HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140611_Operations_Plan NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF
Submitted to:
Iluka Resources, Inc.
413 Becker Drive
Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870
(252) 533-9032
&right People.Right Solutions.
Submitted By:
Kleinfelder Southeast, Inc
3500 Gateway Centre Blvd, Suite 200
Morrisville, NC 27560
(919) 755-5011
Aurelian Springs Mine Iluka Resources, Inc.
Table of Contents
1.0 Executive Summary...........................................................................................................5
2.0 Permit Application .............................................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................5
2.2 North Carolina Mining Permit Application....................................................................6
3.0 Permit Notification .............................................................................................................6
3.1 Adjacent Property Owner Notification .........................................................................6
3.2 Local Government Notification ....................................................................................6
4.0 Signage...............................................................................................................................7
5.0 Bond and Permit Fees.......................................................................................................7
6.0 Other Permit Requirements ..............................................................................................7
7.0 Operations Plan..................................................................................................................8
7.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................8
7.2 Mining Method.............................................................................................................8
7.2.1 General............................................................................................................8
7.3 Impoundment Design Guidelines..............................................................................11
7.4 Processing Method....................................................................................................15
7.4.1 Concentration ................................................................................................15
7.5 Spoil, Overburden and Waste Disposal Handling .....................................................16
7.6 Topsoil Handling........................................................................................................17
7.6.1 Class "B„ Biosolids ........................................................................................18
7.7 Haul Road and Access Points...................................................................................18
7.8 Dust Control ..............................................................................................................20
7.9 Groundwater..............................................................................................................20
7.9.1 Groundwater Monitoring and Protection.......................................................22
7.10 Process Water Discharges........................................................................................23
8.0 Drainage & Erosion Control Plan ...................................................................................23
8.1 Drainage & Erosion Control Design ..........................................................................23
8.1.1 Active Mining Area.........................................................................................23
8.1.2 Perimeter Sediment Control ..........................................................................24
8.1.3 Concentrator Plant.........................................................................................25
8.1.4 Tailings Area..................................................................................................25
8.1.5 Slurry Piping ..................................................................................................26
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8.2 Construction, Maintenance and Abandonment.........................................................26
8.2.1 Construction ..................................................................................................26
8.2.2 Maintenance..................................................................................................27
8.2.3 Decommissioning ..........................................................................................27
9.0 NPDES Permit...................................................................................................................27
9.1 Concentrator Site Discharges ...................................................................................27
9.2 Mine Area Discharges...............................................................................................27
9.2.1 Inspection and Representative Outfall Status Plan .......................................27
9.2.2 Representative Outfall Status........................................................................28
9.2.3 Diffuse Flow...................................................................................................28
9.2.4 Pumping O&M Plan.......................................................................................28
10.0 Reclamation Plan .............................................................................................................28
10.1 Post-Mining Land Use...............................................................................................28
10.2 Backfilling and Regrading..........................................................................................28
10.2.1 Waste Materials.............................................................................................28
10.2.2 Regrading Topsoil .........................................................................................30
10.3 Re-vegetation............................................................................................................31
10.4 Wetland Mitigation and Restoration ..........................................................................32
11.0 References........................................................................................................................32
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List of Figures
Figure 1 General Location Map
Figure 2 USGS Map
Figure 3 County Highway Map
Figure 4 Parcels Map
Figure 5 1000' Offset from Parcels Map
Figure 6 Stream and Wetlands Map
Figures 7 Mine Plan
Figure 8 Well Piping Schematic Overview
Figure 9 Reclamation Plan
Figure 10 Visibility Plan
List of Appendices
Appendix A Table of Adjacent Parcel Owners
Appendix B Halifax County Conditional Use Permit
Appendix C Affidavit of Notification and Certified Mail Receipts (Forthcoming)
Appendix D Land Entry Agreements (Forthcoming)
Appendix E Groundwater Withdrawal Mitigation Plan
Appendix F Process Flow Diagrams
Appendix G Erosion and Sediment Control Plans
Appendix H Erosion and Sediment Control Calculations
Appendix I Concentrator Site Plans
Appendix J Concentrator Site Stormwater Calculations
Appendix K Correspondence with USACE
Appendix L Copy of Declaratory Ruling Request
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1.0 Executive Summary
Iluka Resources (NC) LLC (Iluka) is proposing a new mineral sands operation in Halifax County,
North Carolina. The mining operation includes the operation of a centralized wet mill
concentrator site. Ore will be mined with a mobile mining unit and pumped to the concentrator.
A mineral sand concentrate will be produced at the concentrator and will then be hauled off-site
to an existing separation plant in Stony Creek, Virginia. This permit application is for mining
activities and the associated concentrator site.
Located southwest of Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina, this mine and concentrator plant would
be the first such facility operated in North Carolina.
Mineral Sands (titanium-bearing ilmenite and zircon) occur within the ore bodies situated in the
innermost Coastal Plain sediments adjacent to the Fall Zone. Mining will occur in mining pits of
varying size. Ore is a mixture of minerals sands (-10%), quartz sand (-60%), and kaolinitic clay
(-30%), and will be excavated by a track-mounted excavator. Mining depths will average 15 to
20 feet across the site. Operations to be conducted at the Aurelian Springs mine and
concentrator plant include land preparation ahead of mining, mineral sand ore excavation,
concentration, tailings placements, regrading, and reclamation.
Iluka has completed a permitting analysis to identify the local, state, and federal permits needed
for the Aurelian Springs mine. The surface water, stormwater, and process water will be
addressed through the required permit activities.
The mining permit application identifies the adjacent property owners, utilities, and local
governments notified of the planned mining operation. Supporting documentation is included in
the appendices of this document. The necessary bond for this application will be submitted once
Iluka is notified by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Protection (NCDENR),
Division of Energy, Mining and Land Resources of the final bond.
2.0 Permit Application
2.1 Introduction
Mineral sands are the name most often given to sands containing ilmenite (a titanium mineral)
and zircon. These sands occur in economically viable concentrations in Coastal Plain
sediments adjacent to a geologic feature known as the Fall Zone, which runs from New Jersey
to Florida primarily west of Interstate 95. Iluka Resources Ltd. (together with its subsidiaries)
(collectively and individually herein referred to as "Iluka") is one of the world's leading producers
of zircon and titanium minerals. Iluka's operations in the United States presently are conducted
by its subsidiary, Iluka Resources Inc. and include: (1) a mineral separation plant in Stony
Creek, Virginia; (2) two active mine sites, one in Greensville County, Virginia and one in
Dinwiddie/Sussex Counties, Virginia, including a wet concentrator plant at each site; and (3)
three former mine sites in final reclamation located in Dinwiddie County, Virginia; Clay/Putnam
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Counties, Florida; and Brantley County, Georgia.
Iluka is proposing the development of a new mineral sands mine and wet concentrator plant in
Halifax County, North Carolina, which will be called the Aurelian Springs mine. Operations to be
conducted at the Aurelian Springs mine and concentrator plant include mineral sand ore
excavation, concentration, tailing, and reclamation.
Extractable deposits are discontinuous throughout the area. The mining strategy will be to
operate a centralized concentrator site in close proximity to several mineral sands mining
locations. Ore will be mined with excavators and placed in a mobile mining unit and pumped to
the concentrator. At the concentrator, the mineral sands ore will be concentrated by gravity
separation and a mineral-sand concentrate produced. The mineral-sand concentrate will then
be trucked to the existing Mineral Separation Plant (MSP) in Stony Creek, Virginia. The life of
the mine is anticipated to be approximately 5 to 10 years with average mining depths of 15 to 20
The proposed Aurelian Springs project site includes 70 parcels encompassing approximately
3,772 acres. This also includes approximately 68 acres for a new wet concentrator plant
location. Figures 1, 2, and 3 identify the proposed permit boundaries for the Aurelian Springs
Mine and Concentrator Plant. Figure 4 identifies the 70 parcels within the permit boundary.
