HomeMy WebLinkAboutMathews, Coley 76696CcAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 76696 A B C D ENEv A PERMIT , Previous permit# ew ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous per�mi/ty'S�ued As au[h rized�by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resou ces ommission' an ar a of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC (�7 V v _ Rules att hed. Applicant Name Project Location: County Address Street Address/ State Road/ ,Lott rr#(sn) Ci State ZIP 1V 71Dbr 7� J� / w�) Phone # ( LAM) (d 1(7 L) E-Mail Subd ision Authorized Agent �` -�— City Affected T� W TE W /� TA ❑ ❑ ES PTS Phone # ) AEC(s): ��DDEA MHF EIIlI ❑UBA El N/A Adj. Wtr. Body ❑ PWs: ORW: PNA / (no( / Closest Maj. Wtr. Body es no yes Type of Project/ Activity Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) �RJ Finger pier(s) e Groin length number'�� ' Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore max distance offshore—�� Basin, channel L-- Boat ramp '— Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other SAV: not sure yes n Moratorium: n/a yes no Photos: yes no Waiver Attached: yes o I- A building permit may be required by: (Note Local Planning furisdiction)A i or i. on back ZIP Basin (Scale: ) rules. Fee(s) compliance statement Signature Styron, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, July 2, 2020 6:57 AM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] Pier location CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam a nc.aov> y Good morning, I am unsure about the piling number or location. I'm not sure how quick I can speak with a contractor but I could get it to you exact just not right away. Would be using his advice. This design has my boat facing where storms usually come from and it's the deepest spot I have found. I would guess 30 feet out and 40 across. Sorry my ringer has been strange ever since I got salt water in my phone. Hope this helps. Thanks! Coley,. Sent from my iPhone Styron, lieather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 11:15 AM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: Re: [External] Deeper section/ 11 acre Sure. 704-208-0899 On Jun 25, 2020, at 10:50 AM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: What is your phone number so we can discuss your questions and concerns. From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 202010:03 AM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Deeper section/ 11 acre CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.eov> <image00IJpg> Of course I'm unsure about the number of pilings. But it seems the boat should face the direction storms would come from instead of being sideways. Sent from my iPhone Styron, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 10:03 AM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] Deeper section/ 11 acre CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam a nc.gov> Of course I'm unsure about the number of pilings. But it seems the boat should face the direction storms would come from instead of being sideways. Sent from my Whone Staon, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 9:53 AM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: Re: [External] Re: 11.00 island CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> We should get busy building the piers right away and the boat should stay where it is until it goes into the wet slip. Because the boat is not operational until the mechanic clears the sand from the intake. Which means if the anchor doesn't hold which it won't in a storm or strong wind it's going to be on someone else's property. And in my opinion the boat could easily end up in a shallow region or position where it cannot be moved with any salvage effort. I know there's a lot of big boats out there but they are all in wet slips this is a very heavy boat. It seems like everybody wants to do their job without doing their job the job at hand is to safely get this boat where it needs to be. Sent from my iPhone > On Jun 24, 2020, at 9:39 AM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: > Good morning, I'm going to try and make this straight to the point because it really needs a phone conversation. My specific boat is in a specific position in a specific situation that needs a specific procedure. It was leaning to the side drastically and leaking a small amount of fuel I have now jacked it up to where it's not leaking. The boat is in a perfect position to come directly off the island backwards. The problem is that the high tide height is everything with a ship that weighs 26,000 pounds. All the expertise and manpower you could throw at it would only be effective to the degree at which the water height is helping. So the problem is that I'm the only one looking at the situation yet I have immense pressure on me of a felony arrest. So I need you to help me with this threat of arrest because I'm here now and I've been here day and night trying to solve this problem and no one will even give me advice. The two problems are potential fuel issues which I'm currently working with the Coast Guard and where the boat goes safety wise once a high tide releases it. This is a very specific situation and it should have nothing to do with move it or we are arresting you. Simply because we need the help of the tide which we don't have and a safe place for it to go which we don't have. Please help. >> On Jun 24, 2020, at 8:36 AM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: >> Thanks >> -Original Message ----- >> From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] >> Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 5:32 PM >> To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> >> Subject: Re: [External] Re: 11.00 island >> CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to repo rt.Spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> >> I got the boat level last night with a car jack and blocks. Hopefully I can use another car jack on the front nose to slide it into the water this evening. The tide was very low yesterday and I found a spot for the pier that's a lot closer to the edge and deeper. A good 6-8 inches deeper than the previous area. I will send a drawing when I can. It's the same side of the island I was suggesting just on the corner closer to where the boat is now. There is an area of land there that's not oysters from where it would start. >> Check sent Thanksl. »» On Jun 22, 2020, at 2:03 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: >>> His name is Joe Marlette, he is the solid waste deputy from the Carteret sheriffs office. Joseph.mariette@carteretcountync.gov >>> I'm of course taking it seriously so I am here today to try and move sand around it so the highest tide which is this evening can possibly help me get it unstuck. Of course a high tide would make it much easier but it will be another month or so for a high one. 2.8 ft. tonight. So try and let me know today if we can or should postpone that for a higher tide and then I can work on the debris removal today. Thanks! Coley,. >>> Sent from my Phone »»> On Jun 22, 2020, at 12:18 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: »» Who is the contact that is requiring you to remove by the 27th and who do they work for? »» ----- Original Message----- »» From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] »» Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 9:30 AM »» To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> »» Subject: (External) Re: 11.00 island »» CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to 'report.spam @nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> »» Good morning, there are probably too many small things to discuss through email so you could call at your convenience or send the best number. Thanks! Coley,. »» The main thing is that if I'm going to comply with the boat being moved by the 27th I'm going to have to remove sand from underneath the boat. However much it takes. July 2nd and third I believe we have a 3 foot high tide which should be sufficient but only 2.8 before the 27th. »»» On Jun 18, 2020, at 5:13 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: »»> <IMG_0460.jpg> »»> I really don't have a preference I was going to get the contractors opinion of the options based on durability and cost. > I got the boat level last night with a car jack and blocks. Hopefully I can use another car jack on the front nose to slide it into the water this evening. The tide was very low yesterday and I found a spot for the pier that's a lot closer to the edge and deeper. A good 6-8 inches deeper than the previous area. I will send a drawing when I can. It's the same side of the island I was suggesting just on the corner closer to where the boat is now. There is an area of land there that's not oysters from where it would start. > Check sent Thanks!. >> On Jun 22, 2020, at 2:03 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: >> His name is Joe Marlette, he is the solid waste deputy from the Carteret sheriffs office. Joseph.marlette@carteretcountync.gov >> I'm of course taking it seriously so I am here today to try and move sand around it so the highest tide which is this evening can possibly help me get it unstuck. Of course a high tide would make it much easier but it will be another month or so for a high one. 2.8 ft. tonight. So try and let me know today if we can or should postpone that for a higher tide and then I can work on the debris removal today. Thanks! Coley,. >> Sent from my iPhone »» On Jun 22, 2020, at 12:18 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: >>> Who is the contact that is requiring you to remove by the 27th and who do they work for? >>> -----Original Message ----- >>> From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] >>> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 9:30 AM >>> To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> >>> Subject: (External] Re: 11.00 island >>> CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to repo rt.spam@nc.gov<maiIto: report.spam@nc.gov> >>> Good morning, there are probably too many small things to discuss through email so you could call at your convenience or send the best number. Thanks! Coley,. >>> The main thing is that if I'm going to comply with the boat being moved by the 27th I'm going to have to remove sand from underneath the boat. However much it takes. July 2nd and third I believe we have a 3 foot high tide which should be sufficient but only 2.8 before the 27th. »»> On Jun 18, 2020, at 5:13 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: »» »» <IMG_0460.jpg> »» I really don't have a preference I was going to get the contractors opinion of the options based on durability and cost. Styron, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 9:39 AM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: Re: [External] Re: 11.00 island CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Good morning, I'm going to try and make this straight to the point because it really needs a phone conversation. My specific boat is in a specific position in a specific situation that needs a specific procedure. It was leaning to the side drastically and leaking a small amount of fuel I have now jacked it up to where it's not leaking. The boat is in a perfect position to come directly off the island backwards. The problem is that the high tide height is everything with a ship that weighs 26,000 pounds. All the expertise and manpower you could throw at it would only be effective to the degree at which the water height is helping. So the problem is that I'm the only one looking at the situation yet I have immense pressure on me of a felony arrest. So I need you to help me with this threat of arrest because I'm here now and I've been here day and night trying to solve this problem and no one will even give me advice. The two problems are potential fuel issues which I'm currently working with the Coast Guard and where the boat goes safety wise once a high tide releases it. This is a very specific situation and it should have nothing to do with move it or we are arresting you. Simply because we need the help of the tide which we don't have and a safe place for it to go which we don't have. Please help. > On Jun 24, 2020, at 8:36 AM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: > Thanks:-) > -----Original Message ----- > From: Coley Mathews (mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] > Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 5:32 PM > To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> > Subject: Re: [External] Re: 11.00 island > CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Styroh, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 2:06 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: Re: [External] Re: 11.00 island CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to repo rt.spam@nc.gov<mailto: repo rt.spam@nc.gov> 1-252-732-6182 I'm required to have the boat floating and debris started by the 27th. > On Jun 22, 2020, at 2:03 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: > His name is Joe Marlette, he is the solid waste deputy from the Carteret sheriffs office. Joseph.marlette@carteretcountync.gov > I'm