HomeMy WebLinkAboutFerrell, Mark 77006CP Basin 7.l.7'X6)A I I 4tlII Is,! ,III ! !A 1,I Ix*I!v ,.L n dI{ tI I I I/i 7 I i ,nrcrr$rrlq I !i I II i I I i I (Scale:) D S"g note on back Riner Basin rules. Ii"c of Proiect/ Activitf A building Permit rYtsy be required no Fr ,G y€3 @ Pier (dock) Fhed Phtforn(s) Flo*ing Pbdorm(s) Finger Bulkhead/ Riprap length a4g distance mar disance Basin, channel cubic fards. Boa$ousd Boat ramp Shoreline Length ( Note Local Spqid Cottditions Beach Other Groln hngth number SAV: not $ne Moratorfurm: nla Photos: WalwrArached: r-} {Fnua/UDREDGEaFILL GENERIAL PERMIT trNew trModilication D(CompleteReissrdErtialReissue NY / /UUO Previous Permit Lot AB D issued #v audrorhed by dre Sate of Nordr Carollna Depanrnent of Environmenal Qualtty the Coasal Resources Commission in an area of environmental conccrn Pursuant to I5ANCAC Proiect Location: County Street #E-Mail OEA nE5 trUBA OPTS ON/A Phone# ( Adi. Wtr Closest M4. Wtr. Body o Y6 I HHF tr Pl{A y6 I Agent rt+ I Application Fe€(s) statementon Chcck#lssuing Date t IAEc(s): tl -t-f ++ i I l, ! ,r if /*ilro- 10*" ilc 1,u,r,,4 aF AurlJ fil*o(*on{ y'o (o*n<-r<- 4rte_. /'laft/L*^e &/y, A/c ztsrT Rzl CAr\4/4 c<,1<,.,.l N" r+ // z Dctd )i,r-, 4+ /unr\'.,9 "o"A, y'z 71^^k Y'u 5*c d $aoo C Lk* t075 /^/x'[t* ,l , R.,rl -fu/y ? L 2020 RECEIVED AUG 0 3 2020 DCM.MHD CITY / trDREDGE & F]II PERlVIIT Dl,lodlication trC-unptereReisste Dparti*Reb$re bytheSueof Nor$ CarolLE, Depurnentof Bwirorurrnal Orafty and the Goctal f,esorces ConunB*n hanar=aof corrern Prr$Ent to ISANCAC Applicant Pnolect Loaion: Phone # Ciry No. 76324 PrcYftxrsfrnrh #AB H,)Y oEs DPTS CII'BA CIWA Phone # Adi.Wtr, River Basin OR\IV: ),es PIIIA ya I Closest |&i. Wtr. Body 1U Ft -)/ il d ) 4 I ! i i,-l I f.l I ilt; x F j I d (Scal€':) w Ll It ly': 2,) \ 7 i;j I *l i t i I.i I D ; :( t' A i t : T v it l i Type of Proiect/ActMty Her FnedPlatfior{s) Floathg Flnger Groet hrqth nurnber Bulldrd/Rtsr.p a6dtnncedGhore\- maxdbarccofi*rrq -__ 8asin, cubicpfu_ Eoaramp Beich Gfter.I I , -_-i I Slore$ne Leryttr ii-*-SAV: not$rE F,lorarorim: nh Ptrotos: WaherAsdnd: yet F F @ t I ! ! ,!I ! I i I i Ino A buiHirg pernrltnray berequlled $D So not - hO< rqardng RiyerBah rules. ( Note Lod Hamrglrbdidion) Conditiqrs Applkrm fthted tlame AppficrtionFe{s) f Cherh*Date Authortzed Affected AEC(s): L i L. D t li f)a I i i I It.- I -l i' : i, I i;f t ) I I 1._ t. ! : i i il ,..1 NC Division of Co cash iei s "'#:I:l [T1or"nt 12590 a,n@o t?/q zo Qb ,/ Date: Received From Permit No. Applicant,s Name: j $ Check No.: County: Project Address:a Potl D" Please retain receipt for your records as proof of payment for permit issued, Signature of Agent or Applicant: Signature of Field Representative:Date: Date: >O ? (^*fip+