Land entry agreements for those 70 parcels are provided in Appendix D (forthcoming).
Disturbance activities will include discreet active mining areas, the construction and operation of
a new wet concentrator plant, a lay-down yard, pipeline corridors, process water and storm
water ponds, a developed water source, and various support services.
This operations plan provides support for the NCDENR Mining Permit Application and the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) NCG020000 Notice of Intent.
2.2 North Carolina Mining Permit Application
The mining permit application is under separate cover.
3.0 Permit Notification
3.1 Adjacent Property Owner Notification
Adjoining property owners within 1,000 feet of the proposed permit boundary were notified to
allow public participation in the permitting process. Figure 5 presents shows the adjoining
owners within 1,000 feet of the permit boundary, and Appendix A identifies the tax parcel
numbers for these owners. Appendix C presents the Affidavit of Notification for all adjoining
property owners notified. Appendix C will also include the forthcoming certified mail receipts.
3.2 Local Government Notification
Halifax County issued a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to Iluka on November 13, 2013 allowing
surface mining and reclamation within the 70 subject parcels. The CUP is included in Appendix
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B. The county was also notified and is included on the affidavit in Appendix C.
4.0 Signage
Signs will be erected on Aurelian Springs Road at the entrances to the concentrator site
property. The site layout for the concentrator plant is presented as in Appendix I.
The signs will display the following:
NCDENR PERMIT# (pending)
MSHA MINE ID # (pending)
5.0 Bond and Permit Fees
The appropriate reclamation bond will be provided upon Iluka receiving a request or billing from
NCDENR. It is anticipated that the blanket bond will apply to this operation.
Figure 7 illustrates two proposed boundaries for the mine site: a permit boundary and a bond
boundary. The total acreage within the proposed permit boundary is 3,772 acres. The bond
boundary represents the limits of disturbed land within the first three to four years
(approximately) of operations and includes 590 acres (includes concentrator, mine, and
surrounding operations). The remaining unaccounted acreage includes buffer areas and
wetlands within the permit boundary, which are not anticipated to be disturbed.
6.0 Other Permit Requirements
To assist Iluka's Aurelian Springs project team in the permitting process, other local, state, and
federal permits were identified that may be required for the proposed Aurelian Springs Mine and
Concentrator Plant. Anticipated required permits include:
• Halifax County Conditional Use Permit (issued November 13, 2013)
• North Carolina Division of Water Resources 401 Water Quality Certification (not required
for initial mine area)
• NCDWQ NPDES Permit(s) (application pending)
• North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Driveway Permits and
Encroachment Agreements (application pending)
• United States Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit (not required for initial mine
The first three to four years of mining does not include any impacts to streams or wetlands and,
therefore, does not require a 401 or 404 permit. Correspondence from the United States Army
Corps of Engineers confirming this approach is included in Appendix K.
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7.0 Operations Plan
7.1 Introduction
The proposed mining activities are situated in rural portions of Halifax County, North Carolina.
Topography of the area is described as rolling hills with several swamps and streams that drain
east and south. Elevations range from 350 feet to 200 feet above mean sea level (USGS). A
location map and USGS map of the site are included as Figures 1 and 2.
Based on information from the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Natural
Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), soils near the mining area are predominately sandy
or clayey loams. Slopes of the soil layers vary between 0% and 25%. The main soil units are
Emporia-Wedowee, Nankin, and Wedowee (NRCS, 2012).
Based on the National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD, 2001), evergreen and deciduous forest and
cultivated crops are the predominant land cover in the proposed mining areas. Silviculture
operations consist of harvesting local hardwoods and pines on a 30- to 35-year rotational cycle.
Agricultural activities are primarily cash crops of tobacco, peanuts, cotton, soybeans, corn,
wheat, and rye rotated alternately with soybeans, corn, wheat and rye. Most crops are planted
in the spring and harvested in the fall of the year.
Mining activities will not be conducted within 200 feet of a principal residence unless Iluka first
complies with the provisions within the mining lease concerning residences.
7.2 Mining Method
Information on the proposed mining method to be used at the mine is presented in the following
7.2.1 General
Ground clearing operations begin six to 24 months prior to mining. Typical areas to be mined
will undergo the following sequence. Prior to disturbance, the boundaries of disturbance will be
surveyed and marked followed by the placement of sediment and erosion control measures.
The areas will then be cleared and root raked (if necessary). If necessary, brush and tree
material will be burned under appropriate burn regulations. The topsoil (averaging six inches
thick) will be stockpiled to the sides of the mine perimeter to create earthen berms for
containment of stormwater, noise abatement, and visual screening purposes.
The boundaries of mining disturbance are surveyed as the first step in the clearing process. The
disturbance line is then marked by flagging tape, pin flags, or the installation of silt fence or
brush barriers. The limits delineated by sediment control structures and County-required
property line, public right-of-way, and residential structure setback requirements are used to
restrict mining activities. A minimum 25-foot buffer will be provided between any mining activity
and any mining permit boundary or right-of-way. An undisturbed buffer will be left around
streams and wetlands that are not permitted for impact. The buffer will be a minimum of 50 feet
in width for stream and wetland areas, and no mining or land disturbance activities will occur
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within the buffer area adjacent to stream and wetland areas. The sediment control structures will
be installed along the inside of the buffer line. In special circumstances, Iluka may request that
an allowance be made to reduce the width of the buffer. This request would be made to
NCDENR Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources and the United States Army Corps of
Engineers (if required as a permit condition) in the form of a permit amendment request.
Clearing activities begin with placement and construction of erosion and sediment controls
(erosion and sediment control barriers) consistent with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment
Control Planning and Design Manual (2009). The erosion and sediment control barriers will
include silt fences, silt fence outlets, coir logs, sediment traps, sediment basins, brush barriers,
and diversion berms/ditches, as required based on site topographic conditions. These measures
will be monitored and maintained as needed until the reclamation activities are completed.
Following construction of erosion and sediment control barriers, forested areas will be logged
and the topsoil removed and stockpiled in perimeter berms to be constructed inside of the
erosion and sediment control barrier. Logging activities may be performed prior to installation of
sediment controls. Clearing and grubbing activities that involve ground disturbance will be
conducted after controls are put in place. Clearing activities are expected to take approximately
six months.
The height of the perimeter topsoil berms will vary from a minimum of 1.5 feet to greater than 10
feet. The minimum height of 1.5 feet is consistent with the design manual. The height will
depend on several factors including the size of the mining area, the amount of topsoil to be
stockpiled, the amount of area set aside for topsoil storage, and whether or not the topsoil
berms will also provide a screening function. In certain sensitive areas (i.e., close proximity to
local residences or high-traffic public roads), Iluka may use the topsoil berms for purposes of
noise abatement and as a visual screen. When used for this purpose, the berms will be built to
an effective height (depending on purpose and topography). Figure 10 illustrates the screening
of the berm at the concentrator site. Topsoil berms will be vegetated, and, if additional
screening height is desired, tall-standing vegetation may be planted along the crest. Refer to
the typical perimeter berm cross-section.
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Typical Perimeter Berm Cross-section
[MIN].1.5) AREA
Topsoil berms will also provide a barricade to prevent inadvertent public access to the mine
area and will provide a barrier to prevent physical hazard to neighboring dwellings and public
roads from mine excavation. Additionally, mining activities will not be conducted within 200 feet
of a principal residence unless Iluka first complies with the provisions within the mining lease
concerning residences.
