May 23, 2023 RECEIV r
Mr. Adam Parr MAY 3 o 2023
NCDEQ, Land Quality Section
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Subject: Brown Sand Mine, Permit#74-98, Modification Request
Dear Mr. Parr;
I am writing in response to your letter of April 13, 2023 to Tony Harris, American Materials
Company, in which you requested additional information on their pending application for
modification of the above referenced Mining Permit. I will respond to each item in your letter in
the same order for clarity:
1. A copy of the NO[ for the NPDES Permit is attached
2. A copy of the CCPCUA Permit Application is attached.
3. Wells within 500 feet of the excavation are shown on the mine map.
4. As we discussed, it appears that the original mine map and application erred in not including
the 1.25 acres in the corner with the entrance. The mine map has been corrected to include this
corner within the permit boundary.
5. Notifications have been sent, and Certified Mail Receipts are attached.
6. The acreage table has been clarified
7. The application and Land Entry Agreement has now been signed by a corporate officer and
is attached.
8. The address has been changed to reflect the information on file with the Secretary of State.
9. The sand will be washed and processed by portable/mobile equipment. It will be located
within the mining area and moved as needed.
10. A Pumping Operation and Maintenance Plan is attached.
11. Water will be pumped from the current mining area into previously mined area (pond) and
discharged by overflow through the designated discharge point. The entire area is classified as
a Mining Area because it will all be mined as determined by the nature of the sand and soil
encountered. There are no "phases' or separate mining areas. The previously mined area
utilized as a "pond will remain as such. If it is determined in the future to excavate the area
between there and the current mining area, it will be done wet, without dewatering.
PO Box 429, GARNER, NC 27529 (91 9) 779.0017
12. The "intent to discharge water from mine dewatering" is very similar to most other sand
mines that pump and discharge water from the pit. The response to C-2 in that there will be no
discharge of stormwater is correct. All stormwater is held within the pit, and there is no
discharge during a storm event. After the stormwater settles in the pit it becomes "wastewater"
as defined by the language of the NPDES NCG02 General Stormwater Permit. As water is later
pumped from the mining area, it is pumped into to pond, which overflows into the discharge
13. The screening berms have been constructed as required in the Inspection Report.
14. The rock check dams have been installed as required in the inspection report.
Please let me know if you need any additional information.
James C. Izzell, Jr.
e"` u
Secretary �-
Interim Director Environmental Quality
April 13, 2023
Certified Mail
Return Receipt Requested
7008 1300 0000 1 127 1418
Tony Harris
American Materials Company, LLC
6131 Oleander Dr.
Wilmington,NC 28403
RE: Brown Sand Mine
Mining Permit No. 74-98
Pitt County
Tar-Pamlico River Basin
Dear Mr. Harris:
We have reviewed the modification request your company submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this
office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with N.C.G.S. §74-50 and§74-51 of the Mining
Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments:
1. Please provide proof that the NOI for the NPDES Stormwater permit has been submitted.
2. Please provide proof that you have obtained a Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area (CCPCUA)
water withdrawal permit with the Division of Water Resources Groundwater Management Branch for
dewatering activities. The application form may be obtained from the following link:
hhtt s://www.ncwater.or CCPCUA
3. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the locations of well for neighboring properties within
500' of the excavation.
4. N.C.G.S. §74-49 defines "affected land" as the surface are of land that is mined, the surface area of
land associated with a mining activity so that soil is exposed to accelerated erosion,the surface area of
land on which overburden and waste is deposited, and the surface area of land used for processing or
treatment plant, stockpiles, nonpublic roads, and settling ponds. The construction entrance, office
trailer, and other mine related activity at the entrance must be included within the mine permit
5. Increasing the boundary to include the above items will require notice to adjoining landowners. Please
provide proof, such as copy of the signed return receipts from certified mail, that JENKINS VERGIL
CARROLL JR, HUBAND ELIZABETH BROWN HEIRS, and chief administrative officer of each
county and municipality have been properly notified.
6. Please clarify the affected acreage table. The table shown on the mine map states that 63.86 acres are
disturbed. The table shown in the application states that 63.86 acres are permitted,but only 54.35 acres
are disturbed.
KQ�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy.Mineral and Land Resources
512 North Salisbury Street 1 1612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh.North Carolina 2 76 9 9-1612
Certified Mail
7008 1300 0000 1 127 1418
Mr. Harris
Page 2
7. The application has not been signed by an officer of the company. Tony Harris is not listed as an officer
or managing member of American Materials Company, LLC in the annual filings on the Secretary of
State Website. An officer of the company will need to sign page 1 and the land entry agreement on
page 19 of the application or provide proof that Tony Harris has signature authority for American
Materials Company, LLC.
8. Please clarify the address provided in the application under permanent address for receipt of official
mail.The address provided in the application does not match the mailing or the registered address listed
for American Materials Company, LLC on the Secretary of State Website.
