the riprap 1, Remove all trees, brush, stumps, and other objectionable material from the ERIALS to prevent piping, An alternative would be to excavate a keyway trench across 1, Clear roadbed and parking areas of all vegetation, roots and other Seedbed Requirements foundation area and dispose of properly, se a synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheet of polypropylene, nylon, the riprap foundation and up the sides to the height of the dam, objectionable material, Establishment of vegetation should not be attempted on sites that are unsuitable 2. Excavate the channel and shape it to neat lines and dimensions shown on the polyester, or polyethylene yarn, which is certified by the manufacturer or 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terrain if due to ;nappropr;ate so; l texture (Table 6, 11a), poor drainage, concentrated plans plus a 0, 2 ft overcut around the channel perimeter to allow for bulking supplier as conforming to the requirements shown in Table 6, 62b, Synthetic it is possible, overland flow, or steepness of slope until measures have been taken to correct during seedbed preparations and sod buildup, filter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray Inhibitors and stabilizers to Weir length and depth - Keep the spillway weir at least 4 ft long and sized to 3. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas If they are available, Keep these problems, 3. Remove and properly dispose of all excess soil so that surface water may provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a pass the peak discharge of the l0-yr storm, A maximum flow depth of 1 ft, a grades sufficient for drainage but generally not more than 2 to 3%, To maintain a good stand of vegetation, the soil must meet certain minimum enter the channel freely, temperature range of 0 to 120 F. minimum freeboard of 0, 5 ft, and maximum side slopes of 211 are recommended, 4. Provide surface drainage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using requirements as a growth medium, The existing soil should have these criteria; 4. The procedure used to establish grass In the channel will depend upon the 2. Ensure that posts for sediment fences are either 4-Inch diameter pine, 2-Inch Wear length may be selected from Table 6, 60a shown for most site locations in water bars or turnouts (References, Runoff Control Measures), severity of the condtttons and selection of species, Protect the channel diameter oak, or 1, 33 lb/linear ft steel with a minimum length of 4 ft, Make North Caro(ina, 5, Keep cuts and fills at 2: 1 or flatter for safety and stability and to - Enough fine-grained Csilt and clay) material to maintain adequate with mulch or a temporary liner sufficient to withstand anticipated sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening the fabric, facilitate establishment of vegetation and maintenance, moisture and nutrient supply (available water capacity of at least , 05 veloc;t;es during the establishment period CAppend;x 8, 05), 3. For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a Table 6, 60a 6, Spread a 6-Inch course of 'ABC' crushed stone evenly over the full width of Inches water to l Inch of soil), Maintenance m;n;mum 14 gauge and a maximum mesh spacing of 6 ;nches, Des;gn of Sp; l;ways Dra;nage Area Wear Length(1) the road and smooth to avoid depressions, - Sufficient pore space to permit root penetration, During the establishment period, check grass-lined channels after every (acres) (ft) 7, Where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, Install - Sufficient depth of so; l to provide an adequate root zone, The depth to rock rainfall, After grass Is established, periodically check the channetj check It Table 6, 62b 1 4. 0 subsurface drains or geotextile fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone or Impermeable layers such as hardpans should be 12 Inches or more, except on after every heavy rainfall event, Immediately make repairs, It Is particularly Spectftcattons For Sediment Fence Fabric 2 6. 0 (Practice 6, 81, Subsurface Drain), slopes steeper than 2: 1 where the addition of soil Is not feasible, ;mportant to check the channel outlet and all road cross;ngs for bank stability Physical Property Requirements 3 8. 0 8, Vegetate all roadside ditches, cuts, fills and other disturbed areas or - A favorable pH range for plant growth, usually 6, 0-6, 5, and evidence of piping or scour holes, Remove all significant sediment F; lter;ng Eff;c;ency - 85% (mm) 4 10. 0 otherw;se appropr;ately stabilize as soon as grading ;s complete (References - Freedom from large roots, branches, stones, large clods of earth, or trash of accumulations to maintain the designed carrying capacity, Keep the grass In a Tensile Strength at Standard Strength- 30 lb/fin In Cmin) 5 12. 0 Surface Stabilization), any kind, Clods and stones may be left on slopes steeper than 311 if they are health, vigorous condition at all times, since It Is the primary erosion Extra Strength- 50 lb/Lin In (mm) 9, Provide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off-site to be hydroseeded, protection for the channel (Practice 6, 11, Permanent Seeding), Slurry Flow Rate - 0. 3 gal/sq ft/min (min) (1) Dimensions shown are m;n;mum sedimentation, If any of the above criteria are not met-I, e„ If the existing soil Is too CONSTRUCTION Maintenance coarse, dense, shallow or acidic to foster vegetation-special amendments are 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength Construction Spec;f;cat;ons required, The soil conditioners described below may be beneficial or, synthetic filter fabrics, Inspect construction roads and parking areas per;od;cally for condition of referabl to soil may be a lied in accordance with Practice 6, 04, To soilin 2. Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 18 Inches above surface, Topdress with new gravel as needed, Check road ditches and other p y� p Y pp p g� g 1, Clear, grub, and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation and the ground surface, (Higher fences may impound volumes of water sufficient to root mat, Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic matter and seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation after runoff-producing rains, Sotl Conditioners cause failure of the structure, ) Ma;nta;n all vegetation ;n a healthy, vigorous condition, Sediment-producing stockpile or dispose of It properly, Haul all objectionable material to the In order to Improve the structure or drainage characteristics of a soil, the 3, Construct the filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the designated disposal area, areas should be treated Immediately, following material may be added, These amendments should only be necessary barrier to avoid joints, When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter ❑utlet Stabilization Structure where soils have l;m;tat;ons that make them poor for plant growth or for Pane P cloth only at a support post with overlap to the next post, 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment Is free of roots, woody turf establishment (see Chapter 3, Vegetative Considerations), Spectftcatton # 6, 41 - Construction Specifications 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the vegetation, organic matter, and other objectionable material, Place the fill in 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the falter and riprap follows the required lanes up slope side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 Inch long, lifts not to exceed 9 Inches and machine compact It, ❑ver fill the embankment 6 Flporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit Peat-A ro mate t es are s ha num moss eat, h num moss eat, reedsed a eat, and grades shown In the plan, Compact any fill required In the subgrade to pp ;nches to allow for settlement, pp p yp p g p yp p g p or tie wares, Extend the ware mesh su ort to the bottom of the trench, or eat humus, all from fresh-water sources, Peat should be shredded and the density of the surrounding undisturbed material, Low areas In thectftcatton # 6, 06 - Construction Spectftcattons p S, When a wire mesh support fence Is used, space posts a maximum of 8 ft apart, led by Increasing the riprap 3, Construct the outlet section In the embankment, Protect the connection thickness, inches,Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots and other Vermiculite-horticultural rade and free of toxic substances, 2, The riprap and gravel falter must conform to the specified grading limits p p P P g Y 9 Y Y g 6, Extra strength filter fabric with Eft post spacing does not require wire mesh cutoff trench between the rt ra structure and the soil, objectionable material and properly grade it, P P Rotted manure-stable or cattle manure not containing undue amounts of straw or shown on the plans, support fence, Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to posts, 2, Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans and other beddin materials, 3, Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly g 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 Inches wide and 8 Inches deep along the (Place the fitter fabric between the rt ra and soil, Extend the smooth It, P P Thorou hl rotted sawdust- free of stones and debris, Add 6 lb, Of nitrogen to protected from punching or tearing during Installation, Repair any damage by ro osed line of oats and u slo a from the barrier Cft ure 6, 62a), 3, Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet, g y g p p p p p g fabric across the spillway foundation and sides to the top of the each cubic yard, removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the 8, Backf; ll the trench with compacted soil or gravel placed over the falter damj or 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they Improve stability of the foundation In damaged area, All connect;n o;nts should overla a minimum of L ft. If Sludge-Treated sewage and Industrial sludges are available In various forms; 9 9 j P fabric, (Excavate a ke wa trench alon the centerline of the s Illwa locations subject to seepage or h;gh water table, Y Y 9 P Y these should be used onl In accordance with local, State and Federal the damage Is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth, g foundation extending up the sides to the height of the dam, The y 9, Do not attach falter fabric to existing trees, Maintenance regulations, 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the Maintenance trench should be at least 2 ft deep and 2 ft wide with Ill side filter, Ins ect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall, Make any slopes, Ma;nta;n the gravel pad ;n a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leav;ng p Species Selection 5, The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1, 5 times the maximum stone required repairs ;mmed;ately, the construction site, This may require periodic topdressing with 2-Inch stone, diameter, Use the key to Permanent Seeding Mixtures (Table 6, llb) to select the most Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become 4, Clear the and area below the elevation of the crest of the s Illwa to After each rainfall, Inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean It 6, RI ra may be field stone or rough quarry stone, It should be hard, an ular, p p y out as necessary, Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, appropriate seeding mixture based on the general ante and maintenance factors, P P Y 9 q Y 9 