HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230731_Water_registration WATER WITHDRAWAL AND Division of Waatte Resources 1611 Mail Service Center TRANSFER REGISTRATION Raleih,Te9(9N 9)7079021 RoA1c Yhl 1 r° q= Fax:(919)7333558 -- --- Web:htto7/www.ncwater.org SECTION 9:;FACILITY INFORMATION; ' 1-A. Facilitv Name: Red Rock Mine Fc�dikuil Use Only, 1-B. Owner Name: Rod Rook MarOM,uc. Reaistration#: 1-C Address' 2204 Bayview Drive Cloy: rare11av91e State: Ne Zip Code: 2eao5 1-D. Countv: cumtormnd 1-E. River Sub-Basin: cape roar amor 1-F. Contact Person: anan Raynor 1-G. Title: Manayar 1-H. Telephone: (910)824-1238 1-I. Fax: ( 1 1-J. Email: maynor@Wohlandpamna.wm 1-K. Water Use_Type(selec(one)_ ❑ Agriculture-aquaculture ❑ Industrial-metal/plastic/fiberglass manufacturing ❑ Agriculture-row-crop farming and research ❑ Industrial-animal processing ❑ Agriculture-land drainage/waterfowl impoundments ❑ Industrial-textile manufacturing ❑ Agriculture-plant nursery ❑ Industrial-wood/paper products ❑ Agriculture-sod and turf production ❑ Industrial-environmental remediation ❑ Agriculture-Christmas tree production (] Mining-mineral extraction ❑ Agriculture-animal production ❑ PWS-drinking water(ID# ) ❑ Energy-hydropower ❑ Recreation-temporary filling of ponds ❑ Energy-pipeline testing(temporary) ❑ Recreation-golf course ❑ Energy-thermal-electric(steam-electric power,nuclear, ❑ Recreation-snow making turbine generator) ❑ Industrial-chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing/processing ❑ Recreation-water sports SECTION 2: W]THDRAWALxINFORMATION" ` 2-A. Average daily withdrawal and maximum do withdrawal by month in million gallons Per day MGD. Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Month #of Days Withdrawal Withdrawal Month #of Days Withdrawal Withdrawal Used MGD MGD Used MGD MGD Jan July Feb Aug Mar Sep Apr Oct May Nov Jun Dec 2-B. Ground Water Information—Please complete a row for each groundwater withdrawal source used in 2009. Well Pump Screen Depth Well Average #of Pumping Wellor Sump Latitude Longitude Intake Daily Identifier (35.123456) (-77.123456) Depth Depth Top But Diameter WithdrawaI days Capacity (Feet) Feet (Feet) (Feet) (Inches) MGD used (MGD) Pit Sump 35.2047 -78.7649 25 25 N/A N/A 8 3.2 4 3.8 2-C. Surface Water Information—Please complete a row for each surface water withdrawal source used in 2009. `Source Latitude Longitude Average Daily #of Pumping Source Identifier Withdrawal days Sub-Basin Capacity Type (35.123456) (-77.123456) MGD used MGD Sand Mine Mine 35.2047 -78.7649 3.2 4 Cape Fear River 3.8 'Source Type—Choose one of the following: Lake,Pond,Quarry,Reservoir,River,or Stream. Rev.05/08/2017 1 SECTION 3:.DISCHARGE INFORMATION 3-A. Enter the average dailyamount of water disc har ed each month in million gallons per day MGD. Month #of Days Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Discharge Discharge Month Jsc Days Discharge Discharge Discharged MGD (MOD) Discharged MGD MGD Jan July Feb Aug Mar Sep Apr Oct May Nov Jun Dec 3-B. Please complete a row for each dischar a method. Identifier or 'Discharge Latitude Longitude Average Daily #of Permitted Permit Number Type (35.123456) (-77.123456) Discharge Days Sub-Basin Capacity MGD Used MGD Red Rock Mine Discharge 35.2047 -78.7649 3.2 4 Cape Fear River 3.8 Discharge Type-Choose one of the following: Discharge,Hydropower,Land Application,Subsurface,or To Another System. :SECTION 4:SURFACE WATER BASIN TRANSFER Complete this section if you withdraw or purchase water that Is not returned to the river sub-basin from which it was withdrawn. 4-A. Please complete a row for each transfer of surface water from one sub-basin to another. Daily Transfer Description of Transfer Source Sub-Basin Receiving Sub-Basin Capacity MGD 4-B. Enter the averaged l and maximum day surface water transfer amounts by month In milliongallons per day MGD: Average Daily Maximum Day Average Daily Maximum Day Month #of Days Transfer Transfer Month #of Days Transfer Transfer Transferred MGD MGD Transferred MGD MGD Jan July Feb Aug Mar Sep Apr Oct May Nov Jun Dec I If latitude and longitude are unknown for any water withdrawal or discharge location listed above please submit a map clearly marking and labeling all water withdrawal and discharge locations on an appropriate US Geological Survey topographic map or a comparable map. Do you have any comments? Pit water is pumped earn sump to plant to wash minerals,then directed into sediment basin.The sediment basin will have an outlet on the Northwest side of the pit,closest to the sediment basin.This results in treated water discharging In the surrounding area. Red Rock Materials,LLC.-Brian Raynor PRINTITYPE Name of Person Registering Sig ore U D to Rev.05/08/2017 2