HomeMy WebLinkAboutTwisdale, Lawnace/Giles, Richard 76723CIEHAU' I' |.iHodrsds{t rroSrrtu*ttont C uanr<s! Comrt&io laA{'*rY :? rr-l EEN :c"lnPt dinr De Apdtcrn M Add..., F .,., lnfi Pl,onc * f'l Ar,rthorfied I i- AECts): . rffi r,, rynl cw SA M 7 tubdM$i FT$ H/A ffirYw of,l{r r4r iel l# ItpoorrdoUa"l-*,*tI r"xn"*-*" ld I n *n roorr*rrT:,t F{ HH] *{?1]_lljilfl ryrr-lH llnr fl /- 7( 8*rt r Boldr Jto l5Alt [orl* Y.*l UI It ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I heroby certify that I own property adjacent to W}.'EC *r.dch J('s property located al 5oo r{"ll L,,e (Name of Propefi Orvner) on Bo $qnd t, Lot, Bloc k, Road, etq.)teed crJy , N.C,in lflarer@itylfown an'aloicou nty) The applicant has described to me, as ehown below, the development proposed at the abov€ '"YL I have no objection to this proposal, I have objections to this proposal. OESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPUENT (lndlvldual Noposlng &velopment must fill tn descrtpfion below or attach a sfie dnwtng) WAIVER SECTION I understand that back a minimum wish to waive the Qc rdo a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set distance of 15'from my area of riparian acc€ss unless waived by me. (lf you setback, you murt initlal the appropriate blank below.) wish to waive lhe 15' setback requirement. (Prop rty Own I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement Ad uJtSdoh 'fu r,/t> Print or TvDe Name9bo9 tlollv hne Ptint or Type OO e lnformation) 5',CA /t Lor4 ( en ,t G iE 8ss7 *""wu ro c,lvc 4-ree7 Crty/State/ZipJra-s3/ ^ q702 TetephonZf)tu2 Teleohone Number7-.u - tA Ddte bor t-?e Date (Rev6ed 6/1W012) - lwaterbodj T. L lr^! rSdek*trff'$'"E],L .,.sn lwr druc E'rcneel7 oa4- Fte., r^kotd' Boq L, E fls fi*.o *sv 7], zc't2 Rel.l RelZ lrai l?tz4zt] i HZ,;+AM[H*i"ff, Iffiffi Idrvt.' 4 ti' .iA' icryt -{ ii. t | @ do R,rle4p , P.-d*L fu .ep? *i' h lrzii,t d,f'ai.r'+-t L i I t1F1*' i;lolee|'fLtkt.r'ffi. I I ltirhs lb-*}.|d I fi t' ? P"on* {o fQpoi" Atr - p,lrr .rplcod only rf nrcdad ( a,6 td {0..) ryfl1 gt,,, tt $2" L, P'Gol P(oq nproP {o P,e!'&rt +oe C #9 Ext.{tiraxL.,J. = 6f. -t r+ 1 L Ne.ul slru,1f PEr (/.- tr 5C6.r +ro..-. for-. {o Q,les g.rtklcrd Ri;il;',<-11-IE dr'. tsq-Lel Neut B,.ltlnJ +o I i , '. @ B,e-hp&"ne^.t t.: It , s {d't "7EilTFt Fx7I - -a i? F.,t#rllor* I'Frtfi TH,l,qr ^ h,cr.,l- l-r,i*rrd gv6 u.llth ,rrl r$ty lencft,{ltjq'r' Devil clqPell (ar.o) -*rcho^+ qrbr- -- 5oo'f *otl7 haq e'-b' L Txrrrd& Soog flolly f trrnrr,lte. DR tes s s+r!5\r'a Prq. : Remonnc ott u1-tqPrt r dc\ P*MtY Lc,fo I i_+ Ilt [T-t F-+--.r-f l---t.- ffi --J I ttt TT -+- l--f-f-f- ltltt+ [F] t------.1--Ll-i+ ii-F+++Tnn r'|il-ffi --r-t-t- f- ! FI F !+- tr - ---i.+ i_|--F-f-l.-t-|.--lFr- ---t--- I +l-{-F t- Fr- 1 t'l |-- --1 -t- l: fr t I p F +- fhe appl@nl has described to me, a8 shown below, the development proposed at the above'W ;::::;:l:"J:[:,:: dress, tn . N.C.T t c itvnown an-dlor co u ntyl WAIVER SECTION ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own proprty adjacent to *r.dqh 7q'" property located ar 5Oo rl" tl Lare (Name of ProPertY ouvnor) on Bo $qrnd Lot, Block, Road, etqJvrhP-tsd C'+y erstand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set a minimum distance of 15' from m y area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you waive setback , you must