HomeMy WebLinkAbout10932_General Permit_19921215LAMA AND DREDGEAND FILL GENERAL /i PERMIT J os � 32 { as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and in an area of environmental concern pursuanj to 15 NCAC Applicant Name Address City Project Locatior Type of Project Activity w -?KOJECT DESCRIPTION Pier (doc length 92/7 Groin length number Bulkhead length ax. distance offshore Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other Phone umber State Zip PACE ission " 15- - ZgZz SKETCH � (SCALE: J / t This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the -projeCf is, inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro - is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. iss in date expiration date attachments • application fee ( 6 WATER STREET 60 30 0 60 120 ISO _ — -- — -- — - ...,r,m SCALE IN FEET 1'= 60' REFERENCE: JAMES H. PARROTT, et al DB 638, PG 621 ONSLOW COUNTY REGISTRY I, Anthon_y_J. Kowalski____ being a lawfull adjoining riparian owner to the property as shown hereon do hereby certify that I am not opposed to the extension of the private dock as shown hereon. 0 Si ,fi' Dated I, Daniel E_ Hi11L Jr._----- being a lawfull adjoining riparian owner to the property as shown hereon do hereby certify that I am not opposed to the extension of the private dock as shown hereon. __E2� �- (�_5�kd - - /1-1. Signed Dated CASPER DOCK Y N/F DANIEL E. HILL, JR DB 541, PG 092 WHITE OAK MARSH r y y y y y y y W y y y V y y y V• y '� y y y V W y V y y N/F ANTHONY J. KOWALSKI DB 801, PG 412 DETAIL EL I K— 05 I i® ` c _- .rtl3�o j ao r r tz y�A i Np It ,1 0 rh EL room- o.ss 3 ; ° p ,b c(D 0.v ���cr 0 � , (D X 1.10- MSL — — — — — — to G G 170 co'l a x_ PROPOSED DOCK CD EXTENSION PROPOSED COVERED I �seeT detail) SCHENDELAR DOCK NOTE: ELEVATIONS IN BOX ARW RELATIVE TO APPROXIMATE MLW. 12-15-1992 09:13AN FROM 919 326+1400 TO 19197266062 P.05 CDMAL PERMIT APPLICATION nUORMA,TION APPLICANT'S NAME: L.C.- - 1W f 1,� {/ TT IT r t) 'J (Middle) m (Last) t� I A -ING ADDRESS.- (PFoLANENT) -�-� STATE )-J C ZIP Z? 7M S TELMONE: WORK ("d 4 ) 2 0 - 13 7 !A HOME ( �, 9 ) -`3 - 0F,54 CONT`l7 MR'S NAlE: TELEPHONE NUMBER PRO= LDCATION: N.C. Hwy. # SR �)� Road/Street Name 45 'S7, Waterway Name tit �, .... e> County Town _ ��o. �, _ Subdivision PRWECT ACTMTIRS ?IXR-I Total dimensions of pier from hO�-to platform o2. Rt A-� (Length (Width IT' or 'L'-head platform` (Length (Width) (Number of Mooring Files) Water depth at end of pier :3 /Vl Number of Mooring piles `:T SOUSE,/BOAT LIFT: Length 3 Width c 2 r Number of Piles ,o Water Depth �5.o NCt Sin: #1 Total, length Average distance waterward HhW Maximum distance waterward MEW 02 Total length Average distance waterward MHW Maximum distance waterward MHW RIPRAP: Total length Base width from HH16, RXCAVATION: (MAINTENANCE 'ON'LX') Length Width Depth of Cut Adjusted water depth on MLW Existing water depths) Estimated Cubic Yards (length x width x depth/27) t Type of spoil: Sand Mud Dragline Backhoe Hydraulic ClrM STRUCTUM: TOTAL P.05 12-15-1992 09:11AM FROM 919 326+1400 TO 1919726EO62 P.01 CHARLES A. RA WLS & ,ASSOCIATES PLANNING, MAPPING & SURVEYING 242 S Main Street Post Office Box 1126 Swainsboro, NC 2$5M 919/326-1408 Fax fl 919 / 326-1400 LZIMEN oFQa����a� DATC �iTCHY�ON R[; 1 ) /�Y a r Cl WE ARE SENDING YOU 0 attached 0 Under separate cover via— I —the toilowing items: 0 Shop drawings 0 Prints U P13n5 Cl Samples L7 Specifications 0"'�Copy of letter 0 Change order Q� CdP1E3 UnYt, r+p. DESCRIPTION 11iLSE Akt. l'i2ANSi V!'jCt) as checked below rror approval J Approved as SubCl Kc.1 _j ldesubrniL,.,_copics for approval L for your use Q Approved as noted f] Submit._„-.