ineffective, replace it promptly, Replace burlap every 60 days, facilitate sediment cleanout A listen of s ectes, Includin scientific names and characteristics, Is Iven highly weather-resistant and well graded, washed, or tracked onto public roadways, g p g g Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the ;n Appendix 8, 02, 6, Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfall at the end, Make the top next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence, Take care to avoid undermining 5. All cut and fill slopes should be 2: 1 or flatter, of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly the fence during cleanout, Seedbed Preparation below it, Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area 6, Ensure that the stone (drainage) section of the embankment has a minimum Install necessary mechan;cal erosion and sedimentation control practices before 8. Ensure that the apron Is properly aligned with the receiving stream and to grade and stabilize ;t after the contr;but;ng drainage area has been properly bottom width of 3 ft and maximum side slopes of 1: 1 that extend to the bottom of seeding, and complete grading according to the approved plan, preferably straight throughout Its length, If a curve Is needed to fit site stabilized, Temporary Seeding the spillway section, Spectftcatton # 6, 10 - Specifications Lime and fertilizer needs should be determined by soil tests, Sotl testing Is conditions, place It In the upper section of the apron, performed free of charge by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture soil 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation 7. Construct the minimum finished stone spillway bottom width, as shown on the testing laboratory, Directions, sample cartons, and Information sheets are (Practice 6, 10, Temporary Seeding, and 6, 11, Permanent Seeding), Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and Install all necessary erosion plans, with 211 side slopes extending to the top of the over filled embankment available through county agricultural extens;on off;ces or from NCDA, Because Maintenance control practices, such as dikes, waterways and basins, Minimize steep slopes Keep the thickness of the sides of the spillway outlet structure at a minimum because they make seedbed preparation difficult and Increase the erosion hazard, the NCDA soil testing lab requires 1-6 weeks for sample turn-around, sampling Inspect riprap outlet structures after heavy rains to see If any erosion around of 21, Inches, The weir must be level and constructed to grade to assure design If soils become compacted during grading, loosen them to a depth of 6-8 Inches must be planned well In advance of final grading, Testing Is also done by or below the riprap has taken place or If stones have been dislodged, capacity, using a rapper, harrow, or ch;sel plow, commercial laboratories, Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage, When soil test are not available, follow rates suggested on the Individual 8, Material used In the stone section should be a well-graded mixture of stone Seedbed Preparation spec;f;cat;on sheet for the seeding max chosen (Tables 6, 11c through 6, 110, with a d50 size of 9 Inches (class B erosion control stone Is recommended) and a Applications rates usually fall Into the following ranges Good seedbed preparation Is essential to successful plant establishment, A good maximum stone size of 14 Inches, The stone may be machine placed and the smaller - Ground agricultural limestone F7e iment Basin w/ Rock Dam (see additional notes and specs) seedbed Is well-pulverized, loose and uniform, Where hydroseeding methods are stones worked Into the voids of the larger stones, The stone should be hard, used, the surface may be left w;th a more ;rregular surface of large clods and Light-textured, sandy sotlsj 1-1 1/2 tons/acre Spectftcattons # 6, 63 - Construction Specifications angular, and highly weather-resistant, Heavy textured, clayey soils 2-3 tons/acre 1, Site re arations-Clear, rub and strip to so; l from areas under the stones, P P 9 P P Fertilizer Liming - Apply lime according to soil test recommendations, If the pH (acidity) embankment to remove trees, vegetation, roots and other objectionable material, 9. Ensure that the stone spillway outlet section extends downstream past the Grasses 800-1200 lb/acre of 10-10-10 Cor the equivalent) DeLa cLearin the ool area until the dam Is com fete and then remove brush, of the soil Is not known, an a ltcatton of round a rtcultural limestone at the Y 9 P P toe of the embankment until stable condtttons are reached and outlet veloctt Is pp g g Grass-le ume mixtures: 800-1200 lb/acre of 5-10-10 (or the e uivalent) Land Gradino y rate of 1 to 1 1/2 tons/acre on coarse-textured soils and 2-3 tons/acres on g qC trees and other objectionable materials to facilitate sediment cleanout, acceptable for the receiving stream, Keep the edges of the stone outlet section A l lime and fertilizer evenl and Incor orate Into the to 4-6 Inches of soil Spectftcatton # 6, 02 - Construction Spectftcattons Pane-textured soils ;s usually sufficient, Apply limestone un;formly and pP y Y P P Stockpile all topsoil or soil containing organic matter for use on the outer flush w;th the surrounding ground and shape the center to conf;ne the outflow by disking or other suitable means, ❑perate machinery on the contour, When 1. Construct and maintain all erosion and sedimentation control practices and shell of the embankment to facilitate ve etat;ve establishment, Place temporary Incorporate Into the top 4-6 Inches of soil, Soils with a pH of 6 or higher measures ;n accordance w;th the a roved sedimentation control Ian and g stream (References, Outlet Protection), need not be