HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230721_CCPCUA ■ BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY 800 Tiffany Blvd.,Suite 200 Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 252-823-1021 phone www.barnhilicontracting.com July 20, 2023 Mr. Michael Bauer Ground Water Management Branch Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Re: Mitchell Pit CCPCUA Permit Application Dear Mr. Bauer, We are respectfully submitting an application for a CCPCUA permit for a borrow pit in Martin County. This pit will be operated for Barnhill Contracting Company projects only and will not be run on a continual basis. Use will be determined by the demand for sand, clay and other earthen materials for local projects. Because of the nature of this work, withdrawal rates will vary greatly from month to month. We intend to dewater only when we are actively mining and not on a continuous basis. During times of mining we will typically work 12 hour days and pump during those times. However, because we may have to pump more than this, we are proposing a maximum daily pumping capacity of 936,000 gallons per day from a 6" submersible pump. Please find enclosed one (1) original and two (2) copies of the CCPCUA Permit Application and supporting documents. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours Very Truly, Barnhill Contracting Company Dustin Faulkner Mine Manager Enclosures APPLICATION FOR WATER USE PERMIT IN THE hitp://www.ncwater.orgICCPCUA North Carolina Environmental Management Commission CENTRAL COASTAL PLAIN CAPACITY USE AREA Department of Environmental Quality,Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611,phone: 919-707-9000 flew Application ❑Application for Permit Renewal ❑Permit Amendment El Temporary Permit Permit# I. Applicant Information: (a)Applicant: BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY (Name of Person,Company,or Corporation) (b)Mailing Address: P.O.Box 7948 City: Rocky Mount State: NC Zip Code: 27804 (c)Facility Address: 1404 Grand Canyon Rd,Williamston,NC 27892 (approximately 5.0 miles south of Williamston) County: Martin (d)Authorized Contact Person: Dustin Faulkner Project Manager (252)-384-2126 (Name) (Title) (Phone Number) dfaulkner@barnhillcontracting.com (252)-335-7452 (Email Address) (Fax Number) II. PuMose(s)for which water is to be used(check all that apply): (a)---Public Water Supply System(PWSID# )* (b)_Livestock Supply,describe briefly (c)--- Agricultural Irrigation,describe briefly (d) Aquaculture,describe briefly (ej=ining,describe briefly Borrow Pit for supplying borrow for future projects in the area for Barnhill Contracting Company use. (f) Industrial,describe briefly (g)_Other,describe briefly *1f(a)above is checked and applicant is a unit of local government, then applicant must have an adopted Local Water Supply Plan{G.S.143-355(I)and(m)}. III. Source(s)of Ground Water(attach extra sheets if necessary): (a)Fill in table below. Depths: feet below land surface. Land surface elevation:feet above mean sea level. Well/ Latitude Longitude Date Diam- well Depth to Depth to Depth to Pump Pump type Depth Land Existing Maximum #of Sump (decimal (decimal constructed eter Depth top of bottom of pump capacity (submersible, to surface (E)or number of Hours ID degrees degrees (inches) or screen or screen or intake (gallons turbine,...) top of elevation Proposed gallons to be to be ex.34.264567) ex.77.263546) can pit open hole open hole (feet) /minute) gravel (feet, (P)or withdrawn pumped depth (feet) (feet) pack MSL) Abandon daily daily feet feet A 1 35.7740 -77.0478 *20 N/A N/A 650 Submersible N/A ±34' P 936,000 24 DWR CCPCUA-2 Revised September 30,2015 (b) Totaled daily withdrawals from ground water= 936,000 gallons. If(b)above exceeds 100,000 gallons,a Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area permit satisfies the requirement for a water withdrawal registration fG.S.143-215.22(H)). Items IV through X11 will require more space for completion than provided,please attach additional sheets as necessary. IV. Document additional mining permit application requirements as listed in 15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(4)or reference materials submitted under G S 74-47. Mining permit# In process of applying for permit Maximum pit depth (ft): +/-20 ft #of excavated acres: 12.23 ac V. Document additional Aquifer Storage and Recovery program(ASR)permit application requirements as listed in 15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(6). VI. Locate sources of withdrawal (attach the relevant portion[s] of a map indicating roads and road names and note the following information—you may access maps online at http://www.ncwater.org/CCPCUA and follow the link to the Ground Water Data Mapserver): (a)county(ies) in which withdrawal sources are located ** PLEASE SEE ATTACHED ** (b) labeled positions of all wells and sumps listed in section III. (a) SHEETS FOR ITEMS IV-XII (c)locations of all existing water supply wells within 1500 feet of the wells listed