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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230126_ADI_Received Hood Richardson, PA 110 West Second Street Washington, N. C. 27889 252-975-3472 January 25,2023 Mr.Adam Parr,PE Assistant State Mining Engineer NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources E 1612 Mail Service Center RECEIVED CEIVED Raleigh,N. C.27699-1612 RE: Tripple A.Mine BAN 2 6 2023 Craven County LAND f-y Neuse River Basin MINING PROGRAM Dear Mr. Parr: Responding to your letter for additional information dated January 6,2023: 1. Copies of proof of service by certified mail are enclosed in this package. 2.The approval certificate for mining in the flood plain is enclosed in this package. 3. Mining below the water table will be accomplished by back hoe and stacked to drain beside the excavation. 4. There will be no dewatering by pumping from pit to pit or pumping off site at this time. We understand a modified permit will be required for dewatering. 5. Not dewatering at this time. 6.We revised the map to show there will be no mining within 300 feet of these buildings. 7. Noted on the mine map,there are no wells within 500 feet of the proposed excavation. All properties are served by public water. 8. There are no existing culverts on this property. A sketch showing how future culverts are to be installed including outlet protection is shown on Sheet 2 of the plans. 9.Sheet 14 has been revised to show a 50 year mine life. 10. The 50 foot wide,not to be mined,buffer around wetlands is shown on the mine map. The mining limit line has been added to the legend. A notation indicating the wetland buffer is not to be disturbed other than for roads to serve mining operations is in the legend.. l -2- Mr.Adam Parr,PE Tripple A Mine Craven County January 25,2023 11. Water diversions are difficult to define and describe on this site. These soils are very open without the presence of clay and very little silt. They are mostly Tarboro and Seabrook. Percolation rates are from 6 to 20 inches per hour in the surface layer.Copies of published soils reports are enclosed. This is why there are no culverts on the property at the present time. There are no ditches. Rain water percolates into the ground.Any surplus sheet flows into the wetland areas. There is no evidence of soil erosion into the wetlands.There are no drainage channels. However,should diversions be required, flow would be diverted into the mine pit. There would be no efort to divert water into the wetlands because these soils are highly erodible. Sincerely yo s, ood 1.Richardson,PE,PLS ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER Secretary DOUGLAS R.ANSEL NORTH CAROLINA Interim Director Environmental Quality January 6,2023 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 7019 1120 0001 4914 3252 Manfred D. Alligood Jr. 1935 West 51h St. Washington,NC 27889 �� I RE: Tripple A Mine JAN 2 6 2023 Craven County Neuse River Basin LAND QUALITY Dear Mr. Alligood: MINING PROGRAM We have reviewed the application you submitted for the referenced mine site. In order for this office to complete its review of the referenced project in accordance with N.C.G.S. §74-50 and §74-51 of the Mining Act of 1971, please provide the additional or revised information in accordance with the following comments: 1. Please provide proof, such as copy of the signed return receipts from certified mail,that all adjoining landowners and chief administrative officer of each county and municipality have been properly notified. 