HomeMy WebLinkAboutWaterston, Sylvia 77179CRECEIVED Xcaavre / rtaEocEl FILLi ----\H PERMIT ocl 02 2020GENERAL ylJ.,* t'1t"litt.r.t, ..,DCM.MHDCITY ,d**'3:77q /irf Frclrcr Loedtr. Ctx.rmT G ,, tl}rGa Add..$i t{*. *a.d Lo. ,il : t/i AEC(r) olw J{}r}A tlt pT5 !$r$v6ror C{, Prxrl, t t A4- Yrrr g€q a otr v*t ?NA tl l +1164 \ N t ,i , '/'::. . I : {t t! ..Oa!C lf t/ s-aob.ertrYa.t f.,t. f{, ..-+ Co.rdi't ofl ! !1pr o, P?€t .t/ lttrst, * -[,.t.t I l \ tsl- -, ,{trt I e.rn6q o6q.i o{rE rrt- ffprf r4{45 '*l/%#$ {,E.j, brr*Oc€/ [s tila I;11 ".._-%- 7 I {carua / DREDGE&FILL GENERAL PERMIT pll"* :lModilication trComplete Reissue nPanial Reissue As authorized by the State of Nonh Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to l5A NCAC lviq Jg lon B D Previous permit # Date previous permit issued_ Rules atteched. Jv,N9 77179 Applicant Name Address City_ Phone # ffi\ Authorized Agent Affected Llcw AEC(s): -oEA ,r FIVS ORW: tlP. Nczr ,Jgtlk) 3_a .4=* X?r^ HHF - IH ES . UBA . PTS L lVA Proiect Location: County O n^loN Street Addresy state Roadl Lot #$) gq/\e Subdivision City zt? Phone # ( _ ) Adj. Wtr.nkn e E-Mail no PNA I t Permit Offlcer's Pri read compliance statement on back ofpermit #S,gn +{45 )C (a t) Type of ProiecU Activity S Prer (dock) len$h '/ Fixed Prarrormrs) I {*JO : Froatrng Prarlormlsi ll', le' Gro,n ienSth number Bulkhe2d/ Riprap length (scalq /loffiI Gee IJ l-l/t/ aW distance offshorc , max distance offshore / Basin. channel +rv'4 cuti€ Frds Boat ramp _My-,-t< I Aoa6ous( goatl/l J HtY,rad 4,F -AEz-t- Shoreline 60'L v v SAV: Moretori Ptrotos: yes yes € V r+, t- I filrter Vyes @ )t oJ A building permit may be required by:0t i] See note on back regarding River Basin rules.( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) Notes/Co nd itions + cdlu t Application Fee(s)Check#lssui atu rlI j0 Date G) c ) _-l -t Nt+eilfi |..---J=--]-r-- \r Statement of Compliance and Consistency This permit is subiect to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specilic conditions. Any violation of these terms may subiect the permittee to a fine or criminal or civil action; and may cause the Permit to become nullandvoid. This permit must be on the proiect site and accessible tothe permit officerwhenthe Project is insPected forcomPliance. The applitant certifies by signing this permit that l) prior to undertaking any activities authorized by this Permat, the applicant will confer with appropriaae local authorities to confirm that this proiect is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement or certified mail return receipt has been obtained from the adiacent riparian landowner(s) . The State of North Carolina and the Division of Coastal Management, in issuing this Permit under the best available information and beliel certifythatthis proiect is consistentwith the North CarolinaCoastal Management Program ' River Basin RulesAPP|icable To Your Proiect: Tar - Pamlico River Basin Buffer Rules t] other, !l Neuse River Basin BufferRules lf indicated on front of permit, your Proiect is subiect to the Environmental