9. Your response to question C.3 in the mine permit application states that the sand will be washed. Please
identify and clearly label on the mine map the location of the processing/wash plant.
10. Please provide an Operation and Maintenance plan for the pumping and dewatering activities.
11. Please clarify your sequence of mining operations. Your current mine map only shows a single
excavated area. Please clarify how you propose to dewater and pump from pit to pit. Additional maps
may be required to illustrate mining phases and the location of separate pits.
12. Please clarify your intent to discharge water from mine dewatering. Your response to C.2 states there
will be no discharge of storm water then continues to state that there will be discharge by pumping. In
addition your cover letter states that the dewatering pond will overflow at times and discharge.
13. During a recent site inspection it was noted that the screening berms had not been constructed according
to plan details. Please provide proof that screening berms are constructed as designed on plan details.
14. During a recent site inspection it was noted that two rock check dams need to be installed. Please
provide proof that a rock check dam has been installed where the ditch leaves the pit excavation and at
the ditch intersection.
Please note, this office may request additional information not included in this letter, as the mining application
review progresses. Be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been
fully addressed.
In order to complete the processing of your application, please forward two(2)copies of the requested information
to my attention at the following address:
Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources
Department of Environmental Quality
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699-1612
If hand delivering or delivering by shipping company(e.g., FedEx, UPS),please deliver to our physical address:
Division of Energy, Mineral,and Land Resources
Department of Environmental Quality
512 N. Salisbury Street, 5th Floor
Raleigh,NC 27604
Certified Mail
7008 1300 0000 1127 1418
Mr. Harris
Page 3
As required by 15A NCAC 5B.0113,you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt
of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request
additional time,you must submit information, in writing,to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot
be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be
made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end
of the 180-day period.
Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response,we encourage you to provide the
additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete
the processing of your application sooner.
Please contact me at(919) 707-9220 if you have any questions.
Adam Parr, PE
Assistant State Mining Engineer
Enclosures: Inspection Report
cc: Mr. Samir Dumpor, PE
Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources Land Quality Section
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
associated with activities under SIC(Standard Industrial Classification)Code 14 Date Received
[Mineral Mining Industry]exceptfor:peat mining, coal mining, metal mining, Year Month Day
oil and gas extraction, tourist gem mines, NCDOTborrow pits, in-stream sand
mining, and discharges from mining operations which are intermixed on site Certificate of Coverage
with stormwaterfrom concrete operations. You can find information on the NICIGIO121
DEMLR Stormwater Program at deq.nc.gov/SW.
Check# Amount
Directions: Print or type all entries on this application form. Send the original, permit Assigned to
signed application with all required items listed in Item (9) below to: NCDEMLR
Stormwater Program,512 N.Salisbury St., 1612 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612.
The submission of this form does not guarantee coverage under the General Permit. Prior to coverage under this
General Permit a site inspection will be conducted.
1. Owner/Operator(to whom all permit correspondence will be mailed):
Name of legal organizational entity: Legally responsible person as signed in Item (10) below:
American Materials Company LLC Tony Harris
Street address: City: State and zip code:
1319 Military Cutoff Rd—Suite CC PMB 216 Wilmington NC 28405
Telephone number: Email address:
910-799-1411 tony.harris@amedcanmatedalsco.com
2. Industrial Facility (facility being permitted):
Facility name: Facility environmental contact:
Brown Sand Mine,Permit#74-98
Street address: City: State and zip code:
NC Highway 33 Greenville NC
Telephone Number: Email address:
910-799-1411 tony.harris®amedeanmatedalsco.com
Latitude of entrance: 35.6649
Longitude of entrance: -77.4168
Parcel Identification Number(PIN)
4-digit SIC code: Facility is: Date operation is to begin or began:
1440 ❑New [:]Proposed E]Existing 2019
Brief description of the types of minerals mined at this facility:
sand and gravel
Is this a processing-only facility for materials mined elsewhere? Is this an inactive mine site?
❑Yes ❑Yes
I]No I]No
Does total area of this mine site include ready-mixed concrete plant and/or asphalt plant areas?
❑Yes,and has separate NPDES stormwater permits(provide permit numbers):
❑Yes,and does not have separate NPDES stormwater permits
Does this facility already have a valid Mining Permit from DEMLR's Land Quality Section?
❑� Yes(please provide the Mining Permit Number)74-98
❑No(please indicate the status of the Mining Permit application)
Page 1 of 8
Are you applying for a discharge permit in the same location as a previously permitted mine?