of course taking it seriously so I am here today to try and move sand around it so the highest tide which is this evening can possibly help me get it unstuck. Of course a high tide would make it much easier but it will be another month or so for a high one. 2.8 ft. tonight. So try and let me know today if we can or should postpone that for a higher tide and then I can work on the debris removal today. Thanks! Coley,. > Sent from my iPhone >> On Jun 22, 2020, at 12:18 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: >> Who is the contact that is requiring you to remove by the 27th and who do they work for? >> -----Original Message ----- >> From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] >> Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 9:30 AM >> To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> >> Subject: [External] Re: 11.00 island >> CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> >> Good morning, there are probably too many small things to discuss through email so you could call at your convenience or send the best number. Thanks! Coley,. >> The main thing is that if I'm going to comply with the boat being moved by the 27th I'm going to have to remove sand from underneath the boat. However much it takes. July 2nd and third I believe we have a 3 foot high tide which should be sufficient but only 2.8 before the 27th. »» On Jun 18, 2020, at 5:13 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: >>> <IMG_0460.jpg> >>> I really don't have a preference I was going to get the contractors opinion of the options based on durability and cost Styron, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 5:13 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] 11.00 island CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@ac.gov> I really don't have a preference I was going to get the contractors opinion of the options based on durability and cost. Styron, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 4:57 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: Re: [External] 11 acre island/ untested depth Hey, the deepest area I found was on the west side pictured in my first sketch. I would guess 50-60ft.. The boat itself is 38 ft... so 65 ft. is possible unless I came off the small island and then had another small one to get over to the main land. Even though I don't love that idea it seems better than one long one. So the small one would be a bridge not a floating dock and the other could be floating or not. And I'm fine with whatever you guys think but from the mainland we're going out to the deep water and from the small island we're going over to it. Shorter distance so 50ft. total length from the small one or maybe 65ft. from the main. Will mail the amount tomorrow morning. I just think if we could get the pier in that deep area of approximately 4 feet at low tide we shouldn't have a problem with the boat tilting even at a very low tide. Thanks!. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 18, 2020, at 2:27 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hello Mr. Mathews, I made a site visit yesterday and wanted to know which location you would like a pier? Also how long of a pier from the edge of marsh are you wanting? The boat is currently along the north side of the island. Is this the pier location? You will also need to send a 200 dollar check made out to NCDEQ if you have not done so already. The mailing address is 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 Thanks, Heather From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 5:14 PM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] 11 acre island/ untested depth Perfect. Thanks!. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 12, 2020, at 4:08 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hello Mr. Mathews, My supervisor and I are scheduled to go with the NCWRC officer on Wednesday June 17, 2020 to measure water depths etc. for you island. Once we complete our site visit I will work on getting you a permit in the best location we can. Thanks, Heather From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 11:32 AM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.stvron ncdenr.gov> Subject: Re: [External] 11 acre island/ untested depth Accept..... not except. Sorry that email sent prematurely. I am here today and went over yesterday. I have a pontoon platform there I'm planning to use for the transportation of garbage. The tide also took the edge of it onto the land but it's tied down. Just wanted to add that I am financially able to have the pilings installed to try and remedy the situation quickly. As I'm sure you know the local residents are complaining about the boat and debris. The area that 4 foot at low tide is a little further to the right or south than I previously thought. If we get the slip in a 4 foot depth at low tide that will ensure that the boat never tilts or agitates the bottom. So it really seems that the dock to the slip should go to the small island and then another fixed dock over to the other. But I'm OK with recommendations. Thanks!. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 12, 2020, at 11:22 AM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: Good morning, the 21 st is the next fairly high tide followed by 2- 3 others before the 27th. It's clear to me that the boat is ready to shift back into floating position with a high tide. Three nights ago I had it level and floating with the back moving. The Coast Guard decided not to help me. I hired towboat to help me for $1200 but upon arrival I realized my wallet was either lost in the water or in my truck and they wouldn't except proof of funds to bill me Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2020, at 5:15 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley&yahoo.com> wrote: Hi, I was working all day yesterday and almost all night trying to get my boat unstuck and I wasn't able. After calling Towboat to help me with the last part I realized my wallet was in my truck. So a storm would for sure set it adrift right now but my timeline is June 27 to have it floating and anchored. So I will continue to try and get the boat unstuck because there's so much work ahead in terms of getting the old pontoon to the dump and then CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report. Spam@nc.gov<mailto: report. spa m nc. ov> <image001.jpg> I would imagine I need a helix anchor to hold while it's being built but the main pilings could be quick. But need boat secure. Sent from my Whone countless trips removing garbage from the previous owner. So the danger is a storm coming while I have it anchored and possibly ending up on someone else's property. I plan to use four anchors basically. So I think your timeline is fine. I plan to anchor the boat a little to the right of the initial sketched area. Thanks! Coley,. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2020, at 2:28 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron ,ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hello Mr. Mathews, What is the time frame they have given you to remedy this? I am setting up a boat ride with the WRC for next week and wanted to make sure what your time limit is so we can get you a permit ASAP. Thanks, Heather From: Coley Mathews [ma ilto: mathewscolev@va hoo.co m] Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 8:56 AM To: Styron, Heather M. <heathe r.m.stvron @ ncde n r.eov> Subject: [External] 11 acre island/ untested depth Styron, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, June 12, 2020 4:12 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] Coley Mathews As I'm sure you know the sand under the boat would have to be agitated. If moving it with low high tides is possible. With a high enough tide it will float away on its own. I hope I'm not aggravating you I'm just trying to take this seriously. It's in a very very good location with water depth directly behind it at one point it was in a bad position. I also plan on living in the area 35 min. away. Seems necessary for the many things that will need my attention. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 12, 2020, at 11:32 AM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: Accept..... not except. Sorry that email sent prematurely. I am here today and went over yesterday. I have a pontoon platform there I'm planning to use for the transportation of garbage. The tide also took the edge of it onto the land but it's tied down. Just wanted to add that I am financially able to have the pilings installed to try and remedy the situation quickly. As I'm sure you know the local residents are complaining about the boat and debris. The area that 4 foot at low tide is a little further to the right or south than I previously thought. If we get the slip in a 4 foot depth at low tide that will ensure that the boat never tilts or agitates the bottom. So it really seems that the dock to the slip should go to the small island and then another fixed dock over to the other. But I'm OK with recommendations. Thanks!. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 12, 2020, at 11:22 AM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: Good.morning, the 21 st is the next fairly high tide followed by 2-3 others before the 27th. It's clear to me that the boat is ready to shift back into floating position with a high tide. Three nights ago I had it level and floating with the back moving. The Coast Guard decided not to help me. I hired towboat to help me for $1200 but upon arrival I realized my wallet was either lost in the water or in my truck and they wouldn't except proof of funds to bill me Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2020, at 5:15 PM, Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> wrote: Hi, I was working all day yesterday and almost all night trying to get my boat unstuck and I wasn't able. After calling Towboat to help me with the last part I realized my wallet was in my truck. So a storm would for sure set it adrift right now but my timeline is June 27 to have it floating and anchored. So I will continue to try and get the boat unstuck because there's so much work ahead in terms of getting the old pontoon to the dump and then countless trips removing garbage from the previous owner. So the danger is a storm coming while I have it anchored and possibly ending up on someone else's property. I plan to use four anchors basically. So I think your timeline is fine. I plan to anchor the boat a little to the right of the initial sketched area. Thanks! Coley,. Sent from my iPhone On Jun 8, 2020, at 2:28 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Hello Mr. Mathews, What is the time frame they have given you to remedy this? I am setting up a boat ride with the WRC for next week and wanted to make sure what your time limit is so we can get you a permit ASAP. Thanks, Heather From: Coley Mathews f mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.coml Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 8:56 AM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styro n @ ncde nr.gov> Subject: [External] 11 acre island/ untested depth CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam nc.eov> <image001.jpg> I would imagine I need a helix anchor to hold while it's being built but the main pilings could be quick. But need boat secure. Sent from my iPhone Styron; ke!ather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 8:56 AM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] 11 acre island/ untested depth CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.sparn@nc.eov> I would imagine I need a helix anchor to hold while it's being built but the main pilings could be quick. But need boat secure. Sent from my iPhone Styron, Heather M. From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 9:56 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: Re: [External] Pilings 10 wide 12 long if possible if not 10 by 10. I guess it would have a fluctuating walkway down to it that would let it go up and down. Not sure. Maybe just a ladder but still the platform needs to be secure somehow. Sorry I would be seeking advice on that from contractor. And in the pictures I wrote small but that's actually a small boat which is really a 40 foot boat smaller than my big one. The small platform would be off of the main walkway. You could view one of the early drawings. Thanks!. Sent from my ]Phone On Jul 14, 2020, at 3:16 PM, Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> wrote: So what size is the "small" floating platform? From: Coley Mathews [mailto:mathewscoley@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:17 PM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Pilings CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam c@nc.aov> <image001.jpg> It also gives the smaller boat more protection. Thanks!. Sent from my iPhone Styron, Heather K From: Coley Mathews <mathewscoley@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, July 13, 2020 10:17 PM To: Styron, Heather M. Subject: [External] Pilings CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mai Ito: report.sparn nc.gov> It also gives the smaller boat more protection. Thanks!. Sent from my Whone