limed, using a hydroseeder, apply time and fertilizer to a rough, loose surface, PP P sediment control measures below the basin as needed, construction schedule, 2, Cut-off trench-Excavate a cut-off trench alon the centerline of the earth Fertilizer- Base appltcatton rates on soil tests, When these are not possible, 9 10, Direct emergency bypass to natural, stable areas, Locate bypass outlets so Rou hen surfaces accordin to Practice 6, 03, Surface Roughening, 2. Remove good topsoil from areas to be graded and f; lLed, and preserve it for apply a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at 700-1,000 lb, /acre, Both fertilizer and g g g g' fill embankment, Cut the trench to stable soil material, but In no case make It that flow will not damage the embankment, lame should be ;ncorporated ;nto the top 4-6 ;nches of so; l. C ft dbd t b bk f ld d k t use In finishing the grading of all critical areas, less than 2 ft, deep, The cut-off trench must extend Into both abutments to at smooth, uniform surface (slope less than 311) Fill In or level depress tons than 3. ScarIfy areas to be topsoILed to a minimum depth of 2 Inches before placing least the elevation of the riser crest, Make the m;n;mum bottom width wade seeder Is used, do not mix seed and fertilizer more than 30 minutes before 11. Stabilize the embankment and all disturbed areas above the sediment pool can collect water, Broadcast seed ;nto a freshl loosened seedbed that has not topsoil (Practice 6, 04, TopsoILing), appltcatton, y enough to permit operation of excavation and compaction equipment but In no case and downstream from the trap Immediately after construction (References; Surface been sealed by rainfall, 4. CLear and grub areas to be filled to remove trees, vegetation, roots, or other less than 2 ft, Make side slo es of the trench no stee er than 1: 1, Compaction Surface roughening- If recent tillage operations have resulted In a loose P P P Stabtltzatton), objectionable material that would affect the planned stability of the fill, re utrements are the same as those for the embankment, Kee the trench dr surface, additional roughening may not be required except to break up large q P Y S. Ensure that fill material Is free of brush, rubbish, rocks, logs, stumps, o Burin backfillin and com action erations, clods, If rainfall causes the surface to become sealed or crusted, loosen ;t building debris, and other materials Inappropriate for constructing stable g g p p 12. Show the distance from the top of the spillway to the sediment cleanout just prior to seeding by disking, raking, harrowing, or other suitable methods, 3, Embankment-Take fill material from the approved areas shown on the plans, It level (one-half the design depth) on the plans and mar n 3; 1 on the contour before seeding (Practicevegetation, k It In the field, fills, should be clean mineral soil, free of roots, woody 9 ve etation, rocks and other Groove or furrow slopes steeper tha 6. PLace all fill In layers not to exceed 9 Inches In thickness, and compact the ob ecttonable material, Scarifyareas on which fill Is be laced before lacin 6 03, Surface Roughening), layers as required to reduce erosion, slippage, settlement, or other related j p p g Maintenance Pitt, The fall material must contain sufficient moisture so ;t can be formed by problems, hand Into a ball without crumblin If water can be squeezed out of the ball, It Plant Selection 9� q Inspect temporary sediment traps after each period of s;gn;f;cant rainfall, 7. Do not Incorporate frozen material or soft, mucky, or highly compressible ;s too wet for ro er compaction, Place PILL material in 6 to 8-Inch Select an appropriate species or species mixture from Table 6, 10a, for seeding P P P Remove sediment and restore the trap to Its original dimensions when the Table 6, lls - Seeding No, 4CP for materials ;nto fall slopes, In late winter and early spring, Table 6, 10b for summer, and Table 6, 10c for g continuous layers over the entire length of the fill area and then compact It, sediment has accumulated to one-half the design depth of the trap, Place the CWell-Drained Sand foams to Dr Sands, Coastal Platnj Low to Medium-Care Lawns 8. Do not place fill on a frozen foundation, due to possible subsidence and fall, Y Y Compaction may be obtained by routing the construction hauling equipment over sediment that Is removed In the designated disposal area and replace the Seeding mixture slippage, the fall so that the entire surface of each layer ;s traversed by at least one contaminated part of the gravel facing, S ectes - Cents ede rasa - Rate - 10-20 lb/acre (seed) or 33 bu/acre (s rigs) 9. Keep diversions and other water conveyance measures free of sediment during Seeding p p g p g wheel or tread track of the heavy equipment, or a compactor may be used, Seedtn dates - Mar, - June, (Spriggingcan be done through Jul where water Is all phases of development, Evenl a l seed usin a c clone seeder (broadcast), drill, cults acker seeder, g g y Construct the embankment to an elevation 10% higher than the design height to Check the structure for dame a from erosion or I In Pertodicall check the Y se y g y p available for Irrt ati on, ) 10. HanclLe seeps or springs encountered during construction in accordance with g p p , y or hydroseeder, Use seeding rates given In Table 6, 10a-6, lOc, Broadcast seeding g allow for settling, depth of the spillway to ensure It Is a minimum of 1, 5 ft below the low point of Soil amendments - A l lime and fertilizer accordin to soil test, or a l 300 approved methods (Practice 6, 81, Subsurface Drain), and h roseedtn are a ro mate for stee slo es where a ut ment cannot be pp y g pp Y 4, Condutt spillways-Securely attach the riser to the barrel or barrel stub to