Mining will occur in mining pits of varying size. Ore is a mixture of mineral sands (-10%), quartz
sand (-60%}, and kaolinitic clay (--30%), and will be excavated by track-mounted excavator.
Mining depths average 15 to 20 feet across the proposed mine footprint. Interception of the
surficial water table may occur at the lower elevations within the mine pit based on NRCS data.
If this is the case, the pit will be dewatered, and the water will be captured and recirculated
through the mining process.
Mine pit walls will vary in height depending on the depth of the ore being mined. The slope
angles on the pit walls will be a function of the wall height and the ground characteristics. The
pit wall at deep portions of the pit may require the use of benches at the working face. The
benches help stabilize the working face and provide an intermediate level from which equipment
can work. Generally, very sandy ground containing low levels of clay is less stable than ground
containing higher levels of clay and would require shallower slopes to maintain slope stability.
Slopes may be as shallow as 60 degrees and may be as steep as 90 degrees, depending on
ground conditions and excavation depth. A horizontal distance equal to three times the pit depth
of the pit will be maintained between the permit boundary and the toe of the pit slopes. Refer to
typical mine pit wall cross-section.
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Typical Mine Pit Wall Cross-section
Excavated mineral sand ore is placed in a mobile mining unit. The mining unit pumps the ore to
the mine concentrator plant through aboveground slurry pipelines. The concentrating process is
discussed further in Section 7.4.1.
Due to the water use of the concentrator plant site, additional make-up water will be needed.
The present design proposes supplying additional make-up water drawn from wells and
municipal supply. Water will be drawn by pump and piped to recirculation ponds. The
recirculation ponds will also receive water recirculated from the concentrator plant
process, stormwater from the concentrator plant site, stormwater from the mine site, decanted
water recovered from tailings pits, and stormwater from tailings areas.
The swell factor of the clay in the ore necessitates larger tailings volumes for containment.
Structures (such as berms) will be designed and constructed in accordance with all state and
federal regulations. The structures will typically be constructed with material from within the
mine area and will be compacted in lifts. The impoundment berms will typically be adjacent to
the topsoil berms making it unnecessary for further sediment erosion control measures. For
external impoundment berms, sediment erosion control measures applied to the topsoil berms
will be applied to the impoundment berms. Topsoil and impoundment berms will have minimum
two feet horizontal to one foot vertical slopes.
7.3 Impoundment Design Guidelines
Guidelines for a typical mine tailings/reclamation impoundment are as follows:
• Typical impoundment areas vary from 2 to 7 acres in size.
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• Constructed outer embankment walls will have side slopes of 2:1 or flatter with a
minimum top width of 15 feet.
• Slopes will be tracked and compacted to prevent rilling or other erosion.
Embankments will be monitored and surveyed during construction to ensure that approved
construction standards, slope angles and dimensions are met.
Embankment footprints will be inspected prior to construction. Where seeps are evident, a
blanket or toe drain will be installed to transport water away from the toe area. On the surface,
positive drainage will be maintained to drain runoff away from toe areas.
The criteria listed below are to serve as design guidelines that will ensure that impoundments
are constructed such that they are below the G.S 143-215.25A size criteria. In the future if it is
found that these criteria do not provide definitive guidance, they will be modified as agreed to by
the NCDENR Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources and Iluka Resources, Inc. (Iluka).
G.S 143-215.25A(6) applies to impounding structures less than 25 feet in height or that have an
impoundment capacity of less than 50 acre-feet, unless the Department determines that failure
of the dam could result in loss of human life or significant damage to property below the dam.
A minimum of at least two feet of freeboard will be maintained for surface impoundments unless
open channel spillways are provided. In lieu of open channel spillways, the freeboard for
surface impoundments may be reduced to one foot if weirs designed to handle a 50-year storm
event are part of the surface impoundment design. The design for each surface impoundment
required at the facility will be developed based on the site-specific conditions and material
Waste material tailings of clay, quartz sands, heavy minerals and gravel will serve as backfill for
the mine cells. After being pumped back to the mined-out cells, the tailings are allowed to
dewater. The tailings initially include approximately 40% to 45% solids, of which approximately
35% is clay. Complete consolidation of the tailings is time-dependent, but the tailings begin
consolidation immediately. The tailings remain flowable for relatively short periods of time, and
Iluka has found that the material is not flowable at the time the impoundments are broken during
final grading.
For the purpose of this text, the following terms and definitions are used:
• in-situ ground - unmined ground or undisturbed ground below an excavation. The
integrity of in-situ ground shall not be disturbed by excavation, backfilling or scarification
(except for keyway cuts).
• pre-mined natural ground elevation - the existing contour elevations prior to land
disturbance activities.
• downstream - the direction of lower adjacent impounded water/silt levels
Documents titled "Form to determine if a dam is governed by the Dam Safety Law of 1967" and
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the "Dam Hazard Classification Form" will be submitted to the NC Dam Safety Program in order
to receive approval that a dam safety permit is not required. See below for the definitions
Definitions Exhibit
� I I
III � v
0 0
Impoundment Construction Sequence
Whenever practical, impoundments will be constructed such that impoundments at lower
elevations are constructed first. This will not always be practical, and impoundments may be
constructed in any sequence. Regardless of constructions sequence, all impoundments will be
constructed according to the design criteria.
Iluka will submit design plans to NCDENR if dams exceed the jurisdictional threshold. There will
be three criteria to determine if an impoundment is considered exempt. Each impoundment will
be designed and constructed in accordance with these criteria as applicable.
Criterion 1 — Exterior Embankments
The first criterion is to be used when any portion of an impoundment is built on unmined ground
surrounding the pit and thus the embankment wall is an exterior wall. In Diagram 1, this criterion
would apply to:
• the north portion of Dam 1 (constructed entirely on unmined ground);
• the western portion of Dams 1 and 2 (constructed partially on unmined ground above the
pit crest and partially within the pit); and
• the eastern portion of Dams 1 and 3 (constructed partially on unmined ground above the
pit crest and partially within the pit).
Impoundments that meet the first criterion must be constructed so that they are less than 25 feet
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in height or contain less than 50 acre-feet of capacity above in-situ (unmined) ground.
Diagram 1:
w RM
r n+ts:
Height and volume for exterior walls will be calculated from the lowest in-situ ground point along
the pit crest (Le the lowest downstream toe). The height will be calculated from the lowest
downstream toe along the pit crest to the embankment crest, and the impoundment volume will
be calculated from the lowest downstream toe along the pit crest to the maximum pool within
the impoundment.
Criterion 2— Interior Walls
For interior walls, pursuant to the declaratory ruling request dated May 5, 2014 and included in
Appendix L, the impoundment will be considered exempt if the volume contained within the
impoundment can be contained entirely within the downstream pit. Impoundments that meet
the second criteria must be constructed so that the water and tailings volume will be completely
contained within the open pit adjacent to the structure, in the event of an impoundment failure.
As long as the impoundment in question has an unobstructed wall that faces in the pit, adequate
volume will be maintained within the pit to contain the impounded material should failure of the
impoundment ever occur. The ruling is subject to review and approval by the Environmental
Management Commission (EMC). Should the EMC deny the request, Iluka will adhere to the
current interpretation of the dam height and volume measurements, which is taken from in-situ
Criterion 3— Workers Present in Downstream Pit
Whenever persons are required to work in the mine cell below these impoundments an open pit
must be constructed between the employees in the downstream pit and the active tailings pit.