ManaSement commission's Buffer Rules for the River Basin checked above due to its location within that River Basin. These buffer rules are enforced by the NC Division of water Resources. Contact the Division of Water Resources at the washington Regional o.fice (252-946-6481) or the Wtild;;q{.n1Oflice (910-i96-7215) for more information on howto comPlywith these buffer rules' Division of Coastal Management Oflices Morehead City Headquarters 400 Commerce Ave Morehead City, NC 28557 252-808-2808/ I -888-4RCOAST Fax: 252-247 -3130 (Serves: Caneret, Craven, Onslow - North of New River lnlet- and Pamlico Counties) Elizabeth City District 401 S. Griflin St. Ste.300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 752-264-3901 Fax:252-264-3723 (Serves: Camden, Chowan' Currituck, Dare. Gates, Pasquotank and Perquimans Counties) Washington District 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 752-946-6481 Fax:252-948-M78 (Serves: Beaufort, Eenie' Hertford, Hyde, Tyrrell and Washington Counties) Wilmington District 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 910-796-7715 Fax: 9 I 0-395-3964 (Serves: Brunswick, New Hanover, Onslow - South of New River lnlet- and Pender Counties) http://portal.ncdenr.orglweb/cm/dcm-home Revised 7/05/ I 7 Re: [External] Re: boat lift permit - 3779 lsland Drive, North Topsail Beach NeedleworkDiscount.com Waterston <needleworkd@live.com > rue 9/?2/2420 1115 PM To: Connell, Erad <brad.connell@ncdenr.gov> Cc: daildd@northstatemechanical.com <daildd@nonhstatemechanical.com >; Dawn Berard <dawn@soldbuysea.com> I am mailing to you today: . Return Receipt for Certified Mail for A & L Pappas with a copy of the Property Owner Statement,. approved Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement for D & J Collins,. drawing of proposed Boat Life (it is "not to scale"),. $200 check payable to NCDEQ from Valdon INC, LLC. copy of Site Plan for 3779 Island Drive. copy (I had to re-write the English as it was not dark enough for my scanner ) of prior CAMA Permit Application for Pier - No 67128 Thank you so much. ?Aq DD Sincerely,LkP 4t115 Sylvia Sylvia Waterston NeedleworkDiscount. com www. NeedleworkDiscount. com That is correct. Simply mail the paperwork and the permit fee (payable to the NCDEQ) to my attention to the address below. Then l'll email you the permit to sign. You'll have 120 days to complete all of the work under the authorization. Brad Connell Environmental Specialist ll NC Division of Coastal Management 40O Commerce Avenue Morehead City, Nc 28557 hSplpgdaLnglslI.plClweb/cm/dcm-home l2s2l2o+4427 Brad.Connell@ ncdenr.gqy RECEIVED sEP 2 3 2020 DCM.MHD CITY From: Connell, Brad <brad.con nell@ncdenr.gov> Sent; Tuesday, September 22, 2020 8:05 AM To: NeedleworkDiscount.com Waterston <needleworkd@live.com> Cc: daildd@northstatemechanical.com <daildd@northstatemechanical.com>; Dawn Berard <dawn@soldbuysea.com> Subject: R€: [External] Re: boat lift permit - 3779 lsland Drive, North Topsail Beach USPSIRACKNG# lll]flt ltil rililr rilil ililll il lr ]il lil |l ]t ilt ilt First-Class