the embankment, Immedtatel fill an settlement of the embankment to sit htl Y g pp p p p q p lb/acre 10-10-10, 11. PermanentLy stabilize all graded areas Immediately after final grading Is y Y c y driven, Hand broadcastin Is not recommended because of the difficult In make a watert;ght structural connection, Secure all connections between barrel above Best n rade, An rt ra des laced from the s Illwa must be re laced g Y com feted on each area In the radtn Lan, A l temporary stabilization y g y p p p p y p Sprigging - Plant sprigs In furrows with a tractor-drown transplanter, or p g g p pp y p y sections b a roved watertt ht assemblies, Place the barrel and riser on a ach;ev;ng a uniform d;str;but;on, Small grans should be planted no more than 1 measures on all raded areas when work Is to be Interru ted or Bela ed for 30 y pp g ;mmed;ately, broadcast by hand, g p Y firm, smooth foundation of ;m erv;ous soil, Do not use erv;ous material such Inch deep, and grasses and legumes no more than 1/2 Inch, Broadcast seed must p p Furrows should be 4-6 ;nches Bee ner, and 2ft apart, Place sprigs about 2 ft, apart work;ng days or log , be covered b raain or chain dra In and then It htl firmed with a roller or p pp as sand, gravel, or crushed stone as backfill around the pipe or ants-seep After all sediment- roducin areas have been ermanentl stabilized, remove the y g gg g' g Y 12. Ensure that to soil stock Iles, borrow areas, and s oil areas are ade uatel p g h Y In the row with one end at or above ground level (Figure 6, lld), p p p q y collars, Place the fill material around the I e s Illwa In 4-Inch la era and culttpacker, Hydroseeded mixtures should Include a wood fiber (cellulose) mulch, P P P Y Y structure and all unstable sediment, Smooth the area to blend with the adjoining Broadcast at rates shown above, and ress s r; s ;nto the to 1 1/2 ;nches of protected from erosion with temporary and final stabilization measures, Including p p p y areas and stabilize properly (References, Surface Stabilization), P P 9 P com act ;t under and around the � e to at least the same dens;t as the Mulchino soil with a disk set straight so that sprigs are not brought back toward the sediment fencing and temporary seeding as necessary, adjacent embankment, Care must be taken not to raise the pipe from firm contact The use of appropriate mulch wall help ensure establishment under normal surface, w;th ;ts foundation when compactiog under the p;pe haunches, Mulch - Do not mulch Maintenance Place a minimum de hand-com acted of 2ft, of backf th ill over the I e s Illwa condtttons and Is essential to seeding success under harsh site condition Pertodicall check all raded areas and the su ortin erosion and sedimentation p p p p p y Maintenance - Fertilize very sparingly- 20 lb/acre nitrogen In spring with no Y g pp g before crossin It with construction equipment, Anchor the riser In lace b (Practice 6, 14, Mulching), Harsh site condtttons Include; 9P Y phosphorus, Cent;pedegrass cannot tolerate h;gh pH or excess fertilizer, control practices, especially after heavy rainfalls, Promptly remove all concrete or other sat;sfactor means to revent flotat;on, In no case should the -seeding in fall for winter cover (wood fiber mulches are not considered sediment from dtverstons and other water-disposal practices, If washouts or Y p adequate for this use), pipe conduct be Installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the han 31, breaks occur, repair them Immediately, Prompt maintenance of small eroded areas embankment ;s com p fete, -slopes steeper t before they become s;gn;f;cant gull;es ;s an essential part of an effective -excessively hot or dry weather, Table 6, 11t - Seeding No, SCP for, Well-Drained Sandy Loams to Dry Sandsj Low S, Emergency spillway-Install the emergency spillway In undisturbed soil, The -adverse sotls(shallow, rocky, or high In clay or sand), and Maintenance erosion and sedimentation control plan, achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit -areas receiving concentrated flow, Seeding mixture channel slopes are cr;t;cal to the successful operation of emergency spillway, If the area to be mulched Is subject to concentrated waterflow, as In channels, Species Rate ( (b/acre) 6, Inlets-Discharge water Into the basin In a manner to prevent erosion, Use anchor mulch w;th netting (Practice 6, 14, Mulching), Pensacola Bahtagrass 50 dtverstons with outlet protection to divert sediment-laden water to the upper Sertcea lespedeza 30 end of the pool area to Improve basin trap efficiency (References, Runoff common Bermudagrass to STABILIZATION T I ME FRAMES: Control Measures and ❑utlet Protection), German mallet 10 7, Erosion control-Construct the structure so that the disturbed area is minimized, Divert surface water away from bare areas, Complete the embankment Seed I ng notes S I TE AREA DESCR I PT I�N STAB I L I ZAT I�N before the area I s c feared, Stab I I I ze the emergency sp I l lway embankment and a l l 1, Where a neat appearance is desired, omit sericea other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway Immediately Table 6, 10a - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Late Winter and Early Spring 2, Use common Bermudagrass only on Isolated sites where It cannot become a pest, after construction (References; Surface Stabilization), Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes 7 DAYS CSeeding mixture Bermudagrass may be replaced w;th 5 lb/acre cent;pedgrass, 8, Safety-Sediment basins may attract children and can be dangerous, Avoid steep Spec I es- RyeC gra I n), Annua L L espedeza (Kobe in Pied mont and Coasta l P Lain H i gh QUa i t)/ Water ( H QW) Zones 7 DAYS side s lopes, and fence and mark bas I ns w I th warn I ng s I gns