❑Yes(please provide permit number and mine name)
❑✓ No
If the stormwater discharges to a municipal separate storm sewer system(MS4),name the operator of the M54:
❑✓ N/A
3. Consultant(if applicable):
Name of consultant: Consulting firm:
James Izzell Carolina Geological Services, Inc
Street address: City: State and zip code:
PO Box 429 Garner NC 27529
Telephone number: Email address:
919-302-4411 ncgeology®yahoo.com
4. Development Activities and Buffers
Mining operation will precede development activities at this site:
❑� No
Mine is located within one of the 20 Coastal Counties, and will it add more than 10,000 ft2 of impervious surface:
❑Yes(to both)
❑No,this mine is within one of the 20 Coastal Counties, but will not at more than 10,000 ftz of impervious surface
❑� No,this mine is not within one of the 20 Coastal Counties
Mine is in the Neuse,Tar-Pamlico,or Catawba River Basins,OR in the Randleman or Jordan Water supply Watersheds?
E]Yes(specify size of stream buffers) 5o root
5. Mine Dewatering
Mine dewatering will occur at this site:
0 Yes ❑No(mark N/A for the rest of this section)
Mine dewatering from this facility will be discharged to:
❑r Surface Waters and/or Wetlands
[]Mine will not discharge dewatering to Surface Waters and/or Wetlands;specify how dewatering will occur and where
water will be directed:
Wetlands and/or Surface Waters are within 400' of the mine pit perimeter: 404/401 Certification permits required:
OYes(specify distance) too feet ❑Yes(briefly describe)
❑No ❑No
❑N/A ❑r N/A
Have you been required to obtain a wetland delineation certified by the US Army Corps of Engineers?
❑� Yes(please attach to this application) ❑No
6. Wastewater Treatment
Will this facility wash mined materials?
[D Yes ❑No
Will discharges of process wastewater treatment systems occur(including possible recycle system overflows)
❑Yes(please describe)
Page 2 of 8
Will this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids?
❑Yes(specify name/manufacturer/quantity of daily use)
Note:please visit:https://files.nc.gov/ncdeg/Water+Quality/Environmental+Sciences/ATU/PAM8 30 18.pdf for list of
approved PAMS
Will any of the wastewater treatment facilities at this mine overflow only during rainfall events that exceed the 10-yr, 24-hr
rainfall event?
❑Yes(specify which systems)
❑✓ No
Are wastewater treatment facilities(including recycle systems) planned in the 100-year flood plain?
El Yes ❑✓ No
Wastewater Treatment Alternative Review as required by 15A NCAC 2H.0105(c)(2)
Types of wastewater this mine site will discharge: ❑� Mine Dewatering ❑Process Wastewater
Types of wastewater considered for this alternative review: Mine Dewatering ❑Process Wastewater
Are there existing sewer lines within a one-mile radius?
❑Wastewater treatment plant will accept wastewater
❑Is feasible to connect(explain)
❑Is not feasible to connect(explain)
❑Wastewater treatment plant will not accept wastewater(please attach letter documenting this)
El No
Are you already proposing a closed-loop recycle system (CLRS)that meets design requirements of 15A NCAC 2T.10000?
❑Yes,for dewatering
El Yes,for process wastewater
❑Yes,for both
❑No,this option is technologically feasible(explain)
❑No,this option is not technologically feasible(explain)
❑No,this option is otherwise feasible(explain)
❑✓No,this option is otherwise not feasible(explain)
will only discharge on very rare circumstances
What is the feasibility of building a CLRS compared to direct surface water discharge?
Surface or Subsurface Disposal System
❑A surface or subsurface disposal system is technologically feasible(explain)
❑A surface or subsurface disposal system is not technologically feasible(explain)
❑A surface or subsurface disposal system is otherwise feasible to implement(explain)
❑✓ A surface of subsurface disposal system is not otherwise feasible to implement(explain)
will only discharge on very rare circumstances
What is the feasibility of employing a subsurface of surface discharge as compared to a direct discharge to surface waters?
Direct Discharge to surface waters is the most environmentally sound alternative to all reasonably cost-effective options
for the wastewaters being considered?
❑✓ Yes
Page 3 of 8
If this review included all wastewater discharge types,would excluding some types make any of the above non-discharge
options feasible for some the wastewaters?
7. Outfalls(s)At least one outfall is required to be eligible for coverage.
3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑This water is impaired.
ooi unnamed wetland ❑This watershed has a TMDL.
Discharge from this outfall is from:
❑Stormwater ❑✓ Mine Dewatering ❑Process Wastewater
Discharge occurs from this outfall:
❑Only during a rainfall event
❑✓ Intermittently(please indicate how often) only when pond levels rise above discharge level
❑Continuously (please indicate flow in CFS)
Latitude of outfall: 35.ee10
Longitude of outfall: -77.4190
Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall:
Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage are of this outfall? ❑Yes ❑� No
If yes, how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year?
3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑This water is impaired.
❑This watershed has a TMDL.
Discharge from this outfall is from:
❑Stormwater ❑mine Dewatering ❑Process Wastewater
Discharge occurs from this outfall:
❑Only during a rainfall event
❑Intermittently(please indicate how often)
[]Continuously (please indicate flow in CFS)
Latitude of outfall:
Longitude of outfall:
Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall:
Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage are of this outfall? ❑Yes ❑ No
If yes, how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year?
