HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230825_PJD Preliminary ORM Data Entry Fields for New Actions ACTION ID#: SAW- Begin Date(Date Received): Prepare file folder ❑ Assign Action ID Number in ORM ❑ 1. Project Name [PCN Form A2a]: Folkstone Sand Mine 2. Work Type: ✓❑Private ❑Institutional ❑Govermnent ❑Commercial 3. Project Description/Purpose [PCN Form B3d and B3e]: PJD Request for proposed sand mine 4. Property Owner/Applicant[PCN Form A3 or A41: 5. Agent/Consultant [PNC Form A5—or ORM Consultant ID Number]: AU Paul Masten -Terrain Environmental Consulting, PLLCry B 2 5 ?�13 6. Related Action ID Number(s) [PCN Form B5b]: 7. Project Location—Coordinates, Street Address, and/or Location Description[PCN Form B lb]: US Highway 17, south of Pitcher's Branch Road in Folkstone, NC 34.547176, -77.497356 8. Project Location—Tax Parcel ID [PCN Form Bla]:425903234489, 425903230751 9. Project Location—County [PCN Form A2b]: Onslow 10. Project Location—Nearest Municipality or Town [PCN Form A2c]:Sneads Ferry 11. Project Information—Nearest Waterbody[PCN Form B2a]: Stones Creek 12. Watershed/8-Digit Hydrologic Unit Code [PCN Form B2c]:03020302 Authorization: Section 10❑ Section 404 Section 10 and 404 ❑ Regulatory Action Type: Standard Permit BPre-Application Request Nationwide Permit# Unauthorized Activity Regional General Permit# Ro ompliance Jurisdictional Determination Request Permit Required Revised 20150602 a TERRAIN .S ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING June 15, 2023 US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Attention: Ms. Katharine Elks Subject: Request for Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Folkstone Sand Mine US Highway 17 Folkstone, NC Dear Ms. Elks: Terrain Environmental Consulting, PLLC (TEC) is requesting a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination at the above-referenced site on behalf of the property owner, Mr. James Lane. The site consists of an approximately 19.3-acre project site comprised of Onslow County Parcel PINs 425903234489 and 425903230751. Our site visit was conducted on May 10, 2023. The following documentation has been provided in support of this request: • Jurisdictional Determination Request Form • Appendix 2 Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form • Agent Authorization • Figure 1 —Site Vicinity • Figure 2— Project Site • Figure 3— USGS Topography • Figure 4—NRCS Soils • Wetland Boundary Survey • Wetland and Upland data forms CLOSING If you have any questions, require additional information, or wish to schedule a site meeting, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Paul Masten, LSS, PWS President/Owner SOIL Sampling Point: WA Up Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the Indicator or confirm the absence of Indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (I chesl Color(moist) % Color(moist) % _ TvNL Loci Texture Remarks 0-7 10YR 3/1 100 fine sand <70% coated sand grains 7-15 10YR 5/1 100 _ fine sand 15-18 10YR 3/2 100 sandy loam 'Type: C=Concentration.D=De letion,RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Solls3: _ Histosol(Al) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T.U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR O) _ Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) _ Black Histic(A3) — Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR O) — Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) _ Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) _ Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) _ Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 15313) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) ! Depleted Dark Surface(F7) _ Red Parent Material(TF2) Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) _ Redox Depressions(F8) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) — Depleted Below Dark Surface(Al 1) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) _ Thick Dark Surface(Al2) _ Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR O,P,T) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) _ Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, _ Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR O,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A,1SOB) Sandy Redox(S5) — Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A,153C,153D) Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: organic pan Depth(inches): 15 inches Hydric Soil Present? Yes No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)-Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: WA Up Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tare Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) %Cover Snecies? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Pinus taeda 20 Yes FAC That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 8 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 8 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 100 (,vB) 6. 20 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 10 20%of total cover. 6 Total%Cover of: Multialy by: Saolina Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Persea palustris 15 Yes FACW FACW species x 2= 2, Acer rubrum 5 Yes FAC FAC species x 3= 3 FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5. Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index =B/A= 20 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 10 20%of total cover. 