irail Postag€ & Fe6s Paid USPS Pemit No. c-10 5510 1q0e 50h1 t0ta 5a?5 5a - liltt lhil t,l\n \h,, l\tl \t, ll,,,,,t, t, llt ilt fi, ilt, t t tlt t ,q- SignatuE United States Postal Sewice r Complete items 1,2, and 3. I P nt vour name and address on lhe reverse so th;t we can retum the card to You. r Attach this card to the back ot the mailpiece, x ba wn E Addressee C. Date of Deliv€ryt/r''7 O. ls d€livery addr€ss difforert from item 1? lf YES, enter delivdy address b€lou/: trl Yes ENo *{.* or on ths lront il space Pemits N (i^> a9 trl3 ilflil] llll llllll lill m[ il ul lll ll lll 3. Servic€ Type o Pliodty Mail ExPEso tr adutt sionatu€ tr B6ghler€d MailE- Ad"h s;tutuE B€sldct€d D€l'verv o B€olst€rEd M'il B€st'ct6d tr c€rtlf€d-Mail@ - q€tiw'Y ; ;-nr*.1 Malt R6tdc1ed O6w€rv tr Bstum B€cdB for ; ;il;;i;il; - Morchandi$ ! tiEi{ffii*i "."'"ea oeiru*v ! ffif€ ffiffi- E ilii,ii iiiin*u."0 *,i"""v Fssttct€d Dorivry J 9590 9402 5069 9092 s279 s8 2. Article Numb€r (fransfar lam *wice labl) 5glo,o Sqec? ' Sender: Please print UIP+46 in this box. a,4eo -t ;lc'^& D N, FJ A)- B. Received bY (Pninted Narre)crr SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLE|E THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY I PS Form 381 1, July2015 PsN 753G02-000-9053 leAJ>-ffo50" Domsstic Return Bec€iPt oo0"> AOJAGENT RIPARTAT PROPERTY AJ'XEE-$IAIEUEfl I -ereu.v certify th€t i ftvn properry adlaoe ntto ... (Hame of Pmperty owner)p'Dpefry located €' . - (Adrk ss. Lot Bloclq Roed.etc.) .'i N.Cfware/k")(Cllt /Town and,lor Cognty) Tlre applicant hes dcscrib€d to me, as strc\*rr Uelow, the devetopntenl proposed at the abolelccation. I fiave no otjection to thb proposat. I htlve obietliodrs b fir$ proposal- DESCRIPTOT AND/OR DRAWNG OF PROPOSED DEVELOPi'EHT(lndividual pforyiolS devdep,rnO -ust fit! in ctgsicrildjon ,€'low gr allach a sita .ttu1 tttal*ing) tr1't2 t lo:r l*C tawx t Lwi t:lfrhb lrt lfir\ t U+tte lra;L Sllvlh urff&:rrhr ttifr*t l--loo Jt1 (AdJacent Property Grnet \ikfrt L,fib ?Lwo I jottuq UI tj" >-a i un(,erstarrd trat a drr. Ooaq n oo{i,EEffir, boatlole, tifl ff gnin musl be sclbact a n nimum dsance of ,Sltul ty aiea ot riparlnn ac&. ung"" il,u&-Ly #] fr.ri.wbh to watw the sethctq you mu51 initba rne appriprnte'iiii. *** ; i ft sish tri y.eive bre 15 setback requsernef.L I do not wish b h.aive tte 15 $eibe6k rEguir,menl Owner ln{qrmation) fupe l\bIrei i'+ lirkl ..'t- i i i- .hir* q17 .r,t rns AdUmsr Cify/Statelzip =:-: .'--:-:-i Lll,,,/St*€/,z,p I dc-ntrcf'],e Nudfiber 'Lt ,- 4"\-5_a17 _ Tdepl1otie ?- tu -ao NLt,7:.ber +\ulr{/j I)€--,(,, I ) rl/ ,Ve l{i /.[lt+r .a rhltD r.'t C 1lOcttt I Si-1Dtwe llamc. I hereby certify ffi I fln Fop€.ty dlrc8flt to f prEp€rty locatEd at .11'r I fslmo v{of Prcperty otfirr) +Irrn {Addrea Lo(stc- in I ,a.) {GtyrTo$r CoIrdy) TE ry9aicg[ fs dgfrcd b me, s dtos'n Horr. Ure &rr*pment Froposed d lh€ *€tlelffilitu/l/ I tre m ol*r0qr tD thb proe..al. lhgte@lsbfrbproprcl_ DESCRIPTTBTI AHDTOR DRAWtttG OF PROPIOSED DN'ELOPT'ENT(MMAual propsitrg det@rzpnt mwtfrfl io &ttFtion Hoflr or ctIDGrr a srts drflrftrg) I N.C utr iTo lSctll-it_ I r lt { f t /L T,'IE<t, ld E trqtr,tb to { to o0(,t1 FL4J f,ET \DLT l//r/tl VtnT{P Urtfrr'Lrdr Dlvrp d Jaflr&{ &l[hs ftt ecrit {, l1fl1g1 l.u,c ji , 't7 $1 b-rn t*t SYl.lrA urilunsrw rdtreri tl Nilrt lurll ftfrft*r?nl*rl \ Ut\ .t. . .,1.i. wAIYER sEcrroi{ lrt a_ P.ef, 6d( B|ffiiqE Citg+ brt*EEi nft ". g.