HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTOKE-051 Final ReportDAM HYDRAULIC CAPACITY ASSESSMENT REPORT (DRAFT) TOWN FORK CREEK WS DAM #13 STOKE-051 STOKES COUNTY, NC PREPARED BY: HDR Engineering Inc. of the Carolinas under contract with WOOD E&I Solutions 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A hydraulic capacity analysis was completed for the Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 in Stokes County, North Carolina. The purpose of the study was to analyze the existing potential of the dam for overtopping during predetermined specified rainfall events using the North Carolina Dam Safety defined process and templates. The analyses were completed using the United States Army Corps of Engineers developed software Hydrologic Engineering Center – Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) in combination with Arc-GIS to develop required input parameters. The rainfall events included in the analyses consist of 24-hour durations with return periods of 25 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 500 years and 1000 years. Results of the analyses indicate that this structure is hydraulically adequate for 25 years, 50 years, 100 years, 200 years, 500 years, and 1000 years rainfall events. Data, input parameters, and final results can be found on the attached summary sheets and in the appendices of this report as well as in the associated electronic file in which all program files are stored. Drainage Area (Sq. Mi.)= Curve Number = Lag Time (min.)= Rainfall Distribution Methods = 547.2 455.8 470.5 485.4 500.6 515.9 531.5 727.4 727.9 728.4 728.9 729.4 ELEVATION 724.9 725.4 725.9 726.4 726.9 43.9 51.1 58.6 STORAGE (ACRE-FT) 0.0 5.6 11.3 17.9 23.9 30.3 36.9 708.9 705.9 706.4 706.9 707.4 707.9 708.4 716.4 721.6 ELEVATION 704.4 704.9 705.4 STORAGE (ACRE-FT) 412.6 426.8 441.2 66.88 56 SCS Type 2 SPILLWAY Primary Auxiliary TYPE Riser / Barrel Grass Lined Trapezoidal Channel ELEVATION 24 HOUR - 200 YEAR EVENT, 9.36 INCHES, ELEVATION 722.7 (2.1 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 100 YEAR EVENT, 8.29 INCHES, ELEVATION 721.8 (3 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 50 YEAR EVENT, 7.3 INCHES, ELEVATION 719.6 (5.2 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 25 YEAR EVENT, 6.37 INCHES, ELEVATION 717.5 (7.3 FT FREE-BOARD) SUMMARY OF INPUT PARAMETERS 2 SUMMARY SHEET OF HYDRAULIC CAPACITY RESULTS TOWN FORK CREEK WS DAM #13, STOKE-051 ANALYSIS PERFORMED BY: S. MURPHY, HDR TOP OF DAM ELEVATION = 724.8 24 HOUR - 1000 YEAR EVENT, 12.2 INCHES, ELEVATION 724.5 (0.3 FT FREE-BOARD) 24 HOUR - 500 YEAR EVENT, 10.9 INCHES, ELEVATION 723.7 (1.1 FT FREE-BOARD) STOKE-051TOWN FORK CREEK WS DAM #13 OCTOBER 27, 2020 1309.5 NOT TO SCALE 1125.6 1155.2 1185.2 1215.6 1246.4 1277.6 956.1 983.4 1011.0 1039.1 1067.5 1096.4 800.6 825.5 850.8 876.5 902.7 929.2 662.3 684.0 706.1 728.9 752.2 776.2 563.2 580.8 600.4 620.5 641.1 742.4 742.9 743.4 743.9 744.4 739.4 739.9 740.4 740.9 741.4 741.9 736.4 736.9 737.4 737.9 738.4 738.9 733.4 733.9 734.4 734.9 735.4 735.9 730.4 730.9 731.4 731.9 732.4 732.9 729.9 357.8 371.3 384.9 398.7 281.4 293.7 306.1 318.7 331.6 344.6 211.7 222.9 234.2 245.8 257.5 269.3 148.3 158.5 168.8 179.3 190.0 200.8 91.6 100.5 109.7 119.0 128.6 138.4 66.4 74.6 83.0 723.9 724.4 720.9 721.4 721.9 722.4 722.9 723.4 717.9 718.4 718.9 719.4 719.9 720.4 714.9 715.4 715.9 716.4 716.9 717.4 711.9 712.4 712.9 713.4 713.9 714.4 709.4 709.9 710.4 710.9 711.4 STOKE-051TOWN FORK CREEK WS DAM #13 OCTOBER 