HomeMy WebLinkAbout22492D - Lassiter 1
�% GENERAL 1w•° 22492_.b .
�1 _
as authorized by the State of North Carolina
0 Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coa tal AesourcesCommission
in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15A NCAC )H' • //
JO Cj J'� i`cicsi-l-e/ _ Phone Number Cqi0)71.0•" 6�6
Applicant Name q-q �
Address '3 ! U /4 1 / �s/` D r. 5 �-- - ' �/
City 1lvr c( State Zip `Za J a�
Project Location oynt , State Road, Water Body,.e c.) PG �� Ce f q I ' 0.7 /A Se
r e '= S t'�+e a n A/ WW1 ,- e r /-l44 /d CA Bew t. r% , ry s s 1,.,I L JC (a -i k 4
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Type of Project Activit 1 t - ./k I eK a $ 1A n Cpti �K e" At ^)
a rck < pP w ee-i- rt n a� ,(►�, re .. 1 ✓e ee t✓c e r- WA Q.)7 e 1 fil L..) C,1 ew c� . I e a n 't-� nJ a r7 hi. /l op 'k ' 4O p lJ
Pier(dock) length A
Groin length .---Z......... t A / + rr•-•,.......7 \(
Bulkhead length
max.distance offshore
Nfr."---P rop. 5e j /4/I jnMPw4 /
Basin,channel dimensions
cubic yards
e.xls4-,�..> R �'x/5i'it) /3 v/ kAea of Fx's rtietill
50 '
Boat ramp dimensions
O th c t / �l,
5{ a 4 I're ,ems-14 4-e J
This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site l� (1 drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any 1/ C'':2,,--</zz
violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, i
applicant's signature
imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- i
come null and void. '--- IC?) a
This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the C permit officer's signature
permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. I� — ) �,._ �� . U
The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- / / _I 9
ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local issuing date expiration date
ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from �/� l
adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have noD cJ
objections to the proposed work. attachments
K\ i I -4 ►r. aer 1
(Will only take 6) — (Will only take 1)
WORK: Et+ 60
(Will only take 4) jy1A
(Will only take 4)
IMP: C1.0
(will only take 6)
DREDGE&FILL REQUIRED: • (0'C"1 I l' (0-q7p
, •. l or-7 3 5 Q P®
To obtain authorization to construct a bulkhead, you must submit the following items to your CAMA Permi
1. Signatures of no objection to the bulkhead, from both adjacent riparian
property owners.
Fill out the attached forms, complete with drawing of the •
proposed bulkhead, and have your neighbors sign and date
in the appropriate place.
If your neighbor will not sign the form, or lives out of
town, you may send the form to him, certified mail/return
receipt, and 10 days after their date of receipt (which is
listed on the green cards returned to you by the Post
Office) the permit can be issued, even if no response has
been received.
2. You must also include a drawing of the proposed bulkhead, which includes
the following information:
Your name and project address
Names of adjacent property owners
Width of property and name of the waterbody, and the
approximate location of the proposed structure, noting that
the exact location will be staked by a representative from
the Division of Coastal Management.
Any marsh grass border along the shoreline
Once you have this information you should contact your CAIv1A permit officer and arrange an appointment to
meet you on the property and evaluate your request. When you receive your permit, take it to your building
inspector to obtain a building permit. This authorization is only valid for 90 days, contact your CAMA Permit
Officer if for some reason you cannot complete the construction within this time period. The CAMA Permit
Officer will inspect the completed bulkhead to assure compliance with the submitted drawing and all conditions
of the permit.
contact: Jerry Parker (910) 395-3900
Jim Gregson
1 1SA NCAC 7K.0203 has been amen::ea with charges as published in 11:11 NCY2 923-925 as follows:
4 (a) The N. C. Coastal Resources Commission hereby exempts from the Coastal Area Management Act permit
5 requirement work in the estuarine shoreline and public trust waters areas of environmental concern necessary to
6 maintain-repair,and construct private bulkheads with baclf-ill_ and to place riprap material along shorelines, and
7 construct piers or mooring facilities in waters of North Carolina.. This exemption is subject to the following
8 conditions and limitations:
9 (1) The activities exempted by this Rule shall be private,non-commercial activities conforming to the standards
10 and conditions contained in this Rule. This exemption does not apply to development associated with
11 multi-unit residential developments larger than duplexes or to marinas,commercial harbors,community or
12 neighborhood boat access,fish houses or similar commercial activities.