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The open pit shall be sized such that it can contain the volume of the upstream tailings pit.
Diagram 2:
7.4 Processing Method
Ore processing methods proposed for the Aurelian Springs mine are discussed in the following
sections. Conceptual process flow diagrams for the mine and plant operations proposed at the
Aurelian Springs Mine and Concentrator Plant are presented in Appendix F.
7.4.1 Concentration
Excavated mineral sand ore is placed in a mobile mining unit. The mining unit pumps the ore to
the mine concentrator plant through aboveground slurry pipelines. At the concentrator, the
initial treatment process consists of passing the slurried ore through a trommel screen. The
trommel screen separates the feed into undersize (quartz sand, mineral sands, and kaolinitic
clay) and oversize (rocks, gravel, roots, and clay balls) materials. The oversize material from the
trommel is used as backfill in mined-out cells or around the plant for road base and other uses.
The undersize fraction from the trommel is pumped through desliming cyclones to separate the
clay fraction from the sand. The clay fraction (the overflow) is treated through thickeners. This
process is discussed further below. The sand fraction from the desliming cyclones (the
underflow) becomes the concentrator feed.
Oversize material may be stored temporarily at the plant. Oversize material that contains an
appreciable amount of clay will be disposed of in the mine pits. Oversize material that is mostly
"clean" rock with low concentrations of clay and root material may be used for road base or
other similar uses around the site. The nature of the material being mined will dictate the
composition of the oversize material. Some areas will produce oversize material with significant
clay content, while other areas are expected to produce relatively clean granular material.
The desliming cyclones underflow is directed to a sump and then pumped to a series of spiral
separators, which separate the higher specific gravity (SG) mineral sands (SG>3.5) from the
lighter quartz sands (SG<2.6). The lower SG quartz sands are combined with the clay fraction
and will become tailings. The spiral separators upgrade the mineral sands in the concentrator
feed to approximately 90 percent heavy mineral sands, thus producing mineral sand
concentrate. The mineral sand concentrate is then fed through an attritioner and a hydrosizer,
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which removes additional fine to very fine quartz sand grains from the concentrate. The quartz
sands from the spiral separators and hydrosizer are processed through tailings cyclones, which
dewater the sands to approximately 75% solids. The tailing sands are combined with the
thickener underflow (clays) and are pumped to mined-out cells where they are dewatered and
reused with the reclamation activities.
The mineral sand concentrate is then dewatered by a cyclone and stockpiled. The stockpiled
mineral concentrate is loaded onto trucks with a front-end loader and hauled to the Mineral
Separation Plant, located in Stony Creek, Virginia for further processing. The various mineral
products from the Mineral Separation Plant will be sold commercially for manufacture of titanium
dioxide pigment and/or titanium metal, use in high temperature metal casting, in the production
of ceramics, and/or other industrial mineral applications.
The clay from the desliming cyclones overflow is pumped to a thickener. The addition of a
flocculent to the thickener increases the percent solids of the clay from approximately 5% to
30%, effectively dewatering the material. Water from the process is returned to the clarifying
pond for reuse. The thickened clay is then pumped to the total tailings sump along with the
dewatered sands from the tailings cyclone. The resultant mixture is then pumped at
approximately 50% solids to the active reclamation cell. The tailing materials from the Aurelian
Springs Mine Concentrator, as discussed, will consist primarily of quartz sand, clays, and
gravel. After being pumped back to the mined-out cells, the tailings are allowed to settle and
dewater pending reclamation activities. In general, the landscape restoration activities will be
conducted simultaneously as the mining activities progress, with mined-out cells being
reclaimed while new cells are being mined.
After completing the mining activities, cell backfilling with tailings is expected to require 12 to 24
months. Once the tailings are sufficiently dewatered to allow reworking of the material,
reclamation activities, including recontouring of the site (mined area) topography, top soil
placement, and revegetation are expected to require 12 to 24 months. Following completion of
the revegetation activities, the reclaimed areas will be monitored for a minimum of two growing
seasons pending release from the mine reclamation activities by NCDENR. Once the reclaimed
area is sufficiently vegetated, the erosion and sediment barriers (silt fences) will be removed.
Depending on mine phasing, weather conditions, and the location of mined areas relative to
ancillary mine operations, the schedule for restoring some areas of the mine cells can vary from
the timeframe discussed above.
Excess water from tailings is decanted, collected, and pumped back to the clarifying pond at the
concentrator site and recycled. Approximately 90% of the water utilized in the mining process
is recycled, with the only losses expected in the tailings entrained in the clay particles, infiltration
into the ground, in the concentrate stockpile, and through evaporation.
7.5 Spoil, Overburden and Waste Disposal Handling
The mining process for mineral sands involves very little if any spoil or overburden, as would be
encountered in other types of mining operations. Waste disposal is primarily related to the
handling of the clay and quartz sand tailings that are to be utilized in the reclamation process.
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The handling of this material at the concentrator location has been previously described in
Section 7.4. These waste products are hydraulically pumped to previously mined cells for use in
the reclamation process.
Tailings impoundments will be constructed according to the guidelines in Section 7.3 to create
storage volume for the tailings, as well as to serve as stormwater containment. Topsoil berms
may be used to divert stormwater runoff from the backside of the berms into sediment traps. If
topsoil berms are not used, silt fencing or other sediment control measures will be installed until
vegetative cover is established on the out slopes of the berms. Water within the berms will be
decanted from the clays and sands, collected, and then pumped back to the recirculating pond
at the concentrator site for reuse.
The plant oversize material storage area will be located in the area marked "Oversize Stockpile
Area", as shown on the site plans in Appendix I. The oversize material will be placed on a
prepared earthen pad that may be covered with aggregate. Drainage from the pad will be
diverted to the process water ponds and reused in the process.
Stormwater from the stormwater basin will be captured and reintroduced into the system at the
plant or clarifying pond as make-up water, as required. The retention basin will be exempt from
being permitted as a discharge point under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Permit because it is designed to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm event and will
have capacity available again within five days. Normal operating parameters will involve
pumping the stormwater runoff into the process pond.
7.6 Topsoil Handling
Initially, topsoil at the mining site will be removed and utilized to create the stormwater
containment berms, which will also provide screening of the mine operation. Topsoil removed
prior to mining may also be stored in stockpiles. The topsoil will remain in the containment
berms or stockpiles until it is replaced during the reclamation process.
Topsoil will be utilized and spread over the completed reclamation area. Once a mine cell has
been filled with the clay-sand mix, dewatered and regraded, the topsoil berms will be spread
over the mining cell for use in the reclamation process. The topsoil will provide a suitable
growing medium as well as a "seed bank" for native vegetation.
The following guidelines will be used in all areas where topsoil is being returned.
• Efforts will be made to distribute the topsoil evenly over the area.
• No areas (greater than just a few square yards) will be left with less than three inches of
topsoil. Some very small areas may be exceptions.
• Scrapers, pull pans, dozers, or other appropriate equipment will be used to distribute the
• Conditions for biosolids use (discussed below) will include a requirement that the
company provide proof of landowner permission.
Application of biosolids may be performed during the final stages of the reclamation process.
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Lime- stabilized biosolids may be utilized to help condition the soils prior to seeding with final
pasture grasses. Incorporation of lime-stabilized biosolids raises the soil pH, adds organic
content, and adds a significant amount of phosphorous, all of which are beneficial for
productive pasture growth.
7.6.1 Class `B"Biosolids
North Carolina law uses the term "residuals" instead of "biosolids." Residuals are defined
broadly as "...any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste, other than effluent or residues from
agricultural products and processing, generated from a wastewater treatment facility, water
supply treatment facility or air pollution control facility permitted under the authority of the
Environmental Management Commission" (15A NCAC 02T).