initial the appropriate blank below.) do wish to waive lhe 15' setback requirement I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement I und back wish (Pro rty Proporty Owner lnformali 4^t^ e u,ado/e T. Pint otJyg Nqne tlo I hne rc G ^E EssT 1-%s7 Telaohone Number4^21'2o Print or Name ,e a, Date Number (Revised 6/1 8/201 2) (Watorbody) OESCR]PTION AND/OR DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPTENT (lndlvldual proposing &vdopment must ftlt tn descrtpfron below ot afiach a site drawing) Dqle trf:'U'"fP L z*srl lwr ALG,P(rrr.'Es I r,L r r,c- a.- , 1l *vll-drfuirjb+!4 ti- @ dq 8,pie4p*l-F++rffi; @](++_hlE!!4I trffitf,& E,r&il.rF4at 8"".r,fk brl-trd t4e F-P Fl{z{..}."b Iti. fo+yli.\ln{il M ffi'tr I I I ea, go ,p l,1 ,i co E ld{hsib ExtJt4t C rt - maltd (r., Ptopor tb ffeFi'^ Asr - p,lg '?krd ealy rf nrc &d U w+I{ €; qXt,g Il 1 L ,nr.t4 tit 4fET&r p'&+ fice r.pop {o P'cuarit +oE + ,(-oaF 6:c'-r *o Q,les b.erklcqd (/ Neur BrttleJ c .lo 1ffit}; / -7 1 s \6 b {.,tl / 8Cd gtr liceJi tjH'l.e+ r hcrl, l- ,t 6n t. hll4d Frs!,aqre, o*l i.riht-pir t n* uf DevU clryTelt (u:.a) er.m"+ +t ' 5oo'f *otly le.'rq L TwBd& Sooa ftily Laro Eilr*.{t e7o Etrrnrqt, Dq tc5 s sh5ttren Prer; se'tone ott uoi-{qerte&f\ P*ttr + I l tl--f-I I l !t+ I L.l-t- -1-1 -+-{ E l l J rT t f t ) .H +H# Jl 1I lF--].-#r F ffi t T H + --_--T-----'t----r-- +l-i-t-t+ TT ----r---1 + 1 I I -i-lJ Il !rr Il' .t t, +-----f-----t- 1 +- I u il -T _____) + --J---J \l I -+----+----.i :5607 tt"trt*' u a,Lf4 i +t l--+- ;l t*-i- 1--t-1 t I -{ ,a -:-..i- ffifi-r-tt--*j-.#tlrT f- --+-+. -+*+- -+-+-f*f !+ -{--+- -+ --f- I f- I --t ++- 1- -+-. f -.+- -1 + -f- -F +--1 -+J- --+.--+-r- " -*1r i- t_ I t- f-+---l'l"f_l'"-++ + ry,r 'ull t f1- I .j I l--+ 1 I F_ t 1r a -1- t^,fr I -f--i- *tI c :,{.u k i {-( I .L IIll \E le({i 1L)-I+(- *_l ril I Brl t \t co Ar .\tr t .-,.1, L. -4I 7 i)l1 I V /al [ctrlk!t /ej T i!t S Dl l {y la L rtr /h I ,{Vt--I I I 2"5. l/\D*I d.r I a r))c ,Ut -.1*. -i + |: Q,'les =]-v i{,t flE I !! .1.. ,+ , .,,' { ;, , )t1,, 4,f-\ i+- R,pennndqrqns (<,6,1o, ftql (erur" Sms LA Trors&h Em9 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to !€rEe wrsdeb J( properryrocaredat Snog rJoily Lene tltt""tti"1**' &qnd ilddress, Lot, Bloclt Cron The applicant in (Waterbody)(City/Town a /or County) has described to mo, as shown below, the development proposed at the above I have no otiection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. '"wL DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (lndlvldual proposing development must li in descrlptton below or allach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, moorin g pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be setback a minimum dista nce of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived b y me. (lf you wish t waive the set back, you must initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish lo waive the 15' setback requirement. (P er lnformation) ,S, en 4trsdo/p S'g t//D Ch"il Pdnt or TvDe Namegbo9 tlo I kne Print or Type L*4 c@ ,€6 ^,c. fiss7 Maittfo ra ct NC 4-ree7 City/Slate2.ip 2 r t-S?l -q702 TeleDhone Number4-2t-20 TeleDhone Number7'z - ta Date Date (Revised 6/18/2012) N.C. T. A.qq ErlLheed/OaA Ft$.r f&6td' K*o Bel.l Rev Z UQ+:!.16-!?