HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ Wake C3ounty needs more open space and public recreation areas_ not a hole in the groundJohnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 9:51 AM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Wake County needs more open space and public recreation areas, not a hole in the ground From: Katharine Batt <info@sg.actionnetwork.org> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 8:53 AM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] Wake County needs more open space and public recreation areas, not a hole in the ground Dear CoHeague, We imoved to our current location for oine ireasoin access to Uimstead. Avid aimateuir cyclists, aveiraglling 3 4 bicycle irides each week, we chose to Hive ii Uimstead for access to a Ipllace that allows us to decompress from the stresses of work, from the trauimas of Illife. We are reminded daily of this choice in our current crisis, the forest has served as a Ipllace to ire center, to breathe deeply and to continue to distaince ouirs6lves from faimHy and friends. Although we are oii two people, we encounter hundreds of cyclists, Nikeirs, faimflies each week many deep llin conversation or focused on the gireeineiry or just enjoyliing the sounds of inatuire. So, l tNlink l speak for them when l reiterate the profound llimpoirtaint Umstead serves M As a physician and avid travelleir, l Ihave seen the meii Ipsycholloglicall and chii effects of reimoving access to i to gireeineiry and to quiet. l t4lined llin NYC wheire imainy of my patients escaped to Ceii Park or to a Ilocall spot of gireein to distaince theimsellves from the pressures and stressoirs of the uirbain einviroinimeint around them. l travelled to SE Asia wheire 1 !in 1Baingkok, theire is a iremalinliing gireein space, Ilairgelly Iprlistine liin its hack of urbanization, described as the gireein Iluing of the city a respite from a dense, Ibusy, crowded, sweaty city 1I tNlink the question of quarry versus Ipairk asks us to tNlink cairefuEly about what kind of society we waint to Ibe. How caprtallisfic are we? How much do we vallue our Ipeople inot the 30+ w1ho WEI work the Ilaind, strllppiing it of its vallue and thein heave but the miElioins of Ilocalls and visitoirs w1ho use t1his Iplace as a respite from the llinteinsities of Illife around them. 1I Ihave aWays thought of Ralleiglh and the tdainglle as a progressive and t1houghtfUl city. 1I Ihope that the decisions made today and liin the inext few weeks cain reinforce t1his Ipreseince and secure for the muftitude of generations after us a (legacy of space, gireeineiry and respite iratlheir than satisfy a few linstitutions" caprtallisfic desires. Thank you, Katlhair9line 1Batt, MID IMSc Katlhair9line 1Batt katharine.battCcD_qmail.com 8043 Sycamore KIM IL.in Ralleiglh, North Cairohina 27612