Class B biosolids can be applied to the land by those who have a permit to produce them.
North Carolina permit restrictions state that Class B biosolids must be applied at least 30 days,
14 months, 20 months, or 38 months before harvest, depending on the amount of contact
between the eaten part of the crop and the soil, and how long the biosolids are left on the soil
surface before they are incorporated. There are additional environmental requirements about
where Class A and B residuals can be applied (15A NCAC 02T).
North Carolina law regulates how high heavy metal concentrations can be for Class B biosolids.
7.7 Haul Road and Access Points
The concentrate from the concentrator plant site will be hauled to the off-site mineral separation
plant. Two driveways are proposed on Aurelian Springs Road for the proposed concentrator
site. The spacing between driveways and from intersections is in compliance with the NCDOT
Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways. The driveways shall be
paved and have been designed to allow a safe and efficient traffic flow into and out of the site.
Access to the concentrator site and tailings area is shown on the site plans in Appendix I.
Access to and between future mining areas is shown on the erosion and sediment control plans
in Appendix G. There are four proposed access points onto public roads within the mine area:
three crossings of Lonnie B. Green Road and one crossing of Aurelian Springs road.
Access road entrances will be constructed according to the following guidelines:
• The entrance will be graded such that runoff from the entrance surface either drains
away from the public road or drains to small sediment traps designed to keep sediment
from migrating to roadside ditches. Shallow entrance-side ditches may be used to help
divert water. See Diagrams 4 and 5 below.
• A culvert will be placed along the public road ditch line to ensure that the entrance does
not restrict pre-existing drainage along the roadside. Culverts will be a minimum of 15
inches in diameter and will be sized as appropriate for the location.
• The entrance surface will be covered with clean crushed stone (3-inch size) for a
minimum distance of 100 feet. The aggregate surface will be at least six inches thick.
• Prior to completion, entrances will be used for construction traffic only.
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• In the event that the surface aggregate becomes filled or covered with sediment (clay
and/or sand), the entrance will be reworked or resurfaced with clean rock as required.
• When the entrance is no longer required for mining or reclamation purposes, it will be
removed. The aggregate surface will be removed, the culvert will be removed, and
roadside drainage will be re-established to pre-existing conditions or better. In the cases
where pre-existing entrances are upgraded for mining purposes, the upgraded entrance
will often be left in place and used by landowners for future access to their property.
Diagram 4:
Typical Road Entrance
Plan View
A I 1 A'
I 1
Culvert 15"Diameter Min.
QR MD&h /
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Diagram 5:
Typical Road Entrance
Cross-Secdon View
i.: 6..vty0a
Each main access road to the mine will be equipped with a lockable gate to prevent
unauthorized access to the mine. The gate will interlink with the perimeter berm (minimum
height of 4 feet), which will extend for a minimum of 50 feet in both directions from the central
gate location. Additionally, Iluka will construct and operate a facility suitable for washing vehicles
at the Aurelian Springs Concentrator Plant site.
There are no stream or wetlands crossings planned for the first three to four years of the
Aurelian Springs Mine site. Future proposed impacts to streams and wetlands are being
addressed in the 401 and 404 Individual Permit Applications, which are being coordinated with
the North Carolina Division of Water Resources and the United States Army Corps of
7.8 Dust Control
Iluka utilizes a wet process for material separation, and thus, dust is not anticipated to be an
issue in and around the concentrator plant and associated material stockpiles. Dust will be
controlled along the access roads by use of stabilized construction entrances as described in
Section 8.1.2. Dust control will be supplemented by spraying/wetting roads as necessary.
7.9 Groundwater
Some areas of the proposed Aurelian Springs mining activities may extend below the current
water table, resulting in a general lowering of the shallow water table for areas immediately
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adjacent to the mine cells. Iluka will dewater the cells as needed to maintain a dry working
environment below the local water table. Cardno conducted a preliminary dewatering study last
year to look at the feasibility of dewatering the initial mine area in advance of mining. This study
is complete. Extensive advanced dewatering does not appear necessary in the area studied as
only a small proportion of the ore is below the water table.
At a minimum, process water for the mine and plant will be obtained from a series of
groundwater production wells and facility stormwater detention ponds. The wells are surface-
cased, open-borehole type wells that will draw water from the lower fractured bedrock aquifer in
the project area. At this time, no pump stations are planned for the production wells as part of
this project. Extracted groundwater will be pumped directly to the plant and discharged to the
process water ponds for use as needed. The approximate routes of proposed pipelines and
access roads are shown on Figure 7. Additional make-up water will be pumped from the facility
detention ponds as needed, weather conditions permitting. The municipal supply will
supplement groundwater when needed. The current design is for a 50/50 groundwater/public
water sourced system. Iluka has planned on having a total daily capacity of 1.0 million gallons
per day available, with groundwater serving as the primary source. Public water would only be
used when the well field system is unable to sustain Iluka's daily withdrawals. Groundwater is to
be pumped from approximately 21 bedrock wells and public water would be drawn from a
connection to Halifax County Public Utilities' (HCPU) existing 6-inch line that runs in front of the
plant. The production wells were selected from among 34 test wells installed and tested
between 2013 and 2014. No pump stations are required for the well system but a booster
station is to be added to the HCPU 12-inch water main running along Highway 48 to the
north. The booster is required to maintain line pressure along Aurelian Springs Road on
occasions when Iluka uses this source. Figure 8 illustrates the well system.
Gravel/dirt roads will be used to access the drilling locations for the wells. Following
construction, the same roads will generally be used to access the wells for maintenance as
required. The roads will change with the mine configuration as a function of the mine plan. The
pipeline and power supply network will be interconnected to the point of use at the processing
plant. Iluka will improve access roads to the well field as needed.
Well development is generally performed following construction to remove fines generated
during the drilling process from the borehole and to connect the borehole hydraulically to the
fractured bedrock aquifer. Development is typically performed with a large diameter bailer, an
air-lift pump, or an electric pump. Development water is usually discharged to the ground
surface some distance from the well head. The wells are of open-hole construction and
penetrate either granite or mafic rock formations. The wells were drilled using the direct air
rotary method using water and in some cases a foaming agent for drilling fluids. The wells are
developed with using direct air lifting with native formation water which is discharged on the
ground next to the well. A 6-inch diameter steel surface casing excludes water from the
unconfined water table aquifer. Usually there are no screens and the water enters the well bore
directly from intersecting fractures. In a few instances the unstable nature of the bedrock
requires the installation of a 4-inch PVC liner to maintain borehole integrity.
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Following completion of the well development activities, the yield on the wells is evaluated with
drawdown tests, which typically are run for six to 48 hours to determine the well yield (gallons
per minute) and specific capacity of the well (gallons per foot of drawdown). Wells that are
determined to be useable will be equipped with appropriately sized submersible pumps and
accessory materials (piping and electrical lines). Surface features associated with the
production wells will include a surface completion for the well and a utility pole with an electric
meter. The pipeline for the production wells will generally follow the shortest route from the well
head to a centralized water production pipeline node leading to the Aurelian Springs
concentrator plant.
Periodically during operation of the production wells, redevelopment is required due to declining
well yields, which can occur as a result of mineral precipitation in the well bore and the adjacent
aquifer matrix. The most typical mineral precipitates are manganese oxides, iron oxides, and
carbonate minerals. In the area of the Aurelian Springs mine, carbonate minerals are not
expected to be an issue. The potential for manganese and iron oxide precipitation exists. If
redevelopment is required due to oxide precipitation, the redevelopment activities are typically
accomplished with a combination of dilute acid treatment, mechanical scrubbing, and hydraulic
jetting with water, followed by additional purging to remove fines and reestablish the hydraulic
connection between the borehole and aquifer formation.