4 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. Ilex glabra 20 Yes FACW D 3-Prevalence Index is 53.0' 2, Magnolia virginiana 20 Yes FACW D Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation'(Explain) 3. Lyonia lucida 20 Yes FACW 4. Vaccinium corymbosum 20 Yes FACW 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. Persea palustris 10 No FACW be present,unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Clethra alnifolia 10 No FACW Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 100 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 50 20%of total cover 20 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1• Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. approximately 20 It(6 m)or more in height and less 3. than 3 in.(7.6 cm)DBH. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5. approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7. herbaceous vines,regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. 10. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 11. 0 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft } 1. Smilax laurifolia 5 Yes FACW 2. 3. 4. 5• Hydrophytic 5 =Total Cover Vegetation 25 , 1 50/o of total cover: . 20/o of total cover.. Present? Yes No Remarks: (if observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region ProjectlSite: Folkstone Sand Mine City/County: OnsloW Sampling Date: 5/10/23 Appllcant/Owner: state: NC Sampling Point: WA Up Investigator(s): Paul Masten -Terrain Environmental Section,Township,Range: Landform(h€llslope,terrace,etc.): Flat Local relief(concave,convex,none): none Slope(%): 0 Subregion(LRR or MLRA): LRR T Lat: 34.548451 Long: -77.49838 Datum: NAD 83 Soil Map Unit Name: Murville- Umbris Endoaquods NWI classification: upland Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects, important features,etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hyddc Soil Present? Yes No Within a Wetland? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required:check all that awly) _ Surface Soil Cracks(136) Surface Water(Al) ,_ Aquatic Fauna(1313) — Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(138) High Water Table(A2) _ Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(1310) Saturation(A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) ` Moss Trim Lines(1316) _ Water Marks(131) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) _ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(133) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(134) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) ✓ Geomorphic Position(132) Iron Deposits(65) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) ` Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(137) ✓ FAC-Neutral Test(135) _ Water-Stained Leaves(139) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: WA Wet Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % TyAs-- _Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-8 2.5Y 2.5/1 100 MS M loamy sand >70% coated sand grains 8-12 10YR 4/1 100 _ fine sand 12-18 10YR 2/2 100 loamy sand 'Type: C=Concentration,D=De letion,RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Solls3: _ Histosol(Al) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR O) _ Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR O) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 1SOA,B) _ Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) _ Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) _ Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 15313) _ 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) _ Depleted Dark Surface(F7) _ Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) — 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) _ Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) _ Thick Dark Surface(Al2) ` Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR O,P,T) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 1SOA) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, _ Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR O,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) — Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 1SOA,1SOB) _ Sandy Redox(S5) ` Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A,153C,153D) Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: organic pan Depth(inches): 12 inches Hydric Soil Present? Yes-a No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)-Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: WA Wet Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Pinus serotina 15 Yes FACW That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 5 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 8 (B) 4. 41aneautosales@gmail.com Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 15 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 7•5 20%of total cover. 3 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 30 It ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Persea palustris 2014W40tW& Yes FACW FACW species x 2= 2. Acer rubrum Ha^po-,Ncs Yes FAC FAC species x 3= 3, 910-789-4581 FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5. Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index =B/A= 20 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 10 20%of total cover: 4 L 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) [a2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. Ilex glabra 80 Yes FACW 2. Magnolia virginiana 20 No FACW Q 3-Prevalence Index is s3.0' 3. Nyssa sylvatica 20 No FAC Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation 1(Explain) 4• 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5, be present,unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 120 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: fi0 20%of total cover. 24 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 30 It ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1. Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less 3. than 3 in.(7.6 cm)DBH. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5. approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines,regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 13. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9.10. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 11. 0 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) 1, Smilax laurifolia 15 Yes FACW 2. 3. 4. 5• Hydrophytic 15 =Total Cover Vegetation 50/o of total cover. ., 75 0 , 3 Present? Yes,� No 20/o of total cover. Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: Folkstone Sand Mine City/County: Onslow Sampling Date: 5/10/23 Appllcant/Owner: State: NC Sampling Point: WA Wet Investigator(s): Paul Masten-Terrain Environmental Section,Township,Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Flat Local relief(concave,convex,none): none Slope(%): 0 Subregion(LRR or MLRA): LRR T Lat: 34.548411 Lang: -77.498482 Datum: NAD 83 Soil Map Unit Name: Murville- Umbris Endoaquods NWI classification: upland Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation .Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects, important features,etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes ✓ No within a Wetland? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: Portion of wetland has been mowed recently HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required:check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) _ Surface Water(Al) _ Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) _ Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) ✓ Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) _ Water Marks(B1) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) ` Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) _ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) — Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _, Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) _ Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) '� Geomorphic Position(132) Iron Deposits(135) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) ` Shallow Aquitard(D3) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) `� FAC-Neutral Test(D5) _ Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): 12 inches Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): 9 inches Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND/UPLAND DATA FORMS 1 TRACT 6 AT t ! i 3TAM CF NC. A7.D.37 PS.-C I `i LOCATIOM MAP M9 lvxvw fQ� �—— YA-!O3 O wA•10$ Nw-Lw I)L / / Ar�AAns wA-,py i i wA-r •�'� Z 6.37A AC70C9 WA.I+O� 'W.-ao / IA•,r2/ •�•, �v'A•i9 AC N'C.LtYD9 fe jr;���t.Y, ECM O E7i51MW OONG YW / J� 'n ` Ent 0 00ST016 0M ROO �• \ uv 0 EASMIO OM PPECENTER NE AA.I r4 ! _ / WA-117 rA�,r6 *A.,G A7 =_— p - 5t1NE NES 14T O OF MAY U -.., — NES NOT SURVEYED /WA WA-15 / � / 11!'L41C17J D \ \ \ \b WA-I r � \ NM 70 W414 \ A2TIArJD$ �� i wA-r3 ,vA-,y UPLANDS � NtrtAN�3 TRACT 5 w BECK TRACT \ D.B.5754 PG.757 M.B.39 PG. 146 \ D, o � J MAQ� 18.167 ACRES \ TRACT 6 1 ` $ . "D A.(T{O` 1 \ y WA. j- AI 1 \ O v� Y. // \ Dt" WEu SITR /NAL2 \ 14'lilAY03 D.B.5754 PG.757 M.B.39 PG. 146 \ 1.10 ACRC5 •\„ A:7 I \ Al A�3—.__ A_ AIA,,; j __ ,4 14s3sr • WFTIAND SURVEY POR JAMES LANE 7555 US HIGHWAY 17 HOUMDGE,N.G.26445 BECK TRACT f WELL SITE A4 M.B.39 PG. 146 POLKSTONC PLANTATION 1I STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP ONSLOW COUNTY,N.C. SCALE 1 60 MATCH 13.2023 0 :q rw toT r�:N rtoC,:.rt;Ne r Nor A naon rrAtAAO AALA AGC04k+A:ro 7rK�a00 rkSU.tAAYX xA rt AAAI CXAla.VW'V-PANtt NUVDM 37204:5.14=OAMD 4X-1912MRO!NAVO eA;. I CM7MY RrA.IH.0 W V WA9 DRAW K.W Yt MWM AN ACILNt-, tver Dw Mf rX F)ROOK 7754 MM73,1I AIA:t4W 6XK 39 PA"I IG: Rµr ne DOLwOA"NOr 4 vr&,D An 3HONN A9 NAWO iQ-4,7.(AW J10CA!nMM,RA4l:✓?v M AMr Ol"39 AT PAR 144:!4r W eArlo ar ntres,oN d T+w�uar,e r:r0.00?ANp+HAr A:tl Aw+artri arc uOJruvra•�a•M srAAE:ARo�Or rRAG7rCl tat LAW ftAtVeM4,xratmCARM04Art,!rac!G.ICWA ez"-w To 9.40 N%fIL 14"ARIA •HA 14M OAr O'XkC.X9.4 o4ut[wrloopw PRELIMINARY PLAT tAW 5W"WA NOT FOR RECORDA7iON Nc.rt.3 N,L•2747=nAesaar Rato SALES OR CONVEYANCES 111DAV;7 M N.C.26410 PI O W IV ICV-471-34.54 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: Folkstone Sand Mine City/County: Onslow Sampling Date: 5/10/23 Applicant/Owner: State: NC Sampling Point: WA Wet investigator(s): Paul Masten-Terrain Environmental Section,Township,Range: Landform(hlllslope,terrace,etc.): Flat Local relief(concave,convex,none): none Slope(%): 0 Subregion(LRR or MLRA): LRR T Lat 34.548411 Long: -77.498482 Datum: NAD 83 Soil Map Unit Name: Murville- Umbris Endoaquods NWI classification: upland Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes No (If no,explain In Remarks.) Are Vegetation ✓ ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transacts, important features,etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No within a Wetland? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: Portion of wetland has been mowed recently HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required:check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(136) _ Surface Water(Al) _ Aquatic Fauna(613) _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(138) ✓ High Water Table(A2) — Mart Deposits(1315)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) ✓ Saturation(A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) ` Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) _ Sediment Deposits(132) _ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(63) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) — Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) ✓ Geomorphic Position(D2) _ Iron Deposits(B5) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) _ Shallow Aquitard(133) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(137) FAC-Neutral Test(D5) — Water-Stalned Leaves(139) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No ✓ Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): 12 inches Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): 9 inches Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous Inspections),if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION(Five Strata)-Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: WA Wet Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) %Cover. Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1_ Pinus serotina 15 Yes FACW That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC.• 5 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata. 8 (B) 4. 41aneautosales@gmail.com Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 15 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 7.5 20%of total cover.. 3 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Saalina Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) OBL species x 1= 1. Persea palustris 2014%%YqhWvft Yes FACW FACW species x 2= 2. Acer rubrum He: Yes FAC FAC species x 3= 3. 910-789-4581 FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5. Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index =B/A= 20 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 10 20%of total cover. 4 L 1-Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) Fe 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. Ilex glabra 80 Yes FACW 0 3-Prevalence index is s3.0' 2. Magnolia virginiana 20 No FACW F-1 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation'(Explain) 3, Nyssa sylvatica 20 No FAC 4• 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present,unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 120 -Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover 60 20%of total cover. 24 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more In height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1. Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2_ approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more In height and less 3. than 3 in.(7.6 cm)DBH. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines,regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)In height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 0 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover. Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) 1. Smilax laurifolia 15 Yes FACW 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 15 =Total Cover Vegetation 0 7.5 ° r: 3 Present? Yes No 50/o of total cover. 20/o of total cove Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: WA Wet Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Tva� Locr— Texture Remarks 0-8 2.5Y 2.5/1 100 MS M loamy sand >70% coated sand grains 8-12 10YR 4/1 100 fine sand 12-18 10YR 2/2 100 loamy sand 'Type: C=Concentration,D=De letion,RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils=: _ Histosol(Al) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR O) _ Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) — 2 cm Muds(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) _ Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR O) — Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,13) _ Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _. Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(1720) _ Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 15313) _ 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) _ Depleted Dark Surface(F7) _ Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) _ Redox Depressions(F8) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) , Mari(1710)(LRR U) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochdc(F11)(MLRA 151) _ Thick Dark Surface(Al2) _ Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR O,P,T) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) _ Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR O,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. _ Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A,15013) _ Sandy Redox(S5) ` Piedmont Floodplain Soils(1719)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A,153C,153D) ✓ Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(If observed): Type: organic pan Depth(inches): 12 inches Hydric Soil Present? Yes_a No fl— Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: Folkstone Sand Mine City/County: Onslow Sampling Date: 5/10/23 Applicant/Owner: State: NC Sampling Point: WA Up tnvestigator(s): Paul Masten-Terrain Environmental Section,Township,Range: Landform(hillsiope,terrace,etc.): Flat Local relief(concave,convex,none): none Slope(%): 0 Subregion(LRR or MLRA): LRR T Lat: 34.548451 Long: -77.49838 Datum: NAD 83 Soil Map Unit Name: Murvilie-Umbris Endoaquods NWI classification: upland Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes No (If no,explain In Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transects, important features,etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No within a Wetland? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required:check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(136) _ Surface Water(Al) , Aquatic Fauna(B13) ` Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(138) _ High Water Table(A2) _ Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(1310) _ Saturation(A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(Cl) Moss Trim Lines(1316) _ Water Marks(131) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) _ Sediment Deposits(132) _ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(133) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) _ Algal Mat or Crust(134) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) '! Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(135) — Other(Explain in Remarks) — Shallow Aquitard(D3) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(137) FAC-Neutral Test(D5) _ Water-Stained Leaves(139) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No ✓ Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No ✓ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)-Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: WA UP Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 It ) %Cover. Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Pinus taeda 20 Yes FAC That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 8 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 8 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 20 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 10 20%of total cover: 6 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 30 It ) OBL species x 1= 1. Persea palustris 15 Yes FACW FACW species x 2= 2. Acer rubrum 5 Yes FAC FAC species x 3= 3 FACU species x 4= 4 UPL species x 5= 5. Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index =B/A= 20 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 10 20%of total cover. 4 ❑ 1-Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) ❑✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. Ilex glabra 20 Yes FACW ❑ 3-Prevalence index is s3.0' 2. Magnolia virginiana 20 Yes FACW ❑ ,Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation (Explain) 3. Lyonia lucida 20 Yes FACW 4. Vaccinium corymbosum 20 Yes FACW 'Indicators of hydric sail and wetland hydrology must 5. Persea palustris 10 No FACW be present,unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Clethra alnifolia 10 No FACW Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 100 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 50 20%of total cover: 20 approximately 20 It(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 30 It ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1. Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. approximately 20 It(6 m)or more in height and less 3. than 3 in.(7.6 cm)DBH. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines,regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 0 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft ) 1. Smilax laurifolia 5 Yes FACW 2. 3. 4. 5• Hydrophytic 5 =Total Cover Vegetation o . 25 0 1 Present? Yes,� No 50/o of total cover. . 20/o of total cover. Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: WA Up Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (riches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Ty e� Loc Texture Remarks 0-7 10YR 3/1 100 fine sand <70%coated sand grains 7-15 10YR 5/1 100 fine sand 15-18 10YR 3/2 100 sandy loam 'Type: C=Concentration,D=De letion,RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: _ Histosol(Al) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR O) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) _ Black Histic(A3) ` Loamy Mucky Mineral(171)(LRR O) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Solis(F19)(LRR P,S,T) _ Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) _ Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 15313) _ 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) _, Depleted Dark Surface(F7) _ Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) _ Redox Depressions(178) _ Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) _ Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) _ Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR O,P,T) 3Indicators of hydrophytic vegetation and _ Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) — Umbdc Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, _ Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR O,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. r„ Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A,1SOB) _ Sandy Redox(S5) ` Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Solis(F20)(MLRA 149A,153C,153D) Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(If observed): Type: organic pan Depth(inches): 15 inches Hydric Soil Present? Yes Li No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0