­_copits for distribution 1 As requested 0 Relurn:d for correctocna 0 Return.—._-_.- correcwd prints I',; For review and Gornment G .�„_ _._...... ...._-- _-_--•- --- FOR SIDS bUt ••-------- - _.-_..._ PRIf1TS RETUkNC•U AFTER LOAN TU US -I"' - /,-) i T 37 IMPORTANT r Date ) 1 1 �`i Time 1-1 WHILE YOU WERE OUT M- 1 of %L� e Phone AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Message�i�t Signed N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 1�]�� Printed on Recycled Paper MEMO TO DATE: SUBJECT: 7� Zz�'�9/9 51l9/Sys 0 q2� 62 orth Carolina Department of Environment A p Health and Natural Resources 7��� � LJ(� Printed on Recycled Paper 12-15-1992 09:12RM FROM 919 326+1400 TO 19197266062 P.03 j� ) q `' 1 I ' U f 12-15-1992 09:11AM FROM 919 326+1400 TO 19197266062 P.02 OFFER TO PURCHASE AND (CONTRACT Larry J. Howard and wife Luey A. Howard as Buyer. hereby offer, iopurchaseand _ Hubert ParrU t Inel wife_' Cat:tgn R- Pqrrntt as Seller, upon seCoptance of said offer, Agrtcs to sell and convey, all of that plot, pie<t or parcel of land described below, together with all improvements located thereon and such personal property As is listed below (the real and personal property are collectively referred to as "the Property'), in accordance with the Standard Provisions on the REVERSJ SIDE H'RCOF and upon the following terms and conditions: 1. REALPROPERTY: LocatedintheCityof wansooro County of Onslow State of North Garol xi own as mote particularly deribed. as; akr�'ex scSwansboro, NC 28584 StreetAddrt,s DeP_ BdD Paq Ons],ow county Registry Zip Legal Description Deed 2. PERSONALPROPERTY: All App).xances S. PURCHASE PRICE: The purchase price is S 160,, 000 • 00 and shall be paid as follows: (a) S 2, DDD.00 _ ,in earnest money paid by Mrsona7 check (cash; bank, certified, or personal check) with the delivery of this contract, to be held in escrow by.— Centu 21 Watp?tuay _Rna 1-ty as agent, unit) the >ale is cloud, at which time it will bt credited to Buyer, or until this contract is otherwise terrrr;nated and it is disbursed in accordance with the Standard Provisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREQF; (b) % 1/,a by auumpuon of the unpaid ptiruipal balance and all obligations of Seller on the existing ban secured by a deed of tryst on the property; ' (c) f n/a by a promissory note secured by A purchAx money deed of trust on the Property with interest prior 10 default at 'lit rate of n �a % per annum payable as follows: n / a Prepayment restrictions and/or penalties. if any, shall be: Assumption or transfer rights, ;f any, shall he' n/a (d) 5 156, DDD.DD the balance of the purchase price in Cash at cloning 4, CONDITIONS: (State NIA to each blank of paragraph 4(a) and 4(b) that is nut a Condition to IN$ contract.) (a)The Buyer must be able toobtain a firm commitment on or before March 15, 1993 , effective through the- date of closing, for a _ conventional loan in the principal amount of i 70 r QQQ . bfor a tens of 30 ytar(s), at an interest Tale not to exceed 9 % per annum, with mortgage loan discount points not to excted 1.5 _'�u of the loan amount. Buyer agrees to use his lest effort: to tecw'c such Commitment and to advise Seller immediately upon receipt of the lender's, dtCraiorl. 