-l{ 1Et:l-llr () No R,p €qp & gF.eFeh At.,r'QiY zogEli'ffiarH4iF{r [q*l"tr+d 1.i+"i/r,1frs I Ci..i^1tbl^l) t I L -, i' b lrzf',{ dq*,al.t-'I I , t,F1ffi'w-@ -_=.-==,-i6ths-5.rcacs - u PraRor {o fkxi her - p, tr,r ,rpler+d enly ,f orcded L LO Fr's ld r't - ma.tt({0,.,) gt/,p 6q'+q o tl ,r) (- Ex"h"c Wry:M (l,g ^trl J.. E &r 1 @ ,r-Qol P(o.r.',p.o+ {o P'euc.f '}oE L +lr4-st'{tr !"- l=L- t-t- ,ca.r' +foc"or *o Q,les 6nrthJet{ U ileu) BqllleJ cD \.O 6ffiii. i-1.--- ' Edtl"r ts9 -[. t 1 6$ ftJfjtrl.r4 !&={l\fr,,.d qf* J,t I - -a + grg r*th sorl rflly larc DevU clro3elt. (uuo) -*r.tro.+ q# -- Soo'f *otly h,rq L Twsd& soog thll/ Lrl.o &rdt"*t -JP*trIY gllmrrttr. Ds te3 s s+mYlrca Pr€" : Rezraoc qtl uol{T psfi r dct{ 1- [l^rtSdole-trf"I,5'"gP L z*sr? lw l1 BooE L,f+t T/ -J------l---+ I J -1---+---t- --+.-..+ -J -t- H_ +-----+.---+----+-- --# -t-t-t-t-r- +- l"--]-----{- +l+++ffi-t-f- Ett-T-r T1 __i-+- L--ttffir I tt+-- r t--l-F+-t-J- r----+----- rl-i+ tt L I ttlTT L-----J.-J----l- +- r--f--- r-f-rT-r-r-r I --l.._i-l -f1={r-t-r- I L-J--.|---J L_ fhe appli{nt has described to me, as shown b€low, the dovelopment proposed at the above W;:r"";#:::il::: ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to *r.dcb T,r. ," property located at 5oo r{rll I (Name of Propofty otirner) L/qie ress, Lot, Block, tn Ct , N.C. (City/Town a or County) OESCRIPTION AND'OR DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (lndivtdual proposing dwe,lopment must fill in description below or attach a site drawing) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, moo ring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be setback a minimum distance of 15,from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish t waive setback, you m ust inltlal the appropriate blank below.) do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requiremenl. (Pro rty Owne Sig4ature/aatr Pint or TvDe Namegbo9 tlo I Property Owner lnformatio eJ^/t{//sdole I. hne G A,C 8ss7 4-ree7 Print or Name a ,€,u,( TeleDhone Number' 4^2b20 Dale Dole e Number (Revised 6/18t2012) 2 on- Boq(e &,,rrd.{(Waterbody) lw tSdALE })'.rr'''rs'':, *v$-Ortriq,lLr-s44t. @ d" f,pie4p 3rl: D ltzlr tt' 4"drrdl 4'+- FiEr- - FlrL I r,,!|v -.- I I t t*.0 /,lov z-7. zbd, Fi -k"1'd;4;;l rbq IN trIE{zd4gl+ ]1,[ fq,4c#,,ffitrD.lq+eLb{l!4| -lr{dn6+ d*r{6.I I --lrrhrlo'tYttltr 1' IEi*fr Eul-4tr Fropor +o ffefar her - p,[tl ,rphrl only ,f orc&d L co - -7 td f,.., gc/,p t1 Tt 10 +,',o{.9 (/ Err"ltnC Orf t J-{"yrl ,+ It 1 L Alsr sl+"drt Aarp'Q+ floe nprop lo P,sJ&.f +oR (-, ,coat^ +f,ocr.a. {o Q,les brtklad Nerer 9L111*3 CD s @ s \.a qe rr n-r'liarr**q't/ia lrc.iJ ! 'H.f4b.lkkJ lEfrFi Dcvid c!ry1ett (n.a) *r.tt*+ 9.b Soo-f rlotly hag L Twsd& Sodg th,,y L+o ilr'{t.{I Elrrrr^ct. Dg (eg s sfmg$en Plar r S?'ato rc ott uo3-tqprteddl f,p-gpf,o"r*^ P*f:.# t-f"f,UZq" L z*Srl I tllt -tfft-f t- L 1-----++ BooqL.flt --tlI + -+---t--+- tJ t tt 1 l-i:IF F I LI L, I ffi --f _-L T7r ltt lrl\t I +- 0o'rJ ullh .Prl rlottl h I ^[ i I \l -+- -l I \, , e i-[-l r ,ar '-T f----r-i-+ (If 1-11 -+- I i"t. -'- -+ I +* + I I-.t- I l -+ I I t-- t- -f .{*1- fi1'--- i-:-ri--.r- -+ r-t 1i11- --r -1-I J_ I -;-]++- I 1* i-*l- i+ I -+ t-I e,y f{,CA Bz Ez1 t,,tl s'i,thEho;) /'-t -+-- r 7 I)zrt/flLelt -F I It:{ t'1.t^O^ rs za Kt Iitr I -i* i L),Y tl ?(/l|{ l^\ If))-l I I (rl d (3-t : Bd I i 1 I &Jth I I-+- -4.ier co rt,'srk 1,t '{)oo \L. -t-+.