HomeMy WebLinkAboutYADKI-034 Final ReportDAM HYDRAULIC CAPACITY ASSESSMENT REPORT (DRAFT) DEEP CREEK WS #22A (PL-566) YADKI-034 YADKIN COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY: HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas under contract with WOOD E&I Solutions 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A hydraulic capacity analysis was completed for the Deep Creek WS #22a (Pl-566) in Yadkin County, North Carolina. The purpose of the study was to analyze the existing potential of the dam for overtopping during predetermined specified rainfall events using the North Carolina Dam Safety defined process and templates. The analyses were completed using the United States Army Corps of Engineers developed software Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) in combination with Arc-GIS to develop required input parameters. The rainfall events included in the analyses consist of 24-hour durations with return periods of 25 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 500 years and 1000 years. Results of the analyses indicate that this structure is hydraulically adequate for 25 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 500 years, and 1000 years rainfall events. Data, input parameters, and final results can be found on the attached summary sheets and in the appendices of this report as well as in the associated electronic file in which all program files are stored. Drainage Area (Sq. Mi.)= Curve Number = Lag Time (min.)= Rainfall Distribution Methods = 737.6 576.3 601.9 628.0 654.6 681.7 709.4 835.2 835.7 836.2 836.7 837.2 ELEVATION 832.7 833.2 833.7 834.2 834.7 32.3 38.1 44.3 STORAGE (ACRE-FT) 0.0 3.8 7.8 12.1 16.8 21.7 26.8 816.7 813.7 814.2 814.7 815.2 815.7 816.2 824.2 828.2 ELEVATION 812.2 812.7 813.2 STORAGE (ACRE-FT) 503.2 526.9 551.3 68.92 62 SCS Type 2 SPILLWAY Primary Auxiliary TYPE Riser / Barrel Grass Lined Trapezoidal Channel ELEVATION 24 HOUR - 200 YEAR EVENT, 8.71 INCHES, ELEVATION 829.4 (1.9 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 100 YEAR EVENT, 7.83 INCHES, ELEVATION 828.7 (2.6 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 50 YEAR EVENT, 6.99 INCHES, ELEVATION 827.7 (3.6 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 25 YEAR EVENT, 6.17 INCHES, ELEVATION 826 (5.3 FT FREE-BOARD) SUMMARY OF INPUT PARAMETERS 2.32 SUMMARY SHEET OF HYDRAULIC CAPACITY RESULTS DEEP CREEK WS #22A (PL-566), YADKI-034 ANALYSIS PERFORMED BY: S. MURPHY, HDR TOP OF DAM ELEVATION = 831.3 24 HOUR - 1000 YEAR EVENT, 10.9 INCHES, ELEVATION 830.7 (0.6 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 500 YEAR EVENT, 9.91 INCHES, ELEVATION 830.1 (1.2 FT FREE-BOARD) YADKI-034DEEP CREEK WS #22A (PL-566)OCTOBER 28, 2020 1900.9 NOT TO SCALE 1610.1 1656.2 1703.3 1751.3 1800.2 1850.1 1352.1 1393.0 1434.7 1477.3 1520.7 1564.9 1122.4 1158.8 1196.0 1233.9 1272.6 1311.9 918.5 950.7 983.7 1017.3 1051.6 1086.6 766.3 795.5 825.4 855.8 886.8 850.2 850.7 851.2 851.7 852.2 847.2 847.7 848.2 848.7 849.2 849.7 844.2 844.7 845.2 845.7 846.2 846.7 841.2 841.7 842.2 842.7 843.2 843.7 838.2 838.7 839.2 839.7 840.2 840.7 837.7 414.0 435.5 457.5 480.1 296.5 314.6 333.3 352.6 372.5 393.0 204.7 218.7 233.1 248.1 263.7 279.7 129.2 140.9 153.0 165.4 178.2 191.3 73.7 82.0 90.7 99.7 109.1 118.7 51.1 58.3 65.8 831.7 832.2 828.7 829.2 829.7 830.2 830.7 831.2 825.7 826.2 826.7 827.2 827.7 828.2 822.7 823.2 823.7 824.2 824.7 825.2 819.7 820.2 820.7 821.2 821.7 822.2 817.2 817.7 818.2 818.7 819.2 YADKI-034DEEP CREEK WS #22A (PL-566)OCTOBER 28, 2020 APPENDIX