in section III. (a) (d) locations of all discharge points for water withdrawals covered under this application VIL Document conservation measures by user type: (a) public water systems (15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(5)(A)) i. Do you have a water conservation—based rate structure(ex.Flat rates,increasing block rates,seasonal rates or quantity based surcharges)? ii. Do you have a water loss reduction program(ex. annual water audits,in-field leak detection,leak repair)? iii.Do you have a water conservation ordinance for irrigation? iv.Do you offer a retrofit program(ex.Low flow shower heads,toilet flappers,faucet aerators)? v. Do you have a public education program? vi.Evaluation of feasibility of water reuse? (b) other users besides agricultural irrigators (15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(5)(B)) i. Do you audit your water use by type of activity?(for example process make-up water,non-contact cooling water) ii. Implementation schedule for feasible measures identified in the above item for conservation or reuse of water at the facility. (c) agricultural irrigators (15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(5)(C)) Total acres to be irrigated: Irrigation Method: Crops: VIII. Substantiation for the amount of withdrawal requested: Submit documentation that justifies the total withdrawal requested. Documentation could include design plans,development plans,planning studies, operation reports,past pumping records, etc. If withdrawals are to be seasonal or vary significantly from month-to-month throughout the year,describe the reasons for the variations and specify those variations. Fill in table below. Average Daily Water Use from Previous Calendar Year(gallons per day) January February March April May June July August September October November December Daily Use #of days IX. Disposal of water: Describe how the water will be disposed of after it has been used.NPDES permit#In process of applying for permit DWR CCPCUA-2 Revised September 30,2015 X. Document plans to retrofit wells as described in 15A NCAC 02E.0502(i): Describe the methods and proposed schedule to retrofit wells which currently have pump intakes deeper than the top of the uppermost confined aquifer that yields water to the well. XI. Document intermittent user status as described in 15A NCAC 02E.0507(13): (a)persons who withdraw ground water less than 60 days per calendar year;or (b)persons who withdraw less than 15 million gallons of ground water in a calendar year;or (c)aquacultural operations licensed under G.S. 106-761 using ground water for the initial filling of ponds or refilling of ponds no more frequently than every five years. XII. Document Cretaceous Aquifer Reduction requirements: (a)Identify Cretaceous Aquifer Zone wells and associated percent reduction requirements using the CCPCUA Cretaceous Aquifer Zones map available from the Division of Water Resources (include documentation for wells to be excluded from reduction requirements due to 15A NCAC 02E.0503(8) or 15ANCAC 02E.0503(9)). (b)Document Aquifer Storage and Recovery program(ASR)total net withdrawals. (c)Approved Base Rate Calculation for Cretaceous Aquifer Zone wells as described in 15A NCAC 02E.0507(1);choose the larger of i.,ii. or iii.: i.total calendar year 1997 water use in gallons by well; ii.total August 1, 1999 through July 31,2000 water use in gallons by well; or iii. an adjusted water use rate calculation based on the larger of i. or ii.and the following: A. documentation of water use reductions made since January 1, 1992; B.actual or estimated water use from wells approved by the Division of Environmental Health by August 1,2002; C.percent of plant nursery operation using low volume micro-irrigation;or D.documentation of other relevant information (d)Plans for Reduction(use attached worksheet): i. calculate difference between estimated water demand and approved base rate minus Cretaceous Aquifer reductions at year 2008,2013 and 2018 ii. identify new water sources and probable yields XIII. Temporary Permit for Cretaceous Aquifer Reduction Wells: (a)Document static water level trends to be level or upward trending after January 1,2012 or over the previous year from present day(This may involve construction and measurement of monitoring wells by permit holders); and (b)Document pump intakes to be above the top of the shallowest Cretaceous aquifer screened by the well.Pump installation records are required.In addition,geophysical logs may be submitted for validation of the top of the aquifer;and (c)Document present day pumping water levels to be above the top of the shallowest Cretaceous aquifer screened by the well;and (d)If applicable,document chloride concentrations obtained from monitoring wells or unused production wells screened and gravel packed in one Cretaceous aquifer to be fresh(<250 mg/1)for 3 previous years from present day and do not trend toward higher concentrations or other site specific data which will allow determination of susceptibility