-7 ,)I 1_,r,i V hr lcr <-,le ,{khca i L i ol I '(y'U l*tu ''!ra *lt(I ) (Rr ,J I I {*(-8 :lt I I i od iteE-!I i rf D-:t b .t :-l ,5tr :c tU: I a+- I-l-'-]_ -1---1- l---+- RECEIVED FEB 1 7 2020 DCM-MHD CITY TI i w l(cl4 1g 1..-L _t lj' -o,-'. ', r. 1.,t, f /(gb'-arI.i Dok-- ,Al o -., ,..i.i,.. I t, I "s,r '\ ' t Bdrt L,ft 1 @ ( i IM l- tl-20 / r(lol usettl ir- t nga, rdtf, I - *-- lJ ). I I Iorr I' Retffpl tl Styron. Heather M. From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Larry Twisdale ARA/RISK < ltwisdale@ara.com> Sunday, January 5,2020 9:45 AM Styron, Heather M. lExternall TWISDALE 5009 Holly Lane PERMIT FORMS FOR DOCK BULKHEAD... Giles Cama Permit-Twisdale as agent.pdf; Twisdale Cama permit.pdf CAUTION Hi Heather. Here are my permit forms. 1. First one is Richard Giles with me as agent 2. Second one is mine. Note: Rip rap is on the sketch. However, not sure if I will be able to afford it. lf we do it it will only be about 3 ft tall or so, not sure if it will make much difference. I assume there is not a problem if we don't do it in this project? However, if I see any toe scour, may need to do it later and I would need another permit at that time. Since I have no land access, everything is very expensive. Do I need to mail you a check now or when I pick up. I have the copies with the original signatures. I can leave that with you when I pick up if you want them. Thanks. Please let me know if you need anything else. I hope we can turn around quickly as contractor is getting close to ready. I will try to make an appointment with Morehead city the same day I pick up. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND PATIENCE. Direct Line: 919-582-3336 1 fup External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you veriry. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Lawrence A. Twisdale, Jr. Ph.D, P. E. Principal Engineer and Executive Vice President Applied Research Associates, lnc. 8537 Six Forks Road, Suite 50O Raleigh, N. C. 27 6L5-269t & Cell: 919-524-2687 Etnail: ltwisdale@ara.com From: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2Ol9 2:23 PM To: Larry Twisdale <ltwisdale@ara.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Minor Permit Questions Hello Mr. Twisdale, The development (pier work, riprap, bulkhead with backfill) you are describing is actually permitted through a CAMA General permit and not the minor permit therefore you are not required to show the 75'AEC etc. The general permit does not have an application. You would just provide the adjacent riparian property owner signatures as well as the drawing showing the development you are proposing. As far as your neighbor, he would need to sign the agent form for you and you would need to sign an adjacent neighbor form for him as well as obtain signature from his neighbor on the other side of his property. I have attached the required forms you will need and these are the only things you need to submit to me for the CAMA general permit. I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me at any time. Thanks, Heather From: Larry Twisdale [mailto:ltwisdale@ara.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 9:22 AM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.styron (a ncdenr.gov> Subiect: RE: [External] RE: Minor Permit Questions CAUTION Thanks, More quick questions. lattached a draft permit application. 