Following completion of the mining activities, Iluka will coordinate with the appropriate property
owner to discuss the disposition of the well. Typically, the property owner will request that the
well be left in place for future use. In the event that a property owner requests the removal of the
well, Iluka will contract for decommissioning of the well in accordance with applicable NCDENR
regulations. Well locations and water line corridors are shown on Figure. Water lines are to be
laid on existing ground without disturbance and are, thus, not included within the bonded area.
7.9.1 Groundwater Monitoring and Protection
Based on Iluka's experiences in Virginia, it is anticipated that activities at the Aurelian Springs
site will demonstrate no negative impact on shallow wells.
Analysis of data collected from observation wells at Iluka's Virginia operations indicate that
following the completion of reclamation activities, the groundwater table beneath the reclaimed
mine cells and the adjacent properties, recovers to levels similar to those observed prior to the
mining activities. If during operation of the mine, information indicating that the mining-related
dewatering activities have adversely affected the groundwater supply beneath an adjoining
property(s), Iluka will devise an alternative operating plan to minimize the effects of the
In the event that one or more adjoining properties at the Aurelian Springs facility are adversely
affected by the mining associated dewatering activities, Iluka is proposing to implement a
Groundwater Withdrawal Mitigation Plan (GWMP), a copy of which is presented in Appendix E.
As presented, the GWMP outlines procedures and steps for Iluka and potential claimants
[adjacent property owners whose wells have been adversely affected (wells that have
experienced significant dewatering)] to follow as necessary to obtain a mutually agreeable and
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prompt resolution to any claims that may arise during and from the mine operation. The plan is
intended to address groundwater users' claims within 2,000 feet of the mine and plant. For the
purposes of the GWMP, the mine is defined by the mine permit boundary and groundwater
production wells. This includes the mine pits, concentrator plant, and production well field.
7.10 Process Water Discharges
Process water discharges are only anticipated during extreme weather events or during periods
of sustained heavy rains. Process water discharges are being coordinated and permitted with
NCDENR as part of an NPDES permit. Refer to Section 9.0.
8.0 Drainage & Erosion Control Plan
The area proposed for mining activities is situated in a rural portion of Halifax County and is
approximately five miles long and four miles wide. The initial area proposed for mining activity
is approximately 1.6 miles long and 1.4 miles wide. The site is predominantly farmland
interspersed with woodlands.
The project area straddles portions of five sub-watersheds, including Marsh Swamp, Mill
Swamp, Martin Swamp, Rocky Swamp, and Bear Swamp. Elevations range from a high of 350
feet above mean sea level to a low of approximately 200 feet.
8.1 Drainage & Erosion Control Design
8.1.1 Active Mining Area
Approximately 100 acres will be disturbed per year. Rainfall that lands in areas where topsoil
has been cleared in preparation for mining or in active mining areas will be collected either in
the mining pit or pass through sediment and erosion control structures. Such controls will be in
place prior to mining activities and will be in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and
Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, dated May, 2013.
Stormwater runoff not directed into the mining pits will only be collected and utilized in the
mining and processing functions if practicable. Sediment control devices will be installed
according to manufacturers' guidelines or state guidelines. Sediment and erosion controls will
remain in place until vegetation is fully established.
Once the exterior has been stabilized with vegetation, any runoff from the outside of the berms
will be directed off-site via existing flowways, ditches, and culverts. Iluka may, if practicable,
collect and utilize the stormwater.
Groundwater that may seep into the active mine pit will be pumped as needed to other pits or
into one of the process water ponds.
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8.1.2 Perimeter Sediment Control
Sediment traps and basins primarily serve to catch surface water runoff and allow settling of
solids, which prevents the transport of sediment to off-site locations. Drainage from disturbed
land is directed to the traps and basins before exiting the mine site. Whenever possible, natural
contours are utilized to direct surface runoff towards sediment traps and basins. Earthen berms
or ditches may also be used to direct runoff that would otherwise flow away from the traps and
basins or off-site. The earthen berms will remain in place for the duration of the mining
activities. The berms will act as diversions to direct runoff to traps and basins. The diversions
will be unlined and will include rock check dams and/or coir logs. The berms will be removed
during the reclamation phase as part of the final landform grading. See section 10.0 for more
information on the reclamation plan.
Sediment traps and basins are strategically located so that they can be utilized in clearing, berm
construction, and reclamation activities. Mine plans are designed to leave access to the
sediment traps/basins so that they can be cleaned out as they fill with sediment. A thorough
erosion and sediment control audit is performed every quarter. This audit covers all sediment
control structures, including sediment traps and basins. Inspections are discussed further in
section 9.2.1. Each trap is inspected for inlet protection, outfall protection, and percent full. Once
a sediment trap/basin is 50 percent full of solids, the sediment is removed. Sediment that is
removed from traps is placed into adjacent tailings ponds or returned to the mining area
whenever practical. If it is not practical, then the material will be placed up gradient of the
sediment trap or basin to dry. Attempts will then be made to stabilize the material to prevent it
from washing into the trap during future rain events. The traps and basins will remain in place
until the final stages of reclamation, when they are either removed and regraded or cleaned and
left as permanent structures. Sediment traps and basins have at least one wall at a 2:1 slope or
flatter to allow an escape route for any person or animal that inadvertently enters the trap. The
traps and basins are designed with flat or near flat spillways that are placed along the natural
path of water flow.
The sediment traps account for a storage volume of 3600 cu-ft. capacity for each acre of
disturbed area. The sediment basins account for a storage volume of 1800 cu-ft. capacity for
each acre of disturbed area. The traps and basins were designed in accordance with NCDENR
standards. The traps and basins with the largest contributing drainage areas were analyzed for
capacity and discharge rates. The analysis showed that these traps and basins can control the
25-year storm event with discharge velocities lower than two feet per second. These analyses
are included in Appendix H.
In most areas, topsoil perimeter berms will be utilized to contain and direct runoff to the
sediment traps. Sediment barriers, such as silt fence will be installed, remaining around the
outside base of the berms to control sediment until vegetation is fully established. In areas
where topsoil perimeter berms are absent, the external slopes of pond embankments will be
vegetated to minimize erosion and sediment transport from the slopes.
Additionally, temporary construction entrances shall be utilized to provide a buffer area where
vehicles tires are cleaned to avoid transporting it onto public roads, to control surface runoff,
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and to help control dust.
8.1.3 Concentrator Plant
Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the concentrator plant are shown in
Appendix I. Stormwater calculations are included in Appendix J.
As presented, the concentrator plant site includes the plant, three process water ponds, a
permanent sediment basin at the process water outfall, a wet detention pond for stormwater
management, support facilities, and a stockpile area. Additional drainage controls around the
concentrator plant include diversionary berms and swales. The detention pond and swales
collect runoff from the vicinity of the non-process areas such as the office buildings and parking
areas. The purpose of the detention pond is to trap sediment and runoff to ensure sediment
does not leave the area. The pond will be designed to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm in its
entirety and will have that capacity available again within five days. Stormwater collected within
the detention pond may be pumped into the clarifying pond, where it will be used as make-up
water in the plant.
8.1.4 Tailings Area
Perimeter sediment controls will be maintained throughout the mining process from mine
development to final reclamation. Active tailings areas will be checked regularly throughout each
shift to ensure proper functioning. This includes tailings levels and impoundment walls. Inactive
ponds will be checked as often as necessary to ensure they are functioning properly.