27, 2020 APPENDIX A Watershed Boundary Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P,NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea,Esri (Thailand), NGCC, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and theGIS User Community Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 - STOKE-051 - Watershed Boundary Legend Longest FlowPath Watershed Bound ary 0 0.55 1.10.275 Miles Date: 10 /2/2020 /Drainage Ar ea: 2.0 Square MilesFlowpath Length: 2.8 miles APPENDIX B Lag Time Calculation Dam No:STOKE-051 Date:10/26/2020 Dam Name:Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Engineer:K. Trefzger Maximum Potential Retention (inches):S =(1000/cn')-10 Time of Concentration (hours):Tc =l0.8*(S+1)0.7 1140*Y0.5 Basin Data:Input Values in yellow Curve Number CN =66.8762 from NRCS CN Calculation S =4.95301 in. Mean Basin Slope Y =18.1123 %from Watershed Mean slope Longest Flowpath:2.82 mi.from Watershed Longest flowpath Flow Length l =14889.6 ft. Time of Concentration Tc =1.57 Hours Tc =94 mins Lag Time TL =0.94 Hours TL =56 mins APPENDIX C NRCS Curve Number Summary Sheet Change CN according to TR-55 (see tables below) NLCD (2016) Landuse TR-55 Landuse HSG A (sq. ft.)CN HSG B (sq. ft.)CN HSG C (sq. ft.)CN HSG D (sq. ft.)CN Open Water Not Available 0 100 0 81443 100 8144347 51747 100 5174700 647387 100 64738725 Developed, Open Space Open space - Fair condition (grass cover 50% to 75%)0 49 0 833995 69 57545631 1546694 79 122188842 0 84 0 Developed, Low Intensity Residential districts by average lot size: 1/3 acre 0 57 0 36488 72 2627124 112437 81 9107403 0 86 0 Developed, Medium Intensity Residential districts by average lot size: 1/8 acre 0 77 0 0 85 0 0 90 0 0 92 0 Developed, High Intensity Urban districts - Commercial and business 0 89 0 0 92 0 0 94 0 0 95 0 Barren Land Newly graded areas 0 77 0 0 86 0 0 91 0 0 94 0 Deciduous Forest Woods - Fair 0 36 0 21132991 60 1267979463 8947055 73 653135029 207825 79 16418181 Evergreen Forest Woods - Fair 0 36 0 4095650 60 245738972 3905994 73 285137565 34070 79 2691569 Mixed Forest Woods - Fair 0 36 0 4461015 60 267660892 2316131 73 169077551 25496 79 2014158 Shrub/Scrub Brush - Fair 0 35 0 173474 56 9714566 273252 70 19127661 612 77 47095 Herbaceuous Herbaceuous - Fair 0 60 0 691379 71 49087874 899657 81 72872230 45532 89 4052330 Hay/Pasture Pasture - Fair 0 49 0 1949524 69 134517160 3198511 79 252682368 3178 84 266963 Cultivated Crops Row crops (SR + CR) - Poor 0 71 0 0 80 0 9663 87 840662 0 90 0 Woody Wetlands Not Available 0 80 0 0 85 0 41218 90 3709653 7223 95 686181 Emergent Herbaceuous Wetlands Not Available 0 80 0 0 85 0 0 90 0 0 95 0 Weighted CN=66.88 NOTE: Curve Numbers are from SCS TR-55 with the exception of assumed HSG A (CN=60) for Herbaceous,Open Water, Woody Wetlands, and Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands. NOTE: double-check all the land types are being calculated and texts are accurate NOTE: double-check the exported attribute table has the same table format as the "Export_Output" table APPENDIX D Hyetograph Results Used for Analysis 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Cumulative Depth (in)Time (hrs) Hyetographs for 24-Hour SCS Type II Rainfall Distributions 25YR 50YR 100YR 200YR 500YR 1000YR APPENDIX E NOAA Atlas 14 Rainfall Table Point precipitation frequency estimates (inches) NOAA Atlas 14 Volume 2 Version 3 Data type: Precipitation depth Time series type: Partial duration Project area: Ohio River Basin Location name (ESRI Maps): Walnut