3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: El This water is impaired.
El This watershed has a TMDL.
Discharge from this outfall is from:
❑Stormwater ❑Mine Dewatering ❑Process Wastewater
Discharge occurs from this outfall:
❑Only during a rainfall event
❑Intermittently(please indicate how often)
❑Continuously (please indicate flow in CFS)
Latitude of outfall:
Longitude of outfall:
Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall:
Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage are of this outfall? ❑Yes ❑ No
If yes, how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year?
Page 4 of 8
All outfalls must be listed and at least one outfall is required. Additional outfalls may be added in the section
"Additional Outfalls"found on the last page of this N01.
8. Other Facility Conditions (check all that apply and explain accordingly):
❑This facility has any other NPDES permits. If checked,list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits:
❑This facility has Non-Discharge permits(e.g. recycle permit). If checked,list the permit numbers for all current Non-
Discharge permits:
❑This facility uses best management practices or structural stormwater control measures.
If checked, briefly describe the practices/measures and show on site diagram:
❑� This facility has a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP).
If checked, please list date that SWPPP was implemented:
will be prepared upon permit approvals
[]This facility stores hazardous waste stored in the 100-year floodplain.
If checked, describe how the area is protected from flooding:
❑This facility is a(mark all that apply)
[]Hazardous Waste Generation Facility
❑Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility
❑Hazardous Waste Storage Facility
❑Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility
If checked,indicate:
Kilograms of waste generated each month:
Type(s)of waste:
How material is stored:
Where material is stored:
Number of waste shipments per year:
Name of transport/disposal vendor:
Transport/disposal vendor EPA ID:
Vendor address:
❑This facility is located on a Brownfield or SUPERFUND site
If checked, briefly describe the site conditions:
❑Facility provides appropriate secondary containment for bulk storage of liquid materials
If checked, briefly describe these measures:
❑Site has an active landfill within the mining permit boundary
If checked, please indicate type:
a) ❑LCID(Land clearing and Inert Debris)
b) ❑other(specify)
9. Required Items (Application will be returned unless all of the following items have been included):
❑Check for$100 made payable to NCDEQ
❑Copy of most recent Annual Report to the NC Secretary of State
❑This completed application and any supporting documentation
❑Copy of the approved mining permit or indication of mining permit application status
❑Copy of US Army Corps—approved wetland delineation(if applicable)
Page 5 of 8
❑Line drawing of the water flow through the facility or block flow diagram
❑Pictorial description of the nature of any sources of water and any collection and treatment measures
❑A site diagram showing, at a minimum, existing and proposed:
a) outline of drainage areas
b) surface waters
c) stormwater management structures
d) location of stormwater outfalls corresponding to the drainage areas
e) runoff conveyance features
f) areas where materials are stored
g) impervious areas
h) site property lines
❑2 copies of large scale(24"x36"minimum)site plan showing:
a) topographical lines
b) all outfall locations
c) applicable buffers and delineated wetlands
d) receiving waters
e) 100-year flood plain(if applicable)
❑Copy of county map or USGS quad sheet with the location of the facility clearly marked
If mines site is in one of the 20 Coastal Counties(if applicable)
❑Applicant has check with the appropriate regional office to verify the need for a Coastal State Stormwater permit.
a) Indicate the Regional Office Contact:
❑Detailed list of:
a) impervious surface areas and percentages
b) sub-drainage areas
c) total drainage area
If mine is dewatering and near wetlands,or may otherwise impact surface waters or groundwater(if
❑2 copies of large scale(24"x36"minimum) plans delineating areas on the listing acreage including:
a) wetlands
b) ditches
c) well-placements
d) pits
e) borrow areas
f) overburden storage
g) stormwater controls/BMPs
h) vehicle maintenance areas
i) settling basins
j) product process(such as screening,stockpiles, and waste piles)
k) total drainage area
1) impervious surface percentages(if state Stormwater programs apply)
m) applicable buffers
n) access and/or haul roads
❑Pump dewatering size and information on its specifications
❑Well information(design,depths,maintenance)
❑Physical monitoring for the wetland areas
❑Settling pond size information, if applicable
❑Level spreader design,if applicable
❑Details about dewatering method
❑Cone of influence calculations
Page 6 of 8
❑Description of measures to prevent erosion and flooding
❑Description and information about 401/404 permits that have been obtained
❑Copy of US Army Corps of Engineers wetlands delineations or approved wetland delineation(if applicable)
❑I have contacted my local regional office about a Pumping Operation and Monitoring(POM) plan
a) Regional Office Contact:
b) Date Contacted:
10. Applicant Certification:
North Carolina General Statute 143-215.68(i)provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement,
representation,or certification in any application,record,report,plan,or other document filed or required to be maintained
under this Article or a rule implementing this Article. . .shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not
to exceed ten thousand dollars($10,000). 1 hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit.