I f trespass I ng I s \\\��1111 I I I I RO//// Rate ( lb/acre)- 120 Seed I ng dates - Apr, 1 - July 15 L I ke Ly, Fo L low a L L state and Loca L requirements, \,\\ -0 CAROZ //ice ❑met annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover Is not to extend beyond So; l amendments - Apply lame and fertilizer according to so; l tests, or apply ," •" s i� S lopes steeper than 31 1 7 DAYS Ma I ntenance .Z p ••FEss I p' �i June 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer, _:" Nq'•:'9 Seeding dates-Coastal Plain - Dec, 1 - Apr, 15, Mulch Check sediment basins after periods of stgntftcant runoff, Remove sediment and _ : <1 , _S lopes 3 1 Or flatter 14 DAYS restore the bast n to I is or I g I na l d I mens I ons when sed I ment accumulates to one- Sotl amendments- Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre Apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch, = SEAL = ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer, Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with a mulch half the design depth, A l l other areas w i th s lopes flatter than 4: 1 14 DAYS Check the embankment, spit L(was and outlet for erosion dame L-2876 Mulch-Apply 4,000lb/acre straw, Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting anchoring tool, A Bask w;th blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch p y damage, and Inspect the � �:. anchor tool, embankment for piping and settlement, Make all necessary repairs Immediately, �y y0, or a mulch anchoring tool, A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used 9 N as a mulch anchoring tool, Maintenance - Refert; l;ze the following Apr, with 50 lb/acre nitrogen, Repeat N❑T E W E L LI Remove all trash and other debris from the riser and pool area, i��0, -•0 SUFt�.•'\"k,� Maintenance - Refertilize If growth Is not fully adequate, Reseed, refertilize as growth requires, May be moved only once a year, Where a neat appearance Is ��/i/FG q �Py\���\ and mulch ;mined;ate ly fo l low;ng eros;on or other damage, desired, omit ser I cea and now as often as needed, ANY AREAS UN-SITE W I THUUT ACTIVITY SHALL BE STABILIZED W I TH I N ///IIIIII1111111��\\ Table 6, lob - Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Summer 15 WURK I NG DAYS AND AS ABOVE, ALL SLUPES Seed;ng m;xture Table 6, 11v - Seeding No, 7CP for, Grass-tined Channe Lsj Coastal, P La I n MUST BE STABILIZED W I TH I N 21 CALENDAR DAYS OF CEASE OF ANY CA� %o� Species-German millet Seeding Mixture Rate( lb/acre)- 40 NOTE WELL: Seed I ng dates-Co Spec I es - Common Bermudagrass - Rate - 40-80 (1/2 lb/1,000 ft ) ACTIVITY, DATE: 09-06-23 astal P la I n- Apr, 15-Aug, 15 Sot l amendments-Follow recommendat t ons of so t l tests or apply 2,000 L b/acre Seed t ng dates - Coasta l P l a t nj Apr - July; l EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AREAS PER THE"EROSION So amendments - Apply lame and fertilizer according to so; l tests, or apply ground agr;cu ltura l l;mestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fert; l;zer, AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL"OF THE STATE OF 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer, Date: Mulch -Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw, Anchor straw by tack t ng w t th asphalt, nett t ng NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, S I T E P LAN 1-O R Mulch - Use jute, excelsior matting, or other effective channel lining material or a mulch anchor t ng tool, A d t sk w t th blades set nearly stra t ght can be used LATEST EDITION. PRACTICE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL. OS-23-23 as a mulch anchoring tool, to cover the bottom of channels and ditches, The lining should extend above the Ma(ntenance-Refert I l I ze I f growth I s not fully adequate, Reseed, refert I L I ze h I ghest calculated depth of flow, ❑n channel s I de s lopes above th I s he I ght, and CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING A COPY OF THIS MANUAL 421 SAND MINE scale: and mulch ;mined;ate ly follow;ng eros;on or other damage, ;n dra;Wages not requ;r;ng temporary L i n i ngs, apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw ON-SITE AND ENSURING THAT ALL SUPERVISORS ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE 1„_100, and anchor straw by step l t ng nett t ng over the top, STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN IN THE MANUAL AND ON THE PLAN. Tab le 6, 1Oc - Temporary Seed I ng Recommendat I on for Fa L l Mulch and anchor I ng meter I a is must be a l lowed to wash down slopes where they can NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: Seeding mixture clog drainage devices, NOTE: Spec I es-Rye(gra I n) Ma t ntenance -A m t n t mum of 3 weeks t s requ t red for estab l t shment, I nspect and DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY COLUMBUS COUNTY. GA W Rate( lb/acre) - 120 repo;r mulch frequently, Refert; l;ze the fo L lowing Apr, with 50 lb/acre THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS,BUT Checked: Seed;ng dates - Coasta l P la;n and P;edmont-Aug 15 - Dec, 30 nitrogen, RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE.THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL OWNER: BRUCE B. CAMERON TRUSTEE, HEIRS GA W Sot l amendments - Follow sot l tests or app L y 2,000 L b, /acre ground agr I cu L ture L COUTY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. P.O. BOX 3649 L I mestone and L,000 lb/acre 10-10-10 Pert I L I zer, Refer to Append I x 8, 02 for botanical, names WILMINGTON, N.C. 28406 Project No: Mulch- Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw, Anchor straw by tacking w;th asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool, A disk with blades set nearly straight can PHONE: 910-762-2676 