A Watershed Boundary Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P,NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea,Esri (Thailand), NGCC, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS User Community Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566) - YADKI-034 - Watershed Boundary Legend Longest FlowPath Watershed Bound ary 0 0.6 1.20.3 Miles Date: 10 /5/2020 /Drainage Area: 2.32 Square MilesFlowpath Length: 2.5 miles APPENDIX B Lag Time Calculation Dam No:YADKI-034 Date:10/23/2020 Dam Name:Deep Creek WS #22a (Pl-566)Engineer:K. Trefzger Maximum Potential Retention (inches):S =(1000/cn')-10 Time of Concentration (hours):Tc =l0.8*(S+1)0.7 1140*Y0.5 Basin Data:Input Values in yellow Curve Number CN =68.9227 from NRCS CN Calculation S =4.50901 in. Mean Basin Slope Y =11.5315 %from Watershed Mean slope Longest Flowpath:2.54 mi.from Watershed Longest flowpath Flow Length l =13411.2 ft. Time of Concentration Tc =1.71 Hours Tc =103 mins Lag Time TL =1.03 Hours TL =62 mins APPENDIX C NRCS Curve Number Summary Sheet Change CN according to TR-55 (see tables below) NLCD (2016) Landuse TR-55 Landuse HSG A (sq. ft.)CN HSG B (sq. ft.)CN HSG C (sq. ft.)CN HSG D (sq. ft.)CN Open Water Not Available 0 100 0 9019 100 901864 458 100 45830 387693 100 38769288 Developed, Open Space Open space - Fair condition (grass cover 50% to 75%)0 49 0 1436157 69 99094852 2563367 79 202506011 109118 84 9165886 Developed, Low Intensity Residential districts by average lot size: 1/3 acre 0 57 0 163071 72 11741135 301395 81 24413002 0 86 0 Developed, Medium Intensity Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre 0 77 0 9841 85 836489 23568 90 2121157 0 92 0 Developed, High Intensity Urban districts - Commercial and business 0 89 0 0 92 0 5397 94 507314 0 95 0 Barren Land Newly graded areas 0 77 0 0 86 0 0 91 0 0 94 0 Deciduous Forest Woods - Fair 0 36 0 20762828 60 1245769689 5163198 73 376913449 2254737 79 178124190 Evergreen Forest Woods - Fair 0 36 0 905843 60 54350605 501765 73 36628832 171379 79 13538925 Mixed Forest Woods - Fair 0 36 0 6111066 60 366663966 1376706 73 100499517 638392 79 50432981 Shrub/Scrub Brush - Fair 0 35 0 274980 56 15398904 165765 70 11603540 0 77 0 Herbaceuous Herbaceuous - Fair 0 60 0 2104842 71 149443761 598608 81 48487237 94661 89 8424795 Hay/Pasture Pasture - Fair 0 49 0 7710330 69 532012756 5916374 79 467393510 584043 84 49059593 Cultivated Crops Row crops (SR + CR) - Poor 0 71 0 1809687 80 144774988 2350962 87 204533735 58793 90 5291379 Woody Wetlands Not Available 0 80 0 0 85 0 0 90 0 0 95 0 Emergent Herbaceuous Wetlands Not Available 0 80 0 2545 85 216313 0 90 0 16829 95 1598782 Weighted CN=68.92 NOTE: Curve Numbers are from SCS TR-55 with the exception of assumed HSG A (CN=60) for Herbaceous,Open Water, Woody Wetlands, and Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands. NOTE: double-check all the land types are being calculated and texts are accurate NOTE: double-check the exported attribute table has the same table format as the "Export_Output" table APPENDIX D Hyetograph Results Used for Analysis 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Cumulative Depth (in)Time (hrs) Hyetographs for 24-Hour SCS Type II Rainfall Distributions 25YR 50YR 100YR 200YR 500YR 1000YR APPENDIX E NOAA Atlas 14 Rainfall Table Point precipitation frequency estimates (inches) NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 2 Version 3 Data type: Precipitation depth Time series type: Partial duration Project area: Ohio River Basin Location name (ESRI