2. Mining has been indicated in the floodplain. Please provide proof of notice and approval from the jurisdictional floodplain manager. 3. Please clarify how you intend to mine approximately 20 feet below the seasonal high water table without dewatering the excavation. Please be aware that pumping from pit to pit is considered dewatering. 4. If dewatering from pit to pit, please provide your estimated withdrawal rate in gallons per day (gpd). If you intend to withdraw 10,000 to 100,000 gpd please provide proof of registration with the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area (CCPCUA) water withdrawal program. If you intend to withdraw 100,000 gpd or more,please provide proof of a CCPCUA water withdrawal permit. Information about the CCPCUA program can be found at www.ncwater.orp-/CCPCUA. 5. If dewatering from pit to pit, please provide a pumping operation and maintenance (POM) plan to ensure wetland are protected. 6. Please clarify your response to question C.7 of the mine permit application where you indicated that there will be no excavation within 300 feet of a dwelling or other structure. Measurements on the map indicate that the mine excavation may be as close as approximately 25 feet to two structures located on the northern boundary of the property line with other structures located approximately within 150 feet of the excavation. �DMFQ•7� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy.Mineral and Land Resources SIZ North Salisbury Street 11612 Mail Service Center I Raleigh.North Carolina 27699-1612 °"�' 919.707,9200 Certified Mail 7019 1120 0001 4914 3252 Mr.Alligood Page 2 7. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map the location of all existing wells that lie within 500 feet of the proposed excavation or clarify whether the dwellings indicated on the mine map are serviced by county or municipal water systems. 8. Please clearly indicate and label on the mine map any existing culverts utilized to maintain flow and hydrology on the haul roads that cross over wetlands. Please provide construction and maintenance details for existing culverts. ��,,,,pp � � �S`$ � ���p�� y X 3 �0 9. Please clarify the estimated life of the rite.Pa le�the mine e Y (/'' g permit application indicates a 50 year P y estimated life and page 14 of the of the mine permit application indicates a 20 year estimated life. 10. Please clarify and label on the mine map whether the 50 foot unmined buffer around the wetlands is to be unexcavated or undisturbed. If the buffer is designated as unexcavated,please clarify the proposed activity to occur within the buffer. 11. Please provide additional details on the water diversions including swales and ditches. Please clearly indicate and label the location of these diversions on the mine map and indicate water flow. Please note, this office may request additional information, not included in this letter, as the mining application review progresses. Be advised that our review cannot be completed until all of the items listed above have been fully addressed. In order to complete the processing of your application,please forward two(2)copies of the requested information to my attention at the following address: Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 If hand delivering or delivering by shipping company(e.g.,FedEx, UPS),please deliver to our physical