1. ls what I did for the aec reasonable. I really wasn't sure of what they want there. Are my calcs what they are talking about, the hard surface within the 75 ft AEC. 2. Do I need to include the survey or calcs 3. I computed it from the 75'aec line on my survey. a. I did not include the boardwalk wooden area since that will be backfilled with clean sand and the whole area sodded. 2 External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to lwill need to do the same thing for Richard Giles, as I understand it since my bulkhead overlaps onto his bulkhead land 1. Richard would sign the ownership portion 2. He indicated he will sign the agent form. lf so, I assume I sign the acknowledgment portion of the permit app. 3. I don't know where his AEC line is or if he has a survey. ls there someplace I can get that. Thanks so much. Lawrence A. Twisdale, Jr. Ph.D, P. E. Principal Engineer and Executive Vice President Applied Research Associates, lnc. 8537 Six Forks Road, Suite 6fi) Ralei8h, N. C. 27 6L5-259, Direct Line: 919-582-3336 Cell: 919-624-2687 Email: ltwisdale@ara.com From: Styron,Heather M. <heather.m.ncdenrn Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 8:23 AM To: Larry Twisdale <ltwisdale@ara.com> Subject: RE: [Externall RE: Minor Permit Questions You can walk them over and get them to sign From: Larry Twisdale [mailto:ltwisdale@ara.com] Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2019 5:11 PM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather. m.stvron@ncdenr.eov> Subject: IExternal] RE: Minor Permit Questions 3 b. So I counted the wooded deck area, etc that will be there after the project. 4. I assumed this wasn't a storm water area. Hope to have you the both applications next week. External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to lll Heather. One last question on my permit application. ean I walk the letter over and forms for neighbors to sing the riparian rights form or do I need to mail it to them?? Lawrence A. Twisdale, Jr. Ph.D, P. E. Principal Engineer and Executive Vice President Applied Research Associates, lnc. 8537 Six Forks Road, Suite 6fi) Raleigh, N. C. 27615-2693 Direct Line: 919-582-3336 Cell: 919-524-2687 Email : ltwisdale@ara.com From: Larry Twisdale Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019 9:54 AM To: Styron, Heather M. <heather. m.stvron @ ncde n r.gov> Subject: RE: Minor Permit Questions Heather, it has been a few months since you looked at my bulkhead/dock area I have a question on the sketch required for minor permit, which I believe is what I need to repair the bulkhead and dock. ls the attached sketch sufficient? I am working with Jimmy Johnner of Carteret Marine and I think we are close to a contract. I would like to mail out the riparian form if my sketch is sufficient. You had mentioned to me on the phone the permits I would need. I think you said that Richard Giles would need to do something since my new bulkhead overlaps his by about 9 ft. Also, we are proposed to straighten out the pier dogleg as part of this work? I can give you a call to talk over if that is easier for you. thanks 4 Lawrence A. Twisdale, Jr. ph.D, p. E. Plincipal Engineer and Executive Vice president Applied Research Associates, lnc. gSlZ Six Forks Road, Suite 600 