Maps): Hamptonville, North Carolina USA Station Name: - Latitude: 36.08189° Longitude: -80.742044° Elevation (USGS): 904.58 ft PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES by duration for ARI (years):1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min:0.358 0.424 0.5 0.556 0.622 0.669 0.714 0.756 0.806 0.843 10-min:0.571 0.678 0.801 0.889 0.992 1.07 1.14 1.2 1.28 1.33 15-min:0.714 0.852 1.01 1.13 1.26 1.35 1.44 1.51 1.61 1.67 30-min:0.979 1.18 1.44 1.63 1.86 2.03 2.2 2.35 2.56 2.7 60-min:1.22 1.48 1.85 2.12 2.48 2.76 3.03 3.3 3.67 3.94 2-hr:1.44 1.75 2.2 2.55 3.02 3.39 3.76 4.14 4.67 5.07 3-hr:1.56 1.89 2.38 2.76 3.29 3.7 4.13 4.57 5.19 5.68 6-hr:1.93 2.33 2.93 3.41 4.06 4.58 5.11 5.67 6.44 7.06 12-hr:2.36 2.86 3.59 4.17 4.97 5.61 6.27 6.96 7.91 8.67 24-hr:2.87 3.48 4.42 5.16 6.17 6.99 7.83 8.71 9.91 10.9 2-day:3.4 4.11 5.16 5.98 7.09 7.97 8.86 9.78 11 12 3-day:3.62 4.37 5.45 6.3 7.44 8.34 9.27 10.2 11.5 12.5 4-day:3.84 4.62 5.74 6.61 7.79 8.72 9.67 10.6 12 13 7-day:4.4 5.26 6.42 7.3 8.49 9.42 10.4 11.3 12.6 13.6 10-day:5.04 6.01 7.23 8.16 9.38 10.3 11.3 12.2 13.5 14.4 20-day:6.75 7.99 9.45 10.6 12.1 13.2 14.4 15.5 17.1 18.2 30-day:8.39 9.87 11.4 12.5 13.9 15 16 17 18.3 19.3 45-day:10.6 12.4 14 15.2 16.8 17.9 19 20 21.3 22.3 60-day:12.6 14.7 16.5 17.8 19.5 20.8 22 23.2 24.6 25.7 Date/time (GMT): Fri Oct 23 17:56:38 2020 pyRunTime: 0.019898891449 APPENDIX F Outlet Works Rating Curves Total outlet discharge from the spillway system Client:NCEM Date:10/21/2020 Project:Overtopping Study Engineer:T.Carter Dam:Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566)Dam No.YADKI-034 Reservior Water Level (RWS) Elevation (ft) Total discharge from the spillway system (cfs) (from Hydrocad) 812.2 0.0 813.0 5.2 813.8 14.4 814.6 20.7 815.4 25.3 816.2 29.2 817.0 32.7 817.8 35.8 818.6 38.6 819.4 41.3 820.2 43.7 821.0 46.1 821.8 48.3 822.6 50.5 823.4 52.5 824.2 54.5 825.0 90.9 825.8 145.7 826.6 157.7 827.4 160.5 828.2 163.3 829.0 434.8 829.8 943.8 830.6 1623.0 831.4 2451.6 832.2 3419.1 833.0 4519.8 833.8 5522.4 834.6 6284.0 835.4 6944.7 836.2 7540.1 837.0 8087.6 837.8 8597.9 838.6 9077.8 839.4 9532.5 840.2 9965.7 841.0 10380.1 841.8 10778.2 842.6 11161.7 843.4 11532.1 844.2 11890.8 845.0 12238.7 845.8 12576.9 846.6 12906.1 847.4 13227.0 848.2 13540.1 849.0 13846.1 0.0 2000.0 4000.0 6000.0 8000.0 10000.0 12000.0 14000.0 16000.0 810.0 815.0 820.0 825.0 830.0 835.0 840.0 845.0 850.0 855.0Total discharge from the spillway system (cfs)Reservior Water Level (RWS) Elevation (ft) The whole spillway system rating curve (cfs) YADKI-034 Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566) Rainfall not specifiedYADKI-034 Printed 10/21/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 1HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Pond 1P: YADKI-034 Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 812.20' 82,813,986 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) YADKI-034 Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566) Rainfall not specifiedYADKI-034 Printed 10/21/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 2HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 812.20 322,402 0 0 812.70 340,127 165,632 165,632 813.20 361,729 175,464 341,096 813.70 388,877 187,652 528,748 814.20 415,410 201,072 729,820 814.70 437,393 213,201 943,020 815.20 462,207 224,900 1,167,920 815.70 488,359 237,642 1,405,562 816.20 523,926 253,071 1,658,633 816.70 567,441 272,842 1,931,475 817.20 606,426 293,467 2,224,942 817.70 640,420 311,712 2,536,653 818.20 672,920 328,335 2,864,988 