address: Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources Department of Environmental Quality 512 N.Salisbury Street, 5th Floor Raleigh,NC 27604 As required by 15A NCAC 513.0113,you are hereby advised that you have 180 days from the date of your receipt of this letter to submit all of the requested information. If you are unable to meet this deadline and wish to request additional time,you must submit information,in writing,to the Director clearly indicating why the deadline cannot be met and request that an extension of time be granted. If an extension of time is not granted, a decision will be made to grant or deny the mining permit based upon the information currently in the Department's files at the end of the 180-day period. 2 Certified Mail 7019 1120 0001 4914 3252 Mr.Alligood Page 3 Though the preceding statement cites the maximum time limit for your response,we encourage you to provide the additional information requested by this letter as soon as possible. Your prompt response will help us to complete processing your application sooner. Please contact me at(919)707-9220 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Adam Parr,PE Assistant State Mining Engineer cc: Mr. Samir Dumpor,PE o y . JAN 2 6 2013 " ' sou surmt y� 128 ' LAND QUALITY MINING PROGRAM TABLE 14 __PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL pAOPEBTIES OF THE SOILS--Continued I I Erosion I I I Soil name and 1Depthl Clay I Moist Permeability IAvailablel Soil IShrink-swell I factors I Otgan--� I water Ixeactionl potential 1 I I matte- map symbol I I I bulk I Icapacity I I I E I T I I I I density I I I I Pct I In I Pet 1 4/cc I In/hr I in/in I pH I — _ — I I I I I I I I I I RO_______________1 0-6 1 10-18 11.20-1.501 2.0-6.0 10.12-0.1813.E-5.5 ILow----------10.241 4 1 1-3 Roanoke 1 6-361 32-60 11.35-1.651 0.06-0.2 10.10-0.1913.6-5.5 IModerate-----10.241 I 136-561 5-50 11.20-1.501 0.0E-20 10.04-0.1413.6--.5 ILode ate_____I- --I I 156-651 --- I --- I I ___ I I I I I I I I I .5-2 Sb---------------1 0-8 1 2-12 11.30-1.601 6.0-20 10.05-0.1114.5-6.5 ILor------'-'-10.101 5 1 Seabrook 1 8-801 2_12 11.30-1.601 6.0-20 10.02-0.0914.5-6.5 ILow----------10.101 1 1 I I I I I I I Se*: I I I I .5-2 Seabrook--------1 0-8 1 2-12 11.30-1.601 6.0-20 10.05-0.1114.5-6.5 ILow--'-'----10.101 5 I 1 8-801 2-12 11.30-1.601 6.0-20 10.02-0.0914.5-6.5 ILOW----------10.101 1 Urban land. I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I gam--------------I 0-181 5-15 11.25-1.401 0.6-6.0 10.08-0.1513.6-5.5 [Low----------10.281 5 I <2 State 118-441 18-34 11.35-1.501 0.6-2.0 10.14-0.1913.6-5.5 ILOW----------10.281 1 144-601 2-15 11.35-1.501 >2.0 10.02-0.1013.6-5.5 ILOW----------10.171 1 1 1 1 1 .5-1 TaH--------------I 0-8 I 3-10 I1.60-1.751 6.0-20 10.05-0.0914.5-6.5 ILOw----------10.101 5 1 1 >20 10.02-0.0614.5-6.5 ILOW----------10.101 Tarboro 1 8-721 2-7 I1.60-1.75 I 1 1 I To-----------'---I 0-111 5-20 11.30-1.601 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.1513.6-5.5 ILow----------10.201 5 1 1-6 Tomotley 111-501 20-35 11.30-1.501 0.