11 Selkr is to pay any loan closing cosu, thox ctrsu are as follows:,,_ n /r7 (I>) The buyer must be able to assume the unpaid principal bllane,' of the Cxisung ban described in paragraph 5(b) abovt for flit remainder of the loan term, at An interest rate not to exceed n/a % per annum fsxtd (or describe type of loan) .--_—n-/ a with mOrtgagr loan assumption and/or discount points not to exceed nn /a % of the ban balance. (Sec Sundard Provision No. 2). If such assumption requires the• lender's approval, approval must be granted on or before ., ,._ .!s; a Buyer agrees, to use his Lot effotts to secure such approval and to dvise Seller immediately upon his receipt of the Iendtr's dcrrsiun. If Seller to to pay any loan assumption costs, those eosu are As follows: n /a (c) There must be no restriction, eawntent. 1Dr rig or other goverruncntal regulation that would prtvcm the t'tasonablt use of the real property for �- residentxa _ 0 rn purposes. 5. ASSESSMENTS: Seller warrants that these are no slxrial atwsurncnis. either pendtrtg or confirmed. for irdewalk, paving, water. sewer or orlser tmprovtrnvnts on yr Adp>uung t lie PrUPC ny. except As follows: none known 0—.....� (Insert " None "or the tdenuficaiion of such esussrnCnts, if any. The agreement a for payment or proration of any asxumenu indicated is to be set forth in paragraph 6 below.) 6. OTHZP, PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS: ITV (a) All of the Standard Novrstons on the UVE LSE SIDE KEREOF are understood and shall apply to this instrument, except the following numbered C Standard Provisions shall be delettd: (If none art to be deleted. state "None".) 2• 3.11 b) Upon acceptance of Offer to purchase and contract on tbier hone at 101 Page Place, M Emerald Tale, NC 28594 buyer will deposit earnest money with Cenruiry 21_Wate:eeol! ty. � '!d d) Seller to insure that there is no damage to exterior of house rightlharld housas, rt one faces the water where boards are split and detached frcm the house. e) Seller to assist buyer. in obtaining permits prd)or to closing to extend existing pier tit to maximrjri allowed or a mininiun of. 40 feet. ' f) Seller shall have the right to keep proeprty on the market for sale; however, should another offer be taken and accepted buyer. shall have a 48 hour first right of refusal. untX7.propert� at 101 Pape Place Emerald Isle, NC sellsZcloses. Propergi g� xren*� . rr+ n 1F stiles) A ANY AD F,NDA TO I7i1S ONTRACT, INDICATE ABOVE AND ATTACH li RETO, siadc' OT sle D me 7, CLOSING (� p e grec to execute any and all documents and papers necessary in onnecti0 wi closing and ka,ufrr of title on or 0 tv before March 1, �� _ �uyer.