13 (2) This exemption is applicable only along estuarine shorelines void of wetland vegetation types described in
14 NCGS 113-229,or where all construction is to be accomplished landward of such vegetation,or where the
15 pier is elevated above said wetlands.
16 (3) This exemption only applies to bulkheads.riprap,and piers in non-oceanfront areas.
17 (4) This exemption does not eliminate the need to obtain any other required federal,state,or local
18 authorization.
19 (5) Before beginning any work under this exemption the Department of Environment,Health and Natural
20 Resources representative must be notified of the proposed activity to allow on-site review of the bulkhead.
21 riprap materiaL or pier alignment. Notification can be by telephone,in person,or in writing. Notification
22 must include:
(A) the name,address.and telephone number of landowner and Iocation of work including county,
24 nearest community_and water body:
(B) the dimensions of the proposed pier,bulkhead with backf-iIl_or the area dimensions to be covered by
26 placement of riprap material;
27 (C) confirmation that a written statement has been obtained,signed by the adjacent riparian property
28 owners.indicating that they have no objections to the proposed work. (These statements do not have
29 to be presented at the time of notification of intent to perform work,but the perminee must make it
30 available to CRC agents at their request.)
31 (6) The landowner must agee to perform the work authorized in this Rule in a manner so as to conform with
32 standards for development in the estuarine shoreline area of environmental concern.
33 (b) Bulkheads and Riprap: Conditions
34 (I) The perminee shall maintain structure of areas of riprap material authorized in this Rule in good condition.
35 (2) Bulkhead with backfil,and placement of riprap material exempted by this Rule will be limited to a
1 maximum shoreline length of 200 feet.
2 (3) The bulkhead backfill and riprap materials must be obtained from an upland source.
3 (4) No excavation is exempted under this Rule except that which may be required for installation of the
4 bulkhead wall_deadmen.cables,piles. etc.
5 (5) The proposed bulkhead alignment or area for placement of riprap material must be staked or flagged by the
6 landowner in consultation with.or approved by,a state or federal permit officer prior to any construction
7 activity. The bulkhead must be positioned so as not to extend more than an average distance of two feet
8 waterward of the mean high water contour.in no place shall the bulkhead be more than five feet waterward
9 of the mean high water contour. Construction activities must begin 90 days after approval of the alignment
10 or area
11 (6) The bulkhead must be solid structure constructed of treated wood,concrete slabs,metal sheet piles,-
1 corrugated asbestos sheeting,or similar materials. A structure made of organic material,tires,car bodies,or
13 similar materials is not considered a bulkhead.
14 (7) The bulkhead must be structurally tight so as to prevent seepage of back-fill materials through the bulkhead.
15 The bulkhead must be constructed prior to any backfiilling activities.
16 (8) Riprap material must consist of clean rock or masonry materials such as marl_brick,or broken concrete.
17 Materials such as tires.car bodies,scrap metal,paper products,tree limbs,wood debris,organic material or
18 similar material are not considered riprap.
19 (C) Piers: Conditions
20 411 Fxemntions for pier construction alone natural shorelines are available only for lots with shoreline lengths
21 7�ft or muter Fvemptions can he used on shorelines in human-made canals and basins reearriless of
22 shoreline lc neth
23 f 21 Piers and mooring facilities must not exceed 29910.Q feet in total length off-shore:must not be within 150
24 feet of the edge of a federally maintained channel:must not extend past the four foot mean low water
25 contour line(four foot depth at mean low water)of the water body;must not exceed six feet in width;must
26 not include an enclosed structure; and must not interfere with established navigation rights of other users of
7 the water body and must have a minimum setback of 15 feet between anypart of the
_ pier and the adjacent
28 property owners'areas of riparian access as dcscnbcd in 15,1 NC.1rC 711.9208
(b)(6)(l;). access The line
29 of_division of areas of iparian access shall he established by drawing a line alontg the channel or de-p water
30 in front of the pmperties then drawing a line perpendicular to the line of the channel so that it intersents
31 with the shore at the point the upland ro em'line meets the water's edge
property The four foot mean Iow water
32 restriction shall not apply to piers constructed in canals and basins dredged from areas above mca. high
33 normal high water(N W or normal water level(NWL).