--2.0 IO.12_0.1813.6-5.5 ILow----------I----I I 150-621 ... I I------------- 1____I I I I I I I 1 Tr---------------1 0-161 5-18 11.35-1.651 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.1513.6-5.5 ILOW----------10.151 5 1 3-10 Toxhunta I16-401 5-18 11.35-1.601 2.0-6.0 10.10-0.1513.6-5.5 ILOW----------10.151 1 140-611 2-18 11.45-1.651 6.0-20 1 <0.05 13.6-6.5 ILow----------10.101 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I Ud*. I I I I I I I I I I Udorthents I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Urban land I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 --I I 1 0-9 I 5-20 11.30-1.601 0.6-2.0 10.10-0.1514.5-6.0 ILow----------10.241 5 1 •5-5 we------------- Wahee 1 9-511 27-60 11.40-1.601 0.0E-0.2 10.12_0.20i3.6-5.5 I--------- I----I I 151-641 ___ I I_____________1___ I I i I I I 20-50 Wd---------------1 0-121 --- 10.40-0.651 0.2-0.6 10.20-0.2513.E-5.5 I------_"-'--I----I--- I Wasda 112-431 18-35 11.35-1.601 0.6-2.0 10.12-0.1813.6-5.5 ILow----------10.201 I 143-601 2-40 11.60-1.701 6.0-20 I0.02-0.0615.1-7.8 ILow----------10.151 I I I I I .5-3 y�tD______________I 0-131 7-20 11.30-1.401 2.0-6.0 10.12-0.2013.6-6.0 ILow----------10.201 5 I Winton 113-331 18-35 11.30-1.501 0.2-2.0 10.12_0.2013.6-6.0 ILOw----------I----1 1 133-611 ___ _______1___-I I I I ! A--------------I 0-5 I 4-15 11.20-1.401 2.0-6.0 10.15-0.2013.6-5.5 ILow----------10.371 5 1 5-2 YO YA- 1 5-491 20-35 11.40-1.601 0.6-2.0 10.15-0.2013.6-5.5 ILow----------10.371 1 149-621 5-25 11.40-1.601 0.6-6.0 10.15-0.2013.6-5.5 ILow----------10.171 1 I I I I * osition and behavior characteristics of the map unit. See description of the map unit for comp I I 1 F S'. 124 Soil Survey TABLE 13.--ENGINEERING INDEX PROPERTIES--Continued I 1 I Classification IFsag- I Percentage passing I I Soil name and IDepthl USDA texture I I Intents I sieve number-- ILiquid I Plas- map symbol I I I Unified I AASHTO I > 3 1 1 1 1 1 limit I ticity 57 I I I I lincheal 4 1 10 1 40 1 200 1 1 index I In I I I I Pet I I I I : I Pet I I I I I 1 I I I I I I lei Pt---------------I 0-181Loam-------------ISM, SM-SC, IA-2, A-4 1 0 I90-100198-100165-95 130-65 1 <30 1 NP-7 Portsmouth 1 I I ML I I I - I I I I I _ 118-341Loam, sandy clay ISC, CL-ML, IA-4, A-6 1 0 198-100198-100175-95 136-70 1 18-40 1 7-11 ,'!' I I loam, clay loam. l CL I I I 1 I 1 I I I 134-381Loamy sand, sandylSN IA-2 1 0 198-100198-100150-70 113-35 1 <18 I NP-4 :.;i7 I I loam. I I I I I I I I I 138-601Sand, loamy sand ISP-SM, SP, IA-1, A-2, 1 0 198-100198-100145-65 13-25 1 --- I NP - I I I SM I A-3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ra---------------I 0-101Fine sandy loam ISM, ML IA-2, A-4 1 0 1 100 195-100150-85 125-56 1 <35 1 NP-10 Rains I10-501Sandy clay loam, ISC, SM-SC, IA-2, A-4, 1 0 1100 195-100155-98 130-70 1 18-40 1 4-21 '- I I clay loam. I CL, CL-MLI A-6 I I I I I I I 150-541Sandy clay loam, ISC, SM-SC, IA-4, A-6, 1 0 1 100 198-100160-98 136-72 1 18-45 1 4-22 I I clay loam, sandyl CL, CL-MLI A-7 I I I I I I I I I clay. I I I I I I I I I !� 154-651Sandy loam, sandylSM, SC, IA-2, A-4, 1 0 1 300 195-100160-95 130-60 115-40 1 3-16 ..,� I I clay loam, sandyl ML, CL I A-6 I I clay. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I Ro---------------1 0-6 IFine sandy loam ISM, ML, IA-2, A-4 1 0 185-100180-100145-85 125-55 1 <25 1 NP-7 Roanoke I I I CL-ML, I I 1 SM-SC I I I I I I 1 I 16-561C1ay, sandy clay ICE, CL IA-7 I 0 190-100185-100185-100165-95 145-70 1 22-40 I I loam, clay loam. ) I I I I I I I I 136-561Stratified sand ICL-ML, IA-1, A-2, 1 0-5 I40-100135-100125-95 115-90 1 10-60 1 NP-40 I I to clay. 1 GM-GC, I A-4 I I I CH, SM II I I I I I IY. 156-651Variable---------I --- I --- Sb---------------1 0-8 (Loamy sand-------ISM, SP-SM IA-2, A-3 1 0 195-100190-100185-99 1 5-25 1 --- I NP Seabrook 18-801Loamy fine sand, ISM, SP-SM IA-2, A-3 1 0 195-100190-100185-1001 5-25 