HomeMy WebLinkAboutTaylor, B. Selden 77022CLI,CAMA / U Uneuaae Ot rss_s. IN :' ( /UG.G A B LKV D ENER L PERMIT Previous permit# ew�❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ClPartial Reissue Date previous permit Issued '� As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality k� 0 Oq I and the Coastal Resources Cc mis to In an areof environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAG I 1J Applicant.Name !I)rrVV{(L Project Location: County Phone # Authorized Agent E-Mail f cw `(EW y�TA qES ❑PTS Affected ❑OEA ❑HHF ❑1 ❑USA ❑N/A AEC(s): ❑ PWS OR* yes ! if PNA yes Type of Project/ Activity Pier (dock) length(n x� Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) "—'— Finger pier(s) Grain length numbe•1� Bulkhead/ Riprap length avg distance offshore '--- max distance offshore �..---�- Basin, channel cubic yards—_ Boat ramp Boathouse/ oa li Beach Bulldozing J_ Other + Shoreline Length *m SAV: not sure yes o Moratorium: n/a yes no Photos: yes Waiver Attache : s r\o A building pe be requin ( Note Local Planning jurisdictio Street d e Ste a Road/ L #(s) —1 Subd v sit�{t City -`�yyL ZIP Phone # () _ River Basin Adj. Wtr. Body '} V net man unkn Closest Maj. Wtr. Body (Scale: I'-' it L1 ra 7._1 tyt _ , S I � i # I I 1_ �1.Gj�jjt I T I- Ili/� d L n, i I p I S by: on ❑ See note on Basin rules. _. Ched<# Issuing Date Expiration Date ACAMA / ❑ DREDGE & FILL N9 77022 A B L?T\ D ® ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# ew ❑Modification El Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previ us permit issued � As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Cc mis io in an are of environmental concern pursuant to I SA NCAC ` L/ Iles atta ed. Applicant Name Project Location: County ern. Phone # Authorized Agent 0121111 �CW )(EW A ❑ES ❑PTS Affected AEC(s): OEA ❑ HHF ❑ I ❑ URA ❑ N/A ❑ PWS ORW: yes / C PNA yes / . n Street Pfd5ke�;4State`Aoad/ Lqt #(s) SO WE WE MUMN rn ��� j p • I r OMEN ■■■■■■■ 111 , ti ■■■ ■MINNOW�' : '■'.uMENN:'N BC ::� 1:''vtillllC.�, ■:'.:' 1f `■■■■■■�■ii�ru■ ��. N■■ MENE M■■ ■ '� ME MEN It. ,► rw a M■MOM■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■M■■■■ �°� �M■■■E■■ENEM■M■E■E■■■ so MEMO M N■ ■■■■■■■■■M■ENOMME 0 No 1 il 0 NONE ME RE so r.+ ■ w■j■!� �■■� G■■N■■■■u■■■■■OEMM ■■■ _ MMEMEME NONE No :■ ►JN■ { /„�?!�r{L ME ... - r'�►�y' . �..� ■M■E■ENNNN .. d �IH{ v r s1 ►i7S��JIC, :::�:::::■:: 891 Agent or Applicant tinted Name Signature ** Please read compliance statement on bac of per , *` 4QM00 Application Feels) Check# Permi Officer's Pri ted a Si nature r-/ Ti) Il�l�o�l issuingDa etet Expi ion Date T Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the permit to become null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this permit, the applicant