Tailings pond levels will be checked regularly to ensure a minimum freeboard of one foot is
maintained. Pond levels will be checked more frequently during periods of heavy rain or when
other conditions might dictate. If the freeboard reaches one foot, no further tails will be placed,
and the level in the pond will be reduced via pumping or through a decant structure to another
pond on site.
Weir boxes may be used as decant structures. Typical dimensions for the weir boxes currently
used are approximately seven feet wide, six feet tall and three feet in depth. The face of the weir
box is closed by sliding several two-inch by six-inch boards into channels from the top to the
bottom and opened by the reverse, removing boards. The discharge of the box is typically
through three 12-inch high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipelines or one 18-inch HDPE
pipeline. This exceeds the required overflow capacity for all of the anticipated site dams. In the
case that additional capacity would be needed, supplementary lines could be added to the box.
Buried pipes or culverts through the berms may also be used as decant structures.
Unless open channel spillways are provided, at least two feet of freeboard will have to be
maintained within all impoundments. Weirs with adequate discharge capacity (25-year design
storm) may be used instead of open channel spillways. With properly designed and installed
weirs, freeboard may be reduced to one foot. The decant capacity of open channel spillways or
weirs will be based on the pond's size and its location within the local pond network.
Weirs are placed in locations such that the water is discharged into an adjacent tailings
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impoundment. The weirs remain in place throughout the tailings and capping process. During
the final stages of dewatering before reclamation, several boards may be removed from the
weirs to maximize dewatering of the pond. Once the tailings within the pond have been
sufficiently dewatered and stabilized, the weir may be removed allowing water to flow through
an open cut from one impoundment to the adjacent, lower, impoundment.
8.1.5 Slurry Piping
Slurry piping is used for transportation between mining cells, plant site, and tailing areas.
Typically, HDPE pipe is used and ranges in size from 12- to 16-inch diameter. Wall thickness
varies between SDR 7 and SDR 17. It is anticipated that 16" SDR 9 HDPE pipe (specification
includes a minimum wall thickness of 1.778 inches) will be used for the feed pipe and 12" SDR
11 HDPE pipe (specification includes a minimum wall thickness of 1.159 inches) will be used for
the tailings pipe. The pipe is typically fused into sections ranging in length from 120 to 600 feet.
Individual sections are joined together with bolted flanges.
In order to reduce the chances of pipe leaks and potential discharges, the following procedures
will be followed:
• All slurry pipes may be rotated to minimize wear due to internal friction. Slurry pipes will
be marked to indicate when they were last rotated and to what position.
• Where slurry pipes cross under public roads or sensitive areas, they may be encased in
a larger diameter pipe that will outflow to one or more sediment control structures.
Alternatively, thick-walled pipe may be used to reduce the chance of failure.
• Team leaders will be required to document pump and pipeline inspections as performed
each shift. Sediment traps below booster stations and pipelines will also be inspected
weekly, with the inspections documented.
• Pressure gauges will be installed at the suction and discharge points on the booster
pumps. Pressure gauges on the suction side of the pumps will relay information to the
concentrator control room and the data will be used to control pump speed and minimize
pump cavitation. Pressure readings at the discharge side of pumps will also be relayed
to the control rooms at the concentrators. The real-time data will indicate to operators if
there is a problem with the pump.
• Electricians will perform regular preventative maintenance on the booster pumps to
ensure that the controls are working properly.
• Leak detection/blow out detection will be installed
8.2 Construction, Maintenance and Abandonment
The following sections present information on the construction, maintenance and
decommissioning of structures and appurtenances associated with the mine operation.
8.2.1 Construction
Piping will be appropriately sized based on anticipated volumes pumped. HDPE pipe will be
used throughout the site to transport process water, storm water, make-up water, tailings and
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8.2.2 Maintenance
Berms, drainage swales, culverts, and pumping equipment will be visually inspected to
ascertain if any maintenance is required. The aboveground HDPE pipes used to transport the
tailings make- up water, ore, and stormwater runoff will be visually inspected at least once per
shift for damage or malfunction. If maintenance is required, pumping would be discontinued and
repairs initiated immediately.
8.2.3 Decommissioning
The topsoil containment berms surrounding the active mine area will be used in the reclamation
process as described in Sections 7.6 and 10.2.2. The containment berms will be graded as
described in Section 10.2.2 and reclaimed to state standards at the time of reclamation.
9.0 NPDES Permit
Stormwater and process water discharges will be permitted through NCDENR under the
NPDES NCG020000 permit.
9.1 Concentrator Site Discharges
The concentrator site will include a wet detention pond for collection of stormwater runoff and
three process water ponds. The wet detention pond, as described above, is being designed
such that it will be exempt from analytical monitoring. Analytical monitoring is not required for
any basin or pond designed to contain the 25-year, 24-hour storm without discharging and that
can regain capacity to hold such an event within five days' time through means other than
discharge to surface waters. A basin or pond that meets this provision is considered a non-
discharging stormwater control.
The process water ponds will have one process wastewater discharge point as shown on the
plans in Appendix I.
9.2 Mine Area Discharges
Sediment traps and basins within the mine area are considered stormwater discharges under
the permit. Iluka's inspection and representative outfall status plan is presented in the following
9.2.1 Inspection and Representative Outfall Status Plan
Iluka will perform quarterly qualitative monitoring at all outfalls. The monitoring will include a
visual inspection, on-foot, of the following at each outfall:
• Capacity
• Downstream conditions
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• Inlet and outlet conditions
• Water quality (color, odor, clarity, etc.)
• Embankment conditions
The qualitative monitoring will result in an action item list for each outfall and associated erosion
and sediment control measures to remediate any issues noted during the inspection.
Personnel performing the qualitative monitoring will be certified in erosion and sediment control.
9.2.2 Representative Outfall Status
Iluka will select 10%, to a maximum of 20, of the total number of outfalls for Representative
Outfall Status (ROS). The ROS will apply to both the analytical and qualitative monitoring
requirements of the permit. Once the pit or impoundments are developed into a drainage area,
ROS sampling will no longer be required at outfalls within that drainage area. The
representative outfalls will be identified on the erosion control plans in Appendix G.
9.2.3 Diffuse Flow
Diffuse flow is required at all outfalls per NCDENR's buffer requirements. However, outfalls with
non-erosive velocities, velocities less than two feet per second, can discharge into the buffer in
lieu of diffuse flow measures. Non-erosive velocities are anticipated at all outfalls per the
erosion control plans and calculations shown in Appendices G and H. If erosion is observed
downstream of an outfall, the erosion and sediment control plans will be supplemented during
9.2.4 Pumping O&M Plan
As described above, the mine pit may be dewatered if mining operations encounter the water
table. However, based on Iluka's previous experience and the relatively temporary duration of
dewatering, it is not anticipated that impacts to surface or ground water will occur.
Approximately six to 12 months is the typical time frame from groundwater exposure to pumping
to refill the pits.
10.0 Reclamation Plan
10.1 Post-Mining Land Use
The majority of the land proposed for mining consists of agricultural lands utilized for a variety of
row crops including tobacco, peanuts, soybeans, corn, wheat, rye and cotton. As shown in
Figure 9, the reclamation plan post- mining land use will be to return these lands to a condition
of pasture/grassland for soil stabilization and erosion control.
10.2 Backfilling and Regrading
10.2.1 Waste Materials
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As previously discussed, waste materials of clay and quartz sands will serve as backfill for the
mine cells, mimicking pre-mining topographic features. Topsoil will then be graded across the
mined areas as a top dressing for the final reclamation contouring. Due to material swell
associated with the high clay content of the ore, the final grades of some reclamation areas
might be approximately 20% to 30% higher than the pre-mining contours.
