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HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_2 _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State ParkJohnson, Robert E
From: Sams, Dan
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:56 AM
To: NCMiningProgram
Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Request an end to the quarry operation next to
Umstead State Park
From: Lorraine King <>
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:47 AM
To: Sams, Dan <>
Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Request an end to the quarry operation next to Umstead State Park
l aim j6lii as a concerned citizen, Scientist, motheir, scout Ileadeir and outdoor enthusiast. l
aim requesting the Ipeirmit Ibe deii Ibased on &Iteiriia of GS '74 51 (d5) adverse effects on
Uimstead state Ipairk and old ireedy creek ird irecreatioii corridoir and crabtree creek. Just
�because we can does inot mean we s1hoWd. This Ipeirmit s1hoWd Ibe deii Ibased on D5.
l Ihave Ibeein a Wake County resident for 19 years and a frequent visitoir to Uimstead Park for
�bilkiing, Nikiing and Camping. l Ihad the Ipleasuire of camping llin the odd fellows tract with a
giroup of scouts. There is a Iloing Ihlistoiry of scout caimping/ Nikiing on t1his Ilaind for devellopiing
tlhellr outdoor suii skills. Having an area to caimp ireirnotelly llin an uirbain location is unique.
Duir9ling current fimes with a seirious COVIID exposure ir9islk, ouirs gyims and comini Ipoolls
are closed. Therefore, having an outdoor area w1heire oine can exercise saf6ly is moire
limportaint t1hain the s1hoirt term gain of quarry iroclk. Medlicall Iprofessioii agree that we can
reduce ceirtallin types of cainceir Iby liincreasing exercise. Therefore, we ineed to encourage our
comini to exercise moire inot less.
Uimstead ineeds to ireirnaliin llintact with ino expainded quarry with a safe Ibuffeir. Wake Stone's
Kiniglhtdalle quarry Ihas a imassive Ibuffeir from owii muftiple acres of Ilaind. Meaii the
buffeir Ibetweein the Tirl4i Quarry and Uimstead Ipairk is sni and is decreasing! There's
also Ibeein an airguimeint that t1his quarry would Iproviide future recreation as a Ipooll. It's Ibeein
reported that swimming liin quarry Ipoolls is daingeirous and deadly (because the water is steep
and c6ld. Who MH talke iresponsibillity whein Ipeople dirown llin it? The city or the county on this
�public land. This Quarry expansion woUld IIIimit and reduce our oppoirtuinllfies for exercising illin
a Ihealltlhy safe environment.
We ineed to (protect Uirnstead and Ipreseirve this strip of land for future generations of NlIkeirs
and scouts.
In my opinion, this quarry is inot llin the llinteirest of the maj&Ity of Walke County iresidents.
L.or14line King
921 Meirwin Rd
Ralleiglh, North Cairofina 27606