818.70 707,012 344,983 3,209,971 819.20 740,625 361,909 3,571,880 819.70 771,904 378,132 3,950,013 820.20 800,879 393,196 4,343,208 820.70 827,920 407,200 4,750,408 821.20 855,645 420,891 5,171,299 821.70 1,009,707 466,338 5,637,637 822.20 1,037,051 511,690 6,149,327 822.70 1,068,848 526,475 6,675,802 823.20 1,097,578 541,607 7,217,408 823.70 1,124,072 555,413 7,772,821 824.20 1,154,346 569,605 8,342,425 824.70 1,192,051 586,599 8,929,024 825.20 1,236,572 607,156 9,536,180 825.70 1,282,236 629,702 10,165,882 826.20 1,330,869 653,276 10,819,158 826.70 1,376,943 676,953 11,496,111 827.20 1,426,904 700,962 12,197,073 827.70 1,524,531 737,859 12,934,932 828.20 1,602,793 781,831 13,716,763 828.70 1,658,936 815,432 14,532,195 829.20 1,709,443 842,095 15,374,290 829.70 1,759,141 867,146 16,241,436 830.20 1,807,939 891,770 17,133,206 830.70 1,852,959 915,225 18,048,430 831.20 1,895,547 937,127 18,985,557 831.70 1,938,691 958,560 19,944,116 832.20 1,985,977 981,167 20,925,283 832.70 2,040,420 1,006,599 21,931,883 833.20 2,098,174 1,034,649 22,966,531 833.70 2,152,373 1,062,637 24,029,168 834.20 2,202,412 1,088,696 25,117,864 834.70 2,249,180 1,112,898 26,230,762 835.20 2,296,035 1,136,304 27,367,066 835.70 2,341,211 1,159,312 28,526,377 836.20 2,387,197 1,182,102 29,708,479 YADKI-034 Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566) Rainfall not specifiedYADKI-034 Printed 10/21/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 3HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 836.70 2,432,422 1,204,905 30,913,384 837.20 2,477,852 1,227,569 32,140,953 837.70 2,526,807 1,251,165 33,392,117 838.20 2,575,205 1,275,503 34,667,620 838.70 2,625,518 1,300,181 35,967,801 839.20 2,676,455 1,325,493 37,293,294 839.70 2,727,930 1,351,096 38,644,391 840.20 2,781,680 1,377,403 40,021,793 840.70 2,839,053 1,405,183 41,426,976 841.20 2,898,848 1,434,475 42,861,452 841.70 2,959,180 1,464,507 44,325,959 842.20 3,020,459 1,494,910 45,820,868 842.70 3,082,637 1,525,774 47,346,642 843.20 3,144,893 1,556,883 48,903,525 843.70 3,208,555 1,588,362 50,491,887 844.20 3,270,381 1,619,734 52,111,621 844.70 3,333,154 1,650,884 53,762,505 845.20 3,397,910 1,682,766 55,445,271 845.70 3,462,510 1,715,105 57,160,376 846.20 3,531,045 1,748,389 58,908,764 846.70 3,600,957 1,783,001 60,691,765 847.20 3,671,230 1,818,047 62,509,812 847.70 3,741,855 1,853,271 64,363,083 848.20 3,817,080 1,889,734 66,252,817 848.70 3,894,336 1,927,854 68,180,671 849.20 3,978,799 1,968,284 70,148,954 849.70 4,061,445 2,010,061 72,159,015 850.20 4,141,309 2,050,689 74,209,704 850.70 4,221,221 2,090,633 76,300,336 851.20 4,301,914 2,130,784 78,431,120 851.70 4,383,037 2,171,238 80,602,358 852.20 4,463,477 2,211,629 82,813,986 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 803.30'36.0" Round 36" RCP L= 189.0' RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 803.30' / 801.40' S= 0.0101 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013, Flow Area= 7.07 sf #2 Device 1 812.20'27.0" W x 18.0" H Vert. Riser Orifice C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 824.20'90.0" W x 15.0" H Vert. Riser Weirs X 2.00 C= 0.600 #4 Secondary 828.20'Emergency Spillway, Cv= 3.10 (C= 3.88) Head (feet) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Width (feet) 95.00 101.00 107.00 113.00 119.00 125.00 Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=0.00' TW=795.60' (Fixed TW Elev= 795.60') 1=36" RCP ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2=Riser Orifice ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 3=Riser Weirs ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=0.00' (Free Discharge) 4=Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0.00 cfs) YADKI-034 Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566) Rainfall not specifiedYADKI-034 Printed 10/21/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 4HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Stage-Discharge for Pond 1P: YADKI-034 Deep Creek WS #22a (PI-566) Elevation (feet) Discharge (cfs) Primary (cfs) Secondary (cfs) 812.