to salt water encroachment. XIV. Certification: I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached d ond that based on my inquiry of those ' dividuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information,I believe the submitted information is e, and complete. Shannon Douglas Vice President 2� (Signature) (Name) (Official Title) (Date) DWR CCPCUA-2 Revised September 30,2015 Items IV through XII IV. Document additional mining permit application requirements as listed in 15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(4)or reference materials submitted under G.S.74-47. Mining Permit#:A Mining application has been submitted to Land Quality Section and is currently under review. Maximum Pit Depth(ft):±20' #of Excavated Acres: 12.33 Acres V. Document additional Aquifer Storage and Recovery program(ASR)permit application requirements as listed in 15A NCAC 02E.0502(d)(6). N/A VI. Locate sources of withdrawal: Please reference USGS Topo map for the location of the withdrawal. (a) Martin (b) Please reference enclosed USGS map (c) Please reference enclosed Well Map. (d) All dewatering will be discharged into existing ponds in permitted area. VII. Document conservation measures by type: N/A Vill. Substantiation for the amount of withdrawal requested. Barnhill Contracting will use this pit on an as needed basis and pumping operations will vary throughout the year. During times of active hauling,the need to dewater the pit will be greater and may require the permitted use of daily withdrawals. During months in the winter when construction is much more inactive,withdrawal rates will be significantly less or none at all. Withdrawal will not be done on a continual basis and the pump will only run while we are actively mining the pit. During times of seasonal shutdown and inactivity,this site will not be dewatered. During times of peak operation,the pump will run for a maximum of 24 hours per day. Other times,the pump will run much less. We will use a 6"submersible pump with a pumping capacity of 650 gpm. IX. Disposal of Water: Water will be pumped into sediment basins on permitted site. X. Document plans to retrofit wells as described in 15A NCAC 02E.05020). N/A --Mining operation XI. Document intermittent user status as described in 15A NCAC 02E.0507(13): Barnhill Contracting will not be an intermittent user as we propose to withdraw more than 60 days per year and more than 15 million gallons per year. XII. Document Cretaceous Aquifer Reduction requirements: N/A XIII. Temporary Permit for Cretaceous Aquifer Reduction Wells: N/A ■ BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY 800 Tiffany Blvd.,Suite 200 Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 252-823-1021 phone www.barnhillcontracting.com July 20, 2023 Mr. Michael Bauer Hydrogeologist, CCPCUA Permit Program Ground Water Management Branch Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Re: Mitchell Pit CCPCUA Permit Application Dear Mr. Bauer, This letter is in regards to the 6 wells located within 1,500 feet of the proposed Mitchell Pit excavation limit located in Martin County. These well locations have been located, identified and shown on the map, previously received by the Department of Environmental Quality—Division of Water Resources. Barnhill Contracting Company acknowledges that if any problems or adverse impacts may arise and are directly attributable to our pumping operation,while dewatering, Barnhill Contracting Company will address accordingly and take appropriate action. County Water now runs through this area and some of these wells are not active. If the proposed Mitchell Pit adversely impacts any existing wells within a 1,500' radius of the pit's permitted excavation boundary,then Barnhill Contracting Company will take action to correct the loss of water by doing one of the following, until the issue has been resolved: 1. Lower the pump(s) and/or increase the drop pipe(s) in the existing well(s) 2. Replace the pump(s)with one that can draw from a deeper depth 3. Replace the well(s) with a deeper one(s) 4. Pay the initial hook-up fee for county water if the owner desires. Should you have any questions regarding any of the information listed above or information previously received with the application, please do not hesitate to contact me at dfaulkner@barnhillcontracting.com or on my direct office line at (252)-384-2126. Yours Very Truly, Barnhill Contracting Company Dustin Faulkner Project Manager 14 J P 4�t r ` Well#4 �o �\\ ti Well#3 - ,, .;'_ 35.776 e �, t ' 35.776 -77.050 ti Well#5 EXCAVATION AREA 35.775t , +/-5.48 ACRES -77.046 _ Well#235774 i EXCAVATION AREA -77.04 ,�. -77.049 6.85 ACRE61 Well#1 �'".R•.. 35.773 -77.048 a c r s �- / / k �l $ USGSU.S.OEVS,hMO LLL"P PIOR W 1MMf G MNRf ...,„,� 0US Top o s �.-=-- „ z _ E r J V /sll 1 t, L , f W j i v W " Pit Location r n..�...rr....n..�.� c. �� . ..........,.m...u. ia.... ' �9 WILLIM15 e0H,X[ {� �L� MARY MITCHELL PARCEL#0401085 MARTIN COUNTY, NC MARY MITCHELL PARCEL#0401085 s MARTIN COUNTY. NC x M, - - y