34 (23 _
35 any wetland areas.
(3) This exemption shall not apply to docks and piers being built within shellfish franchises or leases unless the
7 applicant for authorization to construct can provide written confirmation of no objections to the proposal
3 from the lessee.
4 (4) Piers authorized by this exemption shall be for the exclusive use of the land owner,and shall not provide
5 either leased or rented docking space or any other commercial services. Piers and mooring facilities
6 designed to provide docking space for more than facer tw..o boats shall_because of their greater potential for
7 adverse impacts,be reviewed through the permitting process,and,therefore,are not authorized by this
8 exemption.
9 (5) Piers and docks shall in no case extend more tikan 1/4 tile width of a natural water body canal or basin
10 Measurements to determine widths of the water body canals or basins shall he made from the waterwarrl
11 etl°e of any coastal wetland vegetation which border the water body The 1/4 lenzth !imitation shall not
17 apply when the proposed pier is located between lonzer_pirrs within 700 feetof the applicant's
13 property
However the proposed pier cannot be Iouger than the pierhead Inc1 established by the adjacent piers nor
14 longer than In the width of the water body
15 (.6.) Any portion of a.pier(either fixerl or floatirT)extending from the main structure and six feet or less in
16 width shall be considered either a"T"or a finger pier
17 ) Any portion of a pier(either fixed or floating) greater than six feet wide shall he considered a platform or
18 deck
19 ) "T"s finger piers platforms and decks of piers must not exceed a combined total area of 700 srl ft
(2) Platforms and decks shall have no More than six feet of any dimension extending over coastal wetlands and
21 shall he elevated at least three feet above any coastal wetland substrate as measured from the bottom of the
77 f eking•
74 History Note: Stctnt,,,eAuthoritvG.S 113A-103(5)c; 113A-118(a);
5 Eff March 29, 19:8;
76 Amended E .A stJ
.� �{� 199R May 3, 1993;December 1, 1991;May 1, 1990;July 1, 1987.
50 Holden Beach - Land Usage
SPECIFIC RESTRICTIONS (D) If an existing bulkhead falls under the
replacement requirements of this chapter immediately
upon its enactment, the owner shall have two years
§ 157.025 BULKHEADS ON CANAL LOTS. from the enactment date in which to complete the
replacement. Thereafter, all bulkhead replacements
(A) No structure shall be erected on a canal lot required under this chapter shall be completed within
prior to bulkheading; bulkheading to be on a line one year from the date the Building Inspector notifies
established by the Corps of Engineers or CAMA the property owner of the need for replacement.
staff. Any lot on a canal with depth of less than 75 During the allowable replacement period,the property
feet between the established bulkhead line and the owner shall take all reasonable measures to prevent
front property line shall be unbuildable. Canal lots further erosion of his property.
which have a minimum depth of 75 feet may be
developed. This depth shall be the average depth of (E) In addition to the penalties and remedies
the lot measured from front to back at ten-foot allowed in § 157.999(A)(1) of this chapter, violators
intervals across the width of the lot. This provision of this section will be subject to a civil fine as
does not affect the yard requirements. Neither the provided in § 157.999(A)(3) for each day the
principal structure nor uncovered steps may extend violation continues.
closer than six feet from the bulkhead and no piles ('85 Code, § 15-3.13) (Ord. 93-02, passed 2-17-93;
shall be placed closer than six feet from any Am. Ord. 95-07, passed 5-1-95) Penalty, see
bulkhead. § 157.999
(B) No erosion shall be permitted as a result of
poorly constructed or worn bulkheads. Repairs will § 157.026 AEC STANDARDS.
be based on the ability of the bulkhead to prevent
erosion of soil and sedimentation, not on the age of, All lots shall comply with the applicable AEC
or original materials used in the bulkhead. Any Standards as amended in accordance with the State
bulkhead allowing soil or sediment to travel under, Guidelines for Areas of Environmental Concern (15
over, around, or through it will be in violation and NCAC7H) pursuant to the Coastal Area Management
will require repair. As enforcement official for this Act of 1974.
chapter, the Building Inspector will require corrective ('85 Code, § 15-3.14) (Ord. 33, passed - - )
action within 90 days of the first notice to the owner. Penalty, see § 157.999
If the repair cost will exceed 50% of the cost of a
new bulkhead the owner will be required to replace
the bulkhead with a new structure meeting the current § 157.027 LOTS CONTAINING MARSH OR
building code. WETLANDS.