Raleigh, N. C. 27615-2693 Direct Line: 919-582-3335 Cell: 919-524-2687 Email: ltwisdale@ara.com From: Styron, Heather M. <heather.m.stvron@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, July 29,2OL912:37 PM To: La rry Twisda le ARA/RtSK <ltwisda le @a ra.com> Subject: Heather M. Styron Environmental Specialist ll NC Division of Coastal Management NC Department of Environmental Quality 252 808 2808 ext.216 Office heather.m.stvron@ncdenr.gov Email 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 rsc Email conespondence to and from this address is subject to the Nofth Carolina Public Records Law and may be dlsc/osed to third pafties. 5 -"?^Nothing Compares .r - Property located (Addro!!,Lot Block. Ro.d. .tc.lm,".id Ci{v---r (cityllown tnaror countyl in , N.C. The^.pplicant has describod to mo, 8s shown bolow, tho dovolopment propo8ed at ths abovrtoftW-, n r. no otjoclion ro trris proposat. I havo obredions to thl! paopoEal. OESCRIPTION AND,oR DRAWI{G OF PROPOSED DEVELOP ENT (lndtvlduel p/opo.lng &tdopma, mw, frtl tn dorctipfon bCow ot frrch a sl/! dt vlng) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pior. dock,mooring pilings, breakwater, boathou6€, lin, or groin must be set back a minimum distanca of 1 5' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you lhe sotback, you must Inltlal th6 appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive the 15'setback requirement - I do not wish to waivo lhe 15' setback rcquiromont (Property Owner I Ou,nor lnlormallon) uJ ridole -h. s063 Lc nq ?8s57 ?t9-62(-z@T Telophono Nunbot '/ 2e ?o l? (Revised 6n&12012) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent lo on .B,qqe Soq"d{ (w.t rbody) + l+_ f t-t* -J--- -+---+*.-+- j#--r-' n--t-+-+ f-*_-i f--+-+ IIt*l-- .J 1 -lJli-tr '1- + .!- i fr-H ffi I + r-+ I +-+ -+ It-t- + I-+ -rr-+-I 1--+-++--i + I I-i- I I]- "l*-*-+ + -.t*+ { I + --+- + + 1-tl+ I +- I t J' -1 e)L 'I 'ti'g -l l{o 5(I rs.{ l^ -t IE \ht 'l1 )("(I 1-l nr I ed t (, t et co ,lr I 1 t_ t1 7zt,L- ++ I *{- 7 .)t1-t;)v al kr I/e-,,lk V r.!rt i, )s )l i (y U d I h -I 6.5+& ,I As .l i I T_;t;e ile r T L sd rk, all /. t :dD-I "lt 'r )I 9 *o ll,,, I +rti L I * ,/o.,@ ( II ) I ,*t ffi I hereby certify that I own propefi adjacent to propeny located at OYvner) N.C. (CltyrTotvn The.SpPlicant has described to mo, as shown below, the development proposed at the above W ,have no otieclion to this proposat. I have objec{ions to this proposal. DESCRIPTION AND'OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPTENT (lndlvldual proposlng dwelopment mustftll tn descrtptton below or attach a site *awtng) lunderstandthatapier.,o.*,,oo,,nffi,.o,**"r,boathouse,lifl,orgroinmustbeset back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish.to waive the setback, you must lnltlal the appropriate blank below.) . Afrftf do wish rowaive rhe 1s'setback requirement.v '/t'/ I do not wish to waive the 15 setback reguirement. Owner Property Orvner ,sde {c Pint Z*ST ? tg-az (-?aT Telephone Number 2e ?o t? Ddte Date (Rovised il18r2n2) le {o," lnon ;/err7 { lwaterbodyt- -_*-".ri-".-.+*_ I _*- +*F *-t.- 1---+-- i r -t { .,)vt IlerItr7l I L i ;*L A)r I k .