will confer with appropriate local authorities to confirm that this project is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adjacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this permit under the best available information and belief, certify that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. River Basin Rules Applicable To Your Project: ❑ Tar- Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules ❑ Other: ❑ Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules If indicated on front of permit, your project is subject to the Environmental Management Commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of Water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the Washington Regional Office (252-946-6481) or the Wilmington Regional Office (910-796-7215) for more information on how to comply with these buffer rules. ---1 -- Division of Coastal Management Offices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ 1-888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247-3330 (Serves: Carteret, Craven, Onslow- North of New River Inlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griffin St. Ste. 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 252-946-6481 Fax: 252-948-0478 (Serves: Beaufort, Berrie, Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal DHve Ext. ' Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7215 Fax:910-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River Inlet-. and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/06/17 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to )Zo (TA-u T tir rmC ' s (Name of Property Owner) property located at I °i '(.44u,-r t_, t; ( v, S ( -d6- r (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on (Se M17W f7Z4 OE, in _ N.C. (Waterbody) City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. —h .4 1 have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT - (Individual proposing development must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) 57-1 49, WAIVER SECTION ' I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) -Tltto I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. ryt',rttE (Property owner Information) .Cad 'Valid for one calendar year after signature' (Adjacent Property Owner Information) (Revised Aug. 2014) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to 20 C�ee2T ts6itm 's (Name of Property Owner) property located at I ?j 9 CI}gpJ.l �t�rr`i Lvtr.