* nu$ be seldctare d r$ from my aLa..,f fpaian ir"* 1a1aj ;r;dd-tsy ,rE- (r yotrsalba{r(, you ml,d }*thlfia approsie ua* teton_y I understand tlBt bacft a rrinificlm wishbrat\refle A$St,ldZ//p I do ri6h ki Eiye ths 15 raback reqdErned. t do nd wbh b miw the 15 ssb€ck re$irefiefit Or,lEr W,Si*"dt Ee o! {4- cif|//sd,efib u'1 sa'ff ) iin ip *q -/r,'ao 9-t VZu.o =>z lrt r =t-"{- o _t ol Ltnc *f,xE- r! a I I tf (l l_t- z_ -{ rt1b .rt i/ a '{rs *\ -& o -l {o (r' Lr lltr t -> -1.ft r ? , s= $=Fx$-.J- {^-aF+ itr a. frlx;* eiltEtiF tJ 11 \JL-1 q t\ rr -r r 2>F -1 -i3 1 6 J. ir_ IT n-F i=5 -.-'\/ilrb* --+ab.\B I!,+ r ?sa. L+r 4 * Fh-- t l= Sst?-lr Ic'] r E EI ,TT" 2515 H i . unnE In L o uim' - ,nil, Il€/4/'/wA.E rAER s25 _ 445. 2515' fl O 80. SA{tf fi{ fIE7 r ,' . 5625'fi' W 0 60.00 l-- L-ER UNE o 59.99 l-- Proposed Plont Toble fi BUANC SEEACK Fl-'15 T9 IIr OECK CK I'iRSH LIIIfr.P[/I,JI5 SPEC/TS CAN 8E SUESNfuED AS NEEDEO, ' ,rPl,{rvB I0 BE 3 CAL tNIlUy. FI SUILDINE SEEACK -] 44rff,6 sE,BtoG REOb I PRPOSEDfnorl n' I I'ctr E' 18" t8'REAR 15' | 52t PR@0SD ,lPmUd,S rnElt t{0IEs t, tvo AM ADACAII fremft NFO pER 0ts.fl Cafi7y OS2 0 sr0y @, PARCA- ,{.]/'f[ft 6t2-t6.J 5 zotttc - R-t' (wLIFtutYl L tl s gtE ,s tocrllD z0[ E rM ,9 0ED. ls 0F t1 Ff AmR0NA I0 ,f fIDfiiU A{nGO,Cy I4r{rGEl{iI{I 160O15 EN n{sfrNcE RAE UtpwfiNn-P E NIMR J7201266N l, DAltu fiA/u5 l0l . n0EntY lnEA - 37t71 sF (AE Ac) 6.9A.totRY t$i, W T,aat fi'^EM( lnt re 5 7. FOR NFo tAttU OtY. MN PIfPARID 8r; COlSIlt 9tE 0E9oi, PC P.O NX txtfl*&Iun NC 2,,{09 Pn. (9t0) ht-141 tu. (910) Nt-tilt & l)btG - ,,J(] SFcoltfrD ,oRo,tD€d( - 6& sF c,.AWI DRIWflIY . 9II SF ------*teRAr,fL ---1 5 DRIWIAY I Sfnbol Sci.hlilic Nonc hmnon None Pl./tling gze 10 ntrico ccdlato SAtBEltR'/ (|M tfiM)6-8" J'-CAL. 22 +l$lnun ldtdlo u,rIldA t5-tE NN.6 ll.\ Yonilorio fAUPOI Hq,LY J6'UtN. \ I 9t1 Sh.ubs s oo = v) lottt- - 2,9J1 g NA (ANt D0 M AL AIYN. Lot AtrA (Amlf, tM Mtr,' UM) - 35,t?1 I L9l ttrA X 251 - t$l. AIdYAAI J7171 x 2sl . I,Nri I PN(POSED ryftN[Ais > 'IN, AILOIiA&T e9J1 SF > 9,AJ5 SF OECK G Ocpt.\ - CAMA/ , EFTEEGE {I F[u-L #w*sm*."*=*.HHif*," s authorized by the State of North Carollna, Departmert of -(o rone #'ta{1q Ux17fiv iJo b'1td ABCD f Partial Reissue Environment and Natural Resources rcj the Coastal Resources Commission in an area ofenvironmenal concern pursuant to ,5A NCAC c1\. t2oo e.s:\.!Proiect Location: County Rules atuched. Qr o,. i',"\C"e8$lp +..'I Dr Street Address/ State3l,l?l.hnd Road/#G) uthorized ffected EC(s): R.