11936 be used as a mulch anchoring tool, Maintenance- Repair and refertilize damaged areas Immediately, Topdress with 50 lb/acre of nitrog -14 en In March, If It Is necessary to extend temporary cover 4 MODIFICATION(ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC.) 8-22-2023 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES P.A. Sheet No: beyond June 15, overseed with 50 lb/acre Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) , 11 REV.NO. REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEYORS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS 8 __�') 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY WILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 Copyright c(y'anover Design Servlcas,P.A.,All rights reserved.Reproduction or use of the contents of this document,or additions or deletions to this PHONE:(910)343-8002 document,in whole or pad,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original of this document, I "', _*marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. Of: RECLAMATION MAP in Q C6 0 a C7 W LL Y 00 Z -' LULU LLI w a a a 0 J J V Q Cl) a Z = J = J W = LL Z a U. S. HIGHWAY4 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER 50' 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER 25-VEGETATIVE BUFFER 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER 50'DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 5 50'DISTURBEDIUNEXCAVATED BUFFER �' 50'DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 5c 9.84 AC. .69 Ac. uMl of E VATION O $ F s _ Co LIMIT OF EX TION - RA EA D SEED A L BUFFER�4RF�A w o O 5ig (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION)CD m w '? 9 (D0W RADE AND SE D ALL BU ER REA M w o� (SEE 6.11 STA61-0'6I01\1� ° a --- EMO E ROCK RAD AN SEE / (�CO-� g (SEE 1 S1 ABLIL�ATIaN) ; GR DE AND SrED ALL BYFFER AREA N W (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION) U U g X m O lY LL LL 5 a C� co N m 0 w T US LU Q C J x �� o R OVE RO GR D D EED ON X W (SEE 6.11 TABLIZAT ON PI 4Lu W o y a E TI G o x Lu Z .6 AC 0 R 10 S R T T P G D AND EER ALL I UFF5R AREA J W EE 6.11 STABLIZATIbN) f PO D 50'DISTURBEDIUNEXCAVATED BUFFER LLi o LU In GR DE AND SFrED_PLL BUFFER AR€A GRADE AN SE D ALL BU FER AREA z ' GRA E ANDS ED LLB FFE AR A - SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION) t Ei � � � R g (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATIOk1) (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION) jW IT rr, O y ITS OFE GAVATIO J 5 .42 C. m LEGEND E IST G a so'buffer R 10 S R IT 25 b 25'buffer W\V = WATER VALVE LL W\M - WATER METER \ 25'buffer C\O = SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT I E ( E O A � > c INV. = INVERT w RE RAD TO RE INING C DI ONS B/O = BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY ND w / m Q coBFP = BACK FLOW PREVENTOR � w // PIT / EXI TI G\W = GUY WIRE X ci a �/ U SWMH = STORM MANHOLE Lu z /� P I +- EV O GT. = GREASE TRAP rn LU � O N TIO A4 E IME T SI e Co F\H= FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY RADE A D SEED A�L B�!FFER AREA I.S. IRON SET= (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION� n �s O PROPERTY LINE GR DE AND S�FED ALL BUFFER AREA g �- 25 PON (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION) d / BUILDING SETBACK AD AND SE D ALL BUF ER AREA CENTERLINE ---,L— (SEEI6.11 STABLIZAfION) GRADE AND SEED ALL BUFFER AREA / (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION) EASEMENT i UJ W LL �' P N D LL / m COMPUTED PROPERTY LINE w HP�`ROPo IT IN EXISTING CONTOUR(LIDAR) v x Pa PpS�� N M I P OL 0 + SI ) -----------4=-------- o T LU (TO U TI UA E ERE LA TI ) 0 (C RR NT ESB EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN N GRADE AND SEED ALL BUFFER ARI'AE LLC P N D G ADE ANDSEE 6.11 STABLIZATION) (SEE 16.��6`J5 r'V) LL w 1164 PARCEL ID: R001500-001-002-002 LLco C E CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE n LU (TYPICAL) LU LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE Q LU x W /" P z > LU SF SILT FENCE m s�s�s�s�sF i(TYPICAL) co� / /' % m� Q �/ � > LIMITS F EXCAV ON 7Q ff//// �� a sc co• V � �Z7 ice' ice' N $ V WO 0'DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER ��' ' G ADE AND SEED ALL BUFFER AREA 0 / (SEE 6.11 STABLIZATION) LL a o 25'VEGETATED BUFFER / LU W DISTURBED UNEXCAVATED W z BUFFER W m 404 WETLANDS VEGETATED ,- POND PROPOSED HAUL ROAD 0 200 400 600 SCALE IN FEET:1"=200' Date: Note: Metal stakes are minimum 4'long, 1.33 Ib/LF steel. SITE PLAN OF 08-23-23 MAXIMUM SPAC FILTER FILTER Scale: SEE NARRATIVEING, FABRIC EXTENSION OF FABRIC TREE SHAKER SAND MINE _ 1„-200' BACKFILL FABRIC AND WIRE COMPACTED NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA MINIMUM 8" INTO THE TRENCH FILL THICK LAYER raven: GW OF GRAVEL 8"MINIMUM WIRE WIRE REQUIRED PERMITS (not limited to) �\ OWNER: 421 SAND MINE LLC \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\\111 Illl/ �/ Checked: V-TRENCH /��/��/��/ 1. NORTH CAROLINA STATE MINING PERMIT PRELIMINARY PLAN \��� �N CAROB '/i/ P.O. BOX 100 GW COMPACTED FILL OR � 8"MINIMUM � 2• NCDENR/DWQSTORMWATER EXEMPTION =Q� FESSIp�9 �'�% WINNABOW, N.C. 28479 Project No: GRAVEL,EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE NOTE: INTO THE TRENCH SEE NARRATIVE MINIMUM _ SEAL FOR MORE DETAIL. y\ 14" /// SECTION 4"MINIMUM SECTION ISOMETRIC VIEW <yN �y0: \ Sheet No: SF SEDIMENT FENCE ( SILT FENCE ) REV NO REVISIONS DATE '%�'.Q ' o S t�,\�� HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. O NTS //'//�cG A \NPy?