1 --- I Dia - _ I I loamy sand, I I 1 I I I I I I I I sand. Be*: Seabrook--------1 0-8 1 Loamy send-------ISM, SP-SM IA-2, A-3 1 0 195-100190-100185-99 1 5-25 1 --- I NP 18-SOILoamy fine sand, ISM, SP-SM IA-2, A-3 1 0 195-100190-100185-1001 5-25 1 --- I NP I I loamy sand, 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I sand. I I I I I I I I 1 ', I I I I I I I I I I I = Urban land. I I I I I I I I I I I '';' I I I I I I I I I I I StA--------------1 0-181Sandy loam-------ISM, ML, IA-2, A-4 1 0 195-100195-100145-85 125-55 1 <28 1 NP-7 State I I I CL-ML, I I I I I I I I _ I I I SM-SC I I I I I I I 118-441Loam, clay loam, ICL, SC IA-4, A-6 1 0 195-100195-100175-100135-80 1 24-40 1 8-22:il I I sandy clay loam. l I I I I I I I 1 ''y 144-601Stratified sand ISM, SM-SC, IA-1, A-2, 1 0 185-100175-100140-90 1 5-50 I <25 1 NP-7 I I to fine sandy I SP-SM I A-3, A-41 I I I I I loam. I I I I I I I - I I TaB--------------1 0-8 ISand-------------ISM, SP-SM, IA-2, A-3, 1 0 195-100195-100140-99 1 8-35 1 --- I NP Tarboro I I I SW-SM I A-1 I I I I I I I 1 8-721Sand, loamy sand ISP, SP-SM, IA-2, A-3, 1 0 195-100190-100145-1001 3-15 1 --- I NP ' " I I I SW-SM, SMI A-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I See footnote at end of table. NORTH CAROLINA MINING State of North Carolina 1612 Mail Service Center PERMIT APPLICATION De partrnent of Environmental pua(ity Raleigh,NC 27699.1612 Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resou (919)707-9220 I°DETERMINATION OF AFFECTED ACREAGE AND BOND The folowing bond calculation w0ftheet is to be used to estRblfsh an appropfiate bond(tressed upon a range of 5500 to$5,000 peralfec(ed acre)/preach permitted mine site based upon the acreage approved by the Depaftment to be afte'ted doting the Life ofthe mining permit,please fnsed the ayanWnjate acreage for earn e aspect of[he minino operation that you intend to affe Recct during the l fIbis na nemrd frn addition anomonate mGamabon cosD'acre for eatlt category barn fhe bcnedu/e oflamad on Costs osts vded wdh th s a lease insert the Lcabon form OR can deferti the Department to calculate yourbond foryou based utxxf VPNlrrrfang a^r+standard recfamation costs CATEGORY AFFECTED RECLAMATION RECLAMATION ACREAGE COSTIACRE COST Tallings/Sedimentponds /VoNf Ac. X $ /Ac. = $ 0.00 4 Stockpiles Ac. X $ /goy fAc. = $ 0.00 /�� Q� D.S Waste PBes Al Nc AQ X S (Ac. = $ 0.00 Processing AreaMaul Roads z Ac. X $ ` �Q IAc. 0.00= S 3 7-0 MineExcagation � � Ac. X S s�o IAc = 000 (, Other 0 HF Ac. X $ // sb V K _ IAc. = S 0.00 /V p t;(0— TOTAL AFFECTEDAC.. 0.0030r9 AAc. TOTAL PERMITTED AC.: 83.,37 Ac. JAN 2 6 2023 TempararY&Permanent Sedimentation&Erasion Contra!Measures: LAND QUALITY Divide the TOTAL AFFECTED AC.above into the following two categories:a)affected 646Y that dt8in ioMpruposedlexisting excavation and/or b)affected acres that will be graded for positive drainage where measures will be needed to prevent or sedimentation and sedimentation to onsite watercourses and wetlands. fske a) Internal Drainage 2$16 7 Ac. b) Positive Drainage a,qF D Ac. X $1,SOD.00 = $ 0.00 3.� SUBTOTAL COST:S 0.00 �z / 5`0 Inflation Factor. SUBTOTAL COST LIFE OF MINING OPERATION OR LIFE INFLATION COST 0.02 X $ 0_00 X OF LEASE NEARS) Is'U f e�RS = $ 0.00 5-0- Total Reclamation Bond Cost; f q2 3,-)� TOTAL RECLAMATION BOND COST= SUBTOTAL+INFLATION = $0.00 Round down to the nearest$100.on NOTE:The reclamation bond cannot exceed$1 million per GS 74-54 _. _ 14