Under penalty of law, I certify that:
❑ I am the person responsible for the permitted industrial activity,for satisfying the requirements of this permit, and for
any civil or criminal penalties incurred due to violations of this permit.
❑ The information submitted in this NOI is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true, accurate, and complete based on
my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the
❑ I will abide by all conditions of the NCG02 permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the
permit requirements for the discharge(s)and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit.
❑ I hereby request coverage under the NCG020000 General Permit and understand that coverage under this permit will
constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s) and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit.
Printed Name of Person Signing:
(Signature of Applicant) (Date Signed)
Mail the entire package to: DEMLR—Stormwater Program
Department of Environmental Quality
512 N. Salisbury Street, 6'h floor
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Page 7 of 8
Additional Outfalls
3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑This water is on the 303(d)list.
❑This watershed has a TMDL.
Discharge from this outfall is from:
❑Stormwater ❑Mine Dewatering ❑Process Wastewater
Discharge occurs from this outfall:
❑Only during a rainfall event
❑Intermittently(please indicate how often)
❑ Continuously (please indicate flow in CFS)
Latitude of outfall:
Longitude of outfall:
Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall:
Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage are of this outfall? ❑Yes ❑ No
If yes,how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year?
3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑This water is on the 303(d) list.
❑This watershed has a TMDL.
Discharge from this outfall is from:
❑Stormwater ❑Mine Dewatering ❑Process Wastewater
Discharge occurs from this outfall:
❑Only during a rainfall event
❑Intermittently(please indicate how often)
❑ Continuously (please indicate flow in CFS)
Latitude of outfall:
Longitude of outfall:
Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall:
Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage are of this outfall? ❑Yes ❑No
If yes,how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year?
3-4 digit identifier: Name of receiving water: Classification: ❑This water is on the 303(d)list.
❑This watershed has a TMDL.
Discharge from this outfall is from:
❑Stormwater ❑Mine Dewatering El Process Wastewater
Discharge occurs from this outfall:
❑Only during a rainfall event
❑Intermittently(please indicate how often)
❑Continuously (please indicate flow in CFS)
Latitude of outfall:
Longitude of outfall:
Brief description of the industrial activities that drain to this outfall:
Do Vehicle Maintenance Activities occur in the drainage are of this outfall? ❑Yes ❑No
If yes,how many gallons of new motor oil are used each month when averaged over the calendar year?
Page 8 of 8
APPLICATION FOR WATER USE PERMIT IN THE http:Ilww)v.tzc)vater.orgICCPCUA North Carolina Environmental Management Commission
CENTRAL COASTAL PLAIN CAPACITY USE AREA Department of Environmental Quality,Division of Water Resources
1611 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1611,phone: 919-707-9000
2' ew Application CApplication for Permit Renewal 0Permit Amendment OTemporary Permit Permit ff
1. Applicant Information: �
(a) Applicant: AM&z� A4Ar z' ,*z-3 `O/Y!/�Q
(Name of Person,Company,or Corporation)
(b) Mailing Address: _I 6?i~pA&/CA�� DR. Stj yr 20 � City: CVtL.Mj ✓C,Zr��✓_. State: WC Zip Code.-��03
(c) Facility Address:. _ 0e. 7 33 Cnga�NV it4,g Ale County: l?t=
(d) Authorized Contact Person: �t�_ aAwmw s qr0-7 V?—11412
(Name) (Title) (Phone Number)
(Email Address) (Fax Number)
11. Purpose(s) for which water is to be used(check all that apply):
(a) Public Water Supply System (PWSID#
(b) Livestock Supply,describe briefly _ - -
(c) Agricultural Irrigation,describe briefly
(d) Aquaculture,describe briefly --
(e) Mining,describe briefly_ SPg n WN&Igg
(f) Industrial,describe briefly_,-.,-,
(g) Other,describe briefly -
*If(a)above is checked and applicant is a twit of local government, theta applicant nuts[have an adopted Local Water Supply Plan{G.S. 143-355(l)and(ruff
Ill. Source(s)of Ground Water(attach extra sheets if necessary):(a)Fill in table below. Depths:feet below land surface. Land surface elevation:feet above mean sea level.
Well! Latitude Longitude Date Diam- Well Depth to Depth to Depth to Pump Pump type Depth Land Existing Maximum It of
Sump (decimal (decimal constructed cler Depth top of bottom of pump capacity (submersible, to surface (E)or number of Hours
ID degrees degrees (inches) or screen or screen or intake (gallons turbine,...) top of elevation Proposed gallons to be to be
ex.34.264567) ex.77.263546) max pit open hole open hole (feet) /minute) gravel (feet, (P)or withdrawn pumped
depth (feet) (feet) pack MSL) Abandon daily daily
feet feel A
1p cr 15T.00610 -W. q�g o 2 5 3o E t,a0o 000 2�
DWR CCPCUA-2 Revised September 30,2015
(b) Totaled daily withdrawals from ground water= [9 000 J O100 _ gallons.