Cove, North Carolina USA Station Name: - Latitude: 36.30938° Longitude: -80.223418° Elevation (USGS): 778.65 ft PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES by duration for ARI (years):1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min:0.369 0.44 0.519 0.574 0.639 0.684 0.725 0.763 0.807 0.838 10-min:0.59 0.703 0.831 0.918 1.02 1.09 1.15 1.21 1.28 1.32 15-min:0.737 0.884 1.05 1.16 1.29 1.38 1.46 1.53 1.61 1.66 30-min:1.01 1.22 1.49 1.68 1.91 2.08 2.23 2.38 2.56 2.68 60-min:1.26 1.53 1.91 2.19 2.55 2.81 3.07 3.33 3.67 3.92 2-hr:1.51 1.84 2.32 2.67 3.15 3.53 3.9 4.28 4.8 5.2 3-hr:1.63 1.99 2.51 2.9 3.43 3.84 4.25 4.68 5.25 5.7 6-hr:2.02 2.46 3.09 3.59 4.27 4.81 5.38 5.97 6.8 7.46 12-hr:2.47 3 3.78 4.4 5.29 6.01 6.78 7.59 8.76 9.72 24-hr:2.93 3.55 4.49 5.26 6.37 7.3 8.29 9.36 10.9 12.2 2-day:3.45 4.17 5.24 6.1 7.31 8.3 9.35 10.5 12 13.3 3-day:3.65 4.41 5.54 6.44 7.71 8.75 9.85 11 12.7 14.1 4-day:3.86 4.65 5.83 6.77 8.11 9.2 10.3 11.6 13.3 14.8 7-day:4.39 5.27 6.5 7.5 8.89 10 11.2 12.5 14.2 15.7 10-day:5 5.97 7.28 8.33 9.78 11 12.2 13.4 15.2 16.6 20-day:6.75 8.01 9.59 10.8 12.5 13.9 15.2 16.6 18.5 19.9 30-day:8.35 9.86 11.6 12.9 14.5 15.8 17.1 18.3 20 21.2 45-day:10.5 12.4 14.3 15.8 17.7 19.1 20.5 21.9 23.6 24.9 60-day:12.6 14.7 16.8 18.4 20.4 21.9 23.3 24.7 26.4 27.7 Date/time (GMT): Mon Oct 26 18:41:51 2020 pyRunTime: 0.0415620803833 APPENDIX F Outlet Works Rating Curves Total outlet discharge from the spillway system Client:NCEM Date:10/26/2020 Project:Overtopping Study Engineer:T.Carter Dam:Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Dam No.STOKE-051 Reservior Water Level (RWS) Elevation (ft) Total discharge from the spillway system (cfs) (from Hydrocad) 704.4 0.0 705.2 4.3 706.0 12.0 706.8 17.2 707.6 21.1 708.4 24.4 709.2 27.2 710.0 29.8 710.8 32.2 711.6 34.4 712.4 36.5 713.2 38.4 714.0 40.3 714.8 42.1 715.6 43.8 716.4 45.4 717.2 81.5 718.0 112.4 718.8 114.0 719.6 115.5 720.4 117.0 721.2 118.4 722.0 205.2 722.8 575.5 723.6 1123.2 724.4 1819.7 725.2 2653.4 726.0 3618.1 726.8 4669.3 727.6 5458.1 728.4 6115.7 729.2 6698.7 730.0 7229.8 730.8 7721.6 731.6 8182.1 732.4 8616.7 733.2 9029.6 734.0 9423.8 734.8 9801.7 735.6 10165.2 736.4 10515.8 737.2 10854.8 738.0 11183.4 738.8 11502.4 739.6 11812.7 740.4 12114.9 741.2 12409.7 0.0 2000.0 4000.0 6000.0 8000.0 10000.0 12000.0 14000.0 700.0 705.0 710.0 715.0 720.0 725.0 730.0 735.0 740.0 745.0Total discharge from the spillway system (cfs)Reservior Water Level (RWS) Elevation (ft) The whole spillway system rating curve (cfs) STOKE-051 Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Rainfall not specifiedSTOKE-051 Printed 10/26/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 1HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Pond 1P: STOKE-051 Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 704.40' 57,025,452 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) STOKE-051 Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Rainfall not specifiedSTOKE-051 Printed 10/26/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 2HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 704.40 501,084 0 0 704.90 501,084 250,542 250,542 705.40 501,084 250,542 501,084 705.90 517,236 254,580 755,664 706.40 540,205 264,360 1,020,024 706.90 566,113 276,580 1,296,604 707.40 591,543 289,414 1,586,018 707.90 615,771 301,829 1,887,846 708.40 641,572 314,336 2,202,182 708.90 668,037 327,402 2,529,584 709.40 695,693 340,933 2,870,517 709.90 721,113 354,202 3,224,718 710.40 743,135 366,062 