HomeMy WebLinkAbout10957_General Permit_19921116CAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL C'=J C, GENERAL PERMIT o,NTP 10957 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources anq 1he Ctall sources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Applicant Name Address (� City Project Location (Cou Type of Project Activity PROJECT DESCRIPTION I SKETCH Pier (dock) length Groin length number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other Phone Number-% _ i I i 5 (SCALE: ) c su0 L� This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- ! come null and void. 1 This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the --project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a. written_ statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. applicant's signature permit officer's signature issuing date / °Jexpiration date attachments �1 1 N CAC -1 . j fq(vxp & In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that - /�� this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal application felso�dqCirC tf, C21 n�) Management Program. McLEAN CONTRACTING COMPANY 100 REPUBLIC RD. ESAPEAKE VA 23324-1097 0109 j CH 66-763/531 007 1 PAY TO THE ORDER O�� F r NI DOLLARS -VCHOVU Wachovin Bank of North Carolina, N.A. Sea Level, NC 28577 FOR l�lfhi f ' � a -s usnDOL0911' ':053L07633�: 546L 003442��' _�__I v ' 4 6 4 p MOrsh p < �� S h -�.•. NOTED ^# 3 �?' 7 -' 6 4M. 8 T /� _- _ 7 FIG 2 5 15tt' 11 WB' At mean lower low water the conVolling 0- 6 10 S depth through the Thorofare and connecting ` S 7 IS 13w8 channels was 3 feel for amid -width of 40 feet,`x 4 / 7 L9 S FI R 4sec 14f dM' •9 -• __ 3 111 e 4 Sept. 1977 3- s to FI G 4sec 16ft 5M"15WB" Aid o0g! ' 5 44 4 ., S 3 a __ 5 / t 2 .'6} - - 10 4 5 5. 7' S 7 5 T��Pp FI R 4s 16ft 4M :4; 4 0 o f are Bq PA ; 7 4 ' r 5 ,tc / 3 i 3 Seec S `: A- A 9 :S, Q! t /` / 6 = 3 3 = - _3 - R'2" 5 5 I 6} 6 '., 3 ' Raaly 4 7 PA- 4 4 SWING earocE 4 0 3 V 2 SPo./ Ca -_ _ - FIG 45eC 15R S FI 4set 15ft SM' 1' � '' � - - �, NOR CL )0 FT •7- A: 5M-1 A' 6j� 8 3 VERT CL E FT C,le Area I 5 7 7',- 6 I.00lcotlt Pt 5 OVND PWR CAR ..._..-'---' ... 3 i AUTH CL 6Z FT 5 "'- - 3 SR 6} 8 t Marsh 2 ._ 6} 7 7 8 _ 41 . ' /rd 7 7 • 10 i 10 2 9 8 5 2 61 _ : __ ._ -- _ ----- — --.9 — -__ -- -- hrd ?_ 5` 4Sec 151t 4M •19•� 3 t 6 T _ --- - - - -- -- 6 8af y Bay 7 7 7 8 9 to 9 7 9 ' PAS 3 I 8 7 I 2 9 i _ 2 2 5 - ._....................'-'....- 9- 3 I sfi 5 2 ' 7 7 3 2 2 .- 9 8 2 t tiro 5 POLLUTION REPORTS 3 3 9 t0 to 3 Report all spills of oil and hazardous sub- 2 t 1 8 5 stances to the National Response Center via 3 9 7 t S 1300-424-8802 (toll free), or to the nearest U S Hall Pt. FI o 4 3M_'19A/-- 5' 9 2 Coast Guard facility if telephone communlca- - 1 5 t3 t PA _ 10 t flan is impossible (33 CFR t53) a� p 4 Ma sh 3 9 WiwlrPPAA 2' -.2 RADAR REFLECTORS HORIZONTAL DATUM 4 _ t 1 ' Radar reflectors have been placed on many i The horizontal reference datum of this chart is North - I 49 6} _ O 2 '.e' 4 l5 floating aids to navigation. Individual radar `American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) and for charting pur----_----_ /- 2 reflector identification on these aids has been poses is considered equivalent to the World Geodetic FI R 4sec 15ft 4M"20" j �-- 3 } omitted from this chart System 1984 (WGS 84). Geographic ositions referred to 4 :•a=`':, Mil P 3 4 : / G/4 2 :19 the North American Datum of 1927 must be corrected on _ 61 t0 : 3 / "-� . � I average of 0.604' northward and 1.340' eastward to agree 3 NOAA VHF -FM WEATHER BROADCASTS with this Chan 3 _S'; g 2 - /4 / The National Weather Service stations listed 3 : 3 / 3 Dump I • S o : . 