>•� (Address, Lot, Block Road, etc.) on tJ .runt R 1y -z in ( �A�✓t'� , N.C. (Waterbody)(City/Town and/or County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above locat_ iqn, --tY` I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING_ OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development,mus{fill In description below or attach a site drawing) �-t? ►4 t'Ptcz I It,' Y. II' �L t'dtzr"'t ►s% .1..,._.11: 5w(+t�. Fv�nSG Ti.A4"rLRruM� to X%D'0 I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. - _,K— I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner Information) (Adjacent Prope wner Information) APcrr re `— Si ncrlure* J, Sti✓u �' T �•r7 ticje� Ilrt %rr!z Pnnt or Type Name Pdnt or Type Name , Address -I l og ,� S'xz Z t f 1 Z6�, ot, 0M. tvn" / `20 (Revised Aug. 2014) `Valid for one calendar year after signature' Project Name: 1' � 1 , e tf`a'Xu 1;� L--v_-n S `- 1 STOCKS & TAYLOR C O N 8 T R V C T 1 O N Date Subject: Page --� �- - 4 � ...1__ -------------------- EDGtION IssouwaauaLat¢ 6NRRI, AC Yx vs u.T3lmaa3vapm S stnn3mc£swaver M WAMit wATEa1➢rcsTlwE iPpPHnY{fNF MG mTlrmrox2H / WAi9tAE / / / AusA¢.mA@'PErmeAHlPaaxum enYuv, va¢mvuaEs / WII6fWLffMIFD ALLDarI.NSARFIGPpW.TALGIG090arN.�. / IL.P'flGPD[rra1P-K9ry le'flOPoIIYE AE•WI1XABlff HD'b6R'gT(CW / 4'fip/EFT{v9pH 31tpIJ19lI, Mi8 A15 .YMFA£LThF'61iEdRY16 H13 / IDTa9ihID e/➢d1NIDNL WAi9te¢NBL M)APoVEOA flROW QIL4191/nIRD3 WHIE ICG1 EAWHC Ml PoIP9� SFRIC tlNM 1a135xpeTIAl1EA4f�lATf Wnaraes� DWaImGe oP.sronsumaaa3r�roNEA�rtENnymor. —.. _..,..,___—_. �.. miagx/Dav®IDrexrrsermrm, numvamrrREwo?¢s sswaessswve;� mpacrrwamrlar AueauwxcrrrwmdffuscarnawwtceaaeEKrxavm+maun3an d155d9NNY-W5 A' NfKH.I®R) IPIIQNVIAG]IMCr-1e.6O'N.WA p,WIX9glx MpD1B61p.'81 TEAMDgAS/PN9/AV EI�EMR6(RP®roKbWWEfBY6 rrvedrmmamE-niSYAS ]eWl69SM'W WR;lIRBR191rMM6ei4DlAdICE051ar®IHfl681B.tS M1FSdA6M1'EY.A191pT.XQp Ie114M-IIBSIf M11ByFRVI-N.Dfly1011 EID Mt96DNNF41lff.ACO9'aM n 0®WfDSLVffKldi.6935IDI1 IMIS.IEAI4YEYRkT iffroNNWATM x35g316R E2Tt{)R16 \ RENWNIOAT® Nii$A391N E2T1i30.]) � A0W MTOIOU/IBB IC(i®BFAOLb. NE4!VWE PoINlM 1pMp1Tb NV SMDl�. x1T.SWE �"Mp GVMDNNrt.avJ6 Fo4iX £31p Kevin0.BarefmLPLS >ID.°°^muT.:�.m "� pyl}ypp �2o0 £SSZ, SEV.fr9 xe3mvaeaeumr,rss Lti% ° .� ux3a r 5 - .p y0 yY Ri �� YUIVy�`oOg 4v�.WUY4^eJ mLT6IGTENMiVM[Y L IiVLYRCWHW(N]IX89p'(LLLgm51WNHM �M'iiNTT65 MrWKOUµNBY 13Fi1'MAVKIINL9.WYEYNIpE VLITxY.980Va1[Yl [�snvssmrmEDaD® 9LCtWMBm;' T/Em4mOPffiAOT9KKYFHIMEO£A6YDDRMIFOKYIrSSIILRi 6G Wx iPM IIOiR'M11O/ M Sg R6$B.ffi ' I RFLIDW RSWa1 A3Hl BY 1ARRl6 MD DmMluraal/Ipam.. r�wrwKERaxe®ma®nmeFwnxr�omKMevcm wmasWrommaustT+uRREINsr�.M+3LR.AwsK naslmarmPixur,mm. t^wO"A. � SN CA4p�. Kevin RBare(DDLPLS�mmaiw:o`m`�rg.r3.yyp aO SPxf�', .tNNRe R3 L28 r L4m 'Aet �9U1`I8+ O i 4'MuNa h�64� PURPOSPCPPLST Isom pal . 3 ill6 ARAkYEKMFMSi➢L PAR�3 A<'Nt9N9 LV4NOr WAIEAMWSrR&TdiOW1i PNEY6RM'ST)EET. aLpaIEa DPNEERS SIAl[NNORHtlMI➢Ie WUIRIOFfAPoFFFT OREISNARD6lY FORREGIS rMREGI I RGFGEMS Na�m5. V4 m�alY canm=1w,Pl l Aigwtl3, MAP t gq:t1 P I NAP tlPtgeS'1 Fm:21.00 NC Rerenve5tamp:3p 00 FILE° 3g3 //^��g)p��-L O eAvu6xYe6TI aEIYIDSEr B/OL31LL�D REFERFrQS ofFneuae an EKE VK4 C®AA lw E W01 CfID IQO FKf lM DF® Ljnnw P MY m aam BpLtlt m vWE. DQO q 6a A. ]61 L.IDLW( Itll v/lf D. O4DLN. (®1 F.YF 3M rMPB]OL pl vKEm agP13 38 PYEWS AAPK m P"m xgvmpl[v P.v£reT y .I..