\lt' Pier (dock) len8th Fixed Platform(s) Floatin8 Fingerpier(s Groin l.ntth Bulkhead/ Riprap av8 distance :cw : OEA i PWS: ixtw iryra :Es HHF :IH :U8A PTS I\A/A Subdivision Phone # (-) Adj. Wtr Closest Mal. Wtr. zpJ'"'r\tERiver Bas n! - See note on back regarding River Basin rules. /no ipe of Fi oiect/ Actlvity (Scaie xl0 Ba5in, channel Boat r.mp Boathouse ifr Beach B dozinB Other Shore ine Length SAV: no! sure yes Moratorium: nla Photor:yes yes A building permit may be required by: ( Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) l{otes,i Spe.ial Conditions -54( 15 Z r^ nz-\t gent or Applicant Name PermitOIIicer's Printed ignature * Please Signature ->-lV r-t-?- 3 Oo compliance statement on back of Check#lssuing Date g Expirarion Date (- PreYious oermit # D"," or.uio* o"r.TiiEE--\-- rF I rflno.-. flh-- -.t I a -\tr i t oFi3, ,i -!" ,i -Vi r, ...I\ I AD..JACEilT RIPAfi T.q PRON'ENTY qIry}|EN STITETiEHT I rErety erufy fiat I ol1Un pmpe.ty edircent b Utl,,s troperty lo€eted ai -J 17q 5s LtN|of Pmpcfty Oyyn€r) Slun f Sornr/(Addr.$s,Block Ro.d, €fc, )i)a L(WnDdrddr){CttyrTom rrxtlor ) in N.C. Ile apphrt frG descrfr.d,b nte. ar stE|n bebrr, tn danrclopmu{ prcpsed at SrE abcnehcaliirn. I hate rc otj*lion b Ab gopcd. I nare otiGdoE b tis pragosd. DESCR}P'NOi AHD/OR DRAlfllilG Of PrcPOSED DEVELOFi.EI{T{ndlvldual p[opoEiql dEtdEf,',,f7d mustfrIt in d€ccaidorr o..olr q.tdt a e rrr?rying)w1 +0 5*{ I t /t It ] l tO ttt o4{.r1 f,ET lrzt , ,, t*TrPtt//r'.lt tltter trAi 30r,{,tA 9 .!*y 449--.Lr{g- *t+f h.t ta tAdlac8rd o{-Typ Fl'4J i tlrrr ha ,l ,, tl L. NuNl lilc{9l,ftla u.?ttltgrl i..i t-to.'.\' I undersfd lH back a nir*m,.un rflbhb*fvEfrB G.rner- I do wid! tirtrre |he 1t sE{bd( r€atjrErnstt *AE-t *nor wish b Ei/e tE 1s se&d leqrfrrunent- ) Pir/t .47 1 0ttlt( Ulr*rs/utl Hormadon) /h.t il L'li,t-c1l5ta(e/4 : *-da11 T*dr,te Mtn0r.r70r{ .E 4oo .l_ t>7 RECEIVED ocl 02 2020 DCM-MHD CITY MT et tL n6,.r- A- tu -ao lfu lz- I i : i I lrlllilt llil ffi ll llll llllll ll ll llll lll ll lll ilil| USPS'IRACXNG # United States Pos{al Service 1510 1rt02 50El lole 5471 58 . Senden Pleas€ prl",UHEreSU lP+46 in thls box' F) AJ: 5c ittiO 3rl e?l.,+la-L D N "-t og*;l@a\ ag44-o ilil1 lllil,l ttt, ilr,1, tut, l,ht t,t' ltt, ll, tlt ilt il,t illil Fi st-Class Mail PosEge & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-l 0 r Compl€te ltems 1, 2, and 3.I Print your name and address on the reverss so that we can return the card to you. I Attach this cad to the back ol the mailpiece, Or on thg front if space pErmits. 9590 9402 5069 9092 5279 58 illlllltil !ilil1il fl1il| !1il I tilt l($> )Nas ns 2. Arlicle Numbor ffrErslat frcm saNice label) 3. S€rvico Typo tr Adult Shrratul O Adult Signatutl B€cttr.d O€llv€.y tr C6df€d MdO tr C€Jun€d Mdl B-lrlc!€d D€llv€ry O Co!.cton D.llvny tr Coll€ct on O.llvdy R€stlcl.d O€ltv€ry tr lruul€d Mall tr Prlo.lty Ma, E)e.!..O D F€olst6r€d Mall R€Grrlcr€d tr Siqmat,l Conftndo.r C slglotulE Coniknatlon tr hsur€d Mail R€stdct€d SENDER; COMPLETE rHtS SECTTON bo aa^&{*, D Addresseex A" Sigmtur€ B. Recoived by (Pr,i"a6d ,Va/re.)crrl C. Det6 ot D6liv€.v '// ,7 D. ls d6liv6ry addrcss different frcin item 1 ? E Yes lf YES, enter delivery addre$ below: E No PS Form 381 1, Juty 2015 psN Tsso-02-o0o'9053 Domestic Return Receipt COMPLETE THIS SECflON ON DELIVERY