HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018_ don’t let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 4:36 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-101 Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018, don't let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract From: Dianne Sacchetti [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 3:38 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Wake Stone reneged on the sunset clause in 2018, don't let them have their way with the Odd Fellows Tract Dear Decision Makers, II aim wirliting today liin (hopes to impress upon and appeal to you the rnportaince of the DEC. denyling Welke Stone rninling Ipeirrnit 92 10 The Ibeautifull tree Ilaindscalping and ii einviroinirnent is what threw my husband and rnysellf to move to this area to Ibegliin with. It seeirns to me that every time II tread a anew article, that the RaIleliglh area is up for rnoinetairy giralbs to the highest Ibiddeir at the expense of the iresidences Illiviing Iheire and their iright to have a clean einviroinirr7ent. II aim hopeful that you will see that a oine time sane of this Ilaind to Welke Stone is snot for the Ipropeir puirposes of expandling and growing Welke Forrest. Currently II aim deeply concerned for the einviroinirr7eint. OIIobaHy and imoire recently locally. After irea61ng about the Ipollution that the otlheir Quarry located inext to the Ipairk creates, II fund it deeply disturbing that local decision makeirs whose cNildirein (hive Ihere are snot more concerned with the loing term einviroinirneii effects. If girainted the operation of this quarry will Ihave imainy grave consequences. It Mll Ihave a siginfficaintly adverse effects on the IpulbBlicVy owined Iparlk, forest and recreation area. It WEI constitute a direct and substaii Iplhysical Ihazaird to IpubBlic health and safety. Haviiing a diraimatic effect on the ineighboir9ling houses, schools, churches, hospitals, coirnmeirciall or iindustrl41 IbUil61ngs Ad6tioii the applicant or any Ipaireint, subsidiary, or otheir affiliate of the applicant or Ipaireint has inot Ibeein llin substaii compliance Wth this Article, voiles adopted under this Article, or other laws or voiles of this State for the protection of the einviiiroiniment or has inot corrected all vi6lafioins that the applicant or any Ipaireint, subsidiary, or otheir affiliate of the applicant or �paireint imay Ihave committed under this Article or voiles adopted under this Article and that iresullted liii 1. Revocation of a Ipeirmit, 2. Forfeiture of part or all of a Iboind or other security, 3. Conviction of a imisdeirr7eanor under G.S. '74 64, 4. Any otheir court order issued under G.S. '74 64, or 5. Ri assessment of a civil) Ipeii under G.S. '74 64, [or'] 6. Fal!lIuire to pay the application processing fee ireguired under G.S. '74 54.1. For the salke of all of our childirein (lets inot rob the commuii To the elected officials, please see imy imessage to the DEQ as an in6cation of imy opposition agallinst the quarry, and please send a imessage to the DEQ imalkiing your opposition agallinst the quarry known, as well. l aim hoping that your decision at this Ipoiint has Ibeein imade easier Iby kinowiiing that it isn't always a grand imoinetary figure llin the eind that talkes precedence over the Ihuirnain equity we all Ihave llin Ikeelpiing this type of pairasific Ibusiiness rnodell from Ihalppeii Thaii you for your time and attention to this correspondence. Kind Regards, Dianne Sacchetti 335 1Barrn HIM L.N N Walke Forrest, NC 27587 Niffloingswinu diannesacchetti(a-)qmail.com 335 1Bairn HIM IL.in Walke Forrest, Noirtlh Cairdhina 27587