—W M t[et m 4nlA 4 w°vav ycaniw v.mNaC.. Exuwniv A. avrmve 1.N [n. tlnana cvnq wt.wr eT w.m. m E0 0 m 40 rNA90CSr.VE RPIG Na!¢ 1 g yo Y ARFNTNIEItlI}4<L Wfi1WA1911II2 IFG D P! MMRN®PoIM PUMpagT ID NIWOSE E6 FASZGfMXISiME(REe.R) ® iRipLDb'iFlfE 5! SBRCrM% AK glxidBMdl'MP'FAt DFxH(N r nl Uq aaMxY by 1.dE.s ' fir. 6f.ki0.1 Yii nlSb Ia1flNyA FMI11Pwu i¢ fD bY!'¢f rqv a Mrnntran,ahm Stt.u. dlatu,O ad M ap marzr¢r akW l.roa ur .m aAe. IRtrWwa. bad IAnc nsie Ms.N*n a gw'k+lvn d ¢oruot Rxaxr finkb m )1+p4 fdp W x6[n+4d tMR<w,taux¢� u1 Pa hpxt t cW M MV'^ x naanwtnxge w na Q+4`r^areal Aw bao! el+tumndd uneab diaMr+rnwew, fMi i, _. � .._ AI?IA7ARiA!-PAA4YStl M4l91E]Wt HA1ll blr gN6btx'r>n�APply nn Lp++O+n nur IWiN )I.M ii 1 -At Wfjti Ri'A AAQ f9l kp (Qy1 .___.. _.....l1PiA1Nk11:ar.twJartc wwY WuM+N'•'!}}tprRype 2, l.bhn pat a. Mi✓¢z m<n� 1S:retwelbk anM&e9twPur+OrlPw:i IWIV it oarrtvnr:97u+,'R If%n du nioa anew}f1'f, NeA aYescs tipoi f IdX i .- _, .,.__, Bl' A5'AliMP1ATN o1 lk wywrf panrym! tuuax.� aaF) R4 s M SaSltt m 14e tSM/MK �ti RCAaaW Nr d ri'nj ni LM1W M Qtl Prapatn Its YUMO+Y•R¢ MftA IA[ ana.9M I4R4 Ankolap.Aw' AJkwl w UIS illV'.Lt.f:A ifNANI INtawr Ae:.mYex. wrtXr ns:aw�bN Rsflofuvcwm; !rgei,�orn 14 S.3iG,EP>_ ........ bAIANCL M ow Iauow PI>:t m:.aA u [ kaasi Pap f nl" - / srA.vn.Asuraavi:-r Wt . .. sAk, N,nwf �I M,W FAaW M' FrglP * c EXHnsI l A TM!alowug items afe Weed to by Robert NotnL end seldln Saylor as Conad cos t r!-<' �%'It" purchase • seller will Pay for ALL dosing costs includIngpropere, sumeY. deed preparatbe, recording fee prorated taxes to clos.ng date and attorney fees easement to property for sale o • Property w61 require clear documented and recorded SOM" property to be vand rchase As Is condition assuming clear • Buyer has exameed the propeftY and `^'o"'rig t0 W AIM , ; ,v II meet with CAA14 to ensure an adequate plef can t • Buyer as pd•( GI dW' Uni(�•r_. i. constructed for water 9C' • If these items can not be�' sdkrn t then Eaest Money will be Refunded. • Buyer does not have any kruw , tuUncla{ responstbil:ty for maintenance 0191, f Private Access P 'A Pro V"Iated wilh the purchase of this property - r�ai all plumb,ng and or electrical hoes currently Conn f ut+11N ern es are disconnected Prior to closing to ensure independent m d tytl vf, feller contact - robert Norris, Po Box 839, Beaufort, NC 28516, �nurrisab 25 g�11. ..116 NC 27889, Odor G<Hsflt[' Selden Taylor, 210 Riverside Drive, Washington, tavwr :Wale r cQT-1 252-714-1108 Buyer `A / Seiler A�xta Joys 3 Jo" IQMf,�i1 �r Date - July 1, 2020 LF. MM'N'�,��pU(1 Si[TV. Y w j%M►ra h p.m ., aY: LROdfMMbl�"Y atta>w ltc, m{e� � �.,,. �gbJtRlMr'4wtrP c+im4.5n l�n 1M JYNt Ik5 5 y ,dld•ri(4ry:%w M 1waa16l+Ma rd NfA Yldlc: ` 'T •'•.1 a IMI�•+{ FIIr�ui1WIrMy` l��i fail Afp W[�(n Ml A11 '4. r. .. .ydp WiYtM �ad'�5.11 I�ttr.