(C) Bulkhead repair standards. A bulkhead will Platted lots containing marsh or wetlands as
need repairing under any one or more of the defined by CAMA or the Corps of Engineers may be
following conditions: developed provided:
(1) Where the structure deteriorates enough (A) Yard requirements are met.
to allow sediment to filter through into a canal.
(B) The piles supporting the structure are
(2) When any sediment goes under the located no closer than seven feet from an existing
bulkhead, as indicated by sinkholes behind bulkhead. bulkhead, the COE line, or CAMA line, whichever is
(3) When the top of bulkhead leans
waterward due to failing dead man anchors.
. Name Of Individual Applying For Permit:
Address 'Of Property:
(Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County)
I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-
referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has
described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development
they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions,
should be provided with this letter.
C� 1• I have no objections to this proposal.
If You have objections to what is being nr000_ed . please write the
Division of Coastal Management . 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,
Wilminaton . North Carolina . 28405 or call 910 395-3900 within 10
days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same
as no objection if You have been notified by Certified Mail
I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat
house, lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15'
from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish
to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank
below. )
uA I do wish to waive the 15 'setback requirement.
I do not wish to waive the 15 'setback requirement.
Signatu e . Date A - 4..
Print Name .�.�-
g l O 8c/co • 3q1,? s' H R Telephone Number With Area Code
. Name Of Individual Applying For Permit: 9 ,1 V
fg,,y,t, Yx-
Address 'Of Property: Z6- e `er144J2. S '_.
2ertsi, ze. �p a- �j(Lot or et #, Street or Road, City & County)
I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-
referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has
described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development
they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions,
should be provided with this letter.
I have no objections to this proposal .
If you have objections to what is beinc proposed . please write the
Division of Coastal Manacement . 127 Cardinal Drive Extension ,
Wilmincton , North Carolina , 28405 or call 910 395-3900 within 10
days of receipt of this notice. No response is considered the same
as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail
I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boat
house, lift must be set back a minimum distance of 15'
from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish
to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank
below. )
I do wish to waive the 15 'setback requirement.
I do not wish to waive the 15 'setback requirement.
Sig tune Date
o/ V L ass i'llie. !'
Name ame „
k4101.- L 3
Telephone Number With Area Code 1-1N R
UL-19-99 02 :00 PM SHAW OFFICE SUPPLIES 9106714087 P. 02
Jul 19 9 12: 19p Soott Allen 910 846 4611 p.6
Nina Of Individual Applying For Permit:
Addr,sa' or Property:
(Lot or Street , Street or Roa , City 6 Ceur, y)
I `lereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above-
referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has
described to me as shown on the attached drawing the development
they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions,
should be provided with this letter.
R •
have no objections to this proposal.
I 1Q have abiec_ior,s to what is being tarhurcpd. olcc_o
$ivisior aL_CWA - i M azusimeme, 117—:,aiiiaeo Yr____ E. 4:1C an—
•yl �ir� 14grt�1 L'!1'Yi1S��rt 11 '_un np 1��1�. Did �ti�-taut �'+sl ao
anus irif 4rt nr fiq
as no ob cation if you have been natiii d by c mified M-Gi'
I uhderstand that a pier, dock, trooring pilings, bre_kwater, boat
house, lift muet be set back a minimum distance of 15'
froh my area of riparian access unless waived by ma. (If you wish
to waive: the setback, you joust initial the appropriate blank
below. )
• 1
4 rcivc the rcou1_cment.
!! I do not wish to waive the 15'setback rt^rin9 re:nent.
Sig attire D
;(7-4"/ ate ,
sh�L.1 '�!'
Print Name
TelapnonC WiLh AraA r nrta
JOHN V. LASSITER 66-112 1582
398 HAMILTON DR., SE. 910-842-6863
TAY. dethi4.. I
ceeadz,i4} `2 /crz)
02401 BB&T AI/VANTAGE 50
I:0 3 /0112 0: L653003540o L5E1 C-7; t-)=-,)ail-q