\X\ LAND SURVEYORS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS9 PRACTICE 6.62 /�llll I I I I I11\\\\\ 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY Copyright c Cyanover Design Services,P.A.,All rights reserved.Reproduction or use of the contents of this document,or additions or deletions to this W ILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 ^ document,in whole or part,without written consent of the Land Surveyor or Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original of this document PHONE:(910)343-8002 (J� marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. DATE' 09-06-23 Of: zLa� CO z a rn C) LOCATION MAP LID W coGo 6 � w a LL ob o a fL (NOT TO SCALE) G �� J W W Y � a w a -� Q w 'u o G a a U z a z 2 —' � 0 G L z pCOj .E. U. S. HlG 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER 3.BB4c. 4, 2 50'DISTURBEDNNEXCAVATED BUFFER S28°31'21"E 551.39' J. S 28°SB'01"E 368.89' w 25'VEGETA fVE BUFFER S 30°41'38"E 200.C4' ry°j S 2F.°3820 E 5ao yr S 29°33'00`E 350.34' S 32°38'10"E 2 LIMITS OF EXCAVATION U) t S29°2826'E 35201' 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER 25'VEGETATIVE BUFFER PROJECT LIMITS Z M a 50'DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER 50' 9.84AC so' Ul (5 50'DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER rn 5.69 Ac. c LIMITS OF EXCAVATION N 0 LLF ~ Z ---- m 1, g �`� ti m o w 0� w O o \QR- m OI EXISTING PROJECT l./� w r l^ Q LIMITS r Q U) X o mP (00I W LU Je M O w rr y� O Q \ W (j < U, o `LLL OHO N V W QLU LM g E CD w m w'Q to PIT 8 TEMPORARY BASINo / to 2 LL Q LL r JJ PIT 4 co m , = EXISTING W Z 28.68 Ac. Of \,� LUN W 3 ��'�_ PREVIOUS PERMIT N to e fS`SING r 11AUL499.42' u PIT 5R 50'DISTURBEDNNEXCAVATED BUFFER h � °P (PIT 5, 6, & NEW AREA COMBINED) 50.42 Ac. I ° ° W EXISTING LIMITS OF EXCAVATION LL 12' BERM (TEMPORARY) ° PREVIOUS PERMIT o � LL 5n LU o $ 25'buff�l 50'buffer Q e` Z tr O LL 00 LU U v m LL — J r a w 0 U- p0) p 25':ufL_r X DREDGE MATERIAL TO m PROCESSING AREA PIT 2 G��E�00 �/ EXISTING N j V b�tEet PREVIOUS PERMIT --__ g �O 9 2y NORMAL POOL 4.0 +- � EST (TO FUNCTION AS SEDIMENT BASIN) g 25 bttet /" L, I rc W 4 W m LLLL w 0 > to 0 � f- > j UUV MONO W p0.0,05, NP PIT 1 U1 EXISTING F NORMAL POOL 4.0 +- LL 421 SAND MINE LLC NTLY UNDER RECLAMATION ° (TO FUNCTION AS SEDIMENT BASIN) (CURRE DB 6355 PG 1164 PARCEL /D: R001500-001-002-002 L ,LL U o W < !' X Ow ro m °Er U r r� r / pUN1P w Q 2 LLI ! m ro 0 r-rr-r rr/ N LL- QO co "J c CO ! /! _ ! LIMITS OF EXCAVATION Q 0'DISTURBED/UNEXCAVATED BUFFER ! rr-rr�r w Q �- 500C 74 O O !' r o � _r/ Q a- y 2 r/ram"i co U) `ct QJ LU N �O LL LL O o /r W LU r/r /rr'rr ; of rr'rr'-r X 11 LU /"r,r!�r/ S ENERG 0 _ ES 03 PRO�SSION PER 3 o Pit 8 Water Processing Procedure /r 1�RPNS�F SPY PG 11 NES 4) � ,0.f OK t�2,N & �0 NY Initial excavation of pit will be dug with an excavator, loaded on trucks and hauled to destination point. R PP g0 MPSO O JP A 12 ft. (in width earthen dam) will be left in place, as shown hereon, to separate the main portion of the mg G PUMPED TEMPORARY BASIN pit from a temporary basin. This basin will be excavated down to the existing water table and used to e URVE,�'N 5�' EXCAVATE AND HAUL WATER WATER TO BE accept water on an as needed basis, while the main portion of the pit is being excavated to an adequate S INFILTRATED depth to accommodate a dredge. The water pumped to the temporary basin will be infiltrated. Once the dredge is used the material will be pumped from the dredge to the processing area, shown as shown hereon. The water from the pit will be collected and pumped back to pit 8, avoiding water form the pit DREDGEPI PROCESSING PUMPED to be released offsite. PIT PUMPED PLANT AND RETURNED WATER COLLECTED TO PIT 8 NOTES: I 1. CONTOURS SHOWN WERE TAKEN FROM NCDOT LIDAR LEGEND PRELIMINARY PLAN 25'VEGETATED BUFFER ' =POWER POLE Date: -- =DRAINAGE FLOW DIRECTION ES'B EXISTING SEDIMENT BASIN TOTAL PROJECT AREA EXPANSION 80.31 AC. SITE PLAN OF 09-05-23 E.I.P. = EXISTING IRON PIPE DISTURBED UNEXCAVATED 421 SAND MINE Scale: E.C.M. EXISTING E IRON BUFFER MONUMENT BUFFER \\\�����\� I CAR��i,,��� 1"=200' SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET RIW = RIGHT OF WAY CE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Q FESS/p'••,�/ '� � � i NEW HANOVER COUNTY Drawn: NORTH CAROLINA C.P. = COMPUTED POINT (TYPICAL) Qom° "9� = DETAINING PIT 8 WATER GW 404 WETLANDS = SEAL = OWNER: BRUCE B. CAMERON TRUSTEE, HEIRS Checked: e =EXISTING SEDIMENT TRAP VEGETATED = L-2876 = GAW P.O. BOX 3649 PROPERTY LINE % ° ' WILMINGTON N.C. 28406 Project No: SUR`�`' �j��� 4 MODIFICATION(ADDITIONAL 81.11 AC.) 8-22-2023 PROOSED SILT FENCE —SF--SF—SF— PROPOSED HAUL �i�� �C`C A �Py���` NOTES 3 MODIFICATION(ADDITIONAL 7.44 AC.) 5-24-21 PHONE: 910-762-2676 11936 ROAD /���Illlll I I11���\\ 1. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD 2 NC DEQ COMMENTS (FINAL PLAN) 3-05-18 COMPUTED PROPERTY LINE NOTE: 1 NC DEQ COMMENTS 6-29-17 Sheet NO: fy� 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL IHANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. PROJECT LIMITS THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND %�- REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE LAND SURVEYORS,ENGINEERS&LAND PLANNERS 3. FOR REFERENCE SEE AS NOTED REVIEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, WIL FLORAL PARKWAY ISOLATED WELANDS DATE: 09-06-23 WILMINGTON,N.C. 28403 UNDER PERMIT REVIEW WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF 4. SURVEYED JANUARY OF2017 copywhtc(�anoverDesgnSewices,P.A.,All rights reserved.Reproduction or use of the contents of this document,or additions or deletions tothis PHONE:(910)343-8002 LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE document,in whole orpart,without written consent of the Land Surveyoror Engineer,is prohibited.Only copies from the original of this document, THIS MINING PLAN. marked with the original signature and original seal of the Surveyor or Engineer,shall be considered to be valid and true copies. pf;