�se�ler fis rt at a place designated by � rt The deed is to be made to same d5 yPr —" rr+ at Clsoln O $, PU55ESSIUN: possession shall be delivered g ri In the event that Buyer has agreed that possession is not dclivcrttl At closing, then Seller agrees to pay (0 Buyer the sum of i n a per day from � 0) and including the date or cloa;ng to and including the date that posaeasion it t0 be delivered as above sef fonh, 5. C'O1,) NI-E PART$; This offer shall become a Wriding contract when signed by both $uytr and Stlkr. It is to bC si&r" in 6 ( six ) LO td counterparts with a signed counterpart bean retained by each party htreto and the escrow agent, if any. S . temtr 1992 Date o! c . e: D Date of Offe : r rt W O> Buyer` J _ (SEAL) Seller SEAL} rnt Bu f_. r (SF -A Seller SZAL) r.r. ^ urcby tri:kn wl dX, Icetipt of the CAmesl money herein its forth And agree to hold and disburse tlsa same in accordanct with the terrrss hereof, Date Fi N rm By: _....,,_..—. Name or SehinB Agent/r'trm ' L S~Z Name of Luting Ageni/Finn Mary S, Rawls Century 21 Watenaay Realty 113 it THIS Sidnaarn Form has peen NORTH CAROLINA BAR ASSOCIATION ADMOV156 lolnlly by rho: NORTH nAkoi INS AggrW/ 11ATIr"IN AC QGAI Tr' DQ¢ lush Slar'oe10 Form No. 2 12-15-1992 09:13AM FROM 919 326+1400 TO 19197266062 P.04 /. BOOK 638pbGE 21 VIIS PRESENTED TQ 'rA.'K OFFICE DATE.,----.._ STATE OF CRAWFORD COLLM f �} NORTH GA,R% 'i ,rw >t!at�c faTR STATE OF �Lt • EXGt E TAX NORTH CAR LSl��f' .,k �,,: 1 • $r1 0,00 R4A TA7e STATE OF ���{,, �►(��t..r NORTH CAROL-V' Rlr. L C Z r TAX 1 14 DT 3.00 Kxciae Tax 16. 00 Recording Ttmc, Book and Page Tax Lvt No, ....... Parcel Identifter No.. ......... Verified by... County on the day of .. ........ 19....1....1. by. . .. . . ..... , ,.... .. . ........... ylaiil after recording to Mr. and Mrs. James Hubert Parrott, P.O. Box 3555, K285tonj= This inttrument was prepared by ROBER'T E. LOCK, ATTQRM, P.O, BOX 592, Jacksonvill.e,NC.... 1{ri,if daecripti,rn f„r thu int1,•K 2854t0 'IswanSboro vstip. ,0nslow CO. NORTH C'AROLINA WARRANTY THIS DRED made this 16thtl;ty of December 19 82 , iy and between ROBtR'T ItA,ROLD HILL and wife, MARIA 1. HILL JAMES HUBERT PARROTT and wife, M.ARGARET COTTEN PARROTT I:nlrr In apprnpriutr t,lark Nt r,rh pw•ly; nAmr, .ddrr.s, aud, if appropriate, rharact.r of entity, e,p. corporation or parinership. 1'lse de-sivntitiun Griintur and grantee as t1.ed herein ehall indwitt said parties, their heii-A, ,successors, lutd votigns, and shall include sinXulur, phintl. mit-4ctlline, feminine or ntniter as req„i,•(?d by cnntvxt, �VITNE%SrTII, that the Grantor, for a valuable paid by the C;rontee, the rcci-ipt of which Is hereby acknnulcdxed, hii,+ and I)y these prearnts dues Kr;tnt, I,ar{;aill, Se11 turd cunt't:' unto the Grantee in fee slmph:, All that r.crtaiti'„t nt' pit itvI of iai)d sit!iatt"I ill the City I,f I Swansboro Township, 01151ow Comity, North Citrulina ;ind m„rU particul;tl'ly tltacrtbctl iiw folluu'a: j SEGINNING at a Cedar Post on the South side of Second Street (now Water Stroct), on R,W. Jones (now Jessie T. hioore) line and running with said line a South direction 200 feet, thence a West direction 60 feet to D.G. Ward's lino, (now Daniel lit1l), thence a North direction with said line 200 feet to Second Street (now Water Street), thence East with said street 60 feet to a Cedar Post, the beginning, For reference, gee Book 264, Pace 120, Onslow County Register of Deeds and Book 99, Page 201, and Book 597, Page 449, Onslow County Register of Deeds, Y .l:. Hal a�,ur Ybrm .Y o. � , lY1G, Ilevl,.d 101 t.