�g4.r •1(aIfJCl ltlnr hYn •LLr.kdAr. �a. n,x ovd..«,.., .i ......•..uWWPu/IM YrvryYY, PM1al IP IMr MaNN N/1M •Ilr. 7NC. AND THE NMU CARM IXA MAM S '{*LWM VAIHNTYDMAM(XIACYCM ANN H Y[RrDDWA tWMRVTANDTMs 4CY'"Lf'CW,Ntilx, V[N VVIA"CiWS51l I , Nfffwt Y(X WN II 5YrM%,ol r�MIN�t+nYtVl N1\,—+ lm~i xW nr MWYW44dI1MYr 14+firO u,wdtsa N b tb, NYC, lIYYN 1 nm Vjh"q Law Fwm N. _ l7FMMve1.. \.., ,, .+ �na', AplH�f+iwPM- tale �ilY Aieut A►wt ' ,�.• � Yyc5W5 �� SSA�u 11U�IUH\I: I I I.+. ra,,eyn t�.y �•�V.xno mr. ilowm.wa ktw KMP"w ire Am 1w ..v Mda-0r M.i D 't"t PIommi1 1,4 ITR TIMN fx TtNG M km [% wR1t1m.:. t SOI1K 'bily�lry®aeb lMP bIMPPOya amr �nn����� na6eMn NuTRsl, ur.0.iya wall.lbo�, ae.fArt.�A Ivi�7 m. Uz dxe alr]:rx ae IPww•1,M1 Atli IkPT AU [Poor YV1r m s,.wai nryyy/. M l0'1MiifM ,.� l �Ert W fIrMTP 4f 6i{Y GL .M T tUr W .yi{4.r Ase{rw.l in lfwP fA[OlrOnbl�e.b�b t�Ki�: I he1M Olan'Oi Pnn ato0 Mia. {i+x�M' ,ri I b, SIn oN x l' WrtY. in iln s�c,d 5ec<x NOT o mdit lkfz f 4wft PxAAV cm—S Av-h0111 �ii`"flOiK A iR'M"M.i 1111 1 011U: t/MISKIM%%04 f1"TITMM eI TT#[U/ Ail'AlitVUATUINISC M[RAtit NMI ATlAOI IfLUTO 1 it 111Sk Of IAAW'ibr,r of One Pal,oi/aIYra.tmPuwmt b lolq W1UR 4A•+ellm 1((ie am 4'a e,<0 a wl"Ilh dwIW4 tr b i'WUM BIna u:a+ ,am+wc dw ,.,. lx. s-...Ic>+� nrra� MnrrN w Sob P {itk'1 s ywt YJ ilt.kpnb iaN lr iPPw.J w Kr.P !n J,c CK� i n� • `'L //rr _ JT AVRAN[7 TONN SDI ;,....- ,,F.�, v, ., I.nJ.� ( r u.roL Mf1et�VP6.ad" / ,IA %IMMAND"WKIAL. WA ba AX s4w rfreY 4r.d vws. lb, .,Wg,M- jw•.[x asere J,,-, M ATEV !9*11 a : Wft ff. coeoelrrredaa selw rMd rlw.k 01 jo U"dm rwWw V,-" of (QpkWV Smm" thm It se" rcvb thm It" "I .1w 4woda" w Wm vw tM crwer.n, w.%ch G .Ii "'gk' kkq ft apw a w tmw tlYt PF"wn me" op, rbtm in ur N.M x" I i a I ltvlv PK WV "*wlw K �,ftw .6 Ev., a sl ta&p of im 14 Li P" aaws M Lw of w im of jbsww� 1. Iw, lr4 ljI11Mo r'lw W Hnrr It %,ik� �Atl "A 1. laKrppoj nle wA b swa YX.vsMVMaRwldMM drt. Pnl h aP+&a M l�'tliLW"l IN yfi/.R: s.9.n (pw r ue M. icw .nem x. JpLry u, la:, � • n «r.M «e.sarWn im+12< r-h:u W l ltsu*i UYe Y tin HNIat cw.vaY W YIP M.mvexx- a i*+w•u..m <� a n.«w*J+w'4uin nxeM1>x by wx baaW w utlt vmnW6Y f 4r;av w+aY r a�.^::m...x ie:: ry . m .n::»mK 6:erA us:a uJ:+N•xs.a w6<iwmrR. ^u/p`m l4r maxw Awn d:m�,r,."..--.r,cnn ,«ix`«xcv+. ..Trex^roy 4vM w• n+aw MAw++.v am• mJr .wxns nd,. a .W. ^. Ja..ix�"�`Jr ., Han r..a R+W Huyr� r ///�.1�� Ha�INMU fUNV:I ..xw.x ie � fRM iapb �•