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HomeMy WebLinkAboutConcerns raised regarding the public hearingsDate: July 16, 2020 To: Director Brian Wrenn, Division of Energy, Minerals and Land Resources (DEMLR), NCDEQ Engineering Supervisor and Hearing Officer Dan Sams, DEMLR, NCDEQ From: Hwa Huang, Raleigh, NC Re: Comments on public hearings held for Wake Stone Corp., Application for Modification of Mining Permit — Triangle Quarry Mining Permit No. 92-10 Dear Director Brian Wrenn & Hearing Officer Dan Sams, It is with much appreciation that the people have the chance to engage in public hearing for two different days. Of the 236 people who have signed up to speak, 78 spoke on the June 23 hearing, and 59 on July 7. That means there were 99 people who did not get to speak. While the hearings were well -attended, there were concerns brought to my attention by some of the registered speakers pertaining to the accessibility of the virtual hearings for registered speakers and the attendees. I wish to take this opportunity to bring these concerns to the attention of the DEQ in hope that public access to future hearings can and will improve. 1. Toward the beginning when registration for speakers was posted, there were no confirmation messages sent to people who signed up until either at noon on the day of the hearing on June 23, or in the evening before the hearing on July 7. It would have been better if a confirmation letter was sent as soon as registration was made, so that people know for sure that their sign -in went through to the DEQ. 2. Not only the speakers need access, but the attendees who are only coming in to listen do, too. While the speakers got the email directly from the office with login instructions for the hearing, for both hearings DEQ's website put in the incorrect call in the information for attendees. For the first hearing, they put in the wrong phone number ("145" instead of "415" area code). See screenshot below where the wrong phone number was put out to the public. C 6 hearing wake -stone -quarry appllcatian modification -update Robert Johnson robert.j ohnson ® The North Carolina Department of EnvironmentaL Quality's Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land 919-707-3645 Resources (DEMLR) is seeking community feedback on Wake Stone Corporation's application for modification to Permit 92-10. Based on current guidance to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and limits on the size of public gatherings under Phase 2, the public hearing on this application will be held digitally on June 23, 2020. The public is invited to participate online or Listen by phone. Speakers will be asked to register in advance. WHEN: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 6:00 PM Participants can join the meeting starting at 5:45 PM ONLINE: Cisco WebEx Link: https geJgLjg[Jp7 MTID=ea3aCd7D507b450041459a2a5d8276118 G Meeting Number (Access Code): 617 499 551 Meeting Password: DE0123 PHONE: Cisco WebEx by Phone:.1 145 655 0003 US TOLL Meeting number (access code): 517 449 551 `If you wish to speak at the digital public hearing, you must register, provide the required information, and follow instructions on ways to join the public hearing. Registration must be completed by 12:00 PM on June 23. 2020. To register, please click the following Link: https:/ Pages ResponsePage.aspx4idAIF2etC5mkSFw- zCbNftGeTOwlSeDIRlhOMc0l6ad6VUQjVROFJNNE9BMV(JMOIORjdEVUtWUzRSOi44 L `If you have technical difficulties, an automated voicemak will be set up from June 23 to July 3 to receive your verbal comments: 919-707-9209 (Please state your name before commenting.) To submit a public comment or obtain additional information concerning the hearing, email or write: Judy Wehner Assistant State Mining Specialist Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 1612 Mail Service Center For the second hearing, they put in the wrong access code ("004" instead of "044", which their staff member later revealed in the middle of the hearing on July 7, 2020, as the mistake). See the screenshot below for where the access code was erroneously publicized as tt004". A Wake Stone Public Hearing Continuation Raleigh, INC Contact Information Jun 24, 2020 Robert Johnson rDleltJohnsan n rcdery you The Division of Energy. Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) will continue the digital public (919) 707-3645 hearing on a permit modification for Wake Stone Corporation on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 to accommodate pre -registered speakers. Since the number of registered speakers exceeded the allotted time during the June 23 public hearing, the Division Director determined it necessary to hold a second day of the digital public hearing to receive comments an the application. Based on current guidance to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health. members of the public can participate online or listen via telephone. The public is invited to participate online or listen by phone. Only previously registered speakers will have the opportunity to speak. WHEN: Tuesday. July 7, 2020. 9:00 a.m. ONLINE: Cisco WebEx Link: httpps�llncdenrits webex comfncdenrits/onstage(g.php? MTID-e4a6e16eae92380lh8719666028816656 rd Meeting Number (Access Code): 617 499 551 Meeting Password: DE0123 PHONE: (415) 655-0003 Access code- 161 004 6542 To submit public comment or obtain additional information concerning the hearing, email ncminingprogram®ncdenr gov or write: Judy Wenner Assistant State Mining Specialist Division of Energy. Mineral and Land Resources 1512 Mail Service Center 3. Scheduling the hearing during business hours, especially when so many speakers were signed up. A hearing during business hours hinders attendance for those with 9-5 jobs. While it is true that people still have the option to submit written comments to the DEQ, the conflict with work requirements decreases participation in the public hearing and members of the public lose the opportunity to hear evidence regarding reasons for denial or reasons for approval that are submitted to DEQ. This impacts the public's ability to refute any assertions that are incorrect during the 10 day follow-up period. Similar to how the NC DEQ provided a link to a recording from the first day of public hearing, public comments should also be made available for public review, to allow all public comments to be scrutinized for veracity. 4. At the second hearing, speakers were given a designated time. Many speakers did not attend, so the hearing ran ahead of schedule. Instead of calling speakers during their designated time slot, the staff at the public hearing pushed forward, calling most speakers hours before their scheduled time. Many of these speakers would not have known if someone at the hearing (friends, family, etc) was not at the hearing to notify them to call in. One of the speakers has expressed frustration for being called in between 12:30 - 1 PM on July 7, when she was in the middle of the road. She was under the impression that because she was assigned 3-4 PM, that she could call in during that time frame. The meeting could have allowed for more people to come in to speak if the staff members had paused in between time slots so as to allow people to speak at their scheduled time. 5. Aside from the issue with the wrong numbers, many of the speakers had trouble connecting to the webinar just from the technology standpoint. I have observed during both of the hearings that there were many instances where even when the individual was signed on, they were unable to be heard, case in point being when Dave Penrose was called multiple times during the hearing on July 7 despite being at the meeting. These were the issues I have observed during the hearings that I hope the DEQ will also recognize as hindrance to true public participation, and need to be addressed for future hearings. I hope things will continue to improve as the agency continues to engage with the public as we are currently faced with the pandemic. Sincerely, Hwa Huang Chair, Executive Committee Sierra Club Capital Group