3,590,780 710.90 764,365 376,875 3,967,655 711.40 786,406 387,693 4,355,348 711.90 806,709 398,279 4,753,627 712.40 825,430 408,035 5,161,662 712.90 843,447 417,219 5,578,881 713.40 859,795 425,811 6,004,691 713.90 875,146 433,735 6,438,427 714.40 891,543 441,672 6,880,099 714.90 906,973 449,629 7,329,728 715.40 921,689 457,166 7,786,893 715.90 935,195 464,221 8,251,114 716.40 949,131 471,082 8,722,196 716.90 963,828 478,240 9,200,436 717.40 979,746 485,894 9,686,329 717.90 995,771 493,879 10,180,208 718.40 1,011,670 501,860 10,682,069 718.90 1,027,422 509,773 11,191,842 719.40 1,042,949 517,593 11,709,434 719.90 1,059,004 525,488 12,234,923 720.40 1,075,508 533,628 12,768,551 720.90 1,091,045 541,638 13,310,189 721.40 1,108,691 549,934 13,860,123 721.90 1,126,865 558,889 14,419,012 722.40 1,145,107 567,993 14,987,005 722.90 1,161,533 576,660 15,563,665 723.40 1,177,617 584,788 16,148,452 723.90 1,193,770 592,847 16,741,299 724.40 1,210,400 601,043 17,342,342 724.90 1,226,738 609,285 17,951,626 725.40 1,243,447 617,546 18,569,172 725.90 1,260,303 625,938 19,195,110 726.40 1,276,445 634,187 19,829,297 726.90 1,292,949 642,349 20,471,645 727.40 1,310,000 650,737 21,122,383 727.90 1,327,568 659,392 21,781,775 728.40 1,346,035 668,401 22,450,175 STOKE-051 Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Rainfall not specifiedSTOKE-051 Printed 10/26/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 3HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 728.90 1,364,102 677,534 23,127,710 729.40 1,382,832 686,734 23,814,443 729.90 1,401,768 696,150 24,510,593 730.40 1,694,365 774,033 25,284,626 730.90 1,725,811 855,044 26,139,670 731.40 1,774,063 874,969 27,014,639 731.90 1,820,684 898,687 27,913,326 732.40 1,864,717 921,350 28,834,676 732.90 1,911,406 944,031 29,778,707 733.40 1,956,885 967,073 30,745,779 733.90 2,007,285 991,043 31,736,822 734.40 2,058,799 1,016,521 32,753,343 734.90 2,106,182 1,041,245 33,794,588 735.40 2,148,145 1,063,582 34,858,170 735.90 2,186,846 1,083,748 35,941,918 736.40 2,224,297 1,102,786 37,044,703 736.90 2,260,488 1,121,196 38,165,900 737.40 2,294,209 1,138,674 39,304,574 737.90 2,326,787 1,155,249 40,459,823 738.40 2,359,775 1,171,641 41,631,463 738.90 2,392,871 1,188,162 42,819,625 739.40 2,426,631 1,204,876 44,024,500 739.90 2,461,572 1,222,051 45,246,551 740.40 2,495,068 1,239,160 46,485,711 740.90 2,529,033 1,256,025 47,741,736 741.40 2,562,285 1,272,830 49,014,566 741.90 2,596,016 1,289,575 50,304,141 742.40 2,630,195 1,306,553 51,610,694 742.90 2,664,326 1,323,630 52,934,324 743.40 2,702,529 1,341,714 54,276,038 743.90 2,747,256 1,362,446 55,638,484 744.40 2,800,615 1,386,968 57,025,452 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 688.60'30.0" Round 30" RCP L= 224.0' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet / Outlet Invert= 688.60' / 686.40' S= 0.0098 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.013, Flow Area= 4.91 sf #2 Device 1 704.40'22.5" W x 18.0" H Vert. Riser Orifice C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 716.40'90.0" W x 15.0" H Vert. Riser Weir X 2.00 C= 0.600 #4 Secondary 721.60'Emergency Spillway, Cv= 3.10 (C= 3.88) Head (feet) 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Width (feet) 86.00 92.60 99.20 105.80 112.40 119.00 Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=0.00' TW=683.10' (Fixed TW Elev= 683.10') 1=30" RCP ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2=Riser Orifice ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 3=Riser Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=0.00' (Free Discharge) 4=Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0.00 cfs) STOKE-051 Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Rainfall not specifiedSTOKE-051 Printed 10/26/2020Prepared by HDR, Inc Page 4HydroCAD® 10.00-25 s/n 07102 © 2019 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Stage-Discharge for Pond 1P: STOKE-051 Town Fork Creek WS Dam #13 Elevation (feet) Discharge (cfs) Primary (cfs) Secondary (cfs) 704.