If(b)above exceeds 100,000 gallons,a Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area permit satisfies the requirement fur a water withdrawal registration{G.S. 1.13-215.22(11)1.
Items IV through XIl will require snore space for completion than provided,please attach additional sheets as necessary.
IV. Document additional mining permit application requirements as listed in 15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(4)or reference materials submitted under G.S.74-47.
Mining permit# -74 rq$ Maximum pit depth(ft): Z 15 #of excavated acres: .` 01
V. Document additional Aquifer Storage and Recovery_program(ASR)permit application requirements as listed in 15A NCAC 02E .0502(d) GZ.
VI. Locate sources of withdrawal (attach the relevant portion[s]of a map indicating roads and road names and note the following information—you may access
maps online at http:l/www.ncwater.org/CCPCUA and follow the link to the Ground Water Data Mapserver):
(a)county(ies) in which withdrawal sources are located
(b) labeled positions of all wells and sumps listed in section III.(a)
(c) locations of all existing water supply wells within 1500 feet of the wells listed in section III.(a)
(d)locations of all discharge points for water withdrawals covered under this application
VII. Document conservation measures b, user ser type:
(a) public water systems(15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(5)(A))
i. Do you have a water conservation—based rate structure(ex. Flat rates,increasing block rates,seasonal rates or quantity based surcharges)?
ii. Do you have a water loss reduction program(ex.annual water audits,in-field leak detection,leak repair)?
iii.Do you have a water conservation ordinance for irrigation?
iv.Do you offer a retrofit program (ex.Low flow shower heads,toilet flappers,faucet aerators)?
v. Do you have a public education program?
vi.Evaluation of feasibility of water reuse?
(b)other users besides agricultural irrigators(15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(5)(B))
i. Do you audit your water use by type of activity?(for example process make-up water,non-contact cooling water)
ii. Implementation schedule for feasible measures identified in the above item for conservation or reuse of water at the facility.
(c)agricultural irrigators(15A NCAC 02E .0502(d)(5)(C))
Total acres to be irrigated: Irrigation Method: Crops:
V111. Substantiation for the amount of withdrawal requested: Submit documentation that justifies the total withdrawal requested. Documentation could include
design plans, development plans, planning studies, operation reports, past pumping records,etc. If withdrawals are to be seasonal or vary significantly from
month-to-month throughout the year,describe the reasons for the variations and speci fy those variations. Fill in table below.
Average Daily Water Use from Previous Calendar Year(gallons per day)
�• January February March April May June July August September October November December
Daily Use
# of days
IX. Disposal of water: Describe how the water will be disposed of after it has been used.NPDES permit# 71 W14*A4* IWTO Wif &AN0
DWR CCPCtIA-2 Rcvised September 30,2015
X. Document plans to retrofit wells as described in 15A NCAC 02E .0502(i): Describe the methods and proposed schedule to retrofit wells which currently have
pump intakes deeper than the top of the uppermost confined aquifer that yields water to the well.
X1. Document intermittent user status as described in 15A NCAC 02E.050703):
(a) persons who withdraw ground water less than 60 days per calendar year; or
(b)persons who withdraw less than 15 million gallons of ground water in a calendar year;or
(c) aquacultural operations licensed under G.S. 106-761 using ground water for the initial filling of ponds or refilling of ponds no more frequently than
every five years.
X1I. Document Cretaceous Aquifer Reduction requirements:
(a)Identify Cretaceous Aquifer Zone wells and associated percent reduction requirements using the CCPCUA Cretaceous Aquifer"Zones map available
from the Division of Water Resources {include documentation for wells to be excluded from reduction requirements due to 15A NCAC 02E .0503(8)
or 15A NCAC 02E.0503(9)}.
(b) Document Aquifer Storage and Recovery program (ASR)total net withdrawals.
(c)Approved Base Rate Calculation for Cretaceous Aquifer Zone wells as described in 15A NCAC 02E.0507(1);choose the larger of i., ii. or iii.:
i.total calendar year 1997 water use in gallons by well;
ii. total August 1, 1999 through July 31,2000 water use in gallons by well; or
iii. an adjusted water use rate calculation based on the larger of i. or ii. and the following:
A. documentation of water use reductions made since January 1, 1992; .
B. actual or estimated water use from wells approved by the Division of Environmental Health by August 1,2002;
C. percent of plant nursery operation using low volume micro-irrigation; or
D. documentation of other relevant information
(d)Plans for Reduction(use attached work-sheet):
i. calculate difference between estimated water demand and approved base rate minus Cretaceous Aquifer reductions at year 2008, 2013 and 2018
ii. identify new water sources and probable yields
XII1. Temporary Perm it for Cretaceous Aquifer Reduction Wells:
(a)Document static water level trends to be level or upward trending after January 1, 2012 or over the previous year from present day (This may involve
construction and measurement of monitoring wells by permit holders); and
(b)Document pump intakes to be above the top of the shallowest Cretaceous aquifer screened by the well. Pump installation records are required. In
addition, geophysical logs may be submitted for validation of the top of the aquifer; and
(c)Document present day pumping water levels to be above the top of the shallowest Cretaceous aquifer screened by the well; and
(d)if applicable,document chloride concentrations obtained from monitoring wells or unused production wells screened and gravel packed in one
Cretaceous aquifer to be fresh(<250 mgll)for 3 previous years from present day and do not trend toward higher concentrations or other site specific
data which will allow determination of susceptibility to salt water encroachment.
