HomeMy WebLinkAboutFW_ _External_ _Mining Permit 92-10_ The public deserves our public lands to be protected - deny rock mine (2)Johnson, Robert E From: Sams, Dan Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 2:50 PM To: NCMiningProgram Subject: FW: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] The public deserves our public lands to be protected - deny rock mine From: Rebecca Lem [mailto:info@sg.actionnetwork.org] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 12:32 PM To: Sams, Dan <dan.sams@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] [Mining Permit 92-10] The public deserves our public lands to be protected - deny rock mine To the DEQ: OVIID 19 has made even more evident the vallue of local gireenslpaoe and traHs for the irneintall and Iphysical health of our citizens. II have llived In this area for over 20 years and have spent time almost every week In Umstead Park and on the suriroun61ng connected gireenways and tralills. It is clear that snow more than ever, local citizens are fullly ufi izliing Umstead to Nike, bike, and spend time with their faimi lies. There is abuindaint research that both green space and outdoor exercise is critical for IpeopNe"s health and weIH belling, and Umstead State Park and the suriroun61ng gireenways and are a (huge threw for Ipeople In this area. Ad6tioinalllly, it is clear that air travel is on the decline, and likely willll be for the foreseeable future. PDU willll snot ineed ad6fioinall funds to expand, as expansion wound be a tremendous economic disaster right snow. The Iplan to destroy inatu14l (habitat enjoyed by Ipeople and required by local wHdlllife is a shortsighted and completely unnecessary waste of a (precious local resource. 1I request that DEQ deny Wake Stone Corp's appfication for a inew crock imine (Permit 92 10) due to the negative lImpacts on Uirnstead State Park, Crabtree Creek, the East Coast Gireenway, recreation llin the OM Reedy Greek Corridor and the three adjacent homeowners. The cuirireint Wake Stone quarry on Harrison Ave llin Cary has aIliready caused IlocaIl Iprobleims for Uirnstead State Park iresulltiing llin toirn up iroads, poHuted Iloca�l water, and incise. DEQ shoUld restore the Sunset CUause to the current Wake Stone quarry operations that were Iproirnised to eind llin 2031, 50 years from 1981. Recreation areas gireenways shoUld have a 250ft undisturbed Ibuffer (6ld Reedy Greek Road) to ima�lintallin the gireenway experience, Wth ino Ibeirms or walls WtNlin that Ibuffeir zoine. Road and inoise IpoMution are Ibad for humans and Mldllllfe aIlflke. The Odd FeHows Tract has Ibeein identified as a "Cirificall IL.aind Acquisition Direct" Iby NC State Parks for Uirnstead State Park for water quallllty protection and Ipoteintiall forested Ibilke tral10s. The 1I.Boy Scouts have camped, (Milked, and bilked on tlNis Ipropeirty since 1958. RDU Airport Autlhoir9lty was offered a fallr Beall to conserve the Ipropeirty Iby the Conservation Fund and shoUld ireconsibeir that offer llin light of the �public Ibeinefits lit would Iprovlide, and llin light of the chainge llin economic circumstances liinv6llviing COVIID 19. This would Ibe a disastrous firne to expaind the allrport. There is Iprecious IllittVe undevebped gireein space left llin the Tiriainglle area; lit shoUld Ibe treasured and protected rather than destroyed. Air Ip6llllutioin from quarry imii6ling operations can further inegafivelly lImpact the visitors of Uirnstead State Park Ipeir year for the inext 25+ years lif a inew quarry is at work. Furthermore, this it deter other economic dev6lopmeint llin the area as (people choose inot to(hive ineair this IpoMution and inoise. FiinalHy, a inew quarry at Odd Fell ows Tract would seveir the nine known Mldllllfe corer doir connecting RaIleiglh to the rest of the Eastern MIdway that iruins from Canada to Florida. 1I request that you (please Iput the citizens' and einviiroinirneintall weffaire alhead of a Ipoorlly thought out and Ibadly firned Ipllain to irullin a cruddl and too rare tract of inatui4l woodland. Thank you, Rebecca IL.em MOMMOM rebeccaelem(d)-aol.com 4978 Highcroft Dirive Cary, North Cairohina 27519