The dewatering process may utilize several methods to liberate water from the tailings ponds.
Ditches may be dug around the interior perimeter of the ponds to allow water to migrate out of
the tailings. When this method is employed, the spoils from the ditching activities will be placed
on the interior of the ponds so that the sediment does not migrate off site. Controlled breaches
of the ponds may also be used during the dewatering process. These breaches will only be
installed in ponds containing tailings that have sufficiently dewatered and stabilized, limiting the
amount of solids that will be transported through the breach. In most cases, the breaches will
allow water to migrate from one pond to the interior of an adjacent pond. In some cases, exterior
pond walls may be breached. When exterior walls are breached, proper sediment control
structures will be in place below the area to ensure sediment is properly contained. Sediment
traps may be installed interior or exterior of the pond wall to allow solids to settle. Decant pipes
may be installed during the final phases of the capping and reclamation process to aid in pond
dewatering efforts. Sediment control structures will be installed below the decant pipes if the
runoff is not fully contained by other structures.
Reclamation will be performed in a manner that mimics the pre-construction land surface to the
extent practicable so as to ensure that sufficient slope is present for positive surface flow
drainage as required to prevent the development of stagnant flow areas that may develop from
minor subsidence following completion of the reclamation activities. In general, the land surface
within the reclamation area will be graded to facilitate positive drainage (greater than 1% slope).
Areas with less than 1% grade will generally be limited to restored upland areas that drain at the
perimeter. The need to accommodate for material swell may dictate that some areas are left at
higher elevations (as compared to pre-mining topography) and may have steeper slopes. In
order to provide for the planting and establishment of vegetative cover to prevent erosion
following the completion of base grading activities, the maximum slope in the reclamation area
will be maintained at three feet horizontal to one foot vertical (18%). Refer to the typical
reclamation cross-section.
Typical Reclamation Cross-section
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Following completion of the mining activities, the structures that are constructed to support the
mining operations (concentrator plant, office buildings, storage buildings, etc.) will be dismantled
and removed from the site at the conclusion of the project. Likewise, support equipment
(pumps, pipelines, transformers, etc.) will be removed from the site after mining and reclamation
have been completed. At the end of the mine life, the only remaining stockpiles will be oversize
piles (roots, rocks, and clay as discussed above). Any remaining oversize will be disposed of in
the final mining voids and utilized in the reclamation process. All concentrate stockpiles will be
hauled to the MSP in Stony Creek to be processed. Access roads will be seeded and reclaimed
unless requested to be left in place by the land owner.
All trash, garbage, oil, and other wastes will be disposed of off-site in a legal manner. These
wastes will be disposed of at Halifax County and NCDENR approved facilities.
10.2.2 Regrading Topsoil
When regrading is complete, the sub-soil is tested for various qualities, such as pH. Agricultural
lime may be added to the sub-soil, adjusting its pH to a level conducive for the end land use.
The proposed end land use is pasture/grassland. The sub-soil samples will also be used to
determine other necessary amendments required to create a favorable environment for the end
land use. The amendments may include phosphate, potassium, nitrogen and other nutrients as
After the sub-soil amendments have been applied, the topsoil is regraded over the area. The
topsoil is sampled and the area is fertilized and seeded, pending the results of the soil samples
and the desired end land use. Whenever possible the seeding will be done during the optimal
seeding windows in the spring and fall. In some cases, a temporary cover crop may be
seeded prior to final cover during periods that are subject to inclement weather.
Iluka is committed to reclaiming as concurrently as feasible. The intent is to minimize the total
acres of disturbed land while maintaining efficient operations. At any given time, Iluka will have
a number of acres disturbed; these acres will include:
• Areas cleared in advance of the mining operations — This acreage will vary with season,
weather, and topographic conditions.
• Production areas — This would include all areas that are actively being mined, all areas
where tailings are being disposed, and areas that are in between these defined phases.
• Areas under reclamation —These areas are being worked, capped, and graded.
• Lands that have been seeded and in the bond release process.
In addition to the four areas mentioned above, there will be areas and structures that will not be
reclaimed in accordance with this plan. Their expected useable life is often longer than the State
required two-year window. Examples would be the area covered by the concentrator; long-
term active roadways to access areas; clear water ponds that control water throughout the
mining, tailing, and reclamation processes; and long-term sediment control structures
maintained until the area has been seeded and substantial growth is established. Reclamation
time frames will be updated on the mine map, as applicable.
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The total number of acres of disturbed land will vary due to several conditions. The greatest
unknown variable will be the depth of the ore body. A deeper ore body results in a smaller
surface area than shallower mining areas. The typical range of yearly disturbance could range
from 50 to 150 acres per year.
In the event that weather or other conditions prevents the above plan from being achieved in
any given year, a considerable effort will be made in the following year to reduce the number of
disturbed acres and resume the described schedule.
Research has shown that compaction of the topsoil and subsoil during the reclamation process
can negatively impact post-reclamation crop productivity. As a result, the company is
continually testing methods to reduce compaction. Deep ripping (18 to 36 inches) with a
tracked dozer has been successful when used in conjunction with agricultural tillage and
10.3 Re-vegetation
The site will be scarified and planted with a grass-legume mixture. Several seed mixtures may
be used for temporary seeding sediment control and final perennial pasture establishments.
These seed mixtures will be applied to the site as soon as practical, typically no longer than one
month after initial disturbance for temporary seeding and in the spring or fall for permanent
seeding. Iluka, in cooperation with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
(VPISU), has conducted replicated field plot experiments for reclamation of similar mine sites for
row crops including corn, wheat, soybeans, tobacco, and cotton. The results of these field plot
experiments may be used in conjunction with conventional farming activities to establish row
crops once the land has been released by the state and returned to the landowners.
Temporary Grasses
Several temporary grasses will be used to provide soil stabilization for areas such as tailing
impoundments, sediment structures, and graded fields. The seed mixes in these areas will
contain a combination of any of the following:
• Cool season —Winter wheat, cereal rye, annual rye grass, and tall fescue.
• Warm season — Foxtail millet, annual rye grass, and Korean lespedeza.
General temporary grass establishment will utilize approximately 200 pounds of seed per acre.
Perennial Seed Mixes
The perennial seed mixes will be used as permanent vegetative cover for reclamation of mining
areas. These grasses will be planted in early spring or fall to provide an optimum growing
environment. The mixtures may include a combination of any of the following grasses and
legumes: tall fescue, orchard grass, red clover, ladino clover, and alfalfa. Cereal rye will be the
preferred nurse crop for cool season establishment, and foxtail millet will be used as nurse crop
for warmer season plantings.
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General perennial pasture establishment will utilize approximately 60 Ib/ac orchard grass, 60
Ib/ac tall fescue, 15 Ib/ac red clover, and 15 Ib/ac ladino clover.
Lime and Fertilizer
Lime application rates may vary from two to five tons per acre, and fertilizer application rates
may vary from 200 to 350 Ib/ac based on soil test results. Fertilization will generally apply 75 to
100 Ibs per acre N, 100 to 200 Ibs per acre P2O5, and 100 to 150 Ibs per acre K20.
10.4 Wetland Mitigation and Restoration
The initial mine area does not require any impacts to wetlands or streams and as such, wetland
mitigation and restoration is not required. As Iluka develops additional mine area, wetland
mitigation and restoration will be addressed as required by the 401 and 404 permits.
11.0 References
http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.gov (accessed April 12, 2013)
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