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 812.60 1.83 1.83 0.00 813.00 5.17 5.17 0.00 813.40 9.49 9.49 0.00 813.80 14.39 14.39 0.00 814.20 17.87 17.87 0.00 814.60 20.69 20.69 0.00 815.00 23.13 23.13 0.00 815.40 25.34 25.34 0.00 815.80 27.35 27.35 0.00 816.20 29.23 29.23 0.00 816.60 30.99 30.99 0.00 817.00 32.66 32.66 0.00 817.40 34.24 34.24 0.00 817.80 35.75 35.75 0.00 818.20 37.20 37.20 0.00 818.60 38.60 38.60 0.00 819.00 39.95 39.95 0.00 819.40 41.25 41.25 0.00 819.80 42.51 42.51 0.00 820.20 43.74 43.74 0.00 820.60 44.93 44.93 0.00 821.00 46.09 46.09 0.00 821.40 47.22 47.22 0.00 821.80 48.33 48.33 0.00 822.20 49.41 49.41 0.00 822.60 50.47 50.47 0.00 823.00 51.51 51.51 0.00 823.40 52.52 52.52 0.00 823.80 53.52 53.52 0.00 824.20 54.50 54.50 0.00 824.60 67.64 67.64 0.00 825.00 90.85 90.85 0.00 825.40 120.63 120.63 0.00 825.80 145.72 145.72 0.00 826.20 156.28 156.28 0.00 826.60 157.71 157.71 0.00 827.00 159.12 159.12 0.00 827.40 160.53 160.53 0.00 827.80 161.92 161.92 0.00 828.20 163.29 163.29 0.00 828.60 258.73 164.66 94.07 829.00 434.75 166.02 268.73 829.40 665.94 167.36 498.58 829.80 943.84 168.69 775.15 830.20 1,263.84 170.02 1,093.82 830.60 1,623.03 171.33 1,451.70 831.00 2,019.41 172.63 1,846.78 831.40 2,451.55 173.93 2,277.63 831.80 2,918.38 175.21 2,743.17 832.20 3,419.08 176.48 3,242.60 Elevation (feet) Discharge (cfs) Primary (cfs) Secondary (cfs) 832.60 3,953.04 177.75 3,775.29 833.00 4,519.75 179.01 4,340.75 833.40 5,075.37 180.25 4,895.12 833.80 5,522.35 181.49 5,340.85 834.20 5,919.45 182.72 5,736.72 834.60 6,283.95 183.94 6,100.01 835.00 6,624.05 185.16 6,438.89 835.40 6,944.70 186.36 6,758.34 835.80 7,249.24 187.56 7,061.68 836.20 7,540.09 188.75 7,351.34 836.60 7,819.08 189.94 7,629.14 837.00 8,087.64 191.11 7,896.52 837.40 8,346.92 192.28 8,154.64 837.80 8,597.87 193.44 8,404.43 838.20 8,841.29 194.60 8,646.69 838.60 9,077.83 195.75 8,882.09 839.00 9,308.08 196.89 9,111.19 839.40 9,532.52 198.02 9,334.49 839.80 9,751.58 199.15 9,552.43 840.20 9,965.65 200.27 9,765.37 840.60 10,175.06 201.39 9,973.67 841.00 10,380.10 202.50 10,177.61 841.40 10,581.06 203.60 10,377.46 841.80 10,778.16 204.70 10,573.46 842.20 10,971.63 205.79 10,765.83 842.60 11,161.66 206.88 10,954.78 843.00 11,348.43 207.96 11,140.47 843.40 11,532.11 209.03 11,323.07 843.80 11,712.84 210.10 11,502.74 844.20 11,890.78 211.17 11,679.61 844.60 12,066.04 212.22 11,853.81 845.00 12,238.74 213.28 12,025.46 845.40 12,409.00 214.33 12,194.67 845.80 12,576.91 215.37 12,361.54 846.20 12,742.58 216.41 12,526.17 846.60 12,906.09 217.44 12,688.65 847.00 13,067.52 218.47 12,849.05 847.40 13,226.95 219.49 13,007.46 847.80 13,384.46 220.51 13,163.95 848.20 13,540.11 221.52 13,318.58 848.60 13,693.97 222.53 13,471.43 849.00 13,846.10 223.54 13,622.56 849.40 13,996.55 224.54 13,772.01 849.80 14,145.39 225.53 13,919.86 850.20 14,292.66 226.52 14,066.14 850.60 14,438.41 227.51 14,210.90 851.00 14,582.69 228.49 14,354.20 851.40 14,725.54 229.47 14,496.07 851.80 14,867.01 230.45 14,636.56 852.20 15,007.13 231.42 14,775.71