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 704.80 1.52 1.52 0.00 705.20 4.31 4.31 0.00 705.60 7.91 7.91 0.00 706.00 11.99 11.99 0.00 706.40 14.90 14.90 0.00 706.80 17.24 17.24 0.00 707.20 19.28 19.28 0.00 707.60 21.11 21.11 0.00 708.00 22.79 22.79 0.00 708.40 24.36 24.36 0.00 708.80 25.83 25.83 0.00 709.20 27.21 27.21 0.00 709.60 28.53 28.53 0.00 710.00 29.79 29.79 0.00 710.40 31.00 31.00 0.00 710.80 32.17 32.17 0.00 711.20 33.29 33.29 0.00 711.60 34.37 34.37 0.00 712.00 35.43 35.43 0.00 712.40 36.45 36.45 0.00 712.80 37.44 37.44 0.00 713.20 38.41 38.41 0.00 713.60 39.35 39.35 0.00 714.00 40.27 40.27 0.00 714.40 41.18 41.18 0.00 714.80 42.06 42.06 0.00 715.20 42.92 42.92 0.00 715.60 43.77 43.77 0.00 716.00 44.60 44.60 0.00 716.40 45.41 45.41 0.00 716.80 58.40 58.40 0.00 717.20 81.45 81.45 0.00 717.60 111.07 111.07 0.00 718.00 112.41 112.41 0.00 718.40 113.18 113.18 0.00 718.80 113.95 113.95 0.00 719.20 114.71 114.71 0.00 719.60 115.46 115.46 0.00 720.00 116.21 116.21 0.00 720.40 116.96 116.96 0.00 720.80 117.70 117.70 0.00 721.20 118.43 118.43 0.00 721.60 119.16 119.16 0.00 722.00 205.23 119.89 85.34 722.40 364.92 120.61 244.31 722.80 575.54 121.33 454.21 723.20 829.62 122.04 707.58 723.60 1,123.20 122.75 1,000.44 724.00 1,453.79 123.46 1,330.33 724.40 1,819.74 124.16 1,695.58 Elevation (feet) Discharge (cfs) Primary (cfs) Secondary (cfs) 724.80 2,219.88 124.86 2,095.03 725.20 2,653.38 125.55 2,527.83 725.60 3,119.60 126.24 2,993.36 726.00 3,618.10 126.93 3,491.18 726.40 4,148.55 127.61 4,020.94 726.80 4,669.27 128.29 4,540.98 727.20 5,087.22 128.96 4,958.25 727.60 5,458.13 129.64 5,328.50 728.00 5,798.38 130.30 5,668.07 728.40 6,115.70 130.97 5,984.73 728.80 6,414.75 131.63 6,283.12 729.20 6,698.70 132.29 6,566.41 729.60 6,969.81 132.94 6,836.87 730.00 7,229.81 133.60 7,096.22 730.40 7,480.04 134.24 7,345.80 730.80 7,721.60 134.89 7,586.71 731.20 7,955.36 135.53 7,819.82 731.60 8,182.06 136.17 8,045.89 732.00 8,402.34 136.81 8,265.54 732.40 8,616.73 137.44 8,479.29 732.80 8,825.70 138.07 8,687.63 733.20 9,029.64 138.70 8,890.94 733.60 9,228.91 139.32 9,089.59 734.00 9,423.83 139.95 9,283.89 734.40 9,614.68 140.56 9,474.12 734.80 9,801.71 141.18 9,660.52 735.20 9,985.13 141.79 9,843.34 735.60 10,165.17 142.41 10,022.76 736.00 10,341.99 143.01 10,198.98 736.40 10,515.77 143.62 10,372.15 736.80 10,686.67 144.22 10,542.45 737.20 10,854.82 144.83 10,710.00 737.60 11,020.36 145.42 10,874.94 738.00 11,183.40 146.02 11,037.38 738.40 11,344.06 146.61 11,197.45 738.80 11,502.44 147.20 11,355.23 739.20 11,658.63 147.79 11,510.83 739.60 11,812.72 148.38 11,664.34 740.00 11,964.80 148.96 11,815.84 740.40 12,114.94 149.55 11,965.40 740.80 12,263.22 150.13 12,113.10 741.20 12,409.71 150.70 12,259.01 741.60 12,554.46 151.28 12,403.19 742.00 12,697.55 151.85 12,545.70 742.40 12,839.02 152.42 12,686.60 742.80 12,978.93 152.99 12,825.94 743.20 13,117.33 153.56 12,963.78 743.60 13,254.28 154.12 13,100.15 744.00 13,389.80 154.68 13,235.12 744.40 13,523.96 155.24 13,368.71