{ I C I + (r Jt ,,(I i ilro a loc (1 )L ,.L _1,\) I I I* I I f- I t I sf !id I'(r 1 tr {,o (I L ILc 1 ''t)"(r-I *J t I I )31 d i {"1IL.kh I 1 It rt,'1 \L It7 ,\v al -i J ,f€,l6 /-.!s ,t ty UF l"f u Ir i rt\{{J I i 1., l,t4-g ..1 .l o"/ i "l (sd ,h \l)a I l T- .1- -i- :,, r AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Poperty Owner Requesting Permit: Mailing Address:5oo c \16 Phone Number: Email Address: I csrtify that I have authorizsd 2l-43-26?- 6'lL3 La^rrflc<UJ D tc Agent / to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits following proposed development:Btrl kleal at my property located at in G"ieret County I fuihermore cEnW that I am autho zed to grant, and do in fact qant permission to Division of Coastal Managament staft, tha Local Permit Ofrcer and their agenls to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permil application . Property Owner Information: Signature Type Name 7 --lL tDtJ4Me This certification is valid through / / qilag2cf,'S,g q*,\rn ^ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATETIENT I h€rsby cefffy that I own property adiacent ro (r.\arJ D.6,les ,s property located at 5oD7 Aodv, LarE lName ol'rr1sv ol,rnarlci+.;,1./C Z 8ss7 - -tArklrgrr, on t(o.rae 5a4nJ . in 6toct,s{c. Cr The appllcant has descdb€d to me, aE shown below, the developrnent proposed at the abovet*?r4s^ n u" no orrodion to this proposar. I havs obj€cliom to this proposal. N,C -f Uaterbod,(Clty/Tot ,n County) OESCRIPTION ANOIOR DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPTE T (lndlvldual Noposing dqdopm$l musl tltt in descrlp{on botow or al6ch a slto dnwtng) 're< 5t4k-L' ation)lrttormatiolr lD.en^LrY.T-udrle JF so.61 h€ Nc zAss-7 0 uc 2es,{7 - ?o3- cl12??ce7 Telophone Nunber Revised 6/1W012) WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, moorlng pllings, breahflater, boathouse, tifi, or groin musl be set back a minimum dlstance of 15'from my area ot riperian eccBss unle$ walved by me. (lf you wish lo walve the selback, you mutt lnltld the apffopdate btar* bolow.) r''a/ld:*r" o waive fi€ .t s s€tback rcqutrement. _ I do not wish to waive th8 15 setbac* requlremenl. (P t$t*5607 -f- It +-t :l + I t 1-t-trt+- +Il + I t- -F f- I .Ir+ I 1 t + i + +-l- ++ +- T_+I -t-+-1-ft+-L t*i +--{--+j .J -+ ,_1-fi- r--l-t--j- -1- -f- { i + I .-t- ++- 1-II f--r-Fr- t*-+*-t--- ffi-+ 1 +*- + l (II 1-+I r a t- I i - ,.|) + l ({r.J ;ir rnl $"I i i' lQ!)!1 !4 I 1-l Jt z 3d ) il I I CJ -1cqr\ t\*f* 1 { -1-- 1., t \ 1 l. II .)l17 I V hr Ct 1 ("H",(y,le J /r (!s ol I LJ Ora uln I h\t f ,{q ,I i t^rtr I,(.B I /II ^)e ile )7 'la,rh oli-.r DCsll,r"t J D 5 9 llo (lr , tl.) $,1es t l.*--i-l' Dar @, ,-l -.t €r." I . ,li , lrA IJrils L HI 1 f Ir1- I dqrrcns $ 6,ta, , &ql (epr" Sms L& Turrr&h 5m) APJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to s property located at DD o tn N.C. (Waterbody)(Clty/Town County) The applipant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above localiord z' - lV I have no objection to this proposal. DESCRIPTION ANO'OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPIiENT (lndividual proposing development musl flll in description below or atttach a site drawlng) "' "kol-/- YT'AIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you must lnitlsl the appropriate blank below.) /Z I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. lnformation)(Adjacent Property Owner lnformation) or Nc zgssr Mailing ,s Z8SS7 on z9L:12-Q -Z>oq _ Teleohone Number#f-z4-ze4-- (Revised 6/18/2012) Dale