XIV. Certification: 1 certify under penally of'law that I have personally examined and am familiar wish the information submitted in this and all attached
documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, 1 believe the submitted information is
true, accurate, and complete.
(Signature) _ (Name) (Official Title) (Date)
DWR CCIICUA_2 Revised Septcmber 30,2015
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NORTH CAROUNA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mall Service center
PERMIT,APPLICATION Department of Ew&c mental Quafity Raleigh,NC 276994612
Division of Energy,M'meral,and Land Resources (919)707 9220
NOTE:it is recommended that you contact the approprale Regional Vice or the Raleigh Central Office for a PRE.
APPUCA11ON MEETING to discuss your urtentlons and address any questions.
1. Name of Mine I' ?OyJ of �Ay ej 1J ig rc --16 74 q 8
County River Basin Z
Latitude(decimal degrees to four
places) Z5. (CU
Longitude(decimal degrees to four
ply) —77, 44 VIS -
2 Name of Applicant 4/nf R I(A;fJ ffi#+T&1 Zt 4-L5 1,U,
Applicant Contact "jib H 4A.My S Consultant Contact J hzz
ApplicantEmall rAXJ N► '<3. Etna
Telephone q S0.7gq-1 4 11 Telephone CP 9
Cell Phone Cell Phone
3. Permanent Address far Receipt of
Official Mai" G1nryfAOAIw—t;A, 0--46A . Su i-rN 6 201
W,vi-rn nt tow <yc 96403
4. Mine Office Address
5. Mine Manager
Mine Manager Email
Telephone Cell Phone
1 certify►that all details contalned in this permit aeon are true and correct to the best of our knowledge.We
fully understand that any willful misrepresentation of facts will be cause for permit revocation.
Signature'" - bate -19 -Z3
Print Name Ridmw A.Moses
Title VP Sales
'This wil be the name that the minus pmM vM be issued to and ft rrM that roust be ink on the recUmudan bond(security)that
corresponds to this sate.
"Tire Division of Energy.Mineral,and Land Resources must be notifW of any dranges in the permanent address or telephone number.
'*Ifte we of rWWN offroer Tea-Tired.
G.S.74-61 provides that the Depadment shall grant or deny an appfication for a permit vri�tiin 60 days of rec elpt of a comnlete
apprication or,if a public hearing is held,whin 30 days following the hearing and the filing of any supplemental Information
required by the Depad dent.All questions must be add,and all requited naps provided before this appUcatton can
be considered complete.Attach additional sheets as needed.
Revised September 21,2021 Page 11
NORTH CAROUNA MINM State of North Carolina 1612 Mal Service Center
PERMIT APPUCATION Department of ErwimmenW Quality Raleigh,NC 276994612
Divis'son of Energy,Mineral,and land Resources (919)707-9220
We hereby grant to to Department or its appointed'OF tines the right of entry and travel upon our tarots or operation
during regular business his for the purpose of making roess y M inxec#m or investigam-r-Is as may be reasori ft
regtfined In the admires.of the Ming Act of 1971 pursuant to G.S.74-56.
We further grant to the Department or its appobded repro the right to matte whatever entries on the land as may be
reasonably necessary and to take whataw actions as may be reasonably necessary in order to carry out recamabon which the
operator has failed to complete in the event a bond bf im ore is ordered pursuant to G.S.74-69.
Signature SipakW
Print Name Prim Name Richard A. Moses
Title(d applicable) 1-& VP Sales
Company(if applicable) company American Materials Co.
Address Me Name -&ZO w K AN o M I N r✓
Telephone C11 D-7?9 - 141(
Telephone Date Signed
Date Signed
*Signature must be the same as the ind Mual who signed Page 1 offt appru affon.
One original and five(S)carries of the eked lagLcgaft.sbc(6)caoles of a8 location mays,mine maps and
rec rrration mama.and the aBRMor�pMMp_IAq tee in the form a che*orntmw orderoWble to the North Carina
Department of Environmental Quatlty must be sent to the Raley Central OW at the address[iRted on the firirrlt Dauer
of this am!Lwtion form. .r
Inquiries regarding the stains of the review of this q*kaffon WmW be&ecteft the inning Program staff at(919)707 9220.
