HomeMy WebLinkAboutHonaker, William F. 77074CtsJ CAMA/:DREDGEIFILL PERMIT IHodmc*FiComplete Rsissue :Parta.l RekBue by$eSffie of Nordr Carolina Dcprtmant of Envtonmentd Date prwiotrs Perrnit issued $q 7x)74 Prsvkrtrs pcrrft AB a D # ls and tha Coascrl Resources Cit/ Phone # tutlmdzed Agent in anaeof adry Brnuantto l5A Prliect Locatlon: Phone # Adi.\^to. Closest Mai. Yftr Bod), Afiected AEC(s): ofi\il: Xr^ H"I]E3:ut*ci??s llwA tr It{S:- ' .ro PtilA 'p I rr* J:-t7 zl? River Basin I rL I S* not * backraprdiryRi'rur rules- ,I*,ua d,, Type of Proicct/ C(Scale:) Pi.r (dock) FincdP@r) flo-t-Upffim(i1 -#rrEtrp.E\I, &cin lcr6dl nmber Arkhcad RiPraP lrry*t arydsrance o&hore*TjtE- 6d!,drrtrd*.""..- <r{ic Bot rarnp Boaaiousd ax*'-''s 8€a(h Shorcline Legdr s^v 'loi *sq l.tor&rtnn; rda Fhoc: \{/blarAcrcid: Fs yat Fs F A hlMirg pemrit rnay be requircd ( Note Local Phnoing Specid Condhaon ,b I .\, hqr+a' F!G(*Ch€ck ! ! ,-, .- - +, -'-.-- --,aau ,--+ CERTIFI MAIL , RETU RECEIPT REQUESTEDED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMET,'IT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER h{OTIFICATIOT{MAIVER FORM Name of Property Owner:tiillj-am F Ilonaker Jr Address of Property:2\7 ]r;:. re Oak ir"oad li,ort IJC 2851o (Lot or Street #, Street or Road, City & County) Agent's Name #:S It/lailing Address f?o PtMsaa cr R Agent's phon e*: ZdZ b10 ?Ztz Neu tlcztr6 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this it has described tc me as shcwn on the attached drawi the ent they ai'e proposing I have no objections to this proposal. I have o$ections to this proposal If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notifythe Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 400 Commerce Ave., Morehead City, NC,28557. DCM representatives can also be contacted at (252) 808- 2808. No response is considered the same as no if vouhavebeen notified bv Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setb_ac_k requirement. I do not wish to waive the '15' setback requirement (P er Property Owner lnformation) iam F r r 44I Signature llilliam F Honaker Jr Claurie Dunn Print orType Name 2lr7 Live Cak Road Print orType Name 2L$ Lt-ve Oak Road Mailing Address I'lewpoz'|, NC 28570 Mailing Address Newpo:rt, l'iC 2851O City/State/Zip unkno'r.'n Telephone Number ? *1l,,-2a2o ,2020 DGiHTHD CITY City/StateZip 9t?-9654376 Telephone Number 2-il+-ZA2O Date Date Revrsed Afi8i2012 ir ..4, 1il tLLrfran,F l-bn*Ka54 A4 7 [-tcig'- (dr"a"uln'v('f' ' r '' r,-'- \ L--'{ ;"i< Qe ile ,,rs /r , q\- L9+:+ @/I nl{+ - tr i +"t -2 A'o s Lt @ F+ o c.5 f ,'it\, t/1 :F C_) {)t\J-,oo d5-= / ?ac 7 xs5= aaS *ra=3)- FztAl. t 25 9qF r 6i 2t /.J,nte- '1 tq-q65- /-:74 Q-^r. rq*iA7 <) )rF-e c-€-tL 1/q- A3l *DJ|L Hzrm < e?L3 AttfAe Ovcttfie REGENED JuN 0t ?020 DGM.MHD CffV S<-*mA n<_ :"-57L {e*l c +r.tr