HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix B-Approved Halifax Co. CUP cw �er�r NORTH CAROLINA HALIFA COUNTY APPLICANT ILUM RESOURCES NO) LLC HALIFAXCOUNTY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT PROPERTY OWNERS: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A PARCELIDY: SEEATTACHEDEXHIBITA MEETING DATES: SEPTEMBER 10 2013 OCTOBER B 2013 AND NOVEMBER 12, 2013 DATE OF ISSUANCE: NOVEMBER 13. 2013 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY'. ILUHA AURELIAN SPRINGS MINE—SURFACE MINING S RECLAMATION OPERATION OF MINERAL. SANDS On the cases listed all the Halifax County Board of Adlushnentconducte d quasi-ludidal heann i s concerning an application W issue a Condhlonal Use Permit far Me aforaisted proposed use of property at the afomated pmpery loceton(s). On November 1$ 2013, Me Halifax County Board of Adjustmentvoted 4-0 (with one memberabstamng)to APPROVE Me Conditional Use Pemritsubjecttocertain conditions setfont below.This Cordldon id Use Permttshall serve as the Hall County Board of Adjustments warren decision pursuant io IN. Gen. Slat § 180 MB(e2)(1). Having heard all the evidence and arguments presented at Me heamge Me Halpin County Board of Adjustment Ends thatthe application is within the planninglurisdiction of Hall County and that Me application is complete, Mat Me proposed use is in conformity with Me Halifax County Comprehensive Land Use Plan, thattM1ere is subetantial, competent and material evdence that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been matte by the Applicant concerning Me standardssOf dh In Section IO1.03(nofthe HaMax County LantlUce Ordinance. Specifically,Me Hald xCounty Board of Adjustment Same upon and Sol among other emence contained in the whose record,Me factual infonnaton setforM by the AppliWntin its Application,the Applicant's whether responses to Me standards sel NM in Secton 701ofthe Halifax Land Use Ordinance (ExM1ibil D b Me Am anon), Me testimony and presentation of Chaney SOlsi Me Regesentadve Noise Measurements contained in the November 11,20131atterfmm Jan D. FramireM Linda M. Lamb,the TreMCStudy for the Aurelian Springs Mine bated July 2,2013,the Summary of V DMM E Information contained in the November 5.2013 letter from Jon D. Frazier and Me testimony of witnesses who live near the Applicant's mining operations in Vcginia. The Halifax Board of Adjustment further finds that the proposed use, if subjected to the conditions recommended by step,will not materially endanger Me public health or safety, will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property and MII be in harmony with exiafing development and uses will the area in which it Is In M located, ant Met, Me Conditional Use Permitter grants] subject b Me fallowing conditions recommended"a Halifax County Planning Stetf which will helpensure compliance with Me taght(S)standard criteria Promote;satfont in Saudi)01.03U)ofthe Hall Land Use Ordinance: 1. All federal, state, and local regulators and requirements shall be compiled with including NCDENR Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resourrs, NCDWO and NCDOT that govern this operation In Halifax County. Upon request, a copy of all permits issued shall to forwarded M Me Halifax County Planning S Dev. Department prior to commencement of wwk. 2. Them shall he constant coordination with NCDOT and Halm County m correct any Red problem or Issues ansing with Me project I operation. 3. All required setbacks from fight of ways, property lines and all residences shall conform to the Halifax County Zoning Ordinance and NCDENR Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources regulations. 4. hula Resources (NC)shall coral to partner with recogn'Ized mine reclamation 8 soil silence experts to maximize post-mining ModucAvily and bull Issues related to sail prmuctiviy and sail stabilization. 5. All properties being mined shall post Me appropriate agnage on all sides W Me parcel. S. I1 Resources (NC) shall implement a plan t0 mitigate Impacts to adjacent water well users. The plan shall Include well repair and well replacement where problems I issues with wells have been detemr i ns]to be directly aMbutable to nuka's mining mammon If at any here after a Boreal use perms( has bcen 'asued be board of adjustment finds Mat Me central imposed and agreements made have not been or are not being logged by the holder M a centlNonal use permit Me permit shall immediately be revoked and Me operation of sun a use discontinued Violations of such conditions,when made part of Metermsunderwh htheusepermdisgmnf , shall be Bernard a violation of the zoning odinance and punishable uMer Section Bm thereof Its conditional use permit is terminated for any reason, it may be reinstabu onyaflera public heeng is held. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Halifax County has caused Mts permit to be Broad in ill name, and Me thermal Applicant does hereby accept MIs Gondltlonal Use Permit, together with all its conditions, as binding on Mein and their succe33Ms in interest. BY: my Lee Bone, Jr. Chai Halifax County BceN of justment NORTH CAROLINA HAUFMCOUNTY I,2579j N/n AK/// .a Notary Publicforsak Countyand Stall, doherebyceNy MatTrovLce Bone. Jr. personalywme tGfIXe me Mi tlayanowmwletlgetl Mathe is da�ofMe Halifav CounWWaM&Mue eMand acknowedged on bMeff Mthe Halfan County BoaN of Adiustment the/due execution of the fre ogoing instrument. Witness my hand and fAca se l es, this Me /5 dayof /✓o✓am6e/ 201j_ Notary Pul ' My commission expires 1GSJVA'r r5w/7 Seal STEVEN M. NOLLIOAY Ismiw Wu�, � La s 4a dle%Y Ym W umrtmm 2 Chuck SElson, Project Manager for Me Applicant, Holds Resources MC) LLC, does hereby acknowledge receipt of Mis Conditional Use Permit and that the Applicant has the consent of Me property owners in applying for and receiving this CondfififornathisPermit. The undersgned Applicant does further acknowledge that no work may be done pursuant to this permit except in aaoMance wide all M its condbions and requirements and Mat this Testa tron shall be binding on Me Appllca/M Band me syuccessfful In interest. / fi Jf� Ma husk Resour, Pmjed Manager Iluka Reepurces (NC), LLG ''rr STATE OF IVO�* CAADLIHM SEAL COUNTY OF ! s I U � a Notary PuNlc in and forsaid County and Belle, do needy ceNy Mat oast appeared be ore me this day and acknowledged Me due execNlon of Me M Ing ireVum L WITNESS my hand and Noariel Seal Mis�C dsyof fVd iLMMYr . 20_� My Commission Expires: OS\c"hb1c o\J II^^ Noary IIW CW,Musrda� W YMsq-rmYfltlo parealw.mtmsxaaoaq MEwr�awsrrkamrs