Revised September 21,2021 Page 119
accordance with the requirements specified in the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Mining (NCG020), and specifically
as applied in the Certificate of Coverage for this location:
Brown Sand Mine
NC Mining Permit#74-98
Certificate of Coverage
American Materials Company, LLC
NC Highway 33
Greenville, Pitt County, NC
May 23, 2023
This plan is designed to satisfy the requirements of Part G, Section 2 of the
NPDES General Permit NCG0200.
The NPDES General Stormwater Permit for Mining (NCG020000) addresses
impacts of mine dewatering wastewater pumping and discharge on surrounding areas,
including potential impacts to wetlands. The NPDES Permit requires that the mine have
a site specific plan for, 1)Groundwater monitoring strategies to demonstrate the effect of
pumping, 2) Detailed plans to maintain the surrounding hydrology that protects the
affected streams and wetlands, 3) Monitoring to demonstrate compliance, and 4)The
pumping regime deemed necessary to protect affected streams and wetlands
In order to develop these plans, detailed studies must be done to understand the
site-specific parameters. First, any wetlands that may be potentially impacted must be
delineated according to US Army Corps of Engineers criteria. Second, a study of
potential impacts of groundwater levels must be conducted. This should include a
detailed examination of soil types, permeability, and various zones of groundwater within
the zone of influence. Third, based on the groundwater data, an assessment of potential
impacts to the wetlands by mine dewatering should be estimated. Finally, based on the
potential impact, a plan should be developed to limit as well as monitor the potential
impacts to the wetlands.
Site description:
The Brown Sand Mine is located on NC Highway 33, north of Greenville, NC. It
is located within the Tar River Basin. This mine has been in operation for several years,
and at this time the permit is being modified to allow pumping and discharge of water.
Groundwater and stormwater are retained in the mining areas, and will occasionally be
pumped from pit to pit. Since the water levels within the previously mined areas are
several feet below natural ground surface, much of the water pumped into the ponds will
flow into the soil before discharging. Natural groundwater levels within the sand mine
are within 2 to 8 feet of the surface. The sand deposit being mined is an alluvial deposit
consisting of sediments, ranging from a silty fine to coarse grained sand. The
excavation will be reclaimed as a pond. The Mine Plan as submitted for the Mining
Permit Application is attached.
Wetland description:
No wetlands were identified on this site in the original permitting, however
according to National Wetlands Inventory, there may be some wetlands associated with
the creek/canal along the southern property line on adjoining property. The wetland is
broadly classified as a Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland. It is further classified as a
Palustrine System, which includes all nontidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs,
persistent emergents, emergent mosses or lichens. Surface water is present for
extended periods especially early in the growing season but is absent by the end of the
growing season in most years. The water table after flooding ceases is variable,
extending from saturated to the surface to a water table well below the ground surface.
Natural hydration of the wetlands is accomplished by regular flooding and natural
fluctuation of the creek, as well as natural surface drainage from rainfall.
Pumping and mine dewatering:
This sand deposit is typical of other alluvial sand deposits in this area. The
groundwater table is several feet below the original ground surface, but above the total
depth of the excavation. Therefore, some groundwater is occasionally pumped from the
mining area. Goundwater and stormwater will be collected within a large sump area in
the mined area. The dewatering pump intake floats on the surface of the collected
water, preventing any sediment from leaving the mining area. Water is then pumped to
previously mined areas, where the static water levels are several feet below natural
ground level. This allows the pumped water to gradually infiltrate back into the near
surface soils. Water in this pond will occasionally rise above the containment level and
will discharge by gravity into the creek/canal at the point shown on the mine plan.
Impact of dewatering on adjacent wetlands:
It is important to note that no wetlands have been identified or observed within
the permitted area. In the original mine plan, a 115 foot undisturbed buffer is maintained
between the excavation and the property line, which corresponds to the location of the
creek/canal. This provides an adequate protection for any potential wetlands that may
exist associated with the creek/canal. The natural hydration of the wetlands associated
with the creek/canal is accomplished by occasional flooding of the area, natural surface
runoff, and rainfall, and not from the deeper groundwater found in the sand mine.
Therefore, the mine dewatering will have no impact on adjacent wetlands. In addition,
the water that is pumped from the mining area will indirectly flow into the creek/canal
and the associated wetlands. Therefore, the dewatering activity will actually enhance
the wetland environment, providing hydration even during dry periods.
Based on the observed disconnection between the water within the mining area
and the surrounding wetlands, it is anticipated that any potential dewatering at this mine
will have no impact on the adjacent wetlands. In order to confirm that there is no impact
to the wetlands, a monitoring plan should be established as a precaution.
1. Any discharges should be quantitatively and qualitatively monitored according to
requirements of the NPDES permit. See the "Monitoring Requirements" in the
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
2. The Discharge Point should be examined weekly to make sure that it is functioning as
designed and that no sediment has discharged into the adjacent wetlands.
3. A written record shall be kept of pumping times and rates. A record of rainfall shall
also be kept in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
5. Any wetland vegetation should be inspected at least quarterly. If any vegetation
appears to be distressed, an investigation should be conducted to determine the cause.
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