17 : � i 20 27 below provide continuous marine weather 9 34 S :7 3/ area / t Q _ broadcasts. The range of reception is variable, ;gi / \¢ 17 :! but for most stations Is usually 20 to 40 miles PA2tS ;'8 / Gao / t 'may Marsh _ from the antenna site gSC - 2 2 9 / 3 ' 3 �yt' ' ^ is New Bern, N.G KEC-84 162 40 MHz .���C ,- ;;�; P� ' / i t }Y , ;r.'�z �/ '0 - 24 Cape Hatteras. N C KIG-77 162.475 MHz �4� �2�!1� 4 9.-.- / 2' 135 Wto Pt `8 _.•`h d 2 / 2 'mac• 1 i 4 4t ATLANTIC k ctv! , I t ', _ `� 8 ;` 2 "" 24 i WARNING T /� �s.+t 8 .19 8 / f 1 - 36 i The prude+ll . l.l: ne will not rely aultily on PIR� ,°� :\ �." 3 ,r 3/ 3 i f � 2 f IS 2341 any single aru ;c, ,atvlgatlon• particularly on 'I / r y 3 7 #5::r.`r:: r'.': 22PA 3 35 floating aids See U S Coast Guard Light (.Ist�► �}pkF -` �T • 28' and U S Coast Pilot ft)t detail, Pith- - ` 1R15�� '6 ry 3--1T D.Ms. 8 :' ':� ' 23 27 :32... 39 43 �i • 7 P,ks h�!/ "RTZ A• FT 3 �l .. i16 - 28:'' 37 (• a8 �/ T 0:60?&e 21 R - - $taeD -t PA o I �- F G •�I 5 +7 ' '' \ - - 11: -16 •• 20 32 $ 40 42 _ 3 0 • 44 ofs eo 2 4 t t \ -�y • � Pies2 111'•' .��"ti : ' TrL7Mclean COMTRAC rima COMPANY C)tt.oher 29, Nil.. Scott ?etc: t,eridon U.S. Army Corps of Fnginet-rs PRI-mit SpcHon PA). Box 1890 t4llmins t.on, N.C. 2A-102 Our ,Toll -No. M-3915 Pro.jert An. 5,174 W1 11 £svidge over Thorof'aro Ra}• at Ct-d,Ar fslAnd Cartaret ColintvNorth Cnro)ir3a Dear Mr. McLf-,ndnn,- 7'hic is to confirm o�tr t�11+�phcrn«� <�oT�i t�rsat.iorr of thin morning col'cPr niri:; the installation of a tempos^cLrti m1)uoy it tl'ie above referenced pl^o•ject. The biio,_ will be placed ocrtmid.e the marked r•hannel in 'I4101,ofare 1 a�' 9t tilt.- following coordinates: 3,1055'20":N / 76020'00"t:. Thnnl: YoU for YOUT• mnsiderstion 11) this tnat:t+rr. Sours vel"Y truIN., Nic-1,FAS C0-N,,TRA(.:-t^Y?`t' COMPANY White Pr•o,iect. Supevinrendont r:c:: McLean tiaY Bile 0700 McL M VWY • GIN BUFtE, AD 21080434W • 301.553VOC • FAX %34n8 McLean CONTRACT/NC COMPANY November 5, 1992 Mr, Scott McLendon U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit Section P.O. Box 189O Wilmington, N.C. 28402 Re: Our Job No. M-:3915 N.C.D.O.T. Project. No. 8. 1 1 61 HO I Bridge over 'Thorofare Bai at Cedi'Ar Island Cartaret. County, Norf.h (,rirolin.:i Dear Mr. McLendon: As per our telephone conversation of this morning, please find enclosed a copy of a segment of the chart shoNvin,,�f the location of otir proposed mooring buoy in Thorofare Bay. The huoy will 1-)F� li-ttted and the bargres lighted as per U.S. Coast Guard regulations, h. w li be I:)ainted a reflective �%•hitF, with a single blue band. It will be secured with a h,()DO lh. ,anchor :-ind ,gnchor chain. Also enclosed is suVVey of the proposed borrow pit and dredge disposal area for the project. The ;area lnchlde�z r.\,o isc)Inted Welland slots. We request that. we be allowed to fill the arr.is d sigw-)tnd 1J.I- uI ano W.L, r2. W.L. ;1 is .25 acres and W.L, #2 is ,15 icrr�s. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. If you have any questions please call me at (919) 225-1115. � ours very truly, )IcLls'AN CONTRACTING COMPANY Thos. M. White Project Superintendent cc: McLean Wa,,- File 100 REPUBLIC ROAD 0 CHESAPEAKE, VA 23324-1097 9 804-543-1676 e